HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12397 P 574 I ~l- J - 2-/ (. nARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S C I J- ~A 7 ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) f ') I~ i'j ~ -\ ~. STANDARD NYBTU FORM 8007 CAunON: THIll AGIlIiIlMIlNI' SUOlJLD IlK PIIIlPAIlIID BY AN ATroIINBY AND IIIlVIIlWED BY ATJ'OIINKYIIPOR SIlLUlIlANDftJllCllAllIlIl.~ THIS INDENTURE. made the :3ofh. day of ..JU~ . two thousand and five, bmreen TIMOTHY WACKER, residing at 595 Track Avenue. CulChogue, New York ",my of.!IIF first part. and " I ..J. hJVJ DENIS TARPEY IIllI MIA TARPEY, residing at319 Avenue C, Apt IOF, New York, New York '~ODq - I (P.2L' plmy of the second part. WITNESSETH. that the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten dollars. lawful money of the United Slates. paid by the party of the second part. does hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs Dr successors and assigns of the P'lny of the second P'ln forever. ALL that certain plot, pic:ce or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements Ihcreon erected. situate, lying and being at CUlchogue, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New Y,ork SEE SCHEDULE "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Bt:ing and Intended to be the same premises conveyed to the Grantor by deed daIed March 22, 1996 and re,corded AprilS, 1996 in Liber 11768 Page 874. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any Sb-eelS and roads abulling the above described premises to the center lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the pany of the first part in and 10 said premises, TO HA VE AND TO HOW the premises herein granted unlO the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second P'ln forever. AND the P'lny of the first part, covenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything Whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, exceplll.S aforesaid. AND the P'lny of the first P'ln, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that tbI: party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right 10 rec:eive such consideration II.S a trust fund to be applied flnt for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the improvement before using an:y part of the lOW of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall bc construed as if it read "parties" whenever the sense of this indenture so re'luires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and ye;1r f~t above writfJ;L. .~ Ln. TIM ACKER -- NVS:BA PRACTICE FORMS 3103 RET067.16 I ." t , , SWe of NEW YORK .) ss.: CowlIy of SUFFOLK On the ~t-) daYOf.JJ rt....- in the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, personally appeared TIMOTHY WACKER personally known 10 me or proved 10 me on the basis of Slllisfaclory evideoce lO be !he individual(s) whose name(s) is (are) subscribed 10 !he wilbin instrumenl alnd acknowledged lO me lhal belshe/lhey executed !he same in hislherflheir capacity(iesJ, and !bal by hislherltheir signalun:(s) on the iDSllUmenl, the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of whic:h the individual(s) aeled, e~ee '.L 'nSlrUmenl. JuUII M Mc:GIvn8y ........f11 JI J NIIIary PIDIIc ~ ~ Slate of New York No.01MC4998193 QIlIIII*lIn au.- Counly ...L Commlleion ExpIres May 11 2Ou....J (signalure and offill of indivi uallaking acknowledgmenl) Acknowledgmenl by a Subscribing WilnesS Slale of ) ) ss.: ) County of On lbe day of in the year before me, the undersigned, personally appeared !be subscribing witness lO !he foregoing insttumenl, wilb whom I am personally acquainlcd, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and say !bat helshe n:sides in (if the place of residence is in a city, include die s!reel and Slreet number, if any, !bereof); !bal helshe knows 10 be !be indjvidual(s) described in and who executed the foregoing instrumenl: lhat said subscribing wilDe$S was present and saw said execulC the same; and !bal said wilness althe same time subscribed hislher name as wilnC$S dJerelO. (signanm: and office of individual liking acknowledgmenl) R.ECORD AND RETURN TO: R1IT067.IS 2 NYSDA PRAC11CE FORMS lI03 i I \ J FUe No: RH05303372 SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION AILl that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, sltuilte, lying and being In the Town of Southold, County of SlJlrolk and State of New York, known and designated as lots 67 and 68 on a certain map entitled, "Map of M.S. Hand, Section 2" and flied in the Office of the County Clerk of Suffolk on 05/12/39 as Map No. 1280; said lots when taken together are bounded and described as follows: 81:GINNING at a point on the Northeasterly side of Track Avenue distant Southeasterly 570.28 feet from the cOlmer formed by the intersection of the Southeasterly side of Stillwater Avenue and the Northeasterly side of Track Avenue; RUNNING THENCE North 45 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds East, 193.77 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 42 degrees 50 minutes 40 seconds East, 100.06 feet; RUNNING THENCE South 45 degrees 17 minutes 20 seconds West, 190.51 feet to the Northwesterly side of Tr.ilck Avenue; RUNNING THENCE North 44 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds West along said Northeasterly side of Track Avenue, 100.00 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. I, .. ".. ALTA Loan Pellcy (10/17/92) ---- /6v RECORDED 2005 Jvl 14 08'40:21 AM Edward P.~ine ClERK Of SUFFfl.Y. COUNTy L D00012397 P 574 Dr8 04-48914 Number of poges TORRENS Serial /I _ Certifical" /I Prior Clf. /I Dc,:d / Mortgage Instrument =u= Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording / Filing Stamps Grund Tcllal \Sa - Mortgage AmI. I. Ba.~ic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub Thlal Spec')Assil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appoinllneil~ TransfcrTax ~ ~() Mansion Ta.~ The property covered hy Ihis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or IWO family dwellillJl only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on puge /I 01' this inslrUmo=nl. Page / Fil:ing Fee Handling 5. J!!L TP-584 Notalion EA.52 17 (CounIY) EA.5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Thlal Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 .1?_ Affidavit Certificd Copy NYS Surclllarge Other 15...!!!L Sub Total --::-mo ~ Real Property , Tax Servioe Agency Vcrification J o .;U. () Lot 13700 0100 021000 5 Comm1ll1ity Prelle1'Vation I'wld CPF Tax 0 Consideration Amount $ L/$O,OOO /21,,000 ,/ Improved s 61 SalisfaclionsIDischllrgesIReleases USI Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: OL-Iewd. OLJ't~U..~ hilt'! ;CL,4NheJt. OLJtJV, GJ-B. fJO~ ~O(P CVfl./Jokl~ 111'1119.35" 7 Vao:anl Lund TO 10 TO TO Co. Name Title II TIuffolk County Recording & Endorsement PaKe This pol!e forms part of the allllched ;;z>~~ IJ I/!J is (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: T.D11 Om1j- IN AI'.JiC€ te. The premises herein is silullled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of ~ (/~I' A 1)~ .11/1.1' J m Ji,)fJEf 19rI.o In the VILLAGE J1.JrJ4 rALJI/;/f h.n.,) or HAMLET of Cr.dZ/HJIHJF BOXES 15 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) - IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111 1IIII11 BU.&'".nILK COtJlil'l'Y CLElUt REC01U)S Orl'ICI!: RBCORDIW ltAGB Type olE ZIuItZ'lDl8Jlt I DBBDS/DDD I!IWaber of P~.I 40 ReCleipt; IlIWabezo I 05-0072902 'l'RAJrSJ'BR 'l'AX NmlBBlh 04-U914 llecoZ'd1l41 Atl 071140/2005 081400121 All LIBBR: ltAGB:: D00012397 574 Di.tzoic:t I 1000 SectiODI 137.00 BlocJu 01.00 Loti 021.000 DeII4 AlaauDt I IP.Y-,TU1I!!n AIm CBJ..awn AS J'OLLOWS $4050,000.00 llec.iVlld the l'ollowinlJ 1'... I'ozo Above J:n.tZ'lDl8Jlt Ib-.... '1I.~'t Ex II.t PalJe/lriliDlJ $12.00 110 .411l1dliDlJ $5.00 110 CO!: $5.00 110 10'8 SRCJIQ $15.00 110 ZA-C'1'lr $5.00 110 ZA-8TAR $75.00 110 'l'P-58~1 $5.00 110 CeZ't:.Copi.. $0.00 110 RP'l' $30.00 110 SC'1'II $0.00 110 'l'Z'an.j:ezo tax $1,800.00 110 COIma.PZO.. $6,000.00 110 1'_. Paid $7,952.00 '1'RAIlIsnat TAX HCIIBBR I 04 -40 89 140 'l'BJ:8 PAGB J:S A PART 01' '1'BJ: DiS'1'IlUou5ar... '1'BJ:8 J:S IIO'l' A BJ:LL BdwaZ'd P .ltcIIIai_ COIIDty Clezok, Suffolk COUDty L Cl. SWllli Cod. PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:// www.orps.state.ny.uB or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 11< '), J,J?.fi',rl ~ ~- BTATE OF NEW YORK STATE IIOAIID OF REAL I'RllI'EII1Y SEIMCES , FOR COWN'fY USE ONLY C3._k PROPERTYINFOR~TKlN "=L I tN}J (:/1 ~(-I IIOnUl' ..., -? RP - 5217 C2. Do.. Deed Rocordod 1IJI.C17 ... JWI 111"'1 z. au,.- Nom. L ~-'~ .....-, \,b Sxt~ : ~1 1J.fn6 .7 1f.tj}5 : 3. Tu Inclu. whIre fut... Tax Bill_to be.... I BIII"8 1'.__......._.........oIbml. - UlIoI ~ ICOIIMIW ..., NAME L SllET-....ul.tNU.rIlilT NMII: QrlDIIlgIWtI ITAn ""ClIO[ 4.1nd1cat8 ....,........... of ~Id RoII_,"'_",._ II I of '.ceII OR 0 p.n of . Perce! .. :::..... I I X I Size . HlDNT F[[T DeI'nt lL_ L ()J~. N8m. LAST fiMllE/COMPAHV IORI ACRUi' .S'31 TINomy -- 1OnIy.,.,,,. P_ a-Jc .. __ 4A.PIonnoIlIlIIaud -~_hy_. 0 4IL Subclvil60n ApprovaI_ Required for T,.nsftr 0 4C."n:oI~"'_"'hMop_ 0 L . I.MI NoUII.lc:oMI'I.tIY .....- 7. ChKk tII. lIox below which mOlt ICCUI'M.... ....... the .... of the property .1_ .IIM at ..Jr. \ ~''''''IyRo'''",1aI 2 DI 3FMlily ~ill (" Relic....... V8Clnt land D Non-"-IdIn'll.1 VKanl lAnd I SALE INFORMAl1ON I 11. .... ComrlC'l: o.te 13. FuU ..1. "riA ,If.5n. OQ:). 0.0 I , , . IFuII hie Pril:e II Chi IOlOIo oImOWII paid feI, the plopeRy IftCludfng pII'IONII plopll1v. ThiI p,IymInt rnIY be In tN form of CIIh. GIber pmperty 0' goodI, or the euumptlon 01 martpgal 0' other obIit11ion... ""... round 10 tINI,..,.., wIIcNt tIGIIM MICNIIIt ,4. 1ndicI.. th. "..... 01 ........ I Q 0 U I ......, ........, III the .... '. ' ASSESSMENT INFORMAnON - Data .hould nIIoct the I..... Final Aaooomon' Roll Bnd Tox Bill 0.-....__..__ & Owncnhlp Type II Condoml,..m ~~ :=, : ~ ::'nkySo.- ,:. =="':':::=.. D_ 0........... K...-_ ,18.__._._-.... H Enlellltnment I Am.....mlnI L Fonlll dill: &t'II propIIty .In '" AQItculIunII DiIIrIct 'I. ChIctc.. or.... 01 ..... ClOIIIIIIoM .......... tolnn6r: A S. Botwaen ......t1ve1 or Fornw ~ R Silo Botwoan ReII\Id ~ or P___1n BualI\GIS C ana of the IuyvI lllIso . SIller Ll Buy.r Of Seller .. Gcwernmem Agancy Dr lending InstituIion r: Ooad Typo not Wlrronty or IIoruo"> ."" Solo ISoocHv IIolowl f Sill of Frldianll 01 Leu thin ,.. INOfOIt ISpocily BIIow1 G $VnIfIcInt ChIngIIln ProJ*IV .......n TllXllbI. SUluI end s.II DIIeI H s.II at &&..1-. Is Includod In SIll' Price I 0Ch0< Un....... FocI... ~ Sola Prico 'SpocIfy Solow) J None o o o o 12. Dat. 01 hl./ Tr...r. ~ ~ Month DIy V.r ,I. y., 01 A... .,..... RoIIIrom which InhIImdon taken 17. T_.........,V_loI..._In.._1 ; I ~ 9. 0.01 , ,I. Praperty CI_ fX,h,oI-LJ ".___1 ~tI 20. T.. Mtip IdllllfilrCsJ , RoIIldlntillIlliI)II mo....... .....1ltMtI u.t willi .....nelldlnllllrWl /000 - /37.00 - 0/.00- ()q /.,000 I I CERTIFICATION I I mlIfy _ oD ollho """" ... .........._ .....nd on Ihlo ..... .... ..... III1ll __ 110 Ihe ..... vi my IlnowIedp ond bdIo/1 III1llI ............ ..... .... -..... "'lIlY .1UIu11__ "'1DOIIrrtoI................... _Indw 0..........."'1Ile _low _10.... --.-IUIoII"''-_ BUVElrS ATTORNEV ~-- .,.. ~-"... 3 .3/~' A-l/Ut/lIG lmII!!T""*.... '-Jooor f..8j(/&- C, f)1Jr lOr- .rnaTNAMI!IAI'ftIRULfI Ill, 10009 STA,.. "'cooc \. ())~J'\/ I ~u d LMT.... I'IUT NAMf 73tf- 7~ ..........--. .63/1 -.... ~ !f-OtIJl an-OIl CMIti' r-J ~~"... v/lblo~- NEW YORK STATE COpy SELLER ....