HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12396 P 35 " 7.'Io~- '/'167' I 4lf.~>-2; CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT. THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USEO BY LAWYERS ONLY 1)-. ':>1 G C _ n " ^) "- !r i,j' >, THIS INDENTURE, made the 21" day of June 2005. BETWEEN STEPHEN L1NAKIS and STEFANIE LINAKIS, husband and wife, of 2304 Camp Road, Ma\lJtuck, NY and GARY ORKIN and HELEN ORKIN, husband and wife, of 37 Center Drive, Syosse~ NY party of the first part, and MARY ELLEN LANDRIGAN, of 51A Gardiner Road, Smithtown, NY U 7 rei ~ .J.:;;LJ party of the second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. In consideration of TEN and 001100 doDars paid by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unlO the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, SEE ANNEXED SCIiEDUI,E WAY Being and intended to be the same premisas conveyed 10 the grantors herein by deed daled 12/10103 and recorded 2126104 in Liber 12303 and Page 630, TOGETHER with all right, title and interest if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads ebulllng the above described premises 10 the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all .the estate and rights of the party of the first Part In and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granled unlO the party of the second psrt, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever, AND the party of the first part covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises heve been encumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, In compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for thiS conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideretion 'as a trust fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the Improvement and will apply the same firsllO the payment of the cost of the improvement befo,e using any part of the lotai of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as if It reed 'parties" whanever the sense of thiS indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly execuled this deed the day and year first above written. , , I..." IN PRESENCE OF: S"",donI N.Y.8.T.U. FllmI 8002 - Bargain and Sllle Doed, WIth C_ntogolnll Glanto,'o Ada - Unlfonn AoknOlllledgmenI Fonn 3290 .. TO BE USe.P_ ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE SUWl~ State of New Yortc." County of PI.,e.. 8S: State of New Vort. County of On the 21" day of June In the yelIr 2005 On the day of before me, the undersigned, personelly appeered before me, the undemgned, personan, appearBd Stephen Linakia, Stefanle Linakls, Gary Orkin and Helen Orkin personally known to me or proved to me on the basIS of sedsfactory evidence to be the indivldual(s) whose name(a) is (ara) subscribed to the within Instrument and ackriowtedged to me that helshlllthey executed the same In hislherllhelr capaclty(iea), and that by hlS/herllhelr slgnature(a) on the inatrumen., \he indivtdual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individ (s) acted, executed the Ins nl ~ . (signature end ollice of Indlviduall8klng SEAN E. FINDLEY NOTARYPUBUC, STAle OF NEW YORK NO. 01 FI600S703 QUAUFlED IN SUFFOLK COUNTY COif-MISSION EXPIRES MAY 4, 2Oc.G IS: In the year per1lOl1lllly known to me or proved 10 me on the bells of satllfllclory evidence to be the Indlvlduel(s) whose name(s) Is (areJ sl.tlsa1bed to the wtthin Instrument end ed<nowtedged to me thst helllhelthay e.eaJled the same In hlllherllhelr cspecily(Ies), end that by hlslherllhelr slgnature(s) on lhe InalrumenL the IndIvidual(sJ, or the person upon behalf of which the Indlvidual(s) acted, executed the Instrument. (signature and oIIIce of Indlviduall8k1ng ed<nowtedgment) owtedgmenl) TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE StSle (Dr Dlslricl of Columbia. Territory, or Foreign Country) of 5S: On the day of December In the yeer 2004 before me, the undersigned, personsny appearBd JUDITH M, SEIBERT personally k.-n to me or proved to me on the basil of I8tllfllclory evidence \0 be the Indlvldual(s) whose name(l) IS (are) subscribed to the wtthln Instrument Ind lICIcnowledged to me that h8l8hellhay eXeaJled the lame In hlslher/thelr cspaclly(les), and that by hIaIherllheIr signelunl(l) on the Instrument, the Indlvldual(I), or the person upon behalf of which the Indlvidual(s) ected, exeaJIed the instrument. and Ihal such Individual made such appearence before the undersigned In Ihe In (insert the Cily or other polijlcslsubdivieio!;1) (end In.." the Sl8l8 or Country or other plaoo the ocknowtedgmenl_ _nJ (oignature and offics of Indivlduolleklng ed<nowIedgmentl Stephen Linakls, Stefanle L1nakis, Gary Orkin and Helen Orkin TO Mary Ellen Landrigan DISTRICT: 1000 SECTION: 144.00 BLOCK: 03.00 LOT: 023.000 COUNTY: Suflolk BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Title No. Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH LAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY STANDARD FORM OF NEW YORK BOARD OF T1TU! UNDE:......'" I crcl Dlslrlbutod by O Commonwealth ....l.ANDAID.l1Co\ COtoIPANT Susan W. Findley, Esq. 33 Walt Whitman Road, Suite 132 Huntington Station, NY 11746 COMMONWEALm UoNl> '"ITLE INsuRANC1tCOMPANY ~ r; co z i o u w .. l'l w !l .. o L i ~ ! II Ii! .' .' - SCHEDULE A-] (DtJcrlpliDn) ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate. lying and being in the Town of Southold, Village of Mouituck. County of Suffolk and State of New Yark, known and designated as Lot Number 13 on file in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk, New York, under NumheJ 770. BEGINNING at a monument set at the comer formed by the intersection of the southeasterly side of Bartley Road with the southwesterly side of Bay Avenue; RUNNING THENCE southerly along the southwesterly side of Bay Avenuc (ll South 39 degrees 08 minutes 30 seconds e:l8t33.87 feet to a monument; (2) South 13 degrees 46 minutes ()() seconds east 28.30 feet to a monutrent; THENCE south 67 degrees 29 minules 50 seconds west along the nonherly line of Lot No. 14. 189.14 feet to a monument; THE.I\lCE nonh 19 degrees 30 minutes 30 seconds west along the easterly line of Lot No. 12, 60.08 feet 10 a monument and the southeasterly side of Bartley Road: THENCE nonh 67 degrees 21 minutes 40 &eCOnds cast along said southeasterly side of Bartley Road, 180.60 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. , Number or pages TORRENS Serial II Certificate 1/ Prior Ctr. 1/ '1' Deed . Mortg"8c (nsaromenl 3 Page I Filing Fee .. ". Hundling 5 ..lllL 5" TP-S84 Notation EA-S217 (County) s ~ '([-0--- 1;- , .' EA-S217 (StlllC) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. or Ed. 5. ..lllL AfliduY;1 Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other - (:J 144.00 Block Real Property Tax Service Agcncy Verificalion Deed I Mongage Tax Stamp FEES . -' Sub Tor.1 d?- Sub Tolal Grand TOIaI / a.s- ISd-.1e( 03.00 LoI 013.000 5 05025388 1000 14400 0300 023000 (~w: SA \'IhJUL-G '1 SOIisr""tionlDischargesIRelCII5C LiOl Property OW'CIlI Moiling Addn:lill RECORD & RETURN 1'0: SUlan W. Findley, ElNJ. 33 Walt Wbltllllln Road, Suite 132 Huutlugton Statioo, NY 11746 .' ". I RECORDED 2005 Jul 05'03,43,34 PM Edward P.ROIIaine - CLERK OF SUFFOU< COUNTY L ??oo12396 P 035 Dr.1I 04-47653 . Recording I Filing Slam"" , . , . Mortgage AmI. " I.BlllIicTax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TOlld 'Spec.1 Assil, 01 S~. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Du.1 Counly _ Held for Appointmenl ....:...... Trun..fer Tax l~fv - MlIDsion Tax ' _ " 'J1;Ic p'ropcrty covered by Ibile. molgugc is ur will be impro,.-ed by a one or 'two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see uppropriaLe tax clause on page ,1__ of lhis ins menl. tJ.j" Communi Consider.uion Amount CPl'Tux Due $ tJ. ' 1fT') . ImproYed VacllDt Land TO TO TO 7 nUe Company luronnatlon Co. Name Fldell National Title Title II 7405-44676 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Page This page fonn. pan of !be alllU:hcd _ ~ph,.n and Stef.nle I.inakl!l and Gary aad Helen Orkin TO Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: The premisis herein is situllled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township..r Soutbold In !be VILLAGE or HAMLET or MattJtu"k BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING (oyer) Mary Ellen Landriran 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111I1111111I1111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFJ:CB RECORDJ:NG PAGB Type of Instrument: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt Number . 05-0069778 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 04-47653 Recorded. At: 07/05/2005 03.43.34 PM LJ:BBR: PAGE: D00012396 035 District: 1000 Section. 144.00 B:7.AMJ:NED AND $460,000.00 Block. 03.00 CHARGBD AS Lot. 023.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument ExCl\Pt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,840.00 NO Comm.Pres $6,200.00 NO Fees paid $8,192.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 04-47653 THJ:S PAGB IS A PART OF THB INSTRllMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR 't:OUNJY USE ONLY C1. SWIS Codo PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps,state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I ~. ~,:3, srr",r.9' I , C2.D.oI. Deed R_ I')/) I ~.r7 O,j T \ii;tir wy YHr * STATE OF NEW YORK STAR BOARD OF REAL,IIOPERtY BEIlVIC&8 C3. Book RP - 5217 1U4217.... JM I uQS"2 I ..au .. ..... ...... LASoTMK/CJ:lIH'IWt H'Ulr........ 3. Tu Inclicatl where rutin Tax BillI 1ft 10 be Ie,. I BWlng' If OUW INn buyer....... &II boItom 01 form) _... LAST NAMJ: I COM"ANY ......,.... 11""'1 NIJIltIllRANDnOU:UNA'IIE cnv 00..... , at Plrcell OR 0 "rt of . P.rc.1 1T~Tl! ""coo. 4. IndicIte the numMr of "~~~a~ / RoI........t...........4 on the deed I . . ~~ I /1{'(- Sll. FIlONIF[Er OCPTU ~_ D-b n N..-ne I.ASTNAK/C'tlIU'ANY L L 'lfYltjS LAlT NMW/COUf'ANW' lOR I 'AC/lIlI' . fOnIr._oIo'o_~u__ 4A.PIo""""'Iloo......hSulldl_AulhorityEloilll D ..._....-__...TronoI.. D OC,p__""__....._ D 7. Ched; the box below which most M:CUratel, dnoibel the uu aI 1M prDpII'ty . the time of ....: ..(:~~.Jlkle,n ~pheV) ~ S.~-'-e. o..GI the... ~ _ thew tIPPfy: L Ownenhlp TYPllII Condominium r: ~ Agric:ulIUl1ll I ~ Community Service e. Now Construction on V.cent und t= Cammarcill J INMniIl \CIA. Proparty l.ocIIOd wichln 1ft Aerk:uiurll DillriCl o Aparunena . .' K PubUc S.uvlcl '"Iuyer ,..ved . diIcIoIUfI notice indla8lu H Enc.nJjnmenll ArnuIemlInI . L Forlll. tNl ChI properly. In an AQriculhIrII Diltrlcl 11. QedI .. or ...... 01...... condIIIIDrw _ .......... tD .......r.: A hie BecwIen ~ or Fanner FWatlw. R s.Ia BaIwaen Rot8I8d Compenin or hr1ner. in binell C Ono or tho B..... " .... 0 Sailor o Buyer or s.l1er I. GowrI"l1\Onl Agency or Lencll"; InIIitutlon E Deed Type noI Warnmy or BargaIn .net 5DIo CSpocify BakM) I' _ 01_ or Lou.... F..I..... l_rv IIoIowI G S1gnlflco.. Chango In "- _ T_ &'0". and &010 Oolu H SlIIIo 01 BuIinOII. Included in sn PrIce 01.. UNaIUII factorl AffectJng Sele Price (Specify Below! None D D D D I 'omlly R_.dol or 3 FItrTlIIy R......i.1 . C RIIlidlmlw VlICIlnt Lond D NOII-RoIIdlltlLli1l V8Clnt Lend I SALe INFORMATION I '1. .. ContrMt Date Lj 1'( I~ I y- . 12. o.t. of ._, T......... I (p12.1 -.. Iloy 1Cf51 v_ 13. Full Saae PrIM ,(1,(;,.0.0,0.0,0,01 , ,.. IFull SaIl Price II ttMt totallmClUnl plicllor Ihl propony Including Pll'lonaI prClplrty. Thi. ~ mDy 1:10 In the Iorm 01 cub. 01"" PI'ODII'IV or gaoda. or tho uaumption of rnollg.e".. or oIhIr obllptionLl PIDue round (0 rho nHlWt __ doJMt IfflOUfI,t 14._'''''_01_01 1 ,0.0,0 I propMy ~ In ........ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dolllllhould ronc the 1_ Flnol _on. Roll ond Tn Bill 1" =.: ~~.:.= tram 10 ? I 17.:r'" A--.d V.au. lot... ...11 In In""" I '''....-.__ t2-/,61-LJ 1........__1 <)af./T'1I6tJ;i , j .1 (3.0,lJ I 20. Tu Map ~.., RDlIIdIntHI.(lt II more t'" four.....,.,.... with...... ~1 Di"st 6J DC X- I a:RTIRCATlON I I rmIIy'" .. of tho __ 011_100 __ ... Ulk r...., UfO ......... ........ 1101 ......... .or"1f ......... .... .brIldl.... I __ _ UleIllDldatl of..,. .1IIfaI1'III.. JIbIIrml:at 01 .....,rIIIII r.:t hen.om wIIIwllject _ to Ibe DI1ftildoas or IIII' ...... law ~ Ia dw I11IIkIIIR ..... IIUIItc or..... 1Rrunw-. BUYER BUYER'S ATTOllNEY 1000 03.00 I Seq; c5r) 144. 00 ~. OoU.QO~ ...,5\ \'1d ~ I' 5~:.. Wr\ ~'7I-<:;S'7~ (031 ....""" ma__ 11~ OL: fr;/ J.t la'5 01.11( I NEW YORK STATE COpy ~