HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12431 P 949 . if LI :2 q ,~ I f LI LILf /3)5 - 2-}5 BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPQRATlON) FORM 8007 " CAliMN: TillS AGREEME.VT SHOUlD BIl PRI!PARED BY AN ATTORNEY ANO REVIEWEO'DY A'nORNEYS fOR SfJ.l.l'll ANI) PUR<'l lASER BEFORE SIGNING, THIS INDENTURE, made the .:( 7Ct-- day of October, 2005 betweeD RICHARD R, DeMC:YI-r, residing at 5275 Skunk Lanl:, Cutcbogue, NY 11935, ; party of the first part. and . ',~ " J RICHARD R. DeM01T, residing at 5275 8kun\i; Lane. Cutcboguc, NY 11935, as to a ninety- nine (99"A.) per cent inll.TCst, and PA TRIClA DUSSAULT, residing at 42 Adams Stn:c:t East, East !slip, NY 11730, as to a one (1%) per cent interest, party of tbe second part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the first part, in consideration ofTEN DOLI.ARS (510,00), lawful money of the United Slates, paid by the party of the second part, docs hereby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or succnsors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. A1.1. that certain plot, piece or parcel onanel, in the Town of Soutbold, County of Suffolk and Stale of New York. known and designated as Lot #108 on a certain map entitled, MMap of Nassau Fanns, sitiuate at Peconic, Suffolk County, New York, 0110 W. Van Toy], Licensed Surveyor, Gn:enport, New York," filed in tbe Suffolk County Clerk's Office as and by the Map No, 1179, TOGETHF.R ..~th all right, titlc and interest ofthc Jl!Irly ofthe first part in and 10 the meadow land directly in front of said premises.~~i~oYJ8!1~1I-~!'lt 19 known aa Suffolk County Tax TOGETHER with all right, title and interest ofthc party of the first part in and 10 said Bay A venue and in and to the lands undc:r waters in said creek opposite said premises. BEING AND INrnNDED TO BE the same premises conveyed 10 the party of the first part and LEROY DE MOTI....1 1 ~ydecddated 12/29181, rccord&:d 1/28182 iD Libel" 9135, Page 347. TOGETHER with.all right, title imd interest, if any, of the party of the fusi part in and to' any streets and roads abutting the above described premises to the center.lines thereof, TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights ofthc party of the first part in and 10 said premises, TO HA VE AND TO 1101.0 the premises herein snmted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party ofthc second part forever. AND the party of thc fint part, eovenants that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, cxcept as aforesaid. AND the party of the fust part, in compliance with Section 13 of tbe Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration foI' this conveyance and will hold the right 10 receive such eonsidcration as a trust fund 10 be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the eost of the improvement befon: using any part oflhc IoIa1 of the same for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed as ifit read "parties. whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the fll'lll part has duly execut.-d this deed the day and year first above written. '. ~4.../ ~,& Jt-l - CHARD R. DeMOTI '.. .,. ..' STATE OF NEW YORK :15. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On theO?7Zl- day ofOctober.l00s before me. the undersigned. a Notary Public in and for said Slate, personally appeared Rlebard R. DeMott, personally known to me or proved 10 me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose name is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacity, and that by her signature on the instrument, the individuals. or the person upon behalfofwhieh the individual acted, executed the' trument. , NANCY P. DISTIW NOTARY PUHUe. StIle at New Yrl NIl. >>0969815 Quzlililld in Nml'J ~ /. ~.1IIIIIissian &...."13} <) S- , . , " ~ Number of pages TORRENS Serial # _ Cmificale # Prior elf. # De,:d . Mortgage 1n.~ll1Imenl 2I:= Page I Filing Fee Deed I Mortgage TlIX SllImp FEES ~Il Handling TP-584 5 .!XL NOIation EA-5217 (County) EA-5217 (Stale) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total EbOO_ Comm. of Ed. 5. ()() Affidavil ~~ "ieg. cO~IY ('- Sub TOIaI dL, 1,-: I.. Olher 4 I Disl~ict 1000; Real Property Tax Serviic:e Agency Verification Gnmd Total 06002223 1000 ~T S 1000 REAP A :19 13800 0200 006000 13800 0200 015000 -..... 1.000 5 M -;;r-;;;;:isfllClionIDiSCharg~lcaac Lisl Propeny Owners Mailing Address ....:J UN_ RECORD & RETURN TO: RUDOLPH H. BRUER, ESQ. P.. O. Box 1466 SIJuthold, NY 11971 7 RECORDED 2006 Jan 23 11:25:4:': Rl'1 CLERI( OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L D000124~1 P 949 DTI 0'5-24329 Recording I Filing SIWDpol Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub ToIllI Spec. I Assit. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counly _ Held for Appointment - Tr.msfer Tax \:./ Mansion Tax The propeny covered by this motgage or will be improved by a one or 1\ family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # of this i 1111 nt. oz, a. Communit PreserwtJo Fund Considerution Amounl $0 sO CPF Tax Due Improved Vac:ant Land TO I(}Vu . TO TO TItle Company Information Co. Name Title It ~ SutTolk County Recording & Endorsement Page lbis page forms pan of Ihe IIlt11Ched BalWlln and Sale Deed made by: (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) RICHARD R. DE MOTI The premisis herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of Southold In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of Cutc:hOl!ue BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TYPr:D OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. {nv,-., TO RICHARD R. DE MOTT and PATRICIA DUSSAULT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIIIII IIlllllnllllllllllllll 1111111111111111111111111 SUJ'FOLK COmrrY CLB1Ut RECORDS Orl'J:CE RECORDING PAGE Type of XlUlt~ut I DBBDS/DDD HwIIber '::If Pages I 3 Receipt HUmber . 06-0007063 TRAHSI'ER TAX IIOIIBER: 05-24329 Recorded I At. 01/23/2006 11125143 All LIBER: PAGE: D00012431 949 Deed. Amount: SectiODl Block I 138.00 02.00 UAllDIBD .IUIID CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $0.00 Loti 015.000 Distric'tl 1000 Received the l'ollowiug I'ees Page/I'iliug COB BA-CTY TP-584 RP'1' TraDsfer tllX $9.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $50.00 $0.00 I'or Above Xust~ut ....-Wl: 110 110 110 110 110 NO IlaDdliug IIYS SRCIIGI 1!:A-8TATI!: Cert.Copies SC'1'll COIIIIII.PreB I'ees Paid. $5.00 $15.00 $165.00 $5.00 $0.00 $0.00 $264.00 Bx8llQ;ll 110 110 NO NO NO NO TRAIIISI'BR TAX RtJllBBlh 05-24329 TlUS PAGB XS A PART 01' TBB XNSTRtJIIBH'l' '1'11%8 XS NOT A BXLL FOR COUNTY USE ONLY C1. SWIS C_ PLEASE TYPE OR PRE5S-FiRMlV"wtlEl'.fWRmIllGOt.fF"ORM--------- INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps,Bl8le.ny.uB or PHONE (5181 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT IY.?, 1,9,-r ,rl I ~ '-i,'J'~ I 1:4.'_1 ,",~,~ I . . *. . ,. " STAlE OF NEW YOIIII STATE _Of lEAL PROHIITY lIEIMCEII -.- -- CZ. lIMe D,.... _d C3.8aak PROPERlY INFORMATION RP - 5217 1IP-I117a." 1W1 "-L iIIlClI< 5345 I Loudon .nul NUIIIIDl =sr..... itii Skunk Lane L TnwnaB,f SDu~hDld CUVOR I CutchoRue ...- 11~~ z. Sup' L DE KOTT N8me LMI .....,co.wn' L DUSSAULT LUf ..... rcow.urr RICHAIlD R. ..,..... PATRICIA -- 3. T.. IncIc_ we... fulure Tu ..... ID be unI: I IIIIIng ;, ~'or _ buyer _.. _ oIlannJ " -- lAIr ..... I QJIIMIIY .-- L .~ITIIUIIII!"AJIO~INA.- GlY OIl TOlIN '1"'" ...... .. Dood L '- BI.. I'IlON'lFU1 Ixl Ill!I"TN IORI 'N:MI' 4 . 1On/y.-...__.....,......" ... ......... Baud willi _MIlan AlOI1orIIy Elo/IIS 0 ... _ AppmYII w. Roqund for T........ 0 4C. ParcII AppnMd for 4..h....riIion wkh Mlp PrDvIdId 0 .. IIIIIac. tIw ....... or ...~---..nt Roll PII'C'" Itr.-f8rnd OIl ... .... 1 I ."'Po..... OR D Portal........ I" Sou. No.. L DE MOTT LMT.....,f:IJ/III'IIN'f RICHARD R. ,..,..... L LMI' NMIII CIOMIWfV ""'NAa ^ ~ On. 1'.mIIy _nIla' R 2or~IFln'lityRllidlnl:iaI C _...... v.... "'.. D Nan-ltIIidenUI VacMt U1nd I SALE INFORMATION I n. _ CanlnIOl_ N / A "~ Alrlculbnol F Com_ O Aportmonl H E_'............. I ~ Commun~v_ J _101 K Public Soov... L .... -....-----: .. Ownorahlp Type II Condominium t. Naw Conaruc:don on v.c.nt Land 1QA. ",-nv..-.ol-.. AIlr-' DIolrto:t ,......,..-.-..-- WI ... property illn M AgrtcuIIunII 0IIa1a: o o o o 7. CtwcIc the bI,. below which molt .ccunteIy..... .he .... 01 the pntperty .t tile time of ..Ir. 12. o.t. 01 S.. I T....,.,.r 10 , - 27 , "'" 05 11. a.aII _ or ..... 01..... _ -. _ _ -........ .. trwa*; r- .. A r- Solo _ --...-- B s.Ie IIMween AeIIIIM:t CompInMHI Dr f'lrbWl'I In ....... C~ OOOof""',"_Io_._, o Buyer Of SelDr II Col ......-nIfd Agency or Landing InatllUdon E - Dood T_ _ W.".... '" IIorpIn .nd Solo ISpodIy Solow) F - Solo of F_' ... .....thon F.. 1_1_1y -) o - SisPlIIlcon1 ChlIogo.. "'-"' _ T...-..... ond Solo 0- H - Solo '" ........10 '_In Solo P'Itco I - 0Ih0r Unuou.1 F...... AIIocIIng Solo Prfco ISpoc:iIy IIolowl J - N.... - - , "'" , - v.. ,,. Ful .... "rica . , 0.0,0 I , , . . (Full s.lo PriI. it 1he 10UlI ,",OUN paid for the properly indudlng perlGnll property. ThIo poymonI moy bo In "'" form" _ _ _... goodI. ....... .-rnpIIon of mor1~ 01' odwr obIIgII...... "....""'"" ro rIw,...,.. .... "",., MIGUIIL L. ,..-....-......- I 0 0 0 I ___In...._ " . ~ . _ ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dolo should _tho .... FInlII'- ,-_ Roll ond Tox Bill I ,I. V.. ",6--- .411I..... flam I 0 4 I 17 T..... ~ V....IDf .. --In .....1 which 1nfoI'IIIIItIon UII8n .. . 1--:- 6 o 01 ; ; ; ,IL_C_ I 3, 1. ll_LJ ...__.....:.. I Ma~tituck 10. T..__III 1__11I 1......._......_____, . 1000-138.00-02.00-006.000 dO.PO-IJ~.cn -O~.OO - Old,.Ntl I I CERTIFICATION I ....,gy..... oil 01....""""' "'....,.- .-........ _....... __I...... _ oflllJ................ hoIIoIIoad ___ _11Io__ ..rO"l'''IIII'uI__oI___wID..,"'..11Io -of""'.......... _....11Io............. ...."'-~ BUYER" ATTORM!Y ~ - ~,,f) "'dJ 1t'+U' , ('..'IL ~~,l~ IIl.M!!RIlGlIIA~ I 10/27/05 DO" Bruer .....- Rudolph H. -..... 5275 ......""- Skunk Lane IfMIl' IiWIIt WlIII w.e . 63L -- 765-1222 ....-..... Cutchogue Cll'l'CIIlITaMII NY ITA" 11935 ..... r llWI!! ~!~ e [): ~J!o.~0/27/!!5 NEW YORK STATE COpy