HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12406 P 506 L 12Li el" f l-iC' !fJ:- 1.3~ -)-1 N"2005 -Harp. and Sale Deed. WWI OM_.piMI o.a.u'"AcUI -1.JMdu.I urCorpontiaa (Slqlt st.O ,I] CIJNSULT'IOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TNIB INBlllUUENT-THIB INSTRUIIENT SHOULD BE USED BV LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INO.:NTURE, I1Illdc lhe 6,th d.yof June . in lhe year 2005 BETWEEN GEORGE LESSARD, JR., res idling at 405 Mayflower Road, MattituC:k, New York 11952 pluty of the firsl pan. .nd , ' . 0., k.flfIo\is 1'" (.0 ....."'.., GIESE~ residing at 2195 Nassau Point Road, ~11l0MAS GIESE and PAULETTE GARAFALO C::utchogue, New York 1193~i party of lhe seeond part. WITNESSETH, lhallhe party of ,he flI11I1 part. in eonsidcralion of doll.... , p"id by 'he party of'the second pan. duc" here"y granland release unlo the pany of the second part. the heirs or suecessors and :.Ilisign."i of the J'l3ny of the second pun ((lrever. ALL Ih.1 cert.in 1'101. piece or pareel of land. with the buildina.' and improvements Ihereun ereeted. siluale. lying and heing in~ \ . . . .' See Schedule A, attached hereto and made a part hereof BEING AND INTENDED TO BE I~he aalDe premise a conveyed to the party of the firat part by deed dated 10-25-1995 ..nd recorded in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on 11-9-1995 in L:lber 11749 at Page 412 TOGIITHJ;R with all righl. li,le and interest. if any, of the pany of lhe fi... part in and 10 any streels and roads abulling the above Ilcseribed premi""s I" lhc center lines Illereaf: TOGETHER with lhc appuRCllIII1CCs and Blithe estllle and righlS of the pony of , d,e firsl part in and 10 said premises: TO HAVE AND TO HOLD Ihe premi...... herein grolJlted unlo the party oflhc second part, the heirs Of SUCL"CSSOJ"$ and assigns of the pany of the scclmd part fOl't"Ver. AND the party of ,he f"sl pan euvena.1S thallhe party uf lhc firsl part has not done or sufferc<l anything whereby the said premises have heen encumbered in .n)' way whaICYW. e'''pl as .fo",.wd. AND lhe party of lhe firsl pan. in compliance with Section I J of the Lien Law, eovenanlS Ih.tlhe party of the firsl pan will ",eei... the considel1llion for Ibis conveyance and will hold Ihe righllCl receive such consideration as a IruSl fund 10 be applied flirSI for \he purpD." of paying the ='1 uf \he impnwemenl .nd will apply the same firsllo lhe payment of the cost of Ihe impco...menl before usinS any part ofthe lotal of the sanIC lOr any uther purpose. The word """ny" shall he constrUed as ifil I'1cad "partics" whenever the- sense of this indcnlure 50 requires. IN Wll'N.:SS WHEREOF.lhe pany of the fir>! pari has duly Cll""UlL-d this deed lhe day and year firstab,,,,. writICn. IN PRESENCE OF: ~~-f- ,: . " Schedule A Description Page 1 Title Number 05-13132-S-P ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, Iyin!l and being at Nassau Farms, near Peconic, in the Town I)f Southold. County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as Ifollows: BEGINNING at a. point on the Southerly line of Pine Tree Road.-Z50.00 feet Easterly along said Southerly line from Bay Avenue; from said point of beginning. RUNNING THENCE along 5iaid Southerly line of Pine Tree Road, 2 courses as follows: (1) North 86 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds East 6.07 feet to an iron pipe; (2) Norlh 63 degrees 13minules 50 seconds East 108.27 feet 10 a monument and land of Bourguignon; THENCE along said land of Bourguignon. South 23 degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds East 194.47 feet to a monument and land of Schondelmeier; THENCE along said land of Schondelmeier, 3 courses as follows: (1) South 86 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds West 14.33 feet; (2) North 07 degrees 59 minutes 50 seconds West 9.90 feet to a monument; (3) South 86 degrees 58 minutes 40 seconds West 180.89 feet; THENCE along land now or formerly of Flora S. Leslie, Norlh 06 degrees 30 minutes 10 seconds Eas1130.00 feet to the point of BEGINNING I I STATE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF SlIlFFOLK , On'he 6thloyof June in .he YOll' :W05. before m~.llhe uncJersigned. penunully o.ppeorcd ! Georgel Lessard, Jr. I ' pcnonolly known to me 0' P""'ed to me on the: bwoi" of satidaclOry evidence to be the individual(s) whose name{"l iN (DtC) sub&:ribed It) the wilhin trllilnllncnl and ackrM1Wl~ edged Il' me mal ho'lihcld\ey e.r.ecUled the woe in lI1i5lherllheir CQpa.:ily(i~). and thai by hislhc1ltheir ~igaIlUrc(I) on lhe inwumrl1~ the individual(s).. or the pc'Bnn on behalf or which tilt indh..idwi:!(5) :lCtCd. CJl.eeutlW thr in.tilnnntnt. I L-~ J vu..J...;...-d I NOTAB'YI PUBLIC 0' '( I ~ 0 ,). q J-,). ~ UfJ .~ 1,.l.IU ......_.ElAINE T. V1L1.ANo oJ I ~-7~bllc,~.2L~YOlk" ' STATEOF ~~~! On .h. I day of ~ Aug. 9I1um:.y.... . before me, the: undenoigncd. il NUl:uy Public in and fur said Swc. pe''''''.I'ly lappear<<! , I ..he ~uMcribi'ng witncJl5 to LIlli: fUrf'g~lins inSlrummt, with wh.,"IIn 111m pc-fsunally l:k.'quaintcd. who. being by me duly :!liW,X'O. did dtpuse and ..y ,rul, hel,helthey re.ide(s) in I ' tiflhc pb.l~ofre~i~ ia Icily, iadR Ibt W'ct1311L1lllm:t l'IlI'*rlrlllV.lhmoI'I: I . .h:lt hc/sbe{'hey know(.l i to he the' iJwividual dc~ribc:d in :md ..'ho t:!ACcutc-d lhc run:guing I in,"ru~nt; lhat ~id subscribing witness wa.~ pn:'~:nt and fiaW r.aid I c"~ule 1rn1 S3mc: 3m! IhaI ~d witm:.!UI at the lan\C lime sunu:ribc:d I hislherltheir n3.ll1CCI'} as It wilne's!ii Ihrreto I ladd lIE rollcNdns ir lM ;&Cknowlcdgmml Dllakcn owWe NY SUitt I and that waJd Jl,ub,;crit\inS whlleu made su.:h apprlltalll.."e bcfore the: umJeBigru:d in the (ill5ftt I~ l:ilY or oda plJliIic'lall4.ltkliviiiun and Ihl:' SUlle 1)1' ~Unlry ur other pla.x the proof Ul'U liIkell). I I , I ~urgnhl nnll &alr f1rri'l WITH COVENANT AOAIN~T GRAN'IOR"S ACTS TtT':f.No. J _=, ~ _= __ TO , I lJU'nbtt,NJ by [$ll~~~ JOOE,t.sT..WST..IOtbfl..OOa_ SKWYORK.,l'lo"Y loon I alZl922-W..~ Pu.1212191J-JlJJ "','" '. " . . . r...... STATE OF On Ihe day of in lIu: YO'" bef.... me. the undm;igned. penonolly Ippcared " . personally klkJWn 10 me or proved to me on the booi. ofsalisC...1ory evidence to be the individual!.) wh".. name(5) i5 (are) sub5cribcd to the wilhin in.qrumenL and acknowl. edged to me that he/shelthey .....'Uted the same in hillibellthei, c.....il)1i..), ond th:at by hislhe,ltheir siglUllllre(.) on .he instrumenl. Ihe indiyidual(.~ 0' the pcrson on beIIllf of whi.h the ioUividualC") acttd. t:!xecuted the: insuumenl rlldd dtr tnlkMilll if Ihe 1Cknnw1~ illaken OOu.idr NY Stoslel :md tho. Wd subseribing wi..e.. mllde s""h .ppOll'.... befon: lhe undeni&ned in the (iRrI lbc:cil)' or* poIili1:l1 W&bIIwnioa IIId ~Swr or ""'""Y". pia iIie.n-talpoau ...lIIn~ STATE OF , COUNTY OF On Ihe d.y of in .he y.... bef"lfe me pcrmnally ...oune to mr: klkN1n. who. being by me duly !Iiwom, did dcpor.e and say thot h. ...ides at thm. he' ilJ the of Lhc \.'UI'pW'ation de>>eribed in and whi,h cxccuu:d the foreglline. iru.trumrnt; that he knows the seal of said \."Orponllion; that Ihl:' liCOl affixed to 5&i~ irUtl.ruR\e'nt i5 such c:urporalC seQI~ than it was 50 3ffixN by ordlY of Lhc boord of direclOlS uf Moid corporaliun. and lhal he 5igncd h name thereto by like order. SI!C'llo.~ BU'lCK '.0' llX.r.\.TYORTUWS 51"Rf.l:.T ADDRliSS R...'OIdcd II RequcslofSTEWARTTITLE" RKTIJRN BY MAli. TO: , .' ~ G- 2 3 ,'. ;,. Certificate # RECORDED 2005 Rug 30 02:26:28 PM Edward P. Ronlai ne CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L DOOO12406 PS06 DTI 05-04457 Number or pages TORRENS S~rial # Prior or. # Deed I Mortgage InslrU'!Ient Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES ~cording I Filing Stamps Z] Pagol Filing Feo Handling 1'1'-584 j)), ~- ~- Mortgago AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Addi:ional Tax Notation R.P.T.S.A. -..5: _ SubTotal 7S :-~D' - /17- Sub Total EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) Reg. Copy TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_ Dual County_ . Held ror Apportionment _ Ii /..,1"_ TrlUlsrerTox ~_ -Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or ~ will be improved by a ono or two ramily /CJ ~ 'dwelling only. YES or NO GRAND TOTAL I Sc;J- IrNO, see ap~opriatotax c,..so onjage # _orlllls UISlrUmenl. (tJ..: (p.. a Reall'roperty Tax Service Agency Verification 6 Communi Preservation Fund DiS!. . Section - ~ ..11 ,...... ".ot Consideration Amount $ 05025114 1000 13800 0200 001000 S ~ )00 CPF Tax Due /.:pT S ( R VIT A Improved (J.-",,:-c.,,;'" /J - Vaeantl.and /0 5~ SpeeJAssil. Or Spec. I Add. Camm. or Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy Other - () Sub Total Stamp Date Initials TO 'Il) TO 7 Satisractiolts/DischRrgcSlRelcascs Lisl Property Owners Mailing Addr RECORD & RETURN TO: JuHe McGivney, Esq. 533/.5 Main Road-Unit 5-3 Southold, New York 11971 ~ 8 Title Company -Information A... ~ r,;,.J, -1~q;).-s- Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page lbis pnge fonns part of the allached Bargain and Sale Deed madc by: . (SPECIFY TYPE OF lNSTRUMENr ) GEORGE LESSARD. JR. The premises hCrein is situated in SUFTOLK COlJNIY, NEW YOlOC TO In the Township of In the VILlAGE or HAMLET of Southold THO~~S GIESE and 'P611T PorT.... C:AlZA'R'AT n GTF..~F. Cutchogue . BOXES 5 THRU 9 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINfED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. fOVF-AI 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of :Instrument I DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 4 Receipt Iltumber . 05-0091181 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-04457 Recorded. At. 08/30/2005 02.26:28 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012406 506 District. 1000 Section. 138.00 EXAMINED AND $369, !iOO. 00 Block: 02.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 001.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amo'unt: Received the Following Fees Flor Above Instrument Exempt Exempt page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SIilCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,478.00 NO Camm.Pre. $4,390.00 NO Fee. Paid $6,020.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-04457 THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE :INSTRUKBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County .. . PLEASETYI'E 011 PRESS FIRMIYwHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (6181 473-7222 REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT 1L ChIci: one or more 01...... c:andIdanI .. ....... t. tr..-.r:: A s.Io Botwoen FIIMu~ or Fonnor RaIMivos B &.Ie aetw.n ....... Com~ or Plirtnert; In BuliineN C One of tho lklyon1la liiio . SoIk3r l) Buyer or Seller i. GOYt'mrntnt Agency or Lending INlitution Ji Deed Type Nt: Werrlrqy or Blirglin 8Ild Sale (Specltv Below) F Solo of F_ DO"........... _........ (Spocify IIclowI (I SignifK*1t CNnge in Property Bebnen Taxable SwtUI and &1. Deh II SakI of BuI'..... is Included in 511. Pra I at UnusulI F8ClOI"I Affecting s.ao Price tSpeciIy BeIowl J 0.. FOR COUNlY USE ONL V C1. aWlS C.... I 7, 7' '1 ,f? ,9 ...!J C2. Dolo OOod R_dod I~ <7 IJt9 ~l-I ~ -~.... C3. Book l J,.J." S/, .0. ~I Co. ~. L....... ,,<:, 2?-'" I PROPERTY INI;ORMA TION I '."- L 280 Pine Tn'e Road LocatIon !mreeT NUMIl!II &TN'eT..... L.!;outhold .:nv (III1OWlll' * Cutchogue ....... .. ...... ~;IESE "-me .AlTNANI:/CI;J......,.'l' THOMAS ,-- L.Jc..\r~~n;"l' PAIII.F.TTF. -- J. TlX IndlCll" where twn TIM Billl.... to be ..nt I 811'" " olhoOl U'IIn buyer.-ldre-. (M boaorn of forml L-- Addrus L"iT NAMlI COWANY L ITIlU:TIItlJN8tRNOD&TJtID~ em' Q11ltMlN 4. Inc&cn. the number or Aunament Roll pwceIlI tI....rr.. on the dIIed ./ I '011'0<<:... OR 0 ....o..P..ooI 5.0.- Property .... ..). lOR I Ixl L FIIONI ~"'I ....... "'''"' 1.- Nom. LLE'SSARD LASTJ,;AM!/CClMNoHV GEORGE .....- L LASTNAII[ICQllPANV HMIIINoUIl5 1. Check the bolt below which mMt .acu~ ..rt~ 1M UU of 1_ PftII*1y at th. It.... of ..1.: A~ 000 Flmlly Relldentlll H 2!K .3 1~H"ily Rftlct.ntill C ~.i~nI;.J VllClrK land D Non-RII.......tlll Vlell'll LInd I &ALE INFORMo~ , ,. Sea. ConIr.:t D... Ii~Ag'lcuk",e1 r: CommtfCi.1 . G Apartment Ii ERltI'IIinmen1 J Amuleffianl I ~ ~,SoMce J .....lr..1 K """" SoN" L ForooI 5 ..... I 12 I 05 0." v_ 12. D... of ..&. I Trusler 6 ..... I 05 Y- I 6 Do, , 1, 6, Qj ~, n, n, 0,0 I , . IFull S.. Price is 1ho tDC.al omounz paid lor lhe property including pMSOII,1 pruporlY. Thi, p-vment I'NY '- in th, form of caah. other property or Sloodl. or.he lIIawnption al mortglgel or 1)1her obrtg8tiona.} ",.... round ro lito fJUIOIlIW!ol. doHM .mounr. 13. Full 8aI8 Pita 1._ IndIuh the .au. ~ ........ I 0 0 I .-.....-......- . ~ ' I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Oltl .houJd roflocllho IaWt Final _..mlm Roll Ind Ta. BRI 'I. Y.. .. -.......... ..... I 0 <;' I . I which InIom........ taUn . 17. TotIIl ARM.... VaIu' 1l1li... parah ... traMferl 'I. Pro~ a._ 1.2 . J ~ l-U 'I. .-11lIe_...... I Mattituck-Cutcho2ue i I I CERTIFlCAnOO I n.T1lIY 111.. III! ~ IIIr Iteam of IDl'uruulIIuP mk-nd ... thb. IOna 11ft lrut aad cwn:ct (Iu &be ba.I 01 III) 1uMnt....1IIId brdW) and I ~ thai tbe IUkiaI uI WIt wllfl&l tl~ II riIII f'8c:t .... wIU IUhjftt l1li' In .., ....UVWIlIllC ct .he _II1II III.. mal"-. to the 1I1MkinI..... ClUna 01 r. 1nIuuml'ldl. . A / / ~ BUVER'S ATTORNEY l 20. T.1I Map lcI.ntlfterlsll RDllldenIH'-1a) tI' mw. th... faur. .u.ch ...... .nth IIddI1:IoNI ~I.U 11000-138.00-02.00-001.000 1;/6/05 McGivney .... LMll'll'llt Tree Road 631 .... .... .TIIlEtT""'...." .lIIttl~IIlf'TE1ISALlI r.llt'rh~~R Q1'Yelllll1' If l1Q'1~ ..- NY aTATI 61,6/05 ,. STAn OF NEW YORK lITATE IIONlD OF Rl;AL PROPERTY SERVICES RP - 5217 ~n...._Yn 11935 .,.... fNTNAMI! alAI. ..- IOnIy 1_ .. . _ CI-* os.... apply: fA. ~ng Bo.n:I wiZh SubdMlion Authority e... 0 .. SubdlvlaiOn ApprolIaI .M RRquillw::l for Tnlnafllr 0 cc. p,"* AQprowd for SubdMlion with Mlp Pravid,d 0 Ch_ tile boUI bIIow _they applw: .. Ownership TYPD Is CondomInlLm .. New Construction on V.:.... Lnd 10A. PTopetty LoeI1od wiltlin '1\ Aurlcu!turll District '01. Buyer l'KIIiwId . diKlCl5UIW nClliw Incklting that thI ~rty II in u AgriwIIurll DiIbk:t o o o o i .).. . Co! , I'D . Julie r...r~ 765-9545 'W.WOHnNI NUMaot NEW YORK STATE COPY