HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12212 P 932 ;t, ~ . .. '.. a '. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED Wlm COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) FORM 8007 L... (2-2../2- r q3L CAl111ON: TKIS AClIll!liMF.hTSIIOUUl DE PIlI!PARIlD BY AN AT1'OI\Nl!Y ANDIUlVlIlWEDDY ATrolU\IEYS RIll Sl!I.l.EJt AND PURCIlASl!l81!POlll! _INCl. THIS INDENTURE, made the ~t/~ . ~ I beCweea I Lftt--- z - 2) John A. Zuzulo. of 125 Hillvi_ Awn.\IC. Yonkers. New York 10704 party of tile fa p8I1, and JO)' E1liqbaus IIIId Jomllhllll ElIinghws, wife and husband of717.PeIIJamdak: A-. PdlJam. New York 10803 .. '. tIt ," ...~'* 1 ' ~"'( ~. . \. .. + ",' .. h ..... ~ . pert)'of~~~r1~: : ."~ :. ':1..,1"'40- 'r "':.J.1\~" "lTN&UliTII..;thllf~:_'pftlle MtpGt, in eonsicIention ofTen DolIm IIIId No Cenlll (SIO.OO), IawftaIIIIlIIIey wille tJni~ Sillies, paid by tile pIrty of the second part, _ '-by gnnt IIIId I'CI_ unw lhe: pIlIty of\he 1iCCOIld~. \he hrirs or _1IIId usipa of tile pert)' oflile second part forewr. .a.L\hat ccnain pili!. piece or pllI:I:Cl ofllllld. wilh !he buildinp and iaoplo~enlCllla 1beI_ cn:cted. situate, lying und being in tile See A1Dched Schedul.. A TOGBTIlEII wilh nil righi, litlc: lIIId interat, if 111)'. of tile pIrty of \he Mt part in and to III)' I1J'ee1II111d I'OlIdlI abuuing lhe abo~ descn'bed premises to !be CCIllC'r lines 1hereof, TOGBTIIBII wilh lhe appurtenances and all !be alIII: and riglus of \he party of \he Mt part in IIIId to aid pmnisc$. . TO IIA fIE AND TO "OLD !be pmniscs '-in lP'IJlICd tIIIlo tile party of !he second JI8lt, !he heim or ~.'IH .."'" and .:ISSip of !he party of !he second p8I1 ronMI'. AND the party of 1m: linn pm. IlOVCIlIIl1IS 1hat the party of \he flnt part baa not dana or suffen:d mytbina wm:n..by !he 5lIid JlI'CIIIiJcs haw: been eIICIIIIIbcn:d in any 'Wt)' 'IIIbatcvr:r. e'llllCpI as aforaaid. .iIND lheparty Ili'the flTlllplU'l, in cumplilmce willi SeCtion 13 orlhe Uen Law.COWII1IIl\s \hat Ihe party oflhc (,1'$\ JXIr1 will n:ceive \he cODSidcmion for Ibis oonveyllllllC IIIId will bold Ihe tipt to ra:eivc such cOllSidc:rll:liun .s a lnlSI fi.Ind to he applied fd for the purpose of payina tile cost oftbe illlplOVClI1l.'Ill and will apply Ihe _ fa to Ihe payment of lIlc cost oflhe impmwmenl befOl'\lll~inll ;lny part of Ihe tolal of !he smnc for III)' olher purpose. ~ word "party" shilll b: cOl15lnml as if il rcacI "pranies" wllencvcr 1he _ of Ibis incIrnJJft so reqWn:~, . IN fJ'ITNE.SS WH "RI::O"~ III.: parly of Ihe fil'$\ pari has duly cxecu1cd Ibis deed tNl day and year firstabovt: WTill~n. ~,J(/ Pl4~ /5;-:; . ~'"Qllo IN I'IlESENCB OF; ,. . . . ... ....... :1 "'..... ~ AcIInmyIedjpnmt by I ~ Widlill New York Silk' (RPl f 309-1) STATE OFNBW YORK ) COUNTY OF WBSTCHES1'ER ) III.: ) On the 30 day or ~I/ad .2002, bcfare me, the undersigned. pcIl101l11ly 1JIPClIlo...t Jahn A. Zuzulo, pcnaaaIIy IISIown to me: or proved 10 me on lhc buisor pli"r-.y evidem:e ro be dle individual whose name: is subscribed to the willUn imtrutlll:Jlt IlId acknowJedpd to melbat be CllICCIIIlld the .me in his capacity, IIIId dlat by his ".."tllre on the =~-~ """,,_.. ......1_......... 'lJJIS c: ~"- (aipalure orindivid' lelcnowkdgment) BarINdn md &Ie Deed willi coPell4n16 DENNIS C. BAlRlNINY ~S1al8... ~r.= CcIlIilI\."" 11l11~ ~ NA. ---UtiI'! ~~"..... TR... -;:1".02 -15"u08 S Secdoa 144 BIoek 02 l..ot 023 eolllll:)' or Towll Counl:)' orSuffolk: Street Addrets233S Sigsbee Road Matlituck. New York 11952 Jolm A Zuzulo To Joy EIlinghaus and Jnn"'...... Ellinshaus. wife and husband '- . "".; ,. . ljd..........I n '-"r"~ III Utdd:!._...Ih..__ Ii LallI...... i.LP 271 NOI'lb-Avenue Ne.w..PAlObpl~, "M_.. v')I;I< I_I R.ern TIlII For UIIl Of Retordla 0fIIft r I , ~I . (f.~:" t. . r. I' SCUDULE A ALL Ihat _In plat, Pi!oe 0 l~ ..... ~ '" ... !I.'own Hew York, known and entitled, "Amended III 0 in the 'office of' the' .~ ~ 8a and by Map 1801. 'i, \\. I~BJBCT to any state ot ...,. SUGJBCT to cOV~ta, res if' any, of' reoord. ':~" , ... I"dldl. ..... I........., I........................ , at Mani'tuck. Suffolk aoun~ ~and by ,Plot #57 on a oertain map ok Park Properties Inc." and filed olk County on January 12, 1926 " accurate survey III8.y show. 'i~. reservations and easements, TQGKTHER with the r!sbt to use in COlll1lOn with the other owners 01' lata shown on aaid _11', the tract shown on 88id map as Sipbee Park for park P\U"JlOses, under such oonditions, liM1tations lUld restrictions as oontahied in the &gre8llent dated June IS, 1926 and recorded in the Of'f'ioe of. 'the Suf'f'olk aoun~ Clerk on June 17, 1926 In Libel:' 1198 Page "205. 7.'OGB'.l'H.ER with a' right of way over Sigsbee ROad shown on said IIlap lUld over, a richt 01' way three rods wide runn1n& from PeOOnic' Bay ,Boulevard over pr.e~~!es. ~c!'",!!, ~n ~~~ ~p.~..r~ 1I&.v.., '..,., , BBING and intended to be the aaa. pre.iaes' con.~1ed to the Grantor by d.ed dated 2/17/95 recorded 2/28/~s in Liber 11716 cp. 491 in the Suffolk County Clerk', Office. ,. ..;. , Number of JlI&CS TORRENS Sefialll Cmlflr:ale /I Prior Or. /I j IlEtl'AlliJ) 2002 Oc:t o;s 02123131 "" EcMaI"d P ....init . Cl.ERlC Cf' SUFFoI..IC COlIITY L 00(D12212 l' 932 OTt 02-(1<)'747 4 Deed I ........... 11IIlnI_ RcI:onilD&' fill.. Sllmps SIamp 02036345 1000 14400 0200 023000 ... '~~ Inhillls 1..... 1 Sali.r~ionsIDlscMrgdlKcIillil:s List Propeny OwllCl'S Mall1l18 ^ . RECORD.r. RnuRN TO: .....' Fllina F_ IlImIting TP-$84 NallliOll ~,;z 17 (CounIy) EA-:'I211 (~) . R.P,T.$.A. C!'Il1"'.ofliAl. AJrldavit Ccnilled Copy Rca-Copy Otlw:r s Deed I Mun.... Tax SIIUllp fEES /~- 5. ,:- Mora.... AmI. I. BuiA:Tax 2. Addilionall'ax - tf' :_ SubTOllII .:J..J ~= SubTolal SpccJl\soil. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dvall'own Dull Counly_ Helll fur AII/lIXlIon_ TnwferTu rt.fJ.O =-' MlMiOll Till _ ~....ny COWIWd by this murtpp it or will be improved by a one or two flullily MIMIlOllly. vr,s orNO_ IfNO.s_ ......iale lax clause 0lI p.1jIe /I _ oflllis insIrunlenr. 017 - 5~ . 1 ~ SubTOIaI GRAND TOTAL 1S- - /0 d-- R.eall'\'opIIty Tax Srr,rice ~y Verilieation J)jS(. SectiOll B loct 6 Communit Pracrvation Fund ConaideMllion Amount S tot - ..-.-.. CPF Tu Due s - Vacant Land TO lorxJ TO 'I'D RIoooJll.g Requested by & WIw1 Recorded Return To: US AIcoIIIngs, Inc. _ Country DriVe Ste 201 8L Paul, MN 55117 I' 5~~1DD · Title Company I.formation Co.Nlme Tirl..tI Suffolk Coon Recordin & Endorsement Pa 'Ibis..formspcu:tofthutlachcd &'ral1.()'l ,Cl.~ St:L1JL e ..J (SPOOFYTYI'HOFINSTRUMerr) 9 rnllde by: John A. ZVz.w1o The premixs hemn is silUIIIcd in SUFFOLK aXINlY, NEW YORK. In thc TO\\nshipof 5oufho k:1 JO'l S;;lli~ha..U5 Q..V\d 1ntb:V1ll.AOr:: JL. L. '" 1/ j~ .f.lli~ha.v5'" orllMlLETof (Y)a.lTlTU.~ BOXES S 'IHRU 9 MUST DE l~OR PRINIED IN BLhCK INK ONL YPRlOR TO Ra.'ORDINGORFlUNO. TO COVERJ IIIIIIIIIIUUIII 111111111111 SUJ'POLX COtJ'.H'1-x CLBRX RBCORDSOft'I:CB RBCORDDfG PAGB '1'ype of IDlIl:ruIllent, DBIlDS/tlm) BUmbe~ of Page.1 4 'l'RAJISI'D TAX :NUIIB1IR: 02-09747 D1.tr1ctl 1000 Sect1cm I Block I . 144.00 02.00 1IY1Il"tt1l18D All]) C'KAIlGBD AS lI'O%.LOIfS $180,000.00 Rec~cl, At, L:IBJlR: PAGJh 10/03/2002 02123131 JIll D00012212 932 LotI 023 . 000 Deed AmoUIlt I Page/PUiDg COlI IIA-en TP-584 RP'l' TZ'lID8feZ' tllX ltece1ved. t:be J'ollow1rsg Pee. I'or lIbove IDlIt~t ~t IfO 1f",l1clliDg NO tn'S S'OaCBG IfO IIA- STJI.'1'8 IfO C~t.Cop1e. NO SCTIIl IfO ~.Pre. ..... P&1c1 $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 '720.00 '5.00 $15 . 00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 '600.00 $1.422.00 ~ .t NO NO NO IfO NO IfO TlUI.1I8J'D 'rAX ..........0. 02-09747 THIS PAGE :IS JI. .PA:EtT 01' TBB DUU:a.......n Jklw&J:cl P.:a-1De County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Rev3/'J7 1. Property I Location 2335 STREET NUMBER S1RBbee Road STREET NAME I Ma:t~i t:Ul'".k CITY OR TOWN VILLAGE ]]952 ZIP CODE 2. Buyer Name Ell f n~UI11R LAST NAME I MPANY J'W FIR NAME E111nRhaus LAST NAME I COMPANY Jonathan FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address LAST NAME I COMPANY FIASTNAME STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN STATE ZlPCODE 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed o o , 11 # of Parcels OR 0 Part of a Parcel (Onty if Part of 8 Parc&l1 Check as they apply: DEPTH lOR I 'ACRES' .1 ,6 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 48. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided o o o 5. Deed Property Size FRONT FEET Ixl 6. Seller Name Zuzulo LAST NAME I COMPANY John A. FIR$TNAME LAST NAME I COMPANY FIRST NAME 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C Residential Vacant Land . D Non~Residentjal Vacant Land E ~ Agricultural F Commercial G Apartment H . Entertainment / Amusement I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L Forest Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 108. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District o o o o 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to transfer: 11. Sale Contract Date 7 / 19 / 02 Month Day Year 12. Date of Sale I Transfer <6 / 3d / 02 Month Day Year 13. Full Sale Price , /,J-,O, ~, 2>,0,0 I , , . (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. A B C D E E ..g H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (Specify Below) None 14. Indicate t~e value ~ personal I , I , I I I () I 0 I 0 I property Included In the sale, ill . I;A~$NlDlt~~M~~ ~!IllIlW:A~"*tRi!1lIiijt!f!llllli.~ 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I 0 2 which information taken ' 17. Total Assessed Value lof all parcels in transfer,1 ; ; " 1 0 0 I , 18. Property Class I 2 , 1 , Ol-U 19. School Dh....'.. Name I Matt1tuck 20. Tax Map Identifierlsll Rollldentifier(s) (If more than four, attach sheet with additional identffierlsH /i..fL.{-;L-d-.3 I Section 144 Block 02 Lot 023 I J ~.'.....,. .. .. , . . ::..1".. . J, ..~.' .,><_; ".--:';'7'--" I certify that all of the. items or inf~tion enfeJ'ed on this ~~ true and correct (to the ~t of my knowledge and belief) ~. I understand ~ the making of any willful false statement of material fact hefem wiD subject me to the orovisiom of the oeIiaIlaw relative to the making and ~ of false instruments. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY LoURhman LAST NAME Edward FIRST NAME BUYER 2335 STREET NUMBER S1isb"e Road STREET NAME (AFTER SALE) 914 AREA CODE 636-5051 TELEPHONE NUMBER Ma.t:t'i'tUf!1c CITY OR TOWN NY STA.TE 11952 ZIP CODE SELLER ,zJt;<1 J .; ,r;.'... . ,.,.--- }pt/;. /..-Z> /j. j.,j,nU W I S R SIGNATURE , ::iV'3,~h ~ "AT )