HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12414 P 870 '. -17- ? I' --,~ l c{- ... , . I '1' I' ' l I, L. L I , I.., i i",'7 l !.-' i BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS,(INDlVIDUAI:. OR CORP.ORA TION) , FORM 8007 CAUllON: ,,/lS AGREEMENT SHOULD BE PREPARED BY AN ATTORNEY ANI) REVU;WED BY ATTORNEYS FOR Sm.l.I,R ANI) PURl'IIASI;R nEFORr, SIGNl:O:G. ., ~H1S INOENT~RE! made, Ihe)tIfa,.y.or A~l!USI, 2005 .-; ~. betwcCII ::." DEAN 11.., EICHORN. residing at 585 Birch Avenue, Southold, New York 11971 party of Ihe firsl part. and DEAN II., EICHORN ANn JAMIE EVERS, asjoinl tenancy. both residing 81585 Birch Avenue. Soulhold. New York 1\971 party of Ihe second part. WITNESSETH. withe party oftlic firsl"part, in consideralion ofTEN DOLLARS (S I 0.00). lawful money of the United Slales, paid by Ihe p;Irly oflhe second part. does bereby granl and release unto Ihe party of the second part.lhe heirs or sucC('SSors and assigns oflhc party oflhe second part forever. All. that certain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvements thereon ereeled. situate. lying and being in the Town of South old. Suffolk County. New York, known and designated as and by plols Nos. 132.to'l3!1 inclusive ofa certain map entitled hMap ofOoose Bay Estates" and filed in Ihe Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on the 130b day of - :. November, 1934. as and by Map No. 1176. which 10ls are bounded and described as follows; BEGINNING al a monwnent set in the Northwesterly side of Bireh Avenue djslantt~e following from the interseelion oflbe Weslerly side of Pine Av.'nuc and Ibe Northerly side of Bireh Avenue: L Westerly along Ihe Northerly side of Bireh Avenue 33,90 feet; 2. Westerly along Ihe Northwesterly side of Birch Avenue 36,52 feel; and from said point or plnee of . beginning; RUNNING THENCE along the Northwesterly side ofBireh Avenue, South 68 degrees 30 minutes 50 seconds West 140.00 fcellO Ibe divisi,on line betwcen lot 13910 144; RUNNING THENCE said division line North 21 degrees 29 minutes 10 seconds West 120.00 feel; I 'j THENCE NOM 68 degces 30 min'lle" 50 second" Eas1140.00 feet; RUNNING THENCE Soulh 21 degrees 29 minutes 10 seC<lRds Easl 120.00 feel 10 Ihe Northwesterly side ofl3irch Avenue 10 Ibe point or place of BEGINNING. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE Ihe same premises conveyed 10 Ibe party oflhe firsL part by deed dated 11/4/97 and recorded on 11118197 in Liber 11863. page 92. TOGETHER with all righL title and interesl, ifany, oflhe party oflhe fir..-t part in and 10 any streets and roads abutting Ihe above described premises 10 Ihe cenler lines thereof. TOGETHER wilb Ihe appurtenances and all the eslatc and rights of the party oflbe firSI part in and 10 said premises. TO IIAVE AND TO 1I0l.D Ibe pr.'IIIiscs herein granled unto Ibe party oflbe second part.lbe heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party oflbe flrsl part, covenants Ihat the party of the firsl part has nol done or suffered an}1hing whereby the said premises'have been encumbered in any way whalever. exc_'Pt as aforesaid. AND Ihe party oflbc 1i!,"1 p3;rl. in eo~pJiance with Section 13 ofLhe Lien Law. covenants lhalthe party oflbe first]llIrI will'receive'the consideration lilr this conveyahee and will hold Ihe righlto receive such consideration as a lrusllilnd 10 be appli.'<i firsl for Ihe purpose of paying the COSI of me improvement and will apply the same first to the paymenl oflbe casl oflhe improvement belore using any part oflheloLal oflbe same for any olber purpose. . The word "party~ shall be construed as ifit read "parties" whenever Ibe sense oflhis indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party oflbe lirst part has duly exeeuled Ihis deed lhe day and year first above wrillen. STATE OF NEW YORK :55. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the IB~ay of August, 2005 before me. the undersigned, a Notary Publie in and for said Stale. personally appeared Dean L. Elchoro personally known to me or proved 10 me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose name are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his capacity. and thaI by his signature on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf ofwhich the individual acted, executed the instrument. !UZABETH A. FINNE! ...., PubIIa, SlaIII of New 'ibdt No. 4653868 0aIIlIed In SUIlolk County 'I ft'rI(. 0....., ...., Exph8 NOV8IIIb8r 30, -p".J " Number of pages TORRENS 3> Serial # '. Cenificate # Prior Clf. # Deed . Mongage Instrumenl Deed / Mongage Tax Stamp FEES 3 Page' Filing Fee Handling 5 .!llL S- TP-584 NOIalion EA-5217 (Coumy) 5 7-S- '-~b ia Sub TOlal Jl/- EA-5217 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. Comlll. of Ed. 5 _ ..Q!L Arfidav;1 Certified Copy Reg,Copy Sub Tolai /rX - /~- Olher /5 Grand TOIal 4 DiSlriellOOO Scclilln Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verification 077.00 Block 02.00 Lor. OJ6.000 5 07700 0200 016000 6 SalisfactionlDischargeslRelease USI Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: RUDOLPPH H. BRUER, ESQ. 55000 Main Road P. O. Box 1466 Southold, NY 11971 7 Co. Name Ttlle# RECORDED 2005 Oct 1702.40:36 PM Edllard P.RMaine ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTI' L ??oo12414 P 870 DTI 05-11125 Recording' Filing Suunps Mongage Ami, 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOIal Spec. / As.~jl. or Spec.' Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlmenl Tronsfer Tax "(5- Mansion Tax The propeny covered by Ibis mOlgage is or will be improved by a one or Iwo family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate IIlX clause on page # of Ihi~n~menl. o -III 'OS' ComMunil IJreservatloll Fund Considerotion Amoum S 0 CPF Tax Due S 0 Improved - VlIClInl Land L TO /~ TO TO Title Company Infonnatlon 8 Suffolk County'Recording,'& Endorsement Page This page forms part of Ihe allached Barealn and Sale Deed (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: OF-AN EICHORN The premisis herein is silUaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO DEAN EICHORN and .IAMIE EVERS In !he Township of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Southold BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING ( nv..,) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument. DEBDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 Receipt Numbex' : 05-0108874 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-11125 Recorded. At: 10/17/2005 02:40.36 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012414 870 District. 1000 section. 077.00 EXAMJ:NED AND $0.00 Block. 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 016.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- en $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $149.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 05-11125 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk. Suffolk County . . . PLEASE J"YPE.oR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT w ~ STATE OF NEW 'YORK STATE IIOAIID OF MAL .ROPERTY SERVICES FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl.SWIBCodo I~, 17, ?,~,J?,rl cz. Dato Deed _ordod I L~' ,? 'O..r-I C3.80ok I / ~ ,V,/ ,S/'ICUovoI , (5, ?~I . PROPERTY INFORMATION RP - 5217 1l:~"1Irw>>n ,. ......... L285 LoeatiDn S'IN'n ~.. Bir(!h AvpnllP .......- 2._ Nam. DTYOftTciiu.tltvld Eichorn ..L..... 1,I;!W LAIR HAM,'CGMNNY Dean L. -..... F.~T'A. LA5TNNC, WHoNY :!l<m~ ..1II.'11i11 1 'I 3. Tu Indicae where fU1UI'I Tax BiW.... to" IeI'It Billing if 0111. than buyer .....1.. botIarn of forml I Add_ LAIITNAMl!!/CQMMNY 'IIIIr,..-- ITN'PT NUIIl'.IIIANDSTfILll NAW. ('I1Y 011 TOWh sr.", ..- 5.::... L 81.. ---l X I ""l.INII-UT DE'" 1 0111 'Aw.' . (Only n hrt of . r.n:.I Ch.. .. they IIftpIy: 4A. P1lnnWlg brd with Subdivilion AulhDrity ExillS 0 ... SubdWlIion AQr:lrov.IWM Requintd lor 11'1"*" 0 4C. Pereal Appravocllot Subdhtlslon wllh MIp Provided 0 4. Ind__ the rMMIIlli... of AuNanMt Roll ___ tr--'-nd on the dNcI I I . 01 PDrCCII OR D Part of . Peru! 1.8al_ N.... Eichorn lAST NAME ICOMP.v.y IDean ~ .... LA5 r NAIIE I C1tWf'ANY 1'I111TNAII. A~ On. Family RnidHEiaI R 2 ar 3 Family Rllidentiel C Rnidtnaial V'KIIn1 I.8nd . o Non.Rellldentill V.~ LAnd I SALE INFORMATION I n. S. Contl'llat o.t. 1i~..rIClllturol F Commercial G .......... n Entertainment I Amusement I ~ Communily_1co J Ind_~1 K Public S.wc. I. F_ QWIIIc.... _.I*ow ......, IIIIfII't: .. OwrwrIhip Type Is Condominium I. New ConIlh'Uctlon on YICanI LInd 1DA. Properly I..oc;IIhId wllhfn an AgricultwaJ DiItnl:I. .. auy.,. recoid:t . ciIdoeu... notice incflCllinCl IbIIlhe proplily' is in .. Agrlculurll DdlrIc:C o D o o 1. ChMlr. thebOJl below which mad ~r.I.I, ................. 01 the IWOPIItY dth.lfm. of ....: 1 -;.;..." I 0., , v... '1. a.dI..... more of t'- _..L.& _......... to.....r.r. A Sa.. BIIIwMn RoIaItves or Former Rei""'" 8 s.. Becween RlIotad Campanl., or Partnert In Busin... C One of lINr Buyerl it .Iae a Sellar D Buyer ar Seller Is aov.nrrww AGency or Landing Insaitution I: DHd Type ncrI W.....anty or Bartlllin and 8M (SpecIfy ~ P Salv of FractJonal or lAM than Fe. In.... CSpadfy Below) G Significant Changa in PrapM1.y Botween TaubIe StItUs and Sare o.tDI H Sale of Busil"lltl' is Inchlded in 511111 Plica I Other Unusual Fec:tar'a Aftecr:lng Sail Price ($pacify BeIowI J Nan. 12. o.te of .., Tren'" 0&, Ie, 051 ManIt 0.,. v.. 13. FIlII .... Prim , , 0.0,0,01 I I . (FuU Sale Pri,.. is the IoCII amount paid for the PfOpOrty Including peFlORlI property. This paymnt. may be In the form 01 cah.. other property 01' gDOdl" or the usumpdon or mortgllges or other obligations.) "",... round to ".. DNnNt whole doBM .mounr. L, ...10_.....01...._ I ,0 ,0,01 prtIpIItV IrulIudIcI .. ..... .... e ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DolO should refle.. tho I..ost Finol _lOmont Roll end To. Bill 18. V... elf .&-----.-t Roll tram I which Inform_ion tabn 11. T.... AaesMd VII... lof.p p..... in ......11 ; ; I ,.. Property CI... ~.1 ,0 I-LJ 'S.SChool_....... 1 5'"o-Mt:>/d ZO. Tn Marp IdIInI:IWrIsJ I RaIIldlntililr{sI CI mant IhIIn tour. IIIadt IhNt with MIdiIionIIldlntllllrCan 11000-077.00-02.00-016.000 1 I CERTIFiCATION I I nrtIIJ ..... aI "'tbellnnl at iaf'l........ IIIIIftd on .... rl", 1ft truf .. CIn\'d 110 the hBI 01 my ImowIcdIF and IIII:IWJ .... I .ndcnlad dr.. ... nIIIIW18 ur .). .lIlIbl raJsr sill...... ~ malerllll r8d Iwrwin wll mbJed lilt to tilt DI1I\'WomI 01 the __law "Ih-. 10 die mUI.1IIId tIIa& 01'...... IMIrummts. ! IlU'lEll'S ATTORNEY ~.~ Bruer Rudolph H. LAlTNAMI' .-.sr NAMt :1 _E....Us ~-~h~ k. ro.t3 I~ 1''7 631 765-1222 TlLf'1'W'JM' NI.IWM Dean L. S'fMfTNUIIIl" M1MCODll ..5:, lJ-#" U ""'00 ~ ;YY\ II?'? { STAn. lJIICOQ[ SEUER NEW YORK STATE COPY I!LI.!IIIICINA~ Dean L. EichoI'n ....