HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12412 P 73 L, /;7 L-f:U- . f c/). ," '-- ; . ! '.. . ,.;.~ ; 'Ir.... . I, "" I :2 j - G, - 12 ::; .TtJv .575' L Form IDOl (3100) - Harpin .ad Sileo llRd. willi COYeIllDII 'PiDlI Orantor', Acts - IncUvidUolI or Corporalion. (Siqll' ,beel) CONSULT lOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING TIlIIINBTRUIIENT -'INS IIBTRUMENT 8IIOULD BE U8IlI BY LAW'IERS ONLY. THIS INDENl'URE,lIllIdo1lle l:n. day of September 2005 and BETWEEN PATRICIA WENEROWlcz, _09 all52 8611_ Trail, Enlelpltoe, Fklrkla 32725 and JUDY CAREY, raslding .11455 Pal....,., Road. Otanga CIty. FIorid8 32783 and ANNA HOMMEL... 10 a LIl8 E8l8te. raslding 813245 Camp M_ R08d. Mallllud<, New YOtk 11952 J1UIy ofllle r... pan..1Id ALAN RIGHI.nd NANCY RIGHI, _09 alII Ficua R08d,RockyPolnI.NawYOtk 11778 ~!Jol..p ","'.''1-1 t10V".1"1',... "':li. q "(!lUoH ~';-"I . .,. "lit ytr-'If\:'.' .1,..' ,eo n b(\:f;'DLO pany oflhc second pan, .tl 'ctf:r.... "~:..'i, p. ... r..,)'c."UIIlJO:') ',M WITNESSETH,wlll'" pony ofllle filSl pall. in ronsidc"lIi.., of... dollars and oilier ,1IIuuh1. _im poill by IIle port)' .fthe sctond pari. doco; hereby 8f'Ull and..h:uo .1Il0 \he pany oflhe _ parl.1he heirs or ............ ond asaiau of1hc p:lrty of the :lIQ,"lHId pan fOl"eV\..... ALL ,bo, .....in plol. piece or """",I .f IancI, wilh Ihe b.ildinp and improvcmcms Ihen:on crcc1Cd, s_. lyinK and heme in Ihe .' .-..........-.seE SCHEDULE 'A' ATIACHEO.....u._........ . ,I,,,~ . -. "'J.., . . .' . -, ''''1 t',.' 0"';'- I' 't' ...t. ..' ". ~ . ..,. ! ,r " BEING AND INTENDED TO BE Ihe 18ms praml... al conveyed 10 Ihe lJl8I1tors ha,,"" by deed dallld JanU8ly 29. 2004.nd _ Aprile, 2004 In IIber 12311 pag8 867. . TOOF.1llER with all rillh~ ti,l. and ......... if any. .f the p:lrty of Ihe fin! pari. in and 10 any ....... snd roods abIWinslbc .__ described premises 10 IIle .......Iinn.......r, TOOF.1llER with 1Ile_ ond all Ihe ......and rillh" .flbc pony ofllle r... pon in snd to ..id pmniaco; TO HAVE AND TO IIOLD Ibc pmDises herein _IN ont. Ihe pany of IIle occond pari, Ihe hei", or "'"""'__ and ossi(lllS of "'" p:lrty oflbc second pan f........ AND 1M part)' or the fin:t pun cUvenants that the puny orlhe fUSI panlw not done or suft"en=d 1llI)1hin;: whereby lbc said r:wmil5a have been ~bercd in aay ...."3y whalever. .xCC'pl u .fmaaUl. c-' """.' ''Ie,,, "'",::,. Ii '~,~.;" . .'-:~ ".," 'J -. '" ~( " ANN~...RClMK.\!L :' ,. ",.:":' 'II '... , Iyinr .nd beinr iA-llo.. at hiattituck, in the TOYIn of Southold, CO'.Ill:j' of Sui'f and State of New York, bounced and de3cribed as follous: EEGIIl?l'I!iG at B point marked bj an lron...,ipe "let on the 89sterly slde of Camp 1J1neola Hoad (8 prlvate""Right of \1ay somet1mes kno\m as R~~ve ~venue) cistant 15u feot southerlj from the corner for~ed by toe 1ntersection of the south~r~y 11ne of a 50-Coot prlvate Rlght of Way (sometimes known as Terry r~th) and the easterly side of aaid Camp M1neola Roec; running thence 1n an east~1'17 direction North S7027 , 5ast, alor:e-" other lands of r.omtlel, a dlstance of 07.58 feet to a polnt marked by 9n lron plpe end lands now or for~Arly of Mor1tt; runn1ng thence 1n a generally aoutherly direction South 103~r~c East, along suld last mentloned landa, a distance of 150.02 feet to a p01nt marked by a monument and lands now or formerlj of Eleanor C orw1n; runnlns thence 1~ a generally weaterly directlon South 87oZ7'CC ~est, aloOF, sald last ~ent10ned lands, a distance of 95.25 feet to ~ point marked by e monucent anc the easterly side oC Camp ~1neola ~Ol running thence ln a generally northerly direct 10n liorth 2033' CC ", ,', Wellt. along the easterly side of Camp Wineola Road, a dUtance of 151).00 feet, to the pOlnt or place of beE\lnnlng; SAID courses end distances being in acoordance w1th survoy by RDf1erlck Van Tuyl, P.C.. Greenport. N.Y. July 25. 1979. TOGETHER with tha non-excluslve right to pass and repass over Calllp Mineola Rosd. being the ::I5-toot rlght 01' lYlI:T established by Reeve and Hol11ster, extending trom New a~rolk Avenue southerly to the southarl:T slde ot Howell ~venue (a rl~~t of way 30 feet wlde establishe by LeOnA D. Howell extending westerly trom Ca~p Mineola Road); thenoe westerly over Howell Avenue on a course South 70000' ~est to, the northwest corner of land conveyed by Leone D. Howell to Fred !oI. JC>nBS by deed dated Deoember J.5, 1927; . TOGETliER witJ:1 a non-excJ.usive right 01' way to the shore of t'econi 511;; over a, strip 01' J.811d lylng to the west 01' premises convej-ed by I.e1f:t"Jl D. Howell to Fred M. Jones, be1ng 60.5 feet on the southerJ.y dce ot this last mentloned right 01' way mOllall J,\"enue I and 9f\~ teet in w~dth on th'3 shore of Bllld l'econlc bay at a bulY.hlled Un!' heretotC'r€l a:l tabJ.1shad and !r.fJnt10nec ln the deed to Jones and others, I'll th full al:1C free access to the w,,+'~:'s of Bald l"econic Ila:n B3ING AND InT3NDED to be a portion 01' the promls11s conveyed to !osone n.',HoweJ.l by deed recorded ln the Suftolk County Clerk'a Office on June 8th, 1922, ln Libel' 1044 of De'!C'fl. Poge ::''1L'; end '.;':1:l:'''lafter conveyed by :~ary A. :.ll.1.J.1gbn as Trustee under thl' UlS'C \V1J.l IInd 'tests. ment nf ~eono D. ~oweJ.l to Doro'Cny H. Dettnp.r and ~lJ.d:,ed H. Gre~ory by ceed dated January 31st, J.Y7b. and rftcordod 1n the Surfo~k County C~crk'e urr1cs on PebruQ:'Y 21st, 1~75. tr. ~1ber 7600 of Deeds, Pa[.e ::;,32. __dgement taken In N""york SIlIle Slate of ~Iew York, County 01 ':>0~\~ On the Cil.o day 01 ~ . In the yar 00. beltn me. the undersigned, peqonally eppeared ~'r<{""J;'"f-)..,"d 10 ma on the basla 01 _-.y evldenoe 10 be the Indlvidual(l) whose nome(l) 10 (are) subocrtbed 10 the within Instrument and acIcnowIadged 10 me thaI hellheIlhey """cuted the 88me In hlolher1lhalr capaclly(leo). and thaI by hiolherllhelr olgnalure(l) on the In8llurnon1. the Indlvidual(l) or the pe.-. upon behalf 01 which 6:0i~ NClI8Iy Pubic, Slate 01 New YIIIlI Na. 01SN6101622 Qualified In SUIIoIk CountY My Commiooion Expiree NCMl/Ilber 17, Cilo:S) _Iodll"ment by Sublcrlblng Wltnlll leken In Naw YorIc Slal" nty /.t/,uA"".?,' . Slate of N_ Yo . .,~ aAe..tU4-~ '()P;/~;!- .' On theN daj'ol . In tha .xe~fore me. .the underslgned, appeared ~ 14.uy tha oubscrlbing witness 10 the 10l8lloinglnotrumen~ with whClI'n I am __ay Icqualnted. who boIng by me duly lIWlln1. did dlpose and 88Y. thel hoI_y _(I) In that hel8hoIIhey knOW(I) 10 be the Indlvldu81 described In 100 who exsc:uted the IoragoInglnotrument; lhaluld 8llbscriblng wilneoo W88 preeenl end saw lI8id execute the I8me; and that said wttness at the 18me Ome IUbocribecl h1B1herllhelr O8me(I) as a wttneoo therelo. Tille No.: PATRICIA WENEROWICZ and JUDY CAREY and ANNA HOMMEL. as 10 a Life Estate TO ALAN RIGHI and NANCY RIGHI '. . Acknowledgomenllaken In Naw Yoflc S'" . . SI: Slate 01 Naw YOlk. County of ,88: On the day 01 . In the yur the undsrolgned. personoJly appeared . beltn me. per80nally known 10 me 01 proved 10 me on the _ ciI ullol8c:lory evide"ca 10 be the Indlvidual(l) _ namo(l) 10 (818) suboaibed 10 the _ Instrumenl and acknowledged to me thel hellheIlhey axeculad the ume In hlolher1lhalr capaclly(I8s). and that by hlolher/lhelr Ilg08lul'8(l) on tha inolrumen'. the Indlvldu8l(1) or the _ upon behall 01 which thelndlvidual(l) acl8d. executed the In8lIurnonL . sa: Acknowlodgemenllakln ou_ Naw York Slar. 'Slale 01 7'#tVA "County of, #~,~ so: 'Cor Inoerl DIIIIltcI 01 Columbia. TerrilCll'y. Po88888lon or , ., Forolgn Country) . '. ~n the day of ~ .In tha ~-;"ore me. :-..: .~. the un ned, peqonallyeppeared ~.e;-9~t'l ~ ;.. proved 10 me on the beoIo of ulio18Clo<y evIdonoo to be the IndlvIdua~l) whoM name(l) 18 (are) 8llbocrtbed to the within Inolrumant end _lied to me that heIaheIIhey eucuted the oeme In _/their C8pec1ly(leo~ and lhal by hioIher/lheIr IIgnaIu"(I) on the inotrume~ the Indlvldual(l) or the person upon behall 01 which the IndMduolCI) ecr.d, executed Ihe Inslrume~ Ind lhal luch _!dull made such ep_ before tho undarolgnod In lhe DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 123.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT 012.003 COUNTY OR TOWN SUFFOLKlSOUlHOlD RETURN BY MAIL 10: Alen & Nancy RIghi 11 f'1CU8 Roed RockyPoln~ NawYorlI Z1pNa. 11778 I I IE l!l ~ ~ i i I II! ""-- --- , ". ",;-. I r.o' ~. " ':;::. .;\..:.,... ::";;.. . "/.: .... ,':.: . '1'-. ( . ....... . ~ :' .,' ~.: :-'~': ~.'-j -...-.::' .J -. " . \ . . lW - . RECORDED '2005 Sep 29 01:08:54 PM 'Edward P.Romaine ClERK OF SUfFClK COUtlTY L ??oo12412 P 073 D1I 05-08923 Number of pages TORRENS Serial # Ccnificate # _ Prior etf. # Deed I Mortgage lnstrumenl Deed I Mongage Tax. St~p FEES Recording I Filing Stamps ~ Comm. of Ed. 5.~ Mortgage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec.lAssit. or . Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual Counry . Held for Appoin~ ')") Transfer Tax \. _ L_ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will. be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # of this instrument. Page I Filing Fee Handling S. 00 TP-584 NOlation EA-52 ~ 7 (Collnty) EA-5217 (S13tl~l R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total h Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surchargt: Olher IS. ...QQ..... Sub Total Grand Total 4 Dist. \000 Section Real Propen( ~503 1 1000 12300 0600 012003 Tax Service I Agency p T S Verification I RCSE A L. -8EP_ 6 SatisfaclionslDischargeslReleases Lisl Property Owners Mailing Address . RECORD & RETURN TO: tUu~ '\0 ~dM.~ R.\'~~\ \ \ \="~ t. lA.. S Roc.c...cL . Roc~ fOif\+ I klll1l7~ CommUDity Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due S Improved _ / Vacant Land V lJ TO TO TO ~ ~n L1.J-h" lJ Me.. +h -\-u ~ J& " BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) lA~1Jr~~~ TO _Rd. :t,i Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page This page forms part of the attached n"" d (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) ~_ The premises herein is situated in . SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. 7 ~ made by: In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 II11I1I111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFJ:CB RECORDJ:NG PAGB Type of l:netrument. DBEDS/DDD NUmber of: Pages 1 5 Receipt NUmber 1 05-0102520 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-08923 Recorded 1 Atl 09/29/2005 01108154 PM LJ:BBR: PAGB: D00012412 073 District. 1000 Section 1 Block. 123.00 06.00 EXAMINED AND CHAlWBD AS pOLLOWS $0.00 Lot: 012.003 Deed Amount: Received the Pollowing Pees Par Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/piling $15.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO HYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO Camm.Pres $0.00 NO Pees Paid $245.00 TRANS PER rAX HOMBERI 05-08923 THIS PAGE IS A PART 01' THE INSTROMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUN1Y USE ONLY Cl.SWlSC_ 'f. "1,..3, ~ .l. ~I CZ. Dohlll<tod n...,_ I Mof I itf,ct;~ a._I /,,.{, '1, /,..(IC4.P.eol &. 7,.3, PROPERTY INFORMATION PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIR10ILY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:t/www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ,. STAlE OF NEW YORIC STAlE BOARD OF REAL '1lDPERTY IERVIC:ES RP - 5217 Mr.,:17 .... JWI l'-'L~~~ L.DcmIon l1'IEIT_ft c............... m'("',C"('YIi"\~ .~ ..- No.,. L~~'C\ L~~ L~~~... ~.,.~\~~ I \ oOF-,.::a.., ....... ~~ .....11lAlll: 1 P\~ -- 3. Ta IndIoIII .... fuIn Ta ......10 -... I ..... Wodl..____lol_.._. -- L!~~,u;A~,~ 4_1nd1c11e ... II..... of a.__ -.-t .. ..,.. t1.........d on the -.aI \ I ,..,...... OR 0 Pon 01. PoIClll ~...:..~ \~ \ I ~""l' ~"'... I~:-J. I ".....,"g,1 ~ ,. ITAlI Zlf'com 1OnIy'_"o'_I~___ 4A.PIonnIng__S_-..,E... 0 ...1i:o....,L..,AppIIMII_~forTI1IIIIfor D . ......al 4C.__lor.'~'__""""_ 0 . CIlai 1.- L ~ fllDNlnn 'xl IlIrTH 10111 6.: U:~~\ f'.N"Y'\ _T_ LJ.l~ ,""'I,C'7 ,.., , 1. Check the blDl Wow whk:h most ........,........... .... of tM prDPIIfty lit ttIII tlmli of..... .. Ct'"\rr""l , . ~..c...... .... "'"'C"'v " . 13. full .... Pric. , . ,D, 0.0 , , 0 CFuI &.II PricllIa lhe taI.1 .mount PiJd lor the propmy Including ....11 property. ThiI ~ rNV a in !hi form of~. other propIIny or gaodI, or lhI_mpdon of mortglpl or 01_ ~JrC _) AauefGUlldro the".". """doIlIuHtCHIftL ~..._---- L o.w..hip TYPI it Condominlwn Il~ _...., I ~ Community _ .. __ on V.....uoo F Commard.:sl J Induarill 1M. PnJporty LocaIId WIlhin an Agriculur.1 0IIIric:t 0......,... ... Publla Selva ,... __............'" IndIcIll'IlI H EnlllftainmaN I AmullfMllt L F~ ItIIIlha prOf*lY . In In AgrIcullurll D6IIrIct II. a.ck _ . nn 01"-.. -- ........... tD nr.fero: A s-. a.tw.Gn ~ or Funnor Rel8t1vaa B SIIII BelWMn RIII_ Coml*llel Dr p.rtnertln au..... C Ooo""'_"_.SoIIor D Buyur or SeUor II Government Aoencv Or Lending lnItfIutIon Ii llood Typo _ Wo...",'" or .....,. _ _ISpooIlv_ 1-' S.1a or frKtlonal or ~..... Fee In..... ISpGlfy BctIuw) o Signlftc:on. Chango.. "- _ T_o SIoIuo 000 Solo "'" II s.Ju 01 "'nea it ~ in 51. PricI I 0Ih0r u......., F...... A1foc:ting Solo "';co I_Iv Below. J HOllO o o o '0 ^~ 0.. Fomilv_" B 2 or 3 flamdy RMidtntill C Rnlde"tllll VICIftt Land D Non-FWaldonllal Vll:Itlt UncI I SALE INFORMATION I ", .... Contnct Det. L~ I~ I ~ 12. Del. of .... I Tr...... c:::A/~ I~I MDnttI 0.,. V_ ,..-...-.....- I r-. 0 0 I __......_ . ,l '~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION -lIoto Ihould ..fleet I""'..... Flnol_1 Roll 100 Tax Bill ",:'of=,-;;:~Iram O\\C"'fI1. 17. TatalA....-V.....Cafall......InSranllert I I ; ."i'. C''l.OI , ...-._. I~," ,C;} I-U ,..___ I rY"\?'\\~:,-\", "C""'\C 20. Tax Map "'.Ht_laI I RoI .....rst llf m.. than four. ntalIh sbMI: with ........ idmtIIertaIl 'CY"'(""~ \~ ~ ~C" ~ . C'\~ ~ I I CERTIFICATION 1 . -. I _II)' ..... oD flI I.br _ flI 1.....__ ealtml ... lido I'onn............ ........ ,..the.... flI IIIf ......k..... und _ .... I.- ... ..... I.br --. flIony_u1_..........flI_...............1llII\Jed.....,he .....w....flI.._.... _.. ............lUIoafll...._ ,. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY "'Al~ /?7 I r -21 -IJ> .... (.""~ IMT u.w I'""R~ .... - \\. .....'NUII'.. ~\C'l-r-. ~ .TN:n__CUQII.... In"', -- ~""'\~-""'\";:)""\R\ TPI PPIClMo ...-.... N-Y-...., \ \='t-,,(""\.... art'OIITt11Mo . \~ ITA"' \\""\~ "'COIlE KLW! L u L.l.U""'""1 _L....SlGlMIUII[ Patricia Wenerow1cz I o..e-"J.O-O.f' NEW YORK STATE COPY '- ~ ,;