HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12403 P 256 ,L'12LI{3 .' . P 2c;tc. 35-&-0 TillS IN DENTURE, made the " r H.h day of July. Iwo Ih~uSllnd.and tive BETWEEN :vtARGAL. (Ne.. with offices 235 Snug Harbor Road, Greenport, New York 11944, party of the tirst part, and :vtARY ARMSTRONG GAI.I.AGHER and THOMAS GALLAGHER. her husband, residing al 235 SNUG IIARBOR ROAD. GRI::I::NI'ORT. NEW YORK 11944, pany oflho: second part.. WITNESSETH, thaI the party of Ihe fi",1 part. in consideration of Ten Dc,Uan; and olho:r \'Sluable consideralion paid by the party of the se<:ond part, does hereby grant and release onlO Ihe party oflho: second pun, lhe heirs or sucees.'lOrs and assigns of the KCond pan forever. ALL thaI certain plol. piece 01' pareel of land. with the buildinlJli and improvemenls thereon ereeled. siluate. lying and bcing in the: SEE ATIACHED SCHEDULE "A" Being and inlended hl be Ihe same prcmises as conveyed to Ihe party of Ihe Iirst part herein by deed daled I '1114/1998 and rcc:orded 1/12199 in Libel' 11939 Page 191; Said premises arc known and designaled 8S Districl: 1000; Section 035.00: Blocl; 06.00; Lol 006: Said prcmises being known as 2J5 Snug Harbor Road. Gn:cnport. New York 11944; TOGETIIER with all righI, title and interest. if any, of Ihe pa~' of the firsl part in and 10 any slreeL~ and nlOds abutting the above described premises 10 Ihe .:enter lines thereof; TOGETHER with any appurtenances and alllhc e>>U1te 011I1 rights of any party of thc firsl part in and III ""id premises: TO HA Vf. AND TO HOLD Ihe prcmises herein granted unto the pany of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of Ihe party of the second part forever AND the party of the firsl part covenants thot the purty of the first part has nol done or sattered anything whereby Ihe said premises hove been cncumbered in any way whateVer. excepl as aforesaid. AND Ihe party oflhe firsl part. in compliance with Section 13 orlhe Lien Law, covenants lhat the porty of the tirst part will receive Ihe eonsiderOIion for this conveyance and will hold Ihe righl to =eive such consideralion.... a trust fund 10 bc applied firsl for the parpose ofpuying Ibe ~'Usl of Ih. improvement and will apply the some fin;llo lho: paymenl of Ihe cost of impnlVemenl before asing any part of the Iotal oflhc: some for any olher parpose. The word "party" shall be construed os ifit reads "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so rt.'qaircs. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,th. parties oflhe firsl port have daly ellceated this deed the day and year fi",1 above wrillen. MARGAL. INC. :f:~:F.t -Iwr,~nt BB/11/200!5 15:26 1'IJ.624 001 ~ITLZ KOI 05-9579-8 scmmm:.. A ALL that ce~~ain plot, pieca, o~ pa~cal of leAd .ituate, lying and being at Mar1on, Tovn of Soutbold, County of Suffolk, State of New Yo~k, known and dB.ICl~ibed a. Lot No. 30 Oft a ce~tain ...p entitled, "Map of Section 2, Cleava. i'o.lnt. and f11.d in the Offica of the Cle~lr of thB COUftty of Suffolk on Ma~ch 13.. 19112 ae Map No. 3521. .- ", .~.' 'Z ~ ..rUT IIIIlf YOU TUU AGllIrCY L'lD. '. STATE OF NEW YORK ) )u: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On Ihe ~+JU}' of July in the yeur 2005 before me, lhe undelliigned, a NolaJy Public in and for said S18lc, Thomas 1'. Gallagher, Viee-Presidenl of MARGA!., INC.. personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on Ihe basis of salisfaclory evidence 10 be lhe individual(s) whose namc(s) is (llJ'C) subscribed 10 Ihe wilhin inslrumenl and acknowledged 10 me Ihal hclshclthcy execuled Ihe samc in hislhcrllheir capacily(ies), and thai by hislher/their signature(s) on Ihe inSlrumenl, lhe individual(s). or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acted, execuled the instrumenl. BAUGAIN AND SAJ."~ J)J.:..~n With Covcnanls Allainst Grantor's Acts TillpN,," MARGAL. INC. To MARY ARMSTRONG GALLAGHER And THOMAS GALLAGHER, her Husband \.. . - .'. ~~~>> JolIn M. Judie NOTM,!, .~!!;-_L.Il1. SIBle of N_ YorJc No.01J_ Quelllled In Suffolk County eomm_ Expiree May 28, 20 s:u Section: 035,00 Block: 06.00 Lot: 006.000 County or Town: SUFFOLK Retul'1I By Mall To: ".. . ""'., CE~TIFICATE OF DIRECTOR'S RESOLUTION TO TRANSFER REAL PROPERTY IN :,EXCHANGE FOR ALL OUTSTANDING SHARES IN A UQUIDATING DISTRIBUTION ". The undersigned Vice President of MARGAL, INC., a New York corporation with offices at 235 Snug Harbor Road, Greenport, New York 11944, hereinafter referred to as "the corporation"), hereby certifies that: 1. At a meeting of the board of directors of the corporation duly called and held this date, at which a quorum was present and acted throughout, the board of directors unanimously adopted the following resolution, which has not been modified or rescinded: RESOLVED, that the corporation execute and deliver a deed to MARY ARMSTRONG GALLAGHER and THOMAS GALLAGHER ("Purchaser") transferring title to premises covering the real property now owned, by said corporation at 235 Snug Harbor Road, Greenport, New York 11944, in exchange for all outstanding shares as part of a plan of liquidating pursuant I.R.C. Section 331; and that the President or Vice-President, or any other officer(s) of the corporation, be and each of them is hereby authorized to execute and deliver such deed and such other instruments In order to effectuate the terms and intention of the contract of sale, as such office may deem proper and advisable, and to affix the seal of the corporation thereto. 2. Neither the certificate of Incorporation of the corporation, nor its by-laws, contain any special requirement as to the number of directors required to pass the within resolution. 3. The certificate of Incorporation of the corporation does not require any vote or consent of shareholders to authorize the transfer of title. Said transaction is not a sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the corporation This certificate Is made and delivered in order to induce the Purchaser in the foregoing resolution to accept the deed transferring subject premises and to induce Chicago Title Insurance Company through its agent Arst New York Title Agency Ltd. to Issue Its owner's poliCY of insurance knowing that they will rely on the truth of the statements made herein. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereto affixed his hand and the seal of the above corporation this day of 2005 MARGAL, INC. ...-....,-1........-.. By: Thomas F. ~b~reU ~day of July 2005 ~f'~J~8BtIC s_ 01__ ~~~~~ 1100'" CllIII'- -.--- , ...... $ Number of pages TORRENS Serial II CeniflCale /I Prior Clf. /I DI'<:d. Mong"lle Insuumenl Deed I Monl!age Tax SIamp FEES 3 Page I Pilinl! I'eo Handling 5. ..00.... 'J- lP-584 Notation EA-52 I 7 (CoUnly) Sub Tolal --; Sa c;-= 7~_ '.)0- EA-5217IS181e) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. 5 ..00.... Aff'llIavit Ccni fled Copy Reg. Copy J.:2I:J- 15"?) J.1/J Sub Tolal I~ Other Grand TolaI SeetiQ6S:"~ B~r .00 Lo~cn.\ - -.. --_. - .- . Real Propeny Tax Serviee Agency : VerificDtion' 6~~~1~O \ ~~TY A ~AU~ 1000 03500 0600 006000 - -- --- --. -. - '". -... - 6 SatisfactionlDisehargeslRclease tiSl Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD 8< RETURN TO: 8 dC-hn Zhlh-u r.t sc/ 33Wc.uJ /;.j, tJ-mQr\ (lei. 'Sl.it -a. I jd cHuf}:/1' S/-tA.. I 117-/1:. Suffolk ount Recordin ., 7 Co. Name TIllett RECORDED 2005 Rug 11 03:42:37 p~ Ed~.rd P.Romain. a.ERK OF SUFFll.K COUNTY L ??oo12403 p 256 DTi 05-Q1~4 Recording I Filing Stamps Mongage Ami. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub TOIllI Spec. I Assil. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointment Transfer Tax . ~IJ _ Mansion TllX The propeny co,'Cred by this molPl!C is or will be impro,'ed by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page /I of this in..uumonl. 5 Communlt Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ $ - CPI'Tax Due Improved Vacanl Land TO It) TO TO Title Company Infonnation & Endorsement Pa e This page forms pan of the attached ~cqo.P ~( I (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMElllT) made by: The premisis herein is SilUated in &7U IluC/~ J SUFI'Ol.K COUNTY, NEW YORK. In the Township of 5Utt.JhC)kl In the VIL1.AGI:! or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONl.Y PRIOR TO RECOROIl\G OR flUNG (o,..r) 111111111111 IIIIIIIIIIIIUI 111111011 11111 11I1111111111 1I11I11 11111 11111 1111 11m SUFFOLK COtJHTY CLERIC RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of XnstrumeDt: DEEDS/DOD Number of Pages: 5 Receipt Number : 05-0084007 TRANS PER TAX NUMBER: 05-01894 Recorded: At: 08/11/2005 03:42:37 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012403 256 District: 1000 Section. Block: 035.00 06.00 Ii!Y".xIHED AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $200,000.00 Lot. 006.000 Deed Amount I Received the Following Fees Por Above Instrument Ex8lllpt -""!pt Page/Piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCJlG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $800.00 NO Comm.Pres $1,000.00 NO Pees Paid $1,955.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NTJIIBER. 05-01894 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THB INSnUJOUfT THIS IS NOT A BXLL Bdward P.Romaine County C1eJ:k, Suffolk COunty . -.- .- CT. aWlS eo;a PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:!1 www.orps.stats.ny.us or PHONE 15181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ,. BT"11i Of NEW YORK .T"11i IIONID or REM. -.nY SEIIII1CElI FOR COUNTY USE ONL" 1'-1,1,0, g, f,91 CZ.__R..,,_ I g 1 II II~I ManII'l c.y Yu, CI._I I, ~1..f,a.5C4.p....I"",.s:-b, Rp.5217 .NJI''''~ PROPERTY INFORMATION "_1 ~ f~-5 I 3nuoJ./d}fbm Poad .I"'I~ 1IWKI';Iiii: (j, rp () n '7);YJ +- I an ell 'IOMI , tJr..!ll~I7/Yl t 4 b I/o fA tfI r q<fjj~{)r ...- lJii(( I ........ No.... fI#...c Sf duoS 3. Ta IncII::.-. wtwnt fuN,. ra 11IIII..10 be...... ..... i__~_lal_"formll -- ....,,.....,/CDINNY .......... 11M.. ......NiD._n NAMI .. IndicMa th. .......... aI ...----~,t ___on...._ I. CrrtClll_ 11&'1. MCOUIj I I of Parcels OR D P.rt of . PareoI 5.:::"", I BIn -.J xl I1IONlrul ...... lOR I ...... . 1OnIr. P..... '_1 a.G _ _....." 40\. PIIMIng __ -. Aoohcdy WOo D "1!:a~ition~WllRlqWNdforTr... 0 <<:.__..~-....- D 1.._ No... ({j!!..~ ( :r d1 -- LAIr NMI: / CCWI'ANY _r_ 7. 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