HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12404 P 835 L \ illcY P '1) 3? '. Dist. 1.000 Sect. 125.00 Blk. 04.00 Lot 024.022 f?5-Lf-:14, J2 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIIIINlITRUIIENT. THlIlNsTRUIIENT SHOULD BE UBED BY LAWYERa ONLY .. . August, 2005 3 THIS INDENTURE, made the day of BEnNEEN Manzi Homes, Inc" with offices 701 Route 25A, Rocky Point, NY located at 11778 party of the first part. and l'e:.tes M.&S2r:a, 3505 Veteran's ef \<.c.:..\.":l.; n "\:),..V'e.\0f>""''''''-\- c.o... 1;:>' Memorial Highway, Ronkonkoma, NY 11779 party of the second part, WITNESSETH, thai the party of the first part, in consideration of Ten ($1 0 .00) . and other valuable consideration----------- ------ ---------------- ---- -- dollars paid by the party of the second pari, does hareby grant and release unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the Ilarty of the second pari forever, ALL that certain p101, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate. lying and being in the See, attacp.ed Schedule .A Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the Grantor herein by deed dated 1/14/05 and recorded in the Office of the Suffolk County Clerk on 2/2/05 in Liber 12369 page 491 This conveyance is made in the Corporate Grantor's course of business and the pare:el conveyed herein does not constitute all or substantially all of the Corporate Grantor's assets. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, If any, of the party of the firat part in and to any streets and roads abulling the above described premises to the center lines thereof; TOGETHER with the appurtenances and all the estate and rights of the party of the firat part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the party of the second part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the first part covenants thBlthe party of the first part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered In any way whatever, exceptes aforesaid. AND the party of the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenantsthallhe party of the firat part will receive the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the righllO receIve such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost of the improvement and will apply the same first 10 the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall be construed as W it read 'partles. when ever the sense of this indenture so requires IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrlllen. IN PRESENCE OF: ..~~ By: John Guido, V~P. SIonclard N.Y e l.U. Form 8002 . EIotgoin anclSolllllHd, will CcMnonI 011..... GnInIor'o Ads - UMotm __llIdgrMnt Form 3210 . . SCHEDULE A DESCRIPTION ,~. ~allCY No.: 3805-00459 . ALL THAT CERTAIN PLOT, PIECE, OR PARCBL OF LAND, SITlIATB, LYING, AND BEING AT LAUREL, TOlIN OF SOUTHOLD, COUNTY OF SUFFOLK AND STATB OF NEW YORK KHOlIN AND DESIGNATBD AS LOT NO. 29 AS SHOWII ON A CBRTAIN MAP IlIITITLBD .MAP OF LAllIIBL LIllKS. AND FILED IN THE OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE COUNTY OF SUFFOLK ON NOVEMBER 23, 2001 AS MAP NUMBBR 10712. FOR INFORMATION ONLY: DISTRIICT 1000 SBCTION 125.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 024.022 ".:1'~ ~ ~~. 'IIr-.91.tr-:4 ~oliI"l_ ) '.11:.:1)1\....-.. .....R:O-;....._~.~..-;-~ 1" t:~- . ~.-. . "'" PU'OAL TO BE USED DNL V WHEN THE ACkNOWLr;nn:IIENT IS MADE IN NEW YORk STATE SlaleolNowYork.CounlyOI SUffo'lk 'iln Ihe 3 d.yol August Irl!he yur 2005 IllIfore me, lhe undenigned. _.1Iy '_red J.ohn Guido II8IIOnIlIy ~n-. 10 me or proved to me on !he baoiI 0/ -'-Y -- to be !he incflViduol(l) whose -.e(.) Is (I"') IUbaaibed to the Within inllNmentlll1d _1CJJ'dged to me that heIIIheiIhey ueculed Ihl IImlI in hillhetllheir ClpeciIy(ieo). IIlId Ihet by hIaIIlenIheit IignllUle(l) on !he lnairument. !he . uei(1). or Ihe _ '-' behalf 0/ which !he indivI . lxecuted Ihl inllrumenl. - II: Ind oIIIce 01 indlvidueIleking ~t) Ni~.L NAPOuroUlO ~~~ladl Cantmiiiiiiii..... ~~.....29l1'f . . . . Slate 0/ Now York. Counly 0/ On the cley 0/ . In !he year beIant me. !he IIIldeBigned, JlIlrIOnIIly .ppelred PI-..JIy known to me or proved 10 me on if. bello 0/ ~ .......... 10 be !he indIvtdueJ(.) wIloae neme(1) il (I"') IUbICribed 10 !he within inalrumant III1d ICIcnowledsIed 10 me lhel heIaI1IIlhey IWlCUled !he IImI In hialherllheir Clpecity(laa). III1d lhel by hillhelllhelr Iignalunl(l) on the ~, Ihe indivlduet(I). or Ihl _ upon behalf 01 which the indlvidulICI) 1ICled. IUCUled the lnatrurnenl. II: ... " . -- CIlgnelunllllld oIIIat 0/ indlvldulllaklng """-omenl) SIa.. (or Dialrtc:l 0/ Co/umblo. Tllrilory, or FOIlIign Counhyj 0/ TO BE llSED DN!. Y WHeN THE ACKNOWl.EDGMENT IS MADE OUTsiDE NEW YOIlK STATE Onlhe dlY 0/ in !he yur II: belorl me, !he underlJgned. peraonlUy apPIIled PIJIOnely kno.... to me or P<OWld to me en Ihe bloil 01 llUoI'actory I1Iidance 10 be !he indlvldUeiCI) wIloae nIlneCI) iI Clrel IUbocnbed to the within inllrument end ld<rIClIOIedged 10 me Ihet ""'"'-'ay IX8CUled Ihl lime in ~eIr CIPIdly(lell. end !het by hillhetllheir 1ianehn(1) on !he inllrument. !he indivfdualCI). or Ihe _ '-' behalf 0/ which Ihl indiViduei(lllded, ...."'Ied !he inll/llmenl. Ind IheIIUCh indIvlduellJlede ouch _.... beIant the underlligned in !he _In 'linIIrt !he City or - JlO/illceIOllbdMalorijl C'nd i""". !he Slete or CoUnlry or other P/I"!he "'*nowIedgmenl _ liken) BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANToR'S ACTS TllII NIo. Manzi Homes - TO Massaro (j) SAFF "ARBOR T'lTLE AGENCY LTD. 11129 Main Stnlet Port Je"'rwon. NY. 117n .. 51 ~ I III .. ~ o ~ l!i .. .. u c III ! j Cllign.I....1nd _ of IndNidueIIllUng .cknowledgment) SECTION 125.00 BLOCK 04.00 LOT 024.022 COUNTY~x SUffolk STREET ADDRESS No , Laurel T~ail Mattituck, NY ""11952 Thomas J. Vicedomani, Esq. 353 Veteran's Memorial Hwy. Commack, NY 11725-4393 '. Number of pages TORRENS ~ Serial /I _ Certificate /I Prior elf. /I . Deed i Mortgugc: InslIUmenl Deed I Mortgage Tax SlDmp FEES 2J Page I Filing Fee Hundling TP-584 511 5. ...Q!L. NOlation EA-52 17 (C:ounty) EA-5217 (SllIIc) R.P.T.S.A. Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Cct1ificd Copy NYS Surcharge Other Sub Toml So 5. 00 1.5....Q!L. Sub Total J~ Grand TOIaI ~ .06.';;\ S \;:)S. Ot) cclion Real Property Tu Service Agency Verification 12500 0400 024022 6 SalisfactionslDlschargesIRelcascs List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD Ii: RETURN TO: ~~ -So .'\,j ~ce~~:c'\: ~. .~~=- "-l~.~.'~~. C~(,(\Clc:..\<;." ~'i' \'\,;;l.5- 4-~Q,~ RECORDED 2005 I<<.Jg 19 02157:22 f'I1 Edward P. Roaaine CLE:R/( OF SUFFOLK COU/jT\' L 000012404 P835 DTi 05-03119 Rccording I Filing Slamps Mortgage AmI. 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpeciAssit. or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appoint')\Cnt . Transfer Tax OJ. ,If#) MlIJ\Sion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate lax clause on page /I of this inslIUmenl. S CommWlity PreaervatiDD FaDd CPF Tax Due Impro"ed Vacant Lund ~ TO TD TD Infonnation n e.o. Suffolk Count & Endorsement Pa e This page forms part of the allaehcd _ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: \'C\o.n ~.:. \ \...."..c..S. I ~. The pemiscs herein is shuated in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ~~J TO In \be Township of ~~:"n \).~\~~ C'O('1?-lntheVILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) ~+u.c." 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111 101 8u.-roLlt COlJJft'Y CLBlUt RBC0Jm8 OI'l'J:CB RBCORJ)D1Q 11MB Type of I_t~t I n1I!101\lJ/DDJ) ....._.. of Page. I 4 ReCeipt .....-.. I 05-0087311 TJUUlISl"BR. 'l'AX lItJURlI!1h 05-03119 llecoxde41 Atl 08/19/2005 02157122 PM LJ:BJ:R.I PAGB: D00012404 835 D1.tr1ctl Sect10DI BlocJu Loti 1000 125.00 04.00 1124.022 DAllDIBD AIlIJ) CBARGBD AS I'OLLOIfS Deed AlllDlmt I $600,000.00 llece1v.4 the 1'o11ow1D.g Fee. For Above II1.t~t Bx-.pt ItP' .t .aO'e/I'1:l1D.g $12.00 110 ....(111110' $5.00 110 COB $5.00 110 J1YS SRCJIG $15.00 110 BA-C'rY $5.00 IlIO D-S'1'A'1'II $165.00 110 '1'P-584 $5.00 IlIO Cert.Cop1e. $0.00 IlIO RP'l' $30.00 IlIO BC'1'II $0.00 IlIO '!'ran. fer t_ $2,400.00 IlIO C_.Pre. $10,500.00 110 1'_. .a14 $13,142.00 '1'IUUISI'D 'lAX IIlDIBUI 05-03119 TRIS PAGB IS A I'U'l' or TJIB DlS'l'.I\uaIuI'1' TRIS IS IlIO'1' A BILL Mw-.R I' .J1Cma1De C01IIlty Clerk, SUffolk C01IIlty PLEASElYPE'OR PRESfilRMLY.WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// ~.orps.state.nv.us or PHONE 1518) 473-7222 . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT '1. a.dI: ... or..... at... _ _. ~ _.................-: A .... BIIwDen ........ or Former R.a.dveI R ... BetwMn ........ CGmpMIa. or p..... '" &u.inon Can.ol IN Iuywq it .Im . s.IIr D Buyer or Sellar .. GoverNI'IIN AeIntY or Lending Irtltifulion Il 0I0d Typo.... __..1IorgoIn .nd _1SoEiIy _ I' _01_...... thon Foe _tSp..Uy_ G S1Snlllclmt QIongo In "-nv _ T._ S-. and Solo ""'"" R Solo 01 ._ 10 IncIudud In Solo Prloe I O_Unu_ _Nl....ngSOIo PrIoe 1__' J _ . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl. SWIS C_ I~,-?, ~,e ,A' ZJ ell/:( I~-I ~ ~~.t CZ. IlMe ONd-.. CI._ PROPERTY INFORMATION 1'''-L No fI I..ouIIon .,...,..-... L Mattituck c:rrt'0II_ ~:: L ~:.~:.:.. \<cc\ 5 ~ n Laurel Trail aT..If..... ..- ~"clc.:Q...,..,..~Pu.l!ILII_ -- L LAIT...../COIIl"AN'l' -.- 3. T.. ........... fuIure Tea BUll IN 10 be.... I .... K____IaI_oI......1 '-- ~ IAlTNAWICOIlIfIM." L I.RUT....... AICIIIIUT.... .mY gill TOMI c. IndIuta ... ....... .. AueMmMl --...-......- 1 I .' 01.....10 011 D .... 01 . I'll,'" 5. :::..v L I X I SIz. .....1K11 Manzi Homes, LAIr IWAlKI CDIMN'f 1011,1 ..... .7 .2 I mPlH Inc. I. ..... Noma "'TIIIMf L LM1' NAME I c::owN<< -.- 7. ChecII the .... below which IIIOIt ......, ~ 1M ... 01 1M praperty at .... dnw fill MIll:: \.~ .-, .( '\:One FIm6Iy RoIIdIntliII R~ 2 or 3 ,F.mlly ReIId.nIi.. C RoIIdlMlI.1 v..... LInd D Non-Relidtntial VlClnt und I SAlE INFORMATION I ". .... Cantnd 0... E~ Ao<~.." F ~ G __ H Enlertlin,",", I Amu.menw I ~ Communily SoMol J ......... K -.-_ I. Fa_ 5 125 105 - ""', Y- 8 3 05 I I - ""', Yo. 11. Date 01 ...., T........ ,600,0,0,0,0,01 , , . IFul1 SlIt Price illhe toIIl.mount peid tor 1M property Indudlng pctfIOMIl propcNty. TtUI peymom mer bG in lhI form of eeah. othtr ptOpIWty 01 gaodI. 01" 1M ......ion af lIIOr'IpgIIorCllh.-obligIIIianaJ """'l'DUIIdfOtMtItIlIfI.'WI"'''''an'ICtUIII. 1"_"'_"_ I ,0,0 I .......-1ncIudId ... .. ... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 00hr .hould ._ th. Ill.. Final _mint RoD .nd Tn Bill 13. FuR .... Prill. STATE Of NEW YOIIl STATE BOARD OF REAL PROl'EIlTY SEllVICU RP - 5217 IINU7 iii", JM 111952 ....... C-&.C" ~. -.- PAll ...""" COnly.,., .. . - QlooII.. dIoy - ...................._.."""'__ExIolo .. SubdivlIion AIJprovII_ ReqyitWd for ir""'r 4C. PIrCII ~ for 5llbtlMllon with Map Provtdad o D D -....--..dIoy- .. _ Typo 10 CancfcrrniNum .. New ConIIruclion an Vaclnt lMM:I 1M. ~ Luc:atad wllhIn an ,\QrlUbnl 0Ianct 101. ~ rtceMd . diIctoIufl non:. indicIting ........-......_...llOS1rlI:t o D D D 1..::"..=:;-:.::.....10 . 51 17.T___Iol............._1 I 13111LJ I JO*Hh~ ,..-.,.CIono . ' '.- ,..___ . I I CEIlT1FlCATlON I I CIIlll'y lIIol .. or... __ or Inl'unnollon ....... .. drlo form on ......... __ UO IIw ..... olll1)' ............. .... hoUoIl.... I ............ _ IIw ........ fI...,.. _IN llillt IIlIknIraI fA IIIUbrrIId rKt henIn _II MIbjtd lilt ID tilt ...\irL_ ~ It. ......1 law ...... 10 ... ....... .... ..... ff6....11M1rvm1a1:K. IWB!! BUYER'S ATTORNEY *':t./ol" A. .....-1- (... JP. 8-3-05 '5",,,,,," Memorial Hwy. 2II.T..__I__I......._.....'_____1 1000-125.00-04.00-024.022 , 2 4 0 0 , . -- Vicedomani -- 3505 631 .,....,.......,11 11952 ""F"'" -..... Ronkonkoma NY crrvOltTOWN ..... .. .... u - _._~. 8-3-05 MirE Thomas 543-3663 'TI1'~"""" NEW YORK STATE COPY