HomeMy WebLinkAbout1000-54.-5-22 WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS GEORGE RITCHIE LATHAM, JR. RICHARD G. WARD . . PLANmNG BOARD MEMBd BE"'NNE'M' ORLOWSIO. JR. Chllinnan Town Hall, 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 Fax (516) 7'35-3136 Telephone (1)16) 765.193~ Date Received Date Completed Rllng Fee P~GBOAR~OFFmE TOWN OF SOU1 HOLD _New _cnange of Use Re.use "1Otxtension _Revision of Appr'Jved Site Plan APPlICATION RJR CONSlOERAllON OF A SITE ." r-l.::!O _..~f .. .~1i~1' . r.:.Jf.I.~~\~i.!~ ~ J~ 'n 'S''- ~ ~j J.~ AUG 12 2002 ~ Southold Town Name of Business or Site: CLIFF I PHIL'S LOBSTER HOUSE, INC. PJaoni!,~ ~ . . '. SCTM# 1000- 05400.0500-022000 location: KENNEY'S ROAD, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. Address: KENNEY'S ROAD, SOUTHOLD, N.Y. Name of Applicant: KATHERINE RUTKOWSKI AdClressOfApPllcant: PO BOX 299; MATTI TUCK, N.Y. 11952 Telepnone: 631-298-4044 Owner of laM: CLIFF I PHIL'S LOBSTER HOUSE, INC. Agent or Person responsible fOr application: ANTHONY RUTKOWSKI Address: PO BOX 299, MATTITUCK, N.Y. 11952 631-298-4044 ROBERT WHELAN NYSPE #61456 PO BOX 590, MAnITUCK, N.Y. 11952 631-722-5875 Telepnone: Site plans prepared by: Ucense No. AdClress: Telepnone: . . ,Page 2 '?tanning Board Site Plan ,lppllcatlon APPl.JCAN1'S AFAlAVIT STATE OF NEW WRK COUNlY OF SUFfOLIC KATHERINE RUTKOWSKI being duly sworn, de~oses and says that he resides at 6125 PECONIC BAY BLVD, MATTI TUCK, N.Y. 11952 In the State of New forI<. and that he Is the owner of the allOVe property, or that he Is the (Title) of the CLIFF I PHIL'S LOBSTER HOUSE, INC. ISpeclf I whether Partnership or CorpJ VICE PRESIDENT which Is hereby making application; that there are no exJstlllg structures or improvements on the land which are not shown on the SIte Plan; that the title to the Entire parcel, Including all rights-of-way, has been dearly establlsl1ed and Is shown on said Plan; that no Jart of the Plan InfI1nges upon any duly filed plan which has not tJeen abandoned both as to lots and as D roads; that he has examined all rules and regulations adopted by the Planning Board for the filing of ilte Plans and will comply with same; that the plans submitted. as ;IPproved, will not be altered or change:lln any manner without the approval of the Planning Board; and that the actual physical Improvements will be Installed In strict accordance with the plans submitted, Signed (Owner) Signed ~~~ {2~sG...::. Vp (Partner or Co,porate Officer and Title) J Sworn to me this It, dayof '-/lthU~ .::l00L ~~ Je ~ i!oh:1j~k (Notarv Publlcl Nol.~~~~"" au.alifledin~..,~ Term Expires June~: aJ-_ ,- . Site Plan Applications Publio Hearings . Under the ourrent site plan applioation Flrooedure, the process for reviewing a site plan applioation is: a publio hearing is not soheduled and held by the, Planning Board until after, among other things, the site plan has reoeived a stamped Health Department approval. The applioant shall now have the followi1lg options: 1. To follow the established prooedu"e, or 2. To have the Planning Board sohedule and hold a publio hearing on thfl site plan application and have the Planning Board vote on the pmposed conditional site plan prior to the applicant receiving Health Depa~ent approval SUbjE ct to the following conditions: A. The applicant hereby agree:; and understands that if the site plan which receives stampecl+lealth Department approval differs in any way from the r: roposed conditional site plan on whloh the Planning Board held a public hearing and voted on, then the Planning 30ard has the right and option, if the change is material to an:1 of the issues proper1y before the Planning Board, to hold :l public hearing on this "revised" site plan applioation and re\ iew its oonditional approval. B. The applicant agrees not to :Jbject to a new public hearing and Planning Board review C1fthe revised application. Applicant Agreement on Site Plans_ The applicant is aware of the terms of th s approval and certifies to these terms by hislher signature below. Re: CLIFF I PHIL'S LOBSTER HOUSE, INC. SCTM#:1000_0540~5~22000 _~~ R.'-'-k~s G...:.. ) \j f Applican1t I<AfttE/l/~E p.1YT/C.DI.JJ~, '0($0/0 r Date I , . . Page 3 Planning Board Site Plan Application 21,932 sq. ft <otal Land Area of Site (acres or square feet) R -40 Zoning District Existing Use of Site Pre-existing-non-conforming restaurant use Proposed Uses on Site. Show all uses proposed and existing. Indicate which building will have which use. If more than one use is proposed per building, Indicate square footage of fioor area that will be reserved per use. F.xpand existing restaurant from? I ('HI) sq ft to 4 r J14 sq ft' 2,785 sq. ft Gross Floor Area of Existing Structurelsl 4 116. o~ F. Gross Floor Area of Proposed Structure(s) , 19,67 0 Percent of Lot Coverage by Buildinglsl Percent of Lot for Parking (where applicabie) 2.2% Percent of Lot for Landscaping (where applicable) Has applicant been granted a variance and/or special exception by pending Board of Appeals - Case # & date N/ A Board of Trustees. Case # & date No NY State Department of Environmental Conservation - Case # & date No Suffolk County Department Health Services - Case # & date Case Number Name of Applicant Date of Decision Expiration Date other No Will any toxic or hazardous materials, as defined by the Suffolk County Board of Health, be stored or handled at the site? If so, have proper permits been obtained? Name of issuing agency Number and date of permit Issued. N/A N/A N/A NO ACT/ON (EXCAVATION OR CONSTRUCT/ONl MAY BE UNDERTAKEN UNnL APPROVAL OF SITE PLAN BY PLANNING BOARD. VIOLA TORS ARE SUBJECT TO PROSECUTION. q . . fl.l'PLICl\NT 'J'!!1\N~-;l\f"['lOH1\I. Ilf~;C',q~(JHE F(lnti The Town of Southold's Code of Ethics pcohlbit.s conflicts of Interest on tile part of COWl} officers and employees. Tile purpose of this form is to provide information Wlllel) ca~ alert the town of possible conflict.s of interest and allow ~t~~ake w!.!i!.tev~.Q.~Lion--.L~g~l}~~l.~\.:.u avoid saMe. YOUR N1\KR: lL.\I'\'HEC2.i1"-'=- ~-rIC.~uJ3V--~. _ (Last 118me, first Ilalne, nlldclle Illltial. unless YOIl atOp "pplylng In the ll<lnle of someone elRf:> Ot- other enlit}', such CI.~; "CUltlpollY. If 80, Illdlc;;\\;e the otl1er person's or conlpany's llame.) NfI.'l'URE OF 1\l'rr.lCfl.TlON: (Check illl Chal apply :r'ax grievance Vttriance -V'-' Change of zone ^pproval of plat _____ Exemption from plat or official map Other (If flOtl1er,fl name tile activity.) no you persona11y (or \:.10:-01lgh your company~ Spouse, slhllng, parent, or chl1d) )tnve a relationntllp witll any orficer O~ employee of the Town of Southold7 "Relationship" includeR by blood, marriage, or bustlleas inteceot. "fluBinesB interest" meana ~ b\lnllleRR. Incllldtrlg a partnerolllp, 111 'Which t.he town officer or emp~oyee hae even a partial ownerShip of (or employment by) a corporatIon in 'Wlliclt the town officer or employee owno more tllan 5% of tile Hhareo. YES -V NO If YOIl answered "YES," complete the balance of thlH form and date and sign vllere indicated. Name of person employed by the TOWtl of SO\ltllold Tit.le or position of t.hat person _--5.~_C.TAI}.1 Describe tile relationsllip betweell yourself (tile applicallt) alld the town officer o~ employee. Either check the appropriate line A) through D) and/or d~8crlbe in ~lle Apace pl:'ovlded. RU-rl-l-A r< ""'- Woo cl \r.v--\ , The town officer or e,nployee or Ills or Iler spouse, sibling, parent I _1\) c) or child is (cl1eck all tllat apply)t the owner of greater tl1an 5% of the shares df tile corporate stock of t11e arrltc~nt (wllell the applicant is a corpo~attorl); tile legal or belleficial OWlle~ of any inte~egt ill a noncorpo~ate putl ty ('....l1en Lhe applicant in not 21 corporation); an officer, dit-eclor, partneI:, at employee of tile applicant: or tlle actual appticallt. _B) D) DESCRIPTION Of RELI\TIONSIIIP S\ST~17 ';\II)lllltl~p,] 1__111'; 8"" d'l} O[_Y._lqq Slgnel"re_~~U' rj;~f~ Prlnl~ f1illllr>~H n.-,~~ \J-~OW~tc.1 ',~ " 14~16! (9/95) . . 617.20 Appendix A State Environmental Quality Heview FULL ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT FORM SEQR Purpose: The full EAf is designed to help applicants and agencies determine, in an orderly manner, whether a project or action may be significant. The question of whether an action may be significant is not always easy to answer. Frequent- ly, there are aspects of a project that are subjective or unmeasureable. It is also understood that those who determine significance may have little or no formal knowledge of the environment or may not be technically expert in environmental analysis. In addition, many who have knowledge in one particular area may not be aware of the broader concerns affecting the question of significance The full EAF is intended to provide a method whereby applicants and agencies can be assured that the determination process has been orderly, comprehensive in nature, yet flexible enough to allow introduction of information to fit a project or action full EAF Components: The full EAF is comprised of three parts: Part 1: Provides objective data and information about a given project and its site. By identifying basic project data, it assists a reviewer in the analysis that takes place in Parts 2 and 3. Part 2: Focuses on identifying the range of possible impacts that may occur from a project or action. It provides guidance as to whether an impact is likely to be considered small to moderate or whether it is a potentially- large impact. The form also Identifies whether an impact can be mitigated or reduced. Part 3: If any Impact in Part 211 identified as potentially-large, then Part 3 is used to evaluate whether or not the impact is actually important. DETERMINATION OF SIGNIFICANCE- Type 1 and Unlisted Actions Identify the Portions of EAF completed for this project: rzf Part 1 0 Part 2 OPart 3 Upon review of the information recorded on this EAF (Parts 1 and 2 and 3 if appropriate), and any other supporting Information, and considering both the magnitude and importance of each impact, it is reasonably determined by the lead agency that: ~, The project will not result in any large and important impact(s) and, therefore, is one which will not have a significant Impact on the environment, therefore a negative declaration will be prepared, o B. Although the project could have a significant effect on the environment, there will not be a significant effect for this Unlisted Action because the mitigation measures described in PART 3 have been required, therefore a CONDITIONED negative declaration will be prepared.. o C. The project may result in one or more large arid important impacts that may have a significant impact on the environment, therefore a poslllve declaration wlll be prepared. . A Conditioned Negative Declaration is only valid for Unlisted Actions E\t'f"'F510V c1+ blbow ~,CP;.T Name of Action C I ;.(+,! ~'.. I ~ Lo \:'$,,,(/ tJw,^SC ~c Name of Lead Agency k:'A-THea..;N'<:: ~'-'l<CO W'\.v- ; Print or Type Name of Responsible Officer in Lead Agency --1L~k....' v-t< 72~~~ Signature of ResponSible Officer in Lead Agency \.) .. j\2<5 , Title of ResponSible Officer \Jf Signature of Preparer(lf different from responsible officer) '/(1 ~/t?d- Date , ~;' . PART 1-PROJECT INFOR!T10N PrerMed by Project Spnrl,nr NOTICE ltHS document is designed to ;lssist in detcrrlllf11ng whether llli" ,Lt" i !'.iI"J~r '-., ';1 ~1};r1111' ,"1(-,( off on the envir01menl. Please complete the entire form, Parts A through E. Answers to the,e que,llol\\ will be conSlde as part of the application for approval and may be subject to further verification and public review. Provide any additio information you believe will be needed to complete Parts 2 and 3. It is expected that completion of the full EAF will be dependent on information currently available and will not invo new studies, research or investigation. If information requiring such additional work is unavailable, so indicate and spe< each instance. NAME OF ACTION He lZ (LI 1'1 - AOORE~ \ ~ 0' t"\ () ((.,(..\ C1TY~&;'.s..<T {..\ 0 L-\ NAME OF OWNER ~r dlfferenf) s '-"- ~rOL.K:: BUSINESS TELEPHONE I (PJ) IbS- 1:203 SeC-. \v-e.. ADDRESS C1TYIPO ZIP CODE DESCRIPTION OF ACTION G.?A-N":>f DI" OF E)<\~(I N'J ~""~TAv-...R..."",J\ Pluse Complete Each Question-Indicate N.A. If not applicable A. Site Description Physical selling of overall project. both developed ind u!).lleveloped areas. 1. Present land use: DOrban Dlndustrial !:9tOmmercial OResidential (suburban) DForest DAgriculture DOther 2. Total acreage of project area: . 5""03 acres. APPROXIMATE ACREAGE Meadow or Brushland (Non-agricultural) Forested Agricultural (Includes orchards, cropland, pasture, etc.) Wetland (Freshwater or tidal as per Articles 24, 25 of Eel) Water Surface Area Unvegetated (Rock, earth or fill) Roads, buildings and other paved surfaces Other (Indicate type) 3. What is predominant soil type(s) on' project sitel a. Soli drainage: Well drained I 0 6 % of site DPoody drained % of site b. If any agricultural land Is involved, how many acres of soil are classified within soil group 1 through 4 of the land Classification Systeml acres. (See 1 NYCRR 370). 4 Are there bedrock outcroppings on project sitel DYes ~ a. What is depth to bedrock 1 (in feet) ORural (non-f; PRESENTlY AFTER COMPlETlO acres acrt acres acrl acres acrl acres ac" acres acr acres acr 5"03 ;~03 acr acres acres acr DModerately well drained % of site 2 , . . 5 Approximate percentage of proposed r.JroJ('(t site with slopes . . 00-10% .----L_~_~__ _ % 01')% nr f,ledle( Ul0-l'% % % b Is pruJI'ct SUL\ldlllldll\ (Olllq;:ll)'..IJ to" Registers of Historic Places? DYes '.'1 C(ill" III .i lJlllld,nr gNo . ':dk, or district, ilsli..'d 01' U'II' Still" Of the t~(1l[Uf1c11 7. Is project substantially contiguous to a sile listed on the Register of National Natural Landmarks? 8 What IS the depth of the water lablel ---'1-_ (in feet) DYes I>lfio 9. Is site located over a primary, principal, or sole source aquifer? DYes Do hunting, fishing or shell fishing opportunities presently exist in the project areal or animal life that is identified as ~ 10. DYes ~ 11, Does project site . cOJlK8in any species of plant DYes ['jj1Cio According to Identify e3fh species 12. Are there any unique or unusual land forms on the project site? (i.e, cliffs, dunes, other geological formations) DYes ~ Describe threatened or endangeredl 13. Is the project site presently used by the community or neighborhood as an open space or recreation area? DYes i3'No If yes. explain 14. Does the present si!yinclude scenic views known to be importanlto thecommunityl DYes 000 15. Streams within or contiguous to project area: NON E a. Name of Stream and name of River to which it is tributary 16. Lakes. ponds. wetland areas within or contiguous to project area: a. Name b. Size (In acres) ~ 18. Is the site served by existing public utilities? ~ DNo a) If Yes, does sufficient capacity exist to allow connection? ~ b) If Yes, will improvements be necessary to allow connection? DYes Is the site located in an agricultural 9lstrict certified pursuant to Agriculture and Markets Law. Article 25-AA, Section 303 and 304? DYes ~o Is the site located in or substantially contiguous to a Critical Environmental Area designated pursuant to Article 8 of the ECL, and 6 NYCRR 6171 DYes Qfu,' Has the site ever been used for the disposal of solid or hazardous wastesl DNo ~ 17. 19. 20. DYes ~ B. Project Description 1. Physical dimensions and scale of project (fill In dimensions as appropriate) a. Total contiguous acreage owned or controlled by project sponsor ,50.3 acres. b. Project acreage to be developed: ,503 acres Initially; . :>0'3 acres ultimately. c. Project acreage to remain undeveloped -- acres. d. Length of project, in miles: r- (If appropriate) e. If the project is an expansion. indicate percent of expansion proposed .;1)[ %; f. Number of off-street parking spaces existing ~ 3 ; proposed q 3 g. Maximum vehicular trips generated per hour 'I , (upon. completion of project)? h. If residential: Number and type of housing units; One Family Two Family Multiple Family Condominium Initially Ultimately i. Dimensions (in feet) of largest proposed structure .?cr:, ., height; (d 8.3 i. Linear feet of frontage along a public thoroughfare project will occupy Is? COf.2.N<:.oIt. I.-.D'I. 3 . c::=-. ~ ) . . width; I.,./~ length. <:>' <:>" 13-1"- / It. , ! How r"u(h ndtural mate"al_, racc, carte, ete) wrll L,,' removed Irom. \rtc/ __~~_~~__ tOilS/CUbiC y,lfd" 1, \^/dl dis(\Jrhf'd ;1reas b(> reclaimed7 0Ycs IJN" [IN(A a Ii 1'('5, for what Ifllendcd PUII)(j ,I' I, tlll' ';1((' 1-. ;"'i' I'. b. Will topsoil be stockpiled lor reclamation' UYe, c Will upper subsoil be stockpiled for reclamation? Idll))('(1 -bv....\' \ d....L:r-Lj_ t ~ DYes ~ r"'<<""': >:-'\~ .l,...o:-L 4 How many acres of vegetation (trees, shrubs, ground covers) will be removed .from site? N {} 'H -e acres 5 Will any mature f.5J!est (over 100 years old) or other locally-important vegetation be removed by teis projectl DYes blflo 6. If single phase project: Anticipated period 01 constructron .TH (t t''.( _ months, (including demolrtion) 7. If multi-phased: a. Total number of phases anticipated b Anticipated date of commencement phase 1 c. Approximate completion date of final phase d. Is phase 1 functionally dependent on subsequent phases' 8, Will blasting occur during construction? DYes BN.; IS- month DYes ~ year, (including demolition) year. DNa 9, Number of jobs generated: during construction Numb';;""f jobs eliminated by this project ; after project is complete 3 10, - 11, Will project require relocation of any projects or facilities? DYes ~ If yes, explain 12. Is surface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes ~ a, If yes, indicate type of waste (sewage, industrial, etc.) and amount. b, Name of water body into which effluent will be discharged 13, Is subsurface liquid waste disposal involved? DYes 00;; Type 14. Will surface area of an existing water body increase or decrease by proposal? DYes B'fTO Explain / 15, Is project or any portion of project located in a 100 year Ilood plain? DYes ~o 16, Will the project generate solid waste? ~s DNo a. If yes, what is the amount per month ,,,01 F F tons b, If yes, will an existing solid waste facility be used? Gl'Ye's DNo c. If yes, give name rnN"~'''''PM''' <:'..~,Cf '0. ..- ; location lr-ve ~oa.. I: d. WiII'''any wastes not go into a sewage disposal system or into a sanitary landfilll DYes I9ff<) . . e. If 'tes, explain 17. Will the project involve the disposal of solid waste? ~ DNo a, 11 yes, what is the anticipated rate of disposall (14 f/.ct:. tons/month, b, If yes, what is the anticipated site life? years, 18, Will project use herbicides or pesticides? DYes I0fI 0 ~ 19, Will project routinely produce odors (more than one hour per day)? DYes 20. 21, Will project produce operating noise exceeding the local ambient noise levels? ~ DYes ~ Will project result in an increase in energy use? If yes, indicate type(s) 22. If water supply is from wells, indicate pumping capacity Total anticipated water usage per day ,<)00 gallons/day. Does project involve local, State or Federal funding? DYes If Yes, explain DYes gallons/minute, 23, 24. ~ 4 . . , ..., 25. Approvals Required: City, Town, Village Board City, Town, Village Planning Board City, Town Zoning Board City, County Health Department Other Local Agencies Other Regional Agencies State Agencies Federal Agencies C, Zoning and Planning Information 1. Does proposed action involve a planning or zoning decision? ~ DNa If Yey.ndlcate decision require~ ~oning amendment moning variance Dspecial use permit DS.ubdivision ~Ian onew/revision of master plan oresource management plan Dother , I' I ' 2. What is the zoning c1assification(slof the site? Q \Os 1\><;''''",,-- ~ N <) M ro ""'",O(L\1r\, ,,\C~ L<..~<:' 3. What is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the present zoning? 4;."Wbat..isthe proposed zoning of the site? 5 A-/'Y'-e.. r- 0 "- Res.'A.'^-rLA V-'\ v-.-S-"-- S. What'is the maximum potential development of the site if developed as permitted by the proposed zoning? ;J.O~/n c)~ ,1)0'<, ""c~e<'; :: J.f3'1{,S'7,-f-l 6. Is the.proposed action consistent with the recommended uses in adopted local land use plans? DYes ~ 7. What 'are the predominant land use(s) and zoning classifications within a Y. mile radius of proposed action? QeJ'I'Dewil<L1 6. Is the proposed action compatible with adjoining/surrounding land uses within a Y. mile? 9. If the proposed action is the subdivision of land, how many lots are proposed? a, What is the minimum lot size proposed? ~ 10. Will proposed action require any authorization(sl for the formation of sewer or water districts? DYes 11. WilHhe proposed actiojl--create a. dema~d"for 'any' community provided services (recreation, education, police, fire protection)? I9'f es DNa a. If yes, is existing capacity sufficient fa handle projected demand? ~ DNa 12. Will the proposed action result in the generation ,of traffic significantly above present levels? DYes a, If yes, is the existing road network adequate to handle the additional traffic? DYes DNa 1/ ./ II r J' /1 II / )E {: /lI L t</ /< I':> ~NrV () - /(/.A1'"E /Il. ~7/ fir Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adve'?" impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mitigate or avoid them, BYeS DNa ~ l3f'lo' 8f:lo D. Informational Details E. Verification I certify that the information provided a,bove is tr~o the best of my ~nowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name k::" IA To-{ ;2 R. , N E- .\...(\J. --, r.:::: 0 W 5 "--\ Date ',) Signature Title \!, I R. eS If the .cllon is In the Coastal Area, and you are a slate agency, complete the Coastal Asseosmenl Form before proceeding with this assessment. '/()g/tJ2- , . 5 , , . . D. Il'iFORI\L\T1Uj\.\1 DETAILS ,\j\[J \I,\TU{ SIP!'I\ .'>:.\IW.\II\E REl)1 IS r Attach any additional information as may be needed to clarify your project. If there are or may be any adverse impacts associated with your proposal, please discuss such impacts and the measures which you propose to mItIgate or aVOid them. I. Provide explanation of existing site use, occupancy, structures, sanItary flow, water use; compare \0 proposed use, occupancy, structures, sanitary flow water use. E-'<'PA-NS,' 0,... 0 r TH i;. E""S' ""S I?€<;''<\,^,,-''''N'\ w; II NO, c.l-II'''H'1J''' -+k~ 'j)'R\?.s,e'-'T ~""""\'A"-'t ROw/"'.....,E:Q ....sQ., 2. Indicate the source of water supply, nearest publtc water main, nearest publtc well field, and adjacent private wells (if known). f:>",bl',c lu .,,-noR.. <;''^-('fl\~~- R<:s ,A'-'..<1. ",_4. 0-. ~ 0 ~ 'I/o 2.. , 3. If public water supply is proposed, indicate the ability of the water utility to provide water supply to the project. Provide letter of water availability or detailed explanatIOn of status of review by water utility. ~ 4. If private water supply is proposed, indicate the well specifications, water quality based on on-site water quality data. Provide Suffolk County Department of Health Services approval or detailed explanation of status of review by agency. 5. Indicate proposed water conservation measures that will mitigate for unavoidable adverse impacts (If any). Conservation measures should include, but not be limited to: a. The use of drought tolerant plants for landscaping. b. The preservation of existing native vegetative buffers. c. The conservation of existing open space areas. d. The implementation of "natural" storm water management practices (grass swales, filter strips, created wetlands, etc...). E. VERIFICA nON I certify that the information provided above is true to the best of my knowledge. Applicant/Sponsor Name J~::.~\t-\ I;: Q~~-:LKQJd.2K'~_ Date .__..'is/ ~/ 0 7 Signature_L-+k--r.-e... Tt-l~)(I;.~ Title \j PQe So, If the action Is In the Coastal Area, and you are a state agency, complete the Coastal Assessment Form before proceeding with this assessment. 6 - - Date: 10/10/02 Transaction(s): 1 Application Fees Cash#: 7504 Name: Elbow, East Pob 985 Southold, NY 11971 \;:.<:'TI'1 "If> j()oO -6'7 -S-:J J. Clerk 10: JOYCEW . Town Of Southold P.O Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 * * * RECEIPT * * * ~---- '- ~ r - - - . '.--- . Sva;. Receipl#: o Total Paid: Subtotal $376.45 $376.45 ~.- 0' '.' . I.'''L ' ~'"' I .........J .... -~, l.' r .. >"fT,.~,t..' T...._H'~~l _, .._.",4.. . . <".,..,"'......' ~ L:,; 1. lid,:,~ ....,U\';:H ~ Internal 10: 63389 .) WORK SESSION AGENt1tl SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD /) August 25, 2003 at 4:30 pm SITE PLANS North Fork Food (Former Johnny's Restaurant) 43715 CR 48 Southold, NY 11971 SCTM: 1000-59-3-30 Zone: LB Representation: Ms. Nancy Steelman, Owner (Mr. Patrick Mettes) RE: 1) New revised site plan, I recommend we distribute site plan and place on September 8, 2003 for Type II determination. Riverhead Building Supply Main Road Greenport, NY SCTM# 1000-46-1-1 RE: I) 8-5-03 ARC meeting conditions. ( CF Van Duzer CR48 Southold, NY 11971 SCTM: 1000-55-2-24.4 RE: I) 8-5-03 ARC meeting conditions. The Old Barge 750 Old Main Road Southold, NY 11971 SCTM: 1000- 56.-6-8.5 RE: 1) Letter form Ms. Denson requesting an extension of the site plan approval. Elbow East Restaurant 50 North Sea Drive Southold, NY 11971 SCTM: 1000- 54.-5-22 RE: 1) Letters and mailed cards. Miscellaneous Cross Sound Ferry Letter FYI bs 8/22/03 Dear Mr. Orlowski: / '-==- The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity haveJlot been'lKIl:Iressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality'1lf life of our area. " ! ! i : 1 \ ; ; ~ ; / Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion,and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding !>n the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresi sidential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of d~v 0 ~'~ such as parking, noise pollution, bar pIlIIlI1S an ," sanitation/sewage capacity have not been ad e look to you to rectif i decision and preserve the quality of life of our AUG 1 , 2003 ThM:, 1 ~.em Ji->l- ~fV[ ~ '\ Southold Town Piannin 30ard ~ Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Zoning Board of Appeal 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s Southold urge you to do so with extreme fo quality of the neighborhood. An expansion such as parking, noise pollution, bar patron and . ti nal' san~t~tion/sewage capacity have not been ssed. WeltlLUrlld..'I'iia to rectify deciSion and preserve the quality of life of . ~n,ilf"il -~ ~ -" Dear Mr. Orlowski: .... bOO C ", ...i'El bOO! ., -'~!! '.::J!l CIJ ~-a~.8~ :s ::s "0 Go)'- ';;;a-5 o bO.... ., C 0 8'~ ~ a .2 l;j 'Iii >..0 > e ~' ......8>Q j= ." ..... 'i ">. c M] 8 8 ]E~] c ~ ", _ .S! 0 -5 ii, ~ >.C+-< ._ ~ '"C 0 e ~~$~ "'",- -go.8~c :R.,!! > >- ,- " S!! "'-..25 :.= e .., l:l -l;j- c..c12~~.cg<O ",-f!-g..oc '",>' .."'~_~c>,'" U) co ._ -..... 0 - -at;j._~ .'.::J~~ 8.~ el 0 -g.E! >, 0- c.......-8v.lOQ.t;::o <( ~ c.g-e p..~-5 <+-O~::SoO~o.o o lI,).......c._ co i: "S~tO",ii,g~", co .0 [""'""" 0,- Cl) v.I o-d>,:!""..e ~~..", c>"'- - -bQo:g...."'C gfJl ~ ~ ~ l;j ~ a 'j3 '""' .~:g 0 c.. 0 c ~..s 0 .,g 0 ~ .~ .9 ('f') ~ ..... .- _ ..... v.l 1l 8 ~ i5 a <:; '" '~ f-I N 0 en .C'" ~ ~ "'0 \ r- roe t2i ... 0._ ~c ~~ ",,'- (TJ ,; ~ .... c " '" ~ 1 .... bOO C ", . 'El bOO! ., S.-s ';::3 ~ "', \l:;: ii ., c: -a >"'0 ~__ :::s "'0 0'- ';;; a -5 Ii . o bOt:l 0 ~. ~,e~-5~' ~~!;j"00 'Iii';;:..o c 8 > e ~ .g ~ 1......8 ~ ~ > >l=.,:>l-8 .lS ._.. go) ~~~c:E ~] l3 8 6 ]E~]~ c....Q,)....~ .S!i5.,sii,~ f4 >''- ._ la"'O~e~ ~a..e.cE5C= ~ <<> :::J -= 4) .- ~ = 'C! -go-8e~",:R.,!! > ~ ._ Q,) ~ c:;l.15 :.= e"';~~l<t;ao'- c.. C .... CL) Q,)..c = 0 c..F!!"3..cc "0>> "3c_<c>,,,, en .5 bI)'- ,9 ~ ea Ol~'-~-ci::l..o", "'~eloo->,O- 8::'::: -8 V,) 0 '0.-;: 0.> < gj c.g-e "'-al-5 '-~= 00(:l..0) o <<) B ~.~ ~ E: ~ ~ ~ 6';3 ~ a 1;l o_c>'cbO..e ~~..","'c~"'- - -bO-:5<I"'-o bO.ll "'- ~ -5 .... ., c .5 .... B '- co"'i3 Cd c .....-:s! 0 c.. 0 c QO" 0 >,gj';:l 0 N~~.s.t:: .B"r;; ", t:l., '" O! ..0 .- '13 ~ ~ 5 r55 .50 ~ ~.g >-> ., - '- 1~ V) J, J ,; ~ .... 1a ..0 E-< The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(&) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight aodconsiileration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 4Q'Ifr:would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar palEons and DWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not ~ssed. "!Ie look,toyou to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of lif=! our area. . Thank you, '" ~ Dear Mr. Orlowski: --- The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential qUality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWI concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not been ad . decision and preserve the quality of lifellf our Thank you, CIJo..,./eJ LI/ '.ST<~ rAhC 1.)0 f1,..oJ,./,,_ t.J/ W~ , ',S. ~'lt:PA-lVnt!JN A-NJ> tN,,, C r(!~ h1(!.~ I PrtI>> I ~ht.s' Dar Mr. Orlowski: 1lieZoningBOud of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on JIIIIe 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding 011 ~ aiteplan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential qiJa1ity oJ the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar pallDnS and DWI concerns, and additional. sanitation/sewage capacity have not beeR addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life-Qf our area. Thank you, , 7).fo"., ISrS l'- C YIfJU 7)f r A. 3QS- j..)ofL7\i $~ DI2 ,'-'C!.. .so,-,"7H-oJ:) NY' ---;:ar~. OrloWSki:--\ The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back vari~ces on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons sanitation/sewage capacity have not been ad decision and prese:e~Uality of life of 0 Tharikyou, ~ ~t/ _""v '(./ ?"5..a /V~e.:rJ.I- S~/9- D~J l/~ ~JJTJ-fcLD /V"'7 //77/ .... l ~.. (r :=-'-.!!".o ~ !~~.8~ ';;].fl'~ .;~ o ""'(; " ~ ,g \I 8'~ 11~!331 iF=' !ii"aoo"i '5 'S:..c 5 B." >e~'i~~ ~~~-8>E ~~~ "UJ-8 CI) ~~~C:9g 0"'C c:: 8 ::S 0 ]j~] ~~ ' c'"'ll).....~Queo ,9 g -5 ~ ~." ~ ~ ij ~'(;.~ '(; !ii.a !3 ~a3..e5~-g~ u ::s C CI) .- ,g c 0 llo-8E:':!..Il~ > ~._ Go) S!:! 0..15._ o v.l '-' - - ....;e~><~-.... ~a ~CI).ogo ~_~13-5c~uo '" ~ &, ,- ..: 0 > '" ,":l'-~-ci'g~~ ~J>: rl 0 0 _ >. C1" c._-8UJoo.~ll) ..: [(l s-8-e ""'[;l-5 ~ tiJ 0 0 ~ Q.. 0 o~.1!-ih;Bt: 'E..8t-<""""" " ~ fil g ~"!l oB ~ !'j ~ t)~~~~~-6" ~-5 -!3" ~ "''' .- B _.... _ 'i:! .. =1-l'U3~O-Ot: Q<E O>'[(l'''O N("")1t.;;.,,;:: ~ 'en " c::>.., "....c ,- ,- "c:OCo:::sU&:;::U ~ N 0 ~O'" ~ ~ -8 ~ \\ \m ..= ",c::) ".(.----.1 .... ~~ rr-l' . '6 "".. '" ~ ~ S .- .!! '.0 8 " il := U '" c;"O>'"O~ ~"O Q)'{;; ."is " !ii -5 e 18 ", o 0.0 '0 u ~.9 ~.5 tU oS "",:fj ~~~'(;g-g 'C 'S: ..c 5 .9 "0 OJ eo.., 5 !ii > " 18 .. ~ .-' ~.o~~>-. 2 s .'" ~ -8 5~ _~>'c'"O_ 1;l;:dl8:lo ...--.. "08= ou L--I !ii..8::.n;~." . =~tU_ QV~ ,9 0 -5 ~ ~." ~ a ~ >. 'C> .~ 'C> a .a ~ o.."g'0'.... c "''''0 0 ~ ; E ~ .~ ~ J~ ~ "OouSctl ~ " ...... ." II .. - ,- >,......- 0.. - - e......:~><>(~ol+-o O"c....Q)u'OcO o..e"'O c ~o>' .. " g -5..: " > ,-;:: U) ~ bO'- 0 ~ "ii .. ~.- ~ -ci 'g..c " ,,-Srloo->.C1" o..loofool u (f) 0 0 .~ 0 ~i-g.g-e o..~';; ~= OlUQ.,O '0 11> g :@ 's ~ i: ~ 'E~pg'~"g,lil o:s..c '>'UbOC':S~ O~5o=c:>o.. = - _ bO 0 '!"'1 .... ...... bOQ)o..1-1-5..ll'i~'J ,,-5B"....~'i:!lii i 'S ....._:g 0 0.. 0 = QO"'O>'[(l'''O N ~ 0 -5 .'";:: S 'r;;: o a.;; :::s ca ..c .- .- ~ ~ 5 ~ -g. ~ ~.8 ,...." "',tot' , ,~," ,,',_~ "', _:The Zoning Board of Appeals appmy.ed expansion and set back variances on June 10, , --2003 for the Elbow Easf'RestauraMo Y>()u and ,.,ur board will be reviewing and deciding , :: on the site plan. The U1i~rsigned ~si~nt(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of _Southold urge you to d(J~o with extrellle foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar pl\l!:~ms and DWI concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not bet:u addressed. We look to you to rectify this =~oo~::=:q""".,\-~~ 'Y Dear Mr. Orlowski: ..... - The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential qUality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would . Issues such as parking, noise pollution, b c . . onal sanitation/sewage capacity have not tify this decision and preserve the quality of Dear Mr. Orlowski: ~ Dear Mr. Orlowski: --- \~ The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with. extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of v 0 such as parking, noise pollution, bar patlollS an sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addre decision and preserve the quality of life of our AU!; t. 2lO3 Thank you, ?J .l SoutlloW ... Plan III. f:L-. i~o ~ ;X;::f:~~ :;2'zr. ~~.~~~j ..... bOO = " . '6 bOO! '" g .~~.;:j g ~..a>.8~ :g ~-oQ).;; .c;;>' =aoSe~=:;:; o bO~ Q) a .g ~ ~.St':S-S"",~"'" ~~~'(;5alB .r:: ';>.c c:: B -0 5 ~eg.gsa>. ..Ioljl~~~.rB 2==.",~-8 ~g --.., ..... ~ :>. = -0 g_ '11;l]~8g8~ -goQ)-o~_r;;> ,"'.0::<: ali<~-d oj C !; Q)..... 0 Ii) Q) .8 0 oS -tb ~ "l::l ~ a ~ ~~ .~ ~ a ~ ~ (:l..=~OC~_O ><t':S_~o--,- Q) ::s -= Q) ';; g = 0 ] ~ :E 5 a~.8;E 4 e....e~~~o'- (:l.. ~ Q) Q) ~ c:: 0 c.~]oS=."t:' P; :;: S Iib'- ...: .5 1:; ';j ~ O!~._~ .g.c::l ,,~el o>!_ >.0"' (:l..1-'oIQ)tf.J(5-.....Q) ~ ~ ~ -g .g oS &..g -5 ~// '-~'='o$~g.Q) o 1l ~ .c'S " e; "E~E-<5.~=~~ C":S ~ .;>, Q) l:>O t':S ~ ~ iil 3 ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ c.o.,g (:l..!; -5,.:.t:j ~ >oJ I=~" .....al3a I '2 "",.~:ca 0 Cl.o 0 C ,,0"'0>'''''''0 N '- Q) ;5 ..... t':S S .- II 1l 8 ~ 5] g .~ .~ fool N 0 tI) C" tf.J tf.J-o , ~ ..... bOO = " '6 bOO! ..::t ,- ~'.::3 " \l:= Ii ="l::l:>", ::s -0 Q) .- ';;;aoSi! .Oc.o'-Q) tf.Jc::O.c 8'r; 3'::: a .!l a ::: ." >.c - ~ 12 tJ .g > '" '" ..Ioljl"", g-l'Q-8 .0 ==..tf.J ';; .....~~c-o 1;l" = 0 Ol = " ~2~"l::l . = s " '" .8 0 oS '" >.......- a t ~-o::-e~ ~a~tE 5 ~ " ::I ;:; " .- 15 . ~ ]O"S~"'~~ > ><;g " c. c.15 ;:= o . tf.J.t:I \.oj..... Ci.~e~~.E8~ Cl.o .... -g..t:: c:: .. Q) :>. '" ::I = ~...: = >.<;; tf.J S bJ)';: ,9 t':S--;; C;tf.J._;;> .......c= ",9 el 0]-= >.0"' c:::l.1-'oI Q) tf.J 0"0..... Q) ~ gj ] .g -E Q..'~ oS '-tiJ=OO~Cl.oU o u..... .0._ co:S c: "l::l~.c::l-tbo"" la 0 fool 0.- c:: ?lo tf.J o:9;j>'l;l...",e ~~- ~,,~ ~~ gp.fl c. ~ oS a ~ a ._ B ___ '- ,.... I: C::""'._~O-oc "o",o>.~..,o N ~ ~ oS ."';:: .f9; 'vs Q) 8 ';J ::1 --;; .c .- .- FS ~ 5 ~ ,50 ~ ~ ~ s ~ .~ ! ::i o >. ..Iol a i ~ I I J /...lj o r.z "" ~ , \II - ""'I:!: s ~ ~; \j~ '" -....\- s- ~ ).. ~. r: Oear Mr. Orlowski: ~ -== The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the Site plan. The undersi~ed resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Sout.hold urge y~u to do so With extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area Issues suc~ w: parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and OWl ooncerns, and addition~l sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life of our area. Thank you, ~ ?J;{lA1~ tl~_~ ;' ! Dear Mr. Orlowski: ." I The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar,4Jlllrons and OWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve th quality of life of our area. Dear Mr. Orlowski: -\ -- The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) ofthe Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and OWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life of ourll1Z&" Thank you, . jl/{ ctt~ ~ 2n't~ '-W( ~uJ~ ~ lillf- - ~ .... ..0 = " ....'6..0l'" _'~~'.og toO 8>6;>.8..; :s ~"'O 0'- .-;S >. =!a-5i!*=~ o ......0 0 .9 e '" = - 8 .~ \1 ~ 9 '6 -!a "liloo"gB '51 'r> .= 5 B '0 5 >e!.l'.cs!a>. 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'OJ -8 8 ~ il-i[S]S ]2::a]~~ =9"-"'0 .9 0 -5 -Eb~ '0 ~ >,1+-< 'v.J l+-t C "'00"0" Q.. c- w u:l lI< Cd~.g 6 c __ o=~g'_,gco -g 0 " I:j ~ .. !l " > >- ~ ,g 0. 0...15 ::Ei ~~e~~Jj~~ ~",-g-5..sc"c '" 5 lib'- .....9 ~:a Ol II .- ~ . -.= '" 8.~ el 0 >!,g >. C' ~OCl.loo"""u ~ ~ -g .g -e o.'g -5 __ t:iJ::J 0, ~ c:l.. u o u.9:.o._cut:; 'O~,c"'-Ebo"" lilo~o.-="'" o~ c >.g ..gpe CQ_CdUu=~c:l.. g,"~ -a. ~-5 ~ 1;l -g ._ .9 _.... _ l:! .. =""".-,..::::0-0= ~ ~ : ~ ~ ~ .~ .9 C"") ~.......- _..... u.l " 0 .. '" Ol, -.-.- '=0=0",g!a3 ~NOCI:IC"'~~"'O I '" \ ~ ::i ~ r- co-e .... 00 '-CP cS", 0._ ~~ .51~ .... bIlO C " 6:.a bDc; -.-..::! ";:3 " ~:-;: C C-.::l:> ='"'" " .....C..c C '" - o b.O~ 0 ~ C 0 11) .- I:'l3 ~ .~ ~ 0 ';j ;>..0 ;> e ~''= -'j.B~" .,g a}/J .... at 0 c ~ "'d C "0 ~ 5 "'CI ~.8~ c 1-00..... 0='..0 .- 0 ..... '" >,.... ~"'" 0 c..c'2 ><~-l..,;.O '- o =' E 0 .- e c 0 1l0.gs~,"S.B ;> ~ ._ Il) ~ 0...D .- O {I} '"'" - ..- """.JU....Ka....__ 0.. c ~ >< iU..c 0 0 0.. ~ "0 u C ~5llJ-5;!=fOO '" '" 6b'- -.. 0 ;> ~ c; ti._ 3=: . ';:j ~ ::J &~ el o""'g's >,0' 0.. Uln 0.....0 <t: ~ --g .g -e o..'~ oS ,-rT,:::1 000..0 0- lI.) O..c.ln c:l > at..c .......c S U 1-0 "E 0 E-t ='.e.o c u ~ c:l..c . ~ CL) ~ 0.0 1U 0-= c bl) C'O ;;;, ~~~uuc~o.. OJ) u 0.. e.o..c :.2 0) '"0 .S -5,.B =''::: a; ~ ~ c '-/'"'-:2 0 0.. 0 C o 0 Vol 0 ;:.-.. IZI '.;:J 0 ~1l-5';:: '" .:s'u; u 0 ..... = ca ..c .- .- eoco::Jgs~ ('""'"'"" NO tI) 0'" U} CI.l "'0 '.wdt~ IJ~ r Dear Mr. Orlowski: ---- The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar pak!JnS and qv.;I ~O\IUrtI$',an~ ac!di\!~n~T-t"':-' sanitation/sewage capacity have not beom;addreSS~4. .i. We 1OO}~~ 19 reetifi!hj U \ decision and preserve the quality of life'Wf our are~: :: " I ! : ~ ~<. I \t ' Thank you, f i I ., I .. \~ r.fJty l &~jllzlfadk:~t""d8>>~~!~~t;~~dBT~:r~ I Dear Mr. Orlowski: II I The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborh expansion of such as llOking, oise poilu . ar patrons and sanitatio s~wage ~llot been address ~Islon an preserve the uality of life of Qur are MIS 6 )(;~~J .~ Thank you, //tu 4 r 7>> ,.t/, to. Pl~nl~ :"Ig Board 1!~~..:f:'fJ/1~~ ~- ~I ' Dear Mr. Orlowski: \ --= The Zoning Board of Appeals lJPproved expanswti:and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our ssues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patro 't sanitation/sewage capacity have not been decision and preserve the quality of life 0 " Thank you, ,;hl. ~vrMitR ~ 4#~'" ..wdile .... bIlO = " ~ tl.Ot; f.I.) t.. .~ Cl:j '.:;:1 lI) .~ fcl:== 5 ~ .~ c::"O>"'O~ ...c: ~] Jl'@ ajt:~~ o 00'0 !1) ~........ ~ ~.s '" -5 .....;0;, (.) ~ (1)4-< ::l:~ c:: lU a 0 0 ~ .g ';> ..0 C B ~ Cd ~ u .9 S ;"a-> ~ (1) ~ E ~1'CJi- u ~ !:Q ~ ~"e ~:-;::::: ~VJ 'r;; '"Or "8J: ..... ~ ~ c:: :g, -c: - ~ "0 = 8 :::s'o. ~ = O'iO' -g 0 CL) --g ~j'- I ,".0 ~ '" t":i:::,..,; '" = 1-0 lI)...... !Q_iU iU o ::l...c..c O! f.I.) 1-0 .- 0 ..... bO"d"'~'~ '" ~ >''0 'v.; 4-<\;C::- '. H' ctI "'0 lI) o-;~_ - :::1. p.. c:: ';) 5 CI~i;9- 'U 0.. >< ctI -- '- ol.-j;;.-~.--- Q.) ::s = iU'- 2 = 0 "'0 0 lI) e ~ ~ (I) (1) ~ ~ ~ lI) ctI o...B ~ ..- VJ 1-0 ~ - 0......; lI) ..... >< a 0...... (:1.~I-o~CL>.oc::o g.~g-5~d~~ ..!!3 5 b.f)-~ .9: ctI ctI ctI tf.I .- -ci:;..c::l ,,2~00-"'0' p..- lI) VJ 00.--::: 0) p......."'O o.c o..u..c <~c"01-o ctI- ...... :::l 0 0) c.. ll) o lI) B .D .~ ctI > ~..c ..caUL. ""'l;lO~='ObJ)CiU~ ['""'"'"" .- b() .D . ;>-. lI) 0:0 ctI e ~ m 3 1;l,:; .!'; ~ ~ b() 0 0.. I-o...c..::.::; -- \J c::-5l1):::l'::::~~~ 'E 1-0 .--== :2 0 0.. 0 c:: ootf.lO;;'-"~'';:::O N ~ ~ -5 :': 5 'Vi <l) 8'...... :::l --a...c.-.u ..c 0 c:: 0.::1 g S (1) ~N OCl') CJ"'Vl Vl"'O .:::l :fj 1-0 --g.8 '"0 SJ a >'lJ . 0 f/J .....,-, E ""," s] g d.9 ~~ ~ -d . Ct,ll) ctI '0 ..-I 0 ..c:: .jJ 0 Ul , ~ 'M Jj = " 'd\l': !Ql' q'J. i..c:: '.jJ ~ z o.n N 0 N 0 I-l .jJ Ul III ;:;: g IJ) ..-I - ..c:: .jJ '" :i I-l 0 I': 0 '" Q) 'H, -'" ..-I a: ~ Q) Q) r: ..0 p:: 'H r 1-<\ 'M " p.. ..-I , , ~ e'C ~- .E~ m :!2= "'c ~.~ ~E , 1v .... , .... bOO = " .' 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Dear Mr. Orlowski: /' The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar palmlS and OWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not beeIulddressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life of our area. IlAlI ~ - I!lh!l Y I!lh!l I Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme fo~t and consideration of the residential qUality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and OWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the qUality of ~ife of our area. Than u, '\ \ :i ~ I~ bO 'Cl (~ = " - 'l3 bOOl '" Ul 9.-~.:::: ~ ~ 1:!.s~.8~ ~ ~].fr~ li~~ / ~ o bO'Cl " l;l.g II .. . :J.S :1l"s .... 'i'l i:: " ~~a'Og'ig ~ 'I'f~~.!~]~ ~ ~~~.8 ~ fi~ ~~ .,&J:;::...VJo;;"088 ~I- ~~~="t:l=_ ~_. ~]e8g8~ ].8~] ~~ . =...."~""'Cllloi .2 g"s~~"t:l ~ ~ ,..,\!If i i~J] : ~ ~ :f~~~' " " " ".~ 15 = 0 rS: q 1l0"ea",ll,a ~... > ~:E Cl) !. c..,lS :.= ' \.I;:J ~<dl~~~g"o -~~~I;-, til'~1l-"5 '" ">'~_>> oJ ",!B ..=~.....o ::).:S~ , 1'" ., bO'~ ..", '" Ol (),.I ., - "- ; U'J ._ "C:::s .c '.'::J 'it f..^ i ~e:oo->.O"' v."\ ",,~-8;;08...:::" UI.:.)\l ,<gjS"t:l]"al"s . ,~,_\ ..... ' ~ ~.8 g :5,'6 ~ 6===- <l:: ~ ~I v~ . . 0l.8 ~ ~'il :'0 *' e a ~""' ~ /.-.1 IfCt7 (I ~ lil a &'0 ~ ~ ~.~ -4 'j\J\ <f I -- ~. .fl~~~ l;l~ a :i $'~_.." '6 Ci';;~ ~~.g g ~ w!:i: t"'" Nc-.. It).s::.....- $3:-- ~ ~ " ~ "s :; ~ .c .- .~ a Q:... ';::'0=0':'1,,0=11 .c I ~ N 0 rJ) .C" fI) ~ -a f-I Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s} of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar pamms and OWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not b --'dressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the qUality of life Of our area. Thank ou, =---~ Dear Mr. Orlowski: ~ The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on JIlAC 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Soulhold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and considerarion of the residential qiIality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWl concerns, and additional ' sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life of our area. Thank you, VP..sW ~ /(/~ )6R//";~r:... 36'1 NP..("J.y s~ ~ r. ~/>~.MA~"~' ~a J....n ~\,:'Ak'.Jo-,> ! ., , Dear Mr. Orlowskil ~ <>.:,~ Th.;;20ning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, ", 2Q()3 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life of our area. ?JS2..~.l y. A~~ ~ Jt:.. W~ r/~ A~~ 0 "7. ~~. /u\ /~./" ..IrA!" /;"r #--r; ~,,& ~~~. P'-.x-;;- ./ ~ / Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme f9fCSight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWl concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not bcelraddressed. We I . decision and preserve the quality of Iife'Of our IE ~ AlJG 5 2003 ~ ~ SOllthold Town -4 .... bOO '" " -:a bOOl '" S.-.!!".::2 8: ct) ~ ~ ;.:: = en ._ !$oO>-8:1 .g 10-0,"'0 U';;; .";; ~ ",[ij.ge~"'~ o bIJ"S lI,) a.g 2 8.=",.g~:g [ij~~'5ollB 'C '>..c: '" .!l "" g ~e~.g:l[ij>> .....8~f!~.rg .o~= ",~-8 "e~ .-.. '" 0 0 .....~~c:g=- """ _ 0 = 0 " "",-000:> "'Ceufi"'O~I--l~ [ij.8~[ijll'~-d.. C!;o..... ~()~ ,9 0 -= ih~ "" ~ iil ~ ~'5 '~'5 [ij.a ~ Q., s::: -;;- 0 C ~ "'d 0 ~~-~o-~...... V :::J = 4) .- g c 0 ~ ;;: ~ EO [ 2.] :E ~~e~~.28"S !i'~~-=~,,~.~ o i:I:S bJ)'- 0 i:I:S ~ lij.- ~-d'g..c = ~ e: 0 0= ;>, C" ~-8VJoo-o ~ gj '" .g of ",,'~ -= ....~= 01ll""" o 0.8 .0._ ~ i: 1j,gt:g1'8.g,1;l 0- fa >.. = bl)<<s t: l'QrIl_ "~"~ ~~ bl) 0 c.. -s "-i VJ c:: .5 o:S.B .... <<S = <<S c:: 1-1 ._:g 0 c.. 0 c QO'" 0 >>""= 0 N ~ 0 ..s _ <<S g .- " 8 -= = 'a ..c: ,- .~ ..coc::o=UC~ ~ N 0 en '0'" ~ ~ "0 ~ \ f , & l' ~ I.r) ~ ~ ::i ~ ... I~ ~ -J ... .... bOO '" " .:a bOOl '" :=:'-.!:!.p g o ~:-;:: 5 VJ .~ ",00;;'",,:1 -= = "00'- - >.. ~c.c:VJd'~l+o< CelS-evC..::] o bl) t; 0 ~ .9 u ~.5 ~ -S 1-0=:6 e o ~ ".... 0 "" 0 '" " ta 0 ~ ~ <<S._ C 0"0 = .~ > ..c 0 t:ii c 0 :~!!!.l.=~..>> !~..8~ e! ~ r.-r.8 I'.o~= ",~-8 E,,~ .-.. VJ . 0 -~_ ~ >"c"O g_ '1ll1jg8"3ov c ou~ : "" ,,"" ~ t:' 0> [ij.8 ~ [ij ::>..... ",~,,~ll'Clas~ ,9 0 -= ih~ "" ~ iil ~ >.. '0 '(;3 '0 ~.a !3 c.."g_e VJ"O 0 l<~..e...E5c<<s,- o=i::u.-gco -g~-8e~~R~ > ~ ,- jl) "" ""lS :.= e~e~l<~ol+o< c.. s:: 0 V..c C 0 J:l..~-g..cc ~o>" :: s 6i,'~ <: ,~ iO 'oJ 1) ~ 'i!J 0 -g 11 -;, g. a. UVJoo.~o ""~"" O.c ""o..c: == <: gj 5"" -15" '" ~ ....0 rIl " O..c.u.l ~ ~ -.c: - u \-0 1j,gt: g.~8_g,1ll 0- [ij >>", bO '" fS. !:Q~-~o.~~"O bO" "".....g ~ '" '" ==o=l+o<<<S=~ .S I-o.~:g 0 c..o = QO"'o;>,gj'=o N~ ~-S.-;:': g.(;3 " 8 ., = "iil ..c: ,- .- .c:oco=UC~ ~ N 0 en 0'" ~ ~ "0 I Dear Mr. Qrlowski: ./ ~ The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion an4.set back variances on T..n. '(1, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An explllliion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar plllronsand OWl concerns, and additional san~t~tionlsewage capac.ity have not beclIl addressed. We look to you ~ r~t~~hi~ ,.. declSlonandpres~~~ZOfltfeorourarea. ~ ~r-- ~f:, . AJlOldILIt.LUi. /~. ~ ~ IL ffi~ IcP~() ~!J71 \ Dear Mr. Orlowski: ~ \ \ The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and OWl concerns, and additional" sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life of our area. ,. Thank you, ~ .4f&, ~. ~ Dear Mr. Orlowski: \ The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10 2003 fo~ the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the SIte plan. The undersi~ed resident(s) o~the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge y~u to do so With extreme foresight and consideration of the residential qualtty of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues suc~ as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and OWl concerns, and additional san~t~tlonlsewage capacity have not been addressed. We 10qk !o you to rectify this deciSion and preserve the quality of life of our area.. ... ~ Thank you, lJ?:1jL~ ~~r ~f'/~ .$57'() ~J f?oI 5 ---- A:Y . .... bOO = " ':0 bOO! '" S .- ~.~ g G,) ~:-;:: 5 ~ .~ ="'O>"O~ .s i.~~~'~ dc;a :Ci:dw~G,)C''= .Ob.O~ll)~OU ~ .5 ~.s ~ ~ e g~e'Oo-gB Cd._ C':S = ,,~ ::l '''>.c -~o i."3\2o.!2ga>. > i:d~~~o ~C!.>o,"">r.f.I"'" " ~ ::: Q:l -3 " 8 ... ..J:J :-;:: ~VJ .~ "'0 8' g ~-.....~>.c"'O=_' 1;l~g8"0~ ~ c: 00;;> "OoG,)"O~- [;J.ci><: [;J~~-d . c::: '"" lU..... CI Q) Cd .sa 6 oS -Sh~ "'0 ~ ~ [ .g ~ .~ ~ a 18 ~ ~ ~ ~ .=! ~ " ~ ~O"S i <B ~ )-t:-9 G,) c...o;.=: e ~ e ~ ~- ~ 0 <c; c.. Cd Q.) ....... = >. g.~~,s~d~;:: r.f.I S bI,)'- .9 i:d "';; ca ~.- ~ -ci =,..r:::: ::s " ~~.g ~r8.B;~~ ~ ;=:~3~6~~;" " o ,,- :2 .- 1:l 1: "'P~.c=ooo 1IJ i Ol .8 ~ ~.il ~ ~ e w 4 Oiil[;J"==::<,,,- <,~ l:Q - b.O lU:!2 v "'C :::""''-J bO=~ o..~-5 a~ C:f -. ..... 8 .... t=: i:d 0 ' 'S\-o'-:9 0 0..0 C >. " ~ .a ~. .,go ~ .~ .s... ') ~' ('<")...t::=: ......_ _ ..... VJ C '" o 0" ::S --;; u 'c '13 ~ - ~ C-';" ~ 0 ::s ::s ~ o..c .. ~ ~ v tf) 0" fI} fI} ""C) f-I .... bOO = " .:0 bOO! '" 9 .- ~.~ g g-8~.8.! :E ::S "'0 0'- - >. ~a-5e~~~ o bO '0 0 a.9 s< fl .5 ~ -5 ~ $i ~ U~O'- -00 [;J " la 0 0 ",- ." .;;:.c = B ~ 15 (ij ~ u.9 t:! ~ ;>. > ('1,1 ~ ~ 0 ~.8~a>~"'" 2S."'ij-3 ~8 .....3:>.c"'Oc- !i~g8"0~" \-0 c 0 u "'0 ('1,1 0"C 3:- [;J.8i><:a~~-d" c:;.,g:CoQ~o I.s 0 - 01)'<1" ~ '" la ~ ;>. '0 'm -- a ~ \-0 i:Q "C 0 0 -a::s o..c-;;-Clccg~O xCd'::'-Op '- o ::s C 0 'm J:l C 0 ] ;;; ~ !j 8. 2.] ~ ~~eE~]8C; g.3]-5~d~.q VJ 5 bl)'::= .g ~ ca ca VJ .- ~ -d ::s..c ::s u~~Oo=>.O" 0.._ 0 VJ 0 0.-;:: Il) i j:l.- "'0 o..c 0.. u...t::=: -----.< ~ C"C \-0 ~.. '- ::s 0 ~ Q., 0 o 0 g .D._ ('1,1 t: 3:..c ..c 0 0 0 ] 0 ~ g .~ ~ ~ VJ o:9~>-=bO",e !:Q p:J _ ~ II).~ ~ ~ bOO o..\-o-5-t: VJ c c;Su::S~('I,I'i;('I,I 'c \-0.-;:::9 0 j:l. 0 C ",o"'o>-~.",o N <..,;., 0 -5 .";:: 19 'm ~ _r:Q -5 ::s ca ..c .- .- t::'"" - C 0 ::s g a ~ c-" 0 tf) 0" fI} fI} "'0 . ~ ~ =<J)r-- ~.?i~ <i.~~ ID>~ o --g >- u ~z gJ5J2 ~l./").,g ~ ~;. g , ~.-(.f) J n :i ~ ... [;J .c E-< 1___ I , ~ .... \ bDO " " 6:a bD-a ~ -'0 ~'P g VJ o 0'- 5 U} .- c::'O>~~ .:; ~"'O.,g'~ d"ab " a - e " " .- o 01) '0 Q,) a ,!2 ~ The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, ~ .S '" -S ....::a l:: 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding g ~ ~ "0 5 ~ g ,Cd._ cs = II,) = on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of ~ e ~ .g E ] ~ Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential .....B " E! ~ .,;. g quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues g = ~ -8 ii'; e.... such as parking, noise pollution, bar P*Ons and DWI concerns, .and additional ! ~ .ii' "ii';"~;; g'.~ sanitation/sewage capacity have not beenaddressed~We look to you to rectify this .;; 1: ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ decision and preserve the qUfity of life of out alba. . .' a i:::<: a 0'< ~ -ci .; II g!;.B.E C:\1;l", .- 0 ..... bO Si"'O U} a Thank you, g I 2f.t)3 I ~ ~"O .@ "0 a..a !; ~ ,.....J:--, / / , / ,. 1_") . "" " -;;;- 0 " ~.", 0 ~.Ni?J~~W~~b RdIU~~~~~ ~ gl~.~ ~ 5~ \ I understand the present owner, upon pUrchase of the property. ~ ~ ~ !:l 8. "".B ~ "inherited" the ZBA requirements existing at that time for the ~ ~ e :l :l 1l g "0 - property and never complied with them. Is this indicative of a ~ !; "E -5 ~ " ~ .q _ lack of responsibility regarding any Mure ZBA reQuirements ,-a ~ .~'ii' -ci .g ~ ~ Orlleinga "good neighbor" in ~he ~unity? \ _ ____ ___~ I J ~ ~ ] ~ i .~ I ----- . ~~=o]~~Q,) Dear Mr. Orlowski: .g '"0 ~ -; ii,g ~ 5 a [""'""" 0'- 0.0 VJ o;:9ci>.;goO~e c:al.a~oo=~Cl.. bOOo..e.o..c:i2 ~--g c-5 0 =.;:: a'"C Cd 'c 1-0 .--:::g 0 0.. 0 C 0..8 v.l 0 >.v:l'': 0 N 0 ..c ..... ~ ~ .- ('f')..c ....'- _ ..... VJ II) 0 ..... =' ";j - .- 'u IcOC::O::sgalU [""'""" NO tI) C'" V) v:l"'O Dear Mr. Orlowski: /' The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons andDWI concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not bc=I addrcsIDd. We look to you to rectify this decision and pre~rve the qUfity of lifeoQf our area.. Thank you, ' 7'oN~ r JJ/I.j..L4} YiEt.S,v c.HrHt........ -z,ZSo rvSP/1- PIUY€.5~T,~"'f PX ~.. -. r_....- _., ____ _. ~,..... ~-\-- . Dellf Mr,.Orlowski: . . hie~Iiing Boari! of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, )903 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding 'on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWI concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve re quality of life of our area. "Z .feL i1!;~.,Vf- '" tv) ~ ~ ... ('Q , o r....:. "' t'- Il-- .... .... .... bDO " " 8:E $] ~ g.8~.8j ~ ~'g V";; .ca >. c~-Se~=~ o bIl"O " t;j.9 u r.n C .c ..... II,,) 8'- ~ ..... "'"':.a \-0 c~~'Og"iB .~ 'S;:..o c:: B"'C g ,~e~.g5a>. .... u II,,) ~.... ~ "0 -.0 a:l > {/} ..... al-~-8"e.... .0 :-::=.. ";j "'C II,,) g _~~="'Og_ ~"Ec::8"3o~ "'C t'O'l!: 0 Co) ~ c:: 0 Cl) "'0 :=t- ~.o~ a~~"'ci d g31L~oo-~e .- 0"'" bD-.::t "'C v:l co r.n >....... ._ c:: P. a"'Co~'O~-e5 0.. c 'V.i' l5 s::::: ~ "'0 0 K ctI_...... 0 .... co...... II,,) :::s 1:: 0..> .- g C 0 "0 0 Q) e ~ co ll) 0 ~~~ to co o...B~ . r.n 1-0 0.. ...... 0..... lI.)..... x a""''''''' aC~Ku..cOO 0.. Cd "'0 <I) C ctI3l1)-S~d<U.€ $.l .'S 5h.- .9 ~ <il ctI r.n._ ~ ........c = 8.~ ~ o-g..a;:.-.O'" <~c't:J-eo..~_ J '0 PJ ~ 13 E .~ go lU : : ~ ~:: .: <~.---""""--,--"" a 0 ~ 0 .~ C Q) VJ 0;:9 d >.;g oO~e ~ ,C:Q~ctIl1)o=~O" bDu-c..e.n..c:::.2 ~--g ~ c-5ll>=,.::a:-=co ::s "c 1-<:-=:9 0 0.. 0 C ~ Q 0 ~ 0 ~ .- 0 N ...... a..>..c .0 co ~ .- ~ 11) 8 -s ::; ~ ..c .~ .~ a ..coco:::sgag ..c ~ NO CI) 0"' r.n U'J "'0 f--l ~ ~ '- bOO = ., -:0 bO-a '" S.-.!!"=tg {/} g.8>.s~ :s :::J "'0 0'- . "il >. ~a.,se"'~=~ Of+" 0 ~ bOO" '.ot: ~.5~.s,",,~ ~~~'Cl6-gB ';1 ';; ..c: 6 ~ -g 6 > e 1;j'", ... .. ;., ~ ., ., ...... ~ _ 0 -"cCQ >VJ- 1;j:= ",-8-8 E"'"g .c .-..'~ 8 -~~="Oc"'" ~"'=8g8~ '"Oca5"'O~_~ aEi><:al>"~"';oi c~~_ 000 ,9 0 - -&,;f "c:l l;l ~ ~ >''0";; '- 1a e l-< ClS"'O-..e 0 --a::s c..c"'o=;!-go xcu':i:ff+;.oOo '- U :::J c: 0,)'- l:l c 0 '"3o~eaClSE~ > >- ,>:: '" '" c...o ;.= O . 1ZI:::2 c.......... &;.. ..... 12 I< >< C'I:S 0 '- c.. ~ Cl) U..c I: 0 g.,,].,s~~-~,q '" ;3 bO ,- , ..-a -a ~ ,- ~.,,; "..c: " \ "~eloo_>-.O"' " c..... -8 '" 0 0 - ., , ~H~ = .g of: c.. 'g .,s '" ,-~:::Jo..8~g.u Thanlt you, .g ~ l! ~ -&, '0 <.) ~ " ~ 0 E-t 0'- c ~ VJ ~ ' l . '.........-.r.- \ o::e = >. g bO as e ~{).rI\.. 0 ~:'OtQ.,,,,,~~ ~~...q-S;'I~ \")U") \..<;Xn~,....;) ,,,,- Q:l1Il ~ &l,., ~ ~ ~ , IbOl!c..~.,s....",c _ ~ c_., ,-",=.. ~ ,,:;: ~~ 'S ,"".~"'O 0 c..o c: ,-" ~. ~,,::':'~~~;O . ,"5:'~"~'5,.. i ~ ~ ~! i i 1 J \-<R~" ~ ~&v ~\'"1.L ,':) ~ "'- Y'f\~\..><...4 r Dear Mr. Orlowski: ~ - The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWI concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not becrt addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life ofourarea. ". ,,' Tha~l- ;jej..rtif .310 ~I/ St5-1- /J1!rrt'c /- Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential qUality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area, Issues such as parking, noise pcdWtion, bar patrons and DWI concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacigiJlave not been addressed We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the1luality of life of our area. Thank you, ~ flit "uJ4',,",Q--iU " /rJ-~B>. ~)JOJJ ~-----!2~ ." /;/ Dear Mr. Orlowski: The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and cOlpration of the residential qUality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % woula devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWI concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have not been lllidressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the qUality of life <if~ area. ' "" '- bOO = ., -:0 bO-a '" 9'-.!!'.cg g.8~.s~ ~ ~"O 0'- .";$ >. =a.,se~=~ , 0 bOcg 4) a.g ~ ! ~ .5 ~ -5 ....:.a t: ,~~~'()g"ig .,,';;..c: 6 B"c:l 6 ~ e 1;j'", ;3 a ,., ","""e~",B <.).oQ:l.,> E"'" ~::::::rI.l::!~ g .&:J.-.. rI.l \.,I 0 _~~="'Og_ O"t:ScO"'3oo '" '" = <.) 0 <.) :> "O~Cl)"'O~_~ a.oi><: al>"~"'; . C::'-'Q)..... oo~ o ::;s..s::..c 0 r.f.I ~ .- 0"'" 00"", "0 r.I.I a ~ >-c.o ';j '- a ~ .... Cd "0 __ eo .-a::; Cl..Ctf.)oc~-go x~';"~oo (,j..o U::;SCO'-l:lCO "'t:So.g8~~R~ ~ >- ,_ '" ~ c....1S;.= o . rI.l.ti - ~..... ~1::ex~.....o'O 0.. Cd 0 -.-. = g.~].,s~c~.q r.f.I .5 b.l)'- ,0 ~ "'a -a",._~.";g..c:,, ., Bel 0 0 _ >-.0"' c..~ 0 r.I.I 0 (5 ..... u c....... "0 o..c c..'o..c <~a"'Ol5Q.)~- <0 ~ u .8 .r.J .~ go ~ "O~~="Sbg~o ~ E . ~'o bQ ~ e o~~occ:>o.. Q:l- - bO.,.,.., ""c:l bO" c.......,s~ ~ = c-5.B=....C':I13C'$ "2 .....- :2 0 0.. 0 c QO"'o>-.~."'o N '- ~ -5 :::: ;g 'r;; ('I") ';:J ::;s -..c._._ ~8co~gaJft r-N OIZl C"r.I.I rI.l~\ - .---\- \ 1 ~ ,\} ~ ~ ~ \ ""' ::i ~ "'" c '" ~ 4' ~ . ~~ ~J r Dear Mr. OrlowSki;'~ ;~J . . The Zoning Boardof Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow EaSt Rest!urant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential qUality of the neighborhood. An expanSion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and DWl concerns,and additional ' sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the qUality of life of our area. ' Thank you, C.\>. G..c0 n...c...lU ~aul.<J '\ 1 "?, ~ 0 f'to l"L'1" t-( '5 c:' ".U /t..l v~ .O~~.~ ~.~ JfI' The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of .. quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 0 a?tf.IJiSU~ such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons and D . , sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addres ook to you to rec.ti. fy !hi decision and preserve therUality of life of our are S E P 2 6 ~' Thank you, Sc.r:hnld T"wn PI, ' . "1'~, ~~-~ The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expIlISionand set blck variances On JlIfte 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Reslliurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. Tho undersigned resident(s) of tho Kennoy's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential qiJaJity of the neighborhood. An expanaign of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar ~ and DWl concerns, and additional' sanitation/sewage capacity have not b [ '~-essed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the qiJaJity of lif~ our area. Thank you, j(d,f~-r V CJO~ ~/t '11rS LerJ;~ ~~- ';) , -=-- 000 "" .;;3 0001 ~'-..!!'~ g 8Jj~.8~ ~ ] ~.~ oJ o bl)~ 4) ~. 8'~ \1 ~ !:l' . a " la 0 0 'i '''.c :5 ~ > 12 8 '<:! i ~.8~~> or> '2 .'" '1)J -8 _ :s >. = "'l::t :!!"llo'3 a CJ 0 0 ].8~]~~ :5!:l ,,-0'0 ._ 0 -5 ib~"", '" ~ td':El'~ 'a a.a !:l Q..lc rtl 0 C S2 "'0 0 ~~-c-.o-~.... ~co._g=o "gO-8erJ",ll,.2 > >- '1)J II So 0..0 ;:: ~512~~]g'Ci l;>l;j"g-5"",,::- '" g gj,'- ..: .9 1; 'a 01 13 ,- ~ . -.c " "~e: 0]-= >.0" c::w_ <<)...., -..... 0. _"'" 0 0 8.'- 1! ":~s"",]"g.. 'ap:joo..o.~g.~ ~.c-.coo.... ~ .8 r-: 6 .~ ': &b ~ ,8;;'l c >. 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"- "- ,; ~ ... a .c f-< r Dear Mr. Orlowski: /' The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on June 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and lIeciding . on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighboIhood. An expanllim of,4O % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution, bar patrons sanitation/sewage capacity have not beaa decision and preserve the quality of life fif ThankYO~;J~ ,/1 I . , \. AUr,' R 2003 Dear Mr. Orlowski: ! The Zoning Board of Appeals approved expansion and set back variances on JUne 10, 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential quality of the neighborhood. """"""Fol\sion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues such as parking, noise pollution~atrons and DWI concerns, and additional sanitation/sewage capacity have ntifbeen addressed. We look to you to rectify this decision and preserve the quality of life of our area. .... bOO =0 ':a !!pOl 2._=0,= :i l!~;>.g,; :E ~]~.~ ftl~ o bO~ 0 fa"D R / ~= o5s'!:ll:: "'-"-VI->;a F>Slor -e-. i ~.~ 1'Cl 011 g '. l'lii'~..c6~]~ ~ ~.8~'~:!.g -- 23~~~D8 ~1\4!1!l I r--rbn&l ~ KennE'''s aeo..e.h.l-.s ~ g g ~ =8-;; DearMr Orlowski' \eI OJ .J. I , '" 5: = "0 ~ Lah Dr'iv~ jJd. ko.d e...4 of leelon l)rlv~ W/Q.C.c.oWlpo.tl'i ].8 ~] ~ ~ I IitI 'e en bE' r ,. 1l0'- k 0I,.....t:l . = 0 - ~ Q "We ZOmnfli 0/ .4~ approv~ ex~an~n anJ>attac~ vanances o~ .~ 8 = ii.~ ;;! ] i 2003 for the Elbow East Restaurant. You and your board will be reviewing and deciding !ii ~ ~ 1,~ l;I ~ 8 on the site plan. The undersigned resident(s) of the Kenney's Beach area of the Village of ~ !ii * ~ i I 'Cl Southold urge you to do so with extreme foresight and consideration of the residential -g ~ .8 I, J ~ quality of the neighborhood. An expansion of 40 % would devastate our area. Issues e ... '1 ~ l1! CS ;: such as earkin2, noise pOllution, bar IIlIlroIIs and DWI concerns, and additional i: a io5 ~ I :; ~ sanitation/sewage capacity have not been addressed. We look to you to rectify this 1'" !,'i j ~ ~ decision and preserve the quality of IifeDf our area. ~ a I · ......-- ~ <~ -t... 1 Thank.you, . 'Cl ~ ~ 8,' :l tllt"ol If' e ~ Rich tt-vd. Yo... +-es \ 1 'lS LE'~ fon ~ t IJ " 'I' ~ou:+t\.of J II'11t ~.J I 1 (!) J!' . -I . ~i I Thank you, ~z:~ b - D ~ \~ ~ ,. :'3 E ~ /~~t?i~~ ~II~ 7au/;#--i- f)-4 ~5) ~oc3 ,~\' '. " ' ~. . P1annin 0 ' (!~)~~i ~~~ ~ /;tv ' (f2ze~ I ~ ,N -Ie wcz;;.,.c4~ ~rj- ~ r ~.Z~~~~~~ ~ ~~~,~~ r~J r~--L- ~ ~ .....L '"/'--. ~~~~ ; Jk M ~ i f~p.#</ 'L~r~ ~ hr:;+-/~-~ . ~ ~~I~ ~ ~~ C~PLe~(~ ~. ~.t~~/~..L4 ~~~~a- ~~..u~.~~ ~! tL )--l~-L. ~~ ~L ~~_~-L~<.~7:' ~l - ~ i . ~ . '~~J 1~ t \ . \ J 4) . ~} J'~ . I ~ . . . ~ ~ ~ ~~{~ ~I ~ UJ,,,J . r ~ tl J . j~ ~i;Ji~~ 1 ~ jr ~; <<~ "'" . . o/~ August 6, 2003 Mr. Bennett Orlowsk~, Jr. Chariman Town of Southold Planning Board P. O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971 AUG 7 2003 - ~ Sir: As owners of our home on North Sea Drive and taxpayers to the Town of Southold for 43 years, we strongly oppose Cliff's Elbow East Restaurant I s application for Sports Bar status. A Sports bar would greatly add to the problems that exist now. The cars use North Sea Drive, Horton and Kenney roads as speedways. Note the long skid marks on all three roads. This is a residential neighborhood--please don't let one business ruin the quality of life for _the whole area. Thank you /rJdw -fJ~ Helen & Lou Mastro 2025 North Sea Drive Southold, New York . . r 7/30/03 Attn: Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Town of South old Planning Board PO Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 Re: Expansion of Elbow East Restaurant Dear Mr. Orlowski, This is a short note in conjunction with the postcard enclosed in this envelope. My family and 1 are strongly against the expansion of the Elbow East Restaurant located at Kenny's Beach in Southold. We own a home in the near vicinity ofthe above restaurant in what has been successfully established as a beautiful, private, family oriented residential area. It is far from being a commercial, busy, party nightlife atmosphere and it never should be. These reasons alone are why most of us in this area chose to invest in these properties. We are all paying and have been paying a lot of money in taxes to keep it the way it is which is quite, clean and not over populated. Consequently, if the restaurant expands, with an addition ofa 12-stool bar, there will definitely be an increase in traffic, pollution, congestion, noise, the wondering of intoxicated persons and the negative potential for unsafe hangouts and loitering. As a result, the area will dramatically change and it will change for the worst to the benefit of one business man against the disadvantage of all the residents who are enjoying and loving the area for the way it is and has been for so many wonderful years. We are speaking to you as the residents of this area and hope you will wisely think over this decision and reconsider this negative approval. Thank you for your time and attention on this critical matter. Sincerely, i!i::f::::: Mr. Alfonso Romano Mrs. Antonia Romano Mrs. Luisa Della Vecchia Mr. Joseph Della Vecchia Residents and Family Members of Kenny's Beach, Southold ~s().j)~ Vel! ~ ~ L_ 'outhold Town ~~"'~rI Lydia A. Tortora, Chairwoman Gerard P. Goehringer 0'>, "::;;::--'1..:3:_ {)( L\ (\f L- v) ~, Southold Town Hall " 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11971-0959 ZBA Fax (631) 765-9064 Telephone (631) 765-1809 http://southoldtown.northfork.net ....... APPEALS BOARD MEMBERS . . VE~ .'1_ BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN OF SOUTHOLD S, DELIBERATIONS AND DETERMI MEETING OF JUNE 5, 2003 Appl. No. 5051 - Cliff and Phil's Lobsterhouse CTM Parcel 1 Location of Property: 50 North Sea Drive, Southold. Zone District: R-40 Low-Density Residential. ION'",_..:. """"": \ J~4-5-'22. L__ VARIANCE RELIEF REQUESTED: Applicant is requesting: (a) an Interpretation under Article XXIV, Section 100-243 of the Zoning Code for a Reversal of the Building Department's Notice of Disapproval, or (b) Variances under Sections 100-31A, 100-242, 100-243, and 100-244B, authorizing proposed addition/alterations to the existing restaurant, a nonconforming business use in a nonconforming footprint, with a front yard setback proposed at 21 feet (including roof overhangs) at its closest point to the northerly front lot line. SEQRA DETERMINATION: The Zoning Board of Appeals has visited the property under consideration in this application and determines that this review falls under the Type II category of the State's List of Actions, without an adverse effect on the environment if the project is implemented as planned. PROPERTY FACTS/DESCRIPTION: The applicant's 21,932 sq. ft. parcel has 115.17 ft. frontage along the east side of Kenney's Road and 183.48 feet along the south side of North Sea Drive, Southold. The property is improved with a one-story restaurant building, situated at 22.8 feet from the front lot line facing North Sea Drive and +-14 feet from the front lot line facing Kenney's Road, at its closest point, as shown on the December 6, 1983 site map prepared by Donald J. Brown, R.A. BASIS OF APPLICATION: Building Department's November 13, 2001 Notice of Disapproval, amended November 14, 2001, February 13, 2002, and October 22, 2002, citing Sections 100-31A, 100-243 and 100-244, in its denial of a building permit application to construct addition/alterations to the existing restaurant building. The reasons stated in its denial for the new construction are: (a) an approximate 48 percent increase is proposed of the existing building containing an existing nonconforming use, instead of the code limitation, when located in a noncommercial zone district (R-40 Residential); (b) the front setback will be less than the code requirement of 40 feet. FINDINGS OF FACT The Zoning Board of Appeals held a public hearing on this application on February 28, 2002, November 14, 2002, and January 16, 2003, at which time written and oral evidence were presented. Based upon all testimony, documentation, personal inspection of the property, and other evidence, the Zoning Board finds the following facts to be true and relevant: ~ r , I I I I I . "._~ '. . Page 2 - June 5. 2003 AppJ. No. 5051 - Cliff & Phil's Lobsterhouse 1000-54-5-22 at Southold FINDINGS ~ \3 I ~ :), ":' n .-- 1\, ~~~L! ".~t.-~- -I t.;..~ 1. The applicant h* applied for a use and area variance in order to expand the size of its non-conform g restaurant located on the corner of North Sea Drive and Kenney's Road. 2. The property is improved with a 2,860 square foot restaurant with small bar/lounge/waiting area. According to the applicant, the restaurant presently has 74 dining seats and 18 bar/lounge/waiting area seats. 3. The applicant seeks to add an additional 1,418 square feet. This would be a 49.5% increase to the existing building. 4. Under Section 100-243 the applicant could increase the size of its building by 15% or 429 square feet "as of right." With Planning Board approval, the building could be expanded by 30% or 858 square feet without the need for a use variance. 5. Thus, the applicant is seeking a use variance from this Board that would permit expansion of an additional 560 square over what would be permitted with approval from the Planning Board and without approval of this Board. 6. The applicant requests this additional 560 square feet of expansion in order to create bathrooms that are compliant with the requirements of the Americans with Disability Act; to increase the volume of business at the restaurant; and to improve the appearance of the property by redoing the exterior of the building and maintaining a mature landscaping plan. 7. To obtain a use variance, an applicant must show that it cannot realize a reasonable return on its property if used in compliance with zoning; that its alleged hardship is unique; that the variance, if granted, would not alter the essential character of the district or neighborhood; and that the alleged hardship is not self- created. In granting a use variance, the Board is obligated to grant the minimum variance deemed necessary and adequate to address the applicant's unnecessary hardship and, at the same time, preserve and protect the character of the neighborhood. 8. Three public hearings were held on this application. The Board was presented with substantial evidence and memoranda both in support and in opposition to the application. 2 Page 3 - June 5, 2003 . Appl. No. 5051 - Cliff & Phil's Lobsterhouse 1000-54-5-22 at Southold . 9. Based upon the record before it and its own personal observations and familiarity with the property and neighborhood, the Board makes the following findings: a. it is undisputed that the restaurant, located in a residential neighborhood, is and has been a non-conforming use. b. the applicant has presented substantial evidence that it is not able to realize a reasonable return from the property without an expansion. Among other evidence, the applicant presented a report from its certified public accountant and its tax returns that show that the property has operated at a loss or at marginal profit over the past several years. An expansion would permit additional tables and thereby permit the applicant to generate greater revenue. The applicant further produced evidence from a real estate appraisal as to the value of residential property to show that the cost of converting this non-conforming restaurant property to a conforming, residential use is cost prohibitive. Based upon this showing, the Board finds that an expansion of the already non-conforming use is warranted to allow the applicant to realize a reasonable return from its property. c. the Board finds that the applicant's plight is unique in this district. It is the only restaurant in the neighborhood. The grant of a use variance here will not create a precedent that would apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood. d. with respect to preserving the essential character of the neighborhood, it is undisputed that the character of the neighborhood is residential. The restaurant's relative size and location on a corner has made it a good neighbor to the adjoining and nearby homes. This has been the case in large measure due to the operation of the premises as a family restaurant and not as a night club or bar. The applicant's plan, as proposed, would substantially increase, among other things, the barllounge/waiting area of the restaurant. This has raised justifiable concerns that the nature of the use could change and resulting in the premises becoming a nuisance to the adjoining neighborhood. The Board finds that in order to preserve the nature of the neighborhood, any expansion of the existing premises, including its bar/lounge/waiting area, must be limited in both in size and with respect to hours of operation to ensure that the use of the premises as primarily a family restaurant does not change. In light of this, the Board finds that the additional 580 square feet sought by applicant, above the 858 square feet that could be approved with Planning Board approval but without a variance, is not the minimum variance necessary to alleviate the hardship claims and at the same time maintain the character of the neighborhood. Properly configured, a use variance of 286 square feet over the 858 permitted with Planning Board approval would provide the applicant a total 3 . . .- Page 4 - June 5, 2003 Appl. No. 5051 - Cliff & Ph ii's Lobsterhouse 1000-54-5-22 at Southold expansion of 1,144 square feet resulting in the building having a total of 4,004 square feet. e. To further ensure that the nature of the non-conforming use remains unchanged, any reconfiguration of the restaurant due to this expansion will be required to limit the expansion of the seating capacity in the bar/lounge/waiting area to a maximum seating capacity of 23 seats to generally maintain existing accessory use ratio between seats in the bar/lounge/waiting area and dining seats. Thus, if the dining seating capacity is enlarged to a maximum of 94 seats, the bar/lounge/waiting area seating can be expanded to a maximum capacity of 23 seats. This limitation will maintain the seating ratio that presently exists between bar/lounge/waiting area and dining seating. f. The Board finds that a total expansion of 1,144 square feet, coupled with the limitation on the expansion of the number of seats in the dining and the bar/lounge/waiting area will be the minimum variance necessary to alleviate the applicant's financial hardship while at the same time not adversely impact on the surrounding residential neighborhood. The applicant will be able to either achieve or come very close to achieving the increased restaurant seating it seeks and thus increased revenue it anticipates. g. To further ensure that the nature of the use does not adversely change and create negative impacts on the surrounding residential community, the Board finds that a limitation on the hours of operation is warranted. It appears that currently the last seating at the restaurant is generally at 8:30 p.m. The applicant has requested hours from 9:00 a.m. to 1 :00 a.m. from Sunday through Thursday and from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. The hours sought are not consistent with those of the current use and would dramatically and adversely impact on the quietude of the surrounding residential area. The Board finds that a closing at 11 :00 p.m. on Sundays, and on Mondays through Thursdays at 11 :30 p.m. and on Fridays and Saturdays at 1 :00 a.m. is consistent with the current use of the property and will not adversely impact on the residential neighborhood. h. The applicant's hardship is not self-created. The restaurant has been in existence for many years. The need to upgrade the premises to comply with the requirements of the A.DA, to improve its aesthetics, and to generate more revenue are outgrowths of the pre-existing nature of the use. 10. The area variance sought from the front yard set back requirements for the extension of the building does not increase but maintains the current front yard set 4 '-, Page 5 - June 5, 2003 . Appl. No. 5051 - Cliff & Phil's Lobsterhouse 1000-54-5.22 at Southold . back of the existing building. Thus, the grant of the area variance will not result in any significant change to existing character of the neighborhood, nor will it have any adverse affect on the physical or environmental nature of the area. Since a use variance permitting the expansion of the building is warranted, the feasible means of expanding the premises is by extending the existing building line. Thus there is no meaningful alternative here to the area variance sought. As already indicated, the need for the variance is not self-created. 11. Based upon these findings and criteria, the Board grants a front set back variance at a minimum of 21 feet, maintaining the existing building line, and grants a conditional use variance RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD: Based upon the findings and criteria set forth under New York Town Law, motion was offered by Member Oliva, seconded by Member Orlando, and duly carried, to: GRANT a front yard set back variance at a minimum of 21 feet, maintaining the existing building line from North Sea Drive; DENY the requested use variance permitting an expansion of an additional 580 square feet over the 858 square feet that could be obtained with Planning Board approval and without a use variance, and ALTERNATIVELY GRANT a minimum use variance permitting the applicant to add an additional 286 square feet, over the 858 square feet that it could obtain with Planning Board approval and without a variance, subiect to the followina conditions: a. The seating capacity of the bar/lounge/waiting area shall not exceed 23 seats. b. The hours of operation shall be from 9:00 a.m. to 11 :00 p.m. on Sundays, and on Mondays through Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. to 11 :30 p.m. and on Fridays and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 1 :00 a.m. c. Simultaneously with the expansion of the building, the applicant shall improve the exterior of the building consistent with the renderings submitted as applicant's Exhibit 5. d. Any expansion shall be subject to Planning Board site plan approval. 5 . . - Page 6 - June 5, 2003 Appl. No. 5051 - Cliff & Phil's Lobsterhouse 1000-54-5-22 at Southold e. Deliveries for the premises shall be on weekdays between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m, f. All HVAC units shall be sound proofed and all exhaust from the restaurant must be filtered to control cooking odors. g. There will be no further expansion of the footprint of the building. h. The applicant will prepare a declaration of covenants and restrictions containing these conditions, in a form suitable for recording in the office of the Clerk of Suffolk County and acceptable to the attorney for the Zoning Board. Vote of the Board: Ayes: Members Tortora (Chairwoman), Goehringer, Orlando, and Oliva. (Absent was: Member Homing.) This Resol . uly adopted (4-0). Lydia A. t 6/ /0 /03 I I rr -'!\ L'\ ';\'i"\1 PI r T'~') '{""-f 11~I':C;!:,:~(~::cL -'~:', ....'.. : ~:-::~~.::~~ I L':" ~};;j;I1.g;;;~ , I_~ .- _....u___1 ric.:~'.~J. C. ~"'. u_. _..._,_."~______ .- 6 . . KENNEY'S BEACH CIVIC ASSOCIATION P. O. BOX 881 SOUTHOLD, NY 11071 June 30, 2003 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman Town of South old Planning Board Main Road Southold, NY 11071 Re: Cliff's Restaurant Expansion & Alteration Variances #5051 - CTM #1000-54-5.22 Dear Mr. Orlowski, The Southold ZOning Board of Appeals has granted Cliff's Restaurant an increase of 40% for a total of 4004 square feet, from 2860 square feet. The members of The Kenney's Beach Civic Association have gone on record opposing any expansion, and feel betrayed by the ZOning Board for granting this application. In the beginning, this nonconforming restaurant in a residential area has served beach patrons as a seasonal "hot dog" stand. Over the years, four (4) expansions have been made to the building. Our area is a quiet residential neighborhood. This expansion will impact the essential character of the neighborhood and alter the quality oflife we now enjoy. The members of the Kenney's Beach Civic Association are imploring you and the fellow members of the Southold Planning Board to scale down this project drasticaliy. Thank you for your attention and for preserving our area. Very truly yours, ~ o \tt~q\iJ ~ D JUL 2 2003 soutMld IOW.~ p:?-' . } . S;13F VS . SOUTHOrD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2002 PUBLIC HEARINGS NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN, pursuant to Section 267 of the Town Law and Chapter 100 (Zoning), Code of the Town of Southold, the following hearing will be held by the SOUTHOrD TOWN BOARD OF APPEALS at the Town Hall, 53095 Main Road, Southold, New York 11971, on Thursday, November 14,2002, at the time noted below (or as soon thereafter as possible): 8:15 pm Appl. No. 5051 - CLIFF AND PHIL'S LOBSTER HOUSE. (Continued hearing from February 28, 2002). Based on the Building Department's Notice of Disapproval issued November 13, 2001, amended/updated October 22,2002, applicant requests zoning determinations for: (a) an Interpretation under Article XXIV, Section 100-243 to Reverse the Building Department's determination which states that the proposed addition/alterations to an existing restaurant establishment is not permitted in a Residential R-40 District, or alternatively a Variance authorizing the proposed addition to the existing restaurant, a nonconforming use in a nonconforming building; and (b) a setback variance is also requested under Section 100-244B for an addition to the existing building which will be less than 40 feet from the front property line. Location of Property: Comer of the east side of Kenny's Road and the south side of North Sea Drive, Southold; Parcell 000-54-5-22. The Board of Appeals will hear all persons, or their representatives, desiring to be heard at each hearing, and/or desiring to submit written statements before the conclusion of each hearing. The hearing will not start earlier than designated above. Files are available for review during regular Town Hall business days (and on 11/14 between 8 and 12). If you have questions, please do not hesitate to call (631) 765-1809. Dated: October 25, 2002. Southold Town Board of Appeals 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971-0959 (tel. 631-765-1809) Jo f:-~ 7\LW '>-t<-y:' ~ ~___c4.oI ~ ~'o ~, RECEIVED Soythold Town Cieri TB 74 8P 1>13 4 -...-" . ..,- ::= -- - -- =-==-- ~- _.' ~ - -'~= -.:.==: .~-- -.- - -- - --= .-..., I -'==: - I -=::J -.....- .~ ,~ ~ --~ .....-=: -'- _'JII__ - --- -.-- -~..= _.'0__' --"~~'. - ~rnm'll / ar-J :~ . 7;~n.. . fVYM ;..-:;.. " " -... ~~.~ ~~ ......... ~q ~ A- /P ~ U;""~9~~ -~ --=-~~:= ~ ~--."--.r:'.-.;:.-= . .=~~: :......-....... '\.. -- . '\. (...."I........ __......... "",\llO:;::_~.:;:= P-. ..~.... _J.(noI , ~ oila'!< 6m! ~ " ..""'....NCIti:IO'.......; ~ " ~! ""T" I ~ ~~, . ~J - -' 1 - ......1 .~.. ! ~ ~ .,~ i ,~1Y / . "I 1'/ . '. .....-.. .....-. .-- ;IN,1ADLEIl u.r EABPUZA DALE, Nt It-..o " 1IIIIIIlIIIUIIIl 1/tflAl Oll:lIlHl:J ---------------------------------------------.- 3Nll 03.1.100 .l'lf 010:;1 SS3C100'lf NCln13C1 :10 .lH~11::l 3H.l 01 3d013^N3 :;10 dOl 1\1 1::I3)1:)I.1S 3:J\11d . I Town ofSouthhold 53095 Route 25A Southhold, NY 11971 . . . GvtOF sll Date: October 10,2002 Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: Petition Signatures in Support of Elbow East Expansion Enclosed are twenty-five pages of signatures in support of the expansion plans. Please place these signature sheets in our file. -r T. Rutkowski Elbow East' ~'.r.:" L~' . ... ." . .~. ,'..'- '. ~ ' J" .' ."'l .~....... \'j j!.~ i I '- _~ 1 :' OCT 10 2U02 3outho!d Town Plaonin;:t Board , ~ . . . . . Member of the ao.d of Zoning Appeals Town of....... Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 PetltlOI) in $uDlKNt of ~Ibow East Restaurant Elbow EIIt RlltaUl'lnt IIl111dng to renovate and expand III Alltaul'Int by appmImat8Iy 1300 Iquant feet to cl'tlte II8W ADA (Amerlc:an DIIabiIIty Act) c:ompIlant bIthrooms, anew er.c:lolecl dining room for smokers and to c:ornpIeeIIy renovate lis existing AlltaUl'lnt W. the undersigned support the pIOpOtecll'lnovalton and expansion. NAME APDREU 1. 2 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11."-\..~ 12. ~ 13. . 14." 15. (( . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, , N.Y. 11971 ed.tion in $up~ Elbow Eatt R.urant Elbow EIst ....ul'lnt "seeking to NnOV.... and expand ill restaurant by approximately 1300 Iqun ..... to CIIII8 new ADA (AmerIcan DIllblIIty Act) compJIant bathrooms, a new enc:Io..d dining room for IIIIOkerI and to completeJy r8IIOYaI8/t1lXi1ting restaurant W. the undersigned .upport the proposed I'8fIOVItJon and expansion. NAME ADDRESS . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 .' . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Petition in SuDPOf1; of I;lbow ~ RlItalerant Elbow Eat Rtstaul'lllt is MIIdng to nII1OVate. expIIId Its l'8Itaurant by IppI\)XIIIIIl8Iy 130hq..... ... to cn11t8 new ADA (Amertc:an DIsability Act) compIIInt ........ 1 new encloled dining room for smokers Ind to completely I'II1OYIt8 h,exJstlng 1'8Itaurant. W. the undtralgntd support the proposed IWIOVItIon IIId txpInslon. ; ," . 1. 2. 3. GtJ?t t;1tY 11 rtlt! .-., ~ ~ //17/ . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 fdtJon in SuDDOl't of ElboY( EJItB!ltIural\t Elbow East Restaurant Is seeldng to renovate and expInd Its restaurant by IppIOXimaIeIy 1300 ...... feet to crtMe new ADA (Amerk;an Diubillty Act) compliant bllhl'OOllll, I new er.c:losed dining room for smokers Ind to completely renovlte Its exIsIIng restlUI'lnt. W. the undersigned support the proposed IWIOV8tIon Ind expansion. NAME ADDRESS . . /lIe . bJf fie l/tl 'J (f'1q{,( . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 fllition In SuPPOrt of ElboY( E. R__urant Elbow Eat RestlUl'lnt II seeking to renovIl8 and expand III restaul'Int by approximately 1300 square feet to c;reate new ADA (AmerIcan DIsability Act) compliant bathrooms, a new enclosed dining room for smokers and to completely renovIl8 III existing restaUl'lnt W. the undersigned IUpport the proposed renovation and expansion. N.AM~ AD~S$ 1. . 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 11. 12. 1 . 1 . 15. . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Petition in SuDDOrt of Elbow East Rtltlurant Elbow Eat Restaurant Is H8k/ng to renovate and expand III restaurant by approximately 1300 square feet to create new ADA (American Disability Act) compliant bathrooms, a new encIoeed dining room for smok", and to completely ....ovate ita existing restaurant. We the undtrllgned support the proposed renovation and expansion. . t..v~l-",tI~ ro.d,lV'r Lv-";-t/Ait1 II' . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 p_on in SuDDOlt trSbow East R_urant Elbow &It Restauf'lllt II H8Idng to renovIl8 and expand Its ntltauf'lllt by approximately 1300 ..... feet to create new ADA (AmerIcan Disability Act) compliant bllhl'OOllll, a new enclosed dining room for smokers and to completely renovate Its exiItIng restaurant W. the undersigned support the proposed renovation and expansion. HAIlE ADDRESS . . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 fltItion In Su~ of Elbow ~ Restauram Elbow East Reltaul'lllt " I8IIdng to renoVIte IIId expand lis lIItIul'lllt by IpJIIUximatlly 1300 iqUIrI f8et to CI8ID new ADA (AmerIcan DIIIbiIIty Act) compIiInt bathrooms, I new er.cloled dining ruom for smokers and to completely renovate ltI existing ntltaurant. W. the undersigned support the proposed l'IIIOVatIon and txpIftIion. . hq,1 \\~\y , I . / . . . ..Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold . Restaurant Is seeking to I'8IIOVIIe and expand lis 1300 square feet to CI'8Ite new ADA (Americ:In bIIhrooms, a new enclolld dining room for lmokers I'8IIOV8te lis exlltlng l"IItaurant. W. the undersigned renovation and expansion. . NAME c.- { I~ If?}/ \S'\ 1\ "'~ . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Petitlqn in SuDDOrj of Elbow EaaRtItlu",nt Elbow East Restaurant Is teeldng to 1WtOV8te _ expand lis restauJ'll1t by approxlm8tely 1300 IqUlnl feet to c...... new ADA (AmericIn DIublIIty Act) complilnt bllhrooms, I new encloled dining raom for smokers Ind to c:ompIeleIy renov8te Ita existing restaurant. We the undersigned support the propol1d IWtOVItIon Ind expansion. . NAME 1.P~ 2. ? 3. ' 4. 5. . 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ~ fo ~t,s- 13. :T"d~~1I.ifII'" .5 ~"'_ II! h l.e;ror 14. 1~' ~ 1-2'-I[;"""'~(;,<< -f'.a;~ . . /. I- /0' j:;:L . old //'I? . d, ~/97/ i Id //97/ , 'I II 9 s C}.... ~ It? S'l- / {f'f6'f art ~:: ""'1 ( - ow . c...~Ic. t~oo ~c.c... I' . ~ . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Petl\ion In Support_ of Elbow East Restaurant Elbow East Restaurant II H81dng to renovlle and expand III llltaurant by approxillllt8ly 1300 square feet to creabt new ADA (American Disability Act) compIlIIIt balhl'OOllll, a new er.cIa.1eI dining room for....... and to c:ompIeteIy renovate III existing restaurant. We the undersigned support the proposed nmovatIon and expallllon. HAIlE MlDREq ~\&. I~~ \\'1lL ~"'u "...()lUell\..,.... U".frt. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. uv . 1.~ . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Petition in SuPPQrt of Elbow East Restaurant Elbow East Restaurant is seeking to I'8IIOVIl8 and expand III restaurant by IpprOXiIl1ltely 1300 square flit to cntII8 new ADA (American DIsability Act) compliant blthrooms, a new ...cloud dining room for smokers and to completely renovate III existing restaurant. W. the unclenllgned- support the proposed renovation and expansion. NAME 7. 8. 9. 10 11 12. 13. 14. 15. ~ . . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of South old Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Petition in Support of Elbow East Restaurant Elbow East Restaurant is seeking to renovate and expand its restaurant by apPioximatety 1300 square feet to create new ADA (American Disability Act) compliant bathrooms, a new enclosed dining room for smokers and to completely renovate its existing restaurant. We the undersigned support the proposed renovation and expansion. . NAME ! Sf/AwA.) btUoAJ kl 1,/ "- ADDRESS ... I. .::--- 70 ) ~. if~ 4- ;: {- c;M-~-c~! ~- fr>/f'. /zr )<"'" /fvt2-tL./\/ hI( I L- r\^41I,JU f...(L vf . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 . . Petition in Smmort of Elbow East Restaurant Elbow East Restaurant is seeking to renovate and expand its restaurant by approximately 1300 square :cet tv Craam new ADA (Auterican Disability Act) compliant bathrooms, a new enclosed dining room for smokers and to completely renovate its existing restaurant. We tile undersigned support the proposed renovation and expansion. .. I. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ,; 7.- r' 8. I-c7G"i/ R J.v--.Il --,cz ~~~~~~~~ 11~;\'o-):Xe~~i "2~~ 13:~:;~:~'\L:o~' .... I? '" C-.., i'i'.l ~ /~_ u. . 15. a~t"k(?~ /1 t i;.{. U/ If))) 1C2.,.-w-'\ \J^ I7L'-''''I- '^"..~ r ._' .1__ _ . ...-.._ - 5<o~J;;:;~ pil "'1!j e"'" ~j]l'd \/tQu. ~e Sr,lL~ .. ., ,I . ^, _ A /' .LoI I I ;i~(t~:,;~nLl:~ /~~:;(V ~;;~t::~~ . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 f!!tion in SURRmgf Elbow East Rt!tIurant Elbow East ~"""rant II seeking to f'8IlOVIIe and expand III ltItaurant by IpproxImaIeIy 1300 squa feet to create new ADA (American Dilabllly Act) compliant baIttrooma, IIIIW encIoIed dining room for ...... Ind to completely 1'8nOVIt81118Xi1t1ng I'8Staurant. W. the undersigned support the praposed rtnOYItIon and expansion. NAME ~ 6. 7. 8. 9. 1""\ 10. 11. RolDcr't t..c1.U c.."'- 12. 5- (;4 -te. 13 14. 15. 'y C>Od '5 'l,( G //A7 w--t l,t? . " 1IL1 . 'iL . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Elbow EIIt R'11Iu1'lllt II -.king to I'II1OVIta and IXpInCI ill ntItIurInt by IPIJIO]dnIIlIIy 1300 IqUIrI r..t to CIIIla new ADA (American Dlsabllty Act) compIIInt bIIhrooms, a new .-.claud dining raom for smokers and to c:ompIttIIIy IWIIOVIIa iIIlXllllng I'IItaUrlnt. We the underIIgned support the PRIPOIed I"IIIOVIIIon and txplllllon. WE. MII9I . . 1.< 2. 3. 4- 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 1 . 13. 14. 1s:k>A.' "",- 'K w\t1t (' 'l ll"( '/1/ "0 c. 1;^~..^A."t"' Po'~ --S~f.f. f'" I11L. . . . · Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall ~d, N.Y. 11971 il~ow East RestlUrlnt II lIIking to ntnOVIlII and expand Its JIIlIIIItInt by IIppIOxlllllflly 1300 IqUII'e feet to Cl8ltlnew ADA (American DiIabIIIty Act) compIJInt ~ I new encIG..d dining RIOII'I for lmok... Ind to c:ompItteIy I'IfIOVII8Its txIIIing ratlUrlnt. W. the undersigned IUpport the pI'OpOIed renovetIon Ind expansion. "-, WE. ADORES$ 7. 8. M 9. 10. 11, 12. 13. 14- 15. "- . . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Pdq" in ~uDDOl1 of Elbcw( East Restaqranj Elbow East Restaurant IsI111dng to renov. and 8XpInet Its ntltaurant by approxImIIeIy 1300 sqUInt r.t ..,.... new ADA (AmerIcan DIubiIIty Act) compIlInt bIIIIl'OOIIII. I new er.c:lalld dlntng room for IIIIOkerI lnet to completely I'IROVIt8Its mlllng rIItIurant. W. tile undersigned IUpport tile pIVpOI8d renoYItIon lnet IIpInslon. }I . . . . . Member of the Board of.Zonlng Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 . fetltiQn in SuR.l*t of ElboYf ~ ReetaulJ!!l 8bow EaltRestlul'lnt ......ng to IWIOVIl8lnd upInd Its I'8II:IUI'Int by approximltlly 1300 tqUII'Il8et to c:ntII8 new ADA (Americ:ln DIIIbIIIly Act) c:ompIiInt bIIhr'OOllll, anew tndo..d dining room for lmokett Ind to ~ Its existing 1'8II:IurInt. We the undersigned lupport the ~ r8IIOVItIon Ind expap. AQ~H . QLf'} .- . <r",.v-'. . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of SouthoId Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 Petition In IYRIlQ[t of Elbow ~Ul1lnt Elbow EIIt.RIItaurInt II seeking to ~ and IXpInd III llltaul'lllt by IppIOXinIIlIIy 1300 IqUlre r.t to crull new ADA (AmerIcan Disability Act) compliant blthJ'OOllll, I new encla18d dining IOOIIt for smokers Ind to c:ompIeIIIy l'IIIOIIalelllexlstlng .......1'Int. We the underslg~ support the pI'OpOIld renoYItIon Ind txplllllon. ~ ~ 11 12. 13. i 14. 15. lfn.. t.:J;tr.J. l:04.. .Lr:PAuG-€: .,)\.~. . ~ ~~~~ A~ 11 iJIj. tA/~. M> In Ill) '10(.; . .~ ;/R}l~ '} . 11'f? I . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appldls Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 fd.tion in SU.DDO(J.sa1bow East R.u~ Elbow East Restaurlllt ~18IIdng to I'8IIOWIte and 8XpInd Its restaurut by IppIOximal8Iy 1300 IquIN Wto c'" new ADA (Arnericln DilablIIty Act) compliant bItIHooms, . _1IICIoIed dining room for lmokers and to completely renovate Its existing r.,.urant. We the undersigned IUpport the proposed renovation and expa" NAME ADDRESS . 1. 2. 3. ~41YJ;~ 5. 6. l 8. 9. 10. Cn~ 11.&EU -~"""'l.. 12. I< ~~o..lbt 13. 14. 15. . I :';$:{c' . . . . . ~ -----.-,. ".' '. "ember of the Board of Zoning Appeals Townd Southold Jl'0Wn ... W:dhold, N.Y. 11971 fd.tion In SUDDOrt of Elbow ~urQ , Elbow Eat Restaurant Is"-mg to renova.. expand.... ~ lIIdIurant bylPJR.a.I_.teIY~Mt to c..... new ADA ~ ) DlublIIty Act) compUIIIt blthl'OClllll, a new encIoHd dining room for ~ and to ~ I1InGVIte lis exlltlng iwtaurim. We the unilerligned , - support the proposed rwIOVItIon and expanslon.- - 1M[ 1,J ~l'liGr ~r~41( 5,'t.(c(&1.1 r 2. \ t.! 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11, 12. ' 13. lJ 14. 15. 'I 11f(, /f IJ<. tJf . ~ &.-t'i ~~~ tJ t! fr1t~J f, .,. d. '" . . · Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 f!ti.tion In SU~11 of Elbow Ea@ RestauI'W Elbow East Restlul'lllt Is seeking to ntnovIte and expand its '-'urant by approximate/y 1300 squn feet to craate new ADA (American DIsability Act) compliant bathrooms, a new enc;lolld dining room for smokers and to completely renovate its exllting .-.urant. We the undersigned \ support the propoaect renovation and expansion. . NAME ~ . 2 3. 4. 5'- 6. 7. 8. 9.; 1~ 11. .- 12. 13. 14. 15. . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N~Y. 11971 eetition in SuDDOlt of Elbow ~R"urant Elbow East ReltaUFlnt Is seeking to renovaI8 Ind exPllld Its I'eStauIInt by IIJPIOxImIteIy 1300 IqUlJ'l f8etto c:reabt new ADA. (AmerIcan DiublIIly Act)WmpIIantbllluooms. I new enclosed dining room for .mok.... Ind to completely rtnOY_1ts IXiIIng ...uUFlnt. W. the undersigned .upport the proposed renovation Ind expansion. . 1. 2. 3. 4.1 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. . . . . Member of the Board of Zoning Appeals Town of Southold Town Hall Southold, N.Y. 11971 " -.....",. " Elbow East Restaurant I1I811dng to nIIIOVII8l11d tXpInd III nlItaulUt by IPPf'OXimIlIIy 1300 IqUll'lfeIt to c;l8lIte new ADA. (Amerlcen DIIabIIIty Act) compIIInt INIIllloolIII, a new ....cto..d dining room for smokers and to ~ renovate III exlsting........nt. W. the undersigned support the proposed reoovatIon and expansion. fetltlon in SU~ of Elbow East ReltaUIl'li . . . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman RICHARD CAGGIANO WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 T: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals F: Scott Hughes, Senior Environmental Planner R: Elbow East Restaurant Application # 5051 SCTM #1000-54-5-22 D: 6 September 2002 The Planning Board would like to provide commentary on the above-mentioned project. However, we are currently awaiting advice from the Town Engineer regarding the proposed parking layout. After he has responded, we will submit our comments before your next meeting on October 17th. I thank you. ~)j r"t J , . IBIIEY1IE1C11 CIVIC _1l1li . 5v ttF 173 stl P.O. BOX 881 SOllTHOLD. NY 11971 Thursday, August 29, 2002 Mr. Bennett, Orlowski, Chairman Planning Board, TOS Main Road Southold,~11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski, I am writing to you to express the views of the members of the Kenney's Beach Civic Association regarding the expansion application of Cliff's Elbow East Restaurant, located on Kenney's Road and North Sea Drive in Southold. For years this establishment has been seasonal, operating only in the summer. In fact, it was originally a hot dog stand "shack" serving summer beach patrons. The present owners have elected to remain open for business during the winter. We feel if this application is granted, our quality of life will be diminished and homeowners will suffer with added traffic, inadequate parking, increased bar trade, etc. Mrs. Pat Poppe, a Director ofthe Association, will be presenting in person, a petition signed by approximately 100 property owners who object to and will be affected by this expansion. We urge you and your fellow members of the Planning Board to deny this request of Cliff's. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ML Arline Richter, President "."'t.~.>-.~.;<' /'"".c"'r PI", ,.. ,...'\i.....".......fi."".."...f,ii. I . .f'7>', i' ~. \. I ! ~ lr- ~ ,', . ~_,\;!fF.!.1 \...... (" - -.1:1 OCT (j;) 2UU2 , ,1,., ~outho!d Town PJanmnQ Board . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH TO EXPRESS'STRONGOPPOSmONTo THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE RESTAURANT KNOWN AS ElBOW EAST AT THE CORNER"6F KENNEY's RitA>> AND NoRm SEA DRIvE IN1'HE VR-LAGE OF SoUTHOLD 11971. 1HERE ARE QUALITY OF UfE, ENVIRONMENTAL, PARKING, AND HEALTH ISSUES AT STAKE. WE DO NOT WANT THE RESIDENTIAL AND FAMILY ATMOSPHERE IN OUR AREA TO BE COMPROMISED IN ANY WAY. 'fifANK YOU. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME ADDRESS DAlE REsIDENT OF AREA 7 f--.~ ~ 7<$ ..' -~'~1:; 8) If /r;( I I ~ ~ II C()K"~'Tl'(1C' f ~ CsCo~c..lClq.....lo~_' B~o N..~IA ~cU)jl.. _~t c ~ ~~~'9Ile.~. /310 !l.11LSa..U.J <II~ ~ 11 LLC!-- J.34[~ . /1 _. Lf..L/____... (( 7-~__~- ..c~.di-t'..LL! IIIPH:_~ . Li'a'~Cfed" _.___.___. ~ ~~11Ud' ~-r --~-- ~ lit K.!~~~. 3,,-l. ~i!':.?:~-%fjL..... fi~_______. . \~IIt1mM~'UI'S'AIi:-f z=s I fb~~Y:'!J~!l'4 ~SZQ~~~$Jp fj~iD4~__~_.:'~' I. I ! -:tl. I fI4..e#"I-.Lt/J~IUJ.,L3..5.::Zl;?k~-r,2~#r_~__u_"_,,, I - -r : \ . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH TO EXPRESS STRONG oPPOSmON TO THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE RESTAURANT KNOWN AS ElBOW EJlST AT THE CORNER -of KENNEy'S RitA>> AND NoRm SEA DRIvE iN 'fftE VII.LAGE OF SOUTHOLD 11971. THERE ARE QUALITY OF LIFE, ENVIRONMENTAL, PARKING, AND REALlH ISSUES AT STAKE. WE 00 NOT WANT THE RESIDENTIAL AND FAMILY ATMOSPHERE IN OUR AREA TO BE COMPROMISED IN ANY WAY. THANK YOU. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME ADDRESS DAtE REsIDENT Of AREA? 72-81. .#Ir,,\t OWIl€R , ('( l( '. It '1 Me Oul"'..IFIC i\ II {f f( I ( " 1/ If 1/ AI . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH Til EXPRESS STRONG oPPOSmON TO THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE RESTAURANT KNOWN AS ELBOW EAST AT THE CORNER -OF KENNEY's RiJAB AND NoRm SEA DRIvE IN THE VlUAGE OF SOUTHOm 11971. THERE ARE QUALITY OF lifE, ENVIRONMENTAL, PARKING, AND HEAlTH ISSUES AT STAKE. WE DO NOT WANT THE RESIDENTIAL AND FAMILY ATMOSPHERE IN OUR AREA TO BE COMPROMlS-ED IN ANY WAY. THANK roU. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME ADDRFSS DATE REsIDENT OF AREA? ------------ eIfR/5. foPf'€ ;t}.71!.IC /4 If s:. JeJ/;V' KLEE/I.f/.t.$ 7.]b t Ol.l \"Y1frs'tf<1? G/.O ~~tJ, J ~ aO~5(\l,5e -7/~t/6~. ---l-e5----------- jlj~/.1 la~iIk ,/#AaL!f::-- ~~~J~____~J.rfi ",..~.Lelt.1-_~._ ..?L~~o~ ___~_____________ ~~-~e~J~~ kiQ~~. ~~-?:_ __$e", I ~~~~ !').O'\. ---- Ifth1!Y---.&~l!161'- ~_~<S~oS' '"",,,'fo<'" P,,-,) .2.c.tfi/'J.... ----2.Q~_.___._______ .__t.573~~-lJl~--.61f~-:lhD.~i --~--Yc- ~~---- . I 1 lP--'t ; t r 7?1~ .<8 ~ ~~Il~~~~~ ~-- -- ,~" / . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH T{) EXPRESS STRONG oPPOSmON TO THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE RESTAURANT KNOWN AS ELBOW EAST AT THE CORNER -of KENNEY'S RoAD AND NoRm SFA. DRIvE IN 'fHE VIl.I.AGE OF SOUTHOLD 11971. THERE ARE QUALITY OF LIFE, ENVIRONMENTAL, PARKING, AND HEALTH ISSUES AT STAKE. WE DO NOT WANT THE RESIDENTIAL AND FAMILY ATMOSPHERE IN OUR AREA TO BE COMPROMISED IN ANY WAY. THANK YOU. SIGNATURE PRINT NAME ADDRESS DATE REsIDENT OF AREA? e S ' \/~. _L!,________>_ ~-~-_.__...._.- '-- -~ ~ l' ~~I I -1~ STPlJtf.' . r(:L&~,~~.2.e.../___.._J~-Sl~t.\~1 \ 11 (l\ '1\.?Z (0<, VS ~~ _ ~l..,\ol.~-----.---. 20) ~-e"'~ ~...-.2t'!l~,s~l~.)'e.>-.-.-.-..-.- : ! . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH TO EXPRESS STRONG oPPOSmON TO THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE RESTAURANT KNOWN AS ElBOW EAST AT THE CORNER {}f KENNEy'S R"6AD AND NoRm SEA DRIvE IN 'fIlE VlI.I.AGE OF SOUTHOLD 11971. THERE ARE QUALITY OF LIFE, ENVIRONMENTAL, PARKING, AND REALm ISSUES AT STAKE. WE 00 NOT WANT TIlE RESIDENTIAL AND FAMILY ATMOSPHERE IN OUR AREA TO BE COMPROMISED IN ANY WAY. THANK YOU. l:A-k< ~5 I es r::. I" Z- q (~~4 I~OL~::-.~!J ;;1~ -- ~(~~~:~~~~::=~:=: - ~\Nf\ ~~ -flQ]J~~---~[\3A~-~Z_~..---- .__ " ~~-=kh-4w-~S~++4~-kQ.~----. - 1,,-- ---- "---i-- -------t-t--. -......---.-.---- . ---.-.....--. --..---. -+- ---.. ._.~ -... --- !'--'" -..--------..........-j .--.---T...... " .--.-..-- ...- -- . -' 1 ~ j! . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH Ti} EXPRESS SlRONG oPPOSmON TO THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE RESTAURANT KNOWN AS ELBOW EAST AT THE CORNER -of KENNEY'S R"8AD AND NoRm SEA DRIvE IN THE VlI.I.MiE OF SOUTHOLD 11971. THERE ARE QUALITY OF UfE, ENVIRONMENTAL, PARKING, AND HEALTH ISSUES AT STAKE. WE 00 NOT WANT THE RESIDENTIAL AND FAMILY ATMOSPHERE IN OUR AREA TO BE COMPROMlS-ED IN ANY WAY. THANK YOU. , SIGNATURE PRINT NAME ADDrnsS DATE [REsIDENT OF AREA? ------------ ------------- ------------ -------r---------- tEs_________ " . V II c5 . '( " >t LS I( '- l' '( , ' L ' 6( . . WE, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH Ti> EXPRESS SlRONG i>PPOSmON TO THE PROPOSED EXPANSION OF THE RESTAURANT KNOWN AS ELBOW EAST AT THE CORNER $ KENNEY's RiJAD AND N&Rm SEA DRIvE IN THE VIUAGE OF SOlITHOLD 11971. THERE ARE QUALITY OF LIFE, ENVIRONMENTAL, PARKING, AND HEALTH ISSUES AT STAKE. WE DO NOT WANT THE RESIDENTIAL AND FAMILY ATMOSPHERE IN OUR AREA TO BE COMPROMISED IN ANY WAY. THANK YOU. , ~~~------f-~~~----- -~~~~------ ~A~____t~~~~~7 +- --- ...~~ , I i--....- -------___m_ .....--.-, . I 1------.----.---- .---,.---.------ -_._----+-..._~_.._----------- ! I - --------+-------- . I -+-. -.- ..-.---.----.------..-.-----..--.-1. ..----.......----.---.... ---+-.--~----..~.--..J.--"-.,----..c~-L___.__._.____.:......._.__.__.. ! I I' P.O.BOXIl8I SOUTHOLD. NY 11971 SMh ff!J s.H ~Bfr mmsl..CIIIC _n. . Thursday, August 29, 2002 Mr. Bennett Orlowski, Chairman Planning Board, TOS Main Road Southold, NY 11971 Dear Mr. Orlowski, I am writing to you to express the views of the members of the Kenney's Beach Civic Association regarding the expansion application of Cliffs Elbow East Restaurant, located on Kenney's Road and North Sea Drive in Southold. For years this establishment has been seasonal, operating only in the summer. In fact, it was originally a hot dog stand "shack" serving summer beach patrons. The present owners have elected to remain open for business during the winter. We feel if this application is granted, our quality oflife will be diminished and homeowners will suffer with added traffic, inadequate parking, increased bar trade, etc. Mrs. Pat Poppe, a Director of the Association, will be presenting in person, a petition signed by approximately 100 property owners who object to and will be affected by this expansion. We urge you and your fellow members of the Planning Board to deny this request of Cliffs. Thank you for your cooperation. Very truly yours, ~J Arline Richter, President ,l\'Iifi! lih'~lq ~ SEP O. 21112 ' Southold Town PlannJna Board _ ><- ,c.___. . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman RICHARD CAGGIANO WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN SIDOR P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM F: Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals Scott Hughes, Senior Environmental Plannert Cliff and Phil's Lobster House (Elbow East) Application # 5051 SCTM #1000-54-5-22 T: R: 0: 7 October 2002 In general, Planning Board is not in favor of expansion on non-conforming lots. That said, most of the concerns outlined in Planning's memo to ZBA (dated 14 FEB 2002) have been adequately addressed by the applicant. There' is still a shortcoming in the amount of landscaping, particularly in what would serve to buffer the site. As a buffer the Planning Board would require a double row of trees at least 6' high. However, still this may cut into the already strained amount of parking spaces. I thank you. . . :; lJ /3F s;H , Octob.r a. 2002 RE: Updated Site Plan - Elbow East 'ftr3{~;Jt'~ ~'lr;.-:j~r.....i.. Ic" "~f! ~" . OCT 0 2 20020 Southold Town PJanning Board ""-.-.i ..-._'- Southold Town Planning Board Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Submitting ( lp) copies of the updated site plan for Elbow East. Site plan shows landscape design, parking lot layout and parking lot drainage system as per Town Engineer Recommendations. Thank you, '-r~ T. Rutkowski , . ,f;'uif 911 JAMES A. RICHTER, R.A. ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOrD, NEW YORK 11971 . JOSHUA Y. HORTON SUPERVISOR TOWN HALL - 53095 MAIN ROAD ~ Fax. (516) -765 -1366 Tel. (516) -765 - 1560 OFFICE OF THE ENGINEER TOWN OF SOUTHOLD September 13, 2002 Bennett Orlowski, Jr. Chairman - Planning Board Town Hall, 53095 Main Road Southold, New York 11971 Re: ELBOW EAST RESTAURANT Site Plan Addition & Alterations - Kenny's Road, Southold SCTM #: 1000-54-05-22 Dear Mr. Orlowski: As per your request, I have reviewed the Site Plan for the above referenced project. The parking scheme as proposed by the plan, appears to be too complicated for a small parking area. This layout may require extensive curbing to maintain vehicle separation when the lot is full. I have enclosed an alternate layout that includes a four (4') foot landscaped strip at the property lines for your review. I believe this plan would be much easier to construct & maintain as well as allow for additional landscaping. The site plan should also provide drainage plans to collect storm water runoff. I can see that the majority of the site currently has hard & impervious surfaces and that the proposed addition will be over an area that is currently paved. For this reason, there may not be additional runoff generated by the new construction. The existing site however, does not currently provide any drainage. The proposed addition should be considered a major renovation. I have discussed this issue with Mr. Harris and he agrees that some type of drainage system should be proposed by the applicant to contain run-off generated at the site. Drainage calculations should be provided and justification for the proposed design should be submitted for review. If you have any questions concerning this report, please contact my office. Peter Harris (Superintendent of Highways) ffi~ J mes A. Richter, R~~ cc: ." ~- -- "" \.- SfP 1 6 2UU2 ~o~thold Town PJanninltBoard NORTH SEA DRIVE . g' x 19' PARKING STALL TYPICAL 18 43 . Q 1 1 . a 19 42 . . 10 20 41 . .. ou . .. .. 40 '" It 9 21 . ..... ouc 39 . ..... 8 22 co: . "'.. .... !IJ 23 38 . ril 7 . :l 37 . '" >- 6 24 . . III 5 25 36 . . Z 4 35 . Z 26 34 . 3 . ~ 2 ~ .2~~82~~O.3: 323~ ~ 1 . . . . 4' LANDSCAPE BUFFER TYPICAL ~ . . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chairman RICHARD CAGGIANO WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN SIDOR PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD MEMORANDUM T: P.O. Box 1179 Town HaIl, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals F: Scott Hughes, Senior Environmental Planner R: Elbow East Restaurant Application # 5051 SCTM #1000-54-5-22 D: 6 September 2002 The Planning Board would like to provide commentary on the above-mentioned project. However, we are currently awaiting advice from the Town Engineer regarding the proposed parking layout. After he has responded, we will submit our comments before your next meeting on October 17th. I thank you. . PLANNING BOARD MEMBERS BENNETT ORLOWSKI, JR. Chainnan RICHARD CAGGIANO WILLIAM J. CREMERS KENNETH L. EDWARDS MARTIN SIDOR 21 August 2002 Anthony Rutkowski PO Box 299 Mattituck, NY 11952 Re: Elbow East Restaurant Kenney's Road, Southold SCTM # 54-5-22 Dear Mr. Rutkowski: . P.O. Box 1179 Town Hall, 53095 State Route 25 Southold, New York 11971-0959 Telephone (631) 765-1938 Fax (631) 765-3136 Planning staff has reviewed and accepted your Elbow East site plan application. I will present it to the Planning Board at their next work session for their comments. ~,..~ colt Hug s Senior Environmental Planner PLANNING BOARD OFFICE TOWN OF SOUTHOLD . . Submission Without a Covcr Lctter S {,l/';J(' 5H Scndc.f': - ( ; \C f. ~'"^-\ \.COuJ S'~~ Subject: c ( \0 0 <.0 E Ac;.-r SCTlIf#: 1000- ::;-'-1 -- 5""" ~ '2.. L Comments: ';//9/0 2.. . , . S t'TE -PI A J ArrLICJ9T1oJ 7- ~Ioo; K~~' C1 - . S ;+-e \)(,P,'"-' <;. . ex. 11 750+ tl37b.tf~ . I Al VtflAwER- Date: 1P>~R .11 AUG 1 ~ 2UU2 , SGIrIMdd'RMn ....,...... - A=P 23 20~2 1:37 Q'~ F~ RIlJKII~ RAD~ER LLCt6 357 3333 TO 918317653135 . . . ~RIVKIN l!llJ RADLER EA8 PLAZA lCU1IPrt UNIONOALE, NEW YORK 11556-0111 24 (516) 367-3000 FAX (516) 357-3333 www.rivkinradler.com - FAX COVER MEMO TO: Victor L'Eplaltenier FIRM NAME: Town of Southold - Planning Department . FAX#: 631-766-3136 -----<- PHONE #: CITY: Southold FROM: Matthew G, Hughes DATE: , April 24, 2002 RIO: Cliff & Phil's Lobster House, Inc. - Appl, No, 5051 ----. FILE#: 700778-1 COMMENTS: See attached letters, L PAGE(S) TO FOLLOW IF THERE ARE ANY PROBLEMS CONCERNING THE TRANSMISSION OF THIS MATERIAL. PLEASE CALL: FAX DEPARTMENT: (516) 357-3392 THANK YOU RETURN TO: M. Hughes Room #: ~ ~..._..............,r,..,r,......*__ol>>lo>lo"''''''''***''''*''''._*_'''''''__..'''''-'''''.''1III.''*..'''__.''''''.'AA .l. ......~~_._***"'* Confidentialltv Note The docymenta acoomp8llying this teiecopy transmlS$ion contain information which is confldenlilll or P1ivileged. The Inform_n 1$ IntenCled 10 be lOr the uSe of the individual or enli1y named on thio transmission sheet. If YOl.l are nollhe intended reei=ienl, be aware that any disclosure, copyfng. distribution or use of the contents of thiS lliIeco~led infOrmation is prOhibited. .1lI~_."'_""*.""""'*1II***,**Ir""''''.'''/WrMIIt/r'''............~ M ~ 1...l.A~.l. .l..............~............W.t............."'Io....*.**....~".**.,..it'IlT'* f:'DOCSOPiN\riUGHES_M,*160i2JS vI. VfJlJTYPA,XF08.M AFR 28 ~0C2 1:3~ p~ F~ PI~JKitJ ~AD~ER LL~t6 357 3?33 TO 916317652t3E o. 0~./04 " . . ~~~~ 13.30 NOI!:T.. ~1.I'l'Tc''', ;,VIi..",C SUl7e 'llQQ S.....T.... FlQ':;>,ol, C,,", lijI!)-liQhodO"6 17....?, '1;!!~-.."'oo EA6 PLAZA UNIONDALE, NEW YORK 111515'5-0111 U516J 357'3000 It,~ MADISON AlltNl.lE: NEW VQC;I(. NY 100.18-1101 121f;:1 ",~;)..O~C1 F'AX 1~le) 357-3333 W'fi'ff,fIVkln,aaltr.CClm 1'HI: ..TAil,.!'" "',. M,A,II'I.E :liiTRlli:li:.i . ,.......0 "I.OO~ 5UW""". N", l;l".Oi-2&()8 IQOel <IoOIl-t$Q9 P:flI!CT 0-',<-1. (1'0) leT.I'.' April 24, 2002 YJA TELECOPY Michael Verity Building Department Town of South old Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road. P.O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11791..0959 Victor L'Eplattenier Planning Department Town of Southold Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road P,O. Box 1179 Southold, New York 11791-0959 Re: Cliff & Phil's Lobster House. Inc.. Allpl. No. SOSi Gentlemen: This letter will serve to confirm that a meeting has been scheduled for April 26, 2002 at 11 :00 a.m. at the Elbow East R~1aurant regarding the above-referenced matter. In addition, attached please find a letter from Gerard P. Ooehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals dated April 22, 2002 ccnceming this matter. Very truly yours, ;;a~ Matthew O. Hughes MGHlnl Att. cc: George J. Tsurus, Esq. ,:~r-D~\fl'OCH8S...M\IIj~OO:~:i v; . CUFf& ?tiU..s,'SOiJrnOLDl'm AC::R '23 2002 1: ::':: B4/22/2~~2 1",12 ~ F~ F~ P!\);YN ~AD~ER &317.4 LLPI6 357 3333 TO 91631765?136 P.03/04 ZONINGAPPEALS,: PAGE 61 , Gerard P. Goehringer, Olairmill Lydia A. Tonol. George HQuulI& R\lth O. Oliva Vincent Orlando Southold Town HBI! 53095 Maio Road P.O Box n79 Southolc!, New York 11971-0959 l.BA Fax (631) 76S-9064 1I:lephone (631) 765-1809 h:tp:flsoutboldtoWll.nonllfCrk.net APl1SALS BoARD MEMBERS BOARD OF APPEALS TOWN 01' SOuniOLD April 22, 2002 Fax S 16.357.3333 George J. tsums. Esq. Rivkin Radler BAD Plaza Unionclale, NY 11556.0111 Re: Appt. No. 5051- Qiff & Phil's Lobster House, Jnc. D~~ This will contll'lll that duriog the February 28. 2002 hearilli, tbe Board askcd that tbe applicant prooeed with an application to the Planning Board for its preliminary review and eornmentS for parking and site plan. Please kcep us posted so that we can establish a new date for the final hearing, which would be held about three weeks after we receive notice with the inforrnatiol1 requested. A.lso, the Board bas received, and is re'Viewing, the revised sitc plan and floor plan layouts that were submitted on April 1, 2002. Thank you. Very tl'Uly yollr$, ~ ~'rd tL4:i r -' ..."'." .i C~ Go ngtr . tJb RPR 22 2002 14: 36 6317(;;59064 ~.;t;j:" ~1 . ':;:::-F ::'.3 2>?D~~ ~: J':'; F>~ F::: ~'~ ~)'< I f~ __. 6_4/22/2~.62 :4: 12 ~~l.~b4 eft') ~ ,~). 7.-- 5"' p~2 r ~ J !~tfr- . ) ~~ ~~~_ER L~~t6 357 3:33 TO 91331?65~136 . ZONIN<;~PPEALSB. ./. ".04/04 PQGE 62 FORM NO. ~ TO: Elbow Eut PO Bolt. 985 Southold, NY 1197\ NOTICE OF DISAPPROVAL DATE: November 14, 2001 Amended: Febn....". 13. 20~2 FEB t 3 .{! Please take notice that your application dated NOYOIllber 6. 2001 For permit 10 ~e additions/alterations to an existinl! restaurant at Location of property 50 Nollh Sea Drive. SoU!hold. County Tax Map No. 1000- Section ~ B1ock,1 Lot 22 Is retunteo herewith and disapproVed on the following grounds: The oroposed addiliol'Jalteration to a non-eonforminl! buildinl! with m!JI.confonninll use, on a 21 932 ,guare foot 101 i~ the R.40 District. is not oennitted llUtSUant to Article XXIV Section 100-243A.1. which ltateil: "Nothinll in this anide shl'll be deemed to Drevent the remodelin~ reoonstructio lar of a noneonforrninl! or eo fo in no . . .. w' C - 0 u e co 1StTUclion 0 11 addition to n 10 assaidilcr 51:' s':ceo ebuidi s -cat 'b . I if:u.i or structures OJ by the constructioo of a new and senarlk bUlldin~ or struc!W'e does not result in an increase In the overall buildinll footprintCs\ Dr more than 15%. exceot that said increase shall not $Xeeed the aD~Ueable maximum lot CQveraie. In ~ti,;jtion all other !!tetback and area f'!l:Iuirements shall &nnlv. t. (\ L De existi~Q footprint of the existil'lll buildinll Is +1-2,780 souare feet and the DrODOSed addition is poted as bcin~ +1-1.311. an aoDroxim!l.te merellSe of 48 oercem. Amlaurant 18 not I tleJII\jlt~ use in the residential R-.w district Dursuant to Article m. Sedion 100- lJ.A, In addition. the DrODoseO addmon to an existinll non-confonniM b\:i1dinl!: notes a front yard setback of t'n(eptv-one (21) feet. malntaininl! the mUstin!! front vard setba.ck. and a Jgtal tot CO'M - ~ ~ Dercent. Therefore. the prn>>Osed addUlonla1teration is not 'P~ed llutSuant to Article XXVI Section 100-244 which states that non.e2nforminlllots less than 2Q.!lQO SQuare feet in total size. reQuire a front yard setback ofthjM-five (35\ feet ll1lI a total i:Overal!~ 91 20 ne~ttlt. ... cc: file. Z.B.A. ~PR :i/2 2~2 14'3" ........................... .. TOTAL PAG:.04 .. 6 . The Suffolk Times. March 7, 2002 ---'. Elbow East, focus of expansion. plans and some neighborhood resistance. Suffolk Times photo by Judy Ahrens J East? Elbow room for Elbow Owners and neighbors debate expansion of Southold restaurant building, which new owners like Rutkoski and Bill and Cathy Berliner agree isn't much aesthetically, and a drawing of their proposed renovation, an attractive, pitched-roof colonial-style affair. The restaurant is located at the comer of North Sea Drive and Kenny Road, near the Long Island Sound in Southold. It's been around a long time, first as a hot -dog stand, according to residents. Over the years By Gwendolen Groocock Elbow East's extension plans drew a large crowd at last Thursday's Southold Zoning Board meeting. Many came in support of the restaurant's efforts to improve its appearance and expand its capacity, and many came with concerns about possible impacts to the sur- rounding residential neighborhood. On display were photos of the current ZONING BOARD NOTES its grown into a casual family restau- rant; and prior to coming under the present ownership about two years ago, was part of the Cliff's Elbow group. George Tsunis, attorney for the owners, argued that the plans to build the approximately 1,300-square-foot addition to the existing 2,780-square- foot building is necessary to upgrade the restaurant to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Suffolk County smoking laws. Also, he said, the restaurant has been losing money, and not being able to make improvements because it was rezoned residential in the late '80s constitutes a hardship. Furthermore, he said, "We want to provide something aestheti- cally pleasing ... This would bring it closer to the character of the neigh- borhood. We are very cognizant that we live among residences." Pat Moore, attorney for a group of neighbors, said their main problem with the plan is that the expansion shown by the interior diagram is "pri- marily in the bar." "The reality is that this is being developed and expanded into a signif- i icant bar in a residential area," she said. Bar hours can go to 4 a.m., whereas restaurant hours aren't near- ly so late, and the neighbors are wor- See Zoners, page 25 . . NOTIFICATION RIDER TO RENE iNAL APPLICATION ON PREMISES LICENSEES ONLY MU ST COMPLETE THIS SECTION NOTICE TO MUNICIPALITY/COI~MUNITY BOARD You are required by the Alcoholic Bt~verage Control Law, Section 64, Subdivision 2a, up,o receipt of a renewal application for a license to sell alcoholic beverages at retail for consumption ::>h the premises, to pron'lptly notify, inwriting, the CI ~rk of the Village, Town or City wherein the premises are located of your application to the State Liquor Auth(,rity not \ass tha.n thirty days prior to the submission jf your application to the Authority. In the City of New York, such notification is to be senUa the community board with jurisdiction over the area in which f 18 premises is located. Notfficationpursuant to this Section isla be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested. You must keep the certified mallrece pt for your records. CERTIFICATION RIDER TO APPLICATIONS t-frereby ..~.~. ifX thaI1h.-.e"OlTlPIif'<!~1ITl.-re~ulrem~~lsoISeetl"" 64,""l>ffiillsj~h 2~ 01 1M l\'oooo1[c "ev~g";SOi1t(OI ~"....., ""dh~ve~"nl noffficatfon of my re~..... al apPff"".tiOh 10 become licen,e<l, by certified mail, return receipt requested 10 Ihe Clerk ollhe City Tow village (circie ohe) 01 ..~ '1"1fll (..0 , or, in New York City, the Clerk 01 Community Board # Borough of . where Ihe premises are located. CLtFF.JRH-lbS {...cI85Tt;'f( H-6vsc I)1/L Trade Name 08 fl '=.l ifuA)' t:1'fS;T 50 ;JOll-Tlf StB m/vi:; SovTrhX--tO N.Y. J /97/ LIcense Number ~/ /)10.1-,.. Date . /D Lf- go 7 0 NOTE: FAILURE TO NOTIFY THE APPROPRIATE MUNICIPALITY OR COMMUNITY BOARD AT LEAST THIRTY (30) DAYS PRIOR TO THE SUBMISSION OF YOUR APPLICATION OR REN :WAL MAY RESULT IN A DELAY IN PROCESSINO YOUR APPLICATION. - You must keep the certified mail rec eipt for your records! Form #1016 SLA (Revised 0412001) RECEiVED CC: Town Board Town Attorney Police Dept. Fire Marshal ZBA Planning Board "'i!t',;, MAR \ S 2002 Sou,"o\d lown ('elk 1," F ,~.... " . ..".:c.,-..... :'. '~n~.. :~u.~ (\~J i ! . '\'~' .. , , .,~.,:,';' ~ii~K ~ U tUUL Southold Town Pi....ming Board . . ~~~ ~ (" c. o ~~ ~Q...~ r- (1.- C:~c-\ , t E :<- 5 :s - J r~ -- ~k 'VI ~ ~~ ~~t ,g .D rt (V~:$ ~~'l ""- -- -'tI -J -- ru tn ..... Cl -.J. Cl Cl ..... CJ Cl Cl ru tn ..D --' ..D w --' tr ~ ~o;t'O ~o' ~~#~~ 'L~\~~\-'0()<; ~ \:"()1:.~~c;'0 J) l ~:.! 5"" .,,<:>"" ,..... ~ -fY:&r ?~N . 'S> )' .,'v""" ,-:-<r:::v;-" -, -'.'I"':'i"''-'j:,~'':'~:.:'~-~''''''' r,",",;-'''~ .. '-'-':~'.~.'...""".-": 'J';,;'.'.:'l::'T'~i'; -,- <- : ::~.:-:C, '::'F'--:J:' ;,"" ~..:;- ~;:,', F _. . . ,1','T" ""''''';'1';'''''~''''A;' ",'L:'"r:' SJo'j ~ Christopher and Patricia Poppe 282 North Sea Drive Southold, NY 11971 February 25,2002 Gerard P. Goehringer, Chairman Southold Town Board of Appeals Town Hall 53095 Main Road PO Box 11 79 Southold, NY 11971-0959 SoutholdTown Planning Board RE: Application No. 5051 CLIFF AND PHIL'S LOBSTER HOUSE RESTAURANT AKA The Elbow East 1""1 FEB 26 2002' Dear Chairman Goehringer and Members of the Board: We just purchased our home in Southold one year ago. We knew the home was near a restaurant but checked with then building department inspector Ed Forrester who assured us that the business could not be altered in any way due to its nonconforming nature. So we went ahead and bought the house. I hope we won't be regretting it. The present owners of the restaurant applied for permits to expand the business 'to enlarge the waiting area' for restaurant patrons. In the petition, the owners are asking for an expansion of app. 1300 sq.ft. which is a mighty large "waiting area. n The restaurant is presently 2650 sq. ft. However, a bartender at the restaurant stated that the owners want to increase the bar crowd and need the room for this purpose.. for multiple TV's, games, etc...similar to LEGENDS in Cutchogue it seems. In addition, the preliminary plans indicated in writing that there is municipal parking that can be used to make up for the spaces that would be lost due to the expansion and also to accommodate the increase in clientele. This is a reference to the town parking lot at Kenney's Beach! Invariably the parking would spill out onto the street as well as into this town lot. [Which, by the way, was restricted by the DEC on one side this past season due to the nesting area of the threatened piping plovers.] Who will enforce the "permitn parking? We see sewage trucks frequently at the site. The former owners of our home had to sue the restaurant because it was contaminating wells nearby with the restaurant's improperly installed sewage system. The old owner of the restaurant was forced to pay for the moving of the homeowner's well. The HVAC and ...~~ .,<; \, "/:'/~.,\"':~<;':/: ;f";;:..~~.. ~" .... \.. , ,..,-, :, t", ;' ,;< ~"~~f"';:.~'!'; :~~':'?: ;)';:~;_ r;'! ~'.~I."',,(.<-:. '.' ,-'i.-i,? ii.., t . . refrigeration units that are presently at the site emit odors and noise. These are issues the owners should be addressing, not a 7300 square foot expansion. The business is Dresent/y nonconfonning as it exists in an R40 zone, which we believe is purely residential. Furthermore, the building itself is in violation of codes, the lot as well, and we are not experts on the "set backn issue, but the parking is right on top of Kenney's Road on one side and North Sea on the other, never mind right up to the property line of 270 North Sea Drive. We have not had time to research the full history of this particularrestaurantleatery, but have been told that it began many years ago as a "HOT DOG STAND. n How it got this far in a residential area we do not understand. What the owners are looking to establish belongs in a densely populated, more commercial area of Southold, not in a quiet residential area. In conclusion, the Town should not allow any variances when this business is already in violation of said statutes and does not appear to be in economic distress. Just as we were aware of the restaurant when we bought our home, so too should the restaurant owners have known the limitations of the business when they purchased it. That is why we have zoning laws; that is why they must be enforced. There is NO justification for granting variances to a nonconforming business that will have an impact on all the homeowners and their families in this RESIDENTIAL AREA. Sincerely, rf.J ~~po~~. /,ducu-, r-. . ( Patricia Poppe . . cc: Joshua Horton, Supervisor vTown Of Southold Planning Board . KENNEY'S BElCH CMC ISSOClAnON . / -/~b]. ~ p.o. BOX 881 SOUTIlOLD, NY 11971 January 15,2002 Zoning Board of Appeals Town of South old 53095 Main Road P.O. Box 1179 Southold, NY 11971 JAN 1" i~J2 kJiC "r- Re: Elbow East Restaurant 50 North Sea Drive Southold, NY 11971 Application dated: November 6, 2001 Map 1000 - Section 54 - Block 5 - Lot 22 Dear Members of the Zoning Board of Appeals, On behalf of the members of the Kenney's Beach Civic Association, I am writing to oppose the application of Cliff's Elbow East Restaurant extentionladditionslalterations to the existing restaurant. Mr. Tike Rutkowski, owner of said restaurant, had applied to the Zoning Board on November 6,2001, and was denied with Notice of Disapproval on November 13,2001, ammended November 14, 2001. The Executive Board and the Board of Directors of the Kenney's Beach Civic Association strongly urge you to deny this appeal. This non-conforming building with non-conforming use is in a residential R-40 district and not permitted. (pursuant to Article XXIV, Section 100-243). "A nonconforming building containing a nonconforming use shall not be enlarged or reconstructed or structurally altered". We feel that this illegal alteration will drastically interfere with the quality of life of our residents and destroy the character of our community. Thank you for your consideration. VerytrulYYOUrS~ line Richter, resident cc: Ms. Valerie Scorpaz, Town Planner Mr. Howard Meinike, NFEC Ms. Patricia Moore Mr. Ray Huntington, Council of Southold Property & Civic Associations . . . OFFICE OF BOARD OF APPEALS L.'~ Southold Town Hall 53095 Main Road Southold, NY 11971 (~ Town Ext. 224, 223, 225 ..*...****.*.*******************************************************...*********************** TOWN MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJ: Ben Orlowski, Chairman, Planning Board Jerry Goehringer, Chairman, Zoning Board of Appeals 1J> ec.,31-] 2001 Pending Application Reviews ~:a ~ ~ Please find attached a copy of the list of ZBA pending applications calendared for public hearings to be held on c2 /,1/ /2001. The Board requests that comments or recommendations be submitted prior to the close of the written portion of the record (or hearing date noted on the attached Notice). Your reply on the joint application reviews is appreciated and will be made a permanent part of the ZBA record in this review process. Thank you. Enclosure r~"'"""- i4t-~,",~ ~ JAN 0 B L.vv!. "' -... .-.".......-. ~""- Southold Town Planning Board . , . , ,.. ~ ~r Off!j:e Use Only: Fee $ .;." --- /1-;0-01' TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK APPEAL FROM DECISION OF BUILDING INSPECTOR III;.> / t) I DATE OF BUILDING INSPECTOR'S DECISION APPEALED: ...............'11...:;............................ I( -u II', ~u..."lICQWSIC-; TO THE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS: I (We) ......ft.I.~~...onhlE.. ....jj)..ii9.~i,................... Of..~.\.iJ+..~..ThJ~...~~.\.~I!.-.~l~.~~;&1&.%1: cC3/ - ](pS--12-03) HEREBY APPEAL THE DECISION OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DATED ........................ WHEREBY THE BUILDING INSPECTOR DENIED AN APPLICATION DATED....................... FOR: t><O Permit to Build ( ) Permit for Occupancy ( ) Permit to Use ( ) Permit for As-Built ( ) Other: 1. location of property..c;..Q.R-.~.f;<<....of.k.R1:I.J:I.F;e.?J...LJ:1..~!I;(!{.~.4.l?..J't'o ~nr. "'f'''-h..- District 1000 Section....T.i...Block.05.: lot(s)...9.. ~........ .......Current OWner(..( ;:\t~.1t.\ ..1..o1::l.li. 1-/-0<4< I ::t:J..c . 2. Provision of the Zoning OrdInance Appealed. (Indicate Article, S~ctlon, Subsection and paragraph of Zoning Ordnance by numbers. Do not quote the law.) . Artlcle<9.lJ.I/.. Section 100- .;l.'i~..Sub.Sectlon .............~--,..'l' -~"T' c.ov~~ ~ X;<.IV II" ..2<f'i ~ ~,.S ',.-----r;-E>.% DV~~ 3. Type of Appeal. Appeal Is made herewith tor: ~ A Variance to the Zoning Ordinance or Zoning Map ( ) A Variance due to lack of access as requIred by New York Town law Chap. 62. Cons. laws Art. 16. Section 280-A. ( ) Interpretation of Article .......... Section 100- .................. ( ) Reversal or Other: ................................................................................................ Assigned No. 4. Previous Appeal. A previous appeal (~ has not) een made with respect to this property or with respect to this decision of the Bull Ing Inspector (Appeal #...... Year .......). REASONS FOR APPEAL Additional sheets ma be Used with a AREA VARIANCE REASONS: -s~ . (5) Has the alleged dlfffcully been self-created? ( ) Yes, or b<{No. This is the MINIMUM that Is n"cessary and adequate, and at the same time preserve and protect the character of th., neighborhood and the health. safety, and welfare of the community. the physical ?t Sworn to before me this 13 ~ZOf'~,~OQL. ~ (t f' 'td:iJA uo h ..".., - Notary Public ZBA App 08/00 ~heck this box If USE VARiANCE STANDARDS are completed and attached. . k~-Ln iL~s.~) (Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent) (Agent must submit Authorlzaffon from Owner) l)p SARAH e. KET~ Not.,.y PUbllc~.. Of. ....... No. Of . Qualified ill . . Term EIlpIr..,,- .' ... --e- . ........ Appeal Application, Continued BOARD OF APPEALS: TOWN OF SOUTHOLD COUNTY OF SUFFOLK:STATE OF NEW YORK -.......................................-..-..-.-..x \ Application of .~I.If[~.ihl.>....k9.~~+~~~ ~. Property ID # ........................................ Appeal Application (Continued) REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE -..-..-..-.....-..-.-..--.-..-..-........-.-..-..-.x Continuation of Appeal Application for a Use Variance (when applicable): For Each and Everv Permitted Use under the Zonln!:! Reaulations for the Particular District Where the Pro ect Is Located lease consult our attorne before com letln : '- (1) The applicant CANNOT realize a REASONABLE RETURN because: S~< C<..J1~~ " (2) The HARDSHIP relates to the property and does not apply to a substantial portion of the district or neighborhood because: s.~~ ~t.\~~ (3) The relief requested because: -f' I will not alter the essential 1I11III I -'i..e.-<:..~ CHARACTER f of the neighborhood '~ f' . - (4) Has the alleged difficulty been self.created? ( ) Yes, or l><lNo. (5) This Is the MINIMUM that Is necessary and adequate,'CInd at the same time will preserve and proteet the character of the neighborhood and the health, safety, and welfare of the community because: " { ":. L 'i:>e.-< .........~. , (6) The spirit of the zoning ordinance will be observed. yes , (7) The public safety and welfare will be secured and substantial Justice done. '/ e..s /~+/....e-..::h..R (~0~~) up ,/ (Signature of Appellant or Authorized Agent) . Sworn to before me this 13 day of~, 20tlL ~a:V ~u~lcrT1tit~.k Nmarv'e:tir:f... Terme='Tu:~",~ zeA App 08/00 . . - \i - """"---- REASONS FOR USE VARIANCE: 1) Lack of "ADA" access has and will affect present and future business (winter and summer months). 2) Only business in area - (Zoning change) 3) Mentioned - we are a good neighbor to the surrounding neighborhood and community. 4) NO 5) We have carefully calculated the minimum needed to create this small expansion and feel that this falls within the much- considered expansion that we desperately have to have to exist. a) Parking is 40 spaces and has no effect on the expansion. b) Not going up with second floor. c) Going out minimally. d) Not changing hours of operation. e) Overall square footage of expansion. . . . Subject: ......Sufnnis.slon Without a Covcr Lcttcr -- '----... ~t l'r , I~ ~"-..~;;;.,.. ~ - _ p~ -r.'<~ '2_4:"0 w""; \::)~ CA<; \ . (~ 7 e;,nye,"'y-\INvL '?AI'L~<',,-,~Lo( P\'A.r-J h:fJ)\~'':, <lS(\ c-' . c-------- \ Sender: SCT~f#: 1 000- .~ L( ~ S- - 2. L Date: 3/r/O'L C()m.~nt8: ~e-e~ -+0 \L'NOc.J 'It- 'Is" r~n.(f-'~'S s p,""ce. S 6--\r€- D k , . I '722 g)( ICJ , . . <;'(ce /.:.//......~f'A.C.;N~ ~-d"'-.....'-"-"-'" ~A(2.\L;N~ ~~f'r-CfS. / . 9- (I~r!e W/~' //// / r......~..,. " l\~ ~~ '\l' .~ ru> " ",",ll~ MAR 0 1 LUUL ,~ Southold Town Planning Board ~ ~ "- ~ ~,~ 1)'1 fJ/ rf Q/Jrt~ )t'J~ "') L/J-R fZOX/6 . ~ 'Z. ~ =- .-;t ~.J14 -----. I l I I "- ....\~ 'I -';'~l::~,~ .~~.,..", ,'~ ;~".r. - . .It-..r~~'_. .' '.,' -, :;'f' -:,if', "",. A , 1~,'~ I "...~-; \>0 '... , :i ,~~. "'<1" ..{:~.;-;,- > j~~,.~ r ,,~li!;,f <l,+ ~'J.;~J. ;l!h ""'.Ii' .it*';''i''~ . -; :. -~~~;...,~ " ~ -~>~~.j' ~ . m~!r, '.If , .J.i." " "1 ~, ~ i(~' ; '-i!"i. " {"' ~.f'=;; ~:\',>, ,"~. \,' ...""It:.: ~ ~'"';i~ ~~.\ CI) (.!) ~ SE tl:I a:: (.) CI) ~ ~ CI) Q ~ <( -.I fij CI) o 0.. o a:: 0.. . '~l.r , -1..,~ " ~' ' . 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A ~\ ,if =-'1 ~ . il ~ · lASER FICHE FORM · Planning Board Site Plans and Amended Site Plans SPFile Type: Proiect Type: Site Plans Status: Application - Inactive SCTM # : 1000 - 54-5-22 Proiect Name: Elbow East Resturant Address: Kenney's Road, Southold Hamlet: Southold Applicant Name: Anthony Rutkowski Owner Name: Cliff I Phil's Lobster House, Inc. Zone 1: R-40 Approval Date: /{,,1: fJrrro/ed SCANNED JUN 1 9 2008 . Records Management OPTIONAL ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A date indicates that we have received the related information End SP Date: Zone 2: Zone 3: Location: Located at the southeast corner of Kenney's Road and North Sea Drive in Southold. SC Filinq Date: C and R's : Home Assoc: Rand M Aqreement: SCAN Date: I Jr S TSI 2yw 1 Nprr.' er a ^+to / �Jda/�G�& /'ifX,�'ANCa (p+iT�nO 3pU Fj � Say, JB FnP �^ S1 $0 z�7 26 cr 1, KEY MAP ;/ \A M� 1`0 + I f t I 0 9 ti; [ +0 1 _J TAX MAP DESIGNATION OWNER ( {�� 1000-54.436 Varvitsiot s,Orestes G.&Wife t90 % _ ; ��N' !/1, r K\ 4� 25 lrvingtgQn_Place .� `\\ 'I j-• v \ Y /b ' y� y\ 'N' Brooklyn,lvs 11230 ,,//�� ' ',� 1000-54.437 Katmmados,John&Katherine 'v 11 /' /-o' ,.v1 46.34 Iris ane 1�0 /r ��. 4� GreatN. 11020 1 1000-54.-44 Peskoff'�Elliot&Wife ` 47 ' 21 West S�reet Apt 15-A ! d y \ � ' ayly ! �. t New York,New York 10006 I Q _ C oft , x I ! t p 1i0W006-5S4.45ei Sonnenbom Mone R&Beverly'o-0 „ ,y &rV empr. itis NY,NY10o11 1000-54.-5-50 Stefz,Paul&Mary 21 Magno is Avenue 1 ,\ \ \ P� f y��t�` `.� - 4�t� �^ ✓/f n 41�p Lar h no NY 10538 1000-54.-5-51 Christopher Poppe 36 Fenimore Street }�+� ,11.0f'/0 1 Lynbroo New York 11563 O1000-54..5-53 0� (�,, �'� ( 7 iA�� 100054.-5-54 Athm5i Ses Depiuis&na drouln& TAX MAP$t000ur4-8-22 \, I ff f , 59 Omalm Street f '1 ZONING 41a. \\h\\\� � II1�� Dumont, 707628 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL\ \ 10 J i3 ' 1 V 1000-59.-1-23.1 Kassimatis Sohn V. NON-CONFORMING USE \\ �\ oo�� p �'v' '�1�tf 46 Mulbeiry Avenue � Garden C'Y t NY 11530 6 — \ 0,I1J BOARD OF HEALTH I O TYPE II ACTION <4,000 SF 1000-59,-1-23.2 Spinelli,((arol Par 1H ig Drive Roslyn (AREAS Roslyyn Aighta,NY 11530 i II ' PLOT AREA 21,932 SF 1000-54.42 Town of$outhold EXISTING BUILDING AREA 2,860 SF PROPOSED EXTENSION AREA 1,418 SF GROSS BUILDING AREA 4,278 SF TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 4,278 SF (19.5%) LANDSCAPE AREA 2,478 SF (11.3%) ��S^-\ � _ -t ,3 gev' Z/ro'/Cc. 3 j PARKING REQUIREMENTS , \ � /51A/02- SPACES REQUIRED=4,278 SF=100 SFSPACE-42.78 HHSPACESPRVIDED= 9'-0'X 19'-0 $LF1 HOUSE _ SENXP 1 _ DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS ` // 80112WOLD,t E{P PARKING AREA 13,300 SF � t ROOF AREA 4 278 SF .� '19G'4�.' f„=Gu^7 -.- �' �` uF i u ' SITE PLN p. TOTAL DRAINAGE AREA 17,576 SF ROBERT IL WIdELAN,AR I 17,578SFX21N.-121N./FT =2,930 CF �'� RIA BOX 90 DRY WELL 10 FT DIAMETER X 4 FT DEEP=314 CF !'\\ OCT 0 2 2002 aEArnT5875 NEW 11952 2,930 CF+314 CFlDRY WELL=9.33 DRY WELLS \ TEE:63t-72YSB95 '� Ai1X:631-7TT-7835 PROVIDE 9 EA. 10 FT DIAMETER DRYWELLS so Lithold vaw" SC4MASNOTRD )WNBP1 RD1P I BATE,Y12/0 CONNECT UNITS WITH 12 IN. DIAMETER f - fPOLYETHYLENE LEACHING PIPE PIDwAna JOB NO: 21012 DRAWING O. &I I SaUTN0.. 10F1 r I �'• � � JE a 1 LJUNiCi6zE 1,74r 'Al 300 FlJan r r fi ¢a l a I 7, Cb � \ F Q • , . �'1 �h F��c KEY MAP ,pp �\ I � \Q/ � • � i1 TAX MAP DESIGNATION OWNER Ky • /1 JI 1 A .( 1000-54.-4-36 VaIrvin ton PlaceOrestes G.&Wife � �✓ '4' _----- ., � 25 Irvington Place Brook�ly NY 11230 1000-54.-4-37 Katram dos,John&Katherine 4 P 46-341 Iris Lane i � 1 IQ ]ti1�.. --�'•� � GreetN ck NY 11030 PTI ti0 -�--� L ? /• \� 1000-54.4-4 Paskoff, Elliot&Wife /• d ��' J� O � . ,Q3 Zh. / ', / 21 Wes Street Apt IS-A New York,New York 10006 / Q 17 - I/RQ� ` -� :•'i(/ 1000-54.,1-5 Sonnen om,Monroe R & Beverly 1000-54.4-21 79 Wes' 12"'Stree[Apt 14F \ ..0 NY,NY 1001 I L J tStetz,Paul 1000-54.-5-50 21 MagnolaAvrn e Mary Larchmont,NY 10538 1000-54-5-51 Christo 3her Poppe v 3• 36 Fenimore Street Lynbro k,New York 11563 1000-54.-5-53� Stylian u,Louis&Androula&O A� - 1000-54-5-54 Athane lades Despina 59 Con Street f �I Dumo t,NJ 07628 i L A //,, T .� � John V. Z — Kassr ans \ 0 � �,, ,( 1000-59.-1-23.1 \ �\ 1 S - G¢ ,1 46 Mulberry Avenue '� �� � q ,,• \ \ �� D Gander City,NY 11530 TAX MAP q 1000-54522 I ` _ O_ �� • N 11� 1000-59-1.23.2 1103 P1 kway Spinelli,Carol i ZONING � £—`� � i 0� �� Roslyn Heights,NY 11530 r LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL \ i /. �� �� 1000-54.4-2 To )f Southold ( NON-CONFORMING USE BOARD OF HEALTH \ b / • !�'� , TYPE II ACTION<4,000 SF /ti AREAS 4 Zr` �/tr/oZ PLOT AREA 21,932 SF EXISTING BUILDING AREA 2,785 SF -� �� PROPOSEDALI NJUTIOAr TO: PROPOSED EXTENSION AREA 1529S \� GROSS BUILDING AREA 4,314 SF .\ CLIFF&PHIL'S HOUSE KENNY' ROAD - TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 4,314 SF (19.67%) _ SOUTBOLA NEW FORK LANDSCAPE AREA 482 SF (220%) n r]-'ntP"Gn:�4`?V SITE LAN �— ' PARKING REQUIREMENTS ` 1 , �a ROBBR Ra X5910 N,P.E. AUG 12 2002 TEL:g3I-ii.5875 I wF�63iizz7835 { SPACES REQUIRED=4314 SF 100 SF/SPACE \ � SPACES PROVIDED= 43Q 9'-0"X19'-0" pSOUthold TOWH SrwLE:ASNOTED DE.t BT.• RBw DATE:vuml { L lanpin., Td JOBNO: 21012 DIU WNO. &I SBEETNO. lOFI � e d Mor JS +to 3 / J i' / ) x � f J bxii 7Cfyyi•J a I V 0 a C � ?Zr 1�1 ry 14 KEY MAP NTS IP' lot s - �`� s TAX MAP DESIGNATION OWNER 1000-54.-4-36 Varvitsiotes,Orestes G.&Wife L1 1 25 Irvington NY '�;^ • � � � lir � Brooklyn,NY 11230 A�IC� I, 1 J�'U '�V ! "�' I 1000-54 4-37 Katramados,I An&Katherine 46-341ris Lane Great Neck,Ijl 11020 1000-54.4-4 Paskoff,Ellin &Wife it Ij ✓ n f5 .` ,a01�G Y ^0 .. /� 21 West Stree�Apt 15-A New York,Naw York 10006 ✓ �A V 1� `/ �� q 't" 1000-54.4-5 Sonnenbom,I foams R.&Beverly 1000-54.4-21 79 West ]2's Street Apt. 14F NY,NY 1001'1 ���p('jI/ , tydp ro,l' �1.�A /ItIC l �� 1000-54.-5-50 Stet,Panl& ery •1 r� ,,{ Y� T/ X111' � 21 Magnolia Avenue ry f� ,I' , � 4�11� Lunchroom,N C 10538 1000-54.-5-51 Christopher ppeI� e 36 Fenimore Street01 O a (t� l��w� Lynbrook,Netv York 11563 O 'tr l� 1000-54.-5-53 Stylianou,Lot is&Androula& �•,, T vv `1f2 rw ��' �///��� pp Df 1000-54.-5-54 Athanasiades espina L-- 4 �It(• \ // 59 Omaha Strc et Dumont,NJ 0"628 TAX MAP# 1000-54-5-22 \_ \ �o\ 10 q �\ �S� ff/f /. 1000-59.-1-23.1 Kassimatis, o V. ZONING \ -�—_ `- � .0.+ .� - \•� Ogja46MWb City, venue 1 �sr Garden berry 11530 1 LOW DENSITY RESIDENTIAL ��" �.\ 1 �-c c'� \ �, 1000-59:1-23.2 Spinelli,Carol NON-CONFORMING USE '� � c' l/�/ 1 �� 103 Parkway I rive `•� \ Ir G�,d Roslyn Height;,NY 11530 BOARD OF HEALTH s•\ \ -Y /- (i� li J/ 1000-54.-4-2 Town of Soadt old TYPE II ACTION<4,000 SF \ �`� �\ �` ' nn jl •. I�"' AREAS PLOT AREA 21,932 SF 0 , pD \ G MAN u 12002 -�? ,�' * y/ \ r` EXISTING BUILDING AREA 2,65Q SF PROPOSED EXTENSION AREA 1.456 SF -- \� ��� Southold Town h z Lir—d. z/zz/oz GROSS BUII.DING AREA 4,706 SF \, Piallnin S©aed COOLER AREA 115 SF a EXTERIOR ENTRY PORTICO 72 SFHANDIPROPOSED ALTERAT70 TO: TOTALRAMP AREA t So SF \ r , I n+ ;�y '? CLIFF&PHIL'S LOBST 'R HOUSE TOTAL LOT COVERAGE 4,443 SF (20.26%) T '� 4 ` �., �- 0'HE.� \yty XENNY'SROAD LANDSCAPE AREA 482 SF (2.20%) y 'k t' SOUTHOLD,NEWY RR PARKING REQUIREMENTSSM PLAN k GROSS BUILDING AREA 4,106 SF 5\ 1 a. 3 }0' ROBERTH. WEELA ,P.E. COOLER AREA 115 SF1s O rlhsb `v \ ',f{ 1 P.O.BOX 590 TOTAL GROSS AREA 4,221 5F \ 0FLSSLON?,� MA777 PO NEW YORK 11952 TEL:631-722-5875 FA : 31-722-7835 S SPACES REQUIRED=4,221 SF>100 SF/SPACE=43 SPACES PROVIDED= 43 @ 9'4'X 19'-0" — - scAtE:Asrv07ED DRA nwBy.. DATE:2/12N1 JOB NO.' 21012 "7EVflVGNO.IS-f SRERTNO. IOFI SURVEY OF PROP RTY SITUATED AT SOUTHOLD TOWN OF SOUTHOL SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK S.C. TAX No. 1000-54-05-22 SCALE 1 =20 S SO. FEBRUARY 8, 2002 �6 d 2 AREA = 21,932 . sq. I}. GO . , �° ° " •� / " ° � 0.503 ac, O ` Aa �. 0� a. Keg , . • / • •6 •� �� Y. . . •• L0. � n •♦ . . .M1 , tib �R Y6p rqG.r• R 'P 4 cv+EHS y • � F O �O j I •• k \ifs .a n. � `qlt, p Q `p[�`pa00J f UNAUrNORIZED &TEF OR ADonnN MER sCM M OF ENEIs I W T1YORK STATE ��, ., .• 2' \ .'. • ♦ eJ. ,Eo° ��• Q EDUCATION IAM. COPIES Of THIS Fw war OWING INE L 0 SURVEYORG WKEO SEAL OR ' .Pte,*S ,y-- �q,-•�,1 ¢' EMBOSSED SEAL SW I WYDBE CON90ENED • \• I Q ��I?[a��-]Ui ``�d I f� 1 IE999"^,n TO BE A VMIO TIM COIL. E SURVEY �/)j,�) n • ! EL*''®� yyVV I' CERIIrIGTIaITO MES mwE 44IED NEREM SLIME RuN ' [O ••• •. \ ` '• �„ sy. �J� Is rpMED. ANOPER50N N05R BQYlfWHEN MO 1H \1+ , `�'•,i✓ QST' CI'�[Fjtlkkk�jjj TRE MNYENfHE ACES THD a•CIVIl.10•• I'IAN U 1 2002 TRE I SIGN INNI FISTED HEREON. AND Fl TO THE CEROPEFS EINE LENDING ll NSFER ,E INION CEnllAla� SME NET iRMSEEMABIt. ��• •• � •\'. • . Southold Town iNEEXISTENCE 10 RIGHTS OF WAV 61 PEannin 8o8ed + ° •�!!Ar tib MDIOR GSEYLN A OF RECORD. 6 MY, NOT SHOWN ME NOT GUARANTEED. • (7 PREPMED IN ACCORD E WITH ME MINIMUM • ° \ BYM E LI FOR MD SURVEYS AS ESTABLISHED Joseph A. Ingegno V ME M FOR M AURVEYS AND MOUSED ECR SUCH USE W THE NEW YORK SLATE VNO nnE Assocun N Land Surveyor O NIEw� ¢. CID � 1i Ci ' RIN Surveys — Subdivisions — Sib Plan — Conalrvcfbn Layout I O PHONE (631)797-2090 ax (871)727-1727 4.9 was LOCATED A/ I "LING AOORESS �LA P N.Y.S. Uc, No. 49868 1360 ROANOKE AVENUE P.O. Box 1931 RIVERHEAD, Now York 11901 Rim ad. Now Yak 11901-0965 , 22-061 ® 12 " 12 - ® 10 ° AND. DIA3030 - 10 2 10 ANGIR30 AND. CN1 5 AND. CN125 D. - - o ltn ill V, I I AND. AW251 AND. AW251 z d THERMA-RU CC-70-LE-2 EAST ELEVATION - 0z �9 r Oar t oW � o 2 N r it Q3 0 0Loge � � boy WomW oMEo ag � S WC_ t �GG O N � Zp� � 12 000 � 1=u I SOLAR TU13E5 50LAR TUBES w w w 12 ANP. CIR30 10 N - - S N 10 N z oat of K - - AND. AW251AND. AW251 AND. AW251�AND. AW251 V z < ¢ 11 w V`J N N c , w H L � a 9 pp .�, 0 4 NOKTH ELEVATION _ � ,z ,O � - - - EQUIPMENT40INSTALLED ONFLA TROOF' TWO-FIVE TONAIC UNITS ONE- THREE TONAIC UNIT TWO-ONE TON CONDENSING UNIT TWO HOOD EXHAUST FANS J J J I I U U U U U U r Q _ W H � WEST - ELEVATION . - W p m � o tZgQ W - m � OJ JH N a ¢ E; oaa NQ , OW � � 11 Li a'o g3E y �n N N N 00 w. w_ a < ci zN LL AND. CMM T r r r yt Loi_�l Lln Ll d d d - - AN D. CMb_ T IL dd e3 Lu SOUTH ELEVATION Wy 0 e4 a - Z \N ! 7P-6" 114D" 16-6" 7-0" 46-0" C 4 C24�- G24 C24 C24 . THERMA-TRU 5 210 C24 2 Iiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii II I U> m V 26 I - (V U �UP W �p u i n Oo = ho —UP HANDICAP O ;� o r - -CL ELEVATOR O O 3 t g n < LU 0 coo ygO - _ — ALL CWI5 T IN THI5 P0061 �\ - HU . W ARE 5ET AT 70" OFF THE FLOOR rw C O OoO ouo . W 0 m w Damy� m O � powp_ La t a < cl O Z p00Gyj �] w w w QO O ro N S > mm < m of N O z d. CW15 T CWIS T GW15 'i 2b1 AW2b1 THERMA-TRU CC-70-LE-2 N _ N CW15 CM5 - ~ - Z SII Q ? , � � Z � F Vl r LLJ 3 5' D" 14' 6" 260" W E' 71' 6 ;; d MAN LEVEL FLOOR FLAN z ILI L W V ' fjI^ zgap6 • - - 1 t2 OF ' N IMM Et a ray o O WI> 0, WQ0W a a OwN � � F w S2 O O pN � S z t po paa as U, ON, N Z8LL�jm 0 0 O o13Q N N N In o w � = � a5 0 LJ 1�IL Lit ILN . . b p W OL In W