HomeMy WebLinkAbout311._ G~T~ _p~misaion_ ~O~ _~ir~e~-~i~~ ~igp--~ ~9~t~ of Edna Turner, ~/S Route 25, Greenport ~ ~- . '> LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF HEARING Pursuant to Section 267 of the Town , Law and the provisions of the Amended : Building Zone Ordinance of. the Town ! of Southold, Suffolk County. New York, public hearings will be held:. by i the Zoning Board of Appeals' of the Town of Southold, at the Town Clerk : Office, Main Road. Southold, New York, on September 1. 1960, on the fol- 'lowing appeals: 7:30 P. M.' (ED.S.T'), upon applica- tion of A. D. Croce, 1885 E. Jericho Turnpike, Huntington, New York, ale William Mayer & wf; tor a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordin- ance, Article III, Section 305, for per- mission to reduce the average front yard setback on property located on the north side Westview Drive. MatU- tuck, New York, bounded north by I Paul 'Murphy, east by Everett Smith, south by Westview Drive and west "by Westvtew, Drive. 7:45 P. M. (E.D.S.TJ, upon appl1ca~ tion of Arthur W. Hahn, III, Bay Shore Road, Greenport, New York, for a variance in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 307, for permission to reduce side yard Ion south side of property located on the east side Bay Shore Road, Lots 38 and 39 on map of peconic Bay Estates. Greenport, New York, bounded north by Howard P. Barnes, east by'Peconic Bay, south by Ira Cha.se and west by Bay Shore Road. 8 :00 P. M. (E.D;S.TJ, upon applica~ tian of Robert Ketcham, Jr., Bay Lake Pa.rk. East Marion, New York, ale Booth House, Sterling Avenue, Green- port, New York, for a special excep- tion in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article IV, Section 408, for permission to erect and maintain a directional sign on the property of Mrs. Edna M. Turner, north side Route 25, Greenport, New York, bounded north by :P" K. St~pnosk.i Estate, east by Sam Ciacia Estate, south by iMain. Road, and west by John Rempe & .ors. ' Any person desiring to be heard on the above applications should appear, at the time and place above specified. DATED: August 18, 1960. ,- By Order of the Southold I Town Board of Appeals. l . COUNTY OF SUFFOLK t STATE OF NEW YORK I 55. Waiter B. Gagen, being duly swarn, says that he is the Editor, af THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper printed at Southold, in Suffolk Caunty; and that the notice af which the 'onnexed is a printed capy, has been published in said Lang Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week for .....((;J..,f-<CLr...t/,/weey ~ c-i"lj2o successively, commencing on the ...........~..(J................ d"" of ....a/Lc19l!2cJ ...............l9:;l......................G...~...... (.dr., . ?{6 Sworn to befare me this ........d:............ day af ......O-LeV .. 19..c.?"6 ..........Qet&.......~~~. . Notary Public I MELE PAYNI /(clmy PubHc. Stat, 01 New Yorl< Residing in Suffolk County No. 52.3041000 Commission Expires March 30, 19" . - . . f...u ~s: T'~ TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK 4' ~... APPLICATiON FOR SPECIAL EXCEPTION APPLICATION NOat! DATE,/e-lIY60 TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPiLS, SOUTHOLD, N. Y. i, (We1Gf?li.fK.-:r.KF:t:ctl.A:I4j.q........... ...of ...8.&.Y....~.R.fkJ?,......................... .kA5:t.....Nl.RRLD~~~................................. . ................~.V~.:t.~~~.... Municipality StatfOl hereby apply to THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS for .a .SPECIAL EXCEPTION in accordance with the. ZONING ORDINANCE ARTICLE ~ SECTION l.{ 0 ~ SUBSECTION J~-hJ D~JAJ j 't . -tk '6;); ~ i d!( ;J :;.:,/ ~. ~ ::.JV;) 4~J;h p.~ 1 ~/IA-/k '+H -tk ~~- THE SPECIAL EXCEPTION IS REQUESTED BECAUSE: I) , lj STATE OF NEW YORK ) COUNTY OF ~ ss . . Sworn to this ......:.I/.-:t ~ ;b"'~~ 19...L#..C/ .........r:m~~.~. JUDITH T. BOKEN t N%\eW PlJblic, State of New York iW>. ~.G,44963. Suffolk County ~1iIffl'" Expiles March 3D, 19 it I FOR.M ZB2 / . f -<-e- (de .fv~ jevv_ ~ ..~ FORM NO. 1 TOWN OF SOUTHOLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. Examined..... ........ ......................... ..19........ Application No. ............................ Approved................................. ....... 19........Permit No. ............ .., ............... Disapproved a/c...... ............... .......... ....... ........ ..................... ............... ....... ,.... ........................................................................................................................ (Building Inspector) S"GI(/ APPLICATION FOR BYILBING PERMIT /2 . Date...... ..... .........I~..............................19.~.. INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plat plan showing location of lot and of buildings an premises, relationship to adjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed description of layout of property must be drawn an the diagram which is part of this location. c. The work cav,ered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be kept an the premises available far inspection throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whale or in part far any purpose whatever until a Certificate of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department far the issuanc.e of a Building Permit pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Sauthald, Suffolk County, New York, and ather applicable Lows, Ordinances or Regulations, far the construction of buildings, additions or 0 Iterations, or far removal or demolition, os herein described. The'applicant agrees to comply with 011 applicable lows, ardinal1~ and . regulation . . ..!0luIL~" .. :...&at)..~ '. ...d2..~~a(r.1i...:..?!.r~~.r~~'~~)......... (Address a aPPlica;K-':'" ............ . . ....... is ~ wn~:~~...:..:::J~.~~~~:~p~~~~.~~~~~:..~:~.~~.~:~.i.~.~:..~:~~~e.~..~.~..~~.i~~~~~. Nome of owner of premises......~.~..:.....~........................'........................................................... If applicant is 0 corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. ,.................. 'iN'~';;'~ .~~d..titi~.~f .~~.;p~.;~.t~.~ffi~~~i.. ................. ,B .:i _""/1 1. Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: .................p............:.:::.....:. Lot No' .................... Street and Number ...............1f1B;~...eIL..(~~ip.~s:)....)9d.u~O~............................ ,:~:t~~:::::::;;s:n;no:c:::~::~.:~ ..~4Jti:~.nd . ;..t~:,;d:d.:~p:::,O~:;O;'; ..:'.;::;:~;;f;O;"~";'"';,.;;": Intended use and occupancy.............. .. .... ......A~..........................:.......;,.:.:..,........,..":.,,..............." :!~. "~ .....' :'j:.,,";',) ",,, d.'. d.':' "'." '" .'0" '\? ,. 2, /' 3. . . Nature af work {check which applicable): New Build ing....................Addition .................... Iteration.~::..:..:~......... Repair ............~.Removal ....................Demalitian....................Other Work (Descri . . ..... ........... Estimated Cost.....~............................................. Fee ...~..././?..I....~.~ '4 . (to be paid on ti1'in~hi~..~.ppii~~ii~~)................... If dwelling, number of dwelling units............................ ....Number of dwelling units On each floor............................ If garage, number of cars............................................ ............................. .................................................................. If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, spec ify nature and extent of each type of use.............................. Dimensions af existing structures, if any: Front............................ Rear ............................ Depth ............................ Height .......... ..................Number of Stories ............ ...................... ........... ........ ............................ ......... .... ......... ...... Dimensions of some structure with alterations or additions: Front ................................ Rear 4. 5. 6. 7. ................................ Depth ............................... Height ..........................7 Number of Stories ................................ CD Dimensions of entire new construction: Front....c..X.J.P.:-..~.... Rear ............................ Depth Height ............................ Number of Stories ............ ................ Size of lot: Front ............................ Rear ............................ Depth ............................ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Dote of Purchase ........................................................Name of Former O}Vner ....fl....:~................................. Zone or use district in which premises ore situated ........~~.....t.!.r.6l1.Ck.tr1:............................. Does proposed construction violate ofJ'j, z'527'g low, ordinance U~~~~~t..........~............................ Nome of Owner of premises.~a..m"'.~Address ...A"..."'..~.=7.."'.v.......!.1..'hone NO. .................... Nome of Architect...........O-..7.....J/J~.. ... ......... .Address ....................71...........-.:.:..,,~..Ph e NO. .................... Nome of Contractor.../.L.);:t).k:Zd../u .. .. " .Address ..~..~.. ne NO. .................... , PLO DIAGRAM . Locate clearly and distinctly 011 buildings, whether ex isting or proposed, and indicate 011 set-bock dimensions from proj)erty lines. Give street and block numbers or description occording to deed, and show street names and indicote whether interior or corner lot. . 1~ 6~VPOR\ 136o-rH' t-{- au sp. 14-8 --rE:' f--. . P--~ S I Aufl.< fCJ IJ'T &~ 77-1~ E/1-/ G\\0RG~ ~ ----- R ,/,;2. ~ 7 \ ~1~n,.$F o~E~L} S S. . ......................<f::~~tff~..a:4.?i/~"'"'............being duly sworn, dep9ses and say~ that he is the apPlican< obave na~:.:e ~s t~:Z~::zI.i..c.l:.~~I.~.~ ~ ....~~................................. . (Contractor,' agent, '~~~ffi-~~~~-.-~t~\---~- - of said owner or owners, and is duly authorized tei perform or have performed the said work and to moke and this applicotion; that 011 statements ~ontained in this oppli ca~ion ore tr';le to th:, best of ~~iS knawl ge and b, and that the work will be performed In the manner set forth In the 'appllcatlo ,I d t ew /'i Sworn ~a bef re me this "otary p~~!;Hsr BOKEI/. '";"-y . , ate of New York '0344963. Suffolk Co nature of .......4........... day of ............ 19.Q~fl,.n ExPires ~ umy" ( 9 ;;.u AJ/ft ..,arch 30, 19t; Notary Public, (7)n_n_~.'" Y . . 7( 7~='~"~O-""==~- - pr'''''''' "- '-..- " ,~/ ./"/ /", ( \ (------~"'~- ~. ' - - '\ \ \ . i " -'J Co , I~ I ; . . ,_d,' // / -:;-=~ '"""-. \ \' I. ('. r ,1 !; ,I .! ; \: \ ~ / ",-,' /" ,.)- " "--- , , ....,\ ' ! I J / l&\\c \ / ~-~~-~ " J ,'. / '" / / , "- ", '- , .-" -'--' . // II'......... t ''',,- I "- \ \ , ~ "'- "-., 1 ...... g--- J ---,. I .I i . .- -~.. -', ~ " 1 " , \ .-." ~l' ) , ) / / \ / /' J '- \ \ .. . September. 2,.1960. Mr. Robert Ketcham, Jr. Bay Lake Park Eaist MaX'ion, New York. n_.r Mr. Ketcham: Due to the. tact you .failed to.appear at the public hearinguponappl1cation ofJ\obert. Ketcham, Jr., alc :eooth House, Grlllenportischeduled for 8:00 P.M., Thursday, September 1, 1960,~e hearing was postponed until 8: 15. P.M., Thursday, september 8, 1960. your preeence 1s requeste~ ol'fthillt date. I woul~ also like to rem1ndyou that'the $15.00 fee for th1t1 appeal must be pa1datyour earl1etlt conven1ence.. You ~y bring' .it w1th you when you appear On the 8th. Veir ~X'ulyyour" .'.,- Robert W. Gillispie, Jr. Chairman, SoutholdTown .' Board of Appeal~ . , . Ijb :-/'. ." . 'I"'~,"-;~. . -/ . ~JrOTXC:. lllOtl,ice otBea~U9 PuJ;.uant: t.o SecUon 267 of the '!'Own J,aw and the providon. of 1>11. Amended Bu1l418f :tOft. Ordinance of the '%OWn of louthold. Suffolk Coaty. ..w York. public heaiinp will )Mt held by the Zoning Board of Appeal. of the ~ of louthold. at the '!'OWn Clen Off1ce. Mal8 aoad. SO\tthOl4, llIew Yoll'k. on l5ept.ember 1. INO. on the followl8g appeal.. 1.30 P.M. (I.n.s.~.). UIOn application of A. D. Croce, 1..5 I. Jedcho ~Q1p1ke. Hlmt,l8gton. Jr_ York. ale: W1111.. . Mayer a. w'. fot a variance in. accordance with the 3on189 Orcl1n- &nee. Art.ic1e IXX. .ec:t.ion 30lS. for peni..ion ~ reduce the avera,e 1ront. prd lIetbaCk on property locat:ed on the ftQrth dde We.t:View Drive. MattUuCk. New York, bounded Borth by Paul Murphy, eu~ by Bvea-ett lIIIi\11. south by .....tvi." Dr1ve an4 we.' by we.tv1ew Ddve. 7.45..M. (a.D...'l'.). upon appl1catiGn of Az'thur W. 1'lahn, III. JaY Ih$r. aoad. Gr.en,port., Jrew York, for a variance 11\ aecor4aD.ce with the l_in9 ord1nance, Article In. Sect10n 307, 10Jl' pen1aa1on to J:'educe dde yard on .outh .ide of property located on the e..t: .ide "1' 'hore :acad. LoU 3. an4 39 on IlIIlp of "co1\ic: BeyR.tat.ea. aieenport. Hew Yoxk. boundec1north by Jlowar4 P. BaQ1e.. ...t by PeoOnic: Bay. eoilt.b by Ira CJla.. an4 , we.t by Bay shore }load.' L I [ I I I I. \ \ ,0 J . . '>_"'_~~ 1i ii .' , ~ ' I..~ 2 - I,eg'a1 Hct1ce .ot1c. of Hearaq I . I ll. i ..OOP.H. (&.D~..~.). uPon applicaUon. of .oMrt..etcbaa. I .' 1 ~ I Jx.. aay LlIke >>axk. ..et: itaX' em. Hew York. a,e: ao<>t1\ bue.. I i ate:r:1J.n'l Avenue. oreenportl, Hew Yc:xrk. for.. e,.e1.1 except1Gn II a ac:cod.ace w1th the Zon1ngOrdJ.nance. Art1cle IV. .ecUon I 11408. foX' pezailldOD W erect .nd _intaJ.n . 4!recUf;jna1 dIP' 'I II lion \:he p:r:opertyof MJ.'e. EdnaH. 'l'IalmeX'. northd4e Route U. Ilor..nport. lilew Yoltk. ltoundelt no:r:th .y P. Otto nepnCHik1 letnt.. I ...t ~ ... Ciad. Beta,.. eCMath ~ Ma1n Roa4. and weet. 'lDy Jo1m R.... to or.. ' I AnY pelteon destrJ.ng to .. heard on ~e labpve a,pplieaUone II .bou14 appear ,0 at ,the,t._ auo place above .,.cU1.4. , I I DA'l'BDa AIll,N,8t, 18. 1.960. .y or_r, ~f ,the " . '8outhold 'fOWn Ioard. Of AP"II.1'. i' .' . *,t " , I , , II I AfJ'lDAVlft or ""1;I(:A'II0. XMMI1)IA'l'ZLY 'f0 TSB BauD or APPIAL8. I I P:LllMl: l'tl'aLISH OlllCJ:,AOQUI'I' 21. 1960'0 Aim '0llltAlll) J'Otlll. (4) '1'OMIf I;LDK orrICI, !tAm ROAD. 'OU'1'BOW, II1BW YCU:. . * . I I II I Cop1e. aaUed to th. folllllW1ng on Auguat 22. 1960, L<lnll Ialancl T2:.veler,Mll.t.Ut1llR wa~ . A. D. croce, a/c 'd.lliaJR Mayer " wf Arth,r w. Hahn. III ~obert Ketlmam, Jr., a/<: .ooth JiC)ue. ., * . ~1U'! .!!?tQ~~ 'l'b DUm I J j . ) I I, II il I I I I I I I I , 1 I i . ~ It; 11.... :I j . r ~ ---:;-,1 / /J ./'h.-<A -A.A/,/-4/ (j r ~ 0( ~~7 :z ~ 1~~;G ~. c& /-<-r ~ 7 i!-~,,2S-: tI-<-<- ~ /h. J~ ()}u~ ff G:J~