HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12421 P 794 . <.."1 _ ... . ....,.,. , N 0I1\1~ '. (\ ~A,"'- \orlS L i ,2lf}) f7q0 '1);) ('" - - , (lOa Xc. - - 31 '"E\<" 1 lor ~ 3 J- 7- Z QuiKIDn Drted-lndI..~ arC"arpnrar.1an cllaaJc..... . . THIS INDENTURE, mat.k 111I: (, day of(1g bv ,two thousand live BETWEEN JANIS B. HULSE 8520 Main Road. Easl Marion. New York 11939 party of Ihe first parI. and JEFFREY B. HULSE. 3 North Harbor Down. Miller Place. New York 11764 and CAROi.AK^L1N. 3236" Street, Grc..'cnport. New York 11944, as tenants in common. pany of the lIC.'COIId pan, Oc 5C 'n pfr en., 15 ~ rA eyyo[, I V( reM J eA --kl d ce& I( t-o t- 8 WITNESSE11I, lhal the pany of the first pan. in CllIIIiOOaIion often DoUars and Olher valuable COIISideralion paid by the pany or the lIL'COI1d pany, does h=by graDl and rdease unto the pany of the SCCODd pan. the heirs or SIla'~ lIIIlI assigns or Ihc pany of the second pan forever. ALL lhal certain plot, pk:ce or parcel or land, with the buiIdiDgs'and impruvemrms Ihen:on Cm:lo:d, situare, IYiDa and beiDa at EasI Marioo, Town or SowhoId, COlII\Iy or SuIfoIk lIIIlI Slale of New yurt. bowxIed IInd d..'scribed ... follows: SEE SCHEDULE. A. ANNEXED HERETO. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the sarno: pmnises COIlYCyN 10 the pany of the first pan lIIIlI Marilyn Quilllalla and Garrison M. Brown as IrIIIIIlIS in COllUllon by deed daJed the I" day or February, 2000 and reconIcd on the 22" Day or ~r. 2000 in the n:curds of Ibc Suffolk Coumy Clerk. TOGE'I1IEK with all righI, liIle lIIIlI inleresl. if any, or die pany of the firsl pan in lIIIlI III any streets lIIIlI mads abutting 1be aboYI: described pn:mises In the c:enler Iincs Ibo:n:oC; TOGETHER with die appurto:IWICes lIIIlI all the eswc and rights or the pany of the lil'Sl pan in and 10 said premises; TO HAVE AND TO 1I0LD the premiSl.'S herein granlCd UOlO the pany of the SCCODd pan. the beirs or SUl:Cesson and assigns or !be pany or the lICCOnd pan forcy.,r. AND Ihc pany or the first pan c:oveDlUUS WI the party of the nnil pan has DOl done or suffmd anything wbereby lhc said premises baYe been m:1IDIbcmJ in any way whalcver. except as aforesaid. AND the pany of the nnl pan in compliance with Seclion 13 or !be Ucn Law. covenants tha1lhc pany or the til'Sl pan will reccive tbe consideration fur this ~'OIlYeyancc and will bold tbe righlto receive 811Cb consideration as a Iru5I fimd to be applied finI lor the purpose of paying the cost of Ihc improvcm."IIl and will apply tbe same nl'Sl 10 Ibo. paymem of the cost or Ihc impmwlllcDl before using any pan or Ihc lotal or !be &IIIlC for any other purpo&c. The work "party" s1ud1 be col1lilnlCd as if it read "parties" Wbl.'lIL'YI9' the Sl'llSe or this indenture so n:quin:s. IN WITNESS WIIEKEOF. the pany or Ibe til'Sl pan bas duly execulCd this dc.:d the day and ~'ar til'Sl above wrilten. In Pn:SCI1U or.' ()/J.Au:'J B. 4,1,.-9 ~LSE' . ,. .. "./ ,-_./ SCHEDULE "A" PARCEL I All that piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being at East Marion, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a concrete mon~ment on the easterly line of Bay Avenue at the northwesterly comer of the premises herein descrilbed and at the southwesterly comer of the llind now or formerly of Henry Hedges; running thenc~ easterly a10Dg said land of Henry Hedges 115 feet, mon: or less; thence southerly aloDg said IIUld of Henry Hedges to the head of an arm of Marion 4Jte; thence southeasterly along the southwesterly shore of said Marion Lake to the land now or formerly of Schmidt; thence westerly along said land of Schmidt to said easterly line of Bay Avenue; thence northerly along said easterly line of Bay Avenue to the point of beginning. Together with all right, title and interest of the party of the first part in said Bay Avenue and said Marion Lake abutting the premi~s. PARCEL 2 All tbat piece or parcel of land situate. lying and being at East Marion; Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and dcsc:ribed as follows, viz: Beginning at a concrete monument on the easterly line of Bay Avenue at the southwesterly comer of land now or formcrly of Rllymond and on the northerly line of a 24 foot rigbt of way; running thence easterly along said land of Raymond 100 feet; thence northerly along said land of Raymond 100 feet to land now or fomlerly of Lemley; thence easterly along said land of Lemley to the southl:asterly corner thereof; thence northerly along said land of Lemley and land now or formerly of McGrain 150 feet to the land now or formerly of Crowley; thence easterly along said land of Crowley to said Marion Lakej thence southeasterly along said Marion Lake 250 feet, more or less, to the land now or formerly of Ketcham; thence westerly along said land of Ketcham to the northwesterly corner thereof; Ilhence southerly along said land ofKetcbam 50 feet to the southerly line of said 24 foot right OfW~LY; thence westerly along said southerly line of said right of way 210 feet to said easterly line ofBlIY Avenue; thence northerly along said line of Bay Avenue 24 feet to the point of beginning. Together with all right, title and interest of the party of the fust part in said Bay Avenue and said Marion Lake abutting the premises. Being and intended to be the slune premises conveyed to Edna A. Brown by deed dated the 27'" day of February, 1945 and recorded at liber 2426 page 540 on the 6'" day of March, 1945. ~. . STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNlYOF .50t'(,CI\."- SS.: On the b -H.: day of Oc-hll"e.v ,200S. before me, the uodl:rsigned, pel10Dlllly appeared JANIS B. HULSE, penona1ly Imown lO me or provL'lI 10 me on the basis (If satisfaetory evidence lO be Ibe individuaJ(s) whose nam:(s) is (an:) subscribed to the within inslr1ll11eN and acknowledged 10 me 111m belsbe/they eXOClUd the same in hisIher/their eapacily(ies), and thaI by hislbcr/their signatwe(s) on the instrument, the iDdjviduaJ(s), Dr the person upon bcbaIr of whicll the individua!(s) acted, executed the insl nl. ary MElANIE DOllOSICI I01MYPUB~NIw\1lrll No. 01 0 GualllIed In SutIaIk CountY lammIuIan..SIpIIIIIbIr S'lClCQb STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNlY OF SS.: On the day of 19 , before me persooally came lO m= Imown, who being by me dilly sworn, did depose and say thaI he resides at No. ; that he is the of the corporalion dcsl:ribed in and which exrcuu:d the foregoing illSlrlllDeN; that he Imows the seal of said eolJlOfalion; that the seal afruted 10 said inslnuncnl is such corporale ,scaJ; thaI il was so affixed by order of the board of dircclOrS of said corporation. and that he sigJled h name \herelO by like corder. IIO\ary QVITCLALl\t DEED JANIS B. HULSE TO JEFFREY B. HULSE & CAROL KALIN STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNlY OF SS.: On the day of , 19 . before me. the lIIIlIo:rsigDlld. personally appeared , personally Imown 10 me Dr proved 10 me on the basis of satisfacmry evidence 10 bc the inlJjviduaJ(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the within iDstrument and acknowledged 10 me that he/sbeJthey executed the same in hislher/their eapacily(ics), and that by hislhcr/their sigD8lUrc(s) on the instrumenl, !he individual(s). or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, executed the instrumenl. IlOI8ry STATE OF NEW YORK. COUNTY OF SS.: On the day of 19 . bcforc me, the undersigned, pcrsooaIly appc:arL'd . the subscribing wiUICSS 10 the foregoing inslr1ll11enl. with whom I am personally acquainted, who bcing by me duly sworn. did depose and say that he/she/they residers) in (if the place of rcsidL'f\Ce is in a city. include the slreet and SIJ"L'd number. if any, !herroO ; that belshe/they Icnow(s) to be the individual described in and who executed Ihc IOrcgoing instrumo:nl; that said subscribing willless was pn:senl and saw said execute the same: and that said willleSS at the same lime subscribed his/her/their name(s) as wilness thereto. nolary sa:noN 31 IIl.OO: 7 IDT 8 COII"'I ,. OR TOWN SOUTHOLD RETURN BY MAIL TO: Jeffrey B. Hulse, Esq. 900 Route III Suite 265 Hauppauge, New York 11788 ., G:: 2J 3 Number or pages 1rORRF.NS Serial H_ Certificate H Prior cr. H _ RECORDED 2005 No... 23 c.3: 22: 02 PI1 Ed~ard P.Rouaine CLERr. OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012421 P 794 DTlI 05-16512 Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Reconlinll/l'i1inll Slamps J:I:: Page I I'ilin!: Fee lIandling TP-584 NOlalion !:A-52 IHeounly) "A-5217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Conun. or Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Reg. Copy Other TI:: Stamp Date Inilials ~= 'Sf> Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total _ Sub TOlII Spec.lAssil. Or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual Counly _ Held ror Apportionment _ _._ Transrer Tax Mansion Tax _ The property covered by Ihis nlortg.'lle is ( will be improved by a one or two ram i dwelling only. YES or NO I r NO. see appropriale tax clause on paje orthis instruIRl.1D.(o, 0/ 6 Community I'reservation FUll( Consideralion ^mounl $ (") ~ 5 <m...- I - SubTotal ~ - - GR.AND TOTAl. ~d Real Property Tax Servi,:e Agency Verification Dist. SeClinn R I....~ '.01 05046760 1000 0:3100 0700 008000 ~~~ ~OV~ ---- CPF Tax Due Impmved Vacant L~ TO /D . 'I'D TD 7 SalisfaClionsIDischargeslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Add RECORD'" RI:TURN TO: 111i5 plgc foml~ part of the altached , r ~- . _ ~ PI ...."5 o/DftIy B. HULSE A'ITOJlNBY AT LAW IlOOJIOtJTB Ill, 8I1ITE ll8S ILWPPAUGE,N.Y. Il1788 8 J'itle Company Information Co. Name -- Title # Suffolk Cou.!!!y Recording & Endorsement Page b?t"'D (SI'ECIFY 'IYPE OF INSTRUMENT) . mude b: ~. \\.J \ ~~ lbe premises m:rein is siluated in SUFFOI.K COUNIY, NEW YORK. S:l'l v"""",,o Ld. TO In the TO\\11Ship of ..J i~~~. \.\" \..5'[" InlheVILLAGE (\~~o "- A. k "'LI'''' or HM-n.ETof BOXE.<; 5 'IHRU 9 MUST BE TI'PED lOR PRINIED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ~~r rnGJ"'~ tV 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of' :Instrument: DBBDS/IDDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt; Number : 05-0122699 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 0!i-16512 Recorded: At: 11/23/2005 03:22:02 PI LIBBR: PAGB: D00012421 794 Distric:t: SectiOI:1: Block: Lot: 1000 031.00 07.00 008.000 EXAM:INED AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $0.00 Received the Following Fee. For Above :Instrument BxUlpt Bxe Page/I'i1ing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- C'n~ $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-58~, $5.00 NO Cert.Copie. $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIIIIl.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $242.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 05-16512 TH:IS P;I\.GB :IS A PART OF THE :INSTRtlIIBNT TH:IS :IS NOT A B:ILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County . . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http,://www.orps.Btate.ny.us or PHONE (51S) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YOIIJ( STAft BOARD OF REAL PIIOPERTY lIERVICES C1. SWIS COllie RP - 5217 1lP-52I7...JIIn PROPERTY INFORMATlO ~~""'ve- 1.P_ ~e-i loutlon . I T NU " L ~C1....~tf \ l 2.8_ ~:ny",,-- J 'LS6" ..... I.A8TNAMI!/~ L,...,_,!i~ Li.... 3. Tax tndiCll8 where future Tax Bills Ire co be senl L~ \se.... Blllng It otmr IhIn buyer .dcha III bonorn of farm) 1r!.L _ Ackhu N ,!5iqy L3 Ncr("T~HPrC"loar "1)0."",,.... nII'lltr :I1NI!TIliUtt'K"otNDSTlIEETNAME crrt~ ~~~r;- n11t~ m ...) E t:"H=- H ~ . -,- C~~L "'1~ 111\ 5'l ...CODl A. fl"CL .. Indl~...... nlllmber 01 A8MMmllnt Roll ..rcll. t,._necI on the dMd L . of Parcell OR 0 Part of . Perul 5.=.., L Ixl Sin IiM)NT FUT OE.I"TH e. Soli. L~'I1-S f' ....... IORI oau' . '1.81 ~ 'jO,ri; 50 =,- lOnIv'P"'oI.PII..II___~ 4A. PIomlng Boonl willi Subdivioion ...horlly e-. .. SUbdiVision APPfO\III WII RequQd for Trlln..... 4C. PIICII Approved for SubIINiIioA with Mlp PnwidMI o o o ""E.. L LAIT NAN! I COMPANY FIRST...... ^~ One Flmily Relklencitl 8 :z Dr 3 IFtmilv R.~iDl C Rllidelrdial YlICont L..nd D Nan-Attlidendll Vac:n Lind I SALE INFORMATION I n. s.-. Contrl.1l Dme r: ~ Aoricullural f Commercill G Aparcmlnl H __:/- 1 ~ CammunI1y s...k:o J I_I K Pub/"IC s.rvicI L ForCllt _tIlo__II__ .. OwnInIhip Type II Condominium t. New Cor\ltl'uctlon on v.c:.m Land ,M. Proplrty Loc.ItMI wilhin In Agrfcutrural DiItriGt ,.. Bu.,., l'ICINed . d~ natice incfadng lhII. tho propctrty II In 8ft Agrlcullural Dlltrct o o o o 7. ChecIr: the bole below which mOlllCCUl'.wIy "'1_ tt1e .. at.........-rtY ... tII........ all ..... 'tI.a.aIl:_or.......__r-.. .... .......IIO~ '2. o.t. of a.., I Yr'''''' I ..---, y., ....... Cor It) I ok. I tf3 ....... 'oy V.., ^ ,.........Pri.. , . . . . . , . 1.0. 0 I (full Sale Prico ie the lotll amDUnt paid f~ tho property i:ludinu nll~. Thl, ~t I'ftIIV be In the form ~ cah. om. properlY or ,roooa. or U. aaurnplton of mortgagll or gdwr abliglllana.J Plaid raund to tIHJ tlMl'ftr ~ doIMr amounr. c I) r: I' G " I J Sale BeIween ReIMivel or FGllTWr Re~ 5DIa Batwaon ReIaIad c:ornp.rn. 01 PlIlnn In e.inesI One of the &uy.n I, Dim II Sellar ..,., or SoIIor I. Gowommonl.....ncv CO" ~ _Ion DMd Type not W...1nty or 8IIrg111n MIl S11e (SpecIfy Below. 61'1 of FrIcIioneI or ~ lIwI Fee Intarcst CSpocify Below. Significant ChIng. in Property BetwMn Taxable Stat... and s.. 0akI SaIl of Bulinou is Indudod in SII8 Price OCher lJrIu...... FICtOrI All8crlng SIIe Prlco (Spoclfy Solow) Non. '.._....._01_' , ,0.0 I ___..tIlo_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DIll .hould _ tho _ Flnll ao-montlloll.nd TI. Bill ... Y_oI _1Oll1lall....m ~ n. T.... AIl_V_loI....... .._,I whlclt .....orrmrdon .... ,.. Property' al.. ~-LJ ,.._C__ I O'f ~(i"t>r , 1St, ",Js ; , /.0.0 a. T.. MIp "'~II RoI ~.~ III ....... th.. bill. nc.ch .-..: with ........ .......... ,- ':::::=ec . "31 Y ~~ 1 Lt3T I CERTIFICATION I I -1fJ _II of... _ of_.. ..... ......... un 1111, ...... .... ..... _ _ ""Il1o _ of my _.. .... hoIIIf) II1II1 ..._liioi ... -.. of _ _ .- __ of _loIll1d........ wllllUlUod me 10.... ........... of... _ .... _.. 10Il1o ......1IIlI..... of_ I............ C .............. - '- . BUYER BUYER'S ATTllllNEY - ~~~- -- ~'{L.Y-t;JL~ I~~~-(, -07 ...:till \St.. ~"}..- b3 I I 3.'0 -l.{'1oq AMAcoot TlLIPttCN: ~Il - 51H"," fiIIUtj_1II f'Y....:..JJr~ r be .. r:lh~,.J STIl[[T NNC WTtR IALII ~ ti.S.e., fY..:l:, 1\ 1 b Y ..... ..ClIIlIi 3. M.' \.er- ~ SELLER ()fi~t~ ;g. ~I ~",.. Mft NEW YORK STATE COPY