HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12429 P 53 ~ 11Lf 2q. . .....~ P53' 1000 oa4AO 0\.00 0\\.000 -- .... .\.. 2Y-I-) 1 ........., . Il;YIWo -I!aa:oa'.DoaI- ....1>IdaoI..~(...... SbodI(NYlmlIl105AI CT''6~ COllSllLTYotlIl LAWYEIlIU'OUSlGNlNO THIS l!\'lII'IlUMJlNT.TIIIS IJliSTIlUMENr SIIOULD IIF. UIIED BY LAWYElIlI ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made \he ~ 3 day of Noyember BETWEEN Nathan Hicks, resldlnl at 20 Harbor Rivcr Road. Oricnt. New York 11957 , in the ycar2005 81 the Ihe last willlDd Iet........ot of, .Ialeof ,d-~, CJLCCulOr (CJLCCulrix ) of Mary Jane HIc:III party of Ibe ruat part, and Stepben K. WalDer and Cbarlotte Waper. biJ wife, botb residiDg at I.... Fair Oaks Park, Ncebam. MA 024'2 party of the seclllld part, WITNESSETH, IIW the party of tbe nrst par!, 10 whom Illtters lesI8IIIeIIIary were iasuecl by Ibe Surrogate's Court, Suffolk CouIIty, New York on July n. 2005 and by virtue of the power and authority given in and by said last will IDd 'ca'om"'!!, andIor by Artic:1c: II of tbe Esllles, Powers and Trusts Law.1UId in clllllidention of Two Million Three Hundred Thousand ($2,300.000,00) dolllUB, paid by theparlyoftheaccond part,doeshercby grant and rdease unlO the party of IiIe second pari, the disuiburecs or 5~CCC~SOrs and assigna IIf the party of the second part forever, ALL that certain plot. piece or parccI nf land, witb Ihe huildings and impmvCIIICI\I5 Ibereon erccIed. SUIIlIIe, ly1na and in the SEE SCHEDULE A ANNEXED HERETO BEING AND INTENDED TO BE tile samc premises convcycdto tbe pa~ of tile fint part by deed dated AUlust 12, 1"5 and recorded witb the Clerk oftheCounly of Suffolk on Augult 13. 1"510 Libllr 7.,0 at Palc 518. TOGETIlRR with all right, lillc: IDd i_I, if any, of the party of the firsl part in and 10 IDY _ and roads abuulng tbe above described premises 10 the center lines m-of; TOGKTIlKR wilh the appw1eDllnces, aru;laJso all the estaIe wblch the said decedenl hud D\ the lime of decedenl'S dealh in said premises, and also the callie thaeiD, which Ihe party of the Iinl part h81 or has power 10 conveyor dispose of, whether individually. or by virtue of said wiD or otherwise; TO HAVE AND TO HOI.D Ihe premises herein granted unlO the pBrly of the second part, the heirs or successors and w;sign.~ of the paRy of the second pan fonlvcr. AND the pBrIy of \he fuat JIlIrI cuvenanlli thai the party of the lint pari hasnOl done orsuffcrcd anything whcn:hy the said prcmiRCll have been incumbered in any way whatcvcr, CJLccpl as aroresaid. AND the party of the firsl purl, in compliance wilh Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants \hat the party of the flnl part will teceive the considcndion for tbis conveyance and will bold the right 10 teeeive sueft conRidenuion 81 a IIU&I fund 10 be applied flnl ror \he purpose of paying the CO&I of \he impRlw:ment and will apply tbe same lint 10 the paymenl nf the COSI of the improvemenl hefllfC using any JIIUI of \he IOIaI of Ihe same for any other purpose. The word "pBrly" shall he construed 81 ir il read "parties" whenever the sense of Ibis indenlure 50 llllJuircs. IN WI11'iHSSWHERIIDF. the party of the rll'Slpart hL~dulYeJI III PaIlSIlIICIt OFt &- Nathan Hicks . ~.. SCHEDULE A ALL that certain plot. piece or parcel orland, with the building and improvements thereon erected. situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of new York. bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the marking stone in the northwesterly angle in Slate Street and running northwest in a direct line with the north side of State Street to the property formerly of Caleb A and Charlotte Dyer to the creek. thence along the easterly side of said creek to the bay, thence along the high water mark of said bay to State Street, thence northerly along the westerly side of State Street to the point or place of Beginning. t'u,v\<s_s ...\s" ~""""n 4S: .;)0 t-ta,\'.' ~I\lf( ~d'l Ot"IUl+, N'f IbBACIfNOfIUIDGIIl1NTl'fJIUIULUWlAllTHINNIfW r_SJ'A'lltONLI: ..alNcw Y..... Caunt)'alSu"olk ).... i'r-rrcl 011 dIjf- day of November in die year 2005 =''':'A'"Ic~........,.uy appeand . pcnaaoIly bowa 111_ ... pmn:d ID IDll ... !be ..... of ~l evidoI... III bt..... iadivIduaI{s) whose MII1O{s)1s (ore) ..bscribed III die widIin.-.....- IIId lIl:IaKNledpd '" .. lIlal ~ eucu.... .... _ ia ~ ClIpICity(ios). and lbaI by bisIberIIheir Iil\llllll1=(s) ... die inIlIvIIIed, die individual(s). or die penon upon ~ 1 Wblcb die iDdivlobl(s) lIClCd, .....,....dIe il1lll\UJll:llt U LA.1- /lk. VICTORIA CHARCZUK Notary Public. Slale of New York No. 4850488 c:..~~~ul/ Qualllied in ~ Count~ Commission Expires January 20, 20 AarNOW' .....u...,. F_I'OII USIt WmlIN No r_ SJ'A'lltONu: 1_ r-* ~. .au." _..Ado. _1J,j...III C'mj/itoJrl SlalealNcwY.....Caualyal ,..., On !be day of in die year bef'an: me. !be undasip:d, p:"""""ly app:lIIIllI m,; subIcribin& wi_ ID !be r~ iDsrnlmaJl, willi ",11m. I ~ pcnaaoIly ........- wbo, boinI by me ol&Jy ........ did dcpoIc and II)' lbaI hdsboIIhey relIicl:(s) in . : (if. plllaoftuitlma;. ill acily, indllllr rhnl...ranJ:a...r "umhrr, if tllr1. therwJh, lbaI beI'IbeIIbey 1lIIow(s) III be Ibe individual described in and who .1lOl:IIllld .... f'orc&oinI illSlllllllCnl; ....1IIid subscribing willll:lS .... prcsau and IIW ..w ........ Ibe" IlUI1O; lII1lIlhal said wilnl:u aI the IIIIIIC Iilll" IlIhRcribcd hisIheItIheir IIDIIllI(s) IS a wi_1IIen:1lI. F.IUICI1I'OII'S DEED bavIDu.u.~c:c.JrcMlDI T",~No. Nllthan Hicks u ElICcutor to the Estate or Mal')' lane Hlclu TO Stephen K. Wagner and Charlotte Wagner ~ ..... . . USII~~__"""INNllWr_SJ'AnrONLr: SIR alNe.. y..... ColmIy aI ,... OIl die day of in Ibe """ . bofonl_dIe WIlIeniped. peIICIIIIIIy IjIpeMd pcnlIIIlIIly kDown III me ... JlIOVCIi III me ... Ibe bosis aI.....-..y eWIeDce ra bt.dIe individual(.) wIllIIe 1SSIIIO(s) is (""') subIcn'bed ralbe wiIbiD iaslIumenl and acInIow~ III me lbaI beI'sIleIlbcy e&Ill>IIaI Ibe .... in bisIhedlhelr ~Ioo). and lbaI by his&atIheir IipalU/C(l) m die iDstrumeaI, !be indivdlal(s). ... !be ........ Upoll bOIIaIr of which .... iadividual(.) a=d. eoec:uIed !be iDIInuDetu. AatNOWUlDGMIlNrF_FrJa 1bB000000NISWYouSJ'AnrONLr: 10.. "'SIoI,..Ftm/ttrI __110_111 C:..."....I ................................................. .)... 1("~__.lOI...c:n-.y.~..II~' On the day '" in !be year before me. !be und",,;i1P""L penonu1Iy appwed pcnlIIIlIIly known III IIIC ... proved III PIC ... !be basil rI...,..........; evidoolz ID be Ibe iDdividuaI(s) wIllIIe MII1O{s) Is (lIDl subKribed ra!be wllhin InIcrIunenIIIId acknaw'""-' III "'" lbaI -- OUCI..... !he...... in ~capae~ thol by ms,;;;~sfa.wun:<s) mdle insaumcal, die individulJ(s)....!be paton upm bebalrrlwbidl die iDdividual(s) acted, exCCUled die inIlIumcnl, and 1h:a I1ICb individual I1IlIde sudl appear.mce bt.t'an: Ibe IIIIlIInipcd in du: IIMntlhuJtyOl'otM'po/JIIt:tJI MIbdl_ tIIId 1M _ OI'COIIIIlry or oIhnp/lla,,. ~ "....1DkIn~ DImUCT 1000 SECTIllH 024.00 BLOCK 01.00 Lar 011.000 Coli1m' 011 TOWN Southold M!C'ORDED AT IlEQIJESI OF FldelJI)' N.1ImId 11lIe 1__ C........." IIEIUlIN ar IIAIL TO Paul Camlaltl, Eiq. P.O. Boll 846 5334S Main Road Southold. NY 11971 I I o ~ !s I a: 2 g .Ii ! i '. ~ ,r . .' ~' RECORDED 2006 Jan 05 12:09:20 PH Numhcr of p"ges TORRENS Serial' CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTV L 000012429 P 053 D1# 05-22048 Ccnilicale . Prior Clf. . Deed 1 Mongage Inslrument o.....'ti 1 Mongage Tax Slamp Recording 1 Filing Stamps 3 FEES Page 1 Filing f-ec Handling ~. 00 ~ Mongage Anll. I. Ba.~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Suh TOIal SpccJAs:;il. TP.5lW NOIalion EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (SI:lle) R.P.T.S.A. ./ ,?:;-- ~~ Sub TOlal ri-7 or NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 Sub TOlal Iq;S /~d- .d. Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Cllunly __ Held for APJlllinl~'e ,.., Transfer Tax _ . 11 :5 rrvv ,. . anslon ax _, _._ ny co\'ered by Ihis mongage~', or will he improved by a onc or I family dwelling only. YES or NO Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Cenilied Copy Grand 'lillal If NO. seo= appropriale tux clause un page # of this' I. - 4 J~..';) DISI. (,.~ y... 1\ ,. SectIOn ~\.c.v Block LAl)l)" \10 v 5 Commwalty PreservatioD FaDd Real Pmpeny Tux Service Agency Vcrilicution .. O~829 1000 02400 0100 011000 pT S ROTY A .~ , -3 Improved v"" ,. Vacant Land __ 6 Salisfaclion~ischargesIRelea.~s List Propeny Owners Mailing Addres.~ RECORD &: RETURS TO: TD /() -0 C .u~O'"' . r f\ \A....l A m I" 1.-1-. J c..s ~ "? u ~u)/ 8'-41, SouTAtJIJI,IVY "'71 TO TO 7 Information '"J' &" , Co. Name TIlle. ofd & Endorsement Pa e " , " s Suffolk Count Recordin This pUj,!e furms pan olf Ihe alluch~'d \) ~t"rJ (SI'ECII'Y TYP[; OF INSTRUMENT) I1md.: hy: ^/A "7" A.ri..J -;./, ~ k s The prcmises herein is situat.'d in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In Ihe Township Ill' ~~:~~'J.~;~' i~~~~~~ ::::'~:~,' BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPE OR I'RINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO \(\,;1/-0,0/(" It '\'l~=- ~ .11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111II 1I11111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 06-0001122 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-22048 Recorded: At: 01/05/2006 12.09:20 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012429 053 District: Section: Block: Lot: 1000 024.00 01.00 011.000 EXAKINBD AND CRARGBD AS I'0101o0WS Deed Amount: $2,300,000.00 Received the l'o11owing I'ees I'or Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/riling $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $9,200.00 NO Mansion Tax $23,000.00 NO COJIIIII.Pres $43,000.00 NO 1'88S Paid $75,352.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-22048 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTRUMENT THIS IS NOT A BIIoIo PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM ~ INSTRU.CTIONS: hllp:!1 www.orps.stale.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-1222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1.SWIS.CocIe '1//',?,.J,R,g''11 - *:'_' CU)___ Le/' ~5/~ I ca. iooIc C4. Pop I ,C), 5"" .::J I PROPERTYINFORMATK)N "-1 ~ 20 m..-r_ lIarbor River Road 1.....'NAIIIi Orient Cl1Y00"",", }lev Ya~k \IIUACll! 2.Buyw ilia". Wa~er LAliT.......' .., Stephen K. """- Wagner LAST NAME 1 COIII'APn' Charlotte FIIIIioIIlAll'E I. Tu In..... where Iulure Tax .... lID be .-It I BlUing UllIh.. _ _ _fol_ oflorml ....- REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIOAIID OF IWlL -.nv SERVICES RP - 5217 1INl17 .. JIIn 11957 ..COOt lAITNMtE,CtJ/IM'NN --- 11I.1T....." AND It........... OTt'OIITOWW 4. IncIic:Ite the number of &----l.nl D RoO _ ".......... OIl tII. _ I o. O. 1 I '01 Pon:ob OR I'll" 01. Porcol I. ::::- I lIIzo IORI 'MN.I' 1. 1. 2 I Ixl ......, ~U.T ....... .. Sol.. No... Uiw lASr ,COWANY I)a.,ab~ LASr NAMli/CQMI'MY F_' NAMl 1. Check the boa IMIGw wNeh ra..' .our..., d...... the __ of .... ~rIy ..... tIrn. at ..... A ~ On. FomIIy _001101 8 2 or 3 Flmlly Residential C "-idenlNiI VIICIIId LAnd D Non-Reoldon1iol Voconl LInd I SALE INFORMATION I n. Sale Coner. Dei.. F.~Agricullll"l F Cornmercill G .......... H __ I ............. I ~ CommuniIy_ J _rill. K __ I. _ IT~TI Dl'COPt 10nIy._...._____ 4A. PIorIrq _ with Subdivision Ault1ariIy Exia 0 .... Subdivision Approval WIll Requlrad for T,.nsfcr 0 4C. ___forSubdM,ion wilh Map - 0 'I -...--......- .. aw-.hIp Typo Is CGndomlnlum .. New ConDucIion on Vecent l.JInd ,10\. _I..ooolod _ an Agricu~uooIlllslrk:t ....~_._.._~ thII.. property Is '" In AQrlc:ulturll DtIItIcI o o o o 105 v_ 11. CheaII ... or ..... of.... _4i&.._. _. - -w- CD 'InnIIIr: SIIe Between RallltiYal or Fornw RahlliwII Solo -. _ Com~ or I'll,,""," In Bu_ One of the Buvera .1110 . s.tIer ~ or SoIIor is Govommanl AvPrrt:v or Landing Inotillllion Dood T_ _ \Vorronly or IIIrgoln Irld Solo ISpod!y BoIowI Solo 01_ or Lon Ihon Fa _I&poc:ify-' Slanlflconl ChIIlgo ;" ""'_ _ Toxoblo SIllIus ond Solo Dol ~ "'_ 1s1ncI_.. Solo PrIco 0Ih0< U.......I FocIorI AfIocdng Sole Prioo ISpocIly _ N.... 0.." ,', e....<J~H ~ucl 09 I 21 ...... DiIJ A R C D E F o 12. _ 01 Solo I T,onofor 11 I 23 - Illy 105 v_ ;) ,"1.0.0, , , . . IFuIl SaIl PrbI II thllOCIIlInOUnl Pilei tor 1M prop.ny including parsonlll praperty. _ _ moy bo In....lDnn of cooh, mhor -""' or goodo, or.... __ 01 mOftg1gl1 Dr other obI~) ",.... round ro ",. "..,." whM doJI., amount. 13. FuU .... Prl.. .H I J '4._11Io_.....- I, ,,0,0.0 I ~ incIuHd In ... ...., , . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DoIa ""auld reIIOCIlhe 101001 Rnol _"I Roll and TIM 8i11 I 1.. =:' ~= InIm 104/051 17. TataI A..-I v... ear d......1n ___I I ,.. "'-'" CIo_ 12. 1. Ol-LJ ,..ScIl....D_llla...1 2 a.T..___/W....'- btIar.............._____.1I 1000-024.00-01.00-011.000 ; 5 9 0 0 ; ; ....Ot',,,..."'"' I I ceRTIFICATION , I 1110I01 ....... __ ollar.......... __ .. ............ ... ..... .... _ 110.... .... 0I1D)' ........... .. ~ .... 1 _ 11IoI .... ........ 01 _ _ _ 0I_1Kt _ wIIIllIldod ow Ie.... ............ 01... _low -.. Ie... --.... ......01....-.......... BUYER BUYER'S AnotJNEY Caminiti Paul .....- -- 144 Oaks Park 631 765-5900 -.- ....... ...... ITII:IT ItIAI.: WTEII UI.D NeaRa. NEaco1jft1t1 t HA ClIV D11IOWN .rATI ~k, 02492 ..COllI J)-;13--\r'"' -DAB ""-- NEW YORK STATE COpy