HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 698 /J.j Ljt,S f (oq~ Tu Map Daipalioa DilL 1000 Sa:. 137.001 BIk. 04.00 1.01(1) 037.001.,- 037.002 137- L-f-cs7.1 ~5'1,Z ~ 37.3 NYOOJ _Ikrpia 1M Sale Deed Wlm COVCnanl apinll GIIDIOr'I Ac:u Iddividual or Corpcnaion (ballc Sheet) (NYBTU IOO.:.!:) ~LT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SKGNING THIS INSTRUME/\'T _ THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY l....wYf.R.~ OSLY , THIS INDENTURE, made tbe /1. day of August. in tbe year two thousand five BETlVEEN NTCHOLAS PICCININNI, residing at 402 South Country (2005) Road, East Patchogue, New York 11772, . party of the first part, and DAVTD CORCORAN, residing at 17 Longridge Road, Manhasset, New York 11030 and DAVID J. CORCORAN, residing at 38 Sherryhi11 Lane, Manhasset, New York 11030, as joint tenants: with right of survivorship, party of the second plll'l, WITNESSETH. thai the pany cof the fnt part, in consideration ofTen Dollars and o!ber valuable consideration paid by !be party of the second pan. does hereby grant and release unlo the parlY of the second pan, Ibe beirs or succ:essors and assigns of the pany of the second pan forever, ALL \bat eenain plot, piece or parcel ofland, wi!b !be buildings and improvemcnlS tbereon erected. situate. lying and being in the SEE SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO Reing and intended to be the Slime premises liS described in the deed to the grllntor herein. recorded i.n Li.ber 1] 7.54 pllge 42. TOGETHER wi!b all righi, tille and inlereSl, if any, of the party of the fint part of, in and to any SllcelS and roads abutting !be above<<scribed premises to the center lines tb~f; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the eslate and rigblS of the party of the first pan in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted un~) the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the pany of the scc:ond part forever. AND the party of the firllt pan l:OvenanlS that the party of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said Jll'ClDiscs have beCIn incumbered in any way whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party of the fll1tpart, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenanlS that the party of the first pan will receive the CODIideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a lnIst fimcI to be applied firlll fortbc JlIIlPOSC ofpayina the cost oftbe improvement and will apply the aamc fiist to the payment of the cost !If the improvement before using any pan of the total oflhe same for any other purpoIc.. " . The word ~ shall be construed as ifit ~ "partics. whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. '" . ~ . ..: .. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year flrsl above DJf'tJ..f ~ NICHOLAS ~... ~"'Co. TCCININNI AUG. 11. 2005 2: 19PM CLTiC RIVF.RHEAD NO. 999 P. 3 .... NOI RII_.3 SCHIDULE A . DESCRIPTION AMI!NDlID IIlI/U/U ALL that llIItMI plot, piece or ......,.. of ijancl, IltUllIe, IYIn9 Ind being In thl Town of SOUthoIIl, County 01 S~k and StDte or New York, BEGINNING It I point on the noJtIlerly licle of FleelWOOCl RoIcI cllshnt -rtv 449.83 feot _ II'IeUInII ....ng ..... frvm the InlersedIon of tllo _-.terfy IIcIe 01 FIetIt NICk RoIcI with tho IIOIthefIy ollie 01 F1oetwoocl RoIll; RUNNING llfENCE NoIth 3 lIegrees 20 minutes 00 HCDncIII Weft, 277.25 r..t; RUNNING llfENCI! South 86 110"" 40 mln~ 00 seconds Wast, SO.OO r.et; RUNNING THENCE North 3 degrees 20 mlnutel 00 aconclI Wat. 46.Z3 feet to the mun high water marfc of Eut creek; RUNNING THI!NCI! olong Aid mun high water mark the l'olIowIng CWO (2) tie II... l.'OlIIWO InII cIiItInals: 1. SOUth 86 deg...... 45 mlnutel45 HCOndII EDt, SO.33 ....; 2. South 72 dllllrHI 17 minutes 20 ACOncII eeol, 14.&7 IlIlIt; RUNNING THENCE South 3 degrees 20 ,nlnut81 00 _nil. EAst. 313.23 feet to the northerfy side 0' F1eetwoocl RoId; RUN!NING THENCE lIong ~ ~Mrly 11110 of Fleetwoocl Road thIIllIllowlng _ IZ) coursu InII lI.nee.: 1. North 89 degrees 25 mlnuw 00 sl!Cllncl. West, 11.31 reet; 2. South 86 degrees 40 mjnutes llO secondI West, 2.411eet to the point or pllce or IEGlNNING. ALT~, 0...... PolICy (10,'7-l1~1 \-;- 2 . , l ,. Certilicate "_ RECORDED 20D5 Rug 2S 10:56:20 FIll Edllard P. ROIllalne CLERK OF' SUFFOLK CWITI' L 000012405 P 698 DT# 05-03822 Nurnber of p.~" HJHKENS Serialfl l'riurClf. II Dec:.J! Mortgage (nstrunlen. Deed I Murtgage 'l'1Ill SllII11p FEES Recording I Filing Sllmps JJ Pagel Filing Fee MllrtaugeAml. IIl1ldlina TP-Sa4 I. U.,sie '1'.. 2. Additional Ta. Nota.iun Sub Tolal Keall'roperty Tax Service Agency Vcrifica1ioll ()iSI. Secliun B kick 1.01 S1lecj A...il. Or Spec./AcJd TOT. MTO. TAX Duul Towa_lJual County_ Held fur Apportiunment _ Tran.ferTa. --IJn:L--=- Man.ioll Tax 111e JVOpeny <:overed by Ihis munl!l'ge i. ur will be improved by lone or Iwu family dwelling unly. YES---,-or NO_ IfNO, see approprilte tax clau.e un page II _of Ibis instrument. EA-S2 17lCmlllly) _ Sub Total EA-S217l~t"t.) Conm,. uf 1,,1. S~ K.P.T.S.^. 5D....- Amdavil Cenined Cupy Reg. Copy Sub Total - OK.ANDTOTAL~ OIher :Q:= 6 COllllllunily l>resl:'cvuliulI Fund Cunslderation Amuunt $ Stamp 05032852 1000 13700 0400 037001 ~T S 1000 13700 0400 037002 RcWH A -AUlJ.4 hnpruvc:.J Vaconl Land a/ CI'F Tax Due s 1Y Date Inilial. 3 SatisfaClionslDischargesIRele&.'les Lisl Properly Owners Manlllg Addres. IlECOIID &: RETURN TO: GARY FLANNER OI.SEN, ESQ. OLSEN & OLSEN, J.LP MAIN ROAD PO BOX 706 CUTCHOGUE,Nv'YI1935 jn TD TO TD r 8 Title Company Information Co. Nallle Land America Commonwealth TiUef# RH 5 3 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page "nli:s (llIIlC forms part ofthc nllachc.l DEED (SI'ECII'Y TYI'E OF INSTImMENT) madr 1\)': NICHOLAS PTCCTCTNNI lhc premises III.'rein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. SOUTHOLD In the Township of Inthc VILLJ\GE Or IIAMLET of CUTCHOGUE TO DAVID CORCORAN & DAVID J. CORCORAN, AS JOINT TENANTS WITH RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP BOXES 5 n1RU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRlNmD IN mACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (OVER) 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I 1111I11111111111111111111 SUPPOLlC CO'DH'l'Y CLBRK RECORDS OIl'II'J:CE RECORDJ:NG PAGB Type of :I:aBtrumentl DBEDS/DD!:I NUmber of Pages: 4 Receipt Number , 05-0089297 TRANSII'BR TAX NUMBBR: 05-03822 Recorded: At: 08/25/2005 10:56:20 AM LJ:BER: PAGB: D00012405 698 District: I 1000 Sectio:a: Block: 137.00 04.00 II!v"'mmw JUm CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $39.999.00 Lot: 037.001 Deed AmoUl1t: Receiveell the J'ollowi:ag' J'ees Par Above I:astrume:at B......"lpt Exempt Page/F:!. li:ag $12.00 11'0 Ha:adli:ag $5.00 11'0 COB $5.00 11'0 IlYS SRCHG $15.00 11'0 ICA- CTY $5.00 11'0 &A-STATE $165.00 11'0 TP-584 $5.00 11'0 Cert.Copies $0.00 11'0 RPT $50.00 11'0 SCTIC $0.00 11'0 TrllJl.Bfer tax $160.00 11'0 CcmIIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $422.00 TRAIlSFBlIl TAX IltlMBBR: 05-0382~: TH:IS PAGB :IS A PART OP TBB :INSTRtDIIUl'l' TH:IS :IS II'OT A B:ILL Bdward P.Romai:ae CoUl1ty Clerk. Suffolk COUl1ty . ,.I.{, 1,~, g,,~ cz. o.a DNd Recor_ I 6 f .;(.:), C;SI ~ Doy y~ ;q J. <t. t.f, (j. S I CA. '_1.1, '7. , * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATIi Of NEW YORK STAtE IIIlAIID Of REAL _TV IERVICElI RP - 5217 C3._I, PROPERTY INFORMATION 1lNI~1' "" J/W '...........U25 (, 525 L.ou&n """"..-. Fleetwood Rd. IfIlUTIiWIIi. L ~nn...hnlA DIYCIM "OWN l':1tl"r.hnIJ1@ YU'" 11.9Ji 2...,. No_ U'\'.ifB&'lio- nJlu1t1 ....- LJ:orc.oran LAlT~/COIiIPANY a. T.. ___....r1I lulu.. n. Bill... 10 be l1l'i1 L- =. If other Nn bu,Ir...... C. bDnam 01 form) LAST 'W<<./CfIIIINI.,W David J. ....r__ rnsrNIWI L'TREI!T..-..AMJ......,.... 4. ......... die ......... aI A_ ..... RoD..... ,_.... on...._ QI'YOITCMN "'~TI ""CClIlI .. =... L SIzo .mtI, RU llel """ IORI --. . IOnlv ...... .. . - QIack.. .... ......: ...._ng____Au......e.... 0 ... So ....LI1IIan ApprtMI wu RtIquhd lor T..... 0 4C.P....._""'SU_...hMap_ 0 I II of Percels OR D P.rt of . PurelJl ..- No_ L piccininni I.MT"'-"/~ Nicholas ""1IMlIf L lAST IMIIII ICX*f'ANV -.- 12. DIll. Df SaI. I T,anaf. 8 f 2 f 05 - "'" .- De f II f 05 - ..... - ~...__......- L Owr.1hip Ty.. . CondomInium I ~ Community ServiC8 .. New Coftllr.-:don on Vecent Land J __ _ _ LocaIad_ an............ D..... K........_ ,.._._.__indCaIkotl L Llorut 1hII thI pmpen:y II In.. AwIl:uIwnII DiIIrk:t 1S.CIIeIIc_or......",__ -. _.........tD~ ^ .... ~ RNthIw or FcrmDr ...... 8 511e ....... "-'-ted Camp8n_ or PDr1Mr11ln BUll...... C One of Ihe Buyan II ... . Seller D Buyer or Seller II GoYeInmena Age~ or t..ndillg InaWulion ., Daad _ _W........ or Sargalo and _1__' F &.I. 01 F...ctIoMl or Led tUn foG InfDl'OM ISpodry BeIowJ G SIgnI_ CNnga .. _ ....... T_ S........ Sola DaM II SaIool-"._InSaIaPrico I 01.. U........ Faclan AfI_ Sola Prico ISpaclly _I Nana o o o o 7. 01_ the bl. INlow wtdah ...... MCUI''''' ...... Ihot 11M "tM "...,.,. lit Iht 1.... DI....: A ~ an. ramll~ RNidlN:ill 8 2 or ~ F.nJy Rel6dentlll ex _"'IlIoI.......\.and o Non-I'-identill v.c.n. land I SALE INFORMATION I ", .... ConIr... Dd. E~Ag''''''''' f Corornarolal G Apar1mGM II EmetIIlnmen1/ Amu.nwnl 13. Full .... Pd.. , ,3,9,!I,9,9,O,OI , , . (fuU SaIB Pm>> is thIi totIl 8InOUnt p.&d for lho Pfoplrty Including porsonal property. ThiI PIY"'I1fl1 INV' bI in tM form of 011..... other property or flOOdI. DlIhI laumplion of mot1gapl Dr ou.. obliQllionl.1 PIG8e rount1 ro 1M,..,." wfIoIt doII:Jt MIOIIIIl. L, ,.. ....... thu .... 01 penon" property........... M ...... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION ~ Data should ,.Oec:t thel.teIt Final Aueamenl Rolland Ta. Bill ,.. v.... of "1I..nwnt RoI from I 6. I 17. Total AM..... V.... lof.. -- In II'anIIerII whkh inial........... --- , , , ,.. Property ell... I ~-:Sl-U '''_IlOo__ I ~~~ :zo. Tu MIp ldIIntIIIera-ll RaIIIdentiII..c.J (K mora 111m lou', .ctM:h IIhMt with ......... ............1 1000-137.00-04.00-037.001 and 037.002 I I CER1lACATION I I fft'II'y ... ,III vii_ iImL'I of laturmuIiun ea&ernI oa dWti '1_1 II~ m.. amd cum.'l"I Un &be bdI 0( ID,) It.I:wAicdp..... ,....., and IIlIDIk-niIwId thllllbe- IIIIIkiq "'_ ..1....- -...- "'_ _...... wID ..bJa'I......... _... "'1Iw...........-................ -lIIhIa '" r...._ JaJ!!!n!! BUVER'S ATTORNEY Y. _, O/se,<.J Mtll/::::> ~;- 4ti;n ' w._ ....-' ~.~ lloaT___' . b?L '1~ 76bh. c;..:;:f:o ~O' v'<-- . I ~r ) tJ..H!.bm ~ I~;'~ KWIIlClNA'..... IL13 ~ :# NEW YORK STATE COPY