HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 589 '. .. . ..... LI2 L16~ f L)~9 ~ >< ..\ ~ .... ~ 3- .~ "" ' -.<:l I~ ,:11 J to --/3- lei Lj- " , NY2005 -......... SoIo'-' _c_..... _',_-IDdMduoI..CaIponUoo(SiDolo SIoal) I . 'Yl. .' .. ~., _ -roNSUL T YOUR lAWYER BEFORE SlGNNO THIS INSTRUMENT-THIll INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY lAWYERS ONLY, CORRECTION DEED TIns INDENTURE, DIlIde tho 27th day of January , in the year 2005 BnWI!EN mEODORE LAOUDIS AND ANGELA LAOUDlS, AS TENANTS IN COMMON, RESIDING AT 23 VAN BUREN COURT. CRESSKILL, NJ 07626 palty Df tho flnl part, and IRlcN'E APOSTOLOPOULOS, TRUSTh"E OF TIlE TIIEODORE LAOUDlS AND ANGELA LAOUDlS QlJALlFl1ID PERSONAL RIlSIDENCH TRUST. HAVING AN ADDRESS 01'276 TRUMAN DRIVE, CRESSKILL, NJ 07626 p81:Jy of!he seco'!'i p&rt" . WITNESSETH, thai the pany oflbe fir.sl part, in consideration often dollars and other valuable considel3Iioo paJid by the pany of tIIo second pari, dI3cs hcn:by JII1IIIt and noleue 1HI1o the party of tho second part, tho heirs Drsuc:CCSSDI'II and osslgns Dftho party Dfth. second part fore..... AI.L that certain plot, piece. or parcel of land, with !he buildings and improvements lhcteon erected, silllale, IY~Dg and bcing in the ' ""'tA: ' TDwn Df SDuthold, County Df Suffolk and ~1aIIl DfNew York, knDwn and designated as Lot 4 'on a cenain map eRlilled, "Paradise by the Bay:' and med in the Office of the C1crlc Df the CDunty of Suffolk on 11I4n6 as Map No, 6463, as more f\ally described in ScIIcdule A IIllaChed hereto. Boins the sarno premises conveyed ID tho pany Dfth. first party hcn:in by Doed dated 6/1101, recorded 6/14/01 in Lil.er DOOO 12124. PBlJD '206. . , , Being also known as 635 Kimberly Lanel, Soutbold, NY, which is indOXl!d Oil !he Suffolk ColHlty Tax Map in Disl 1000, Soc. 70, BI.,13, Lot 20,004. " I'lItB: . BclDll tho samo promises convoyed 10 1110 P.BItr Dfthe first part berein by Deed dated 6/1101, recorded 6/14101 in Liloorooool2124. Page 207. ' Beillg also known as 405 Kimberly ~, Southold, NY. which is indexed on tho SufTolk County Tax Map in DisI. J 000. Sec. 70, BI. 13, Lot 20,035 as moro IiIl1y dascribed in ~hedule D Bll!'chcd hereto. ' nlls DEED IS BEING EXECUTED TO CORRECT A'TYPOGRAPHICAL ERROR IN THE NAME OF TillE GRANTEE IN THE DEED RECORDED IN UBER D00012292 PAGE 752. TOGETHER with all ri&hI. title and intel'CS~ if any, Df the pBIty of the flnt part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premlses to the center IItICS thereof; TOGETHI!R with the appurte:oancos and all the estate and righls Df \he pBIty of the first part in and to said promi...; TO IIA VB AND TO HOLD the plllmisos hcn.in I!l8IItod lHIlD tho party Df tho _...... part, the heirs or SIlCClllSOlll and assigns Df the party Df tho socond pBIt forever, ' AND !he party of the first part covenants ihat the party of the first part haS not done or suffered anything whereby the said plllmisos have been encumbered In lID)' way whatever, IXc:epl as ororll!llid, AlIlD the pany Dflbl flnl part, in oompllanco with Scotioo 13 of"" Lien Law, covenanls that the party of the first pBIt will receive tho c:onsideratlon fDr this cooveyance and will hold \he rill/1l1o receive sucb considenltlon as II lru:ot flHld to be IIJlJllied first for the PIlrpDSO ofpaying the cost of the improveoieot and will apply the same first to the payment of the c:oot Df the improVemenI before Uling any part Df the Iotal of the SBIIIO for any other purpoie. '11Ie word .party" sball be construed as ifit reed"partios" ""-vcr the sense of Ibis indenture SO requires, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, tho party I~r the first port has duly executed this deed tho day and year first abovI wriittcn. '~~, THEODORE LAOUDIS ~ ~~~~~ ANG . OUDI, - , (TuLot20A) "A" . . )>LL that certain plot, piece or' parcel of land, situate, lying imd beh1g ID the Town o,f Southold, Couuty of'Suffolk: aod State of New York, kDowo IIDd designated as all o,f Lot 4 on Map of Pandile by the Bay, fiIed'ID th~ om.ce of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on. 11/411976 u Map Number 6463, when takeo together are more ~larticuJarly bounded and dacrlbed as fol1ows: IIEGINNING at a poIDt on the easterly "de of Kimberly Lane, the foUowlDg (4) c:ounes from the extreme southerly end of the,are of a eurve connecting the loutherly side of Pine Neck Road with the Cl!Iterly Ilde of Kimberly Lane; . . 1) Along an arc of a curn bearing to tbe left havlDl a radlUl of25.00 feet, a distance along said curve 0139.17 feet; . . : '1) South 03 degrees S3 minutes 10 aeeondl Eut 193.66 feet; 3) .Along an are of a curve bear1Dg to tlie right having a radiua of 1600.00 feet a . distance along laid cuive. of 115.18 feet; . . 4) Along an arc of a eurve bearing to the rlgbt, havInaa radlua of 1,600.00 a diltance along laid cul"I'e of 1 88.17 feet to the premiles about to be described; THENCE loutherly along the easterly lide of Kimberly Lane the. followlDg (1) , l:ounes and diltaneea: , 1) Soutb 06 degrees 58 miuutCll50 second! Wat 189.37 feet; 1) Along ao are of a curve: beariDg to the left, having a radiua of 410.00 feet a distance along IBid 'cul"I'cof37.97feet; .' . THENCE North 89 degrea14 miDutel 00 _ndl Eat 369.31 feet to.tbe mean high .vater mark of Jockey Creek as shown on Flled Map; . THENCE along the. mean hip water mark of Jockey Creek, ils per Filed Map the following (3) counes and diltances:" . ' ' . 1) North 17 degrees 11 minutes 29 seeondl EDt 101.94 feet; 2) North 12 degreea 17 miauta 40 seconds East 47.99 feet; 3) North 04 dllJl;rees 52 minutes 15 aecond! Eut 19.01 feet; THENCE Nortb 37 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds West 59;13 feet; llHENCE North 61 degrees 34 mIDutes30 seconds West, 20.57 feet; THENCE South 88 degrees 18 minllta 10 seconds Welt, 45.14 feet; THENCE North,02 degreeJ 09 minutel ~5 s~nds West, 15.57 feet; . . , THENCE South S5 degrees 20 minutes 30 leeonds West,'285.S7.fcet to the easterly !Iide of Kimberly Lane aDd tIJI' poiDt or place of BEGINNI~G. ' , , (Tu Lot 20.35) "8" , ALL that certain plot, piece 011" pareel of laDd, lituate, lying and beiDg iD the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk aDd Sti.te 01 NeW York, known aDd designated 81 I~art of Lot 3 on Map of Paradise by the Bay, filed In the Office of the C1.~rk of the " County of Suffolk on 11/41197681 Map Number 6463 aDd a 10 foot Itrip which lies between Lot 3 and" above mentioned, laid Lot'part of Lot and 10' foot Itrip, when Ilaken together are more parti~~rIy bound~ and desc~bed 81 follows: . 18EGINNING at a poiDt on the easterly lido 01 Kuuberly Lane, the 10Uowiilg (3) '~ounes from thc cxtremc southerly end of the are of. curve eonnectlng the !lOutherly side of Pine Neck Road with the eatl!rIy side of Kimberly Lane: ' 1) Along aD are ola curv., bearing to the left having 'a radiul of 25.00 feet, a dlstaDce along said curve 'of 39.27 feet; 2) South 03, degrees 53 minutes 10 seconds East 193.66 feet; 3) Along aD are of a curve bearing to the right haviDga radiul of 1600.00 feet, .. dlstante along said curve of 115.18 feet to the premises about to be described; THENCE North 89 degrees 52 minuteS 50 lecoads East 267.31 feet; THENCE South 00 degreel24 minutes 00 seconds Eat 1S.91 feet; THENCE South 02 degrees 19 mlnuta40 leeo~dl East 76.13,feel; THENCE North S5 degrees 48 mlnlJtes 2S letoads Eat 1.71 feet; THENCE South 02 degrees 09 minutes 55 leeonds Eat 49.50 feet; THENCE South 05 degreell 48 minu~ 32 seconds West 10.86 feet; TUENCE South 85 degrees 20 mlDutes 30 seconds Weit 185.87 feet to ~he easterly '1Iide of Kimberly Lane; THENCE northerly al~ng the, easterly lide of Kimberly Lane, along aD an: of a l:urve bearing to the left bavlng a radius of 1,600.00, a dlstaDce along said curve of 1188.27 feet to the point or plaee o~ BEGINNING. " : ~ " .. " '. STATE OF Neyv YORK, COU~ OF " On the.' day of in the year bef.", me, t!Ic undcnigned. pc:nunally apj,.....d , pcnooaIly known to me or prG't'fld to me on the balis of 5IIlslil:lDIy ovideoce to be the Individual(l) _ lIIIIIICII) il (-.0) subscribed to t!Ic wllhln lnmull1lllllllld aeJcoowledscd \0 IIIC tIIII bcIIhcIlbcy executed t!Ic _ in hialhcrlthcir copocil)(iea), and that by biIIbcrIIheir sillJll!UlC(s) 00 t!Ic il1lllUlllOlll, the indlvidual(s). or the porson on behalf of which Ihe indiyidual(lllICICd, =ted !he i.....mont. STATE OF , COUNTY OF On the day of in !he:year , befo", mc" the undonignod, . NOl8ry Public in Illd for ..w SIaIC, personally appearod , the subscriblnll wllncllS ... Ihe 1O.....lna 1_ wlllh whom I lID personoJly '""Iuainled, who, beiDa by me duly 5WOI1I, did depose . aod 5&)' lI>lI hrlshrIIIxy rcside(s) In (iflbl..... oIr111il111u Is it. ciIy. indIIlII _1IInld _ ...lIII:III:wiCaay.. ......1);1h.. h6IsbeIthoy know(s) to be the indiyiclual dcsl:ribcd in and who ......ted the forq:oins ill5lnlmcn1.; Ihat said subscribing wilness was "",scot IInd saw said cxcculC the: 1IUI1e; IUId that aaid witDell at the same limO subscribed blslbcrl1heir namc(s) IS. wllnCS5lherclO [add Ihc :rullowiq ifdlellClou>wled&mca Is""" _ NY _I llIId thai aoid _bing wIIDai mIido lOCh _ bef"", the .ndcnigned In Ihe (1aIat Iho ~ or .... poIItICIIIlUbdl_ and iIIc SIal. or_...- pIoee Ibo poaol__~ Bar!~ain and Sale Deed Willi COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Tm.n No. SI.25g68 LAOUDlS TO APOSTOLOPOUl..oS ~ _.c..-'" DIIr'bIued by STEW ART TITLE~ . INSURANCE COMPANY l50 PARK AVBNUH Nh'W ycutK. NRWYORX. 1017'1 (212)9U4HO Paalllm-lllJ STATE OF NEW JERSEY, COUNTY OF PASSAIC On the 27'" day of January In the year ZOO" bef"", me, !he undcrsIpod, pcnonally appeued TIlEODORE LAOUOIS AND ANGaA LAOUDlS, pelSOllally known to me or prowKI to me on the baaIs of 5111isfactory e.ldcncc \0 be ~ iodi.id_) whoso IIIIIS!) Is Ills) sublCribid \0 the within InslrU1latt an1I ~ to IIIC that hcI~......ted the same in b~l)(lcsl.llld by bislbcr/lbclr ~s) on oJ instrument, diClOdividual(s). or !he ~ onbehilTof Which the indwldjllJ(s) IICICd, cxccutaI the illSllllmCnl . [add "'" IbIIowIn& -V"", _..11",,"-._"'" NY_l and that said individual made _Ill......... bcfcwethe undonianed in the COUNlY OF PASSAIC, STAll:: OF NHW JERSEY. l44~ NOI8I)' Publie IlllAOno-ILSKo .."'*" Pwbi/c . -. fIt.......lo!/Iay . _Ca...,' Ian~~__ ___ 1 B, 20lllI ~ STATE OF . Oa the deyof bcf.... me penonaIly came ,'COU~ OF In the year to ~ kDown, who, beiDa by me d)lly sworn, did depose Illd 5&)' tha! he resides at that he is lbc. of the COl'pllnIlon dcacribed in .... whiCh OUC1Ited Ihe f.naoin& 1aslrumcnI; thai he knows lbc ..oJ of said corpolllllon; thatlbc aeoJ affixed \0 ~ iDstnimenl is lOCh corporate saI; Ihat il W" 10 affixed by order of the boan1 of din:ctOrs of said colJlllMion. .'. . Illdthal boilP.cdh nam._hyllkeordcr.' SIlCIlON 070.00 DI5T 1000 J!WCX 13.00 LOT 20.4 II; ZO.3' COtIIlJ'Y OR mwN :SUFFOLK. Kccordod 1\ Requcat of STEWART Tm.1'AlI '"RItTURN BY MAIL TO. , Record & Return: .S,utton Land Services, LLC 50 Vantage Point Drive, Suite 3 I Rocnesfer, NY 14624 ..~... . . '';' -' ' 'I ~ \ ) . ." .. J ,: 1 Number of JflIi~ . ' l II 2] J .. , TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Rug 31 10.35,38 At! Edward P. Roaaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L 000012406 P 589 DTI re-04529 Serial" Ccrtificale # Prior C1f. # Deod / Mortgage In.lromenl 1.leed / Mortgage Tax Stamp Re<:ordinS / Filing Slamps :?I: FEES Page /1'i1illS Fee /5_ ~ .c::::; ~ M"rtlllllleAml. lIandling TP-SB4 I. Ilasie Tux 2. Additional Tax NOlation 5h Sub TOIal R.I'.T.S.A. .l:) _ Sub Total ~~ t1l2- 3n.q, SpocJAssil. Or Spoe./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Duul Town_Dllal C"unly_ lIeld fur Apportiullment ~ Transfer Tax (J) EA-~ 17 (Cuwuy) _ EA.S217 (:>Iate) Cumm. of Ed. S <ill__ Anidllvil 'Olher / ') _ Sub TOlal GRAND l'OTAL 14':) 175" ~00 Ma,..ion Tu. _._ _ 'I1,e property euvered by this IIlllrtgage is Ilr will be improved by a aile Dr two f.mily dwellingooly. YES orNO_ If NO, See appropriu.e lax rlause un page U _ufd,isinstrumelll. /_' . S 6 Communit Preservatiun Fund Certified Copy Reg. Copy ::Ie Stamp Reall'roperty Tax Service Agency Verificalion Disc. ..S.eolion . n Dlod,-_ _. I", . , 05021484 1000 07000 1300 020004 ~ 1000 07000 1300 020035 ~I\~D~ . Consideration Amount $ CI'P T~x Due $ Date Improved Inilials Vacalltl-and 7 Sutisfa';tionslDischargeslReleases List Property Owners Mailing Addres . RECOllD .. RETURN TO: '. 'I'D 1'1) 'I'D Su.-tbn Lard SetViCes, L-LC 5D Vo..yri~e. -Pt. 1YR. Sl.C\ i-t 2> ROChestt~ ( MJ I Lj u,;x.J r Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page '. lllispogc lonn~purloflhcalll1Ched .toffuA-llk I).eeolj.. '. (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENJ') B Title Company Information . . I~'..d. by; .r , ~O~'l.. ~IS ~ti. IAOlA4iS TO 'Ille premises hcn::in is silualcd in SUFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. In the Tllwnship of' S~<L In \he VILLAGE or HAMLET of /. , I ~ ~t GS mS'-I~e 0 r .~ 7Iwcti........' ,a......"c ... Uta" tsQIJIl,,'''- ~" ~~n.nJ /1.1../",- (/' r~ BOXES ~) 'IHRU 9 MU!>T BE 'IYPED OJ{ ('!UNTED IN BLACK INK 011(1. Y PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. I' ......~... 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIII SUll'FOLK COUNTY CLERK RBCORDS OFll'ICB RBCO~ING PAGE Type of :tnstrument: CORRECT:t':lN/DBED/DCO Number of Page.: 5 Receipt Number : 05-0091427 TRANSll'ER TAX NUMBER: 05-04529 Recorded: At: 08/31/2005 10:35:38 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012406 589 District: 1000 Section. 070.00 BXAJI:tNBD A!ID $0.00 Block. 13.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 020.004 POLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Pollowing rees Iror Above :tnstrwaent Exempt Exempt Page/Piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYB BRCHG $15.00 NO KA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Notation $0.50 NO Cert. C'~pies $0.00 NO RPT $50.00 NO BCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Comm. P:~es $0.00 NO Fees Paid $175.50 TRANSPBli TAX NtlJIBBR: 05-0452!l THIS PAGB IS A PART 01' THE :tNSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A B:tLL Bdward P.Romain8 County Clerk. Suffolk County . .~. FOR COUNlY USE ONl.Y Cl. SWIS Code IN,'I,~, f, ,~ CZ.D01' Dood_ I t 1.3 / I&~ MonIII oar Yu' CZ. _k I /, c1, <-(, tJ., e:"C4. Pogo,S,. g/I , * STATE OF NEW fORK STATE 80AIlD OF HEAL PROPElITV _\llC.ES RP - 5217 ...m7 .. "" PROPERTY INFORMATION l'-L L15 LoatIon Jliml NlWaDI L a~~TJlo~) Z._ L APo.SnLO"L/L./J$ NIIme ~~'COIIM..y 1(1fJ!~~l.f J,..IJAJj(' . HAM! ........ 119~1 ..""" ~rAlI$ -,- L lAIT"""'CQIlIIPAIft 3. T.. hlil:aMl where futuNt Tax a.u...1O be... .LA II1II'" ..__bu..._,.._oI_ ULAftOIJIJI.s Addnu fWd, COWPNII 1..:.23 vII,.) ~lIll!c...l t.DoIl!.-r I I!IU.s.sK," I1'WIT """NII AND "'IlII'T ....... CITf C111VM11 ....,,.,.. S. IIood I "-'" ... PftQNTrtij, Ixl """" 1010 f ..e.3./ "I W.:!>DItr 1~J."1 t~.2" I 1OaIr...... 01. '...u _ 11....._ 4A. PIImIng". _ _.....riOy Ex* 0 ... SubdiYiIion Appo/Il _ Roqullod lor TrIJllfar 0 4C. Po............ 10. -- - Mop "'- 0 4. IndicatII th41........ 0I~"'" () ., I D RaIl _,...- ... tIlo _ 1 , /) .... 001 ,..ce1. OR PIIt 01. Poreel &. .....r ...... L J,..I/Otl'f>l.s LMT..-,r:t:1/IIPItIN 'liff-E, 1> c.c. tr - i , I i If I L w7t..~~ s 11/1/4-CL-A MIll...... '. E~ Au_tu,,, I ~ Communlly_ F Commarcill J _Y1 .... _....-....... """"",a11J;otrict G Apertm.nc K Public Servlco ... Buvar.~ . diIdoeurI noti;e nlaling H EruruInna"ill Amusemtnt I.. For.1 :11.1 UJe pr1)pIrty it in III AgricuIIurtl DillricI 11. CI-* one or more 01111.-............ .pIIGablt to ~ ,\ 8M ~ ReIItNu or Former RoIMMrI K S.1e s.twoan AlllaICld Campania or P.-tnerIIln Bu.ineu <: Onaol..."""._,s.u..- J) Buyar or SoIlor' I, Government Agency or Landlng lnalwtion E Deed l\f'PI naI W.rT1Inty or Bll'UIln 8I'ld SelelSplclfv BelClW) f Sale at Fl'IClIonIl or LIJq men Fee I~ aSpeciry BoIow) (j Slgnllk:anl aa.ng. In Property BatwDen Taxable SIIrue .nd s.ID 0I1Dli H _oI-'.InoI.-..SllaPrice I D1har U"""" F_ _"" Salo "'ice ISpaoI/y SuIow; J Nono ~/U~e..77()AJ .J>~EJ> 0.- 1M ........ II.........IV: L ~I. TyPO. Condominium e. New ConIUuc:don on Vllcanr Land o o o o 7. Ch.cJI the boa below whIGh IIIMt: ""","1, ~ the UN at 1M praperty . the time rJI..... ^~O.. F_ ........., B '1 or 3 F,m11y ReMtenI.., C Rtlhlenll8l Vacana Lind () Nan--RnIdonll.1 YaanI L,nd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. .... ContI'tet Dac. tL 1 ~~ /1Jl.! (j : ...... / ~r 1;),0s'1 n., v... ~: Lf." of 8I11e I Tr.""" " tJl 13. Full &.Ie ...... ~. . ..0,0,0 I , , . IFuII Slit Price illhI tottl IImOW'tr PI" for die proptRy inckIdmg PlrtOnaI prOperly. lbit JUlVlMl'II may be In the fann of CIlIa. oIhtr property or good.. Of dI. -.mpIlan of mol1glgtl or elher obllgatlO,.,1 PfHN round ro rINJ ftOItUr ~ doIIw MNJUnf. ,.. ........ th....... .. ,..... I 0 0 0 I _1r_lntho_ . . ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dora Ihould _ ,hi Itltll Fln.l_mon, Roll and T.. Bill ,.. v.... 01 AIi........c RaIl fram I I I _.....__. 17.T...._V....loI........In~J1 ,', '. " "."-"YCIah ~.I.o I-U 1L___I.5 ~1:!J.t1(d... , zo. T.. Mapk_/RoIJ_III11__lour._____1ol1 /00" - ()?-D. O() - 13. D() - tJ;l(). tJ35" /4()() -()rt;,OtJ- /.J!.dO-tJ,,2D,OO.j I I CERTlFICAnON I I .-ertJl)- Iloal .. ...... .... allatarmolloo on...... ... lIdII r..... ... InK IIIlII ........ n.. .... ..... alIII)' ............ ..... _ ... IlIIIlI....... Uuu .... ..k1lll1 oI-.y wIMd ...... MaInnrM oI..anW 6Id ..... wi( ~ ..-Ia ... unnWoru ~ thr ...... ... nIIld... to ...1IIIIdItI..... ...... ~...... ~ BUYER BUYER'B ATTORNEY I'~ ~~ ....,""'" '1II11TlIAIlI; .2U I'I'IIIITIllUIUlII ~t.I,.,//..; :J>e,"F 5","T IUIIIIE W'TP IALII -- 'I!LU'MD"~II , e.e€~;.sKIl-l- CII"IDl'10i/LIN I A/;T I 0 u,.,? (, 'TATI JIIICl:lIlIo ~.,. I ,~~/';"'d")- .~ NEW YORK STATE COPY ~ ~ji~ I!l.LJIltMllll&'ftoIIII ~" . '-"" " J . \. ./'