HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12407 P 891 UJl/c-7' f rq I, \ Iq/- f{=I2 o CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE 810_ THI8IN8TRUMENT.nuS INSTRUMENT BIlOULD BE UseD Ill' LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the 2ff' day of May, 2005 BETWEEN THEODORE E. GRIFFIN, residing at 1435 WoodcIlff Drive, Matllluck, New York 11952 party of the flrat part, and THEODORE E. GRIFFIN end MAUREEN E. GRIf.FIN,.huabllnd.end.wlfll. residing at. 1435WoodcllffDrlve,Manltuck,NewYork11952 '~~~~',~. _' _'?'.'~ :,' -:: . -.,-.. .. ~ .. ,-, . .r..."." party of the aeoond part, l!1~'.. :;'.' , ., ,:', ." "':1 . '". I. . r~' :;:""~ ~;. :~. . .~. ".? . '," .......,. .:.~ WITNESSETH, Ihallhe party of the firat part, In conalderatlon of ten ($lli.OOI ciollara paid by Ihe party of the aeoond part, does hereby grant and release unto thll party of the aeoond part, lhe helra or aUCC8880ra and asaIgna of the party of Ihe aeoond part forever, Alllhal certeln plot, piece or paroeI of land, with the buildings and Improvemenlll thereon erected, B1tuste,lylng and being lit Manltuck, In the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York, bounded and described u follows: BEGINNING al a point on the westerly aide of Paclflc Street 148.99 feel south of lhe comer formed by the intersection of the southerly aide of Sound Avanue with the westerly aide of Pacific Street; RUNNING THENCE elong tha W8llterIy side of Pacific Streel South 7 degl'M8 11 minutes 00 seconds Eul83.00 feet to lhe land now or formerly of Rolf88; THENCE along aald land Soulh 83 degl'M8 52 mlnules 00 aeconds Weal 181.88 feet 10 land now of 825 Pacific Street Corp.; THENCE along said land lhe following two COUIB88 and distances: (1) North 5 degrees 05 mlnules 00 aeoonds Weal 83.00 feel; (2) North 83 degreea 52 mlnulea 00 aeconds East 178.82 feel 10 Ihe polnl or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the premlBBB heretofore convayed to the party of lhe firat part by two (2) deeds as follows: deed dated May 12th, 1994 from Martin L. Grtffln and recorded In the Suffolk County Clark's Office on May 17"', 1994 In Uber 11877 al Page 072, and deed daled May 11"', 2000 from Jualyna G. Slaga and recorded in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on May 23"', 2000 In Uber 12044 81 Page 375. TOGETHER wllh all righI, lille and Intereat, If any, of the party of the flral part In and to any slreelS and roada abunlng lhe above deecribed premiB88 to the center 11MB thereof: TOGEnlER with the appurtenances and all lhe eslate and r1gh18 of the party of the flrat part In and to eald premiB88: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the aacond part, the halra or 8llCC4lssora and asaIgna of the party of the aeoond part forever. AND the party of the firat part covenan18thatthe party of the flral part has not done or suffered IU1YIhlng whereby the eald premlaBB have bBWl encumbered In any way whatever, except aa aforeaald. AND Ihe party of the flrat part, In compliance wllh SectIon 13 of the Lien Law, oovananlSthat the party of the fi.al part will receive Ihe conakleratlon for this conveyance and will hold the right to ~ve 8uch consideration u a truat fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the coat of the Improvement and will apply the same firat to the payment of the coat of the Improvement before ualng any part of the total of the eame for any other purpose. The word "party" ahaIl be conalrued as If n read "parties' when ever the 8enae of this indenlure so requires. I~ WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe party of lhe flrat part has duly execuled thl8 deed the day and year firal above written. IN THE PRESENCE OF: J::"~ ....sIJ. . -L- l ~ THEODORE E. GRIFFIN SlondonI M.Y.B.T.U. Fonn BOO2 -1largoIn and Solo llood. willi c-.nlllgllirlat 0_._ _ Unlfonn I\du1awlodgmonI Form 32lIO TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWI J:ftftllENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK &TATS Slate D/ New York, Counly 01 Suffolk On the 28" day 01 May in the year 2005 beloro me, the ~ p.........oy appeared THEODORE E. GRIFFIN penIOIllIlly known to me or proved 10 me on the bule of ssJlsleclD/Y widence 10 be the individual whose ....... Is subecribed to the within Instrumenl and scknowIedged to me that he ...ecuted e In hie capacity, and thaI by hie signature on Ihe In en the indlvld upon behan D/ v.fIlch Ihe I enl. -: State 01 New York, Counly 01 Suflolk sse On the day 01 In the year before me. the undere/gled, pereonaIly eppesred penIOIllIlly known to me or pruved 10 me on the beala 01 aati-'adory evidence 10 be the /ndlvldulol whose name Ie aublCttbed to the within lnaInn1enl and lICknowIedged to me thai she executed th. same In hw cepecity, and that by hw signaturo on the lneirument, the Individual, or the person upon behalf 01 v.fIich the Individual ecled, executed the Inslrumflnl. (ei office oIlndivl ualla1dng edgment) (a1gnature and D/11ce 01 0ldivIdIIlII taldng ecknowIedlP"en\) DANlB. C. ROBS ~ l'uIIIIQ......af NIIw-..tl OuI~N THE ACKNQWLEDGMENT I. MADE OUTSIDE NEW YORK STATE S1_~a, . o~Orel'" Counlry) 01 aa: On the dayo! In the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared personally known 10 me or pruved 10 me on the baeia D/ aaUafectory IIIIidenca \0 be the IruflVidual(e) whose nlUl1e(a) ie (are) subscribed \0 Ihe within in"rumenl and ecknowlodged 10 me thel he'shoIIhey _ed the earne in hlalhwllhllir ClIplICity(iee), and thai by hislherllhelr s1gnature(e) on the Instrument, the individual (e), or the person upon bshaII 01 v.fIk:h the Individual (e) ecled, executed the instrument, and that euch indlvldulol made such eppesrance belore the ...,derslgned in the (ilsarllhe City or olhsr poDlIcalllllbchloion) in (end Inserllhe SIs\e or 00unIry or other place the _.........",snt.... taken) (eIgnsIure end oIIIce oll-.altsklng ........-gmenO 141 04 012.000 Sutralk 725 PlClflc St. MlItt1tuck, NY 11852 Reconled at Reqll88t of COMMONWEALTH lAND TITlE INSURANCE COMPANY SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY STREET ADDRESS ST'fGMD FOAM OF NEW YORK BCWID OF 1ITLE UNDB."nlla-. llioIributedby .onwealth CO...ONWMI.:rw: '.AND TrJ'l.D INlLlAANCI:COwP.ufy DuIIeI C:. KaoI, F..sq. Keepn" Keepa, R_" Rasner, LLP PO Box 146 MaaJtadc, NY 11HZ A .......J.J.Wu/cA REllER\IE THI8 apACE FOR UlIE OF RECORIlINO llFFICE ~ " Number of pages TORRENS 3 RECORl)ED 2005 Sep 08 09: 16: 11 RM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNT\' L Dooo12407 P 891 DTO 05-05567 Serial # Cenificate # Prior C1f. # Deed / Mortgage Inslrument De.-d I Mortgal!e Tu Slamp Recording / Filing Stamp.~ 3 FEES Page /!'iling Fee Handling 5. J!!L ~- TP-5K4 -:;;J Notation EA-52 17 (County) -~= EA-5217 (Stale) 'J _ R.P.T.S.A, ,;,?{) ClJ Suh Total JY- Mnngage Amt. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tu Sub Tolal SpeeJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual'I\,wn _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlment Transfer Tu d Mansion Ta~ The property L"Overed hy Ihis mortgage is or will he impnwed by a one or IWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate lax clause on page # of Ihis instrument. -tJr- Comm. of Ed. 5. OIl Affidavil Certified Cupy NYS Sun:hargc Olher 15. J!!L Sub TOiaI GrandTOlal~ . 4 Dist. ICXXl Section Ie.! I Lot 0/1- 5 Co_UDity PreMrvatlon Fund Consideration Amount $ () Real Property Tax Service Agency Veri ficution 14100 0400 012000 CPF Tax Due sc::J Improved v 6 Sulisfactions/DischargesIReleases List Pnlperty Ownelli Mailing AlkIress RECORD & RETURN TO: \<' €.e'1.aM 4. Ku~ I ~ .f~05~, ~. J."'\"t"~OY)~ DAni& c.."'R..o~,~'Su' ;:PD box. Ilj.(p VY\~+Uc..K I 11~ I \QI52.. TD V3CanlLand _ /0' TO TO 7 Information o. Name Title # 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the attached ~Q~ ~ 3. Alt..~E'~ c...J (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ----r1,.-vt.v__ ~ &v-i-+~in The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. made by: TO In the Township of ~~oclon. f. 6ri.f(:;n In the VILLAGE 1'\ M..4.o.L/'t. /LV\ 'E. C'..-r; <<='h or HAMLET of \Ili\.. d:h kK . BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ~u-i9,uk:i... lover) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111/11111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUJ'FOLK COT.1NTY CLBRIC RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number : 05-0093966 TRANSPER TAX NUMBER: 05-05567 Recorded: At: 09/08/2005 09.16.11 AM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012407 891 District: 1000 Section: Block. 141.00 04.00 EXAMINED AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Loti 012.000 Deed Jlmount: Received the Following Fees For Page/Filing COE BA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG BA-STATII: Cert.Copies SCTM COIIIII.Pres Fees Paid $5.00 $15.00 . $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $149.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-05567 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF 'l'HE DlSTRUKII:N'1' THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Roma.ine County Clerk. Suffolk County -- ~~K :::rk! (J d /IV'i f.., fl1 Lwr1.t.n l:, ,~.?..3.f?',3',91 * Cl..-__ I ef' '!! '~~-I '. C3. - I /,.;1., y. t), ?1C4. ......1 8'. 'f'. /1 '". -~ PROPERTY INFORMATION C1. SWIS C_ "-1 ~ 7 ~S .::pesi-h~. \/.,~(J r .,"", JIUIIBR ~ ~dhold InLUYl 0' d>,~iJ1J~ ~i ~+r~ T.....' CQMM."'" _r.- 2.1_ N_ 3. T... IndIaa...... tut... Tax Bill... to be... 1 BIIIng If athar than buvw ...... 1M: boaom of form) . A-. LAIr NAW:/CXIIIMtIY OII'U.' ........" AND 'T1IiI:r NANl C1I'f'OfITOW"t . I, . of Parcols DR ~rt 01. P..... .. indicate me nu....... of A__ .....nt RaIl ,..... tn...... on the ... .. =.... I - Ixl 1 DRI Ileal' . NONTPEET ""'" ..-. ...... ~ I1-NJdlV"-' e. ~ WT "AM: I aJIIMI(y ....- 7. ChKl the bP: ........ wNch mod ICe' ..~,. ....1b.IM __ of III. pI'CIIWty ..... d..... DI--= A~''''''''_~' It 2 Of 3 Family RuldHtiDI C _ V.... Land o Non RlIidel:MiaI Vied t..nd I SAlE INFORMATlON I '"..... ~ Doto NA E ~ AI,........ F Cammorclll G _"' H ~,_ I ~ Cornmo,n;oy So""," I _II K f\IbIicStlrvice J. _ REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK. STAlE BOARD OF REAL PRDfERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 MP-5.Ill''' JM '.!!Jj :JJ ....,- IrATI "",COD! lOnIy'-""-~.",",- "'1'Ionl1Ire -- _AolhoriIyEx.. 0 ... -- _ _RoquInod lor T...- 0 ac._~IorSullcllvlolonwIlhMDp_ 0 ~a..__.__ .. Owr.whip Typo" Candomini... .. Now CanIIruc:cIon on V-=.nc Lind ,... "'-"Y '- _ on............_ ''''~-'--1ncIlcoIing 1llol..._~....AgriouII""_ o o o o , Diy I y.., 11. CheIk _ .. ..... of... _........_. ........ let tnnIIIr. __ or__ SIll BMween RNIed CompInIn or hnnors in Buslneu ""ho~Io_._ ..,., or s.n. it Gcnrernmerw Agency 01 Lending InIllluLion Daod Typo _ W......... or ....... ond Solo (Spodfy Io'owl s.&I or Fr.ctionaI or LoIIlhln Feo Incorut ISpeclry BaIowI SlBnifIcontOlano.ln __nT__.... Solo DO... &.Ire of ....- II tncIuded In s.Io PIa Dlhor UnuIuaI ....... AIloo:Ik1g Sole Prico lSpoc:lly BoIowI No... -. 12. D.. 01 .. I Tr.......r 1\.1" -. ,~(, I 1J5 Ooy y- - 0- .. . , , , . lFult s.ra Price Is 1M rar.1 MKRlnl: peid tor 1M ptOf*tY Incfudlng ........ prapeny'. Thi, PIYfRIIII ,...., be in 1M farm or onh. attl... PfOPMY 01 goodI. or the nsumption d mortglgH or OCher obIigMfons.) ".... found 10 ,,,.,,.,,.., wIIoII ~r MlOUnt. ,..-..........,........ I ,0,0 , IIIrOI*tY IncIudId In the .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dora .hook! IllflllCl the I.t... Finll AAoumeI1l Rolland TI. Bill '3. Full _ Price ,0 ,0 1 1.. V.... aI ---. ._11.... froIII 17. Tabf....... V.. eat... ~ n ~ I --- , , , ,..~a.. I~} ,0 I-LJ 11.......__' rYJA+I-,"-fud( - C.:J-C../((Xft.U.- UF5{1J 2D. T.. Map 1liii_Cali RDI w.nttIIIrlalllf men than tour. ....... .... wtllllIIIdIIkJMI .........1 7:>/~Jy;t'-+ 1000 I 6/oc..k I CERTIFICATION I I ar1IIy .... oil "............, -.... ......... ... tIds,.,. _truo .... ........ ,...... .... "1Il1-...... .... boIII) _ 1_ 'Ilol.... -.... "- _1'-",_ "'_,.,.......... wobjod _10.... __ ".......... "w _10'" -.... uoIl1ill11 "......_ !!Yn!! BUYER'S ATTOIlNEY 01- SP.e:hiJn 41 ~...,... 012- I. ?n"'fA"~~' I - IU'tfIII8>>oA1 ~ . ~ Dl.11 1~3'" I tLrhadl!../,,;.t:/' 7'J,. STllEtT NUIICIli STtlUT NMIl WIlli aAUI R 0';5 ....- tI.31 -- ,M aU-,. -fu cJ( ......'- I 17:t" 1/9.'i2 . ....... SELLER ...a;. -.IL. C. ~ IWDO_~ 6riR7i-, "'S ---- ~",g1J -,- :;..llK'-- !1.o 0 1tlDION __ r NEW YORK STATE COpy