HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12388 P 931 I , \ ')11' 1': \w'O\) ~,S" L'. I }~()~' ,7\~Oi) \' (1:j i \. iLl 1.- 4:- i-I SH ;1->1) r;jl-O CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUIENT.THI8 INlITRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the q~ day of Hay 2005 BETWEEN WAYNE SAILOR, residing at 425 Pacific Street, Hattituck, NY 11952 parly of the first part, and PD ':;'J') , .. -, DAVID SAlI.OR, residing at 425 Pacific Street, Hattituck, NY 11952 parly of the second part. WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part. in consideration of Ten " dollars paid by the party of the second ~l8rt, does hllfllby grenl and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of thE' parly of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot, piece or Ilarcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected. lituate, lying and being in the (See Attached Schedule A) Being intended to be thl! same premises conveyed to the Grantor as deed dated 09/10/04 and recorded 1ll/28/04 in Liber 12345 Page 728. TOGETHER with all righi, title and interest, if any. of the party of ths firlt part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described pre'mises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the ellate and rights of the party of the first' part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premisel herein granted unto thll party of the second part, the heirs or IUccelSOrs end aolgns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part c:ovenants that the party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as afOlesa,d. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Uen Law, covenants that the pany of the first part will receive the conlideration for this conveyance and will hold the righllo receive such consideration as a trult fund to be applied first 'for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the leme first to the payment of the cost 01' the improvement belore using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party" shall be construed as if It read "parties' when ever the sense of this indenture 10 requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the p.a,rty of the first part has written. ecu d this deed the day and year first above IN PRESENCE OF: Slandard N,V.a.T.U. Form 8002. BIIrgam1lnd 5... Deed. WIth CCJ\IeMnt again" Grantor'.ActI- Unlfonn Acknowledgment Form 3210 f .. " . -" M:;;....u.. prii, . . .~. " . .', .' . ...~...~ ,,1'., ",.....~. /,"~"V: .......;....... ...~.."'..,._.......: .......~..,......,...>.......... ... 8(' g.ncy~L::;''*-'''''', ~ . ....~.:",.....:. ,',.. 1.:: ~1....'i..~..../~.....,~.~~IW'~ii?l~(:.... i:!4t\ . . .. ". .....ScheduleA .... .....-....,.'....., ..... Tille Number SH250220 Underwriter 638-5-9685 Page 1 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate lying and being at Mattituck. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a cMcrete monument at the intersection of the Westerly side of Pacific Street and the Nortlherly side of Legion Avenue; RUNNING THENCE along the Northerly side of Legion Avenue, South 59 degrees 03 minutes 00 sec:onds Wes!. 169.97 feet to a concrete monument and land of Dr. George P. Bergmann; THENCE North 36 degreell 36 minutes 00 seconds West, 83.33 feet along said land of Bergmann to a con,erete monument and land of Jazombek; THENCE North 67 degreell 30 minutes 00 seconds East, 196.85 feet along said land of Jazombek to a conl~rete monument and the Westerly side of Pacific Street; THENCE South 13 degree:s 52 minutes 00 seconds East, 56.50 feet along said Pacific Street to the monument and point or place of BEGINNING. For Con\'eyancing Only, if intended to be conveyed. Together with all right. tiUe and in!erest of. in and to any slreats and roads abutting the above described premises, to Ihe C81,ter line thereof. ~ S.'o ....rbor Tltlo Agonc:y. Ltd. ,-.- --"~" .........-...........-~---_. , , " TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE SIaI,,,,fNewYork,Countyof Suffolk IS: On Ihe ., ol:b day of May in thOl year 2005 before me, the undersigned, personally appeI/IId WAYNE SAILOR _ally known 10 me or provad 10 mOl on !he billis of salilfactory evidence 10 be the individual(l) _sa _(I) iI (are) .-_ 10 the within inllNmenl and acImowiedged 10 me thai helohe/lhey eX8CUlad !he same In hillherllhe~ capBCity(1eo), end that by hillherllheir ~nelure(l) on lhe Inl\nlmenl, the Indivldual(I), or !he _ upon behalf of which the indivldual(l) acIed, executed the inetrumen!. 'fll' ,i . "~" kinll acknowledgmenl) ELIZABETH A. MARTINEZ INolIIy Public, Sl8t8 of New YaIlc No. 01MA4716913 Qu8Illied In Suffolk County "'" Cornniulon Ellplree JlnI3O, 2lll::!... Slale of New York. County of .1: On the day of, in the yeer , before me, the undersigned, peroonaUyappeared peroonllly known to me or provad 10 'me on the b8e11 of satillaclory evldenoll 10 be the individu1l~l) whole nlme(l) II (areleubec:rlbad to the within inalNmenl end lIcknowIedged to me Ihld heIohellhey eX8CUIad the oame in hillherllhelr capacily(llI), and thel by hillherl\he~ Iignature(l) on the inllNmlnt. !he individual(I), or the _ upon behalf of which the indlviduel(l) acIad. executed the InlllUmen!. (Iigneture end oflIce of individuellakJng acknowiedgment) , , TO BE USED ONLY WHEN lrHE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE Slale (," Diltricl of Columbia, Tenilory, or Foreign Coun~) of Onlhe day or in !he year IS: before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known to me or proved 10 me em the ballI of laUlfactory lvidence 10 be the indivldual(l) who.. name(l) II (ere)' eubllcr1bed to !he within inetrumenl and acknowledged to me thai hellhellhey 8llAlCUIad !he same In hillherflhejr capadty(lel), and thai by hillherllhelr lignalure(l) on !he inltRlment, the Indlvldual(I), or the person upon behaW of which the indlvidual(l) acIed, execuled the inllNmen', Ind Ihld ouch individual mlde such Ippea..""" before the undersigned in the In (1....1\ II1e CKy or other pollUcallUbdlvillonl (and In..rt Iha Stale or Cou~ or other place the acknowledgmenlwaa taken) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S AC:TS Till. No. SAILOR TO SAILOR (j) SAF( IIlAROOR TInt AG~~CY LTO. 1629 Main Stnlet PortJ.ffelllon, NY,11777 l'J ~ " I o u II! .. o .. .. " 2 .. u ~ i ... ~ ~ (signature and oflice of incliVldual taking ecknowledgmenl) SECTION 141.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 017 .000 COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Suffolk 425 Pacific Street Mattltuck, NY DEBRA LY~N PLUMER, ESQ. 25 CANDEE AVENUE SAYVILLE. NY 11782 < " .... (iJ Nllmber or J1llges TORRENS " ", RECORDE1> 2005 I1ay 25 09.53.04 AM Edward P.RoltaiM CLERK OF SUFFOLK COOHTY L DOOO12388 P 931 OTl 04-42113 Sedlll# CCltifical" 1# PriorCtLII De"d I Morlgage Insllllmcnl " "Deed I Mortgage Tax Slamp " Recording I Filing S lamps 2r FEliS rnge I riliing ree H:llldlillg Real I'rol'eHy Tax Service: Agcncy Vc.lifil'nliul:~ 05019117 62'1' S' ROlY A ~~ G;;c 0 ------., - 1000 14100 0400 017000 f8- Mortgage Am!. I. B;u;ic Tax 2. A,Witiooal Tax Sub 'Iillal SpecJAssi!. . or Spec. I Add. 1.UT, MTG. TAX . __ Duallhwn _ Dual Coullty _ lIeld ror Appoinlmelll . . Trnnsfcr Tax / '5 go Mansionlh The proper eoven:d by this morlg8ge is Dr will be improved by a olle ur .lwn ramily dwe ing ollly. YES or NO _'_ If NO. See a rop.illle lax clause un page 1# ur Ihis inslrument 5. ..!1!!- TP-584 Notation EA.52 17 (Coullly) I3A-.5217 (Slale) Sub 1'olDl 5,~ ,R.I'.T.S.A. Conlin. Dr Ed. ~- . Affid..il C.:rlified Copy NYS SlIId'""ge OUlllr 15. ...Q!L Sub Thl.[ Grand Tulul /5;). ~~ ~ Sccllon~q"" 6'D - I Consideration Amo Lot .tJI1. no 'CPF Tax Due i. Irnpruved~ _ 6 SalisrllctiunalDiichnq:eslReleases USI Pror.erty Ownel1l MailingAdiJn:ss ImCOIlD "" Rh'TURN TO:' p III ~...<,r, E'c,&l. Vacant Land _ TO l)t 6'.1:< L YfJ.I< ~l o..IL~, ~~\{(: ?-1 Pc.. ~ dZ: 'j/.lE'. AJ Y . 1/)7)- TO TD ---=---- 7. Tille Com on IlIrornuitiol1 '. CD. Name , 't1e /I .sit ;; ~ro J- -0 TIuffolk County' Recording & EIidorsenlcllt Page 11,h pag.. (UI''''S pal't ur U,e allll~hed __ . !:lUD. . (SPECIFY l'YPLi or ~STlWMENT) made hy: ...w~.~~~lo / The premises herein is situaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NOW YORK. .1.-.&WIJ ~ TO In lhe TownshiJl of ~-It..()IJ __ In Ihe VILl..AGIl Or l'IAMU,J"uf J'v\."'ff,+",,, K.. IlOXI:!S Ii 'IHRU K MUST BE TYPED OR pRINTIlD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRlOR'm RnCORDING OR PII.ING. ,-..-.\ . . . 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERIC RBCORDS OFFXCZ RBCORDING PAGB Type of: J:n.trument: DBBDS/MID HUmber of Page.: 4 Receipt' HUmber . 05-0056186 TRANSFER TAX NDKBER: 04-42113 Recorded. At: OS/25/2005 09:53:04 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012388 931 Di.triclt: 1000 Section. Block. 141.00 04.00 BXAM:INBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $395,000.00 Lot. 017.000 Deed JlJrlOun t : Receive,d the Following Pe.. Par Above J:nstrument Bxempt B.v""'Pt Page/P'iling $12.0Cl NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.0CI NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO SA-CT!' $5.0CI NO B:A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.0CI NO Cert.Copi.s $0.00 NO RPT $30.0CI NO SCTJl $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,580.0CI NO Comm.Pre. $4,900.00 NO Pees Paid $6,632.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-42113 'l'HJ:S PAGE J:S A PART OF THII: J:NSTRUMBNT THJ:S J:S NOT A BJ:LL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County fOR COljN'rY USE ONLY CT. aWlS Codo PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM- - _. INST.RUCTIONS: hlltp:/I www.arps.Btale.ny.ua or PHONE 15181 473-7222 . .' . I ~,?,?,f{ JJlf-J * tl:l-, ~JI '?f.I . .. . C4.P_L, "1'. ? / I \; REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CZ. Da.. Dud _,ad STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIOAIIIl OF REAL PIlOP'ERTY lI.ERVICE8 C3._ PROPERTYINFOR~1lON RP - 5217 .~I7"'JM "'-L 425 Lantlon IiIrllDrNUtl'Rfl L SOUTHOLD C1nc-.TQWIilI .. au... L SAILOR NIl... I.4f IMW 1 CQMI&lIY PACTW ~THF.n .T....' HATTlTUCK ...... 11952 ,...... DAVID ....,NAIII! L lAST ....., COMMart HMr NAIll: 3. T.. !nebl8 wheN fUlUfO Tax BilII .. tD be III'Il ...... "'...'....___1._0I1onnI L AddNu LMlNAMl/Cf1IIIINfII ....,HAMI L tTNi""",-" MID "I~r NAME ClTYGIl TOWN .ll"l ........ I.=:-I SIz. fRONT rur Ixl ....... IQ~ I ..... .rJ...q I (Only If ,.. at . .....1 0IcII .. they IPPIr. U.PIlInnIng_wl"~_Ily__ 0 ...__'__forT........ 0 ........._""s__....._ 0 4. I........ thll ~ of An...-,pt Roll """'1 trMIII....... 11ft thlI .... I t 01 Pon:oII OR D Po" 01. _ eo ......r L SAILOR ...... ....,~ L LAln'NAMlii/CDWltoN't WAVNF. -,- ~...u. 1. CIwck.he llOa below wtdIIh ~I MiCUlMlIly deIcrIbn 11M UN of the praperty _ '1M tlm. of ule: 13. FuU .... ,...... .'t ,0,1;, ,111 ,n In .0.01 , , 0 IFull SII. Pri. i, I" ICUllmOunt Plid to, tho proporty InclloIding pettONI prgpartv. Thil plvrnenl may be In die form of c;uh, achBr propll1y or ,tQOdI. or IhI aaumplion of martgagOl or other obIlptlona.J ....... round to the......, wheW doIIM amount a.Il ... .... below.. .... -.ply: S. Ow-.hlp T.... 10 CcIndomlnlom E~ _..... ~ Communlly _... .. _~ on v..... ...... F Cornm.,cill J IndLllfrleI ,OA. Property LotIbld within an Agr\Cul&n1 0Iariet C ApMment . Public ServIoI __ B.,.,.. rKeMd. dildulure notice Ind.lclltlng H E.........n,l! Amusement I.. FoNIr m. UIe property 111ft an Agricultural Dillrk:l 15.a.cl_or......",theIe........... .............10........-: ^ SIll Bltween 1Wmtv. Of Former RoIIIIivoI R Solo 8etwMn Related Companiel or PIrtnerIln Buailllllil C 0lIo01"-_10.110._ I) Buyer or SeIIM' .. GoNmmen1 "VDncv or landing lnIIiIution E o..t Type not W..11lI1ty or BargaIn Met Sale fSpeclfy Bekaw) F SoJa.r F.......... or ......... .... '_ISpocIIy _ G SAgnlflcanr. ChInge in Proptrty s.twMn Taxablo Slaws Ind Sale DGcu II S.lool_Io_,"_Priuo I 0Ihar U........-.o -no 5010 Price __, J Nuno o o o o A~ 0... F.mily_" H J or 3 F..... Ruidontlal C ......n(.. YKlnt Land D NonoReladenhll V~ Land I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... Ccmb.. 0... :3 I l~ I oS' MI:Inftl [1... y.... 12. DIIte of ...., Tr....., 105 -... I 'f '... 105 v,. ..._......-01_ I .or:" 0 0 I ~......In....... . , . . ; . . ~ - . - . , ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. DaIO"'ould _llht 10_ Flnlr_mom Roll Ind TI' Bill I , ,..::.....=-.=-IOf.O~II7.T........_VoIu.IcI.._.._1 . . , , 'I._a... I~. I .QI-U ,s._D__1 l\\.,,~,-h..dl - C"-~oS,<e ~ S' b .0 I , . 20. 1M M. W--.c.11 Roll ~re.J (I' rnonI I.... tour. __ .... willi addIIIonaI ........n 100(1, 141.00. 04.00. 017.000 I I CERTIFICATION I I ftI'IIf) .... III f16.. I&r.. ....1nIbr.aIlon .... ... l1li5, ..... l1l"i' 11111 ... curnlCt (10 die .... vl my kncntlcdllr and beUetl Dad I .....- ......- ...... 1M DIIkIna "'00)' ..1IHUI1lI1w -.. "'......... ... ....... lliII..bJo<t _ 10.... ......... '" tho ..... Ia.. ........ .... __....lIIIoa '" _ _ !l!m BUYEII'II ATTORNEY ;-- ~~/~..4 ...wlIIIIGNtoTUlll. I ~r -<t "Or DOlt Plumer ...,..... Debra Lynn -,- 425 ...."....... Pacific Street InII.llltMll.W'TtJl1ALfI 631 563-0555 ......... ........- ..... Mat t i tuck 11952 >> .... NEW YORK STATE COPY 'r-f ./)r "AT'