HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12464 P 501 C I ~21-l(P4 -,. NY2ll10 P 5"0 ) [4-4--3.-33 -_'~IIoII.IduoI..CarporMa(""~ THIS INDENTURE, made the 18th day of N.....:ember .intheycar 2005 BETWEEN !lARY ANN ARVANITAKIS,and ANGEbOrPARATHYRAS both residi"llll I Sec. 144 I Block 3 Lot 33 58-07 39th Avenue. Woodside. NY it' .' .~. u executor of lbe lasl will and ICSI8IIIeIII of .Ialeof . de~a~d. SIMON ARVANITAKIS Norwalk. Connecticut party ohlle flISl pan, and !lARY ANN ARVANITAKIS'1nd ANGELO PARA.THYRAS "* -. pany of the second pan, - WITNESSETH,lIullthe eJr:~~~~n~tllkiS '58-07 ~~rAtlrlA~'w~e, NY the Surrople's Coon of the:;' onnec c1ortheCOlllllyof "Fairfield 004/29/92..- and by vinue of liIe pow~ and anlhorily given in and by said 1151 will and leStaIIlenl, and in consideration of I {?i7 7 -- --------------------------------0---------------------------------- doll..r,. 52< paid by the party of the second pan, does hereby sranl and release unlo liIe party of the second part, lhe heirs or successors and assigns of the party of liIe second pan forever, ALL lhal certain plOl, piece or pan:el of land, wilil liIe buildings and improvemems Ihcreon enocled, sitWIIC, Iyi"ll and being in the at Matt1tuck, Town ot Southold, County of Suffolk, and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: COMMENCING at a monument set at the intersection of the wesLerly side of Bay avenue, the northerly line of Lot No. 5 on Map of property of Aleda Bartley 1770 and the aoutherly line of theae premiaes (which monument is about 645 feet north of Peconic Bay Boulevard all ....asur.d along' the west ltne of Bay Avenue), and RUNNING THENCE south 68 dOQrees 8 minutea 50 seconda west 178.08 feet along the northerly line of Lot 5 and part Of Lot 4 of said IIlllp 1770 to land of Lenahan' RUN:IING THEllCE along said lond of Lenahan north 20 degrees 57 minutes west 90.78 feet to the sout.herly line of land now or formerly of Gaffney; RUNNING THENCE along aaid land now or formerly of Gaffney north 70 degrees 5 minut.es east 159.44 teet to a monument set in the westerly line ot Bay Avenue; THENCE south 33 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds east 87.12 feet along the westerly line of Bay Avenue to the monument and the point or plece of BEGINNING. TOGETHER with all the right. title, and interest of the party of tho first part of; in, and to Bay Avenue to the center 11ne thereof, in front of and adjoining said premises. SUBJECT also to a right of way 12 feet in width along the southerly line of said premises as containod in deed liber 4491. page 148 and Long Island Lighting Company Agreement as contained in Liber 4512 page 454. TOGETHER willi all right, tido unci interest, if any. of liIe party of the firsl part of. in and 10 any streets and roads abuuing the above-desc:ribod premises to !he c:enrer lines Ihereof; TOGETHER wilil lbe appurtenances. and also alllhe eslllC which !he said II_M""I had allile time of decedent's death in.said prcmisca. and also the eswe !herein, which the pony of the first part bas or bas power to convey or dispose of. whelhcr individually. or by virtue or said will or oIherwisc; TO HAVE AND TO HOlD !he premises herein granled unto the party of the second pan. !he heirs or successors and assigns of liIe par1y of IiIc second pan forever. AND liIe pany nf liIe firsl part covenanlS liIat,liIe party of liIe first part has nol done or suffered anything ....hereby liIe Sllid prc,nises h:.v:: be:n i::"Jm~ in any way whateVer. """"plllS aforesaid. AND the party of the firsl pan. in compliance wilil Scdion 13 of liIe Lia., Law, CO""",,,,1S liIat liIe party of the fllSt pan will receive die considellllion fur liIis conveyance and will hold the righllo receive such consideration as a IRIS! fund to be applied fllSt for the JllIIPOSC of payi"ll the cost of Iht improvemenl and will apply !he SIItlIl: firsl 10 the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of !he IOtaI of the same for any olilcr purpose. The Word Mparly" shall be constnled as if it read ..pani.... whenever the sense of this indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihc party of the first part bas duly """"wed liIis deed the clay and year first above wriaen. ~ ....~.. Ul,Y'..:.:r f...; IN PIlESENCI! OF: _ ANN AR~TAKIS ffi:to<r~T~1'J'~ STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF QUEENS Onllle ,rdayar ~&N'- ~lIIeycar 200.5 , befon: mo,lIIe unden.igoed. penonaIly appcarod MARY ARVANITAKIS _~d M1S~9 P.Mt.~Ylt.\i: ,penooaIIy toowa 10 me or proved 10.. DD IIIe buis or Ialisr""""Y eYideace 10 be IIIe indi'ridDaI(l) wIIose nune(1) Il(....) oubs&:ribed 10 IIIe wItbin 1nsInamcnt.... ~I- . edpd to me 1haI""-'" '1 CXCCIIIcd IIIe 1lIIIO in IIilrotIiiIIbei copociIY(iesl. ancIlhaI by ....-_ si.-.roll) DD'Ibo iDSllUIIICIII. IIIe iDClividull(sl. orllle ~ DD bebaJr or wbic!l'1be ---~ He.my Po,;,;!!:. S....llINaw YDdr. No. vz-4024143 Cot:lfiaclln H.......u CGuJoIY _ _/ /I111/l.~ :r. / CommI:-olonco:p~....Fo"...ry22J."'-o<cAJlD " , ALeNTI ,vM>ShV G<J ~'J.;)-O' STATE OF ,COUNTYO~0C1-'IQd.~/l/3 Oa !h< da~ or 1ft IIIe 1<or before rna. the und.erAienen. II HOb!)' !lub!ic: in uJ fw aid SI&LD, - )lCl$UIIlIIly appcarod .lIIe lubscribillg wi..... .n IIIe ra"'loinllllllttumcol, willi whom I om peBDOaIly ocquainled, who, bei.. by IIIC dulYIWOm. did depose . and Slylhol hclshclllley noside(l) in ....- (~lhoplsoe"'_isinlcil)l_"".....aad.....lIIIIIIhorillll7,1bcnoI); lbo. beI_., know(s) to be IIIe iodiYidual described in sod who esecutalllle focqolna iDSllUmenl; IIlaI said oubocribinl wit.... WIS paeoI sod saw said execute the same; :and dUll: said wiblesll1 the lame dme subscribed hislhnftheir name!s) U I wi''!''"Ilhoma IIlIclIbe followi.. if,. _...- is _ GUIIids NY S....J and thai said ",b5cribi.. wi..... nude IIICh oppeIr.w:e berore the undcniped in the r_!be cily or....... poIlIlnJ _ and !be SuiIe or _ or....... pIIcc !be proof.... _~ fExtcutor's Ittll Tnul No. . -. MARY ANN ARVANITAKIS and ANGELO PARATHYRAS TO MARYAANN ARVANITAKIS and ANCELO PARATHYRAS ~ _riC--,. DIll,.,."..,,,, STEWART nlLE'" INSURANCE COMPANY 2SD MIlXAYlNUB NIlWYORK._YOIIK 10177 (212)!/J2.G050 "'\212)90-11>> \ . STATE OF . . .. Collle~.s- 'dayor NUll' . 'iollley... ~'5'" beron: .... Ibe lIIIdaniancd. pcn;oosIly oppcarcd ~Se Lo fJAe It -f....1,.A~ . pcnDDIIly known 10 .... or ptooaIto .... an Ibe buis or satisractory eYidenc:e ID be Ibe individual(s) whooe . IIIIIIIO(s) is (_) subscribed to Ihe wItbin illlll1llDenl ODd sctoowl- cdpd 10 me IhaI hcIUIeIlbey _Ibc _ in hillhetflbcir capocity(ial. ODd lbal by hislherllbeir lislllllUR(s) on lhe iosuumeol, Ihe IndiYldualllJ, or the penua Clll beIullr or which Ihc iDCliYidual(s) 1Cled. _ the iDllnlmenl IsdddleCal.....ifdlc-' .1 '" ..._GUllidsNYS....1 IlIIlIIIw said iDClividual made ouch sppcIRUICO berore the uncIeniined io IIIe _lbtcilJ'__pIiIioi_IIIIIIbtsu.__ :~~~ NaIIIy NIle, ...."... YIIIt Nt. 4IllI'1IZ QIIIIIlIlllaM CIuIIJ .. -. . 'j , ~Od.1" c:JlJV1 STATE OF . COUNTY OF 00 IIIe dsy or in thc year before me pcn;onally come 10 me known, who, beina by ~ duly sworn, did depose uod ..y thai he nosides aI dill beillhc or IIIe COtpDnIion described in ODd which executed Ihc ralOs0i08 ill5ll'UDlCDl; I1uIt be knows the ",SJ ar .aid ccxporllian; thallhc seal sftixed.a said insuumeat is ouch corpora'" seal; \hal iI wus. so s1T.-J by onIer ar the board af di....... ar said ~ IlIIlIthll h. sianal h a....lherelo bylilo: urdcr. SBCnON 144 BLOCK 3 LOr .33 COUNYYalIfJIIi Suffolk Ra.-ord&:d "' R"'I..... or STEWAKr Tm.E" RETURN BY MAD. TO: Hare J. Ialenti, Esq. Boland & Talenti 350 Old Country Road Garden City. NY 11530 , . . Certi fieatc # ...... RECORDED 2006 IbJ 15 11141.08 Rl'I Judi th R. Pascale CLERK OF SUFFOLK COlIlTV L 000012464 P 501 D10 06-01820 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # ," Prillr Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument De.:d I Mortgage TlIJt Stamp Rccording I Filing Stampli 3 FEES EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) 5 _ Sub TUIlII 7\_ 30(I) J~ Mortgage Amt. I. Bw;ic liIX 2. Additiunal Tax Sub Total SpeeJ Assit. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Tuwn _ Otml Cuunty _ Held lor Appointmenl T....nsferTax ~ _ Mansion Tax The property eovered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. ../'" YES or NO CommUDity Prelel'fttiOD I'1md Co . eration Amount $ - 0- POdge I Filing Fee Hundling 5. 00 TP-S84 5_ Notation Comm. of Ed. S. 00 R.P.T.S.A. Affidavit Certifi~ Cop)' NYS Surcharge , IS. J!!L Sub TUIllI Other' .- Grand Total 4 Dis\. LoI 33 Real Pltlpeny Talt Service Agency Verificatiun 06003637 1000 ~~.\ ,RSMI "'A) ~3c&f 14400 0300 033000 ~1 ~ :r .:t:4.-I.v~ 35"6 ~ i-t t2d (,..(: Nf 11.~1} c . Due S -0- Improved ../ Vacant Land 6 SllIisfactiom/DischargeslRelea.o;es Ust Property OWDCrs Mailing Address RF..cORD ... RETURN TO: TO \0 TO TO Title Com n Information me litle# 8 SutTolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part uf Ihe aUllehed ~d. made hy: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) .' The premise., herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. A Q VG (\ T i- n LI c;, .i""91lUl-\h,po:,\ In the Township of ~\ l-l nO \ci. In the VILLAGE At2VOf\, -to kj~.... ..}t:bRl'J-~l21l(" or HAMLET of M.al.l:.i:kAc \( BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO lover) IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SOPFOLlt COONTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBBDS/DDD NUmber of Page.: 3 Receipt NUmber : 06-0079399 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 06-01820 Recorded. At. 08/15/2006 11.41.08 All LIBER: PAGB: D00012464 501 District. 1000 Section. 144.00 Ii!Y~NBD AND $0.00 Block. 03.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 033.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA.-CTY $5.00 NO EA.-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO JUIT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 06-01820 THIS PAGE :IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County - PLEASE iYPE 01%. PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM - - - - INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state'.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT .F6Fi'couNTY USE ONLY 1 '-I, 7,:3, ( g" 11 CZ.DIIl8DMd_ I t! ,j~&PI MOI'lUl: DIy v.... o C3. _ I /, ~ 1.1, ~, c.J I C4. p... I S.l) , I Cl. SWIS Code PROPERTY INFORMATION "=1 23' 0 a.ll&lr...KR J Southold ) arv _ Arvanitakis ~~...,.,A ve.. 2._ Nomo ....., ......, COMI'MY LAlrIUla/CQIII'M't J. Tax 1ndicMI..... fLllurl Ta BiUln to bllIIIl I IIIIIIng U____III_oIlooml. -- lAIr ....,., CDIIPMY "'" NIJMMJIAND I'''' NNIIIr. CITYOIIIOWN ~ ~- STATE OF NEW YORK STATE SOARD OF REAL PROPEIlTY _S RP - 5217 .P.~I' ... J1t1 "::1 / i.fi)..' Ma............,-Ir - Ma,2. Ann ...., ....,- ....,- ITAII ""COOl . lllnlr. ...... . _ _ . Ihor Ipply: u. .......Ing _ _ Subdlvllion -.nty ExiIlI 0 411._Aoorovot_Raqui'lICHorTrlllllu 0 4C.__bSlJbdi.,....._Mlp_ 0 ..-......-..-. ^ 0 " D ....._.............on...._ lu. . U 'ofP.rcolo OR P....I.P..... 5.:- ~xl 9~ IORI 'MM. ..- Nome IATVAni~~k1a ~nA Pn?Dt-hY?D9 LAlT NMIII COUIWf'( LAST UIIlI ClDMNNY I Ma~= and Angpln 7. c:aa.c.: 1M box tMIow which molt - .NI. IlItIcribeI the 11M 01.... property at Ih. tl..... Df ..I., _rNoUll. A~O'" F,mlly RIJIdomlll R . 2 ar 3 Family Allldenllal C . _ V..... und D Non-ReIidentlll VICIni und -....--.Ihorlpply: .. Ownerohip Typo ;0 Can__ a .... Conl&lucdorl on Vec:enl Lind 'OA. PropooIy _ _ on Aat_1lloIricI ,.. .... ...... . dIdoIu... noriclt IncIicIQng ....... _ II.... Agrituilulllllolricl o o o o E ~ AQrlcuI1urIl I ~ Communlty_ "Com_ J I_' o ApIItrnenl K Public SIIVICII 1-. Emertlinment I Amu.mont L FonIR SALE INFORMATION n. __lIoIe ,2. lIoIe .. _ I T...- " - I If I ),,,~ Illy Y.. ,.. a.II ..... or,... of _ Ia. III _.. w:-...... Ie ~ A _ __or Fanner Ro_ Il ___~""'or_;"SUII... C X 0.0.'...........10_._ D Buyer Dr SaUar '- Cowrnmonl Agency or lending ........tIon E DIed Typo _ Won_ or Sugaln ond .... (&poc;fy _I F _ 01-"'1 or Lou INn Foe _ I_fy IIoIawI G S1gnm..", CIuIngo In I'rajlarIy _ T_ BratUlIllld Sol. llIlc H ... of ....... illndudId in s.a. Price I 01h0< Un....... FICIIltI-"; _ PriollSpoclfy_, J Nono Executor's Deed . ,,0 . II , 0 I , , . IFuf1 SlIe Price it thlkMI MIOUAI paid lor.... property lnduding palWONl praPllrty. ThilPlvmn INY be In the form of cuh. other PfOI*'lV or gaoda. or she uaunpdon of _or_oIlliplianLJ __Ia...____ ,..-....-..- I I __"Il1o_ . .0 ~O, 0 ASSESSMENT INFORMATION 0 D.ta ....uld ..noc:t.... 1.1l1li Fin.' Ai_ani Rail .nd T.. Bill ,I. Fun "10 Prioo ,.. v.. '" ~_..... Roll from 10 . 5 I 17 TDUI A-..d v.... Caf l1li ,.,... In tnnIIwIl ..... .,,_.. rt.......... . ,..-- I") I 1 I n I-LJ ,..1GhaoI DImiaI.... I MilII........ f"lIrlr ; .4 .0 .0 .0 I , ; 20. T.. ""'_111 RaIl_II (Iman__. _ __.__ _III I I CERTlACATION I 1 cwIll'y _ . II'" ...... '" __ .._ ... ddo farm .... .... .... ....... lID 1M ..... or III)' .......... .... btUd) I11III1 undo_ UIIlI .... .......... "'_ wIIII'uI......_II_............. .lIIll11\Joctmelalhc ....._or.......... ............ ................... fIInlIlI............- BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~~ a~ .:r./-r HAft'" VANITAKIS .... Section 144. Block 3. Lot 33 38 ITIIRT ........ Old DT1ftwar. .,..,.......... UIALEI Wileon arv..._ CT litl'f,J6f "AIt ~ ~ ~ tZ~J~~44' I '[-ill/a! ARVANITAKIS . . Ta'~" <AI, "Iliil\- ~I#; --.... ?l..R_740n lIl,1111Ml;JfC.......J1 NEW YORK STATE COpy