HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12421 P 562 ~t -, "I - . ) ) r . ~'? y !J9'O NY ODS - Bupin :and SaIco Deed with Ccn'eIlllDllIpillll OraaIor', Ac"lndividuoll ur COIplRion CSI_ Sheell CNYBTU 800:1) COSSUL T "OUK LA WYEK BD'OIlE SJ(llOING TIllS ISSTIllj)fElllT. THL~ L"iloTKU)U::IoT SHOUI.D BE USED BY 1.\ "'\'EH.~ ONI.Y L .,1.-1., 'I - , . / '.'. .or., THIS INDENTURE. made Ih. 4th day of November . in th. y..r 200S BETWEEN DANIEL MANNIX and LINDA MANNIX, his wife. both presently residing at 41-4242nd Street. Apt. 4E, Sunnyside. NY 11104 pany "r lhe lirst pan. and GERAL YN DIMANGO and JII.L NARDO, both presently residing at 42 Orehard Street, Manhas5et, NY 11030 pany of lhe ...ond pan. Wfn'IESSETlLlhallhe party "f the lirst pan. in eon.<ideratian Ilf T.n Dollars and nther valuable .'t'nsidcralion paid by Ibe pany of th. ...."OOd pan. doc. """'by gnulI and rele... unto lb. p"ny of l!>c _and pan. lb. b.irs or successors and assign.< of lhc party of lhc ...ond pan for....,r. ALl. thai ~in plIM. pi= or parcel of I.nd. wilh the buildings and improYCIIICnL< the....n e"","". silual.. lying and !>cing in the at Orient, In the Town of South old, County of~uft'olk and State of New York. known and designated on the 1'8.1 Map for the County of Suffolk as District 1-' Section 020.00. Bloek 03.00, Lot 009.003 belnll bounded and deserllK.'CI as follow: BEGINNING at a point on the southerly side of Main Road (NY 25) at the point where the division line between the easterly line of lands P. Nathanson and the westerly line of subject premises Interseets said southerly side of Main Road, said point of beglnnlnll also being distant 300.00 feet easterly as llleasured alonll the southerl)' side of Main Road from the point where the easterly line of lands of T. I.atham intersects the southerly side of Main Road; RUNNING THENCE North 62 degrees 51 minutes 30 sKonds East a dlstanee of 229.10 feet along the southerly side of Main Road to land of H. Burden; THENCE South 17 degrees 52 minutes SO . sKonds East a distance of 268.57 feet along said land; THENCE South 64 dellrees 46 minutes 40 seeonds West eontinlllng alonll said land a distance of 179.25 feet to land of P. Nathanson; THENCE North 28 degrees 38 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 259.20 feet along said land to the southerly side of Main Road at the point or plaee of Bf:GIN:'iIING. Said premises are also known as 38100 Main Road. Orient, NY. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises eonveyed by the party of the first part hy deed dated 4/26/93 recorded 5/5/93 in l.lber 11628 Page 14. TOGETIIER wilh all righL titl. and int.re'l. if any. oflhcpany aflhe lirsl pan of. in and 10 any $In:\.'1S and roads abulling Ibe .bove-dcscribcd p",mi!ICS 10 th"- ."nl.r lin.'lhereof: TOGETHER wilh Ibe uppun.nllllCl:ll and withe ....1. and righls "fib. p"ny aflhc linll pun in and to ,aid p",mi""s: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises","",;n granted unlu the p"r1y of lb. "".-ond p"n. Ibe heirs or succ..sors and a..ign. or lhc pany of lhe .eL"nd pun forever. AND the pany of lhc lirst pan cavenanL< thallhc pany of the lil1ll pun bus nnI done or surr.",d anything whereby the .aid premises have been incumhcred in any WI)' whatevere e"C'CplllS aroR:!<iuid. ANI) lhc pany of the lirsl p"n. in cOlnplillllL.., with Section 13 "rlhe Lien Law. CO\'coanL<lballhc P"rIY or the liM pan will rec.iv.the con.id.raIion for Ihi. .anveyWlCC and will hold lhc righlla receiv. .uch COlI5KleraliIHl.. alru.<t rund to be appli.d lirsl for l!>c purp.... of paying Ih. caS! ..f the improvcmcnl and will apply l!>c lilIIIIC lirst to the puymenl of the co.lof th. impro\'cmcnl her..", u.ing any pan of the 10181 orlhc same for any olh.r purpose. Thewonl"puny" sball be ..n..rued.. if iI ",ad ')>arIic." wh.nev.r Ibe 5On"" ofthi. indenlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHERF.oF. Ihe pany "f lhe lim part has duly ....uted this deed the day and Y""r lirsl ab<1Y. wrillen. I DA IEL>lA. NIX ' ~/~~ ,.,.-..~ [1:;1 A:\fA 'NIX - USli ~CIINO"'I.Jo:JJ(;MF.Nr~YJ"V 1IElDW"1THIN Nl~YOIlA' ST~TIIONI,Y: Slalul'll_l'ort<,Countyol' Suffolk Iss.: Ll . On Ihe -, day of November in Ihe year 2005 befon: ..... the undcn;il/lCd. pclllllRll!J upp:_UR.'\l DANIEL MA."iNIX &. LINDA MANNIX . p:rsonolly known to me (11' proved 10 me on 11M: bcIsili of ...lisfactory evidence 10 be 11M: individual(s) whose namc(51 it (l1li') sub.<c,ibcd 10 11M: within in!lllUmenl and acknowledged 10 me that heI"""^,,,-oy eUCUI<d lhe .....' in hir.lhelfthri, eapocilycics). and thal by hi5lhcd1heir SiGJUllU"'(5) on the insuumenl. the individuolls). or the penon upon behalf of which the ~~~::~~"","I. LOUISE D. KRO~!;""" Nolary Public. 51?le 01 Nf)'N York No. 01 KR~81 :1'>49 a"a!l!'qd ;~ S'Jfll)l~ Ol,,~:y _.1 Commission E'o"gs 3a;>1 30. ?O~ ACII.."'Wl.lilXlJl6NT FOIlM FOIl USE WITHIIV NY.M' YOIlA'ST"'J"KONU': f/'.'~... )(,ri 5Mb,,"nitiq M'j,IH'~'I' Al"lIItM""~ C~"UlNWI SllIIrol'NrwYnrI<,COIIDlyof }-., On the day uf in the yoot before mc. lhe undcr.oigncd. persor.dly appe""," the suhsc:ribing willleS.< 10 Ihe fCKqOiog illSlNrncn~ with whom J ...; per.;onally atquainred who. being by me duly sworn. did drposr and ,ay thai 1lI:I,hcllhLoy re.idel.) in (if 1M pl.... 'if ",sidene. i. in u dl)'. indlld"h. "nI<< und .,,", IIII1IIhtr. if uny. Ihn...{J: that hc:I.hcIthcy knowl') 10 be Ib, individual dr.rnbed in and who elUXuted lhe foregoing ins&nlmClnl: that mid lCubscribing witness was pn:senl ;and saw Aid """"u.., the '"""c; and that .aid wi..... 01 the sam. timo 5uh50.,;1IC\l hWhedtheir n:unel.) as a witne.. then,'", BARGAIS "SALE DF.I!D \A,"lrKcovm'..\...n: AGo\L"IISTOIlA."ITOII.'S ACts TlTuNo. RH05304I54 Land America DANIEL MANNIX and UNDA :\tAN~IX, his wife TO GERA.L YN DIMANGO and JILL NARDO FlDt:LITY NATlOIOiAI. TITI.F. INSURANCE eCOMPAIOiY OF NEW YORK . L-.t;OIIfIC'CArli./J/VJ8 OW-A- Fidelity "'"",...w.."- M~._......... I.-J7I*A___. ~ " USIi~CIllt'OWI.l1lJGIlEATtYJlt.V IIIiI.DW "'lTHIN Np' YOIlA'ST"'fEO.\'I.I~ Slalr of New l'ork, County 0' } iii.: On the day of in the year before me, the undenillntd. pmoDaIly appeared pmonaIly known to me or JlIU'-ed 10 me an the basis of lilIlisf:U:lllry evidenl.'e to be the individual(s) whose n:unels) is (1ft) subscribed tn Ihe within inslJUmem and adtoowledlfN tn me thai hl:Ishcfthey C"",,"led thc mmc in hi5lhet11heir .upac'tyUes). and thai by hi<lhl:rllbeir signalUrc(s) on the inotJUmenL the individual(5). or the person upotI behalf Clf Whk.'h the individual(5) atled, c,ecuted the illSlNmeOL ACII.NO"UJJG.VF."'T FOIlM t.OR USF. OI/JSIUI-: NhW YORK ST~JJl 0.'1/13: IOtu 'is'"" fJr Fl,"i,,, (;~nJl AcintJ...f~JIM'" C~nijlClU~1 ... .... . . ........... ........................... .. . 1 IlL' f~ V~"IH' ...."" Sluw, (,".lMnIry. I'TPI-iltrwtJr MllllidftdJiryJ On the day of in the year before me. thc undersigned. """"nally uppean:d personally known 10 me or pmvo.-d 10 me on the basis of 5aIi.<flElO,y cvidel1l.'c III be the indi,'idual(s) wlK.... name(s) is (arcI5Ubso.-ribcd 10 the within inAnlmenI and acknowledged 10 mc Ihlll hc:IshcIthq eM:Cllled the ""'"" in hislhrdtheir <:IplICily/n..). thai by hi5lhedlheir sipaIwd.) ,m thr illSllUmen1, thc individual/51. (11' Ihe pellOn upon bchaIfofwhich the individual(.l....ted. c.."u1<d the in5lJUmenL and th0l5uth indi,iduaI rnadl: such 1lJlIlC"""'"" before the unclenlignc:d in the /1_" rht dly or olh., l""uituJ SllbJMsWn und ,'''' .,ul. '" ,....nll). or DlMr I"u.:. 1M UdillOM'ltdgmMI MUS luUn). DI~"RIC'r 1000 SF.C'J'llIN 020.00 BLOCK 03.00 LoT 009.003 Cousn' OR TOWN Suffolk, Southold R~:CORDED'" T IIEQU&T OF F1deUty Nallnaal11lle IDU'IIIICe Comptllly ofNrw l'ork nTUIIN BY MAli. TO J. GREGORY SAVER, ESQ. SATTERLEE, STEPHENS, BUKK.: & BURKE, LLP 230 PARK A VENUE, SUITE 1130 NEW YORK., NY 10169 12-0104 (21991 II) 3 RECORClEto 2005 HaY 23 0'3:2'3:37 RM EWard P.Roaaine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUHT'" L D00012421 P :562 on 05-16336 Number of pap J TORRENS Serial II cenifiC'lI1ell .. PriorCtf."__ DffiII Y/ortJlaIl.lo.tr....... :II O..,d I M......IIO lis SC.IIIJI . FEES Roc.nII.. I Filla. SI.mp. p.ge/lf'i1ing Fcc ~tongale AmI. HandlilOll I. 8asic Tox TP-5ll'1 2. Addition.1 T.x Notatiun Sub TOlal EA-52 17 (County) Sub Tot.1 Comm.ofEd. 5 00 Spee.lAs.il. Or Spee.l Add. EA-5217 (Stote) R.P.T.SA Jo Reg. Cupy Sub Tu..1 GRA"D TOTAL ~ \ 4 q TOT. ~TG. TAX Dual Town Dual County _ lIeld fur Apportionment mnsrcrTlx ~O __ ~ansilm Tax The property covered by this mortllllg_ is or will be improved by lone or two f.mily dwelling aaly. YES or "0 If NO, see approprial" tax elou"" oa page N of litis iastrumeat. Communi 'Presen..t1on Fund S S Affidavit Certifi,.d Cop)' Olher :::Il R~I Prope~ Tn Service ^ enn v~,:,ncalion 1- 1000 02000 0300 009003 _..._ .:ross Vacant Land TO ~L Olte i "7.;...5 I ::IJ StIli. RECORD & RETURN TO: J. GREGORY SAVER, ESQ. SATTERLEE, STEPHENS, BURKE & BURKE, LLP 230 PARK AVENUE SUITE: 1130 NEW YORK, NY 10169 TO TO ::II 8 Title Com an' Information Co. Narm: Land America Commo_nh TIUe Company Title If RH05304154 SUI-'FOI.K c:Ol:NT.... RF.CORDtNG & ENDORSF.ME:'lIT PAGE Thi.. page form. port of.he ,""ehed _. Deed - .- (SPECIFY TYPE 01' INSTRUMENT) mlde by: DAIoIIEL MANNIX and LINDA MANNIX, his wife The rmniscs herein is situlted in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. To GERAL YN OiMANGO .and JILL NARJ:1O In lite Town."';p of __ ._ _ SouIhoId In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of __ Orient RUXE.'! 5 TIIRU 9 ~IUST R.: TYP.:1l) OR PRI:\,ED IS BLACK I~K OSI.\' PRIOR TO RECORDI:liG OR .'ILI:liG. (()V~R) 111111111111111111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111 11111111 SUFFOLK COOn''''''' CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of J:n8trument. DBEDS/DDD Number elf Palles. 3 Receipt Rwmber . 05-0122190 TRAIISFER TAX NUMBER: 05.-16336 Recorded. 11/23/2005 Atl 08129137 AM LIBER: D00012421 PAGE: 562 District: . 1000 Section:1 BlocJu 020.00 03.00 BXAMJ:IlD!:D AIm CHARGED AS I!'OLLOWS $555.000.00 Loti 009.003 Deed Anx)unt. Received the FOllowinll I'ees For Above J:D8trument Bxeq>>t Ex_ Palle/Filinll $9.00 RO BaDdliDIl $5.00 RO CaE $5.00 RO US SRCHG $15.00 RO BA-C'l'Y $5.00 RO BA-STATE $75.00 RO Tp-584 $5.00 11I0 Cert.Copi.s $0.00 RO RPT $30.00 IlIO SCTH $0.00 RO Transfer tax $2.220.00 RO Comm..pr.. $8.100.00 RO 1'... Paid $10.469.00 TKAIlISFER TAX IlIDMBBRI 05-16336 THJ:S PAGE J:S A PART 01' THE DIISTR1JMIDi1T THJ:S J:S IlIOT A BJ:LL B4ward p. RcIII&ine County Clerk. Suffolk County FOR COUNlY USE ONLY Ct. SWIS C>dII 1''-/, 7. ..5, 6, ~~ .-/ l..ll ~ ~ Ie:.,: I C3._k L.L4.I..I,~, 11C4.P_~b,~ PROPERlY INFOR~,A:iiON1 I.P-'U8100 I Main Road l.oc8tion ~nllttT NU....1l I 5J"" NAME ~Id"at ~IO ClT'YQqTOW\lN PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WH'EN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.st8te.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT * STAlE OF NEW YORK STAlE IIOAIlD Of RiAl PIlOPEATV SERVICES . C2. Dale D..d R_rded RP - 5217 .~17"'yn ~-+ WLAG> I 11957 lI'toIX. 2. _ UliMango N.m. LAll ....-: I t.IJWAHV Geralyn _r_ L2'udo LA'" NAMt I COMPMV Jill rNTNAMI! 3. T.. IndiCldO whoro rUl:ure Tp, .. ". to he.... 8Ing If other th.n buyer IlddI'lSl tit bOftOm 01 form) L Ad... LAST""" I COAI'NNV ,..."..... L 11'WffT NlIMIHt NCISllI&f HAM[ QIY 011 TaWN STAT[ ~,- ....... I OPI L......- 1 2 COnly. ...... . _ - u Ibev """" &A. P1'nNng Baird wkh Subdivision Authority histl 0 411. Subdivilion Approvel WII RlQui-.d tor Tr.,.."r 0 C. Pia Appnwld lor SubdiviSIOn with Map Provided 0 4. IncIc.. ,he .u...... ... Ala...."..' Roll p....llr......... 0111 the dMd , Dr Pal'CObI OR D Plrt of . P.rwl 5.~ L Slz. ~xl PMJNl......' 'ACIII:. . 31 I.S.... Nomo L.!!lannix LAI r NAM[, COMMN" Daniel & Linda ""'1 NAIll. L LASI NAME.'~" ....." loAy" 12, om. of S.lu I Tr.....r 9 1 !l 105 MIINtI Iloy v- III I ,~ 105 ....~ Il.,. v... 0-* at. boaI Wow _ they .PPIr- .. Owncnhlp Type Is COI'Idcmirtlum ~ Communlly Servico 9. N.w eo_ructlon on V&lm Lend J Indllllllll 1M. Property ~ wimin an Agrlcullur.1 DillrklI . Publk Servic8 1.. Buyar rocoiYad . ciIdoIu... notic8 inc:IIArIng L ForOll dill thIt prnpMy 's In In AQriCUltwll Olltricl 1&. a.cIc ... or rnDI'8 at_ conII:Ion.. r roo -.a- to ....r.r: ,\ Sal. BoIwoan RoratJvu or Fo""" RIIt.1lvu 8 &.Ie BeIwMn RIll'" Complnia or Part,.", In BuIineM C One 01 the Buyers is .110 a Seller n Buyer 01 Seller I, Govemment A/iOrCY or Londmg InII:ltution E o.d Type ngt Warranty or 8alg.ln .nd S.I. (Spedfy Below' F SlIa of FrIlCCionaI or L.. than faD lrJturosllSpocify Below) G SignUieant ChIng. In Property Batwrocn T.G*' Butut end 511. DIIt H 5... of Butt.... .. Induded In SIM Price I Other UnUlUII Fed.... AtlOCIIng &.I. Pra C5pedfy 8cIow1 J Nono D D D D 7. Check the boa below whh;h rncm -.....Iy dllC.... 1h. u.. 01 the praperty at the time at ute: ,\ ~ One FJamiv' Residential R 2 Dr 3 F.mity Residential C Reside'illi.1 V.tlnt umd I) Non-Rosidontl.1II1'CM11 LInd I SALE INFORMATION ( 11. .... Contr.ct D.t11 E~AIIr'''''''''' F eom....l'CIIIl G A_ " En'-rtalnmenl J AmUMm.nt \3. Full .... Pr.ice ,5,5,5,0,0,0.11,01 , , . 'Full SaIl PrilC. islhD tolll .moum: pIIk110r IhI prapeny including pItSOIIIl property. This prtfMfIt mey be In the farm of CIIh. other property or (tDOCII. OC' IhllUUIftPIion of mortgagu or other obliptlons.) PluM raund 10 m. ....,. wIroIo do&r 1IftOUnt. L. t"l_lhI,._"__1 I , II .01 __Inlhe_ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Data should _t tho 1.1_ Flnal_ent Rolland Tax Bill ,.. Vur III AlDIIU.,MiRt Roll from I 0 . 51 \1. TDtII A:lI__ VII... IDf... ~ In .......11 which Infarm...... III_I ; ; 4 4 2 5 , 18. Properly CI_ ~, 1 . 9-u I......... ,_ Ne... I Oyster Ponds School 2Q. Tn ....... klentIII.w1 , Roll w.ntIIIertsJ .. more then toYr. .n.h ..... with MI*IonllldentifiMiiNl 1000.-020.00-03.00-009.003 I I CERTIFICATION I 1 n.'I'II1")' lballlll 01.... tttml vi ~ tDII'nd on thlll 1'1... .-e true uad calTl'C.'l no the ...... vi my ~ end 1wIh!I') and I unc:lmi&und lhat the makialil ~ lUll willful r. ,......al 01 matnIrd fad. henin will 1i11bjrct me 10 Ibr DnnWonl ~ lilt ... .... rNIive In IhrIMldaa IIIId fliIatr: "'raM IIRrUDlnD. BUYER BUYER'8 ATTORNEY _r:&hu. aM" m~_ 1 t l 00 I /'I'Vt1 tV I 11/4/05 IMtl Saver J. Gregory wr_ 'IIITN". AI) 212 818-9200 "ITMI!TNAM'WtrllliALll _A""" lUDHll'" ........ o /-{ ,;,,,,r ClTYOftroW'\l Nt .'AII lIC<l11E NEW YORK ST ^ TF. COPY -~-~ 11/4/05 ....