HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12412 P 311 '. '\ '. IU2Lfl2 P 31-1- / [) /H-O .s J.j l.tJo IJ ()d.."D '- () /..! ,()() D 1%7- 2-/3 (31,-4,..1,/~ N"1'2005 _lIupia MIl SIiIIlad. willi c:n.-r........ ONllUl"l AcIa- Wi...... orC.......(5lq1r: SIIIcI) ClJN8UL'nOUR LAWYER BEFORE BlClNlNO TN" INBTRIIIIENT-THIB INITRlIIIENT SHOULD BI UBIIlIY LAWYERS ONLY. Tllns INDENTURE, made lhe ')-0 <lay of ~ ,inlheyrar Two Thousand and Five. BIE'rwF.EN , RICHARD JAHNCKE and JOANN JAHNCKE,,..h.is wi:fi.e, 'r!!siding at PO Box 798, 5050 STILLWATER AVE~E)' CUTCHOGU~, NE~ YORK , , ' 11935. P''''Y of lhe finl pan. and . . ROBERT D. SPORING and PATRICIA 'A. SPORING, ,his wife, res1d1ng at 55 FLORAL AVENUE, BETHPAGE, NEl'l Y0RK-H714. ,... !,LIIly of lhe fiecond pan, WITNRS.'lETH, lha1the parly of lhe first pllJI, in Ct1ll6idemlion of dolllllli pRid by lhe party oflbe _one! pllJI, dOClI hereby granl and rele... unlO the party of Ihe llCCOIId purI,lhe bei... or 6uccesSOI1Iand a".igns "f Ihe party of Ihe lleCOnd pari f.)rever, AU. that cenain 1'101, piece or parcel 01' land. wilh Ihe buildings and improvcmcnlK thereon erecIcd. silWlle.lying und heing inl the See "Schedule A" append:ed hereto. The Grantors herein being the Grantees of a deed dated June 30, 1989 recorded August 2, 1989 in Liber 10905 page 5. Premises being known as 5050 Stillwater Avenue, Cutchogue, New York 11935. l'OOETI mR wilb all righl,lille and inlCll1:5I, ifany, of the party ollbe first pan in IIIId 10 any 51rcclS and mads abutting Ihe above d...,ribcd premi.... 10 lhe ""nter Ii.... thereof; TOO""l'HI!K wilh lhe appurtenances and all the cstaIe and righll oCthe panyof lhe fim pan in unci 10 laid premises: TO HAVR AND TO nOLO Ihe premises herein granted unlO the party of Ihe llCCOIId pan. Ih" heirs or IlUCCCSson and assigns of Ihe party of lhe second part forever. AND !he pany of the first part covenDlllS Ihal the pany of the firsl pari ha5 1101 done or IUffered anylhing whereby lhe said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except.. afOlei8id. AND the party of lbe firsl part. in coml.liance with Sc:elioo 13 of lhe I.ien Law, eovenanll thltlhe pany of rhe first part will ,= 'n:ccivi-'!heionJidemtion"for this conveyance and wiD hold lhe riabtlo rel.'Cli\'Clluch consideration as I trust fund to he applied first for lbe purpuse of paying the cost or !he improvemenl and will apply the lame flrsllo the payment of lhe CtISt of lhe irnprovemenl helin using any part of Ihe lOtal of the ...... fill any other purpose, The word "party"lihall he COIIlIlrIIed us if il ",ad "parties" wbenever Ihe 5CD'" of Ihis indenwre 10 requires. II~ WITh~ WHEREOF, the parly "f lhe first part has duly ..ceuled thil deed the day and year firsl above wrilten, IN .. Wt.:A.1 ...,. i Rider. which may b.: used wilh Standard NYBTU rorm 8041, rev. 11/78 SCHEDULE A (Description of Premises) AJlthat certain plot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Fleets Neck,Cutcnogue, Town olf Southold, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York, bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument set at the intersection of the westerly side of Stillwater Avenue as it runs north an south and the northelry line of Stillwater Avenue as it runs easterly from Fleets Neck Road; and from said point of beginning; . Ru.nning thence South 55 degrees Og minutes 30 seconds West 109.95 feet along the northerly side of Stillwater Avenue to lands formerly of Annie Konarski; now or formerly of Wild; Thence along the land last above mentioned North 42 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds west 54./80 feet to a concrete monument and lands now or formerly of Zarzecki; Thence along ,lands last mentioned North 47 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds East 109 feet to the westelly side of Stillwater Avenue; Thence along the westerly side of Stillwater Avenue South 42 degrees 21 minutes 40 seconds East 6i9.19 feet to the concnele monument and place of beginning. Together with a one-ninth interest for the pUlpose of access to Eugene Creek by ,'15.." only, In the easterly portion of lot19 as shown on Map of Properly of Nova Realty Corporation, MID Fleetwood Cove at Cutchogue, New Yorkand filed in the Suffolk County Clerk's Office on 7/1/38 as Map 1263. bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on lhesoutherly side of Stillwater Road distant 184.10 feet on a course bearing South 110 degnees 40minutes 20 seconds East from the point of beginning of Parcel One above: and from said point of beginning on the southerly side of Stillwater Hoad: Running thence North 85 dElgnees 16 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 46.25 feet; . , Thence South 55 degrees 08 minutes 50 seconds West a distance of 40 feet; Thence North 34 degrees 5'1 minutes 10 seconds West a distence of 23.21 feet to the southerly side of Stillwater Road at the point or place of beginning. ."his f,orlll is <.Ii'lriblllcll. as a convenience, by Fi1'st A 1/un'ican Tille lnSUrlLflC/1 C(J1I~pan'll of NcJW York HOME OI;I;!CE lU5U Frdnklin Avonne SUFFOLK OFFICI:: 210 C"UII Slreel Ril/e,h"'dtl, New yo,k 11001 (!.IIi) ~21.'O'.lO (516) 727.5700 ~. .. . rtltff' ~"'IIIJ..:s't::-"""""""""" .- \.;0-' NI':W V(JKK. (WHCE 170 IInllltlwuy New Vork, New York 10058 (212) 962.2742 WloSTCI,n:STI::R OFFICI-: Oue NUI"lh Ul<Jutlwuy 1'.O.lIu,,1l~2 While l'luino, New VI;.k 10G01 (YI4) YY7.Jol44 IIROOKI.VN OFI'"I(:Jo: ' 188 Muulllllue SII'L'C'I Ilruoklyn, New Vurk 11201 (7111) :l37.7800 ,- STA1'E OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF J:' ~f u II(. Clnlhc: ..10 dayor ~tl*u,bc/ In....Y"1I'2005 before me. lhe underaiL...... ........11y _~I RlCll\1lD JAH!C(E J\ND JCl\NN .D\!IC<E , pcncmally tIK,.,n to me or proved 10 me on lhe b.... of ..ti.fKlnry ..id.n.:. 10 be.... indi.idual(l) woo. IllIIIIC(.J il (II'C) _ribcclla .... wilhln inllrume.. ond ..tnowl- edpd 10 me lhal hoIIheIIhey CllCaIlOd ....lIIIIIO In hllllhedlheir capacity(iClJ,1II1d IImt by bi . lil"llUrel,l) on .... In!llru1l1C1l1, the indi.idull(.). ... em behllf of which the indlvidu.lCl) DC'lCd. exeC'uted t inslru r. ~~ LOIS E. VANDEReoRo . tary PublllO, SllIIe Of New riD. C11VA6llOS739 . .. . QUIlIII/eeI Hn Suffolk CountY' i " ,COUIIIBI&FE;cpirea April 20 2' ,- . . . ' Onlhe, dlyaf --. in'lheyelr' .. ..,_.... _ , before me. lhe undcrsiancd. a NOIlI/Y Public In Ilnd r... ..id :I..... peno.",ally appeorcd ..... oorMY l'OBLIC STATE OF subscribing. wltne!QI to the roregtting inKtl'Umenl" wilh whom I am 1"'",,"lIy ac:qu.inl"'!,-who, beina by mi: duly "worn, did dcpooe and .IY that heI....llhej relidr(.l in '. Cirthepl""af~i~.~idy~i!<h.kd..'~'''''~~if!"1,I~ ,hat he(llhelthey hoWl'l) "": '.'~f ta be ,he indi.idual _bed ip ~nd: who OXCCtIl<d ,he foreaoina ,'. imhUrl'lel'll; Ibm .flUid lIIuhKribing wit~ was prc~1 and RaW JQid exccUt'1: the lime; and that KD.id wilncss It the gnlC lime suMcrihcd hislherftheir namr(sl as I wilne.u thereto lodd thl: f_1Ra iflllo KbowIl:d..- io IlIen ....ide NY 5....1 and 'h11l1llld oubacriblna wk.... mad. ""'" """'"""'" before lhe urulmrianed in lhe fllWlt lhe cily or other pnllIilnl......lvi.ion and IIIe Slall:' or mumI)' or other r(uct: lhe proof \1.'11 Wen11. I..... ...... ~ II . . ...., lSnrgnin null &nl1' m1':L'b wrm COVIl.'1ANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TmJ!No. - .'-==-' ....::=-=~ .D\!I!O(E TO .. SPORJRi . DIIlrllooNd'" [-steWarf~ -title Insurance company 300 HAST .4WIT.. 10lIa R.OQR- NBWYQRK" NY ICIllll CZllJtD-0Q50 PaUI2)_II33 ...,..... . . .... ....~. ....1. STATE OF On lhe day of in .... Y"II' before me.1I1e uode..i...... ......mally appeared . pt'l'ICInally known to me or proved 10 me on the bai. uf ID'bfac:\aly evidence In be II1e Indivldual(.) whoae namell) IIlll'C) IUbaeribed IOlhe within illllrumen' and aeknawl- edlCd 10 mo .hat helshe/\hey ....UIed lhe ...... in hillherfthelr npacltylles), Ind lhal by bislbedlheir .ipllunl') on the in..rumen~ ....lndiYldull(ll. or the perron on behalf of .,hleb the indi.idualll) ......... ......Ied .... inlllnlmenl IIIId Il1o Illl_.. if !he ..-Jodamrnt I...... _ NY_I and thallllid rubocriblng wil.... IIIIIIIc ouch"PJlCOlUCC before the undersigned in the _1ho..,".poWaIlIbdioiIioo......SIao" _".....pIoctlho_.__.."""l \ i .-......, STATE OF , COUNTY OF in the year On lhe day of herC'lre me penl(llUllly camt , , . , la ine knoWn. who. bOlna by mo duly 'wOrn. did depa5c and ..y lha. he reoideo II ..thal .he i.the _ of , the COI'pOllIlion deacribed in and whieh ......uled lbe f...,.,ina instrument; Ow, he. knnws Ihe sui pf Aid corpol'ltion: thal1he M:al .ffixed Ip 5I.id inJIrumenl i", such corponlIe 1el1I: thlll: il Wall: .n oIIiaed by Older .rthe bonrd uf directors ar ..id _atian. and lhal he algned b nlme theteln by lib anI.r, 137.00 02.00 013.00 SK'11ON nlOCK UlT COUNTY OR TOWN S1FFOIK 5050 5'l'ILUiATER AVENlIE E:l:J'lCIl:X;OE,. NEw ~ ,11935 , '. . . lITRtJrr ADDIlP.SS , R.conJed II RequerI af S'I1lWART T1T1.F..'" RETURN BY MAIL TO: Salerno , Weinstein, Esqs. , , Reber t. 'N::linstein,. ~. .. . .1732 .SUnrise /Ii.gboBy'- Merrick, NY 11566 .4 . ..... '.. . ....~ .. Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This pagl' fonns ~ of the attached _ b EE~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~ ltttha.i\d J Lh neJc c 6JJ d The premises herein is situated in I.. MLn" (T1J,11CJ\ E7' SUFFOLK COUNTY, NBW YORK. ,. . -rl 21. ium~of~j , TORRENS ~al# ' , ::ettificalC # Prior Clf. # -=---- Deed I Moitgage InstnIp1ent Deed I Morlp&e Tax Stamp I 2J FBBS I Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 S. 00 . ( Notation EA.S2 17 (Count)') EA.S217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Sub Total :~~- , S. 00 Affidavit Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. 00 Sub Total /5-a -- Gnmd To,tal ~ ,,,,,,...1._ ... 'T.l'.n~ I "~,".,,, 'A'I.,).D-o. 4 Disl. If. .. - - -.. ...-. u~,.,...,_. T.A. ~U'~'VllU , 05038836 1000 13700 02:00 013000 ' Real Propert~ 6p T S Tax Service i RSFl A Agency EP Verification ~ Salisfaclions/DischargesIReleases Ust Property Owners Mailing A,ddress ,RECORD &. RETURN TO: ' ,ltJ~ Wt.ulSl'tul fSG, ,', J7 32.. ~t.Ul(1:Se hw5:f-, u.{ UU.a. ,,'Uf 1/c)J~ '7 Co. Name TIlle # ~ RECOROED 2005 SIp JO 01:13:24 PH Edward P. Romaine ClERK OF SUFFll.K CWHTY L 000012412 P311 DTI 05-09097 " Rcconling I Filing Stamps MortgageAmt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Tollll SpecJAssil. or Spec. IAdd. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly '0-- ' !ield for Appointment ~ Transfer Tax -----L...DYN. _ Mansion Tax ' The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a 'one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page # of this ins\nJment. 5 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved Vacanl Land TO .' /0' TO TO Title Com I'Y\..U..L m,ade by: " ~{. /-1. o/J ,TO :l In the Township of ~()bW o. ~;f)9 6/1' In ihc VILLAGB . t?~&c A. ,?bri~ or HAMLET of ' C ""j:. h ~ ~ e. BOXES 1\ THRU 8 MUST BB TYPED OR PRIJdm IN BLACK INK ONLY I,>RIOR TO RECORDIN OR FlUNG. (overl IIII~IIII~ 1111I1111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 111111111I1111111111111 SOFFOLK COmITY CLERIC RECORDS OI'I':ICE DCORD:ING PAGB Type of :hlstrument. DBBDS/DDD Nulllber o:E Pages. 4 Receipt lfumber . 05-0103080 TRANSI'B:R TAX NUMBBR: 05-0:9097 Recorded. At. 09/30/2005 01.13.24 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012412 311 District, 1000 Section. Block: 137.00 02.00 Il!Yl\KIlmD AHD CHAKGBD AS FOLLOWS $465,0100.00 Lot: 013.000 Deed Amount. Received the Following lI'ees Fc.r Above :InstruDl8Dt Bx""lpt Exempt page/FiJ.ing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO HYS SRCHQ $15.00 NO IrA-CTY $5.00 NO IrA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cart. Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Tr&Dsfel' tax $1,860.00 NO Comm.Pra. $6.300.00 NO lI'aa. Paid $8.312.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBER. 05-09097 THrS PAGE rs A PART 011' TJIB: rHSTRlJHlDIT lL'HrS rs NOT A BrLL Edward P.Romaine County Clark, Suffolk County . FOR COUNTY USE ONLV CI. aWlS (:ode PLEASE lYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHI:N WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp~1 WWW.Orp8.atate.ny.ua or PHONE (5181 473-7222 I~) REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT f-(:J3,g :8:.:1 * L.j/,1O~r . c.. "-~~ " 'I C2. o.te 0.... B1Ul6.d CI.-L PROPERTY INFORMATION 1''''-''[2-0 5'""0 J STI '-'-/,.t.JA-re--Ji!?- LooMIon: .'I0I:l:1_11 .i'''UIiIAIlII L VU rC/-f 0 GUt;" ,:nv 01 TCJIWN "Bu... L5';'o~ IN (J Name I.MT......'WIINIII't LJ' I'~ /l..ING- IAlIT NMIIi 'COMI'MY 3. T.. 1ncIicII..... fu... T... BiII.,.1D be ~r I 1IlIIi.. W_'-__"'_rllannl '--- ~ Usr....../CGIINIrliY L."..., ~AID~NAMe .. IndIutII b ......... '" .----..... RoII_In_....._ Q'lYOIlOWN 8TATE Of NEW VORK 8TATE IIllAIID OF IIUI.'-",,__ RP - 5217 1lP-Q17 .... ...., A V/;'HUer I ;...Iy - !2.tJdt:"e...; -- ','?r I!A c../If D. /I. I 1/1 if ~I ..- .....,~ .-TATI ZlPCIam .f I t..rPwooIo OR 0 Porlof.......1 ..=.,. L ........., Ixl - ......., I ~r1/UJiCI.( Id! Homo l{J,."1ift:/t.(K e 1111 L . "AI:IID ...... 1ClnIr._rl.__............ 4A..........__-.AulIIorIIyE>iMo 0 ..--__~IarT_ 0 c.__",,__....._ 0 ILlc-lrl9/1!..O ..., ... ::TOA-NN ..., -- .ut 1. CMcII 1M bcNIl*ow whIah man ......Iy ....... tIut a.. 01_ pIapiIrIy . th.1Im. oJ MIr. E~ """culll".1 I ~ Comm..II....... I' Com_I J 1_.. o Aponmo.. K 1'ullI1e....... II E......lnmon' I A.......... L F_ A~F.mlly_ B Zor3Fto..nv_n1la1 C RIIidInIill V...nt lind D ............... YKlnr Land I SALE INFORMATION l ". _ Contnct ,_ ? I .7 IO:S-, ...,., DIri V_ 12. DMe at .... J .r....... 9 I~O ItJ) I UaNh a.y y.... -... --.-...... .. ~ Typo 10 CondomInium .. Nvw ConIlruc:lion on v.c.nl ..... 1M. PropMv...... wiII'Iin .n AuriC&lllur.1 0JIcri::I IIlIl'-_.__1ndl:oIing ""'.. -v _In on AQri:odIlnIIXoIrict o o o o I&. a..It..... ............. _ ..... ...................r.r: A ____or__ B Solo _ _ Carn_ or P.....,......... C llno 01'" '-' 10 _ . Sollar o 8_ or SoII1t II _ Aoonor... LlndlnglnolllUtian I! DoId Typo... W_ or lIoIpin.nd _1Spad1y_ F _oIF_or L-...... Foo_lSjIIOiIy_, o S1gnIIfl:InI Chongo In"'- _ TDObIe _ ...._00lI0 II ..loof_Io_In__ I 0Ih0r UnuouoI F_"'-.g Soli _ISpoc;Iy _, J _ .f, ~,~ II CO. 0,01 , , .. lfuI __I.1ho _ .mount poId far... _Irod...... __ny. lhiI pevnwnt IM1r be In .... fDnn of c:uh. adI.. prapMy or 1IDDdI. or tile -.umpcian of mortgIOU or otINlI' obIlpIIora) ",.... round to rM,....,.IlI doIIM.,nounr, ...-..........."'- 1 0 0 I __In"'_ ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMAllON . 0111 oIIollld _ lIlo _ Flnol_mont RulIInC1 Tn Bib 13. full .... PrIce ,..,..,"'----'0.:')1,7 ,...._'v_laIo11_In_1 which ...........l1li..... . .. . , . . , ~u.thcJd ('=? I n.DI , . ... PI-., ao. loll () I-LJ lI.__"";"1 . 4738'U. zo. T"__orIIl/__I.m"'_Iaur'_"'___~1 I L..-o .,- I CERTIFICATION ) I .....". .... .. ""Il1o - '" _ _ .. Ihk_ _ _ ond ....... Cia u..... "'''' ........... ... beUoIl .... I -.. -'.............. "'lIII) "'--'-"'_lIodhonln ..II lIlIbjrct ,..I IoU. _"'............. _......-..._....."'__ BUYEIrS AnoRNEY 9'-/< O~ .~~. )d 'f ,02.0' 'It 1.0 lor 1nKn'''' WIllI.....' .. r~dc.nc'1(10 I ~ (fC(=}I- CllYGllTIMN "An ZIl'I:aor: ~ -' , 't./;~ IJ)"l/;V ,('".; e./ /V ......- ~~ /Zob2rl- -- , .>Y ~ 7.:? If 'f ,,~- NEW YORK STATE COpy