HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12389 P 758 1//\ .'- . hI '~ \0 .... ~ \ E.uc...... Dood -llIdividuIJ or CorporaliDo. N.Y.a.T.U. Fonn8ll10 CONSULT YOUR lAWYER BfFOllE SIGNING THISINSIlIJMENT - THISIN51RUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY lAWYERS ONLY. . JLj/I-/Lf. . Lf S~~O~\~1 ~~ci~ ') , L!.<31,Q p ,515 THIS INDENTURE, made the V day of March, Two Thousand Five BETWEEN, MICHELLE RENEE TEW f/klo MICHELLE RENEE STlLlHO, as Ancillary Executrix of the last will and testament of Howard J. Hocy aIkIa Howard John Hocya/kla Howard Hocy, deceased. who died on the 8th day of April, Two Thousand Four, residing at 9770 Fannbrook Lane, Alpharetta. Georgia 30022, the party of the first part, and STEVE CALABRIA, residing al: 161 Bay Avenue, Huntington Bay, New York 11743, party of the I second part, . ~TNESSETH, that the party of the first part, to whom letters testamentary were issued by the o /Q)o Surrogate's Court, Suffolk Coun~, New York on October 29, 2004, and by virtue of the power and S IIQ t1D authority given in and by said last will and testament and/or by Article II of the Estates, Powers and Il... tlr ,. Trtllsts Law, and in consideration of Five Hundred Twenty Seven Thousand (5527,000.00) Dollars, paid '/LDI.t1b by the party of the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of thc second part, the l)(t.{,earl:ributees or successors and assigns ofthc party of the second purl forever, ALL that ccrtain plot, piece or pllt'Cel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situ.ate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold. County of Suffolk, State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the SiOutherly side of Main Road (State Highway 25) where the same is intc:rsccted by land now or fonnerly of Janice Lee Thomas; . RUNNING THENCE South IS de,grees 00 minutes 00 seconds West along said land now or formerly of Thomas and along land now or fonmerly of Charles and Laura Baker, 380 feet; THENCE North 63 degrees 7 minutes 30 se<.'Onds West, 152.42 fect; THENCE North 4 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West, 436.S I feet to the southerly side of Main Road; and THENCE South 62 degrees 49 minutes 40 seconds East along the southerly side of Main Road, 300.35 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. BEIING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed datl:d 9/24181, and recorded lOll Si/81, in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk in Liber 9086, Page 579. .. ,. . TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, ifany, of the party of the first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center line thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances, and also the estate which the said decedent had at the time of decedent's death in said premises, and also the estate therein, which the party of the first part has or has the power to conveyor dispose of, whether individually, or by virtue of said will or otherwise, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tbe premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the disllribulees or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of thc first part cov'cnants that the party ofthc first part has not done or suffered anything wh,ereby the said premises have be,en incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of too Licn Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such co~lsideration as a trust fund to b~: applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of improvement and will apply same first to the payment of the cost of improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The: word "party" shall be construed as if it reads .panies" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day ,and year first alxl,ve wriuen IN I'RESENCE OF: MICHELLE RENEE TEW ,. " . STATE OF GEORGIA ~~~!h'hv On ~ day of March, 2005. before me. the undersigned, personally appeared Michelle Renee Tew personally known 10 me or proved to me on the basis of salisfactory evidence to be the ind.ividual~ whose namc(,Wis (arE) subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that .kEIshe/t.l)ey executed the same in biS'Iher/tbelr capacity(ies). and thai by tmlher/l10ftir signature(s) on lhe instrument. lhe individual~, or the person upon behalf of which the individual(s) acll:d. executed the instrument. and that said individual made such appearance before the undersigned in the City of --1;u...L -rl.. . State of Georgia. . COUNTY OF .~...I.'."'4.-. ," <:./ I,.". , .,,:. JJ(: "'.' ,. ..;.............1/."''.... .,> ./ I. ""0", ~ .' I .;~'i~p..Ry\.:..\ ._ . ...,.-".' l:" ~ "\ ~IOO\.~. := ... .... ubhc I'U\l1iD, VallllII CaunlY. OIO~ SWlI!f::..:.......,.nEoPIrlISOcL ,.2Il!' "",Camm- If. (J, n (!.t.{ Pl;.tl- l1e.e~; tL / fuJ i-tiVI C. CmlJ/lA &f' /0 - 7 - Ot. ". '" " '. ..~~~ I . I . li 1]- ~ NIII!.bcr or l'OS05 ~ TOllllENS ......:, . RECORDED 2005 Hay 27 04,27: 25 Ptl Edward p.R~ine CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUHTV L DOOO12389 p 758 OTi 04-42765 . Serllli.n CcrllnCl,Io N_ !'rlor or. N Dnd , Morlllogo 11I,lrumcnl Deod I Mortpgo TIX Slimp fEBS It.cordlllg I Flilllll 511111I1" ~ l'ollo/l:llIng foo :1 Morle"go AllIl, Ilnutlll,.!: I. Uaslc "l"nx 2, Addiilolllli '1'11' Tr-'S,I . NolDelun . Sub Tolo' ;, Sll~e"A..i1. D. S(IO.,I Add, TOT. MTQ, TAx Dual 'l"O\Vli Dual Cllunly_ l'lold rur Allpi,,1I01l1ll01l' __ Trall.ruT.. a..\O~. ...__ MOI1.JolI...... __ "111' I1rDlllu1y covC!'ed by Ihls 11I01lgngc II UI will b. Improved by a 01111 ur 'wo fRmll dwelllllg Dilly, yeS uo'HO_ I( NO.oloe PlllJrulJrlnlCl lux clnuse GIII'RUe: , _ ~rllll.II1i1lrlllllclI', 'I!A-'2 17 (Coullly) IlA-'21'1 (51010) 51.b Totll COnllll. IJr Ed. s~ R.1'.T.5.A, ~?O - Amdavll CO'1lncd Copy Rc!>, C~111Y " Olher ~. r.l Sub Tull' - mtANbTOTAL~SO\:." if Slomp a COlillliu.illy Pi'eserVllllolI FUlld Con.ldcr-RUon AUlonnl S 5'.::L 1..b:JO_ 'L Rcall'roPerlY Tax Service AlelIey VerlncallDII ._h....__ - ..... - OLoa 05020153 1000 Cl11100 0100 014004 ~. 1 ~~ ) RJM~A AY-o lulllnl. ~ --;-rs;;iIsf8cIiD;isluiSCliilrgWReleDSciUSil'roP0r1Y Owners M;"i,iil Acid..... ~ ---;.- nECOIUJ 8c nnUI\N TO: . CI>>P,' Tax buo s~ IInluuycd X. Dolo VacRnll..nlld \0 Scott Stone, Esq. 1 Sta~derman,Avenue Lynbrook; New 'yo,rk .11563 : TD TO TO -.., ...... 8 TI!lo COIII(>>IlUY Jufol"llln lioll Co. H..no . TllIDfI ~ Suffolk County Recording {k Endorsement. age 'llIis Jlllg;, f0l1115 JlIll1 or Ihe nllnchecll Executor I s Deed ;. mnlle hy: (SPECIFY TYI'E OF INSmUMENr) MICHEJ.LE RENEE TEW, as Ancilliary Executrix of the Estate of Howard J. IIae:.y Ollie premises herein is situoled in SUFFOLK COUN'IY, NEW YORK. TO . In .he TDWlIshif1l1f So~thold In IIIi: VII,LAOE STEVE CALABRIA ~r II,A/VILET ~f boxES:i '1111lU 9 MUST illS TVrlID OR l'I~NI1ID IN ULACK INK ONI. Y PIlIOIl TO RUCOllDiNO OR (,II.INO, , Orient " lOVE II) ," I 11111111111 11111 11m 1111111111 11111 mil 11111 1111 1111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COONTY CLERIC RBCORDS OFPICE RECORDING PAGE Type o:f Instrument. DBEDS/DJ)D Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Number : 05-0057886 TRANSF.ER TAX NUMBER: 04..42765 Recorded. At. OS/27/2005 04.27,25 PH LIBER: PAGE: D00012389 758 Distri.:t. 1000 Section, 019.00 DAMJ:NBD AND $527',000.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 014.004 FOLLOWS Deed A:Il1Ount: Received the Following I'ees For Above Instrument Exlllllpt Exempt Page/11iling $12.01) NO Handling $5.00 NO COB: $5.011 HO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY. $5.011 NO B:A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-5841 $5.01) NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.01l NO SC'l'II $0.00 NO Transl:er taJC: $2,108.011 NO COIIIIIl.Pres $7,540.00 NO I'ees Paid $9,800.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 04-42765 'l'HIS PAGB: IS A PART 01' 'l'HB IHSTRtlJIJI:N'1' 'l'HIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ----- - - -. ...------ ------ - - PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hllp:/I www.orps.Sl8le.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNW USE ONLY I t.{, 7, 3, ~ g, 1; REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT Cl. SWIS, C_ I S 1~7 I'?~ STAlli OF NEW YORK CZ. llIIto Dood Recordod STATE BOARD OF REAL ~ SERVICES * I, <=?..3, ~ ~ COOllol t,.s'.;g, RP . 5217 ! C3. Book I , I ~ IlP-AI7 .. JIf'I : PROPERTY INFORMATION I l'-L u~ I r",in Roa.d I LacaIIaa ITIIUT II 1 "NoUM- L Southold I Orient I I alYaflTCMfll - .CQIJIi ..- L Calabria I Steve I N.... LASTNAM[,~ '''1 NAMP i L I rllSTNMK I I I A51 JUNI , COMPAfh' 3. Tn Inlllclae...futu"T.......tobl"'" L I I BIll.. If ~..... buylr"'" c.t bo8om f! 101m) lMT....../aJIIIWIIY ....- _r_ I L I I I I .,;,..., h\,lNlIIlIAND 5111HTfMW CIT"I 011 TOWN 5rATI' ,,- .. IndIcMa tII. ~., a__"_ ._.1 I 1 I I 01 Plllraw OR D P.rt at . P.IQI 10nIy._..._c:M*__.....tr. Roll parah trmnn.d on till dMd , 4A. P1Mnklg _ _ Sub""',Ian"'_ E_ D ........ .. SY'adt.iAlo Apprwalwa RlIQuiNd for TI'UIfor 0 Pr_", I Ixl IORI , , . .1. 8, 4 I Co Paroel AIJprcwad 1orC.,,,,~4iIIon 'A'iIh MlpPrcMdld 0 _"" Dl"'1 -- SIn I ..- L Tew,~helle Renee. as Ancillarv Executrix of the Estate of I FlllW'JtMi N.... '1t'd'Cll' . Hoey L LAliI~'~ I FlllST..... I 7" a.ck the bOJIlMltow which moat --m.ty ........1_ UN 01... ~ at U. tIrM fII....: CMcII .. ......... _..., -..ply. .. awn.r.hlp lYpe ill Condor,.."'"" 0 A ~ an" _..... _",oJ "~Ao""'-""" I ~ Com......... So""'" .. New COMtructJon on Vaconl lint 0 R 2 01' 3 F.mlly Resldlmill .... CornmerdDI J nt....... 1M. Properly L.oc:.ad wIIt*Ian ~ DWIia' 0 , c.: _V_lMd G Ago........ K _ SoMco ..........-.---.. 0 ~ D NcNI"RuIidanUII Vaelnt Lind II E.......'........'_ I. _ .... the prapIIty II In .. Agrlcullu,.a DiItria: I SALE INFORMATION I 1i. a.k .... .. ..... 01__ concIdonI _ ........ 10 nnIIer:: 10 18 ,04 - 11. .... Conttnct Dete I I I A _ s.&e BetwDen ReIalI\IIlI or farrNt ReIaIfv. ...... "'" Y.r R _ s.II BnNeen ReIIDId Compen6n or Partnerlin BuIlI'lUl I .:? I {g 105 I C _ Onool...._Io_._ 12. DMe of 8.'" T~ o _ ........ SolID< 10 _..... _ '" LendIng_ion ....... .... v." U _ .- T.... _ W...""" '" _ end Solo _fy_ F _ _ of .........1 '" Lao 1M. ... ,......lSpocIfy _ 13. Full SaIl PrIce L . , . 5.2 . 7.0 .0 , 0 . II . 0 I G _ _...nt Cho... In _ __ T..- SIoIuo.nd SeI. Docos H &.Ie of ...... .. IncIudDd In Sale Nee , , . I i Olhoo- u........ --.. -no - PrieD (Spodfy _I IFull SIlo I'.ra . thllOIIIIlmCIUIIt paid tor Ih, ..aperly Inddng ptr'IQMIlPfGI*IY. Thll "...... l'IlIY' blln 1M torm 01...... OIhIr ptOpeI'ly or goocIa. or the auumptJon of J No.. I'nOf1OIPI !)f alMr obIig1tioM,) """'1OUt1d fO u.e,...,.., __ doRM MtGUnI. ,&. ....... 1M ...... at ......... I 0 . II . II I "..-_Intho_ . . . . . , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Dolo .hauld roflOClthe I....t Fin.IAaonment Rail .nd Till Bill I ,1. y_ of ..~-- - _4 RoD from I 0 .3 I n.T....__....._In_1 7 5 0 01 . , , . , , , . , --..... , , , ,8. """'" It:llll ~, I, Ol-LJ '1._1__1 Oyster Ponds I 2ll. T.._,-lsl'..._IoICII....._"'...._____1 I 1000-019.00-01.00-014.001 I I I I I I I I CERTIFICATION I I mUfy ...., oM 01Il1o ..... 01 w........... __ DQ 11010 _ on ........ """"" .ro ... _.. DO) ~......... boIIo().... I __ ..... 1M ...... ur IUI)' wIlfUl ..... ........ r6 maa...IIII ... IIenID wtIIllIbjed _ to IbI 11m.." Lo._ r6 .... DIIIIII ... .......". ... II.- ...... ... ... "'..... ~ . !!!rn!! BUYEIrS ATTORNEY L~p ",- - I .3 - I'is'-D::> Stone I Scott IUYIII IIllIIU.IUM "''' ...,- '1111...... Steve: Calabria ~1<;1CD I mk..-6a, If ..L 516 593-0202 I .......--. 51W'I'T.......oU'TI!lIlA1l1 .... .... m__ i ''-05.''''1 I- ~.P..J I~I eIlV.I1_ IP_ HW!! , \ NEW YORK STATE , ?%:.ddh..i;!i".,.t.//;;; A~~;1:-;l COpy . Y~!!e Renee Tew, Anc1.1~y ~xecutrix' ,. I --- . . - - -