HomeMy WebLinkAbout226 ~K TIMES. fRIDAY. O.t.TOBER 959 . IJEGAL lliOTIC;;'~' , . I " . I ' , ., i lcOOA, for permission to reduce ~ '.' '. Notice of Hearlng .li'ontage and sell as a single 10 , Pursuant to ~~Ion 267 01 the property located on l'pvateRoad, .Town Law and't1ie provisions ',ofl of! Island View Lane, O,eenport, 1 ,the Amended BulldIng ZOne OrdIn- New. York. Lot No. 12 on map of f ss: ance of the Tawn of SouUlold, Suf- property of Frank Horn, oreenpo~, J folk COunty, New YQrk .publle New York. " (I 'hearings will b8 held by the ZOn- 8:00 P.. M. (ED.8.T.l, upon ap-.~ b . :!ng Board of Appeals for the Town, pllcatlon of Jack J. LeVin, Sound ' ....... mm.... emg duly Sworn, ,of Southold, at the ToWn' 'oierit's! View Avenue, SOuthold, New YO,rk, jlnter and Publisher of th 'SUF ' ,Office; M&In Road,Southold, New I for a special exception In aeeord- . e FOLK ,York, on october.22, 1959 on the anee with the ZOning Ordlriarice jlshed at Gree,npon in sa'd ' ; follOwing appeals; . I Article m, Section 300, Sub5ectio,{ , . I county; , 7:30 P. M. (E. D. S. T.l, upon ap- 11. for ~Ion to ereet and hlCh the annexed is a printed 'pUcatlon of Frank E. Horn, Island' maintain dIrectional . advertlalng . copy, View Lane, oreenpo~, New YOrk! sign on the property of Adam Pe- e sald Suffolk Times once in h 'for a variance In accordance with: kunka, southeast side Main ROad. I eac ~tl:n~, ~~~ie ~:I:'ti~' ~r-:.:\.~amomoque, OI:8"n- ......~~.n...........9.:?~............mm....... week~ ~=~:o~nr~:s:na ~n:~~:' plt..~O~' ::. s<:~T~=nu.:;1 m.......~ ~.;~.~mmm...... [property located on l'pvate Roa.t1, Inc., south side Front street, I m... ..... ~ ,off Island View Lane Oreenport' Oreenport, New York, for a special n. n .. . n "","",... ~ INew York, Lot No. u,t No. 9 o,{ exception.1n accordance with the ....~.~ imap of prope,ty of Frank Horn i Zoning OrdInance, Article lV, Sec- .f..... .,.-.....1 ,Oreenport; New York. 'j tion 400, sub5ectlon 9, for perm.ls- -!2 7:<W P. M. . (ED.8.T.l, , upon "'1'_ slon to use prope,rty on the north . 19.':1.-7-.... ./ ,plication of Frank E. Horn, :rsland' Bide School street Extension .for /< :Vlew Lane, Oreenpo,rt, New. York,' storage of buses and services facll- .....-;.:--.....nO..... ....-. ........... ....... ;for a variance In accordance with Itles for s,ame. ' ,the Zoning OrdInance Article m ',F' Any person desiring to be. heard STAN!:; Section 303, and htwie X, sectlo'; on the above applications shoult .................~.~~. ;EY..S:..CORWIN...... '>r t th tIm AR.'.PUBLlC. State of New York ,1000A, .for rperm1.ssl{)n to rec;luce appear a e e and place above' R d "frontage and sen as a single 'lot specified. eSt mg in Suffolk County DATED Octobe elks. No. 52.5826400 ' rproperty located on p,lvate Road . : ,r 8, 1959, Commissio E . loft :rsTand.Vlew Lane, oreenport', By Order'of the Southold ToWn n xptresMarch30,1960 \New york. Lot No. 10 on m"p ~f Board of Appeals. ItOl ;property of Frank Horn, Greenpr/t ' ,New York., . . , 'I 7:50 P. M. (E.D.8.T.l, upon a'll'" plication of Frank E. Horn, Island ,View Lane, Greenp01t, New York,' ifor a variance in accordance with 'the Zoning OrdInance, Article m,' Section 303, and A,rticle X,. Sectiol : '. '" . . Fee $15 paid OWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLlCAT&!;l; N~. 226 1959 DATE.........p...!3l1)..!3r 22, . TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (We) .... .o!.f!..9.\<..3. ,.. .~1(~~...................... .............. .of ...... .....9.9.1,1,1)..9.. YJ.<'!)'!. .Ay.<'!...................................... Nome Street ond Number Southold Municipality N.Y. .................................................... Stote hereby opply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for a SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordonce with the ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE ILL SECTION 300 SUBSECTION 11 THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE: I wish to erect and maintain a directional advertizing sign aproximately 6ft6in by 12ft 6in on the property of Pekunka, S/E Side main road ( Route 25) Arshamomaque, Greenport, N.Y. This sign to give location and advertize the"GREENPORTER MOTEV', directions to reach same, and features, facilitys etc of the motel. There is at present no advertizing or directional signs for this motel anywhere in the To\VD, other than the sign on the premises of the motel. This type of directional advertizing sign is essential to the operation of motels. Attached is sketch of the proposed location area, and i~the proposed sign, together with written permission from the owner of the land. The Board's favorable consideration of this application will be appreciated. ~:::~~'o~ "m~~~ Sworn to this ..-<J...~ay Of......~199."Y.. ..............~~.~~.... JUDITII T. BOKEN rfotary Public, State of New York No. 52-0344963. Suffolk County .Comm"sion ...~iIQS Mal.ch 3U, l~ jI FORM ZB2 \ ,i " -:. i I = . . I 1 pr, ;nOfC I"'~ I Pi _ _________ ' -' ---\'--- -"'-- . 'I, 'r,-'---- . I t il <i ';; I "j :! ~ l>, 5. ~ . ~ } ~~i : '~ \ "-' , Q.. V 'H___ , "< --- ~fl.-i!",.o I:J I \ "'/c~<l'",<) "0 Q) \ <-j." ,l.J. <1" /0 ' ~ I: ,\; , ~, r:--~ \ ~ \ ~:t:, \ 'L, </\'\ .q; \ ~ /( - 2O?i, / \ '\ _.' /1.> " .-' G-> 'j \. 4- '-! \ " <i, ~ t!J \ ; Cb \ ~ ~ 11 ~ "\ , \ f\- 1\ . Ii I' 'l " 0~ :r J I - ---...--.0 \ / I '------- 1- '-....~, N - x. ~ ~ ~~ ~ I I ri ~ ;~"~ t~ ~ f. -..!> :.n {~T' ""f 21 91 a:P ~l dE '6'1 Ill. ;l2., V ::ll - ./ V J d- ..1. '.- rtf <(j 2" I -, r) >: 0- ., O R;i C/; ~~ U-: ! / 'r" /<S\l\J.~ <-":"-/1 f','-' // I z '" 0 ~ 11 I I I , ~ , . 1 /' , -. JL 0:.) ~. ~ J;>' ~ ~ t -'. " , ~~ ".. ~<y' ~\J .~~" . " .. FORM NO. 1 .. ~, ,. TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined ..."'..............................,. 19........ Application No. ................................ Approved . ...... .... ,.., ...... .......,. ....'., 19........Permit No. Disapproved alc ...... ....... ....... ..................................... ..................,., ..... ..... ,.. Q ...................................................,..............S'.................................................... o (Building Inspector) . Sign APPLICATION FOR BDIDm1Ki PERMIT . \ / Dote....... ......., ..... ...Sep:tembeJ:....22. ......., 19.59... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must, be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving 0 detailed description at layout of prape,rty must be drown on the diagram which is port of this location. c. The work covered by this application may not be commenced be,fore issuance of Building Permit. , (\ d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue 0 Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit sholl be kept on the premises avcijlable for inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building sholl be occupied or used in whole. or in port for any purpose whatever until 0 Certificate of Occupancy sholl hove been granted by the Building In~pe,ctor. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Deportment for the issuance of 0 Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the. Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Lows, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or 0 Iterations, or for removal or demolition. os herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable lows, ord inances and regulations. Jack Levin Mgr. Greenporter Motel (Signature of applicant, Or nome, if 0 carparotion) Saund View Ave. Southold N.Y. ...........................................1.....................1.............................. (Addre,ss of applicant) State whether applicont is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. ... ..........................,.. ..~~r.~!l~r...:: ..M~m~g~r.. .)~f... ~~g!!..~),!!!~!:.'?\:1.i'p.......,...................,........................................................... Nome of owner of premises....... ...!;.9-.~.f!1.... .~.E.l.~':1!?:~.. .....~....... ................................................................................... ............... .. If applicant is 0 corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. (Nome and title of corporate. officer> L' t' f I d h' h d k '11 b d M N' Peconic BaIT Estetes L t N .186 1. oeo Ion 0 an on W Ie propose war WI e one. ap Q. "....................tf..................... 0 0...................., Street and Number ... J?!.~. ...!?J.<:l.E.l... ..'A'!-JI!:. J.l~I!:r;J,.. Pl,~. ..~.?)...... A.r.,?~.m.o.m~.q1!:e.,.. .G.:r'?E.l.I!:P.o.r.i;,.}1 ~.y.~...................... .... Municipality 2. State existing use and occupancy of premises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy ......!f.'!-.r.'A..Hi\n9:............................. ............. ........................ ....... ........ ....................... b. Intended use and occupancy .............~.~:r.'?~.i;~O''''B:1...s.~gIl....... ...... ........ ......... ........ ........................ ...................... ~ 1;,'<> ,,~ 9. 10. ll. 12.' 13. 3. Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building .................... Additian....................Alteratlan.......~...:.::..:~. Repair .................... Removal.................... Demalit.ian.................... Other Work (Describe) ....s.~g.I,l......... 4. Estimated Cast ............... ................... .......................... Fee . .$.. .$...J,Q................ ............................................................ (to be paid an filing this application) < .. - 5. If dwelling, number of dwelling units..........................Number of dwelling units an each floor.................................. If garage, number of cars... .............. .............:........ ................... ............. ... ..... ........ ....... ........ ...... ....... ....... ........ ........... 6. If business, commercial. or mixed occupancy, specify nature and extent of each type of use..p.;it.'~.<?t.~...1!.i.~.n...... . 7. Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Fran!............................ Rear ............................ Depth ................................ Height ............................ Number of Stories ............................................................................................................. Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear ................. ~ ............... Depth ................................ Height ................................ Number of Stories ................................ .. 8 D' . f . . F R ~ . ImenSlans a entire new construction: rant ............................ ear ............................ Depth ............................ Height ............................ Number of Stories................................ Size of lot: Front .....?9.................... Rear .....5.,<?...:................ Depth ..}~~..;?............... Date of Purchase ..............................................::.........Name of Farmer dwner ........................................................ , Zone Or use district in which premises are situated.........~!A.'~..^il,:?............................................................................. ~ Does pr9pased construction violate any zoning law, ordinance or regulation? ............,V,Q..........,............................ Nome of Owner of premises..A,...P.'i\K\m4.................Address .....A:r..~&:!D~~~q~E!............. Phone NO. .................... Name of Architect ....................................................Address .......................................... Phone NO. .................... Name. of Contractor ....!.,...~~y.:j,"'.................................Address .........~~~:t~.'?~~................. Phone NO. .................... .. / " PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly and distinctly all buildings, whether existing or proposed, and indicate all set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street and black numbers or description according to d~ed, and shaw street names and indicate whether interior or corner lat. ~ p- ., ~ t ",. t . .' , .r 21~~,.$FO~E~~~.~.......3S. s. ........................................;r~~~..;r;!'!~;i~......................................being duly sworn, deposes ahd says that he is .the applicant (Name 'of ind'ividual signing application) . above named. He is the .........0m.~.r:...9K...?JE.~...-:-...~!g:r...9.r.. .~,1~:t;~;L........ ..................... ........ ............... ........ ...... ..................... (Contractor, agent, corporate. officer, etc.) of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized to perform or hove performed the said work and to make and file this application; that all statements contained in this application' are true. to the best of his knowledge and belief; and that the. work will be performed in the manner set forth in the application filed therewith. Sworn to before me this ................gg.... day of ................$.~.p.~.~l)l.~~r....... 19..5.9....... Notary Public, .......................................................... ~aunty , (Signature of applicant) I \///, , . l,~. . y,' .. .. ~n ; it enu Ift!g :J}ti!I,'JP~I. lJ.ni!1 iiijtf Jri ~l dft;~ ill.:< I!l"al' . f. f.l' It :!!' ,n.il .:~ ' . _ ~ lI"O fA-'..lt ... 8 .. ~..... ., 0 ....,.~ ,I... '" pi.,I-.,(3 I.t.. ' ". l' - 0 4 i~ t .c Irja :td! ..a :~.:'tji>r a . '""I.-il ,~- .~ ,. , li~~(a -' "1.. .~ :.. , lit.. ~ ....., - - '. !It. f I"." I, .. r It G, ',.. l!I ... - '- Gl .J . . -. ~ :lla~ #~ii;" t'"i, , :-. q'<l(~." :' - ~ ' ]i.-, ,O' _t'.. "'~r;J .' ~. . I a.~ ' r i t;~Qli w ~ "s. ,It d I' ...r I II' ",f I( f Sl '~ " .... ~j. ~ if. I S'ffti.. i i!lt! . ~Jlefl: '~fl~fl" · ~Jlii II -. J:. ir:~ ~. :': ' -. I .. g3(i. ~ it i~;i!~ ;;lti~n !~~;.; id;iji .'d?J. .!l~t. . ... .... . r . n .. ~.'l~~ ~ffJJ~ IriiJt liii Jt. lililJt;~r.'.i .. . ! . ., ... P' ~ ._~. ..~.!". ... ~.l'. . .: '. l ...i;y>-".-.'~' . - Legal Notic e -2- Copies mailed to the following on October 9, 19591 The Su1'folk Times The Long Island Traveler-MattitUckWatchman Frank E. Horn Jack J. Levin Sunrise Coach. Lines, Inc. SOMl!;OflE SHOULD APPEAR AT THE HEAR.J:Nlh --- ~ - , . . . . Np O~~J!) ~HOTEL IN THE CENTER OF L. 1. VACATIONLAND T V IN EVERY ROOM OPEN ALL YEAR AIR CONDITIONED PHONE GREEN PORT 7-0066 S"eptember ,0, 1959 BOard of Appeals SilutholdTown Southold, L.I.,New York Gentlemen I Permission has been granted to J. J. Levin to erect and lIII.inta'in a directional sign for the Greenporter &tel, which meets zon1!lg requirements" on IIW property. signed, Adam fltkunka t1. PJl~ --=-- v..- . - ~ /.\. /; ...."/'.... ,"~. 'lo'. . , II I ~ I I' I j J 1 .. _. -. -' 1-' \ '" , khr.seClb", . -n 960 br.zoc.. I"o;:r;-,.- -qo~ L 5'1",'.. .,.. v t, ~. ,~ Mr. Jack Levin c/o Greenper~er Motel Greenport, New York Dear Jack: ~ August 11, 1960 Pleaee be adviaed that the sign you erected on the east side of Route 25, Arshamomaque, Greenport, baa been placed in the wrong location. It must be immediately moved to the approved location at the north side line of premises of Adam PeJcunlta, approx- imately 155 feet southerly from the intersection of Pipes Neck Road and Route 25. Also at thie date the fee for the permit baa not been paid for this sign. , YcpW pr~p~ aJ;tenUon to this ,matter is respectfully requested. I' " / . 1 { very,'truly yours, , ard M. Terry d1D:J Inspector / n !JI