HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 974 o 1~7,q) J7 11 7"f I;, 1- (2- NY200S - o.rp.ia.. Sale o.il. wiIh COloIl!_ ...... 0maIar'1 AcII-...........~ 1Siqk: Short) CON&ULTYOUR LAWYER BEFORl! 810N_THI8IN8TRU11ENT-TH18 ~ENT SHOULO BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY. THIS INDENTURE, made the 20th day of June . in the year 2005 BETWEEN Evelyn K. Jarzabkowski "esiding at 360 Westview Drive, Kattituck, New York, 11952 < '. ... ". " pany of the fltSl JllIlI, and Craig Rosenberg residinl~ at 59 Jones Road, East Quogue, New York, 11952 pony of lhe se.:ond pan. WITNF.sSETlt,that the pany of 111" fi..l pun, in consideration of ;:r dollan paid hy the pany of the second JllIlI, does ""reby granl and re).,..~ unlO lhe pany of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second pan fore,,,,r. AI.I.lhal ccRain plOI. piece or parec'l orland. with the buildings and impro..,ments thereon en:cled. situate, lying and being in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk, State of New York. See the description sttached hereto and made a part hereof as Schedule A BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premisee tranaferredtto tha party of the firat part by deed dated Kay~ 7, 1990, and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on June 6, 1990 in Liber of Deeds 11080 at page 597. TOOF.THER with all righl.lille and interest, ifany. of the puny of the first part in and to any stn:els and roads abulling the above described pn:mises to the center lines lhereof; TOGETHER with the appuncnanees and ull the eslu", and righL' of the party of Ihc fil'l<l pan in and k. said premise,; 10 HAVEANDTO HOLD lhe premises herein granted unlllthe puny of the second pan, lhe heirs or sueces....... and ..sign. 01 the l"lJ1y of lhe IiCC:<HIII pan f"re..er. AND lhe l"lJ1y of lhe fi"'t pan covenants thai the pany of the lirsl pan ho., not done or suffered anything whereby lbe said premis.:s bave been encumbered in w,y way whatever. ex.ept.. aforeSllid. AND the party of the first pun. in compliance wilh Section I J of the l.ien Luw, covenanL, that the puny of lhe first pan will receive lhe conllidenuion for this con.cyance and will hold lhe righlto rec.:i... such consideration .. a \rUst fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvemenl and will apply the swne firsllo the payment of the .OSI of the impro''ement before using any pan of the IOkd of the same for any olher purpose.1be wold "puny" shall he conSlnu:d.. ifil read ..pani.... whe.._ the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHF.RF.oF. the panl' of the IiBl part """ duly exocuted this deed the doy and year lirst ubo.c wrilten. IN PRESF.NCE OF: c. .. 7'" ~ J I.~- j,~ Evely H. Ja ab ki STA,TE OF NEW YORK, COUNTY OF -V("{I II STATE OF On ,h. 20th day uf June j" the yoar 200~ ~ On the day of in the year hefOlo me:. the undeniSncd. penonally .ppcan:d ""fore me. the undenigned. pmooo1ly oppeom! Evelyn M. Jarzabkowski . peIlIOlllllly knOWD 10 me cw proved 10 me on . penonolly known 10 me or proved 10 me ClO .he b:w. of satisfO<tor)' evicIe... 10 "" the incliYidual(.1 w.... the biW. of IlllisfO<tor)' evidonce 10 be the individualCi) whNe name(.) is ,...) IiUMcribcd '" the wi"'in illSbUmenlonel ...'knowl. _") i.'....) IUIb!l:ribcd 10 lhe within in.tnlln.1I11l1d ..know 1- cdpllO me thol helsbolthey ......ted the """'" in hilllhcrllheir ed&cd 10 me: thIIlleIshcIthcy ......ted the ...... in hillhcrllheir ..podtyli..). Dnd thol by hUlhcrllheir .illl1lture(11 on the ..poci'ylin). ....lboI by hi_heir "RIlure(.) IIIl the insln,ment. the individual(.). nr the person un behalf or which .be inSlrurnc:nt. the inclivicJu.IC.I. or the penon nn behIIf of whi.h the individuol(o) 1IClcd. exec:uted the insuume:II1, inelividuolC.)....... ....uted the illSbUrnc:nt ~~ /lddlhtlGllowlqlhbr_lcd.-istsloeo_NYSIluoI unci thol said subscribinc willltS. mode ....h oppconno... bcf'oce . . ~ ._Jl1cundenisncdinthe l_obrci'''.....poIiIicII_IlIIIlcSlMr'' Notuy KENNETH 15. ~"...pIaoloo................o). Notary Public, SWa Naw YOrIl Suffolk County - No. 01 1alm Expi... Febr ST~rE OF . COUNTY OF On t~. day or ill the yoOl belor. me. the undenisncd. a Notary Public i" IlId r", said S..... per.onally uppeored .lhe lOUM:ribing witftCS.'li 10 the fl:ll1:JOing iMlrumnlL. ....ith whom I un penonolly ll."IUlinted, who. beinS by me duly 1WOI1I. did ~ and s,y .ha. beI.bellboy ....ide!.) in (~II1cI"""<i_i.ia.o:iIy....,,* II1c _........._ W..~ ohni); that h.Jshe1\hey k.-c.) to he the indi,,'idual des"ribcd in .00 who rXtcllled the forcaoina ilL'lolrUmcnl; lhal saw lublllCribing wilRCS.' """ praent and saw said r:cccule the 5DJ1'1e; and that said wil~ II the I.1lrM lime subscribed hiN'hc:rlthcir Mme(lI) 115 a witne5' therel" loddlhtlol'-in&irllle~ il......_NY_1 and 1110' said &ubscribina wi...... mode .ucII_noe before b ulldersiped in the (ilUlClt Ihe tit)' or ocher poIllIical Nlbdiviiion aad the Shlr Oft counIr)' or ,cher pia<< Iht pntlJr was I.ke'llt. iBnrgain nnb ital, ml'l'b WITII cOvl'.NANT AGAINST GRA/IrI'OIl'S ACTS A(). -05" - oS -II tr == ..::' Tm.F.No. Evelyn M. Jarzabkowski TO Craig Rosenberg _6, -stewart ;,-,..~ [-title Insurance company".'.' lOOIIiASTGldST..IOIhFLOOl:-N8WYOIUC.NY IOJJ7 (.2121922-0D50 Pu (21:!) 91).1133 STATE OF . COUNTY OF On the day of in Ih. you belore me pelllOlUllly ...... '0 me known. who. beinc by me duly .worn. did depose unci ..y thol he "'._.. thol he i. "'" of .he c:o<ponUion described in and which .xecuted lbe f""'lOing i..trument; .bot be knuIo.. the _, of said eorporaliClO; ,.... the seal affixed 10 said inlilnlmmt is su&:h axponlle' sal: Iha1 it ....~ so .lIi.... by nnIer of the boonl of di...._ of said ,'Orpor:uinn. IlId I.... he!lisncd h n:unc ........0 by like order. SEcrION 139.00 II1.OCl\ 01. 00 012.000 COO~~.ORTOWN Southold STR&"'ADDRBSS 360 Westv!e.. Drive Hattituck, New York lOT 11952 Reconlcd 1\ Req.... o! SlC"WART TITLE' RETURN BY MAil. TO: Harvey Arnoff, Esq. 206 Roanoke Avenue R!verhead, New York 11901 .';./ / / I AQUEBOGUE ABSTRACl' CORP. SCHEDULE A 'J('ITLE NO: AQ..oS.S-1188 ALL thai certain plot piece or parcel oC 11Ind. situate. lying and being in the Town of SOUTHOLD, a\ ~IA'ITITUCK, County of Suffolk and Slate of New York. being bounded and de.qcribed as fol]lows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Westview Drive, distant 289.46 feet . southerly and then westerly .along said westerly and northerly side of Weslview Drive, from the co~er fanned by the intersection of the southerly side of Brower Road with the westerly sidi, of Wesh'iew Dlrive: THENCE along said northerly line of West view Drive, south 57 degrees 32 minutes' 50 seconds west. 110.00 feet to land now or formerly of Wuensch; THENCE along last mentioned lands. north 19 degrees 47 minutes 50 seconds west. 130.04 feet to land now or formerly of Haas: THENCE along said lands, and lands now or Connerly of Hamann. north 63 degrees 05 minutes 40 seconds ea.~t, 97.29 feel 10 lands now or formerly of Bowden; THENCE along said lands, south 25 degrees 01 minules 30 seconds east, 118.46 feet to the northerly side of Westview Drive, the point or place ofBEGlNNlNG. Ij:EJ 2J Number of 1~llIcs 1fOKltENS L\ RECORDED 2005 Jun 22 D31 44. 35 PI! Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SlFFOLK. COUNTY L 000012393 P ':174 DTfI 04-46013 Serial U Certilicate II l'rior Or. U . D\:ed , Murtgage IlIsl' umelll u......, Mulll\llge T.. Slomp FF.I!S 11,,,,,,'dillg'l'ilillll Sllllllll~ :rr:= I'ngc , Filill'~ FCl: MII"lI"lIcAml. I "'"dlillg TI'.584 I. IIa,ic Tax 2. Addiliolllll Tn. " NotntiulI Sob Tolnl 1'.A-52 17 (CoumYI Sub Tolnl SIICeJ /1.";1. Or Spec.'Add. TOT. MTlI. TAX lIuul TuwlI_lmal Coullly_ lIeld fur AppurliuRlie~M-"" . ransferTax ~_ MaliS/Oil Ta. _ 11.e pruperly cuvered by Ihis mortgage is ur will be impruved by n une '" Iwu family dwellingwliy. YES urNO_ If NO. see appropriale la. clnuse all page U oflbis insIJUlllelll. _ SlIb Tlllal EA-52 17 (Slal.I 1lI',T.SA '{p ..- COli 011. of Ed. 5 <llL- tj= OIher GRAND TOTAL ~ Slnmp Rmll'mpmy Tax Service ^gcncy Verilication Dill Section 0 lock 1000 13900 0'100 012000 Lot Cummunit I>rcj;ervutiun Fund ,sid lioll Amounl $~ 000 Dole $ _ cv. 800 Imp",ved Inilials V.cnllltand 3 Satisfacliuns/Discharges/Releases Lisl Property Owners Mailing ^ddrcs. RECORD" RETIURN TO: '1'1) 'I'D TI) Harvey Arnott, Esq. 206 Roanoke Avenue R1verhead, New York r 8 Title CumpllllY Infurnllltiull Co. Name AQ\J ~~ TilleN ~O , Suffolk COlmty Recording & Endorsement Page 11901 'nlis puge fonns pu1 oflhe allacltcd Bargain and Sale Deed (SI'ECIFY TYPE 01' JNSmUMr~r) __ l1Io\le b}': Evely" M. Jarzabkowek1 'Ihe premises b...n:in is siltwlL'II ill SUFFOlK COUNIY, NEW YORK. TO IlIlhe TO\\IlShill of Southold Cra1g Rosenberll: Inlhe VILLAGE orHAMLhTor Matt1tuck I3UXES 5 'IlIRU I) MUST BE 'IYPIIDORI'IUNflID IN BLACK INK ONLY PIUOR TO REtUROING OR FILING. ~ 11111111111111111 11111 11111 11111 lUll 11111 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS 01"1"ICB RECORDING PAGB Type 01: Instrument. DEEDS/DIID Number of Pages: 4 Receipt: Number . 05-0066080 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-.46013 Recorded. At. 06/22/2005 03.44.35 PM L:IBBR: PAGB: D00012393 974 Districlt: 1000 Section. 139.00 EXAKIHED AND $390,000.00 Block. 01.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 012.000 lrOLLOWS Deed ABOUD t : Receiv8d the I'ollowing I'ees I'or Above Instrument Bxell\Pt Bxell\Pt Page/Il'iling $12.0CI NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.0CI NO IIYS SRCHG $15.00 NO Ii:A - C'1'1! $5.0~1 NO Ii:A-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.0~1 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.0~1 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $l,560.0~1 NO CQIIIIII.Pre. $4,800.00 NO I'ees Paid $6,517.00 TRANSI'BR TAX NUMBBR. 04-46013 THJ:S PMB IS A PART or TEl INSTRmmNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County CI. &wIS Code PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRjtING~bN FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:J1 www.orps.slI11e.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT * STAlE OF _ YOAIl nollE IIlIARD OF RE.... PIlOI'ERIY RRVICES FOR COUIITY USE ONLY RP - 5217 D4117 ... WI PROPER'V INFORMAlION ,. "'- I 60 LoaatIon anlU;T........ Weetview' Drive STIlUTNAII!: Southold ""'...""'" Matt1tul!k ........ Y3l:2 ......... N.... Roaenberll \.AIT"""',c;oMPI\N'I C~'A. LMI NMliI CIaIMNY -,- I. TIM Indiclte ..........T... BiI......so bllIflI L BlUIng II alhor tMn bllVOl' Iddnlu CM boaom of forml - LAIT __, COIII'ANY I'IIISIMllMi .'PUT -....u,.., &11lUT ~ CII'YQIIIIMtlo "'A'. ...... ...... "'- S1z. F...'.....' Ixl DlFlII I,~I --' .l..J1 1OnIy.... "'.,_ a..a. _...._ 4A. _...... wllh -. AulI10ritv E.- D "~AppravoI__ndforT_ D c.__"'~"""MIp_ D t. IftdICIte 11_ nu...... 01 Aue......nt RoI......Io-..........._ . 1 J lor P...... OR 0 Pln.1o PI...1 ..- Nom. Jarzabkowslt1 LMIIIMC/~~ Eve11A M. -, lAIl......./~.. -- ;:::r !lor v.. -...---....- I. Owno....'" Typo .. Coo-.WlI... ~ Community s.vico .. NMV ConI&ruc:tion on V_AI lAnd J I...."".. 'lIA. "'-tv _ """'" III Agrioullu'" DiIIriI:I ~ Public: Slrv"1C1 ,.. Buyer raved . dildolurt naIIce indic:lcino L f..... 1hII...._.."'IIl__ ,.. CMI:k DnI or more 01 tMM IMdIL. .. .......... to.......r.r. 1\ &.Ie htwMn Rllltivn 01 Former Rea.Iivea B ___~..p_",SuII.... C Ono 01 tho au,...lo 01.. . Sollor o Buyer or StIer II GcwernrNnI Agency ur I..Dndlng NUluUon R Deed Type naI: W"'''''''V or E119in .nd &.Ie CSpec:ify BeIawJ I' So.. 01 ~""" .. I.o1O lhon Foe _ ISpoclfy _, o S1g_ Chlngo In "'-"v ........ T_ SIIlUI .... &010 Doll H $e. of BuIi,.. II Included in ... ,... . I 0Ih0r Un...... F..... Aft'OClIng .... Prico IS~ _, J _ D D D D 7. CIwcIl: .hI boa billow which most ucu...-ly ......... ... at... PfOI*IY . III. time r1I ~I.: A ~ Ono F.,wly RnidonIIaI B :I ell' 3 FMlity RelldlnUll C Aelf~ V.:.nt Land D NaD-llellcllnhal v... '--'d I SAlE INFORMATION I 11. Sale CoIlilNct 0.. Il~""lcul"'" F Convnon:IoI G ApI_ H EntenIltMlltRt I AmuIMMftt '2.0... of ,.... I T_ I 06 - ./20 !lor /05 v.. '1. Full Saw. Prill. I ,,0.0,01 , , . fFuU Sale Price iI the lcuI .,-.gun! Plid for tt. PfOI*lY :nt:luding parwonllpraparty. Thill p.-,-iWaI mIY be In the form ar UIh. on. propIrty Glr goods. or th. .....mpcian of mOl1glgll 01 oat.., obIiptlonL) ",..." raund 10 ,,.. ......, wItoAI dollar MJOUnI. ,.. ....... ,...... of""'" I 0 I property InIIIuliW In the .... . ~ II I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Dolo ""auld roflecll~' talOll FinolAsloumont Ralt.nd Tn Bill '1. v., at . - --- RaIl..... I ~~1 lotal A....... V.. 101 all _ In trMaItIrJ I .....l1li........... __ ~ . , , (f7 00 1 'I._CIllO 12.1, Ol-U '1._'__ fmttituclt ....,.....,,_101 I RoII-'I., I.monlhonk"". -____1 L-- 1000 139.00 L-- 01.00 012.000 I CUTlFICATlON 1..rG/Y _ 011 of Il1o _ '" bd'onooIkla _ .. d.. form.... '- _ _,'" tile _ 01 011 .......... ... bIIWl.... I _1IuaI1IlI! ......... nlll11 ..111M _ __ of _IMI.....III wtII rlllbJ<<l..... tIoo ...._... of... ..... law -. 10Il1o -.... ... ...... of _1..._ BUYER BUYER'S AlTORNEY I~ AmoH ...,- Harvev ....T_ 631 7273904 ~ITN"'" .''''11ll'WC IA"DIi....' ....""" --- MattituI!k O'TYOJITI::MW NY ITA'" 11952 .. COOl HY&!! t! "J -1 n:. E~-?i:r,,:?~~oLr ~ NEW YORK STATE COPY