HomeMy WebLinkAbout328KINE, WILL~ T. ~328 228 .Date Pa!m Drive Nov. 17, 1960 Lake Park, Florida Page.5 ~TEP~perm~ss~o~o_~re~ucesetbaqk req~iremen~s N/S lots ! a~d 2 of map 9f summer Have~, Bayuiew Avenue, So~h~!d,_NY .... . LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING. Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and the' provisions of the Amended . Building Zone Ordinance of the Town . of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, ' public hearings will be held by the Zon- ing Board of Appeals of the Town of SOuthold. at the Town Clerk Olflce, Main Road. SOuthold. New York, on November 17, 1960. on the followlQg appeals : 7 :30 P. M. (E.S.T.l, upon appllcation of Peter Karas, ale Olga Karas. West , Front Street. Greenport, NeWi York. for I a special exception in accordance with 'I the Zoning Ordinance. Artlole IV, Sea- I tion 480. for permission to erect and i maintain directional sign on the prop.. i erty of. SWU1se Coach' Lines, Inc., I south side Route 25, West Front street, I Greenport, New York. bounded north by . I Route 25, east by Fleet Lumber, Ino. south by GIovanelli and Schultze, and west by -Long Island Railroad. , I 7:45 P. M. (E.S.T.). upon appllcatioti of William T King, 228 Date Palm i Drive, Lake Park; Florida, for a special \ exception in accordance with the Zon.. ; Ing Ordinance, Article Ill. Section 308,1 for permission to reduce front _ yard I I setback on. a corner lot. LoC!tion of i i property: Bayview Avenue, Greenport, I Lots No: 1 and 2 on map of Summer I Hav~n., . . I 8:00 P. M. (E,S.T.). upon appllcatlon I" of Lloyd Clark. Sound View Avenue, ~ , Southold. New York. for a variance in. j , accordance with the Zoning Ordinance. I .: Article III, Section 307. for permissiOn [I to reduce westerly side yard on prop~ erty located on the north side of \ Sound View Avenue, Southold, New l York, bounded north by George R. orke, \' east by. E. C. ~ Knoblock, south by ISound View Avenue. and west by Eu- I I gene GentUe. ,\: t' Any person desiring to be heard on f 'the above applic atl9ns should. appear in at the time and place above specified. I r 'DATED: November 7, 1960. By order"'1 of the Southold TOWill BOflx:d of Appeals. ~ ..._~ . . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK I STATE OF NEW YORK 55. W'olter B. Gagen, being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, 0 public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk County; and that the notice of which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in said Long Island Traveler-Mottituck Watch- man once each week for .....@~..(//~ee~ successively, commencing on the ............/.d....0....... day of ....~~./....... 19.cP.:'.6 ........w...~......n -R::)",-.~ 9..~......;-;-:-:;T..;;-.................... ?4 Sworn to before me this ....)..::>.::........ day of ..........~..d:2:...~.. 19..G.:"6 ............. ~_/J /J_ #~ U4..~..../~.................. Notary Public ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, Stale of New YoJ'l( Residing in Suffolk County No 52-3041OGJ Commissi{ln E'xpires ~arch 30, 19~c;,.( ""' . . TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YOR. APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION Fee $ 15.00 paid APPLICATION NO. '3 ?--Y . 't. DATE/.v.D!.&...... 0 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, ~ ....W.UU.!l.IJl..J:,....Ktm,..................... .......of .........~~.e...p.?t\l...!.'.?;J,.m..p.+.t'!.!1................... ... Nome Street and Number Lake Park Florida .................................................,............................... Municipality ............................................................ State hereby apply to THE ZONING BOA~D OF APPEALS for a with the, ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE III SUBSECTION SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance SECTION 306 THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE: I wish to build a lliwelling on a 50ft lot which I purchased in 1948, and on which I believe it is permissible to build because of that fact. Howe~er as the proposed setback of nine feet from the road, I presume will require a variance before the permit can be issued. I cannot appear in person, and so the following reasons are given for this request: 1. This lot is at the southern end of Bay View Ave., in a neighborhood of small bouses on 50ft lots, the houses of Rev. John King and Henry Santacrose immediately to the north of this lot have setbacks of 7ft and 9ft respectivly so that my proposed building would be on approximately the same setback line of these two buildings. 2. An additional reason for this request is also that bYc building at this point on the lot I can build at a hard and firm location, which is above the high tide line, whereas the more westerly area is filled tide marsh not above all very high tides andnot as good for an actual building area. I sincerely hope this application can be handled in this manner without imposing too much on the board by not appearing in person and I willbe very appreciative of its and your cooperation in my behalf. FLORIDA STATE OF ~ ) ) ss ) r , ~f " T: A .'h,..,"~~t~.;~...!,.............I.. ......... COUNTY OF ,w. '_ ~ ",-,- .~ -. -., < ,," .,' ." -"~I J... ;. _,"".....~a.~~~~.,;:r It; , .........~.. +~-~... ~ ,:......... Sworn t -'", L.s-<.....-:. ............ day ~ :'/ _ ?""O ,-.", _ .,~..,. ~ .2 -:' ... , /. I~ ';,"""";"'- ~ '" / . ;::: ,;:....... ..."i'.'.... . 0" .-<" ... .........-J,..(;....... ;. ;. ~ .~ > ;; Z Notary Public ~..-:;-;"~~. ?::.~...-.},.....: = '_,",. : "':o::":;'-:'::3rgt1 '-;'..A..~ Not~ .~c, S\~L..3 ,.' 1 . 1";' I <j. ~I' ... ....t.~~Ilt,;.'fi,.....i. -"TII',.~r:- J..:.: ~.. JO ''''. f-:-f .~".~~Jl9'_~'~."_,. ell"', " ""r...<:~:~~~~~~:~~~~~~~~ :..' . . ,-,,,, ~"J 19..&(;1 FORM ZB2 .,~ . . FORM NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. /)..,,2.- Applicatian Na. ............................ IV' oj ').- b lJ Examined........................................19.......; . 2- / ;)c'5' p Approved..........;...... ................ ....... 19........Permit Na. .......... .................... . . ~."'..J."'-......l~~ c...-.-..A /",c', 'v '.'(1 (~ ~'-- Disapproved 0/ c .. ... ..... ........ .,. J...... ................ .......... .......... ........... ................... ........................................................................................................................ .............Q..~...(.~~~tJ~~t~~)................................. APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Dote...........~...... ..........1........ ..........19. -'..9.,... INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspectar. b. Plat plan showing locotion of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets ar areas, and giving a detailed description of loyout of property must be drawn on the diagrom which is part of this location. c. The wark co\'ered by this opplication may not be commenced before issuanc~ of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the opplicont. Such permit shall be kept on the premises available for inspectio n throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in port for any purpose whotever until a Certificate of Occuponcy sholl have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuonce of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinonce of the Town of South old, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulotions, for the construction of buildings, additions or a Iterotions, or forremovol or demolition, os herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all 'applicoble laws, ord inances and regulations. . ...........?/.~>,4/~q..r;.;Ji~~.......................... . (Signature of applicont, or'nome, ife.-corporation) A- 2 ~ tJ~..f..~..t:U~~y.~..~r~4.. (Address of applicant) State whether applicant is owner, I.essee, agent, architect, enginB~ge~eral contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. .....................................................o..~...~.~..............h-!..I.U....,J1.P..L.......................................................... t;J. . -- . Name of owner of premises....:.........-r.............:'::::-.~-!...~.......l.:.......~...................................................... If applicant .is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officE". D ...................iN.~.;,;~.~.~d..tiii~.~f"~~.;p.~.;~.t~.~ffi~~~i................... ~ . .' 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: .........................~....... Lat No: ..I....'t":...:f.::.. N b ~fiJ-'\'^' .) C.c.u.... ~".. j., ~+ .' .. Street and um er ...........,=.c.~.i1.,...........................MC~i~.ip.~ii(-':.J..(..~~..~......................................... 2. State ,existing use and occupancy of pr.emises and intended use and occupancy'.o.f, proposed construction: --'7l _ _ .,;,;:J:'("": ..0.//:"....-.,'" . E. . d .I'~ ...".\.;. .......~..,,-/ ~ a. XI sting use an occupancy.... .............. ....... .......... '1,8" .~.~:~.:. ..~. '.l:tl;:"~iiC"~::.!;~""'''' ....... ........ ....... .... b. Intended use and occupancy...............................!.'. ...... ...~~.......~..:."-.<i.................................. --- - ~- =~:,..,. ~:~ ~ -;, ':,...' w. .r ..... : ~- ;: '%.<~>J~~.~~.~t~:/ . /.. ""'-,.<> Nature of work (check which applicable): New Building.....J/.........Additian ....................Alteratian .................... Repair ....................~maval ....................Demalitian............ ........Other Work (Describe) ..................... Estimated Cast..... ........ .kt...~~...:~... .... ................ Fee .. ...................................... (to be paid an fili.~~..thi~..~p.p.l.i~~ti~~)................... If dwelling, number of dwelling units.........~... ....Number of dwelling units an each floor............................ If garage, number of cars.......................:~~..............................................,............,.............,..........",........ If businessl commercial or mixed occupancy, spec ify nature and extent of each type of use.............................. D' ,. f .. 'f F ImenSlons 0 eXIsting structures, I any: ront............................ Rear ............................ Depth ..................."........ . Height ..~...=....-.-...~m....... ..Number of Stories ....;....... .............;....... .........,.. ...............:................ ,....;,....;... ,.."...........,... Dimensions of same structure with alterations or additions: Front .."............................ Rear ................................ Depth .............................. Height .............................. Number of Stories ................................ I i I i II Dimensions of entire, new canstrLlctian: Frant......~.............. Rear .....~..Q............... Depth ...J..t?.................. Height ............./...';;......... Number of Stories ......1..... ................ Size of lot: Front ......S.o..'........... Rear ........,?,P.~.......... Depth ..........I..~.P..~.... (7), I' Date of Purchase ...............i..9.y:J...........................Name~Farmer Owner ...~...~... Z d' t . t' h' h . . d jl .A; ~ n -t-..:.e-~......d..A one or use IS rlC In W IC premISes are Situate......... .. ..~_.....~......f.':-:.............................. ....................... Does proposed construction violate any :fJg I.aw, ordinance or regulation? .................................... ......... ..... Nome of Owner of premlSes....W~...'..~Address ......... ..................................Phone NO .................... Nome of Architect................,..................~.....,.............Address .,.......,...................,..............Phone NO .........,........,. Name of Contractor.. ........... .......;.. ....... ..1.\....... ........... Address. ......... ........... ........ .......... .....Phone NO. 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9, 10, 11. 12. 13. , . PLOT DIAGRAM L~cote .cleOrlyaiid distinctTy alf l)uncHngs;- whether ex isting.orpro.posed,-- "nd 'indicatealfset-back (jimensions from property lines. Give street and block numbers or description according to deed, and show street names and indicate whether interior or corner lot. /j/ I ....-::, .1' // \ I ~ ~ " _ .0lf'I. J ~ !lOOSE 0::..- , I&;;}~f-~' I ~ ~ ~ ~ <..,; '::t> 111 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~, <:t- -\ ~l -- '1 Q::- ~r~ ~ ~/~ ~ I 1&0 c:-... " '-l.I '::::... ""t:: f.U <::) \3- '" ~ Q ~. ~ '-) ~ ~ " ~ <l 'l::: ~ ':!: .~ ~ ~ /"jJ - >. :>.... ~ Clq " It r !-!r -,J, ~ t.,':6."~ \ i ~D"'" 'II r~\,~ \i.,:)~D - _. _._.P:~_~ 3:, '\ ~~tA/..Y1AI1SNI,,!,IJC~ 1601 - --~~ . ( So FLORIDA STATE OF ~ ) COUNTY OF ............................) S S, 'E ......................William..T.....King...................................... being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant (Name of individual signing application) above named. He is the................;..... QY!.n~.:r.::. ..b:uilct er........................................ ................... ......... .................................. 'l-c,~~,\::~~.,~, ~..'" ~ , (Contractorl agent, corporate officer, etcJ of said owner or owners ~15'n&'is.auly. authorized to perform or have performed the said work and to make and file this application; that ali':Jt'qiemf~tsibrir'3in~d in this appli ca!ion are tr';le to th~ best of ~is knowledge and belief; and that the work will.;<be;perfc;:med.1n t~!t~anner set forth In the application filed therewith. Sworn to befure me this ;>..~. '.. _" ; ~ % ,/"/{.:/< -=:: -- ~e:; X ......S.............. day a} :.=:,;,....,~.......,::......c.:;;,.L.. 19.~.?.... '. ~(Si~nature! of 7 Prl)iC~n))()/ N"~ ~ '{E?uh-Kc~ fj#"'.dP..~;~~"'o ~ Notary Public ..". ,. ' .. .. .: ....,...,'..;,.,...~...County I r::' d~' ',,~~.,; ~''''-'~~~''':"?''I:'' '~:",7"'. ......"....... ..:iJr. .:J. :_y ./"'1.. -ll._~.. 9_t,<rt...~ \""-" :..f J\. . ~ . . William T. King Greenport Summer Haven Lots 1 & 2 VL9 .213 ac II~ 92.~"~ William T. King Greenport N- Summer Haven Sub. E- O. M. Magnusson S- O. M. Magnusson W- Mill Creek VL9 1/4 ac .4,...-x 11....,,5,). William T. King Greenport N- Oscar M. Magnusson E- J. Oblom S- J. Oblom W- Mill Creek VL2 2 ac (this is the one the variance was granted on and there is now a house on it.l ;,~ . - , r November 16,1960 Southold Town Board of Appeals Main Street Southold, New York Gentlemen: With reference to the application of Wm. T. King for a special exception for permission to reduce front yard setback on a corner lot, I would like to make the following comments. I can see no reason why the setback on BaY7 view Avenue should not be reduced so that it would be in accord with the setback distance al- ready established by the buildings of Rev. Joh~ King and Henry Santacroce. On the other hand, I feel that the setback on the Town Road north of the applicants property should not be reduced to ten feet as noted on the map on the application form,. as such a reduced set- back would not conform to the setback on the other side of the Town Road. Our few remaining approaches to town waters should be kept as open as possible for all to enjoy. Sinc~ n./ u~ctv~ Robert E. \vhite Greenport, N.Y. ~ ~ " ;~: ,I I ' " li ' ,."" "I of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of southold, Iii, .. I: Ij q I', 8i:: r 'i ,\ '-..1 ill- il i'~> (;~ .~~ WI! 'I'" 'II 1'" 1'\ ~i , " I I"(~ :\. "I " 1,1 Ii , II 11 ' ~) ':1" II, 'I' , Ii \; , Olga jJ ,:1 II' 1:1 ~i f . . i I i I , I I I " i .\ ! . i il II 'i 1,1, ,exception in ,accordance with the Zoning'Ordinance, Article III, , , I"EGAL NOTICE,' Notice of ~earing pursuant to Section, ,267 of the TOwn Law and the provisions Suffolk County, New York, pUblic hearingS will be held by the zoning Board of Appeals of the Town of southold, at the Town Clerk Office" Main Road, $outhold. New York, on November 17, 1960, on the following appealS: 7:30 P.M.(E.S.T")~ upon application , I Karas, west Front street, Greenport, of peter Karas, ale New York, for a special exception in accordance with the Zoning ordinance, Article IV, Section 480, for permission to erect and maintain directional sign on the property of Sunrise Coach'Lines, Inc., . south side Route 25, west Front'Street. Greenport, New York, , , i , !I 'bounded north by Route 25, east by Fleet Lumber, Inc., south by Giovanelli and Schultze, and west by Long Island Railroad. 7:45 P.M. ' (E.S.T.), upon appiication' of William T. King, 228 Date Palm Drive, Lake I?ark, Florida, for a spe cial ii ,'I " II I: L II Section 306, for permission to reduce 'front yard eetbackon a corner lot. Location of property: Bayview Avenue, Greenport, Lots NO. 1 and 2 on ma~ of summer Have,n. . , I; I' i'l I' 1,1 II~ ~'i ~ : "' ";1 ','I \1 II '. " '1 ,'~ 8:00 P.M.' (B.S.T.,), ~pon application of Lloyd Clark, Sound View Avenue, Southold, New york; for iii. variance in accordance with the zoning Ordinance, Article III, section 397, for permission to 'reduce,west~rly side yard on property located on the t:lorth side' of sound V'iew Avenue, southoid, i'", " il' ! ~ h Ii 'I M 1!1 1 : , I ) . , \ i I I I i i '/ '\ ..; , 'I I,I I'I \ Page 2 - Legal Notice, Notice, of Hearing I I II " ,II ij 1 . . , , i , , I I' New York, bounded north by George Rorke, east by E. C. Knoblock, , ' , south by Sound View Avenue, andwest,by Eugene Gentile. , I: I, , i > . ", Any J?6rson~esiringtobe heard on, the above applications should appear at the time' and place above specified. , , DATED: November 7, 1960, By Order of theSouthold Town Board of Appeals. * * * PLEASE PUBLISH ONCE. NOVEMBER 10, 1960, AND FORWARD FQUR , I, ~,i 1>.1. : (4) AFFIDAVITS OF PUBLICATION TO,THE ,BOARD OF APPEALS, ,TOWN i CLERK OFFICE, MAIN ROAD. SOUTHOLD; NEW YORK. ) I' * * .* r: , I" 11'1 " ~ 1 Copies mailed to the following on November 7, 1990: ~ !The Long Island Traveler-MattituCk watchman Peter Karas William T. King Lloyd ClI:a,rk I I \I II' J :i I , 'I 'I 1'1 II " ( i I \ I I I I I I I I I I ,I \ I , " I I I I t' . <..,\ '. November 2, 1960 Mr. Wiiliam T. King 228 Date Palm Drive Lake Park Florida' . \. Dear Sir' , , , signed Your letter of November 1st receiyed~ I,have checked your application and find that it bas not been or notarl~ed, and that a special exception will be required. I have transferred your infoDmation to one of our regular application blanks with a properly ,filled ill heading'. If you wish to add any tiling there is some space at the bottom, of ,the typing; otherwise I , tbink it is all in order. ' , If you will have both the application and appeal signed before a notary public and sworn to, and return both to me I will get it to the next Board meeting for action. I am holding your check for $ 15.00 pending receipt of the acknowledged papers. ' When the appeal is heard and grant'edthere will be an additional fee of $ 10.00 for the actual building permit for the structure. Yours truly o M40V ,_~' --- \ 0 I y~,\, C( I Building Inspector " " ....." i', \ 0\ " ',\ /, . , \.\ I ',I ; , J I " . (f -e.e 1 s y -2 :z. g cfj~ f!.tm)j~ p ! /). -P~ ~ ::}-Ja-, J~1~.- ~. i, I'q~o ~;::;~~~ ~~ +' ~. ~c7j .~ IN, Y. ~:..#r(p... 7" J/v.-,~ " . . ~ J, ,,-,0 . ~ f- j,.. :Y-J. (t . ~ ~.J.--t- S O-<J 0- So 'J..Jji- ~ I ~.J~.J~~Q. 11tfg, ~ ~ " '~L~ ~~~t b~~" ," ~. ~ ~ ~1tqY~ t::J.':t ~ / J ~-d." "~ :; ~ ~i-~, .. t1L ~-'-C>~ ~r.~~('e?",-~~' . ~~~~~'~r)j~ ~d~~ ~.~~~ ~ ~1Lb1 d: . ~~L.L~ r ~ 0 <JT: U . /. ~ ~ ~ J ;L ~-fJ-?-J.- 0{- ~. ~ .ct . "1 ~ C"D' ~~. :Tl) ~ . Ii I.rP" -d0..,t) ~ "-' o~ ~ .-r-rt-- ~ Q,(rPL-,-. ~ ~ ~~ . 'I' ," ~ ~o~~~~ ~~ ~7~~9~' ' , 4-c xfb:j- /I'l~ .L~ '. ~~~ ~ o or, ~ ~, ' .L~ ? ~ -;;u;-. ~. . ~u a ,. . . :-r I A ~. "L" ~J:LQ...~ ~ t-~ ~J1,O~"Q~ ~ CL-~, iLW ,.'7 k~~...aJ- ~i-~ :J ~ ~ - It . - ~. ,- O:-r\ ~ ~ ~,..., 6' '" '-~.".O eI. cJ 0- ~ ~ - ~ ~,~ '-'.~ J:l. 4f*-J.. ,/~) ~ t:L. f1">~ ~~/ oJL<2..e- W ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.-li.-(/ o.J.L ~ ~:h:k,. ~ ~~ '"-" ~ ~ ~ ece.-t. ,,0 ~. J~~tL . ~ ~ '.L--r- ti, <I ~ ~~'.-~"""~"'- --' . ;4'b ~~ o-n. '0"'- .' =~~., ~~ . . ~ ~N~'~ ~ . O~ ~ ~. ,0;::" ~. j) n L ~ J -'L- ~ 1!7- ~ , 0--A..-P--~~ >~' ~ U " ~~. ~3/~6 · ;;>--. --._~ - -...::;." -00__ ,- _ ---';"0-- - ~ -- ~ 4.~ - - - ~ - ---- ~ ,-- -- . ..-, , ~ ~T~ r ~;;Z. ~( r , ~'-V ~ ./~ . ~ ~-d7~'" ~ ~ 0., ~k C44-~ ~~)~~~ V~j;~ 1 . . I } i ( 1 \" \ I i , ~ ,. \ , I I ( ( -, , ( . ( \ . \ - { ( I . ( I ) ( . ! f ;