HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12231 P 925 -7 '~') ..1 ) Icu/-2 -6-0) stuJI- 00 1C{~~S ;-!yS T9I..~r T&Il StaJId.nJ S.Y.R.T.l,.;. I"or 100:2 . Barpill.Dd Sak Deed. wUh c~ .plnSl GranIar'I Al:U. ladividul or Carpun.don I:ShlP Sllnn , . ~f I ~ 1001 ~ 001.00 ~ 06.00 I.&! 009.000 File #: HAWKPOINI0606S CONS\;LT YOGR LAWVER 8EFORE SIGSING TIllS INSTRL"ME'lT-TIIIS INSTRUMI:""'f'oCT SHOUW BE USED BV LAWYERS ONLY. THISINDEi''TURE,1lUI<k -n..c.. ,3cJ. 'b- 0-1 ")I.e.'::, ,"D~ BETWEEN U Peler R.~rldns fe'soiding at 31-6519111 Street, Astoria. NY 11106 party of lhe rust pan. and Peter R. Hawkins Laurie A. Hawkins n..'1iiidingllll 31-65 19th. Strec-t, Astoria.l\rv 1 J 106 party of the second pan. \.\"ITNF_~SETR. that the partY oftll1e first part, in consideration afteD dollars and other "..tusbte consideration paid by the party of the second part. does hI~b)' lrant and retcatlC' unto the party of the- second part. the heirs or sUC'cC'!lSors aod assigns of the puny of the second plm forever. AU that cc:nain plol, piece or parcel of land. ",'ith the buildings and improvC'ments thereon erected. 5itimtc. bing and bcina: in \the .t:..' .,. JC""~,~t J~'"J'-1;) )\iOY '.1';'."' I '. :,.'::' ::' ..1. r: 'L:GJo!oI ALL that certai.n plot. piece or pare,el ofland. situate, tying and being in lhc ]nco~~ Y.~Ji~;,o'fl:f~n~p.. Town of SOuth old and State ofNewYod;:. bounded and dcscn"brd as follow!\.: _ CS ,C;t 1:.rc.'n3v'_~ I c.1.O!:r. .;1 1,c,..-a..L"I1f'f\C':) BEGIl\I"NlNG at a point on the nonherly side ofNonh Street atlbe southwest COI11C'l' tl:l' land of Dean. \\'hich said point i.. also 128 feet "'at of Second SU1~el; RUNNING THENCE dong 1I1e nonherly side of North Street. ""ulb 83 dgrces 14 minutes SO seconds wes143.54 feel 10 IaI1d of Topping; THENCE aiang the last mentioned. land, nonb. 6 degrees 45 minutes 10 seconds WC'5t,. 116.96 reel 10 pietrodangelo; TI-lENCE along the land ofPietroc.langelo and land of Norman. north 84 degrees 14 minutc~ 10 seconds eusl.43_50 feeol to the land of Dean: THENCE alona; land of Dean. .!lOUlth 6 dC'~ 47 minutes 20 second.. east. 116.21 feelt to the point or ptace of BEGDlNING. THIS COJ>;VEYANCE U,l\LU>E II'" THE ORDINARY COURSE OF BUSINESS OF THE PARTY OF THE FIRST PART AND WITH nn: CONSENT OF ALL ITS SHAREHOLDERS. BEING AND INTENDED TO lIE THE same premises conveyed 10 tlte pany of the: rusI pan herein by deed daled 9/11/00 and rccotdc:d OD 10/13100. Liber 12077 Poge 961 PREMISES MORE COM...'10NLY knO\l.'n as 108 North Street Grecnpurt. NY 11944 TOGET....E.R with all right. title' DDd interest, if any. (If the party of the flI'Bt part in and to any 5lR:'e1S and roads abuUing the above described Pre:mi6eos to the center tines thereof; TOGETHER ",ith the appurtenanccs and all the- ....... and rights of the party of I'" firsl pan in and to said Prcmi"",; TO UA VE AND TO HOLD tlte Premises herein granted unlo the ~. of the secollld part. the hcirs 01" SUCC6sors and a.ov;igns of the pany of the second pan fOR"\"C'r_ AND the part). of the fi.r5t pan covenants that the pany ofthc fin;t part hu Dot done or sufT~ anything whereby the Aid Premises have been encumbc:red in any way whmte","er. CX.CC'pl as ofoT'C'S8id. AND the part}. of the first part. in compliance with Section 1 J of the lien Law. CO\'enanlS that the part)' of me first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hotd the right to recei'\'e such consideration as a trUSt fund to be applied 6nrt for the plUlpOse of payin& the CC'I!ll of the- improvement and will appty the same first to the paymenl of the COSI of the impro'\'Cmcnt befon: using Any part of the lOtal of the same for any olhcr purposC"" L."i ,\,\'I'f1'liJ::SS WHEREOF, the party of the filTot part has duly executed this deed the day and year flTSt ab...'\."~ VIoTlllen. IN PRESENCE OF, ~4L Peter HawldDl Stale of New York, County of Nassau) ss: On December ~ Z002, before me, the undc:rsiJ!llC"!, a Notary Public in and for said Stale. personally appeared PETER HAWKINS personally known to mc or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individua1(s} whose:: namc(s) is (are) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that hclshelthey executed the same in hislhcrltheir capacity(ies) and that by hislher/their signature(s) on the in.unmcnt. the individw1l(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individuaJ(s) acted, executed thisinstrumt."Ilt. ~ o Public tary CH YL ROSENTHAL N-.y Public. Stala 01 New YorIo: No. 01RQ5051295 . QuaUfied In Nassau County '_( CommlB8ion Expi_ November 6, 2O:!!.L.. ....... Bargain and Sale Deed Title No. STWI-00-79nS Slale of New York, c..Wl1Y of) ss: -. On belore me, the Wldersigned, a Notary Public in and for said State; personally appeared personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence 10 be the individual(s) whose namo(s) is (are) subscribed 10 the: within insuwncnt and acknowledged 10 me that he/she/they executed the ssmc in hislher/tm.ir capacity(ies) and thaI by hislher/their signature(s) on the instnlIDCnt, the iridividual(s). or the penson upon behalf of which the individua/(s) acted. executed this instrwnent. Notary Public DISTRICT: SECTION: BLOCK: COUNTY: 1001 002.00 06.00 009.000 RECORD AND RETURN BY MAIL TO: Peter R. Hawkins and Laurie A. Hawkins 31-65 29'" Street, 1104 Astoria, NY 11106 2 ) e . ~ Number of pages TORRENS \...3 PECO~DE[l , 2903 Jan 24 08.50.54 ~M F.;jI,,:;,'-d P.Jl'OIlaine CL€RY OF S'JFFOLK COUHTV L 000012231 P 9?'i DU 02-24459 Serial # CenificBtc # Jlrior Ctf. # Deed I Mt1rtgage Instrument D<:cd I Mortgage TIIX Stamp FEES Rcconling 'Filing SlalUpS 4 Page I Filing Fcc Handling TP-584 Mortgage AmI. I. Basic T8); 2. Additional Tax Notation Sub Total GRAND TOTAL q/~ Spec./Assit. Or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dus. Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment ---- Transfer Tax -€::::!I Mansion Tax The propeny covered by this mongugc is or will be improved by a onc or two family dwelling only. YES orNO 'fNO. see appropriate tax ciiiliSeOil page H _ of this inslrUment. EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) Sub Total Cmnm. of Ed. _~<llL- R.P.T.SA -~ .:=.. Afiidavil Certified Copy Rog. Copy -J{.~ Sub Tota'l Other RealProper1y Tal< Service AfFIliCY Verification Dist. Sect!~_~. B ~ock Stamp 02051244 1001 00200 0600 0011000 Date ~~) Initials ~~7 "71 Satisfaction-stOisehargeslReleases Lisi Property Owners Maiiing Addres ....:J RECORD'" RETURN TO: CPF Tax Due $ 5 Lot 6 Community I'reservalio Fund Consideralion Amount $. Improved Vacant Land A-n(L 31fo( A; fDed1 )}/}(rJtI~ d.Cj s.,- IN /110'10 TD l/ltJ ( TO TO v This page fllnns part of the attached g Title Company Information Co. N am e h7/etr '"c;1!;;n9L Title 1# -r cx:r-ri.,;t;/:::' Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page DF-tJ . mode by: ~ {;.7te.Ilf)tvKJllS (SI'ECIFY 1YPE OF INSTRUMENr) Ii Tit:. TO .~ L ~eiL J.Jt;... KvJ5 'I be premises herein is situated in SUFFOI.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Toy,nsltip of 'Sou71l0c.D In the VIlLAGE or HAMLET llf BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE "IYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVERI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP FOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 3 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-24459 Recorded: At: LIBER: PAGE: District: 1001 Section: 002.00 EXAMINED AND $0.00 Block: 06.00 CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees Flor Above Instrument Extmq)t NO Handling NO NYS StlRCHG NO EA-STATE NO Cert.Copies NO SCTH NO Comm.Pres Fees paid page/Filing COE EA-CTY TP-584 RPT Transfer tax $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 02-24459 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMENT Edward p.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County 01/24/2003 08:50154 AM D00012231 925 Lot: 009.000 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $99.00 llY""Ipt NO NO NO NO NO NO FOR COUN! Y'USE ONLY ~LtASt I YPt OR PRESS f-IRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www,orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 I C3, . '1 1-3 & () I ____~~ I I !;c!'-{I03, M",.,lh D~y Year /' Book ~::{, -.;(,3 clJ CHage 1 c?,.s ~Q'~ 5 STP',FrV,ME "~~~n:()d- '-AS-'-'J,,'!rir:~------ J.1'L:V(A) /C. ( ^ S ~:)'~P"N~"'-"~ k-A'tA f1~ST N"MF REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT .'11 ,.' J ~'"".,,, C1. SWtS Code STATE 01: NEW YORK C2, Date Deed Recorded STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 I(P_:<217R<'" V"7 PROPERTY INFORMATION 1 Property I Location " ,;( 't'lYc/ ___~___.J 7. Buyer NamR i , \ *"--.-- 3, T<lx I~r_ icate wh'lre tut,JI't' T~~ I':,'I~ "r~ to IJ<; "erl~ Billing itothorrhi.l'I tuye addre",<,i~! J81:cm ollcrrr'! L_ __ .. .----~...----- Address LASTNAr..'[;COMr~ 11l<~T ,Arle d:;'9,l:""c",,,tJ.~,t:,,^,,-5L,LU;;C/;f~fl~ .-----'t/a L 4. Indicate the number of Ass",ssrTlt'nt I J I D {Only if Part of a Parcell Check a5 thav apply Roll parcels tritnSfene,d o(t d~ cd _.~.' .. # of PlHcEls OH Part of a Par8el 4A Planning Bo,,,d W;ll Subd:vif:ion Autho-it"y Exists 5. d \ \ i\ 1\ 46 SuWlvisiol1 Approval wa~, Rp.(lu;r\::d for T,-ansir" ~;:pertv I_~\I ~_ I X L--~ j OR L---'---------'--_._--' _ _ -----" ~ 4C. l'aru~1 Approvod for S~bdiv sian w t1 Vap "r':Nided Siu' rR(.'~l ;, I :'>"PT~: .o,CRES _______J _J ClDE 1------, ....J o o 6. Saller Name C-I~J(: (^S IrL2~~ u I 1.._ ___ __ .\'," ',r,'/L;U,'MP/,';., FIRSTNAr..II, 7. Chack the bo,", bel(lw wnicl1 1110"t accurata1v describes the use of the property at th.e time of sale: Check the boxes balow as. tl1ey apply: a Ownership lype;s Condc,mmium 9, New Construction on V;;lc"nt ,__HKi o o o c :\ " l n One Fan~>ly '1e<;'.opptia: 2 c.-:j ["Cf'i:y "esdel't"1 Re,;def'l'al\-ilcantl.ilnd ~Jo".H()~'ldenticll Vocan'. L;:wc r'~ F r; IJ I ~ corn.muniWSl'rVlce J .I'dustr:al. K I'ubhc Serv cc L Forp.st 10A. Pro~,p.r1y Loc"led willlin an AgricullUral Dis~rid 106 Bl,yer [eCo-'l/ed ~ disc:loSllrlO noti:;n I~:;jic"t'n'l ti'atthe p"lJf)eny is i'l an A,pic'Jtural Distrd A'Jriculturill Ca--nmPrcal Api"trr~'nl E.-,terta:,JlMer,(/AmuselTlent I SAL[ INFORMATiOI\J I 11. Sale Contract Date 15 Check one or mare of these conditions as applieable to transfer Si.lle Belwe!''' Relatives or Fon-..-,er' Reiatlvof; Sfl'e But'Neen Related Companies or PArtner" in <>,,,;'''es5 One ot the Buyers ;$ also a Seller Mont~ ='"v ...L . ~ A B C I) E " Buver or Seller is Governrrent A!;enc,' or :"e"c!inq institution need Type not Warranty or Bargc1in nnd Sc"'-' :Sp,.,,;:ty Below) Sale of Frnctiorral 01 L",ss than Fee Ir'tem"t (Spce''y BcIDw': SI9nificIHlc Change in l'rcperty i3~twefH1 T"xable Status and Sill", Dales Sal.... of Busilwss is i.-,clllded in 5",18 l'riCl; 1/. Date of Sale / Trdlste' U'::l l::l /1::l.L1 )..1~~Year ,-t~ ." ,Q.J 'ull Sail; Price is ~h~ 'O~": "mOUl1t paid br the p'orerty i'l~:ud;ng ,.,ersonal prope..ty T1is :Javn"<,wt rr,ay hI! in t;lI~ fer,,' ,if casr. uthe- prucHlr1y or goods, 0' the ass~m;)tlon at 'r,oc-:"aoes 0' Q'~er ob igaj';ors.; '6as.o'''' iii) tu Ihp ne'iro~t VI. dollar amOLl"lt 14. Indicate the value of personal I -1-- ] ~ 0 0 propertv included in the sale, , . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Data should 'eflect the latest Final Assessmflnt Roll and 'ax Bill (, 13. Full Sale Price H -L..__.J " I, ~her UI'\Jsual r.~ctors Affocti.,g Sala Prrce (SPf<lv Below) ~.None _I"'~ 13~~ tkJ.-t f. ~ 0-- .L.J -- 16 Year of AS'W5smant Roll from which informllt,oll taken Q,.bJ -;- 1/ Total Assessed V,~lue (of all parcals ill transter) 1'--------_ 18 Propar1V Class e;;L. .\.1:1-',-- J 19.5chooIDistrictN~lme L -C/"f!!!.*G-f'~ 20. Tax Map Identifier!s) I Rolllderltifierls! (If mora than four. attacl1 sheet with additional jdentifiar(sl) 0;2..0.0 S~C BJ L. t~~ ,00"_ L.. ,--.-J LObop I CERTIFICArtQN T cCltif.v thalall of Lhc item>; of illfurrmltirm t'nler'ed 011 Ihis form are troe and l'urrcet ltll the l)('.,1 of Ill)' knowledge and belief) lInd I understand tllilt tht' milking of "ny willful f:llsl. ',1.ah:IIlCllt of IJLllteri:l1 fact herein will S\lbjl'l:l m1~ to the ilrovisiullS of the pemllluv, rcJlIlh't;' In the making and filinJ!; of I'nlse instru",cnts. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY, I" c 17:\;::;" ',' /.' ,- / .t liy,Ki;X;f;:-;,/jzAt:'"~ -~ O'.L- dO a tic;, s-t "IHf,~ 'JJMBl:'l --~~V1':-;-^'T~1 ~';'IE';- --~NAME FIR~- '.AME A'loAC"OD< TflE~HON[ \JUMr;Lfl ,.-~ , , I _ _\:-.)/\.~'...JL:L\f cd I 00 l h )I \ '-\ C1EvCRTnw" . . ~-'-AF=::t ZJP:,.,r..:.... SELLER (Jc(k~,~~~~~?---+JLU'JL- lr::' YORK :'ATE I COpy ------- J