HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12403 P 960 "- II )Llc':; e q ire I I q 6,1- I ' lp . 5tJ.-4tff'll $X NY em . Barpin lad Sale Drc:d w.... Coveaaar. apiDst GI'IIUOI'"s Aall hscQvidUlll ex- Curpondon IS. Sheet) (NYB1\J 8002) CONSULT YOUR LA WYER BF.FORE SlGNJ:\IC TlUS ISSTRUME.~T. nus INSTRUMKlIT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENroRE, made the fifth BElWEEN day of August . in the year 2005 John C. Diller, residing at 162 Charleston Park, Nashyille TN r 'I -," it.. 'I.... I"" .... '.llt pany of Ibe first pan, and " 0.' Thomas R. Kozera and Lucy A. Kazera, his wife, raiding Rt 26 Scarsdale Farm RORd, Scandale NY Ic5 ~ ,'. JIIlIY of the socond port, WITNIlSSE11I, lI1II .... pany of the flt'Sl pari, in coll5idenllion of T.n Dollars ond oWr valuabl. coMidention paid by the JIIlIY or.... &cCOIId pari, does hereby grant and ",lease unlO the PIllY of the second part, the beirs or lueeessOrs and assigns of the JIIlIY ofthe &cCOIId port fon:ver, al described In Schedule A, attached ALL lh:d certain plot. piece or parcel of land. wilb the buiJdin&s and impn>vem&:nlllben:on CRlCl<d. siruarc, lying and being in.... $ING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed by deed dated 2/~/78 recorded 10/27/92 in Liber 11562 page 226, deed dated 12/12/95 recorded 12/22/95 in Liber 11755 page 256, deed dated 1/12/96 recorded 2/7/96 in Liber 11761 page 527 and by deed dated 1/24/96 recorded 2/7/96 in Liber 11761 page 528. ~OGETHER WITH an Exclusive Easement Agreement dated August 5, 2005 to be recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office simultaneously herewith. TOGETHER with all righL till. and illlCn:lI, ifony,ofth. porty of the lim pili of, in and to any ''''''15 and roadsabuttina the llbo.........ribed pn:mises to the cenler line. thereof; TOGETHER wilb Ibe appunenllllCCS and all the..1aIC and righll of the pany or the lirst port in and to said pentisea; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the pn:miaes herein granted unlO .... pany of the Keond parI,.... hein or .uee...on and assigns of the JIIlIY of the ,""ond pan forever, AND the pany of the fU'Sl pan covenanlllhatlb. pany of the fim port has not done or suff.red anything whereby.... said pn:mi... hIve been incumbered in any way whale vcr, ....PI u afon:aaid. . AND the party of....lim part. in cumpli~ wilb Section 13 orlbe Lien Law. COYCllllnlli tlull.... pony orlbe fll'Slpan will .....i... the coasideralion for thia cooveyanee and will hold the right to receive sucb consideration .. a trust fund 10 be applied fll'Sl for the purJlOlIC of paying the COIl of the improvement and will apply the same linllo Ibe payment of lb. e05l or the improv.ment befo", u.ing any port of the lOIal of.... same for any olher p~, Th. word "party" lhall be construed .. if il ",ad .pani.... whenever the ....... of Ibis indenture .., mjui..... IN PlU!SJ!NCK..., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pany of ....first pan has duly "".euled Ibis /' ..."" ~ // ......."': . - . CIUCAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Filo No. SA-99541-SX SCHt:UULt: A ALl.. that celtain lot, picce or parcel of land, situale, lying and b.:ing at r .nurel in the Town of South old, COlinI)' of Suffolk. Slate of New York, which property is bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point where the southeasterly side of Peconie Bay Boulevard is intersected by the division line between premises 10 be described herein and lands now or formerly of John C. Diller and Holly Diller, which point of beginning is distant 315.48 leel northcnst of the interseclion of the southeasterly side of Peconie Bay Blvd and the 1I0rthcnslerly side of Lanrel LaIlC; THENCE RUNNING along the soulherly side ofPeconic Bay Blvd, North.55 degrees 56' 00" East, 15.53ft 10 a point where the southwesterly side of Peconic Bay Blvd is intersected by the division lille between lhe premises desc,.;bed hcrein and lands now or formerly of Eh!ers; TIIENCE RUNNING along said dividing line and the dividing line betweell the premises described herein ond lands now or formerly of Carolyn 0, Thoet, South 19 degrees 00' 00" East 434.73ft to Peconie Bay; THENCE RUNNING along said Peconic Bay the following J courses and distances: Soudl 72 degrees OS' 26" West 19.4Sft; Soutb 57 degrees 36' 12" West 33.67ft; and South 61 degrees 16' 25" West 35.53fi to a point and the division line between premises described herein and lands now or formerly of Jo.m C. Dillcr and Holly M. Diller; THENCE RUl'<'NING along said dividing line the following 3 courses and distances: Nordl 18 degrees 54' 30" West 224.78ft; North 55 degrees 56' 00" East 74.42ft; and North 19 degrces 00' 00" West200.00ft to the point and place of BEGINNING. , L , E G , Au L I D'" E S C R I p T I o N USBACKNOWIEDGMEN7 FOIlJIBELOWVlTrlllIV NIiW YOUSTAlllONl.l': SIaIeDtNe..York,Ccnmtyol SufTolk '...: On "'" 5 day of August in !he year 2005 before me, the ~rsij1ed. pmonally appeared Jobn C. Diller penmaIIy known 10 me llI" pIOVCd 10 me ... the basis of IlIIisfl1<lory _videru:e 10 be die indl.idua1(s) wblJ&ell8lllO(s) is (ore) subscribed 10 the within instrument 8IId ~ 10 me tIuII helshellhef executed the 1lIIl1_ in hiJ/heddx:ir capaclty(ies), ond dull by hisitu:dlheir ~s) oil the inIIrummI. the indi.iduIII(s), llI" the person upon behalf of whicl1!he individual(s) 1IC1Id. eXCCUled the instrument. Pav~u_ I..~ PATRICIA L. FALLON NoIary Public. State Of New "'rIc No. 01 FA4950148 Quallfled In Sullolk CounlJ' CommlSllon Explrea Aprll24,M'/ AaNOWUi/JGJlENTFORM _ USB WI7JllN Nrw YOU STAflio.YLY: IN", yort sw....uo." Wi...., _r.q..-N C"'1/bW1 SIaleolNew Yark, Cwaty of ,..., On the day of in the year before me, the IllldenliKJlOd, peIIIIIIIIlly appe:ued the subscribing wibws to die f....pog insuument. wilh whom I ~ po"""","y &U:qll&inted, who, bei"ll by me duly ","""" did deplllO IIId say Ihsl helshellhey reside(s) in (gIMp/tInof"~ ulna c;,y. iru:/Juk rhlllIftlUMSlf'ffl lUllllb.r. gany. rhlTtOfr, IhaI hcIsbeIIhey know{s) 10 be the individual described in 8IId who ..eoured the f....goi"ll inslnlmenl; lhat said subsaibins willle&l was presem and saw lllid execure die same; and 11I8I said witness al the same lime subscribed hiIIbedlhoir II8IIIO(s) as . witness _ BARCAL"I II SALE DEI!D WI1HCOYI/'CAI'n$AGAnISTGltAN'NI'S ACn Tnu: NO. Jobn C. DUler TO Tbomas R. Kozera and Lucy A. Kozera FIDELITY NAnONAL Trn.E INSURANCE . COMPANY OF NEWYOKK _ ,....,......019lll C:!~( ...:..4"FiIWl1~ ,I ......",. ........>>..--... ~ IE o I a: l!; ~ .. Ii ! I i \ .. " USBACIiNOWUDGMENf'FOIIAf BELOWVITrII/NNBW YOUSTAlllOliLY: S1a1e 01 New Yark, Caunty 01 IS&.: On the day of i""l1_ year ber.... me, the undelsip>ed, pasonaJly appeared . peIlIOIl:IIIy kAown to me or pIOVCd to me on the basis or salisflClory evidence 10 be the indi.iduaI(s) wI10se name(s) is (ore) subscribed 10 the within inIIrummI 8IId ICkAowled4ed 10 me that heIsI1dtI1cy executed the same in hislhcdlheir c:apIClty(ies). and dull by l1is1hedt1leir signalwe(s) on the insuumenl, the indi.idual(sJ, llI" !he person upon behaJf of wbich the indi.iduaI(s) 1IC1Id, ..eoured the iosll\llllellt. AaNOWUiDGIIliNT FOIIM _ UD OIlJSlDli NIiW You STAmo.yU, IO"It~_ '" F_/a- C-"" A,u-1tdi.....Clnl/h_1 . .. .., . . ... .. . ... ,. . . . . .. . . . . ... . . ...... .... ... . .. ,...: fC~ VlfflWwU.SUw. CtamI". PI'fJ""'"tJI'MUllici.palItyJ On the day of in the y... hefon: me, the undcrJi&ned, personally appeared peIlIOIl:IIIy kAown to me or JlIIIYed 10 me ... the basis of satiSf1IctoI} evidence '" be the indi.id....C.) whose nmne(s) is Core) subscribed '" the wiII1in illSllWlleRl and ocIcnowledged '" me thall1eIsI1eIlI1ey exeoured the same in hislherllbeir capacllYCios).dull by hislhorl their signalun(s) 011 tho insuumenI.the indi.iduelCs), llI" the penon upon behalf of wbiel1 !he indi.idual(.) acIlld. executed tho ins_~ and thalsucI1 individual IIIIIde suclt uppeanIICIl before !he IIIlden;igned in !he ClnurllM ciIy or arhIr po/iIicuI Sl4bdlvuiun uNllM 11II11 or <X>UIllry or OIMr p/tJcr tIw odllll,,'W'1IIfI1II ...... wUn~ DISI1IICI'/oeO Ssr:notI,.,r 40 BLOCK _".00 Lar 801. ClItIb COUNTY OR ToWN RECORDED"T REQUES/"OF FIdelIty N.lIoIIaI11l1e 1_ Compsny 01 New York RElVRN BY MAIL TO ; Number of pageS TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Clf. # Deed . Mortgage Instrument Deed I MortWe TIIX Slamp 3 FEES Page I Filing Fee Handling 5 .lllL TP-S84 NOlation EA-S217 (CounlY) EA-S217 (SIalC) Sub Total R.P.T.S.A. K Comm. of Ed. S. .!IlL Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Sub ToIal GrandTOtal~! Other Section I~S': nJ Block 1J;t.n Real Property Tax Service Agency Verificaiion 14500 0200 001006 6 SatisfactionIDischargeslRelease List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD Be RETURN TO: N€L.SOIJ E. <M~. I<SQ. I <<.3 mill'" .fr. j II./UI FL. fA) If 171! PL.lWI S; /1/ Y I () (,tJ J RECORDED 200S Ruq 16 12.22:47 PM Edward P.Romaine a.ERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012403 P 960 DTI 05-02435 ReconJing I Filing Stamps 9{O Mortgage AmI. I. Basic TIIX 2. Additional Tax Sub Thla1 Spec. I AssiL or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlment_ n~~r~ 7.~~. . Tax I~ tJ7l) . ~ a:L 5 Consideration A CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacant Land TO TO --f-- TO ...L-- 7 11l1e Company Information Co. Name S IlBSTle/H.T TIlle II - '1 :s4 -s)(. 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Page This page forms part of die auached Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) .John C. Diller The premisis herein is silUated in TO In thc Township of Soulhold SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. Thoma. R. Koura and Z(,X:. y II. ~-'l~ In the VILLAGE Dr HAMLET of Laurel BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FlUNG (over) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 111111111111111111111 111I SUPFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0085348 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-02435 Recorded. At. 08/16/2005 12.22.47 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012403 960 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 145.00 02.00 001.006 BXAKINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $1,800,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Bxempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO SA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $7,200.00 NO Mansion Tax $18,000.00 NO Comm.Pres $33,000.00 NO Fees Paid $58,352.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-02435 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNlY USE ONLY PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS' http://www orps stste.nv.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ,. STATE OF Nl:W YORK STATE SOARD OF REAL ~ SERVICD Cl. SWlS CaCIe RP - 5217 1lU"4!11..",JIfn PROPERlY INFORMATION I "~I Z ,"0 I P<:t;.AJ"ic.. Bo..., BJvt:J. ...-- S'PIElT NlMKI\ &nIttT MY!: T I SeJcJ~ 0 tc:t I CITVQlIlI'OW'll 2._ I -<~~~5 ~~ I ""T'"'ktl""'lCl5 ..R... .... "iAirJWC~ ....,.1lWl'! , ~ I L.'_r~_c..",," A-. ~:~:ro-. _ _ ~ 3.T.. 1nd..lOwheoor.....T..Bdl..'...bo.... I K.O"irt!!rA I f"l"fII>,.,qS + ~c. '1~ Billing if other than buyer add,.. III Doaorn of forml . - - 'Rlt N..... Ad.... l""NMM:/C~ 1'2:,:,~_~~'e fiv".,JtdJ ~~~ I"L'tII~~731 10nIy I"''''. P_Ia........_ ""'""" I I 1IPQ)QL I I I 4. In'" the numb... of A.....ment &II n , D Roll .... tIanIf..... 011 the deed I u . V . I" of P.rc.s. OR 'Irt of . PlIrc.1 5.DNd I I X I IORI - SI.. """"JUT .0'", . ..Sell. I ]),'tI~ Nome I.AITltAK/fXJIIN,N'i I LA$T lroAII'f I ("tWItANY' '1iI;MJ' .~ o 48. Subdlll'II1onAppmnl WII Requirwd forTransIer D Ie. P,re. Approved for Subdivilion wilh Mlp Providod 0 4A. PWIning 8oGn:l wlh SobdiviJlon AlAhorhy Exilll I ~.~ Jo~A' ... Co. I -" - .......... .' ." " I ..- ...-.-..~.- I -,- 7. CIwcIc .. box ..... "~~ m_ MlCUl'daI, ...... 1M .... of the property M: tM '11m. at ..Ir. a.dr: u.. ... "ow _ tt.,. lIpplr:: .. OWnership Type " Condominium .. Now Constrl.l:rtlon on Vacunt I.JJnd 1M. PrDpMy' l.ocaled within In AgricuIh.u.1 Oillrict lIB. Buyer roc:eivod . dllcJoluro nolico Indicating thM the property illn In AgrlcullUl'IlI D1llrlcl o o o o ^~ne F_ -..", "~ Ag'""Itu", ~ Communlty_ Ii 2 0' 3 Flmlly RuId,rCill F Commerclll J IndUltrilI C RoIidanlill VoU,nI. ~:d.. (1 Apilrtmont . Public Serv"1CI () Non ROIhlln1ial v~ni Lind H Entel1linment I AmUMImlnt L FONIl: - . I SALE INfORMATION ~~:-.. .::~. . .. 15. a-Ir. _.. __ at -..-........ _........ ta........r.r. ,,_S...C_...De1.............- ... I ~(, 1/'-1 /1JIf5I ^ : SOle__..Fo...._ Monti [)Iy Y.... B _ Sa!. 8Idwoen Rllfulad Comp8n_ 0' Plrtnenll In BUlin... C _ One of the Buyers is 1110 I Saller D _ Buyer or Saller . GovlnVlltm1 Ag-.cy or L..nding IrwtitLd'ian I! ~ Deed Type not Werramv or Bergein ~ Sale ISpecify Below) r: to- SU 01 Frac:tJonal or L8M thin Fie Irnruc tSpecify Below! C; ~ Slgl'lllic.lna Chango In Proporty Bctlwaon T.x.blu SblluI and 81. Dall I' S. of &u.inns II IncludDd In 81. PrIc:8 I ~ 0Iher Unu...1 F...... A_'1lfI Sole Price ISpocl.. B"owl l L< Nono 12. 0.. of Sale/ Tr....... I t>8 1115'" / ~ UInh 0.., VGII" 11 Full s.a. Nee I . . J. ff. eJ, O. D.O . O. 0 . II I , , . IFull SaIa P,icrt ill thl total .mounl peid for me Dropeny Including pMIOtIIl property. This Plymem may t. In 1ha form of cuh. othor property 01" goodL or lhe _umptlon 01 mol1glgn or other obliallionl.) I'INN round ro rite nlMHUl wfkIIrI dGIbr mIOUItI. ...=:=~= I , . , . ,~.D.III-- I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -Detl should reIIecllh. IalOll Flnll _.n\ Rall.nd Tn Bill. ,8. ;:::""'';'''';';:;':''::- I()'I/ori 17. T__V_I"'d_ln_1 ; ; ,'(,"f.OD I , 18. "'-' a- I .2../ .0 I-LJ 11........ _ __ I 1J:/-e14L. 2CI. Tax MllII kIIntfDer(tll RoIIIdenltftBla) (If man thin tau" IlUIcIIIhNt with edcIUORII klMtlllwlllJl 11m -/JlS".NJ-IUJ.IJO-OOI.4(,){,. I I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I I errtUy ..I . 01.... iI.cIah 01 inl'nrmllliao enII!ftd OD .... rorm art' 1Iut" MAd nJrnd liD the ... '" nay knuwlcdlt ..... bdIefJ IIIId IIIIIder.cbmd 1bd 11ar auakIna ur.Y ",IIJI\II DaIlw ,........ oIl1U11ftia1l'ak"t ...no.... ,..QIlilUbJec11De &0 Ihe 1It"II\'WI_ ~ * ....... Iuw rt'1ldl,. In ... ...1... .... IIliq or r., ~ !Yn!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~ ~._- IUYlJI~T\IIIr Dl~ snurr ....... ,Rzr~7 101.....1 NAMlIAfTt/lIAU:l &~~ ....- I Ne-LSIJAI}C. _T_ 1,-1 -..- I 6?7- 1/950 1Il.lJ'IotONENU"''' St!A~/JIlu& ellY 011 TOWN I /If'l I I".s~ 11'''':'10 Dll.OIa. ~~~ r"IIWMIUIIlr. NEW YORK STATE COPY I ,1",Jos- DATI .