HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12389 P 412 CD. L 1;,:Si5L( ( L-I )) /2:).- L, .' 1;(, L-i nlls INOI,N./URE, made the 20th day of May.lwo thousand five IlETWEEN VINCENT CARVIiLLI and DIANA CARVELLI. lIlSiding 113605 CWllp Mineol. Road. Malllluck, N.'W Y urli, pany of the lillll pan. and SAMUEl. SINGER, rc:siding 11I1161 Yorlc Avenue, ApII1IlICIII6L. N.'W York, New York, pony of the second pan. WITNESSETH, Ihat the plirty of Ihll fin! part, in consideration of len dollar.; and other v11~1~ J,.,';iZJ;J J...., paid by Ihe party of the second pan, does hereby granl and release unlO !he party of the second pall. lhe heirs or succcssors and assigns oflhe party of the: second part forever, AI.l. thaI cmain plot. piece or parcel of land. situate, lying and being in the 1'0..'0 of SOUTH OLD. at MA ITITUCK, County ofSufTolk and Slate or New York, being bounded and doseribed 15 rollows: aEGI~NING al a poinl marked by . monum''01 sel on Ihe eOSltrly side or Camp Mim'\lla Road (a priYllle righl of way somelimes known.. RCf:ve A..'Oue) distanl450 feel SOII\herly &om Ihe comer formed by the inlmecrion orthe southerly line of a 50 fOOl priVate right or way (sc:mclimes known 15 Teny Path) and lhe easterly side: of said Camp Mineola Road: said point or beginning also being 3661.98 feel fiom the interscclion of the southerly sido of New SufTolk A venue and the euterly side of Reeve A venue: THENCE north 87 degrccs'27 minutes 00 seconds east'along the soulhcrly boundary fino of lands now or rormerly of Howell, a di5lanCf:~.( 92. ~2 feel to a poi~l markcd by ~'monumc:nl and lands now or formerly of Morin; THENCIi south I ~~ i9 ;;'inu!l:; 30 seconds east. along said 1151 menlioned lands, through a bulkhoad. a distaneo of 176.78 feel 10 the mean high Water line ofl'econic: Ilay; TIIENCIi south 83 degrees 21 minutes 50 seconds west, 90.40 f.'Cllo lhe e..terly side of Camp Mineula Road; THIiNCE nor1h 2 clcgRcs 33 minutes weslalonglhe easlerly side orCamp Mineola Road, 183.201''''110 lhe point or plllCC ofBF.GINNING. TOGETHER wilh the non-exclusive right 10 puss and repass over Camp Mi"""l. Road, hcing the 25 fOOl right of way ...tablished by Reeve and Hollisler. eXlcoding from New Suffolk Avenue souU"-'lly 10 the wale... of the J'ecllnie Bay. Said courses and dislunees being in accordanee Wilh a so...')' made by Young /I:. Young daled 11111120 noel dated 7/2182. SAID PREMISES being also known by lux map description: I>istricrIOOO. Scc1ion 123.00, Block 06.00. Lot 012.004. SAID PREMISJOS being also known as 3605 ClImp Mineolo Road. Mallitutk. New York. Reing and inlended 10 be the same premises eonveyed 10 the gnmlors beJein by deed datcd 10/3010 land recorded II/BIOI in Liller 12151, Page 902 and by deed doted 10/24102 and Jerorded 12127/02 in Liber 12227. Page 155 in the SuITnlk County ClcrIr.'s Office. The premise. arc not in an asrfc:ultural disuic:1 and the property described in this deed is the enlire pan:el owned by the tr.....fcror. TOGllTHER wilh all righL litle and in.ercsl, irany, of the party of the first pari in and 11.1 any streets and roads obutling the above d....ri~'ll premises to the eenler lines thereof: TOGETI IER with the oppwMlllnccs and all the .'SbIIc and rights or the party of the nllll purl in and to said premis...: TO HA Vii AND TO IIOLD the premises herein granted unto the pony of the second pari, the heirs or successors and assigns ot'the party of the second pari furc..'l. AND the pony of the first pon c:tJYCnants that the parly or the first pan has DOl done or suITered anything whereby the SIIid premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. ..c:cpI.. erOlCSlid. AND the party of the rll'St part, in eompliance with Seellon 13 of the Lien law, covenants that the pany or the fllS\ pan will receive the consideration ror this conveyance and will hold the righllo receive such considerolillll as alnlsl fbnd to be applied rllS\ for the purpose of paying the eost of the improYClllCRl and will apply the SIUIle lillllto the paymenl oflhc: cost of the improvemem before using any pari mille Iolal of the same for any other purpose. The won! .pany. shall be COII>vucd as if it read .pon;.,... whenever the sense of this indcnlurc so requires. IN WITNIiSS WHI,REOF, the pany of the nm part has duly exccull.'ll this deed the day and year lirst above ..Tin-'ll. IN PRESENCE OF: DIANA CARVI!LLI STAT:E OF NEW YORK ) ) 55.: COUNTY OF NASSAU ) On the 20lh day of May, in the year 2005 before me, the undersigned, . Nolai)' l'ublie in and for said Stale. personally appeared VINCENT CARVm.l./ and DIANA CARVEI.l.I, penunaUy known 10 me or pmvL'Illo me on the basis of SDIisfaerory evidence to be the individual(s) whose IlIII1e is (arc) subscribed to the within inslrW1lenl and aeknowledllcd to me that hclsheithey executed the same in hislhcrithcir eapacity(ies), and that by hislherithcir signarure(sl on the inslrWnL'RI, the individual(sl, or the JlClSOII5 upon behalf of which the individUIII(s) acred, excc:uled the inslrWnent. ~~~ KENNETH B. ZAHLER NDlIIfY Publlo, Slalll of New York Suffolk County. No. 01ZM517618 Term Expi... FebrU&IY 28, 2007 BARGAIN AND SALE DJ::EI) WITH COVENANTS AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS TITLE NO. VINCENT CARVEI.l! and DIANA CARVELl! TO SAMUJ::L SINGER DISTRICT 1000 SECTION 123.00 BLOCK 06.00 LOT 012.004 COUNTY OR TOWN Suffolk RIITURN BY MAIL TO: JUI.IE MC GIVNEY, ESQ. 53345 Route 25 Southold, New York 11971 . ~-. Number of pag~8 TORRENS 3 II 21 . Cenilicate /I RECORDED 2C05 i'lay 26 02:24.29 PM Ed~rd P.Romain~ CLERl( OF SUFRX.K COUNT\' L 000012389 P 412 D1# 04-42%8 Serial /I /'rillr Clf. # Deed . Mortgage Inlllrumenl .Ie:: Ol:ed I Mongage Tax Stamp I Recording I Filing Slam(L~ FEES Page II 'I ling ree IlllRdlin!! 5 .!XL Mongage AmI. J. RlI~ic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub lillal SI"'<:. I Assit. or 1'1'-584 Notution Sub 1'01,,1 Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG TAX I)uol Town _ Dual Counly _ HCldforAPPO~' t . ansfer Tax _ an5il,nTax . _ The propeny ",,,'ered by this motllolle i~ or will be inlpmvl!d by a one or IwO fumily dwelling only. VES or NO I I f NO. see appropriule tnx clause on pa e /I of Ihis inslrumenl. .' F.A-52 17 (Coulltyl Sub 1uIIII____ EA-52 17 (Slale) --~- _..~- Amdu\'i1 ~iedC~ Reg,. Copy DIller 6 ~ R.I~T.S.A. Cllmm. of lEd. 5. .l!!L Grund 'lhlal 4 DimriCl 10110 SectiUD 123.00 Block 06.00 Lot Preservation Fund Real 2300 0600 012004 =re ~~06 1000 1 Agenl'Y RCWH A VeriliC'dtion AV 61 SUlisf'::;iOnIDiSCllargeolReleo.~ List PRlpeny Ownen; Mailing Addmos RECORD & Rt:TURN 1'0: JULIE McGIVNEY, ESQ. P.O. BOX 776 SOUTIIOLD, NY 1197/ Con.~icle"dtiun Amount S 2.325.000 $ 4] SOO Improved Vacant Land TO TO TO 7 Title Company Inronnatlon Cu. Nwne A UEBOGUE ABSTRACf litlo: /I A 5-S-1l84 8 Suffolk County Recordin & Endorsement Page This page fom.. [mrl of the ultacbed DEED (SPECIFY TVPE OF INSTRUMENT) made b)': VINCENT CARVI<:U./ DIANA CARVELU The premis;. herein is situaled in TO SlJFFOJ.K COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of SOUTHOI.D Inlho: VILLAGE SAMUEL SINGER Ilr HAMLET of MArnTI,I!:K BOXES 6 THROUGH 8 MUST BE TVPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIIIIII 110111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COmITY CLBRIC RECORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of InBtrulll8Dt: DElmS/DDD - . .- Humber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 05-0057106 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR: 04-42488 Recorded: At: OS/26/2005 02:24.29 PM LIBBR: PAGB: D00012389 412 I I ., District: Section, Block: Lot. 1000 123.00 06.00 012.004 Ii!Y:&JI:IHBD AND CHARGIm AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $2,325,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument z....""Ipt Bxempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCSG $15.00 NO KA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $75;00 NO TP-5B4. $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $5.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTK $0.00 NO Transfer tax $9,300.00 NO Kansion Tax $23,250.00 NO C01IDD.Pres $43,500.00 NO Fees Paid $76,204.00 TRANSFER TAX NUJlBBR: 04-42488 THIS PAGE IS A PART 011' THE INSTRUJIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Ramail1e County Clerk, Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITlNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hltp:/I www.orpS.stat8.nv.us or PHONE (618) 473-7222 FOR COUNTY USE ONLY Cl.SWIS_ * REAL PROPERTY TltANSfER REPORT It{, 1, 3, ~ .? ~ CZ.D.,.,lleodR__ 1.5 I .r~/{)SI t ... y,. C3.B_k I I, c(,.3. g, CA.~I'f, /.0( PROPERTY INFORMATION STATEOF_YllM STATE SOARD OF -. -.nv SERVICES RP - 5217 ICJO..I.!I'J''', J/9J "=1 3605 Camp Mineo1a Road ~rNMl! M'''''NUII'lItIIi Town of Southo1d aJYCIt'lOWN Mattituck ...... ~~e.1 111952 "'- I.SU.. Nom. S~er LMT I COMI'M't LMrl!Wl-./CDIIMIft' ~NMIl' I. T.. hIcaIt white fulunt Tullls..Io" IIfII I .... "--__IaI_",IonnI. - I.AIT ~ 11XlIIM.... -- L I1RIIT Nl.MIN ""IU., rMMi OIY 011 TOMI f. 'of P.FCaII, OR 0 '-rt of . PM:eI IORI 'M;MO" VI "A'll N QXlt 4. IIdcMe the ........... DI . ._.. 101_.................._ .. =:.... I - .....'1'151 Ixl ...... 1OnIy""",._---- ...1'lonning_"""'SUbdl-..........,Exlooo 0 &Subdkrllial, AppnMI.. Rlquhd fDrTrll"* 0 4C.__forS__"",,,Mao_ 0 ..- - l Carvelli lAIr NNII'I/CDUNIllf' Vincent Nll'l'MlIIIt l Carvelli lAIr __/1ZMWft Diana ........... 7. a..c. 1M fbu beIDw which....... -.. -wt ..,.... the... or..........., .t th8 II... 01__ A~OnoFomHy_ B 2 ar 3 F...,.........tIaI C _....,101_ Lond D Non...flelldtntilf VII:IIW und j SAlE INFORMAnON I ... .... _ Dolo E~ _ I ~ c:om.-.;ay_ F ""-"ioI J_... o AponINM K Public_ II Enlal'tlllnmenl/ Am""fI'IIInt L For.t -...----- I. Ownonhip Typo 10 ConDnlnlum .. taw ConItn.aJon on V-.vlAnd .M._"-_on",,_D_ "'---.-_1--' tho'dIo_iI In onAQrlcullulll Dill... o o o o 04 I 22 I 05 Mcntl o.v Y... 1" ChIIt; _. .... of..... _ 'll"IN.. ...............-.r. 12. D... af ...., TranIIer 05 I 20 I 05 r.tonIb _ v.. A D C o Il I' G H I J 8010__..___ SMII1a1ween RNIed Companlel 01' Ptnn.. In 8us1nou One ", tho Suvoni 10 _ I SaIlor Iuvcr or SeDIr iI Go""menI AfIIItw:.y or landino InIdtudon Dood ,.,.. ... Worronly or 8orgoIn .nd Solo l5pooUy _I Solo 01_ ..I-. ..... Foe _lSpodly Solow! S1g- "'"- In PnloorIv _ ToxobIo 8..... and Solo "- Sid. or B..... II ........ In Sale Price Orhor U......"..... AIIocllng 8010 _lSpodly _ - .2 , 3.2 ,5 ,0. 0.0.0, 0 I , , . IFuII__IoI........_po;dfortho.._............_I_. ThiI PIYR*It may be in IhIIlDrrn Df UIb" GIhIIr praperIy or UDDda. Or IN ~ or modgIgII Dr OIhIIr obIip:tiont.J "'--1DUItd kli IhI """".,......"....,., ,..-...-",- I ,0.0,01 --....- . ASSESSMENT IN'ORMATION . 00.. I/Iould .._tho IIIaII FinalAooeamsm Roll .nd TIX 8i11 11. Fall .... ...... .I.Y_oIO- '_"101_, O:JI17.T...._V_I",oII~..._1 whIdl !..I.........&........ J ..."'---- I~ ('I-U ".___, ./2?4!Jf/-;(VcA'- ; .r~()O , 10. ToxMop_IRoI_IIII___.______"lI I/O'?()- 1'-; - i , !J......IDY' I I CERnFICA1l0N l I on1lI)' .... 08"'" _.._ ~-....... oa IhIo fbnn Oft Irw ood ....- U.... ......-, _...... _ beJIol) _,__ _...__ "'..., ---..- -.........-..... ......................Io..._......lIlIIIllns_..."__ BUYER'S ATrORNEY McGivney ...r_ I Julie 'IIIT_ 3~0 . C Mineo1a Ro.sd ~ ----~..~-- Matt1tuc I Y I 11952 crrvORJClWN ITAlI _CCXII ~~~ WUU-"'TUIII 1Mn. , .1 631 -- 765-9545 -- NEW YORK STATE COPY