HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12211 P 993 JiIf ~ ..'" .., ... .. , 8ARGAlNAND SALE DIED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDMDUAL OR CORPORATION) Ll dJll q q D STANDARD NYBTU FORM 1001 P CAtmClM: 11lU ~ RIOOL!UIIll PRIP;NREIlIY IlH ,A1tI)Ill!iIIIV IlHD IItIVIIlWW; 11'1' ....1'TOII:IillMi roa lillIJJ!lI AM) l'UIlafASlIlll811J'lOllE SlOlIMi1 TI"IS INDENTURE, made lihc Sepl_bet If, 1002 IIItw_ i Y 1\ - C;',I I ' (' st'A.N1.EY E. SWANSON DII,SiWIJtON M. SWANSON. ...-. DllwIle,.. ~'e'.... Uq IitouR& ~N'Y Ill95J ,..,. of_ flftot pari. IJl'ICl MeRARD N., HORTON _d LiIBA MARIE AJlil"fONGEORGJ... Jl*t- wkIl riIIbt of.. ~'t.rRIp ....... .. J465 ....... 'RBd. Ctill. oS", NY n935 piny of thl= __ put. WlTNE881!;hl. dw die,..,. aI'dIe ~ put. in ~ of Ta DoIIm ad am. 1awIII1 ~on. Iawft.!I ~ of the Un~d sw.. paid b)' die panyotthe IeCOmf pari. does bcnIby pm ad le....lm'IO lihc plIn)'oftl:iill,KCood parl.1ibo 'r"' Of fIil'tm$?l'$ ad _1M ofdlepmr of the -=and put r_. pany of AZ.L die amain plot. p/ec:c or pIln* of land, with lihc IlaitcmJp IUld impro",~~1IlIIW IMnoalll1et1li1d. sihWe.1)'ims lIl1Id being III MlIftiwck. Tow", of Soulhold. County ofSllffa4k ad SlaofNew YotL ~E SCHEDUl.E . A' AlTACHIED HERETO AND MAD6 A PART HEREOF AI to. ponion of*' pnmIiHI: SIlmIlIy K SWoIIIIIm IUld Shanm M. Swm-. lIis wiM, b)' dad .... 3IaV. IL'C:OIdcd 4"," in ~Dct Ulfl30 CP S07 ..fide ">"1. H.lIllL Alto _iAdcltofplelniHI: Stu~ Sv._ ad SbIron S"-r"""", his wifc,b)'deeddlrc:cl2l14i96.l'IlClIrIkd 3/11915ln L.ibcr 11164 CP SM 114_ byRDbm D. HanU_ St.._ Hw-'......atlhlll...Will adTlsllmCllC of ..,D. ifUmillOn. 'RtQEI'IIEIl willt .U riFt. titkl jmd ~If Ill,.. oldie pmy of lhIII flnC ,..111 ad 10lllY JiII'CC:U lIl1Id lOIillI; abmtinllihc abowo ~ pn::mtse:slOlIie c:ca:Iet liRa thc:m:Jf. TfjlGlJTHlJR with lhIIIappllnct'W1CU ad IIlllhllllUl.Ull IUld riptJ of lhIII.J*l)' or die ftrtt put in 1Uld1O .id J:I"llTl!1ill$, Tfjl HA V'B AND m ROLD lihc ,__ ..... pIIfIIIIlllllto lhIII J*l)' of*' J!IiC 11>4 put. die !win: 01 SII~ ad US-gill of the ~ or_ __ PIf1 (q,.....t. AND lihc J1IlJ'l)' of die flnC ptu1. ec.....n.ntl dlal._ 'pIlft)" 01'_ fmr~' _ _ dOne or IUfflmId ~ ~ the aid ~i:sa IlIvc ~ _~mbeled in.,. wa,. wballMl', ueept raa*-id. IIND lilt pIlft)'oflihc rim put. in~l,-wkliI Sctiao 13 ofllie,1._ 1.&w.m'- -*$ _*'~ oflhlll flm ~ wit! ~ die ~ for this ~ ad willlIold' _Iism lO",,*w IIIIIh COIlIidenriOOIlS . hit lfiltid to be applicdl ftrtt fOf _ purpc:III& orpliylng 1M cmt or_ im,.o~ ad will ~dIe_ rim 10 the ,~ oldie cmt oflihc In=prowemmc bd'on VlIna illY .pM' of'dIe 1ClIlld of__ for UI)' edta' ~ The WORt "plIIt)'" Wllllll C1llllStIlIled .. if it IelId "putia" ~ the... ofa iwldeaIure $0 m;j!.Iiru. ~ P I' .. r lloIl.... "-... Moll>Mo- (WtOI .1. ~~D.'I 1 ". . A .. , TlCOR TITl..E liNSURANCE COMPANY LEC.w. DESCRIPTION 11Ie NIltIlblIr: U(l~-0002~ <' ;. N.L 1'HAr CIIftADl p~, $>1:acB. oa 'MaL OF UiW. $ITttAU, I..YnIQ. JI\e NlDIG AT MTl'tTUC1!I: lit TIQII 'I'OIQI OF SOln'lIOLD" COUII"n:' OF SI1I"POLlt MIlil STIa'Jl Of' _ 'tQRl( 8lIXlIlG IIIOQIIIDBI) 1IlQ;I' DISC1I.nJIm. AS PO,.r I'IWi r ..IWulIi AT A ICl.IIIT OIl 'nil llIClRm'WU.h...LY aUla OF MIlXlLB lOAD 1c:R U. lllISrlliln' 'n.::iIO PIII':r SOU1"~.dul.r.Y AS KllAStIUD lI\U)JilG 1'8lI N01l.'11QfDIU1.YlIIH or MIJlOL8 RQIlD CCXlllWrr IlQl\D <llIl f'RCM 1'8lI COUlllt I"ORIiIIl1) In' TlIIl lll"1'laDlCTIOIiI OF TlIIl nSIlmI.Y $Ula OFIf85'~A AVSIiIU'Il WITH Mr N01l.TKlf85'TKlQ.Y SIDliI or IfIam..B Il.O.lID rat .1) J -DIG THIIllTCB SOb........sUW;.y IiUlIltI TlIIl JIORmwutmu;YSIH OF "iUlllLI lOAD ICII 181 1'8lI l'01.LOIl'IlllG :l COC1Il$U MIlilIUS't':NiICD, L 8lXlTK;N ~Il: fll IfIWTlS <13 SBOl:IRDS 'lasT t. 11 I'EIIT '%0 III ~; . <I, AI'.iOIIO All AIle OF A am..,. IlSo.vywQ '%0 TItIl JUGilT MVDIO A IAI:lIUS OF 1.8.2'. ,II PIII':r II LaIII:ml' Of' 203 .1' 7DT TO A ~I 'I!IIIICB IIIIDItTII 112 ll)~i:1I' 52 ~ 14 ,~ 'NItS'1" AI'.iOIIO TlIIl LIIlQ;I HOW OIl POIDI8IlLY D'l~~ 2;U.!lS f\D'r; TKI1lliElI liII:l!ll:TH 32 n_"",,, 3 II! MIJIUTBS ll'll' ~ nsr AI'.iOIIO LIIlQ;I HOW OIl I'OIlIURLY aria eg, U f\D'r '%0 THB sotmIIIlAST:IlRLY SImt 0'1' BOa'l'Olt AVIRU'I; 1--'-" JiOl'n\ 51 t'-R~ 20 lmiItI"rU 51 SIICOIil.:IS D81' ~ 1'8lI SOm!MbS-nIlU:" aIDS OF illDJl'l'Olil AV'IIIIIUB' 111 .114 1"lm'J' TO ~ '1ilOiI OR POIilMBRLy lltMl tm::l'N J 'mDICB 8lXlTK '" ~ 36 "IIiItITKS 00 SIICOIil.:IS D81' At.C1Iil'G :I.M:T Mlllft'%ClRI) LAIllD8 AIIW A.t.olIlG LAIIIl)S 1I/OW OIl JrOllJCIWi.y >>o.ln"R J'Cl:K CRtIIU::H OF ~IST 3&1.]2 f\D'r \to THJf ~LY SImt 01' MIDt>LB Jtl:lAl) .(C11 Ul 'AT nIB POIill' OR ~ OF lI""OiIranJIQ. POll ~TIOIiI OIi'Ly, DIS'rRIC'r lll'O(t SBCrIQII 1(1.00 lW><:lt 02.00 W'to:u.. ll'OI iii .~ LlII:QIU. lllBSc:RtPnOlil. DS/UfO:.! . ' . ~ , IN wnNll!I8 WIlBUOF, _ PI!rb' of_ ftnt pn ... ctWy ~ 1his cIocIlI dte a,.,. ftnt 1bowI--..ln-. _~ Z-~ ITMLBV&.: . ARSON ~ V)j. ~l~ M. SWAl'CSOft STATEOF N!WVORK ) )IS.: COU'NT'V OF SUFFOl.K ) Qa, IIhc 16111, of ~. JOO2, beCon 1M, ..lIIIdct........ ~ I~ J ~ 1TANJ...n'E. SWANSON ...1BAR0flf M. SWANSON. f*1OlI&Ily bown to me or prowed 10 me on..... or .~ nidllMClION .. imllYklua/(s) whose nIIl8ll(l) iI(lRI) Illllocllbcd 10 dte ~~. _IlOW!ed;p1O mrolblt he ~""'.._ in ..~),........II)' ItI.liplll'UN(l)on dte m.uwlltlllt. the indlvldUlI(I). ar .. per'Il1ft.upcm ....., otwll:idl" indMduaI(t) IillIIlII.IIlCIIIlIIlIId .. m.umllllt. ~ ) ~ SA- ......L""'='__ IIO\MY~'E~ "...L. Or~1n ,,In.. (/C1 Q...~L. or ...........l'l. - DEED ~ sw A.\lilSON To HORTON. ANTONGEORGI ScdioIl 141.. Btock 12M ... 'lUll.. 121'- Co-aylll'Town StlFFOLK RetliU.. Mall Tell RJcIIard P. ....... ... P.O. Boa91J C~NY 11935 Rill..'.... Spud'orUse 01- Oftke M'I'IIl.Ii." . r......................_ .!,. ~c..,.aI.Ch . J CL 2 J N\IlIIiloor(llJlflllC'll TORRENS $crill!! CmiflQll;' /1_ I'ri!!t at .. _ 4 ~ , M<<r,ppI!lllMlmll "'Fililll Fw I~ TP.ss.I NIotIaion M+n 17 (COImIY) E.\.UI7ls.cJ M.P.T,S,^- ~ of Ed. Affilloa\d!l CcnifiN Olpy :::~ r - r - )" _ SlIb Tillll! ~.- .... .,.. - ~~ - , ~, ~.....y Tilt S&Imp 77-- 1 flE~ 2002 SIp 30 l212Gs 35 PIiI EMn:I P..... a.RIF ~ CCUfTY . l 1lGG0122U p~ DTI~ RA:coc....' Fill. SllllJlJl$ ~ I\mt. I.~T.. 2,,~..-'Tu SUb TOlIit SllKJ~ Or ~ 1M>! toT. MTG. fA lC o.J TOttI! Held for ^ Tl'IlnJIi - - - DIad C...y ./ - - K, ~ Sub,... OLANO TOTAl. 7~ I02.~ '1' T. ~ ". . It)'-''edflydi.~I''w wll M lmptoll'" 11.)' 1111111" II!llwO fIlIIil: 0llI)', ves II!lNO ."......- .. daIotc., PIlle i litis ) )iT_ServIce ~ YeriJDtian - Dill. '_ Saulon D lode '- _.... :: @_,"~_~,_ 3 s.tis"'~&>R~';~~~i~"-. ..-....J 9 IUQiARD F. LARK. ESQ. P.O. lox 9.13 COTCHOGIJE. NY 11935 TO TD 'TO J 0(10 7- , Title Com, , ..rO,..tiaa Co. Name nCOR tlTlt JNSUR. CO. Tilld 1 Suffolk Count Recordin. & Endorsement P e Thill t.>>IC forms p.v1 or l.h! Illta.:IlL'd _ STMLEY E. SWMsew AIll.l $HARtlW M. SiiANSOII TO RICHW H,liQ8TQII AND LISA MRlE MTOllGEORIU OEED (SPB:rFYTYPEOFI~J lhCl P',*"..-hcmft is IIiIUl1ded 1ft SUtlOLK COllNTY. NEW YORK. l'n the TOWll$hip or SOUTHOlJ) In_ YIlJ..A(:JE or IIAMLET or .made: by, OOXES 5 nlRU 9 MUST BE TYPeDOR' PfUNl'ED IN BlACK INK Q\lL V PRIOR TO RECOIUXI<<lQR RUNG. 11111111111111 I.IIHI SOrJ"OX.lC comrn" CL'DK RBCOJQ)S. U&'"lfICS RECORDING PAGE .".". of Ineb:ulll8nt: DUDS/DOlO RUIIbe~ o~ P:age8: i 'l'It.UI8I'D. TAX 1\1tDIBiID.: 02-108984 Di.triat: 1000 s.otion: 8loolt : 141.00 02.00 ItXMmIXD AHD~"D As $280,000.00 ~:cded: At.: LlBBR: PAGa : Lot: 021.008 Oi/JO/20D2 12:20:35 1M 000012211 993 OeedMlcwlt.: tnt IQIfS ~1Fi.linq CCIB IA-en' 1'p-5N U1' ~.fer tax ...1 ~ __ FoUOVinv ..... J"oI7 J\l::love tnet:.nment B~t NO KIm:cll.inV NO Nr8 SUiRCSt: NO ItA-aZUl: NO c:ert.OQp1a8 NO SC'l'M NO ec.m. Pre. F... hid '12.00 $&.00 $5.00 $$.00 $30.00 '1,120.00 '5.00 '15.00 $25.00 $0.00 '0.00 $2.600.00 '3.122.00 .--.t NO NO NO NO NO NO 1'J!IM1SP&R 1'AX .-1l: 02-085118", THIS PAGE 18 A PART OF'l'IIE IMS'I'ItUMIiN'r Ec:Iwardp. .......,~ l.mt COunty Clerk. Suff'oU CoImty +.'~ '"'~.., .~ .. ,. P,opo.rty L-.J325 Location STREET NUMBER Rnnte 48 STREET NAME ~o~)aQW REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ,STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-5217 Re'l'3197 111952 ZIP CODE ~i._k Il.:I.cb.ard III. FIRST NAME 2. Buyer L-.Jlort:on Name LAs.r NAME / COMPANY t L-!lntougeorgi. LAST NAME! COMPANY J4sa Mar:ie FIRST NAME 3. Tax Indicate where future Tax Bills are to be sent ,BOling if other tl,an buyer address (at bottom of form) L-- Address LAST NAME I COMPANY L- STRI,ET NUMBER AND STREET NAME ClTYORTOWN .t. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed W # of Parcels OR 0 Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size lOR L 'ACRES' I . LfLJ L ORONTFEET Ixl DEPTH FIRST NAME STATE Z1PCQDE (Only if Part of 8 Parcell Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists 0 48. Subdivision Approval was Required fOf Transfer 0 4C. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided 0 6. Seller Name LAS'IFM~_ANY C:F~MldiY Il L---.:!lw8DSOll LAST NAME! COMPANY Sharon K. FIRST NAME 7. Check the box billow which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: A~ One Family Residential B 2 or 3 Family Residential C .. Residential Vacant Land D Non-Residantial Vacant Land f~ E ~ Ag,;cultucal I ~ F Commercial J G Apartment K H Entertainment I Amusement L Community Service Industrial Public Service Forest Check the boxes Ilelow as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land o o o o 10A. Property Located within an Agricultural District 10B. Buyer received a disclosure notice indicating that the property is in an Agricultural District 11. Sale Contract Date 15" Check one or more of these conditions as appficable to transfer: I 7 I 25 I 02 Month Day Year i? ! ",':2--1 I c..;/ I Month Day Year A B C D E F G H I J 12. Date of Sale I Transfer I f 13. Full Sale "'Ice , 2 ,8 , 0 ,0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 I , , 0 (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goclds, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dollar amount. d 14. Indicate the value ~ personal I I I I I I I I 0 , 0 I property Included In the sale . :f;;;' . 1~~iIRH .. ~~il.~~tl!lll.:.l!l~~'1.*ijjjjtl 16. Year of"Asseesment Roll from u:Ll-J I 17 Total Ass8ssed Value lof all parcels in transfer) which informatil)n taken . 18. Property Class I d, I, (. JI-U 19. School 0151,1" Nomo I ~f~ 20. Tax Map Identifier{s) I Rollldentifier(slllf more than four, lrttach sheet with additional identifier(s)) 1000-141.00-02.00-021.008 Sale Between Relatives (jH Former Relatives Sale Between Related Cdlmpanies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is alsQ a Seller Buyer or Seller is Goverrnment Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or LesS than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Pr?perty Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price her Unusual Factors Meeting Sale Price (Specify Below) None ; --:, (" , 7.. 5"1' , ; 1'-11- d- -~I. ~ I ~!l I certify that aU of the items of infonnation entered on this fonn 8retnle and correct (to the best of my knowledge and beUeo and I understand that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein wiD SUbjl~ me to the provisions of the oenallaw relative to the making and filing of false insmnuents. BUYER BUYER'S A!lTORNEY ,,1 I .-- La..y )~ LAST NAME f), I / L., If t /' / l~-r tlAME / - ;- M,~j 0 -' DATE BUYER SIGNATURE I" 4v ,/._\ V. ':; ,'\ ~\. C. L l'-(~l'--cY STREET NAME (AFTER SALEl (., 1;. , AREA CODE STREET NUMBER /" \,. \\. CITY OR TOW ( \r;"/''':-- , ./ ., ZlPCOOE ",.- ,'^- Q (, r~1 (J/ Q !d'" V ...::J r- "Xi l/l/IIj ~R SIGNATURE: !; i"SELLER -~~, I eN .-0J 1 J( ,~: dJ1ll~, 'f Jlb/!! 73,/- h?:C)] TELEPHONE NUMBER I CIT~iw:tj ~Am!S~ I y; " ' I"'