HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12405 P 625 . ~1.rIf~"D~ ,,'1,'5 .' I~ 120-1-/7 Tw BHI !."' Ll2LfcS f&.JS IIARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS (INDIVIDUAL OR CORPORATION) C'lIIX~:11iL~A!atFP.MerrS~~;~:t!lX~~!<<~~:^ND MIRellASEk ID~"OR~ SKiNr.-Ki, THIS INDENTURE, made the ~ day of (j~ . 2005 between 0 RICHARD P. KOHL lIad mERESA A. KOHL, bUlbaad IInd wife. residing at 32 Audley Circle. Plalaview. NY II80J party of the first pan. and ,," PAULJ.GRASSO residing at 14J3 Ackenon Dlvll.. Daysborc. NY 11706 pany (If the second pan. WITNESSETH, that the pany of the first pan, in consideration of Ten Dollars and other lawful consideration, lawful money of the United States. paid by the party of the second part. docs hereby grant and relellS(; unto the party of the second part. the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forevelr . ALL that certain plot, piece or purecl of land. with the building.~ and improvements thereon erected. situate,. lying and being at Laurel. Town l~fSouthold, County ofSulfolk and Slate of New York. I fJlJb Il{;, 'U'b Of.{f7) The grantors herein are the same persons as the grantees in Deed dated 6/27103 reeprded 711 51103 in " Liber 12261 page 235. o 17. fJlJb TOGETHER with all right, title and interesL ifany. of the party of the first part in and 10 any sll~els and roads .,bulling Ihe above de5Cribed premises to the center lines thereof. SEE SCHEDULE' A' ^ TT ACHED HERETO AND MADE A I'ART HERI!OF' TOGETIIER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the pany of the first part in and to said p~crnises, TO HA VE AND TO HOLD Ihe premises herein granted unto Ihe pany of the second pan. the heirs or saccCSllOrs and as.signs of the party of the second part forever. AND Ihe party oflhe first pan. covenants that the part)' of the first pan has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. except as aforesaid. AND the party of the first part. illl compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law. covenants that the party of the first part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the righllo receive such considl,ration as a trust fund to be applied first for the parpose of pay in II the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment ofthc' cost oflhe improvement before using any part of the tolal of the same for any olher purpose. .' The worn "party" shall be eonstn.ed as if it ~d "panics" whenever the sense of this indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first pan has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrinen. RICH/Io{ kLtIf THE~ 9- k~ ~'5n^ kesldelllliDJ RaIl EdDIe Furnu on IladloC's' (9mcJ) -I- Copyrillht ".pooR' 0...10_ L,,:- HVD'~'~ / Tille Number TW-2389 Schedule A Description Page 1 ALL, that certain plot. piece or parcel of land with the buildings and improvements thereon'erected.,situate, lying and being 'in the Town of SO,uthold. County of Suffolk and State of New York known and designated as Lot No. 29 on a certain lTIap entitled, "Subdivision Map Section One of Property of George L. Tuthill and others situate at Laurel, Town of Southold, Suffolk <;:ounty. New York" surveyed 3128/1928 by Otto W. Van Tuyl, Greenport, NY, surveyor and filed in the Suffolk C:ounty Clerk's Office on 1/15/1929 as Map Number 861 said lot being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a stake set in the Southwesterly side of Bray Avenue distant the following course and distance from the comer formed by the intersection of the Southerly side of Seventh Street with the Southwesterly side of Bray Avenue, South 20 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds East 50.00 feet to the point or place of beginning; RUNNING THENCE Sout~ 20 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds East along the Southwesterly side of Bray Avenue 50.00 feet to a stake; THENCE South 69 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds West 150.00 feet to a stake; THENCE North 20 degrees 46 minutes 50 seconds West 50.00 feet to a stake; THENCE North 69 degrees 13 minutes 10 seconds East 150.00 feet to a stake set in the Southwesterly side of Bray Avenue the point or place of BEGINNING. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: Premises known as 770 Bray Ave., Laurel, NY ',' . STATE OF NEW YORK ) )ss.: ) COUNTY OF SUFFOLK On the .t.1.. day of ..:7>>4'*" . 2005. before me. the undersigned, personally appeared RICHARD P. KOHL and THERESA A. KOHL, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individuals whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed lhe same in their eapacity, and that by their signatures on the instrument, the individuals, or the person upon behalf of which the individuals acted. cxc:cured the instrument. ~~~~~ ARY PUBLI '-v~~ ... 482a373 lINt eo"" a..w..;;..s_ ""_ ....n Eopo.Nao.30.~" DEED Jitle No. ~.OHL Section 126.00 Block 01.00 Lot 017.000 County or TOWD SUFFOLK To GRASSO Return Bv Mail To: MICHAEL GRUNDFAST. ESQ. GRUNDFAST" MORRISON 8 MANOR ROAD SMITHTOWN. NY 11787 Reserve Thb Space For Use or RcconlIDr; ornce NYSBA Jt.cskJC'llJiaI R.ca.I t-:mae Forms on IIntlloCJI (!HOO) -2- Cup)ri.bl Capsuna. Dc."'.CIuJIIDCIII . .-' G::2 3 Serial # RECORDED 2005 Aua 24 04.06:03 PH Edward P.Roa>ai"" . CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L OOOOl24O:l P 625 IHI 05-03760 Number of pages TORRENS Certificatc # Prior Clf. N Deed / Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES . Recording / Filing Stamps 2J Pagel Filing Fee Mongage Amt. Handling TP-S84 I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notltion Sub Total EA-52 17 (County) _ Sub Tou,l Other Sub Total-,- .;1 GRAND TOTAL 15~.- if Spa../ Assil. Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual County_ Held for Apportionment _ TransfcrTait ~ lSd.<). .- Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be iinproved by a one or two flm ily dwelling only. YES orNO_ If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # ,...-- of this instrumenl. EA-S217 (Stat..> Comm.ofEd. s~ R.P. T.S.A. :&1. - na. - Affidavit Conified Copy Reg. Copy ~ Real Property Tax SClVice Agency Verification ~~. "-'0503~39"~O~~ :~2'6~~~~O~ 01~~; S,amp . ~T S Date ReMc A -AUO 6 Communi Preservation Fund 'Consideration Amount S 3fl" n)('") . CPF Tax Due $ Lt(.,oo. - Improved j( Initials 7 SatisfactionslDischargeslReleascs List Property Owners Mailing Addres RECORD &: RETURN TO: Vacant Land IUCIIAEL GBIlJIDJ!'AS'I:, ESQ; CIllIIIDFAS'I: 6 IIOIlRlSOR 8 IIoUIOa IlOAD SIII'I.'II'l'OI. BY 11 787 TO TO TO 11\ ~ 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Tille 1# 'J:W-2389 Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached ""p""n (SPEaFY TYPE OF INSllUJMENT) made by: UCIIARD P. IOIIL 6 TIIIlUSA A. IOHL The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLKCOUNrY, NEW YORK. In the To'MlShip of S01lTBOUl In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of J..o.>>te./ BOXES 51liRU 9 MUST BE TYPFD OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. TO PAUL J. GRASSO (OVER) --- 1111I11I1I1 0111111111111111111 11111 11111 1111111111111 111111111111111111111101 SUlI'POLK COUNTY CLERIC RBCORDS OPP:ICB RBCORD:ING PAGE Type of Instrument. DBBDS/IlDIl Number elf Pages. 4 Receipt Number : 05-0089150 TRANSPRR TAX NUMBER: 05-03760 Recorded. At. 08/24/2005 04.06.03 PM L:IBER: PAGE: D00012405 625 District: . 1000 Section. 126.00 BDMnum AND $380,000.00 Block: 01.00 CHARGBD AS J'OLLOWS Lot: 017.000 Deed Ama:lun t. Received the J'ollowing Paes J'or Above Instrument .....-..pt .....""lpt Page/FHing $12.00 1m llan.dling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 1m RYS SRCHG $15.00 1m BA- CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 1m Cart.Copies $0.00 1m RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 1m Transfer tax $1,520.00 1m COIIIIIl.Pres $4,600.00 NO Feas Paid $6,272.00 TRAIl'SFBII: TAX Il'OJIBBR. 05-0376C1 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THB INSTRUMIDIT THIS IS ROT A BILL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ------ C1. SWlS Codo REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT I ~7, 3,~9,c;'1 * C2.DIlteI__ 1 Of? .;l.YI OS-' ',' lIOn'l DlIy v.., g. -. I /,'~, V, 0, ~""'"tC4. PllgO I ,6~ oS1 "-. -~ PflOPERTY INFORMATION STATE OF NEW YOIIJC STATE BOAIID OF REAl. PROPER1Y lWllIICEB RP - 5217 ....,1.li17....J/f1 "-""Lno LouI.Ion .,....,~.. L ~...hnld QTY DR lDwN Bray Ave. 151....'1MMI Laurel -- 11948 ....... 2. Buyw L c...ailll'll ...... LAMI NMa IIDINIroY Paul J. -- L US1 ~ I CCJIWNIY .......... 3. Tax Indlclll wtMn futufl; To BiI. BrO 10 bo sant L IIIIInl It 01" "n buyer ___ I.a balIarn of forml AddNa 10M' MAlA ImMPANY ,..,....... L .'....I_IIAND.'...'.. QIYOIIIc;MW ITATI!' ...""" 4. IndicIlte ... .......... of AM__ 'llIJIt RoI........1.......-4 on the deed II I 0' Parce" OR 0 hrt af I PaIeoI .. ::::...., l 811. ,"""'.... Ixl """. I OR 1 "I/CM( .).(.1 IOnIyW_oI.__.lhoy_ 4A. -"II _.... So~dI\_ AuIhorIly E..... 0 ... _.......... - _...,., T...- 0 C. P-.aI A,IpnMd far ~.L"".iIIan whh" ProvIded 0 ..- - L Kohl IAlTfM..:IClOMI'AItV Kohl L W1NoU11lICONI'AN'r Ilicbard P. ~NAIII. Tbereaa A 'NTHAMI' ,. Check t" boill Wow wNch most lICCLWateIy ~.. .... of the ,........,. .. tM ...... 01 ..-: 12. u.r. of ....,/ TnnIII... 16 1 13 1 OS ...... Do, - l? 1 /01 OS ...... Do, - "'-kIN _ _.lhoy_ .. OwnorItllp TVP8 '- CondorlWllum I ~ Communitv' Service .. Haw ConIb'uc&lan on V.....t IMId J .........; lOA. "'-"Y Laaotod _.. Aa-.... ....... II: l'ublc _ ,& Buyor .-.-.. _1-"" I. ForM1 tIW the property II in.. Agricuttul1ll DiItrIcI 1&. a.cta ... .. .......... ......... . .......,.....-.: A SaJe BaIwun RNtivu or Farmer Ri'lIIIivu B Sill ...." Ae&IIMI eam".... or P.rtnert in Bu.... C One arf ,he Buyers iI .110 . Seller o luyer or 8eIltr 1:1 Government Aguncy or Lending InIIItuIion " Ilood Typo _ w.m..1y or _n ond Sol. 'Soeclly _, F _oI_or~"""'_I-"_ G S1gnlllcenl Cho.... In __ T_~.ncI_llMu H 51.. of BUli...... illnctudDd In 811.. Prioe I ~ UnuIuoI F_.. A_na Solo "';co I_ry""'-l J _ o o o o A ~ One Fllmly Raidenlill B 2..3F__I C ~ v.... Uind .1) Non-R.identi81 V-=-nt lDnd I SALE INFORMATION I '1..... Cantr.d o.tII E~A'-"'" F Comrntl'till G _, II EI'lltrtllnment, AmultfMnt 13. Full .... Prlu 3 8 0 0 0 0 I . I I I . 10.0 I , ., . CFuU Bela Prlctt I, the tOllI .mouAl paid tor the prapMy Including pctrM)NI property. Thil plIymGIII rMy bo In lhD form of C8Ih. other propMy or gooda. or lho -.urnpIIDn of rnoItgagIII Df IJlhor obIlptio....1 ,..,.. round ro 1'- nettM -*'011 rtoIIM amount. 14._.........._ I .0.01 III'OI*IY .......... In .... .... . .1-.. I . _ . _ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Doll .hould ""Ioct \he 1._ RMI _min. RalI.nd Tn Bill ,11.:' "'.:::':':: ""'" 01./: ~ n. T.... __ V_IoI" _.. _..,I . ..3 -3.. (I 01 , , , ,u_ao... 101: I,OI_LJ l.........IlIo__' MD7kbJ(,L I L.U fc.~~ 1/ J'iU..~ / I I lO. Tax ~ ....1IIIfIerC8J I RaIIldIlmIfieI(aJ eN more IhIrn ..... an_ ab8R wIIh .......... ..........1111 1000-126,.00-01.00-017 .000 1 ,. ~-.!~' Q.oU- '..t/ (OIO~ 51?! s,p~_~~ L.tMJ i-e./ f\4 0"" 01 I'OW'f IIAIL , I CERTlRCATlON I ,-,. - oil",... -",............. -.... ...lhIIl.... on......... ........,........... 01 my k_....... Slid bdIoIl.... u.......................... ",..,. o1IIlId ...... .......... or _ ".., ........ riI"""" ... ...he ........... el.1w ...... ..... ........ .. 1M .......... .... IIIIao 01...... _ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY I Mtorn.Io/1 I!.tW'-~ . I .AIT'MM! I'WlIT MW ~j I 7 vf- 7~trD -..... 1'1......,........... ~ ..""" SELlER -JLIUf ~ NEW YORK STATE COPY '-