HomeMy WebLinkAbout292 DEMAREST, LOUIS M. Main Road July 21, 1960 Orient, NY Page 11 HarrisQn Demarest Sr., ROW off north, side Main Road, _.Or ient "" . . '-. COUNTY OF SUFFOLK (55. STATE OF NEW YORK I ~~ " " LEGAL, NOTICE I . - _ .~ NOTJ,CE ,<iF, ~J;:ABlNG pursuant to SeCuon"267 of the Town Law and the provisions of the Amended Building Zone Ordinance of the Town' ( of southold. Suffolk County. New York, ' public hearings will be held by the Zoning Board of APpeals' of the Town 01 Southola, at the Town Clerk Olfice, Main Road, Southold, New York, on July 21, 1960, on the following appeals: t 7:30 p, M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon applica- ( tion of Veronica and Albert Frohne. Sivermere Road. Green~rt. New York, for- a special exc,eption in - accordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article nI, Section 300, Subsection 11. for permis~ sian to erect and maintain a directional sign on the property of Nassau Brick' Company, Greenport, New York. Prop- pe.rty bounded north by Main Road, east by Donald Roach, south by. Rail~ road and west by George Telles. 7 :45 P.M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon applica- tion of Raymond and Betty Brown, 535 Riverleigh Avenue, Riverhead, New York, for recognition of access in ac~ cordance with state of New York TOWIl Law, Section 280 A, subsection 3, Lo~ cation of property: Priva.te road, oft west side Grand Avenue, Mattituck, New York, bounded north 1;ly E. V. Fox, east by E. V. Fox, south by W. E. J. Black, and west by Mattituck Creek. 8:00 P. M. (E.D.S.T.l, upon apPllca-1 tion of Louis M. Demarest, Main Roa"d., Orient, New York, for recognition of access in accordance with State of New York Town Law" Section 280A, Sub~ section 3. Locajjion of property: Pri- vate right-of~way oft' north side iMain Road, Orient, New Y;ork, bounded north, east, south and west by Harrison Demarest, Sr, 8:30 P. M. (E.D.8.TJ, upon applica- tion of Thomas Mo)in, aVo Sunset (, Motel, North Road, Greenport, New York, for a special exception in ac- cordance with the Zoning Ordinance, Article III, Section 300, Subsection 11, for permission to. erect -and maintain a directional sign on the property of Valentine Ruch, IV, North Road (Route 27A) , Greenport, New York. Property . bounded north by North Road, east by V, Poliwoda, south by J, H. Cassidy, and west by private road. ~ Any person desiring to be heard on J the above apPlications should appear at ) the time and place above specified, 'I' DATED:, July 7, 1960. ' By Order of the Southold Town. I; Board of Appea.ls. t . , - . Walter B. Gagen,' being duly sworn, says that he is the Editor, of THE LONG ISLAND TRAVELER - MATTITUCK WATCHMAN, a public news- paper p!lnted at Sauthold, in Suffolk County; and that the natiC".af which the annexed is a printed copy, has been published in. s<;id Long Island Traveler-Mattituck Watch- man once each week far ....C2~~.{/).....JN..eeks successively, commencing an the .........../.r..~..... day orz;::~~.... 19..6..0 ............~...~,.,...a.r....~............. /~ Sworn to before me this ......./..9......... day of 'V.P-(t.. 1~:6 .....QLt-Lfg........f?~ Notary Public V ADELE PAYNE Notary Public, State of NeW York Residing in Sutlo\1< County . No. 5P04\00D 19tG ( commission Expires Ma(ch 30" ' . FORM NO. 3 . ... TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTHOLD, N. Y. . , i !i ;'\. , J :1 , i \ NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL \ ' File No. .ZI1.28..................................................... Dote, .........::.."...........iJuly.....7...............19-60.. . \ To Louis..Demare.st...... ....... ........ ....... ........ ..... \. \ ., Maia.. R-oad...... ......... ....... ....................... ..... .. .....Or1ent.f....N...Y.......... ............., ............... \ PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that your application dated ....................\.JuJ:y.......'?.......... 1960" for permit to construct ....dwel.11.'ng.,.................at th~ premises [Ocated\at .E/e.....Pr-ivate..Road .N/S.....Main..Roa:d................................... Street Orient, N.Y.;:\ . . Mop XXXX:XX;......................... Block .~......... ........................ Lot .~................................. is . ! ~ disopproved on the followi ng grounds ........-!,aelt.;.9f...a-pp-rov-ed...aeee-ss I :::::'::::::::::::::::::::::'::::::.::.:.::".::::::':.::'::..:'::::::::::::':::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::r::::'::::::::'::::::::::::::::::::::::::: , .......,..........................................................."........... ......................................'t"........................................ .-r '\ \ !~ . \ . "1rui.0....::..~~...... '. . ..................... ......... .. ",~\ . urlding Inspector . \ \ \ . Ii, \' h , ' \\ . .b " i '. " , ] .' .,. . .;:;; \ TOWN OF SOUTH OLD, NEW YORK ~ cC€cs ~ IV' J r~ <0-- APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR APPEAL NO. ~ 9h DATE ...........J.].JJy....7... 1960 TO THE ZONING 'BOARD OF APPEALS, TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, N. Y. I, (We) .):,9.~.:j..;'!. ..P.!'?m(l,;t;'.~ ;:).t..... ........... ............. ...of .. ................. .11!l-Jn. .B.9.(l,~.................. ................. Nome of Appellont Street and Number .......... ........ ...... ....O.:r.:i..@:\.........N...Y.................................... Municipality ........................ HEREBY APPEAL TO State THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS FROM THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR ON APPLICATION FOR PERMIT No.Z.U2!L..................... DATED ...........J:ul.v:...7...196.Q.............. WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED TO .. Louis...D.e.ma.r. 8.S t...... ........,... ........ .......................... Name of Applicant for permit of (:xJ ( ) ( ) Mamn Road Orient N.Y. .............................L............................................................................................... . Street and Number . Municipal ity Stote PERMIT TO USE and build PERMIT FOR OCCUPANCY 1. LOCATION OF THE PROPERTY...PY:.t...E..Q..\~......<.f.ar.l))...Rp.i,l.d.L...~~A'.'......dist.................. Street Use District on Zoning Map ........XXXXXX.........................................XXY..'XX..... Orient, N. Y. Mop No. Lot No. 2. PROVISION (S) OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE APPEALED (Indicote the Article Section, Sub- section and Poragraph of the Zoning Ordinance by number. Do not quote the Ordinance.) town law section 280a 3. TYPE OF APPEAL Appeol is made herewith for ( ) A VARIANCE to the Zoning .Ordinance or Zoning Map. (Xl A VARIANCE due to lack of access (State of New York Town Law Chap. 62 Cons. Lows Art. 16 Sec. 280A Subsection 3 4. PREVIOUS APPEAL A previous appeal ~li!M (has not) been made with respect to this decision of the Building Inspector or with respeCt to this property. Such appeol was ( ) request for a special permit ( ) request for' a variance and was made in Appeal'No. .............,.................Dated ...................................................................... REASON FOR APPEAL (X) A Variance ta Section 280A Subsection 3 ( ) A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance ( ) I propose to build a dwelling located on our pr~sent farm road, about 1,)00 feet northerly from the Main Read. Said road is about . requested for the reason that 20 ft 1ilide, and in good passable condition, being IS . used by farm trucks and other vehicles. (Continue on other side) Form ZBl . . ... -~ REASON FOR APPEAL Continued 1. STRICT APPLICATION OF THE ORDINANCE would produce UNDUE HARDSHIP because : This roadway is adequate for all farm purposes and this will be the only dwelling on this road for some time to come. -- , 2. The hardship created is UNIQUE and is not shared by all properties alike in the immediate vicinity of this property and in this use district because :. There will be no other development in fume ir~ediate area in the near future. There is natural drainage for the entire length of the roadway. 3. The Variance would observe the spirit of the Ordinance' and WOULD NOT CHANGE THE CHARACTER OF THE DISTRICT because: This road way has existed and been used for many years, the district is "A" agricultural and residential, the proposed used is r8sidential and will in no way harm the charicter rof theneighborhoo< STATE OF NEW YORK ) ) ss COUNTY OF Suffolk) ..~~a~ Signature Sworn to this:...........,...,c."'Z.....:..................doy of........................Tul:v.............:......:.19 60. .............~~~d~.... JUDITH T. BOKEN Notary Public, State of New York No. 52.0344963. Suffolk Counfy ,_ Commission Expires March 30, 19 ro I . FORM NO. 1 . ... .' ~ TOWN OF SOUTH OLD BUILDING DEPARTMENT TOWN CLERK'S OFFICE SOUTH OLD, N. Y. Examined....)1\ll......J............19..~~.?. Approved.....v........~.....:...A......19...:.;...permit No. ...~tl..~.~....... Disapproved a/c .~..'?;~."0:.....~1=:.?::{~{.?:.:..-::::.::.....-.....?:.~.~ '/ \ ~,,/,,",\,/', \......- \._// \ .-/ \ /' \/-~. .....................................................................~.~r......................,.~.'................. ) I ~ ~j,~, ' ... .............. ...... ('B.~.ii~ii.~g..i ~~'p~~~~}"'''''''' ....................... /J.i-i3 Application No. ............................ APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT Date............................~t'.....-1..19....f(?C? INSTRUCTIONS a. This application must be completely filled in by typewriter or in ink and submitted in duplicate to the Building Inspector. b. Plot plan showing location of lot and of buildings on premises, relationship to odjoining premises or public streets or areas, and giving a detailed'description of layout of property must be drawn on the diagram which is port of this location. c. The work cov.ered by this application may not be commenced before issuance of Building Permit. d. Upon approval of this application, the Building Inspector will issue a Building Permit to the applicant. Such permit shall be k€pt on the premises available for inspectio n throughout the progress of the work. e. No building shall be occupied or used in whole or in part for any purpose whatever until a Certificat€ of Occupancy shall have been granted by the Building Inspector. APPLICATION IS HEREBY MADE to the Building Department for the issuance of a Building Permit,pursuant to the Building Zone Ordinance of the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, and other applicable Laws, Ordinances or Regulations, for the construction of buildings, additions or a Iterations, or for removal or demolition, as herein described. The applicant agrees to comply with all applicable laws, ord:n nC~~'dtl~~~....... . nature of applicant, or name, if a corporation) {Q'/ ....Ar .. ... ...... ....~L .e.".f.:"(Add~~'~ppii~~~ti'''' ....... ........ ........ ... State whether applicant is owner, lessee, agent, architect, engineer, general contractor, electrician, plumber or builder. .:.:................,...............................~U!."&~.{.~..C~AU~...,................................................,......................... Name of owner of premise~.'.""u....';1f;?.iJ.....e.-;M.6k'e.~.................................................................. If applicant is a corporate, signature of duly authorized officer. ................... 'iN~';';~' '~~d"i iti~' ~f' ~'~';p~';~'t~' ~ffi'~~~"""""""""" 1. ..r "'- J( "'" Location of land on which proposed work will be done. Map No: ............................................ Lot No: .................... Street and Number .................~~...l/7~~~i~i.P.~.I.it~............................................................................. State existing use and occupancy of pr.emises and intended use and occupancy of proposed construction: a. Existing use and occupancy...... ...7.&.d"dkr.1..f:.. .~,,,,<.d.~............ ...............................: :............... ........... b. Intended use and accupancy....(J??'he..f~'/;L...dtd!.t:&r..7............................................... 2. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. . . Nature af wark (check which applicable): New Building....................Additian ......~...Alteratian .................... "'- '. ... Repair ....................Rem. oval ....................Demolition............ ........Other Work <Describe) ~ DO ................... Esti mated Cost......./.. %....?J..?J O.,..~...................... Fee ........1 Q. .9.!.!..................................................................... (to be paid on filing this application) If dwelling. number af dwelling units............./............ ....Number of dwelling units on each floor............................ If garage, number of cars.... ........ .............................. ......................................... ...................................................... If business, commercial or mixed occupancy, spec ify nature and extent of each type of use..............".... ......... Dimensions of existing structures, if any: Front.......................:.... Rear ............................ Depth ............."............. Height .. ....... ......... ..... .....Number of Stories .. .......... ........... ................... ....... ................. ........... ............ .................... Dimensions of some structure with alterations or additions; Front ....,\........................... Rear ................................ Depth .............................. Height .............................. Number of Stories ................................ 8. Dimensions of entire new constructian: Front.....\..5:~.::..r.f....... Rear .........~.;2.,...-:.f Depth .......:':/..i2:.~.!. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Height ............................ Number of Stories ......../................. Size of lot: Front ......./c;2,:L........ Rear ........../..a2;6~.. Depth .......1....7."2;... - //1 / ~ate of purchdaset ......:......h.....h....I/t.6.tJ..........:........d..Name af ~m~ Z~,-~&1~4. one or use IS net In W Ie premises are situate ............../'.(:......................7..~..;........................................ Does propased canstruction :i~2Ye any za~~ law, ardinance or regulatiOn?C...~...................................... Name of Owner af premise(-tau.t:;.)1.l.~~~s~~~...t.7.'P..,.Phone NO. .................... Name of Architect.....,..........................,.................,.....Address ............................................Phone NO. .................... . , rl . / 'Name of .contractor....................................................Address ............................................Phone NO. .................... PLOT DIAGRAM Locate clearly ond distinctly all buildings, whether ex isting or proposed, and indicate 011 set-back dimensions from property lines. Give street ond black numbers or description accordil1g to deed, and show street names and indicote whet er interior or COrner lot. Ali> Y. ;: I no .',;., ~ <> !:;, it [1 Xi ";;\ '-I- ~l R"r" , ; ') ... - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0- ~ t G\ ~ ~ - ., 1~~ t'-- ~ ,/ ;>(5- k \--'<-. COUNTY OF . .., Q ..i;t.LJ S s. . ' 'h/J, ~-%/tLC'~. . ......................... ..... .?(.V?/.'/I.....~..................................... being duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicont obave no~~:m:e :: t~ed:~i.~.~.~.lar;;.~~~~~~~.i;..~~;~~;~t~..~ifi.~~;:..~t~:i........................................ af said owne, Or owners, and is duly authorized ta perform or hove performed the sOld work and to make and fde this opplication; that all stoteme nts ,:ontain. ed in this appli ca!ion are tr.,!e to the beS~t.'s knawledge and belief; and thot the work will be performed In the manner set forth In the plicat~d th e ,t . ~ Sworn ta before me this . '/)t ~ ............/~~~dOy of ;;";-;{"~'/J 19,.~..Q... _ ~bliC. \e~;i~.~kature a ap~nt) Natary Public, . ..,,,""'.?. ...,2:..~~.f.~OUAty-"'NO. 52-0344963, Sufloll, Couctl . _ !;ommlssion j;x~i~s liI'[J;1J ;la, JJjC,./' __ ),' i 11.. - ~1J, \'11 ;1 )~ ili'j; I .:! ;i~ 1 -1 r', 1 l:~ f. (!. :\1'\ (, J{:,j 1!: 'I . i \ /, II 1.1 I [Il". J,;. j'I 1\.: ...__! ;~. ., J;: t ..~).'1 ( :( ( ''--:''~ '; !"i I . I. ," . ,.. .J ': ,I i ~: ' '\ --U, Iii iP k' 65\,~'.\ . IV. 'i];llr './} !.' ".' il ' . ../ 0""1"3" ~~ ..\ /'. :i: i . . "" ,: ~L -...-:::::: ..' ..~..-... \ l_ :\. "~1]I;' "I . 1\ ., k ',- . . -\~. _............-c.,.;:.'~i-.. .,,: ..;-...;!:. \"....J .'.' ( ......- W' " ,.,., .I". __....r..-. ; ',' ;'~l'; r:, ~ ~j\il.~'~;.i . _~ { " :~.::t~~~::,' ~ ~ ;/,~;",. . ~-: ~,;~!b~'- r;'-,l~~~'. " . ~~:;~:~,' .:''}. J " . ~'~;;~~i.. ~ -p.:;- ~ ',,( d!1~ ..... c00I~~1 q f I' . . I . . '. ~"()o. . '.'. q.qD ..... .' \ .. , . r ,,/~ '- - )0- , , I ; L , \ .' '. .' :) , \ ,.: '". Ii '.. I .i '~I' -.' I; " i:; '.J:. ... j'~ 0; 'e ',:I ~ -,. ,,,. -~i~"'- ~ ;:C~ ~ ~~\~~::~~,... "0<1'007 " '", Mr'.;';' .-.-z. --.. .,,,,.... .;~~~i~k:/ , ... ... lQ_HOF SOUTHOLD @ COUNTY OF SUFFOlK ., Real Property Tax Service Agency e -r;::-r::- ....flX' .,ll,-~~E OF _. .. , 1 i I I ~ ';....; ( \ ; ji .; 1 r . ,. I'j" i' I"~ . l!' ;' \[,~" ;. .l). , Jr, ' (:J , II {: fll .: ! r: tIP!~ ',;;I:':fD , -- ,. .. " I ,,; ... ., 0- I- I- '1 )i .~} " ~ r ~! . I' ii r r~ ~ I ' 'I il I :! !'W:'awmt to. section 261 of t:he 'l'own J4l.w ~ the. p:ovts 1QU j ,I. ' . I .1:~f the t\'m.enqeci. Bu11d~9 20M. OI;4J.~C:. of.' the 'TOWn of southold. 1 !.j$UffOlk-COunt.y" .... ll'QZ'k. .pu.bUC b.arin\l. w111 be, beta: 'bY' the I ~.' ., ~_...._. .t ......... the '- ......""'14. .t... -. I ,.,.... ........ .... _.. ._~.. .... y.... "".... 21.'.... I . j! on 'the foJ,low1ng- appealal . Ii, . I .' I I'! ,,30 '.M.(~.b.$:'1'';). 11J01\' .ppJ.lm.t;1on oil Verqn1<:a an4,Ubert; ! I . . . .It rE~", SilveJIMte .o&d, G~~~. I!MWYotk.. fot' a apedal. l )' '. . . . ". '. . ' i '. . . . . .... '. '. . . i, ~.._ .. ..<0....... ..... ... ........ .......... .....,. u'. ! . Ii Se~on)OO.Sul>..e"1OD 11~ .fr;iJ: pe.w...3ton to .nct. and...!n~in I I' .' '. .'. ' I . :1. .~' ....... ... j>ro...... ,,<...... .............. .. , 1____' ~.. y_. . -"" -- ...... by .... ..... ...t i )' . \! 'by ,tlOftald IlQach. south 'by 1la~4. and w..t; by GftOJ:'I. 't011... I I . 1 il 7... .....(B.......J. __ _........................... . i illl~. 535 alvedd9hJl.YCtnue. lU.vetb~d. New Yolk. foX' .ec:ogn1Uon I " , ." of ace... in aec:oxtlancew1t:b StaU of fl'e\# york. i.rown LaW. .eet..ton , . YjAL ~0'.t'U::~ . lfOtl1ce 0' lleUing '.12$OA. Su):)aIec:Uon 3. r.oc:atton of property, iI I' :\ , . ! ! pd.YaU 7Coad, off I i I , .st.._ide GnnelAv.nlle. MtUt.uclt, 11"- YQJik. 'bounded noZ'th by . ) ! . I~V~ Fqx. ..at ~ 1:. V. 1'~. ao~tb byW. e. :J. .tack. and weet. l;IY Mat.t.:Lt\lck. c....k~ ,\ . I' I; , Ii Main Read.. Ol'1ent., NeW' TO~. for xt!cojjJn1t.:LOn of ac~e.. 1n aceord- I II .... I '. I I' an.ce wJ.t:b .sut. o:{/ NlIIWYor"k '1'O'lm lJ.lw. SeeUon 280A. S@IIlWtlon ~. : II !j 1: I' :\ 1\ .' t.oc;lation of: .propeS't.y~ JdveU d9htQoftwa;(ctfl nor\:h dde Main . . aoa4. Orient., II. YoJ:k. ~dIla. norlb. .at. south lUid .It. by " I I I , Ba%r.18oJl DeJDlIre.t:.SlF:. i I. . I , I j I i' i :1 il "'8t30 P.M. (1!l.I}. S. '1'.). upon .~Uc.t!on Qf '!'b01l'lll' JCQUn. , ; .[1 a/~lun$et.MQt..,1..' North .~d, ~..nport. . !Jew . YozJt~ tore.peet8!' I! excePt~n tl\' .eeqr~. 'Wtththe 2Qn1l\g Q.r:.u.-ce, Arttde: tn, Jr sert10n 30Q. $~.~tJ.on U. for ,.~1..1on w .r:ect. ahCl_Uiia.ln II'. dUec:t!1o~1 ..t.gn on the propert.y of Valent.ine ~\t(;:h lV. Jf<In:th Ii Road (Rout.e 27M, GreQpOt't. Mew YoJ'k. Prope~y 1ioun4e4 no2l'th I . . . . 11 by North 2\oad, ...tby V. hlLwode, 'ot,tth ~y.1. u. cU'4<lY. IUld. d ' . ~ . "~ 'Welllt by ....1..te roa,d. .', ' I' . .' . .'. '. JI' 1\QyperaQll d..12.-ing to beheatd on~e Gov. llppUc:a1::f.on. ~' "',' , II! .hould apPear at: 'the t4me and place aboVe iIPKl1fled. I , , , . jil DAUUa ~1Y' 1. 1960. BY Ora-. of , . ,I, 'thaGoUt)Jold Town Il<:Iard of Appe..1tI.' " !I " I '" . " , !I .~ ". " ., . . . . . , , il 'nusE ftmr.xsa OJlICE, aw.V 14. UfO, AI1l) POJlt11UU:l 'lW , ;101' ~:r:CA'!JO>> ~bIAftLT TO aOMlb OJ' APi'!'ALS, TOWB, CUM On:IQ:. ! .Ii MlUi!Il ROA7.l, $CltlTUOLD, "dW 'ltQIlI(..' '.j il . ii II, ,""',', ,', , ,II Cople. .4.1ed to thetolloW1Il9 on.July 8, 1960, . ~ ' ,... .,., , . , . I "e.tonlea ana 1>.1,"1:t: PZ'Qlu\e :. bYtlobd Ul4 Ilet.t:y Brown 'I Lou'" M. DelIlareat: . " , ' :i !l'hcaa./'tolift ./0. SunilJillt;M<>t:el ,I I' I t 1'1'" . I ' I i , , , )1 ii jI 'Ii Pap 2' - Legal. lfotic:e I .c;.t:lc. of.a_rint , ," , " . . (' ,,' . ,n . '. .. .. .. ., I . 1 I I ! ! J I j I I I, I I , I I il , , i I I ~ ' ! [ (5) M'rIOAv~J \ ....... ,.,,," . SQM20ml. .sUOtJt.PU>>r.J9l A\t'.. m:~. . Ir' " " " , " I. . . I! r .I . .' , . " I .f 1 I l ,