HomeMy WebLinkAboutWater Quality Monitoring Program To Detect Pesticide Contamination in Groundwaters of Nassau & Suffolk Counties NY Dec 2000 . . . - WATER QUALITY MONITORING PROGRAM TO DETECT PESTICIDE. CONTAMINATION IN GROUNDWATERS OF NASSAU AND SUFFOLK COUNTIES, NY Annual Report for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Water Quality Monitoring Program April 1999 through March 2000 December 2000 SUFFOLK COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES Clare B. Bradley, M.D., M.P.H. Commissioner DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Vito Minei, P.E., Director BUREAU OF GROUNDWATER RESOURCES Martin Trent, Project Manager . . . , ACKNOWLEDGl\tlENTS This document was preparl:d by the Suffolk County Department of Health Services pursuant to the requirements of Section 33-0714 of the Environmental Conservation Law (ECL), which requires a water quality monitoring program to detect and assess pesticide contamination of ground and surface waters on Long Island and throughout New York State. This project was funded in part by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation under contract #C004068. The department wishes to acknowledge the contributions to the project by the following individuals and agencies: New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials Suffolk County Department of Health Services Bureau of Drinking Water Paul Ponturo. P.E. Mary LaFlair Thomas Manin Dan Morris Susan Dodson Kathleen Newcomer Jerry Felice Jeffrey Veryzer Roben Hessner Carol Lee 19oe Donald Van de Water Bureau of Groundwater Resources Ron Paulsen Andrew Rapiejko Ralph Milito Frank Basile Edward Olson Geralynn Rosser Sy Robbins Frank lallllaZZO Brian Boogertman Brian Robinson Public and Environmental Health Laboratorv Kenneth M. Hill Robin Carpenter Richard Hollowell JoAnn Laager George Matthews Barbara Veryzer Kim Duggan-McFall Theresa Ryther Paul Ames Lynne Revellese Suzanne McConnell Anthony Condos Nassau County Department of Public Works Water Management Unit Laretta Dionisio Tim Maloney Peter Maniscalco Jr. Nassau County Health Department Paul Young . TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. i Introduction .................................................................. I Objectives .................................................................... I Water Quality Analyses & Quality AssuranCl: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Vineyard Monitoring Project .................................................... 3 Background ............................................................... 3 Methods .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Results and Findings ..............................................;......... 3 Conclusions ............................................................... 4 Golf Course Monitoring Project .................................................. 4 Background ............................................................... 4 Methods .,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Results and Findings ........................................................ 5 Conclusions ............................................................... 6 Sampling of Wells in High Pesticide Use Areas ......................................6 Background ............................................................... 6 Methods. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Results and Findings ........................................................ 7 New Analyses and Findings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Conclusions ...............................................................10 . Appendix I Appendix II Appendix ill Appendix IV Appendix V Appendix VI . Appendix VII Appendix vm Appendix IX LIST OF APPENDICES Map of Vineyard and Golf Course Sample Locations Vineyard Monitoring Well Results, Tables 9 - IS Golf Course Monitoring Well Results, Tables 16 - 19 Golf Course Vertical Profile Well Results, Tables 20 -24 Nassau County Wells With Pesticide Detections, Table 25 Suffolk County Community Wells With Pesticide Detections, Table 26 Suffolk County Non-community Wells With Pesticide Detections, Table 27 Suffolk County Monitoring Wells With Pesticide Detections, Table 28 Pesticide Chemicals Detected, Apr. 1999 - Feb. 2000, Table 29 Analytical Methods, Analytes & Minimum Detection Levels Nitrogen Monitoring Results , . EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Suffolk County Department of Health Services (SCDHS) conducted this study in cooperation with the New York State. Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, under Contract #004068. The study was authorized, in part, by the New York State Pesticide Reporting Law, Chapter 279, Laws of 1996, as a continuation of prior investigations of pesticide occurrences in Long Island groundwater and drinking water. The initial report for the state under this program, issued in June 1999, provided an overview of pesticide occurrences. The objectives of the program during FY 2000 were defined in the work plan approved by the state, and included three projects. The first two were intended to examine groundwater quality proximate to two specific land uses that are both expanding rapidly on Long Island - vineyards and golf courses. The third project was a continuation of the sampling program to help identify pesticides and their breakdown product compounds that leach to groundwater by sampling wells in high pesticide use areas. This project collected samples from vulnerable public and monitoring well locations in Nassau County, and from mostly private wells in Suffolk County, which were analyzed in order to better assess the potential for public health and environmental impacts from pesticide use. An additional project proposed in the work plan, creation of a catalogue of agricultural pesticides utilized on Long Island, was postponed until the next fiscal year. . All water analyses for this project were conducted by the SCDHS Public and Environmental Health Laboratory (PEHL), which maintains certification by the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) Environmental Laboratory Approval Program. Eight analytical methods, examining each water sample for 78 pesticide-related chemicals, were proposed for the project. Research and development efforts during the course of the study resulted in two major analytical advances, so that by the end of the study, some 100 pesticides and their degradation products were being analyzed for by the SCDHS lab. Vineyard Monitoring Results In order to assess groundwater quality in relation to viticulture, three shallow permanent monitoring wells were installed at each of five Long Island vineyards. Results from the first round of vineyard monitoring analyses indicated the detection of two pesticide compounds - metalaxyl and simazine _ neither of which exceeded its respective drinking water standard. These initial results suggest that groundwater impacts from wine grapes on Long Island may be limited. However, the findings are based on a data set resulting from one round of monitoring for the current list of analytes. Analyses for additional chemicals at the 15 vineyard wells as analytical capabilities are expanded will enhance future monitoring efforts. . Golf Course Monitoring Results The pesticide monitoring report issued in June 1999 presented the results of prior reconnaissance monitoring of groundwater quality from 31 wells located at 18 at Long Island golf courses. During the current study, additional groundwater information was collected from monitoring wells specifically placed to measure potential "worst case" impacts of golf course chemical applications, . . . Le., immediately downgradi~nt of te~s and greens. whenever possible. Vertical profile wells were utilized to ascertain the aquif~r levels showing the greatest impacts of golf course chemical use. Sampling was conducted at 18 specifically placed monitoring wells located at eight golf courses, including some nationally pr9minent courscs with vcry highly maintained turf. Data from this round of groundwater monitoring at golf courses were consistent with those contained in the June 1999 monitoring report. Pesticides were detected in only two (11 %) of the 18 golf course monitoring wells. The compounds metalaxyl and TCP A (tetrachloroterephthalic acid, a breakdown product of dacthal) were found in one well each. Neither chemical exceeded its respective drinking water Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). The compiled two years of monitoring data suggest that, for the chemicals analyzed, current turf management practices at the golf courses monitored are effective in controlling pesticide impacts on groundwater. High Pesticide Use Area Monitoring Results The monitoring report of June 1999 indicated that the vast majority of pesticide detections in Long Island drinking water supplies have been found in wells located hydraulically downgradient of agricultural and other high pesticide use areas. The purpose of this project was to continue to test wells located in higher risk areas of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Additional private wells in Suffolk County that had not previously been sampled for pesticides under this program were a focus for testing. A total of 1,491 private wells have been tested since October 1997, and they have provided valuable monitoring points for determining thc presencc of pesticides in groundwater. More than one-third (35.6%) of all private wells tested have containcd dctectablc pcsticide concentrations. and more than 10 percent have exceeded pesticide-related drinking water standards. Private wells have accounted for nearly two-thirds (65.8%) of all Long Island wells found to contain detectable pesticide concentrations during the monitoring program. As this project was designed to bias sampling toward higher pesticide use areas, these percentages should not be interpreted to apply to all geographic areas of Nassau and Suffolk. Analytical advances implemented during the year resulted in the detection of 12 additional pesticide and pesticide degradate compounds. A total of 44 pesticide-related chemicals have been detected since the inception of the monitoring program. Three new compounds were detected this year in concentrations exceeding standards - metolachlor, DBCP and cyanazine. All three of these chemicals have been removed from sale on Long Island, although existing stocks of metoIachlor and cyanazine may still be in use. The June 1999 pesticide monitoring report found that banned or discontinued pesticides accounted for 88% of the wells exceeding drinking water MCLs. In the current study, 94.5% of pesticide contaminants exceeding MCLs are prohibited from use on Long Island. The pesticide registration process now requires an examination of a chemical's ability to leach to groundwater before it is approved for use. Depending on the ability of thc older chemicals to persist in the environment, improvements in groundwater quality over time may be expected. ii . . . The most frequently detected pesticides and degradates are those with the greatest environmental persistence. They are generally compounds that are, or were, intensively or widely applied, and tend to be highly mobile in groundwater. Monitoring this year again demonstrated that aldicarb metabolites continue to be the most frequently detected pesticide compounds, while the parent compound is rarely detectea. The dacthal degradate TCP A remained the second most frequently detected, while its parent compound is also rarely detected. These chemicals are followed in frequency of detection by metolachlor and its degradation products, metolachlor OA and metolachlor ESA, and by metaiaxyl. Although aldicarb and dacthal have long been removed from the Long Island market, metolachlor and metaiaxyl can still legally be applied. The data indicate that pesticide metabolite and degradate compounds may be of at.least as great concern as many of the parent pesticide products. A limited amount of testing of private wells utilizing the newly developed method for detection of herbicide degradation products showed that 43.6% of the wells sampled contained degradation products of simazine, alachlor and/or metolachlor, while only 7.2% of these wells contained detectable concentrations of the parent compounds. The new data suggest that these pesticide degradates may occur significantly more often in groundwater than the parent compounds. iii . Introduction The Suffolk County Dcpanmcnt of Hcallh Scrvices (SCDHS) conducted this study in cooperation with the New York State. Department of Environmental Conservation, Division of Solid & Hazardous Materials, under Contract #004068. The study was authorized, in part, by the New York State Pesticide Reporting Law, Chapter 279, Laws of 1996, as a continuation of prior investigations of pesticide occurrences in Long Island's ground and drinking waters. Groundwater quality in relation to pesticides is a key environmental issue on Long Island, where groundwater is the sole source of drinking water for Nassau and Suffolk County residents. The initial report for the state under this program, issued in June 1999, provided an overview of pesticide occurrences in Long Island groundwater. . Objectives . The objectives of the program during FY 2000 were defined in the work plan approved by the state, and included three projects. The first two were intended to examine groundwater quality proximate to two specific land uses that are both expanding rapidly on Long Island - viIieyards and' golf courses. Vineyards now represent a significant percentage of agricultural acreage on the East End, and their chemical applications differ from those used on traditional agricultural crops such as potatoes and other vegetables. Likewise, the increased popularity of golf for recreation has resulted in the construction of many more courses around the island, most on former farmland. A preliminary reconnaissance of groundwater quality at golf courses last year indicated that groundwater impacts, and pesticide occurrcnces, were lcss than expectcd bascd upon the analytes tested at the time. A more in-depth examination for a wider range of chemicals, and including sampling at some of Long Island's best courses with high levels of turf maintenance, was therefore made a part of the current work plan. The third project was a continuation of the sampling program to help identify pesticides and their breakdown products that leach to groundwater by sampling wells in high pesticide use areas. This project involved the collection of samples from vulnerable public water supply and monitoring wells in Nassau County, and from private and other wells in Suffolk County, in order to better assess the potential for public health and environmental impacts from pesticide use. An additional project proposed in the work plan, creation of a catalogue of agricultural pesticides utilized on Long Island, was postponed until next fiscal year. Water Quality Analyses & Quality Assurance . All water analyses for this project were conducted by the SCDHS Public and Environmental Health Laboratory (PEHL), which maintains certification by the NYSDOH Environmental Laboratory Approval Program. The analytical quality control measures utilized are detailed in the Quality Assurance Program Plan (QAPP) for the Suffolk County Public and Environmental Health Laboratory dated December 1998. Eight analytical methods, examining each water sample for 78 pesticide related chemicals, were proposed for the project. The SCDHS laboratory is credited with the development of two of these methods - EP A Method 531.1 (carbamate pesticide analysis) and Page I of 39 . the HPLC/LC-GC/MS method for determination of dacthal degradation products. As recommended by the 1999 pesticide monitoring report, the SCDHS laboratory expanded its capabilities in order to incre~e the number of pesticide analytes tested. Research and development efforts resulted in two major analytical advances. First, the analytical capabilities of EP A Method 525.2 were increased from 36 to 49 pesticide compounds in October 1999 to include many of the most commonly applied pesticide and herbicide chemicals used on Long Island. Second, in response to special monitoring projects last year that indicated degradation products of several widely used herbicides have a significant potential to leach to groundwater, a new liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LClMS) methodology was instituted in February 2000. The new method analyzes for 12 breakdown product compounds of the herbicides atrazine, simazine, alachlor and metolachlor. In addition, irnidacloprid, one of the most widely used insecticides on Long Island, is also analyzed by this method. As a result of these improved capabilities, one hundred pesticide and pesticide degradates can now be analyzed by the SCDHS PEHL. A summary of the nine analytical methods that were employed for the samples in this project is contained in Table I. A complete listing of analytes and detection limits for each chemical is contained in Appendix VIII and in the project QAPP. Detection limits will differ by analytical objectives, methods, and laboratory practices. Results for some monitoring wells jointly sampled for this project with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) differed for some compounds due to the detection limits employed by the two laboratories. . Analvtes Method Analytes Method nitrate NYSDOH ELAP 2489 semi-volatile organics EPA 525.2 metals EPA 200.8 carbamates EPA 531.1 volatile organics EPA 524.21624 herbicide degradation products SCDHS LCIMS chlorinated pesticides EP A 505 dacthal degradation products SCDHS HPLCILC - GClMS microextractables EPA 504 Tabl<.: I Analytical Methods Performed Many of the pesticides and breakdown products detected in this and prior studies do not have drinking water standards or specific Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) established by state or federal regulatory agencies. For most of these compounds, the Unspecified Organic Compound (UOC) limit of 50 ugIL that is contained in Part 5 of the NYS Sanitary Code is applied. Although considered to be protective of public health, the UOC standard is non-specific, and it was recommended in the June 1999 report that the State Health Department establish drinking water standards (MCLs) for all frequently detected pesticides and degradation products. . Page 2 of 39 . Vineyard Monitoring Project Background For decades on Long Island. potatoes were the dominant crop grown. Development pressures and the eastern push of suburbia into once rural farm country is responsible for much of the loss of agricultural acreage. How~er, Suffolk County remains the leading agricultural producer in New York State in terms of the value of crop sales. Alternative crops, such as sweet com, nursery stock, sod, specialty vegetables and wine grapes, are now grown on many former potato farms. Since the first planting of wine grapes in the early 1970s at Cutchogue on Long Island's North Fork, the industry has expanded to 20 vineyards encompassing an estimated 2,000 acres. Methods In order to evaluate groundwater quality relative to vineyards, three shallow monitoring wells were installed at each of five Long Island vineyards. The location of the vineyards are shown on the map in Appendix I. The monitoring wells were screened just below the water table in order to detect chemicals applied locally to the wine grapes, and to minimize the potential for detecting groundwater impacts from upgradient land uses. . . Well installation and sampling were conducted in accordance with SCDHS protocols. Two-inch diameter PVC monitoring weIls were installed using hoIlow stem augers. The depth to the water table from the land surface ranged from 15 to 59 feet, and averaged 36.5 feet. The monitoring wells were placed down gradient of vine blocks either in, or adjacent to, the fields, and were generaIly screem:d within the top tcn feet of the aquifcr below the water table. Complete listings of well depths and screen intervals are contained in Tables 9 through 15 in Appendix II. Samples were coIlccled from each monitoring weIl after purging a minimum of three casing volumes of water in accordance with SCDHS protocols. At the Macari Vineyard, additional samples were coIlected from an existing SCDHS monitoring well (S-53333) located upgradient of the vines, and also from two on-site irrigation weIls. A vertical profile weIl (S-113120) was installed and sampled at the Osprey's Dominion Vineyard. This well was left with the screen at the top level sampled, just below the water table, for future monitoring. Results and Findings A summary of the analytical results for all vineyard weIl tests is presented in Table 2; a more detailed compilation of results is contained in Tables 9 through 15 in Appendix II. The data represent only the first round of analytical results in what is hoped will be a multi-year monitoring program. . Overall, pesticides were detected at three of the five vineyard sites, but injust three (20%) of the 15 vineyard wells sampled. The fungicide metalaxyl (trade name Ridomil) was detected in two of the monitoring wells, and the herbicide simazine (trade name Princep) was found in one well. The concentrations of metalaxyl and simazine residues found did not exceed drinking water MCLs. Groundwater at all sites was found to be relatively acidic, ranging in pH from 5.2 to 7.4, with an average of 5.9 and a median of 5.7, which is similar to the values found in rainwater. These low pH values may be significant, since they increase the tendency of some pesticides to leach from the soil Page 3 of 39 . and to persist in the groundwater environment. Nitrate results are discussed in Appendix IX. Table 2 V. dM.. S meyar ollltonn!! ummary Monitonn.. Site Avg. DTW * Avg. pH Avg. Nitrate (mgIL) Pesticides Detected (ugIL) Paumanok 15 5.4 2.0 NO Lieb 43 5.7 12.5 0.24 metalaxyl Pugliese 33 5.8 2.1 NO Macari 59 6.1 14.0 0.2 metalaxyl Osprey's Dominion 32 6.4 3.2 0.2 simazine *Depth to water (feet). Conclusions Results from the first round of vineyard monitoring analyses indicated the detection oftwo pesticide compounds - metalaxyl and simazine - neither of which exceeded its respective.drinking water standard. These initial results suggest that groundwater impacts from wine grapes on Long Island may be limited. However, the findings are based on a data set resulting from one round of monitoring for the current list of analytes. Analyses for additional chemicals at the 15 vineyard wells will enhance future monitoring efforts as analytical capabilities are expanded; . Golf Course Monitoring Project Ba€kgroU/ld The results of prior monitoring of 31 wells at 18 Long Island golf courses were reported in the pesticide monitoring study issued in June 1999. The monitoIing included sampling of 17 monitoring wells, 13 golf course clubhouse wells. and one irrigation well. Pesticides or pesticide degradation products were present in seven of the 31 wells tested. Three pesticide-related compounds were found: dacthal breakdown product tetrachloroterephthalic acid (TCP A), diethylhexyl-phthalate (DEHP), and metalaxyl. TCP A was the only compound found to exceed its drinking water MCL. In the present study, additional groundwater information was obtained from monitoring wells specifically placed to measure potential "worst case" impacts of golf course chemical applications. Methods The 13 shallow monitoring wells previously installed on three. county-owned golf courses were selected for an additional round of monitoring, and five new monitoring wells were proposed at several private courses. As on-course drilling at privately-owned clubs presented certain logistical problems, vertical profile wells were installed immediately downgradient of each private course on a public right-of-way in order to sample groundwater recharged at each site. The locations of the golf course monitoring sites are shown on the map in Appendix I. . Based upon the results obtained from sampling multiple levels at each of the vertical profile wells, new permanent monitoring wells were installed at the aquifer level where the greatest impacts Page 4 of 39 . (highest pesticide and/or nitrate concentrations) were observed. Well installation and sampling were conducted in accordance with SCDHS protocols. Two-inch diameter PVC monitoring wells were installed using hollow stem augers. Samples were collected from each monitoring well after purging a minimum of three casing ,volumes of water. A complete listing of monitoring well depths and screen locations are contained in Tables 16 through 19 in Appendix m. Results and Findings A summary of analytical results for the 18 fixed monitoring wells are contained in Tables 16 through 19 in Appendix m. while summaries for the five vertical profile wells are presented in Tables 20 through 24 in Appendix IV. Pesticide or breakdown products were found in two (II %) of the 18 wells. The fungicide metala;'l:yl (Ridomil) and TCP A. a breakdown product of the herbicide dacthal. were each detected in one well. and neither compound exceeded its drinking water MCL. These pesticide detections occurred at the two sites with the greatest depth to the water table. possibly indicating a lack of significant degradation in the unsaturated zone. The deeper aquifer segments in the vertical profile well drilled at the Islands End Country Club showed TCP A concentrations present just above the salt/fresh water interface, bilt they were not found in the upper aquifer segments. This suggests that the TCP A contamination was from an upgradient source unrelated to the golf course. . , Table 3 summarizes the monitoring results obtained at the five new permanent golf course wells that were installed based upon an evaluation of the vertical profile monitoring. Table 3 Privately Owned Golf Courses Monitoring Summary Site Tvpe DTW' Nitrate (ml>lL) Pesticides Detected (~ Maidstone Club private 12 5.5 NO Shinnecock Hills GC private 33 1.3 NO National Golf Links private 6 3.1 NO Islands End CC semi-priv 45 2.7 1.4 melalaxyl Indian Hills CC nriv 62 3.6 30 TCPA 'Depth to water (feet). A summary of the second round (1999) of monitoring for the three county-owned golf courses is presented in Table 4. The analytical results obtained are consistent with those found in the initial round of monitoring in 1998. The were no pesticides detected in the 13 wells at the three (county- owned) public courses. The 1998 finding ofDEHP in one of the 13 wells was not confirmed in the retesting. The nitrate results presented in Tables 3 and 4 are discussed in Appendix IX. . Page 5 of 39 . . . Table 4 Public Golf Course MonitorinO' Summary Sile # Wells Av~ D1W* AV2 Nilralc (rnWL) A V2 TOlal N(ml!iL) Pesticides Detected Indian Island GC 4 II 4.1 5.8 NO Timber Point GC 5 7 1.6 2.1 NO West Savville GC 4 6 1.9 2.7 NO "Depth to water (feet). Conclusions Data from this round of groundwater monitoring at gulf courses were consistent wirh those contained in the June 1999 monitoring report. Pesticides were detected in two (11%) of the 18 golf course wells. The compounds metalaxyl and TCPA (tetrachloroterephthalic acid) were found inone well each. Neither chemical exceeded its respective drinking water Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL). The compiled two years of golf course monitoring data suggest that in general turf management practices at the courses monitored are effectively controlling pesticide impacts on groundwater for the chemicals analyzed. Additional data from these wells should continue to be gathered as new analytical capabilities are developed. Sampling of Wells in High Pesticide Use Areas Backgrollnd The NYSDEC Water Quality Monitoring Program 10 Detect Pesticides in Growld\\'llters of Nassau and Sl/ffolk COl/nties Final Report (June 1999) documented that the vast majority of pesticide contaminated drinking water supplies are wells located near or hydraulically downgradient of agricultural land uses. The study reported that 38.5% of all private wells tested in Suffolk County contained detectable levels of pesticides, and in agricultural areas more than 50% of private wells showed traces of pesticide compounds. For wells that exceeded pesticide-related drinking water MCLs, 89% were located within the five townships of eastern Suffolk County, and 91 % contained agricultural chemicals, while 9% were impacted by other sources. While these figllres provide an overview of the magnitude of the pesticide contamination issue, they were subject to sampling bias, and should not be viewed as statistical estimates of the overall percentages of impacted wells in agricultural areas or throughout Long Island, or for all types of wells. The 1990 U.S. Census indicated that 37,000 private wells exist within the five eastern townships of Suffolk County. The SCDHS estimates that 6,000 to 7,000 of these wells are located sufficiently close to agricultural operations and other high pesticide use areas (e.g., golf courses, utility rights-of- way) that sampling of these wells for pesticides would provide a significant public health benefit to well owners, while providing important monitoring points for detecting the occurrence of pesticides and pesticide degradation products. Methods The purpose of this project was to continue to test wells located in higher risk areas of Nassau and Page 6 of 39 . Suffolk Counties. This year. a total of 885 wells were sampled. including 178 wells in Nassau County and 707 wells in Suffolk. Sites were selected based on prior monitoring results, proximity to pesticide use areas, and groundwater now directions. Private wells that had not previously been sampled for pesticides unde.r this program were sought for testing. Results & Findings Monitoring this year again demonstrated that a1dicarb metabolites, a1dicarb sulfoxide and a1dicarb sulfone, continue to be the most frequently detected pesticide compounds, while the parent compound is rarely detected. Aldicarb was removed from use on Long Island potato crops 20 years ago, yet its breakdown products have provcn to bc cxtrcmely persistent in groundwater. The dacthal degradate tetrachloroterephthalic acid (TCP A) remained the second most frequently detected, while its parent compound is also rarely detected. The dacthallabel was amended in 1988 to prevent its continued use in Suffolk County. These chemicals are followed in frequency of detection by metolachlor and its degradation products, metolachlor OA and metolachlor ESA, and by metalaxyl. Both of these chemicals can still legally be applied. Table 5 lists the number of detections and the number of wells exceeding an MCL by well type for each county for the current monitoring. Pesticides were again detected in every type of well tested this year. Public supply wells impacted with pesticide levels exceeding MCLs have either been restricted from use or been provided with granular activated carbon filtration. . estlcl e esu ts by el type Well Type # Wells TeSled # Pesticide Deteclions #Wells >MCLs Suffolk ' " Nassau Total Suffolk Nassau Tola! Suffolk Nassau .Total Monitoring 22 102 124 10 15 25 4 I 5i Private 604 0 604 1&9 0 189 40 0 "4()'! Community , 28 76 104 6 3 9 ' 2 '::::3" 1 , ~, iY;' Non.Comm 53 0 53 19 0 19 , 5 0 '1"5 " 242 ."" I !'ff53'~ Totals 707 178 885 224 18 51 2 Table 5 P ..d R I WIT Private wells in Suffolk County remain the most vulnerable to pesticide impacts. Of the 604 private wells sampled this year, 189 (31.3%) contained detectable pestiCide concentrations, and 40 (6.6%) exceeded drinking water MCLs. These statistics may not be reflective of private well quality overall in the county due to sampling bias in the study design. Some other factors are also important in interpreting the significance of these findings. The vast majority of wells found to exceed drinking waterMCLs have exceeded standards for chemicals that have been banned from use on Long Island. Some of the most frequently detected chemicals, e.g., TCP A and metolachlor, do not have specific drinking water MCLs so that the DOC standard of 50 ugIL is applied to them. Depending upon the . concentration established above or below 50 ugIL, chemical specific MCLs may greatly increase, Page 7 of 39 . or decrease, the number of pesticide detections exceeding standards. It may be significant that newly developed LCn..IS method for herbicide degradation products was not available for analysis for ~he vast majority of the monitoring effort to date. A random sampling of 55 private wells in eastern Suffolk using the method for analysis of herbicide breakdown products showed that 43.6% contained degradation products of simazine, alachlor, and/or metolachlor, while only 7.2% of these weBs contained detectable concentrations of the parent compounds. The new data suggest that these pesticide degradates may occur significantly more often in groundwater than the parent compounds. Therefore, the actual percentage of wells with detectable traces of pesticide related compounds in high pesticide use areas may be greater than previously reported. Table 6 details, for each county, the number of weBs tested, the number and percent of weBs containing detectable pesticide concentrations, and the number and percent of weBs exceeding drinking water MCLs for the time periods of the study to date. The June 1999 pesticide monitoring report found that banned or discontinued pesticides accounted for 88% of the weBs exceeding drinking water MCLs. In the current study, 94.5% of pesticide contaminants exceeding MeLs are prohibited from use on Long Island. The pesticide registration process now requires an examination of a chemical's ability to leach to groundwater before it is approved for use. Depending on the ability of the older chemicals to persist in the environment, improvements in groundwater quality over time may be expected. . Table 6 Pesticide Delections bv County S tudv Period # Wells Tested # Detects % Detects # > MCLs % > MCLs Nassau 1999- 2000 178 18 10.1 2 1.1 Nassau 1997- 1998 405 38 9.4 6 1.5 Suffolk 1999- 2000 707 229 32.4 53 7.5 Suffolk 1997- 1998 1,853 521 28.1 185 10.0 Totals 3.143 806 25.6 246 7.8 Pesticides were detected in 14 Nassau County monitoring weBs and in the raw water at four Nassau County community supply wells (two of which had previously been sampled in 1998). Two Nassau weBs exceeded MCLs for long banned soil fumigants: community supply weB N-8010, which contained 0.32 ugIL ethylene dibromide (EDB), and community supply weB N-9211, which contained 0.2 ugIL 1,2-dibromo 3-chloropropane (DBCP). . Table 25 in Appendix V lists the weBs found to contain pesticides in Nassau. Of the wells in Nassau in which pesticides were detected, one-half were less than 100 feet deep, and only three exceeded 200 feet in depth. Fewer pesticide-impacted weBs have been found in Nassau County as compared to Suffolk for several reasons beyond just the number of sampling points, including: 1) the majority of pesticide contaminants detected to date have occurred as a result of past agricultural chemical use, Page 8 of 39 . and Suffolk County retains the majority of the remaining agricultural acreage on Long Island; and, 2) Nassau is nearly entirely served by public water systems with few private wells existing, and none ha,ye been tested under the program. The percentage of wells found to contain pesticides, and the percent exceeding MCLs, are consistent with prior monitoring under this program. Since the inception of the project in October 1997, a total of 3,143 wells have been tested throughout all geographic regions of both Nassau and Suffolk Counties. The testing program represents a broad spectrum of well types, well depths, and geographic locations, with higher pesticide use areas being targeted for more intensive testing. Fewer wells were tested in Nassau County than in Suffolk, 583 versus 2,560, and more intensive. sampling was performed in agricultural areas of Suffolk served by shallow private wells. Pesticide related compounds were detected in 806 (25.6%) wells of all types, and 246 (7.8%) of these exceeded drinking water MCLs. While these figures provide an overview of the magnitude of the pesticide contamination issue, they should not be viewed as a statistical estimate of the average number of impacted wells in all areas of Long Island, or for all types of wells, due to the inherent sampling bias in the project design. . Since the initiation of the monitoring program in October 1997, and excluding any repeat samples, a total of 1,491 individual private wells have been tested in Suffolk County (see Table 7). More than one-third (35.6%) of these private wells have contained detectable pesticide concentrations, and over 10 percent have exceeded pesticide-related drinking water MCLs. These statistics may not be reflective of private well quality overall in the county due to sampling bias in the study design. As previously noted, two other factors influence interpretation of these findings: 1) the vast majority of wells found to exceed drinking water MCLs exceeded standards for chemicals that have been eliminated from use on Long Island; and, 2) some of the most commonly detected chemicals, e.g., TCP A and metolachlor, do not have specific drinking water MCLs aod the UOC standard of 50 ugIL is applied to them. Table 7 Pesticides in Private Wells in Suffolk C ountv Study Period # Wells Tested # Detects % Detects #> MCLs % > MCLs Oc11997-Dec 1998 887 342 38.6 115 13.0 Feb 1999-Feb 2000 604 189 31.3 40 6.6 Tolals . 10491 531 35.6 155 lOA A summary of public supply well tests in Suffolk County (community and non-community), where pesticides were detected is contained in Tables 26 and 27 in Appendix VI. Twenty-two (22) monitoring wells were tested in Suffolk County, primarily located in agricultural areas or near electric utility substations. The results of pesticide detections in the monitoring wells are summarized in Table 28 in Appendix VI. Two notable results were obtained during the . monitoring. In the first instance, a concentration of 83 ugIL metolachlor was detected in monitoring Page 9 of 39 . well 5-112329 in Water Mill. The MCL for metolachlor is currently the 50 ugIL UOC standard. In the second case, a cyanazine concentration of 3.3 uglL was found in monitoring well S-51566 in Riverhead. The cyanazinc lifetime Health Advisory Level (HAL) is I ugIL. Land uses near both wells are largely agricultural. At this time it is unknown if these occurrences are related to agricultural run-off, spills or dumping, rather than to allowed labeled uses of the chemicals. Both findings will require further investigation to determine potential sources of the contamination. New Analyses and Findings Of the 100 pesticides and degradates in water that can now be analyzed by the SCDHS PEHL, 34 of these chemicals were detected during the current phase of the study. The analytical advances implemented this year resulted in the detection of 12 additional pesticide or pesticide breakdown products (Table 8), bringing the total number of chemicals detected for the project to 44 pesticide- related compounds. . ew estlcl e ompoun s etecte IS ear a1achlor ESA OBCP imidacloprid a1achlor OA deisopropylatrazine melolachlor ESA bromacil dichlobenil metolachlor OA cyanazine disulfoton sulfone lcrbacil Table 8 N P "d C d D dTh' Y Three new compounds were detected in concentrations exceeding MCLs this year - metolachlor, DBCP and cyanazine, All three chemicals have been removed from sale, although existing stocks of metolachlor arid cyanazine may still be in use. The chemical formulation of the herbicide metolachlor (trade name Dual) is being changed to use the isomer s-metolachlor (trade name Dual Magnum) as the primary active ingredient. This new product is not registered for use on Long Island. Under an agreement with USEPA, chemical manufacturers were to cease all cyanazine production by December 31, 1999 for use in the United States. However, existing stocks of the herbicide may be used until December 31, 2002. All uses of the soil fumigant DSCP were canceled in 1979, with the exception of pineapples in Hawaii; this use was canceled in 1985. Table 29 in Appendix vn lists the pesticide chemicals detected this year, the number of detections, the number of wells that exceeded an MCL, and highest concentrations found. Compounds that are no longer registered for use on Long Island are highlighted in the table. The major new finding in the monitoring program this year is that the degradation products of several commonly used herbicides, induding a1achlor, atrazine, simazine and metolachlor, appear to leach to groundwater in significant concentrations. Additional monitoring for these compounds is being conducted for the year 2000 work plan, the results of which will help define the extent of the contamination from these degradation products. . Conclusions Since the inception of the project in October 1997, a total of3,143 wells have been tested throughout Page 10 of 39 . . all geographic regions of Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Testing has included a broad spectrum of well types (i.e., 822 public supply wells, 1.+91 private water wells, and 830 monitoring wells), well depths, and gcographi<.: arcas. with suspc<.:tctl high pcstidtle use areas being targeted for more intensive testing. Fewer wells were tested in Nassau than in Suffolk, 583 versus 2,560, and more intensive sampling was done in agricultural areas of Suffolk served by shallow private wells. Pesticide-related compounds were detected in 806 (25.6%) of the wells sampled, and 246 (7.8 %) of these wells exceeded drinking water standards. While these figures provide an overview of the magnitude of the pesticide contamination issue, they were subject to sampling bias, and should not be viewed as statistical estimates of the overall percentages of impacted wells in all areas of Long Island, or for all types of wells. The data continue to show that private wells, particularly those located in agricultural areas of eastern Suffolk County, are susceptible to pesticide impacts. A total of 1,491 private wells have been tested since October 1997, and they have proven to be valuable monitoring points for detennining the presence of pesticides in groundwater. More than one-third (35.6%) of all priV'l1te wells tested have contained detectable pesticide concentrations, and more than 10 percent have exceeded pesticide-related drinking water standards. Nearly two-thirds (65.8%) of all pesticide detections on Long Island since the inception of the monitoring program have occurred in private wells. These statistics may not be reflective of private well quality overall in Suffolk County due to the sampling bias in the study design. Analytical advances implemented during the year resulted in the detection of 12 additional pesticide and breakdown product compounds. A total of 44 pesticide-related chemicals have been detected since the inception of the monitoring program. Three new compounds were detected this year in concentrations exceeding standards - metolachlor. DBep and cyanazine. All three chemicals have been removed from sale, although existing stocks of metolachlor and cyanazine may still be in use. The most frequently detected pesticides and degradates are those with the greatest environmental persistence. They are generally compounds that are, or were, intensively or widely applied, and tend to be highly mobile in groundwater. Monitoring this year again demonstrated that aldicarb metabolites, aldicarb sulfoxide and aldicarb sulfone, continue to be the most frequently detected pesticide compounds, while the parent compound is rarely detected. Aldicarb was removed from use on Long Island potato crops 20 years ago, yet its breakdown products have proven to be extremely persistent in groundwater. The dacthal degradate tetrachloroterephthalic acid remained the second most frequently detected pesticide, while its parent compound is also rarely detected. The dacthallabel was amended in 1988 to prevent its continued use in' Suffolk County. These chemicals are followed in frequency of detection by metolachlor and its degradation products, metolachlor OA and metolachlor ESA, and by metalaxyl. Both of these chemicals can still legally be applied. Pesticide metabolite and degradate compounds are now of at least as great concern as many of the parent pesticide products. A limited amount of testing of private wells utilizing the newly developed method for detection of herbicide degradation products showed that 43.6% of the wells sampled contained degradation products of simazine, alachlor andlor metolachlor, while only 7.2% of these . wells contained detectable concentrations of the parent compounds. The new data suggest that these Page II of 39 . pesticide degradates may occur significantly more often in groundwater than the parent compounds. Therefore, the actual percentage of wells with detectable traces of pesticide related compounds in high pesticide use areas may be greater than previously reported. . . Page 12 of 39 c'. .,.., . . . Appendix I VIneyard & Golf Course Locations 1 - Paumanok 2 - Lieb 3 - Pugliese 4 - Macari 5 - Ospreys Dominion 6. Maidstone 7 - Shinnecock 8. National 9 . Islands End 10-lndian Hills 11 - Indian Island 12 - Timber Point 13 - West Sayville Vineyard Sites Golf Courses ~ <V" II ~r-~~ ~ +. o 10 miles 20 Nit.,,,,. 'ltINIft~'M'tt,.._lc_"""_lPl"__ Page 13 of 39 . . Well Name/# JV-I JV-3 JV-4 Sample Date 081299 081899 081899 Depth to Water (feet) 28 33 34 Screen Depth (feet) 30-40 30-40 30-40 pH 5.2 5.4 5.7 Conductivity (umho) 140 228 168 Chloride (mgIL) 25 57 29 Sulfate (mgIL) 21 21 34 NH, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) 2.0 2.7 1.4 . As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 -- Cd (ugIL) <I 1.1 <i Cu (uglL) <I <I 1.05 Volatile Organic ND ND ND Compounds (ugIL) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides ND ND NO (ugIL) Method 505 EDBIDBCP (ugIL) ND ND ND Method 504 Semi-Volatile ND ND NO Pesticides (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO ND NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) ND ND NO Method HPLCIUV APPENDIX II Table 9 PAUM^,"OK VINEYARD. TUTHILL LANE. AQUEBOGUE . Page 14 of 39 . Well Name/# CV-I CV-2 CV-3 Sample Date 08\899 081899 08\899 Depth to Water 59 59 59 Screen Depth 60-70 60-70 60-70 pH 5.7 5.7 5.7 Conductivity (umho) 258 249 3\7 Chloride (mgIL) 23 22 33 Sulfate (mgIL) 10 9 53 NH) (mgIL) <0.02 0.09 .<0.02 .. N02 (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO) (mgIL) \2.\ \4.5 10.8 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 Cd (ugIL) <\ <1 <I Cu (ugIL) <\ <I 2.\7 Volatile Organic ND ND NO Compounds (ugIL) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides ND ND NO (ug/L) Method 505 EDB/DBCP (ugIL) ND ND ND Method 504 Semi-Volatile 0.24 metalaxyl ND NO Pesticides (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides ND ND NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) ND ND NO Method HPLCIUV APPENDIX II Table 10 LIEB VINEYARD. OREGON ROAD. CUTCHOGUE . . Page \5 of 39 . . Well Namel# A B C Sample Date 111099 111099 111099 Depth to Water 33 33 34 Screen Depth 51-56 33-38 32-37 pH 5.9 5.9 5.6 Conductivity (umho) 138 158 116 Chloride (mg/L) 10 16 14 Sulfate (mg/L) 24 33 22 NH, (mg/L) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mg/L) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mg/L) 2.3 !.3 2.6 As (ug/L) <2 .2 <2 Cd (ug/L) <I <I <I Cu (ug/L) <I <I <1 Volatile Organic ND ND ND Compounds (ug/L) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides ND ND NO (ug/L) Method 505 EDBIDBCP (ug/L) ND ND NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile NO NO NO Pesticides (ug/L) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO (ug/L) Method 531.1 TCPA (ug/L) NO NO NO Method HPLCIUV APPENDIX II Table II PUGLIESE VINEY ARO. BRIDGE LANE. CUTCHOGUE . Page 16 of 39 . APPENDIX II Table 12 MACARI VINEYARD. BERGEN A VENUE. MA TIrrUCK Well Name/# MA-17 MA-50 MA-64 Sample Date 120799 120799 120799 Depth to Water 40 41 49 Screen Depth 41-46 47-52 49-54 pH 6.1 6.3 5.8 Conductivity (umho) 411 414 339 Chloride (mgIL) 17 26 30 Sulfate (mgIL) 96 95 65 NH3 (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 .<0.02 N02 (mgIL) 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) 12.6 17.7 11.7 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 Cd (ugIL) <I <I <I Cu (ugIL) 2.24 2.25 1.27 Volatile Organic NO NO NO Compounds (ugIL) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO. (ugIL) Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ugIL) NO NO NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides 0.2 metalaxyl NO NO (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides 0.228 aldicarb sulfone NO. NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 . TCPA (ugIL) NO NO NO Method HPLCIUV . . B - below MOL Page 17 of 39 . Wen Name/# East Irrilmtion Wen West Irrigation Wen Upgradient Well S-53333 Sample Date 020900 020900 020900 Depth to Water na na 43 Screen Depth na na 61-71 pH 6.3 6.2 6.3 Conductivity (umbo) 384 201 169 Chloride (mgIL) 30 17 12 Sulfate (mgIL) 132 48 31 NH, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 .<0.02 NO, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) 12.2 7.5 1.5 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 Cd (ug/L) <I <I <I Cu (uglL) 136 199 1.33 Volatile Organic NO ND NO Compounds (ugIL) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 505 EDBIDBCP (ugIL) ND ND NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides 7.7 aldicarb sulfoxide 2.3 aldicarb sulfoxide NO (ugIL) 11. aldicarb sulfone 3.6 aldicarb sulfone Method 531.1 0.5 oxarnyl TePA (ugIL) NO NO NO Method HPLClUV t APPENDIX II Table 13 MACARI VINEY ARO. BERGEN AVENUE. MA rrrrUCK . . Page 18 of 39 . . Well Name/# . S-115429 (OD28) S-115430 (ODI2) S-113120 Sample Date 100699 i00699 100799 Depth to Water 15 15 15 Screen Depth 15-20 15-20 20-30 pH 5.7 6.0 7.4 Conductivity (umbo) 187 149 202 Chloride (mglL) 28 17 26 Sulfate (mglL) 20 25 33 NH, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 . NO, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 0.04 NO, (mgIL) 4.1 1.7 3.7 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 Cd (ug:L) <I <I <I Cu (uglL) <I <I 3.46 Volatile Organic NO ND ND Compounds (ugIL) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO ND NO (ugIL) Method 505 . EDBIDBCP (ugIL) ND ND NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile 0.2 simazine ND NO Pesticides (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides ND NO NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) NO ND NO Method HPLC/UV APPENDIX II Table 14 OSPREYS DOMINION. PECONIC LANE. PECONIC . Page 19 of 39 Well Name/# S. 113120 Vertical Profile Sample Date 100799 100699 100699 100699 100699 100699 Depth to Water IS IS 15 IS IS IS Screen Depth 20-30 40-50 60-70 80-90 100-110 144-154 pH 7.4 6.2 6.2 6.2 6.2 7.7 Conductivity (umho) 202 206 421 448 393 232 Chloride (mgIL) 26 10 30 28 29 24 Sulfate (mgIL) 33 36 99 113 99 20 NH, (mglL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 '<0.02 0.05 NO, (mgIL) 0.04 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) 3.7 7.4 10.7 10.0 9.2 0.3 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 <2 '<2 6.26 Cd (ugIL) <1 <I <I <1 <I <I Cu (ugIL) 3.46 <1 <I <I <I <I Volatile Organic NO NO NO NO NO ND Compounas (uglLl Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO 'NO (ugILl Melhod 505 EDBIDBCP (ugILl NO NO NO NO NO NO Method 504 Semi- V olalile Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO (ugILl Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO NO 3.4 6.6 1.7 O.25a (ugILl aldicarb . a1dicarb a1dicarb aldicarb Method 531.1 sulfoxide sulfoxide sulfoxide sulfoxide 2.8 5. aldicarb 1.2 0.168 aldicarb sulfone a1dicarb a1dicarb sulfone sulfone sulfone TCPA (ugILl NO 3" 4" NO NO NO Method HPLClUV . . B - below MOL . APPENDIX II Table 15 OSPREYS DOMINION. PECONIC LANE. PECONIC Page 20 of 39 Site Maidstone Shinnecock National Islands End Indian Hills Sample Date 120899 120899 120899 010600 020300 Depth to Water 12 33 6 50 62 Screen Depth 50-60 40-50 50-60 60-65 105-U5 pH - - - - 6.0 Conductivity (umbo) - - - - 166 Chloride (mgIL) 25 7 21 91 16 Sulfate (mgIL) 24 7 20 52 21 Nil, (mglL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 N02 (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) 5.5 1.3 3.1 2.7 3.6 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 :<2' <2 Cd (ugIL) <I <I <I <I <1 Cu (uglL) 3.97 4.36 3.26 1.48 <I Hg (ugIL) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 ~0.4 <0.4 I Volatile Organic NO NO NO NO NO Compounds (ugIL) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO (ugIL) - Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ugIL) NO NO NO NO NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides NO NO NO 1.4 metalaxyl 0.14" (ugIL) - Method 525.2 metalaxyl Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO (ugIL) - Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) NO NO NO NO 30 Method HPLCIUV . .. B - below MOL . APPENDIX III Table 16 GOLF COURSE MONITORING SITES Page 21 of 39 . Well # I 2 3 4 Sample Date 080399 082599 080399 080399 Depth to Water 13 10 10 10 Screen Depth 15-20 15-20 15-20 35-40 pH - 6.6 - - Conductivity (umho) - 765 - - Chloride (mgIL) 34 \57 76 300 Sulfate (mgIL) 29 48 22 40 NH, (mgIL) <0.02 6.32 0.06 0.24 NO, (mgIL) <0.02 0.06 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) 4.2 0.5 11. 0.6 As (ugIL) <2 2.02 <2. <2 Cd (ugIL) <I <1 <1 <\ Cu (uglL) <1 1.88 14.5 <I Hg (ugIL) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 Volatile Organic Compounds NO 26 medlylsulfide NO NO (ugIL) 28 dimelhyl- Method 524.21624 disulfide Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ugIL) NO NO NO NO Method 504 Semi- V olalile Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) NO NO NO NO Method HPLCIUV APPENDIX III Table 17 INDIA'" ISLAND GOLF COURSE MONITORING WELLS . . Page 22 of 39 . . Well # IS ID 2 4S 4D Sample Date 072999 072999 072999 072999 113099 Depth to Water 7 7 7 7 7 Screen Depth 5-10 25-30 10-15 10-15 30-35 pH - - - - 5.7 Conductivity (urnho) - - - - 58 Chloride (mgIL) 5 10 34 8 6 Sulfate (mgIL) 14 20 31 11 7 NH) (mgIL) 0.05 0.89 1.55 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO) (mgIL) 2.8 <0.2 <0.2 3.2 1.8 As (ugIL) <2 4.14 8.1 <2 <2 I Cd (ug/L) <1 <I <I <1 <1 <I 1.09 <I '.18 <1 I Cu (ugIL) Hg (Uf;/L) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 Volatile Organic ND 2 methyl ND ND ND Compounds (ugIL) sulfide Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides ND ND ND ND ND (ugIL) Method 505 EDBIDBCP (ugIL) ND ND ND ND ND Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides ND ND ND ND ND (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides ND ND ND ND ND (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) ND ND ND ND ND Method HPLCIUV APPENDIX 1II Table 18 TIMBER POINT GOLF COURSE MONITORING WELLS . Page 23 of 39 . Well # IS 10 3S 40 Sample Date 072299 072299 072299 072299 Depth to Water 10 9 3 0 Screen Depth 10-15 35-40 20-25 0-4 pH - - - - Conductivity (umbo) - - - - Chloride (mgIL) 4 18 23 27 Sulfate (mgIL) 17 22 14 14 NH, (mgIL) <0.02 2.74 O.3i 0.24 N02 (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) \.6 3.3 0.8 \.9 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 <2 Cd (uglL) <I <I <1 <1 Cu (ugIL) <I <I <I <I Hg (ug/L) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 Volatile Organic Compounds NO NO NO 5MTBE (ugILl Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ugILl NO NO . NO NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) NO NO NO NO Method HPLCIUV APPENDIX 1Il Table 19 WEST SA YVILLE GOLF COURSE MONITORlJ'IG WELLS . . Page 24 or 39 - MAIDSTONE CLUB VERTICAL PROFILE WELL Sample Date 092299 Depth to Water 12 feet Screen Depth 10-15 20-25 30-35 40-45 50-55 60-65 70-75 Chloride (mgIL) 18 23 30 27 26 20 17 Sulfate (mgIL) 34 19 20 24 29 25 10 NH) (mgIL) 0.03 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 . NO) (mgIL) 2.8 1.5 2.0 2.3 5.0 5.0 2.5 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2. <2 Cd (ugIL) <I <I <I <I <I <I <I Cu (ugIL) <1 <I <I <I <I <I <I Hg (ugIL) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 Volatile Organic NO NO ND 2 chloro- NO NO NO Compounds form (ug/L) Method I 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO NO (ug/L) Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ug/L) NO NO ND NO ND NO NO Method 504 Serni- Volatile NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Pesticides (ug/L) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO NO (ug/L) Method 531.1 TCPA (ug/L) NO NO NO 78 14 NO NO Method HPLCIUV . . B-- below MOL . Al'PENIHX IV Table 70 Page 25 of 39 . SHINNECOCK HILLS VERTICAL PROFILE WELL Sample Date 091399 Depth to Water 33 feet Screen Depth 40-45 SO-55 60-65 70-75 Chloride (mgIL) 8 12 11 10 Sulfate (mgIL) 6 10 10 9 NH) (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO) (mgIL) 1.5 0.4 1.3 1.3 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 <2 Cd (ugIL) <I <I <I <I Cu (ugIL) <I <I <I <I -- Hg (ugIL) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 , Volatile Organic Compounds ND 2 chlorodilluOlO- NO' NO (ug/L) Method 524,21624 111..:lha11C Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ug/L) NO NO NO NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 53I.I TCPA (ugIL) NO NO NO NO Method HPLClUV APPENDIX IV Table 21 . . Page 26 of 39 . . . APPENDIX IV Table 22 NATIONAL GOLF LINKS VERTICAL PROFILE WELL Sample Date 092399 091499 Depth to Water 6 feet Screen Depth 15-20 25-30 35-40 45-50 55-60 65-70 Chloride (mgIL) 9 10 12 23 19 56 Sulfate (mgIL) 8 8 10 20 18 12 NH) (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NOz (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO) (mgIL) 1.3 1.5 2.4 5.0 5.8 1.4 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 Cd (ugIL) <I <1 <l <1 <1 <1 Cu (ugIL) 19.4 <I <1 <l 1.12 <1 Hg (ugiL) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 V olatil. Organic NO ND ND NO NO. NO Compounds (ugIL) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ugIL) NO NO NO NO NO NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) NO NO NO NO NO NO Method HPLCIUV Page 27 of 39 . ~ ISLANDS END CC VERTICAL PROFIT..E WELL Sample Date 092099 Depth te Water 50 feet Screen Depth 50-55 60-65 70-75 . 80-85 90-95 100-105 Chloride (m!!/L) 20 93 42 27 66 976 Sulfate (mglL) 14 40 34 30 62 59 NH, (rngIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 0.03 I NO, (mglL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) 0.4 2.8 1.5 4.5 7.3 4.8 As (uglL) <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 Cd (ugIL) <I <I <I <I <I. <I I Cu (uglL) <I <I <I <1 <I 2.81 Hg (ugIL) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 I <0.4 <0.4 V.)lalne Organic ND NO I chloro- "2 chloro- 'NO NO I Compounds form ionn i (ugIL) Method 524-.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO ND NO (ugIL) Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ugIL) NO NO NO NO NO NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides NO 0.56 NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 525.2 melalaxyl Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) NO NO NO lOI 15 NO Method HPLC/UV APPENDIX IV Table 23 . . Page 28 of 39 . . . APPENDIX IV Table 24 INDIAN HILLS CC VERTICAL PROFILE WELL Sample Date 100599 092899 Depth to Water 62 feet Screen Depth 80-85 90-95 100-105 1l0-1l5 120-125 130-135 Chloride (mgIL) 14 14 16 15 13 10 Sulfate (mgIL) 9 8 14 8 18 <4 NH, (mgIL) <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 <0.02 N02 (mglL) - - - - <0.02 <0.02 NO, (mgIL) 2.2 2.5 3.1 2.7 , 2.0 1.7 As (ugIL) <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 <2 Cd (ugIL) <I <I <I <I <I <I Cu (u!!!L) <I <1 <I <I <I <I -- - Hg (ugIL) <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 <0.4 Volatile Organic NO NO 0.7 MillE NO NO NO Compounds (ugIL) Method 524.21624 Chlorinated Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO (ugJL) Method 505 EOBIDBCP (ugIL) NO NO NO NO NO NO Method 504 Semi-Volatile Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 525.2 Carbamate Pesticides NO NO NO NO NO NO (ugIL) Method 531.1 TCPA (ugIL) 4' 16 30 NO NO NO Method HPLCIUV B - below MDL Page 29 of 39 . . . AI)PENOIX V Table 25 Nassau Wells With Pesticide Detections (muLl Tvne Oem" Date Wel1# L4.11::ntion As nlr.lzinc hnIlU;II..'il chhlrdanc DIlCI' 1.2DCA dieldrin EDlI mcUlli.lxvl sil1li1"lillc TC'P^ C 269 081399 N-921t Glen Cove - - - - 0.2 - - - - . 23 C 159 110599 N-3704 W Hempstead - 2.6 - - - - - - - 0.9 - C 166 092499 N-12639 Sands Point - - - - - - - - - . 22 M 53 061899 N.9660 Massapequa - - - - - . 0.41 - - - - M 199 062199 N-8309 Muncey Park - - - - - - - - - - 27 M 148 071999 N-10605 Locust Grove 2.45 - - - - - - - - - - M 88 072299 N-927 \ Kings Point 2.85 - - - - - - - - - - C 220 072399 N-80lO Roslyn - - - - - 0.8 - 0.32 . - - M 37 072999 N.8875 Massapequa - - - - - - - - - 0.25 - M 90 081299 N-9896 Kings Point 3.67 - - - - - - - - - - M 28 081999 N-11675 Sea Cliff - - - - - - - - - - 19 M 44 083099 N-1I29 Lakeview - - 5.1 - - . - - - - - M 40 100599 N-9054 Baldwin 10.8 - - - - . - - - - - M 110 111099 N-9115 Glen Cove 3.63 - - - - - - - - - - M 250 111099 N-4639 Glen Cove 2.16 - - - - - - - 0.42 3.0 . M 48 111899 N-10002 Lakeview - - . - - - 0.57 - - - - M 14 120299 N-95lO Uniondalc - - - 0.41 - - - - - - . M 148 120899 N-10606 Locust Grove 2.33 - - - - - - - - - - - . C _ community supply well M = monitoring well Page 30 of 39 . . . APPENDIX VI Table 26 Suffolk Communi tv Public Water SII ,Iv Wells With Pesticide Detections (1Ig!L) Dale Well# Location Community NO.tm>!/Ll alachlor DBCP metolachlor sjrnazine TCPA lchuthiurnn 080499 S-05068 Greenlawn WD #2 Stony Hill Rd Cenlerport 5.2 - 0.05 - . - - 082499 S-717t5 SCW A #6 Knight St - RAW Shoreham 6.9 - - - - 148 - 082499 S-717t5 SCW A #6 Knight St - FILTERED Shoreham 7.0 - - - - NO - 082499 S-22362 SCWA#1 Schuyler Dr- RAW Commack 3.4 - - - 0.73 - I.J 082499 S-22362 SCWA #1 Schuyler Dr- FILTERED Commack 3.3 - - - NO - NO 082499 S-30088 sew ^ 1#1 Nurth Cuuntry Rd MillcrPlm:c , . n..\'! . - . - ..' 082699 S-115103 SCWA #1 Rocky Point Rd Ei.ISI fI.'huiun n.) - - 1.5 - 15 082699 S-15795 SCW A #4-8 Islands End - CLOSED East M<lri.Jn 5.8 - . - - 92 - Page 31 of 39 . . . II 0 on- ommuOItv u IC uter un! IIV e SWlt estlcl e elecllons U Dale Location Communilv NO,lml!iU As aldicarb 1,2DCP metalaxvl nnundun TePA 060999 Peconic Dunes well I Soulhold 11.1 . 1.32 - - - - 060999 Peconic Dunes well 2 Soulhold 14.2 . 20.3 - . - - 081199 McCabes Beach Soulhold ND 2.77 . - - - - 083099 Camp Edey Bayport 4.1 - . . . 163 100699 Camp Edey . RETEST Bayport 1~3 092099 Station Bistro WalerMiII 5.6 - - 0.1 . - . 100699 Easlport Commons Easlport . . . - - 67 111699 ~acan Vineyards MaUilUck ~.4 - 11.2 - . - - 111699 Lenz Winery Pcconic I J.~ . 4.8 - . - - 111699 Vande Wetering Greenhouses Jamesport 9.H - 3.3 - - - - 112299 Paumanok Vineyards Aquebogue 6.1 . 4.5 . - - - 112299 Pellegrini Vineyards Cutchogue 2.4 - . - 0.32 - - 112299 North Fork CC Culchogue 5.2 - 1.36 - - - - 120699 Bidwell Vineyards Cutchoguc 6.K - 11.6 - . - - 122099 Braun Oyster Culchogue 6.1 - 4.1 . . - - 122199 Hargrave Vineyards Culchogue 9.3 . 0.5 . . - - 122199 Dalys Old Mill Inn Mauiluck 12.4 - 0.52 . - - - 122999 North Shore Mall Miller Place K.I - 0.5.3 . 0.26 - - 012400 Mauituck Lanes MaUituck 4.5 - - . . 0.55 - 021400 Pizza Place Blid-ehamOlon 5.5 . - . 0.49 . - S ff Ik N C APPENDIX VI Table 27 P bl" W S I W II . h P . 'd D ( gIL) Page 32 of 39 . . . AI'PENDlX VI Table 2M Suffolk Monitorin , Wdls With Pesticide Detections (U1uL) Well# Location NO, alaehl aldi- atra- cynna- imidi\~ mela- mclola. met-chloe met-chloe sima- other Sample moiL ESA each zine zinc doorid laxvl ehlor OA ESA zine Dale S-71569 Peeonie Bay Bd, Iamesport 12,6 no 7.6 - - - 1.8 0.3 na na - - 083199 S-51566 Reeve Ave, Riverhead 5.6 no 3.0 0.84 3.3 - - 0.7 no no - 0.5 oxamyl 083199 S-1I2329 Hayground Rd, Water Mill 2.4 na - - - - - 83. na n. - - 090899 S-112329 Hayground Rd, Water Mill na - 2.6 0.77 0.39 - U.24 IlCUlIlClulI OI06lKl S-1I2499 Rensselear Dr, Cammack 12.3 na - - - - - - na no 5.4 2.4 lebuthiurn 091499 5-63825 Route 27 A, Great River 1.3 na - - - - - - no na 2.5 0.9 tehulhium 091599 B-1 Hubbard Ave, Aquebogue 18.3 - - - - - - - 2.88 7.14 - . 0310()() B-2 Peconic Bay Bd. Jamesport 18.4 - - - - Il.HI 2.5 1l.35 40,4 39.7 - 0.27 clulusulrl 0311l1l0 B-3 Terry La. Orient 20,4 3.23 - - - - - 0.66 2.72 - . 1l31000 B-4 Daniels La, Sagaponack 6.6 - - - - - 0.85 - 3.93 7.37 - - 031100 B-5 Pauls la, Water Mill 8.1 - - - - - - - 11.5 25.7 - - 031100 na = not analyzed allhe lime (analysis iniliated 020100) 1 = endosulfan sulfate Page 33 of 39 APJ'ENDlX \11 - TABLE 29 - PC"licillc Chcmicals Oclecled Apr 1999 ~ Pcb 2000 (Chemicals in shaded area.... usc on Lonl! Island h:.is becn disconlinucd since the dale indicaled ) # DETECfS It>MCL Highest CHEMICAL MOL MCL Cone. ",Il. ~!ifI. N;Jssau Suffolk TOlal Nassau Su(folk TOl.:al "2IL alachlor 199'-) 0.2 2 0 " 8 0 I I 7.8 a1achlor OA I 1999 0..1 50' . 2 2 0 0 0 3.33 alachlor ESA I 1999 0.2 50' . 9 9 0 0 0 11.8 aldicurb sulfolide+sulfone 1980 0.5 7 0 119 119 0 ,26 ,', 26 28. , arsenic 2 50 7 5 12 0 0 0 10.8 atr.azine 0.1 3 I 5 6 0 0 0 2.6 bromnc:iI 0.5 50 I 0 I 0 0 0 5.1 ";""';um",..",>, " 1992 I 5 25 , ,,,""'-', 1,',",",.1;' I "{")'" "."5,34," 25 ' ' w """" , 0 2 ' 0' 'f I'';""O''~, ~\'o,y". '2;"4.3 ."., curbofumn 1983 0.5 40 2 'f'-':' _ , " I983 , /,'" " ".. 0', chlordane I 2 I I 2 O. o ",ii' 0.68 cyanazine 0.2 I 0 I I 0 I I 3.3 deisopropylalrazinel 0.2 4 . J 3 - 0 0 0.69 1,2 dibromo 3-chloropropnne 1979 I '. 0 ., , 0.02 0.2 I 1 2 I , 0.2 dichlobenil 0.2 50' 0 I I 0 0 0 0.26 1.2 dichloroethane 0.5 5 I I 2 0 '0.' '0 . 1.0 " 1.2 dichloropropone ' '1987 0.5 5 0 19 19 0 I I ' " '.S.O dieldrin 1983 0.:: 5 2 1 3 0 0 0 1.07 disulfo(on sulfone 0.1 50 0 6 6 0 0 0 I.S ethylene dibrcmide (EDB) 19113 0.02 0.05 I 3 4 I 2 3 0.32 endosulfan sulfate 0.2 50 0 4 4 0 0 0 OJI imidncloprid' 0.2 50' . I I 0 0 0 0.81 mewllXyl 0.2 50 1 39 40 0 0 0 2.6 methomyl 0.5 50 0 2 2 0 0 0 0.94 metolachlor 0.2 50 0 18 18 0 I I 83. metolachlor OA1 0.3 50' . 21 21 0 0 0 40.4 metolachlor ESAI 0.3 50' . 24 24 0 0 0 39.7 metribuzin 0.2 50 0 3 3 0 0 0 0.41 .,," !).j:' , 1'."5' .>, , 0 ;:, ,.?,j~ot.rf" ,0",., ,)",,11 uxamyl ", '. '" 1983, 0.5 . 50 0 5 prometon 0.5 50 0 2 2 0 0 0 0.55 simazine 0.2 4 3 8 11 0 1 I 5.4 lebuthiuron 0.5 50 0 3 3 0 0 0 2.4 terbacil 0.5 50 0 I I 0 0 0 0.6 .," ~.-" "')'"..;' ;,: . . . , "'50 '. '57/'\ '!):O'i;~ f::~19~~~: ;;~~:"'<":~"l'.\'~ "lmr';;';':~~1.:,I};: tetrachloroterephthalic lICid 1988 " Joe 4 53 ,n' .\:.'-,....,,"'.,"'1 ;;f'i-.t,~,19 M~,~ .\l!:3~3.i!,;. 1.2.r;;i~"i~;';;';:;~;';;;"'X', "" " ':5 , ~""'''''' ~~O ',m ;;~~:6;;-~:~~ :X1,~~"o' ,~~~:~~ ~1r3:~~~ 0.5' 0 12 "12"''', '. " - ,~''l':!" . . . l "" only 70 lolal analyses conducled. none performed on samples from Nassau County wells . = presumed SO ullL Unspecified Organic Compound MCL Page 34 or 39 APPENDIX VIlI - ANALYTICAL METHODS, ANAL YTES & MDLs . Herbicide Breakdown Product Analysis (ugIL) SCDHS - LC/MS Analyte MOL ul!!L Oidealkylalrazine (G-28273) 0.8 Oeisoprpylatrazine (28279) 0.2 Deethylalrazine (G-30033) 0.4 lmidacloprid 0.2 Alachlor OA (oxanilic acid) 0.4 Alachlor ESA (sulfonic acid) 0.2 CGA-37735 (metolachlor breakdown prod.) 0.2 Metolachlor OA (CGA-5 I 202) 0.3 Metolachlor ESA (CGA-354743) 0.3 CGA-41638 (metolachlor breakdown prod.) 0.3 CGA-40 172 (metolachlor breakdown prod.) 0.3 CGA-67125 (melolachlor breakdown prod.) 0.3 G-34048 (2-hydroxyalrazine) 0.3 Chlorinated Posticide Analysis EPA Method 505 . Analyte 4,4-00E 4,4-000 4,4-00T Alachlor Aldrin alpha-BHC beta-BHC Chlordane Daclhal delta-BHC Dieldrin Endosulfan I Endosulfan n Endosulfan sulfale Endrin Endrin aldehyde gamma-BHC (Lindane) Heptachlor Heptachlor epoxide Methoxychlor MOLullll. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 I. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 Microextractable Analysis EPA Method 504 Analvte 1,2-dibromoethane 1,2-dibromo-3-dichloropropane MOL ul!!L 0.02 0.02 . Semi-Volatile Organic Analysis EPA Method 525.2 (ug/L) AnalYIC Hcxachlorocyclopentadiene Hexachlorobenzene Simazine Alrazine Metribuzin Alachlor Propachlor Diazinon Mctalaxyl Tebulhiuron Acetochlor Malathion Isofenphos Trifluralin Pentachloronilrobenzene Vinelozolin Pcndimethalin Iprodione EPTC Oinoseb Cyanazine Napropamide Blcc Rcsmcthrin Mctolachlor Daclhal Butachlor Bis(2-ethylhexyl)adipate B is(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate Bcnzo-a-pyrene BromacH Promelon Pentachlorobenzene Disulfolon Ethofumesate Chlorpyriphos Cyfluthrin Benfluralin Chlorothalonil Triadimefon lodofenphos Permelhrin Terbufos Terbacil Oisulfoton sulfone Kclth.ne MClhoprene Sumithrin Oichlobenil P.ge 35 of 39 MOL ul!!L I. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 2. 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 I. 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 Dacthal Breakdown Product Analysis METAL ANALYSES . SCDHS HPLCILC-GCl\IS Method SM#183111 Analvte MDL ug/L Analvte MDL ug/L Monomethyltetrachloroterephthalate 10 iron 0.1 mgIL Tetrachlorotcrcphthalic acid (TCPA) 10 sodium I mgIL Carbamate Pesticide Analysis' EPA Method 531.1 Analvle MDL ug/L Volatile Organic Analysis I-Naphthol 0.5 EPA Method 524.21624 3-Hydroxycarbofuran 0.5 Analvte MDL ug/L Aldicarb sulfone 0.5 1,2-Dichlorobenzene( 0) 0.5 Aldicarb sulfoxide 0.5 1,2,4- Trimethylbenzene 0.5 Aldicarb 0.5 1,1,1,2- Tetrachloroethane 0.5 Carbaryl 0.5 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 0.5 Carbofuran 0.5 1,2-Dichloropropane 0.5 Methiocarb 0.5 1,3,5- Trimethylbenzene 0.5 Methomyl _;1il' 0.5 1,1,2- Trichloroethane 0.5 Oxamyl 0.5 I,I-Dichloroethane 0.5 Propoxur 0.5 I,I,I-Trichloroethane 0.5 1,2-Dichloroethane .0.5 Standard Inorganic Analyses 1,2.4,5-tetramethylbenzene 0.5 pH l,l-Dichloroethene 0.5 conductivity urnho 1,1.2,2- Tetrachloroethatle 0.5 chloride I mgIL 1,2,4- Trichlorobenzene 0.5 sulfate I .. 1,2.3- Trichlorobenzene 0.5 anunonia 0.02 .. 1,3 dichloropropane 0.5 . nitrite 0.02 .. I,I.-Dichloropropcne 0.5 nitrate + nitrile 0.2 .. 1,4-Dichlorobutane 0.5 I,I-Dichloroethene 0.5 METAL ANALYSES 1,I,2,2-Tetrachloroethano 0.5 EPA Method 200.8 I-Bromo-2-chloropropane 0.5 Analvte MDL ug/L I-Methylethylbenzene 0.5 .Aluminum 5 2.3-Dichloropropene 0.5 Antimony I 2,2- Dichloropropane 0.5 Arsenic 2 2-Bromo-l-chloropropane 0.5 Barium 5 2-Butanone(MEK) 20. Beryllium I 2-Chlorotoluene 0.5 Cadmium I 3-Chlorotoluene 0.5 Chromium I 4-Chlorotoluene 0.5 Cobalt I Benzene 0.5 Copper I Bromobenzene 0.5 Lead I Bromochloromethane 0.5 Manganese I Bromodichloromethane 0.5 Mercury 0.4 Bromoform 0.5 Molybdenum 1 Bromomethane 0.5 Nickel 1 Carbon tetrachloride 0.5 Selenium 2 Chlorodifluoromethane 0.5 Silver 5 Chloroethane 0.5 Thallium 1 Chloroform 0.5 Thorium 1 Chloromethane 0.5 Titanium 1 Chlorobenzene 0.5 Vanadium 1 cis-l,2-Dichloroethene 0.5 . Zinc' 50 cis-l,3-Dichloropropene 0.5 Page 36 of 39 . .., . . APPENDIX VIlI . ANALYTICAL METHODS, ANAL YTES & MDLs Volatile Orllanic Analysis (conI.) EP A Melhod 524.2/(,24 Analvte MDL ul!lL Dibromomethane 0.5 Dichlorodinuoromelhane 0.5 Dimethyldisulfide 0.5 Ethenylbenzene (Styrene) 0.5 Ethylbenzene 0.5 Freon 113 0.5 Hexaehlorobutadiene 0.5 Isopropylloluene(p-cymene) 0.5 m.p-Dichlorobenzene 0.5 m-Xylene 0.5 Methy-Iert-butyl-ether 0.5 Methyl sulfide 0.5 Methylene chloride 0.5 n-Bulylbenzene 0.5 n-Propylbenzene 0.5 Naphthalene 0.5 o-Xylene 0.5 p-Diethylbenzene 0.5 p-Xylene 0.5 sec-Bulylbenzene 0.5 T.Chlorotoluene 0.5 T.Xylene 0.5 tert-Bulylbenzenc 0.5 Tetrachloroethene 0.5 Telrahydrofuran 20. Toluene 0.5 Irans-I,3-Dichloropropene 0.5 trans-I.2-Dichloroelhene 0.5 Trichloroethene 0.5 Trichloronuoromethane 0.5 Vinyl chloride 0.5 031500 Page 37 of 39 . Appendix IX Nitrogen Monitoring Results Background As part of the pesticide monitoring program. groundwater samples were also collected for inorganic chemical analysis, which is standard SCDHS procedure. Of particular interest were the nitrogen concentrations, which often give clues as to the origin of the groundwater sampled (i.e., the land uses at the points of recharge). Prior studies, including the previous pesticide monitoring program, had indicated that agricultural activities often produced nitrate nitrogen concentrations that exceed the 10 mgIL drinking water standard. Previous results on golf courses had been mixed, and little was known about nitrogen concentrations relative to vineyards. Vineyard Results This year's monitoring data indicated a significant difference in average nitrate concentrations among the vineyards. Nitrate concentrations ranged from 1.3 to 17.7 mgIL in the 15 individual monitoring wells, with an average concentration of 6. 7 mgIL and a median concentration of3.7 mgIL (see Tables 9 to 14 in Appendix 11). The data showed that ammonia and nitrite did not contribute significantly to total nitrogen concentrations. The three vineyards with the' lowest nitrate concentrations averaged from 2.0 to 3.2 mgIL, while the two vineyards with the highest nitrate concentrations averaged 12.5 and 14.0 mgIL (see Table 2, page 4). . There is some evidence that the cause of elevated nitrate concentrations at the two vineyards with the highest concentrations may be relatcdto chelllical applications to prior (pre-wine grape) crops planted on the land. The average depth to watcr was greatest at the two vineyards with highest nitrate concentrations (average 51 feet versus an average of27 feet at lower nitrate wells), which may indicate longer travel times in the unsaturated zone. Nitrogen applied to prior crops may not yet have fully leached through the soil column to the water table. In addition, the .detection of a trace amount of aldicarb sulfone, a degradate of the potato pesticide aldicarb (Temik), in one monitoring wen with high nitrate at Macari Vineyard is a clear indication that chemicals applied to prior crops still exist in the soils. A second relationship between nitrate and vineyards may be evident in that the sites with higher average nitrate concentrations also had the youngest vines. The elevated nitrate concentrations may be due to the possibility of more recent chemical applications to prior non-grape crops, or they may have originated from fertilizers applied to help establish the vines. The reasons for the wide range of nitrate concentrations among the sites needs to be further investigated. . Other factors that may influence the pesticide and nitrate concentrations found in groundwater at vineyards include: pesticide and fertilizer application practices, e.g., the amount of active ingredient, rates, timing and type (i.e., leaching potential) of chemicals applied; the methods of application (e.g., recycling sprayer, soil or foliar applications); the types and amounts of cover crop planted; and, soil types and differing irrigation practices. . An existing SCDHS monitoring well (S-53333), located upgradient oflhe vineyard with the highest average nitrate concentrations, contained a nitrate concentration of 1.5 mgIL, and no pesticides were detected in this well. The lack of significant nitrate and pesticide contamination in the upgradient Page 38 of 39 . . . well indicates that the impacts detected in the vineyard monitoring wells originated on-site. Two irrigation wells (of unknown depth) sampled at the site (Macari Vineyard) show elevated nitrate impacts and two insecticides presumably applied to potato crops previously grown on the land: aldicarb (trade name Temik), and oxamyl (trade name Vydate). The data indicate chemicals applied to prior (pre-wine grape) crops are still present inlhe aquifer beneath the vineyard. Golf Course Results The average nitrate concentration found in the five new wells instilled this year was 3.2 mg/L (see Table 16, Appendix III). Total nitrogen values were not significantly different from the nitrate concentrations reported, since free anunonia and nitrite were not detected in the samples. Average nitrate concentrations for the second round of monitoring at the 13 wells located at three county-owned golf courses ranged from 1.6 mg/L to 4.1 mg/L (see Table 4, page 6), with an o'vera1l . average of2.5 mg/L, while in 1998 the overall average nitrate concentration was.5.9"mg/L for these same wells. Free anunonia concentrations contributed to total nitrogen concentrations at the county owned courses, probably due to the shallow depth to the water table (see Tables 17 to 19 in Appendix III). The overall nitrate concentration detected this year in all 18 golf course monitoring wells averaged 2.7 mg/I., with a median concentration of 2.3 mg/L, which are slightly less than those reported for the prior year's monitoring, when the average nitrate was 4.3 mgIL, and the median was 2.6 mglL. ~ High Pestidde Use Areas Results Each of the 707 wells of all types ~ampled in Suffolk County were tested for nitrate as well as pesticide parameters. A total of78 (11.0%) of these wells exceeded lhe nitrate MCL of 10 mgIL this year, compared to 10.8% (166 of 1,539 wells) that exceeded the standard as documented in the June 1999 report. Table 30 summadzes the number of private wells found to exceed the nitrate MCL. Of the 604 private wells tested in Suffolk County, 68 wells (11.3%) exceeded the nitrate standard, while the June 1999 study found that 74 (12.7%) of the 583 private wells sampled contained more than 10 mgIL nitrate. Table 30 Nitrate in Private Wells in Suffolk Coun Study Period # Wells Tested # Wells> 10 ml?!L % Wells> 10 m2IL Oct 1997-0ec 1998 583 74 12.7 Feb 1999-Feb 2000 604 68 11.3 Totals 1,187 142 12.0 Page 39 of 39