HomeMy WebLinkAboutN F Recreational Travel Needs Assessment - Comm/Local Agency Participation ProgramNorth Fork Recreational Travel Needs Assessment Community/Local Agency Participation Program Apri12002 Prepared for: New York State Department of Transportation Task 7, Subtask 7.7 Prepared by: DUNN ENGINEERING ASSOCIATES, P.C. ABRAMS-CHERWONY & ASSOCIATES ENG-WONG TAUB PARSONS BRINCKERHOFF JAC PLANNING 1 1 1 t t 1 North Fork Recreational Travel Needs Assessment Community/Local Agency Participation Program TABLE OF CONTENTS Pate No. 1.1 Introduction 1 1.2 Overview of Community Participation 1 Program for LITP 2000 1.3 Origin-Destination Survey 1 1.4 Technical Advisory Group 3 1.5 Public Information Meetings 4 1.6 Response to Public Comments 6 Appendix A O-D Survey Information Appendix B TAG Meeting Notes and Agenda Appendix C Public Information Meeting Materials L' ' 1. Community/Local Agency Participation Program 1.1 Introduction t The Long Island Transportation Plan to Manage Congestion (LTTP 2000) has incorporated extensive public involvement in its development and encouraged regulaz community participation throughout the process. This report is a summazy of the Community/I.ocal Agency ' Participation Program initiated for Task 7.7, North Fork Recreational Travel Needs Assessment, a sub-component needs analysis of the LTTP 2000 Study. The principal goal of this effort is to meet the future transportation needs of the community while maintaining or improving the rural ' quality of life on the North Fork. Findings from the North Fork Study will serve as input into the Strategic East End Development Strategies (SEEDS) study. The SEEDS study is intended to evaluate transportation planning decisions and land use scenarios for the five East End Long ' Island towns, including the North Fork Study area. The study area, presented in Figure 1.1, is located on the east end of Long Island, beginning at ' the easterly terminus of the Long Island Expressway (LIE), north of the Peconic River in the Town of Riverhead and extending eastwazd to the Orient Point Terminal Facility for the Cross Sound Ferry, in eastern Southold Town, and also including Shelter Island. The North Fork is a ' unique azea which has maintained its rural chazacter, while its neighbors to the west have become increasingly urbanized. ' 1.2 Overview of Community/Local Agency Participation Program for LITP 2000 The Community/Loca] Agency Participation Program for the North Fork Study sought to establish appropriate mechanisms to resolve critical issues and potential conflicts between community needs, transportation needs and environmental concerns. Furthermore, the necessary coordination and communications required between the study team with appropriate state ' agencies, elected officials, local agencies, civic groups, community organizations, business leaders, special interest groups, media representatives and local residents were developed. Communications were required for information gathering and input, as well as meeting the ' information needs of these parties. 1.3 Origin-Destination Survey A postcard Origin-Destination (O/D) survey was conducted to obtain information about travel chazacteristics. The survey was conducted on weekdays and Saturdays during the summer of 2000. In addition to inquiries about Origin and Destination, the survey asked questions regarding vehicle occupancy, additional modes of transportation, trip frequency, place of residence, and trip purpose. It also requested socio-economic information. Cards were distributed to drivers at several locations within the study area, as well as to passengers on the Long Island Rail Road and Suffolk County Transit buses operating in the study area. 11,058 ' cards were distributed on the roadways, 99 on the trains, and 183 on the buses. Of the cards ' Admin\LITP 2000-94036 File: ]u1y2001\Seclionl.doc 1 ^ ~~ . -t ;~. .. ear STUDY wat ~p~STUDY AREA LIMITS s ~~~ -`, :4i: i ~,4` - ; ,~~~~ ,~~ ~s 4 A ~~ 5 a4 ti ~ ~. ~: "" ~ EIir;DiEERIIiG ` f5 ` d ~4r~~ ~- a..7E.i'= ~ - ~y Kx 1MA ,1 ~. _~ t' ,~ ~ I ~" ~~ r:''~~ N'.: ~.~ ~ _ ~ i I~' h. ! 1 4 ti ~~ ~ ~~ ~ FIGURE 1.1 ~I. - w. ++^^~,~,, ~ i -'Y i ,f5~7f10' 0 1mM STUDY AREA MAP u sxo~ 2 1.4 1 1 distributed on the roadways, 2,637 were returned, a 24% return rate. Appendix A includes the O-D survey questionnaires and lists the locations at which the cards were distributed, the number of cards distributed at each location, and the number returned. For additional information regarding the Origin-Destination survey please refer to the Inventory and Existing Conditions Technical Memorandum. Technical Advisory Group Representatives of the Town of Southold Planning Department and the East End Transportation Council, assisted by the members of the consultant team took the lead in establishing a local Technical Advisory Group (TAG) for the study. The purpose of the TAG was to keep local government advised of the progress of the Study and to provide input and concerns about the study. The TAG was composed of representatives from the following: TOWNS AND VILLAGES Town of Riverhead -Joseph MacLellan Town of Shelter Island -Bernie Jacobson -Jim Messer Town of Southold -Valerie Scopaz -Neb Brashich Village of Greenport -Dave Abatelli AGENCIES Long Island Rail Road -Sharon Gustafson New York State Department of Transportation -Josepine Brazier Suffolk County Department of Public Works -Dan Pichney Several forma] meetings of the TAG were held and numerous informal contacts and request for information took place throughout the course of the study. At the meetings, draft project Admin~I,ITP 2000-94036 3 File: hi1y2001ASection Ldoc ' documents were distributed for review and comment by the TAG so that they would have active ' participation in the conduct of the study and prepazation of study documents. The kick-off meeting for the study effort was held on Januazy 19, 2000. The status of the study was reviewed and a schedule for the next steps was discussed. This was followed by a meeting on June 19, ' 2000 at which an overview of progress was given. At this meeting, the draft report summarizing, the data collection efforts to date was distributed, and it was decided that additional weekend data collection would be performed during the summer of 2000. At the next meeting, held on ' October 21, 2000, the purpose of public outreach was discussed and the format for the Public Information Meetings was agreed upon. After the two public information meetings held in November and December of 2000, the TAG met again on January 4, 2001 in order to discuss the Public Information Meetings and the Future Base Condition Scenario. The final meeting of the TAG was held on Februazy 15, 2001 with the purpose of deciding how the North Fork Study was to be incorporated into SEEDS. Meeting minutes and Agendas for each of these meetings aze ' included in Appendix B of this report. 1.5 Public Information Meetings ' The consultant team assisted the TAG in conducting two Public Information Meetings in the Fall of 2000, the first took place on November 30a' in Jamesport at the George G. Young Community ' Center, and the second meeting took place on December lsl in Greenport at Greenport High School. A welcome letter was presented to the public at the start of each meeting explaining that the purpose of the meetings was to provide information regazding the Study's progress, to ' present the findings of the data collection effort, and to get valuable feedback from the public as to what issues, concerns, or ideas they may have. Approximately 230 people attended the two meetings, and representatives from the Technical Advisory Group and the consultant team were ' present to answer questions and discuss transportation issues. Prior to the public meetings, a press release was written and issued to the local newspapers. The ' release introduced the Study and highlighted progress to-date, in addition to publicizing the meetings. The release led to several write-ups announcing the meetings in local papers, including "Newsday", "The Suffolk Times", "Traveler Watchman", and "The Shelter Island ' Reporter." Copies of all articles are included in Appendix C of this report. Southhold Town Planner and East End Transportation Council Chair, Valerie Scopaz opened the public meetings with a description of the scope of the North Fork Study. She indicated that the time had come to initiate public input and establish a working partnership with the community ' through coordinated decision-making. Vincent Corrado of Dunn Engineering Associates then took the floor in order to present some of the study findings to-date and gave an overview of what was to come. Project goals and objectives and the study procedures were discussed as well. ' Following the formal presentation a break out session was initiated where residents gathered around five work stations manned by TAG representatives and consultant team member. The ' stations were separated into five categories of concern: Land Use, Bicycles & Pedestrians, Public Transportation, Traffic and Safety, and Ferries. At each station, participants were given the opportunity to anonymously include their transportation enhancement comments, which were ' Admin\LITP 2000-94036 Q File: 1~Iy2001\Section Ldoc L ' then recorded by the representatives at each work station. A comment form was also made available to attendees wishing to submit their comments in writing A total of 59 comments were received in this fashion, and a summazy of the comment content is presented in Appendix C Transcriptions of all comments and copies of the slide presentation aze also included in their ' entirety in Appendix C. There was considerable press coverage of the Greenport meeting, which led to several articles in local papers regazding what had taken place at the meeting. There were mixed feelings about the meeting format; some attendees suggested that there should have been an open public discussion in place of the work stations. Other attendees suggested that the work station structure was essential to keep critics of a project in Greenport unrelated to the North Fork Study from monopolizing the meeting. Unfortunately, much of the media attention was focused more on these few residents complaining about the Greenport project than on the North Fork Study itself. ' Copies of the newspaper articles are included in the Appendix as well. Following the Public Information Meetings, a North Fork mailing list was assembled, which ' included all persons who had attended the public information meetings and anyone who had provided written comments. This mailing list will be made available to the SEEDS study team. 1.6 Response to Public Comments After the Public Information Meetings, a letter was drafted and sent to each person on the ' mailing list. The letter thanked them for their participation, informed them of the next steps for the study, and provided them with a summary of the input from the meetings. The letter, included Appendix C, also briefly described the SEEDS study and informed them of their ' opportunity for continued input throughout that study. Due to its incorporation into the SEEDS study, no further public outreach was conducted for the North Fork Study. All additional community outreach will be undertaken in the SEEDS study, due to begin during the summer of ' 2001. LJ i/ I~ ' AdminLL.ITP 2000-94036 5 Fi 1e:1 n I y2001 \Sec t i on L doc C 1 1998 North Fork Travel Survey No. $Q®'~ As par[ of ad ongoing major transportation study, a survey is being conducted to identity travel patterns for Long Island's North Fork. The information you provide wil{ be vital in determining transportation improvements. All responses should be made by the vehicle driver. When you have completed all the questions, just drop the postcard in any mailbox -postage has been prepaid and no stamp is required. Thank you for your cooperation. 1. Where did you start this trip? Community, Village, or Attraction, i.e., Mattituck, Orient, Foxwood, etc. i ~~ C L C 2. Where were you coming from (check one): ' ^ Home ~^ Work ' ^ Shopping ' ^ School 5 ^ Social/Recreation s^ SummerNacation Home '^ Other (please specity) 3. Where did you end this trip? Community, Village, or Attraction, i.e., Mattittrck, Otent, Foxvrood etc. 4. Where were you going (check one): ' ^ Home ZO Work ' ^ Shopping °^ School s^ Social/Recreation 6^ SutnmerNacation Home '^ Other (please specify) 5. Did your trip Involve passage on any of the following (check all that apply) ^ Shelter Island North Ferry? ^ Shelter Leland South Ferry? ^ Orient Point/New London Ferry? O LIItR? ^ Bus? 6. How many passengers were in your vehicle for this trip? t ^ Drove Alone ' ^ i Passenger ~ ^ 2 Passengers ° ^ 3 Passengers s ^ 4 or more passengers (please specify muntm) 7. How often do you make this trip? ^ 5 times per week ^ 2 to 4 times per week ^ once per week ^ I to 3 times per month ^ once per season ^ other 8. Are you a resident of the North Fork? ^ permanent ^ seasonal ^ not a resident 9. If you are a seasonal resident, how much of the week do you spend on the North Fork? -weeks during the season ^ weekends only ^ weekdays and weekend 10. Please provide the following information about your (vehicle driver) household. a. No. of registered vehicles: ^ 1 O 2 O 3 ^ 4 O 5 or snore b. No. of persons in household including children: ^ 1 O 2 ^ 3 ^ 4 ^ 5 or more c. Household income: ' ^ less than $30,000 ZO $30,000 to $49,000 ' ^ $50,000 to $69,000 °^ $70,000 to 90,000 50 Greater than $90,000 Sample Survey Card AdminLITP2000 File: Ju1y2001A'CM-doc LJ C' 1 1 LJ Origin Destination Survey Card Distribution Summary 1 1 1 1 MEETING NOTES LITP 2000 North Fork Recreational Travel Needs Assessment Kick-off Meeting January 19,2000 1:30 PM Southold Town Hall, Supervisor's Conference Room ATTENDANCE Name Valerie Scopaz . Neb Brashich Bernie Jacobson Richard W. Hanley Bill Moore Josephine Brazier Dave Glass Matt Rankel Vincent Corrado DISCUSSION ITEMS Affiliation Town of Southold Transportation Committee Shelter Island Heights Town of Riverhead Town of Southold NYSDOT NYSDOT Dunn Engineering Associates, PC Dunn Engineering Associates, PC 1. Ms. Scopaz and Mr. Glass made opening remarks. The evolution of the scope of the study was discussed. Mr. Glass stressed the importance of including stakeholders from each affected municipality in the study area in the study, including reaching out to the Village of Greenport. Ms Scopaz noted Greenport's participation in the East End Transportation Council, and suggested that the council be the avenue for communication with Greenport. 2. The makeup of the Technical Advisory Group (TAG) was described to include technical representatives of the Town planning departments, Suffolk County Planning, Suffolk County Transit, the Long Island Rail Road and the Department of Transportation. Ms. Scopaz will prepare a letter to the various organizations, asking for a designated representative. It will be suggested that Suffolk County and NYSDOT designate their East End Transportation Council representative to also represent them on the TAG. Suffolk should also consider a representative from both the highway and transit side. 3. The overall project schedule and the schedule of meetings of the TAG were discussed. An initial informal TAG meeting, without agency participation, is tentatively scheduled for March 2, 2000. ' The first full TAG meeting will be held during the third or fourth week of March, 2000, followed by a public meeting the following month. Thereafter, it is desirable that TAG meetings are held every ~ two months, alternating with public participation meetings. The actual dates will be decided when the TAG is fully staffed, and schedules can be coordinated. ', 4, As they are developed, the various aspects of the future transportation network will~be forwarded to the TAG for review, including the LIRR service proposals, the surface transit surface proposals, and the no-build roadway network. The LIRR service proposals are being developed independently by ,!' the railroad under their East End Transportation Study, and the LITP study team is developing the surface transit proposals and highway network. The Towns need to provide information on the current zoning' and land use changes for the travel simulation model. The purpose of the first TAG ' meeting will be to reach consensus on the no-build transportation network. 5. The towns requested a copy of the summary list of the future number of lanes prepared based on ' LITP 2000 meetings with public officials. DEA will forwazd the meeting notes from the meetings held with the North Fork town representatives, as well as copies of the April 16, 1999 LITP 2000 letter to the Technical Advisory Committee regazding this effort. This information will include the reminder that it is intended for modeling purposes only. 6. The TAG will provide for all arrangements for the public participation meetings (time, place, ' invitees, etc). Mr. Glass recommended the selection of a chairperson as a point of contact The project consultants will present any required technical information and be available to respond to questions and comments at the meetings. ' 7. The consultant will review the State and local accident summaries and interview the police for safety assessments. g, The meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:30 PM. 1 1 t z 1 LJ 1 y C 1 1 Dunn Engineering sociates, P.C. Consulting Engineers 66 Main Street Westhampton Beach, N.Y. 11978 631-288-2480 631-288-2544 Fax NORTH FORK RECREATIONAL STUDY - LITP 2000 MEETING WITH dun 109,2000 11 OO~M. G CONDTT-IONS Riverhead Town Hall ATTENDANCE MEETNG NOTES Affiliation Name Neb Brashich Town of Southold New York State Department of Transportation Josephine Brazier Dunn Engineering Associates Jennifer Cato Vincent Corrado Dunn Engineering Associates Andy Freleng Suffolk County Department of Planning ti n rt o a New York State Department of Transpo Dave Glass Sharon Gustafson Long Island Rail Road Bernie Jacobson Town of Shelter Island Joey MacLellan Riverhead Supervisor's Office Suffolk County Department of Public Works Dan Pichney Matt Rankel -Dunn Engineerine Associates Valerie Scopaz Town of Southold DISCUSSION ITEMS 1. The meeting opened at 112G A.M. Attendees introduced themselves artd acted their affiliations. The North Fork Recreational Travel Needs Assessment: Inventory and Existing Conditions Technical Memorandum was given to all attendees. 2. Mr. Glass gave a brief overview of proa*ess that has been made in the LITP 2000 study. Based on models, the best alternative is a systemao~apres~bdusmeaoandartuerials.n Itlwas which can be implemented on expressways, p y , ] emphasized that the express bus system is designed for William Floyd Parkway west. The North Fork Recreational Study will determine applicable improvements to be made farther east. 3 1 - ,: I ~ June 19, 2000 Page 2 3 Mr Brashich emphasized that a concerted effort should be made to coordiaatens a N~s Forte Transportation Study to the East End Sustainable Development Study Sge-S agreed by all. a.. Ms. Scopaz mentioned that there are plans to hire a project coordinator for the SDS. I 5 Mr Corrado presented an overview of the data collection which was ra4uirede ~ vehicle existing condittons for the North Fork Study, including traffic volumes, sP , accident occupancies, and accident data. He explained that safety analysers at sotue kugh I o accident locations had not been included in the North Fork Study becaus dea~oc lions omitted locations were being addressed in other studies. Amon,, the high- I were those along C•R. 58 m the Tovm °f R.tverhead which should be addressed in the C.R. 58 corridor study that Suffolk County has budgeted. I 6. Mr. MacLellan stated that the Suffolk County corridor study of C.R. 58 is, not only budgeted, but expected to begin soon- The County and le}slator have reached an agreement. Some discussion ensued regarding the history of the C.R 58 study and the issue of the traffic circle I at C.R 58 and Roanoke Avenue_ 7. Ms. Scopaz passed azound copies of Resolution X272 which stated the conclusions and recommendations of the Route 58 Committee appointed by the Town Board- She expressed concern about how the C.R. 58 comdor study and proposzd improvements to CR 58 would ~mmuai ation betwe n the Town of Riverhead anod the Town of Southold.at ~~e be better I vfr. Glass requested that comments on the North Fork Rwreational Travel Needs Assessment 1 8. Technical Memorandum~e 28oand tha Vales Owould s nd a synopsiscof tmhec ozriments to sent to Ms. Scopaz by . I Mr. Glass by July 10, 2000: 9. Ms. Gustafson requested that aeendas and meeting information be sent to the Long Island I Rail Road (LIRR) `na fax or e-maii. Material sent via neulaz mail ffequently does net arrive on time. 10. NIs. Scopaz discussed creating asub-committee to determine available locations, physical I conditions, and fees for future public meetings• I 11. Ms. Cato discussed the data collection which was required to determine trip generation for various agricultural land uses. Trip generadon rates were developed for vineyards based on site acreage and far farms based on the number of famistands located on-site. Ms. Scopaz I discussed ~edeaeIlOncIlm tha be::ause of 1~s,lazte acreage woumld notcbe any adequate and expres 1 1 n _ .- -- ---_. ~, /', June 19, 2000 Page 3 generation for a vineyard.' A discussion independent variable on which to determine the trip ,, v s care ' ensued regarding vmeyazds• Ms. Scopaz stated that she would send us building q footages for vineYazds that we should examine. 12. Ms. Scopaz asked if there was any information that the New York State Department of Transportation still needed from the Towns. Mr. Glass stated that information requested is an eazlier letter was never received. Outstanding matertal includes: ' . Riverhead zoning map Shelter Island zoning map , ' Southold zoning map Southold zoning code Information regarding planned developments within the Towns. ' o ad"ourned at 1:30 P.YI. 13. The meeting 7 1 1 1 s NORTH FORK TRANSPORTATION STUDY (LITP 2000) TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP MEETING October 21, 2000 - 1:00 P.M. Greenport Village Ha11 MEETING NOTES ' CE ATTENDAN t Name Affiliation Valerie Scopaz Town of Southold, t Jim Messer Shelter Island Dave Abatelli Village of Greenport Neb Brashich Town of Southold ' David Glass New York State Department of Transportation Josephine Brazier New York State Department of Transportation Sharon Gustafson Long Island Rail Road ' Dan Pichney Suffolk County DPW i Matt Rankel ates Dunn Engineering Assoc Vincent Corrado Dunn Engineering Associates ' James McAllister JAC Planning ' Valerie Scop I az went through the agenda and turned the meeting over to Dunn Engineering . Associates. 2. Vinny Corrado explained that at the last meeting a lot of time was spent on the specifics of nd th t t f o spe e er no the data collection and details ofthe-data. He indicated that he would pre ' whole meeting discussing the data again and instead he had handouts that summarized the data and these were distributed. ' Valerie asked for conclusions from the data collection effort. Vinny explained the various sources of information that were utilized to obtain data on bed & breakfast establishments, ' hotels, marinas, etc. This information is all being put into the LITP2000 model but the no- build scenario is at least 6 weeks away. Therefore, the future no-build model is not available yet to present at the meeting. The conclusions from the data for present conditions are ' known but not for 2020. A discussion was held among the group regarding the purpose of the upcoming public meetings. It was stated by Neb that to draw people to the meetings there needs to be something presented to "hit them between the eyes." It was stated that one ' purpose of the meetings to stress to the public is that it will give them the opportunity to 6 1 1 1 1 provide input for inclusion in the LITP2000 computer model. It was stated that there is limited historical data regarding specific locations, times, dates, etc., but there is information in the data for current conditions to draw people to the meetings, just not for the future conditions. It was pointed out that the purpose of the meeting today is to discuss the issues and strategies important for the public meetings and identify the information to be presented and determine those "hot" issues. NYSDOT data shows a decrease in traffic from 1996 to 1999 but there is a perception that there is an increase and this relates to the nature of the traffic. Many times there is a large number of cars passing for a short period such as from the Cross Sound Ferry. This relates to the realities of traffic versus the perceptions and it was suggested that this can be used to gain the public interest needed for these meetings. These issues ofimportance to the public can be presented and feedback regarding these or any other topics can be requested. Jim Messer indicated that the North Ferry survey, which had over 5,000 interviews, was never released. Vinny stated that the survey results have been made available to LITP and will be available. The importance of this information was discussed especially as it relates to reality versus perception. These are some ofthe hot items for the press release and foi the meetings. Is the North Fork being used as a bypass to the South Fork by motorists willing to pay for the two ferries and is Shelter Island a bridge for this purpose. Cross Sound Ferry Traffic/Issues. 3. The structure of the public meetings was discussed. Neb pointed out that the meetings are not a debate. There needs to be control so that everyone does not come to complain about parking. Similar to the meeting held by the Suffolk County Task Force an announcement can be made that the Committee is there to listen to comments but not to entertain dialogue or debate. Dan suggested limiting the time allotted for each speaker. It was suggested that the best format for the meeting would be to have a short presentation by DEA with the opportunity for the public to ask questions and provide comments. This would be followed by a "workshop" style meeting with handouts and presentation boards where consultants and EETC members would be stationed to answer questions. The meetings should take approximately 2 hours. It was determined that the meeting would have the following structure: • Opening Remarks/Ground Rules (Valerie/Neb) - 5 minutes PowerPoint Presentation (DEA) - 15-25 minutes • Open Discussion (Everyone) - 15-30 minutes • Workshop (Everyone) - 45-60 minutes Comment sheets will be prepared by JAC, comment boxes will be available at the meeting for the residents to complete, and drop off or they can be mailed. It was decided that there would be 3 individualized comment sheets with return addresses for Southold, Shelter Island, and Riverhead. Each Town will then do its own review of the comments and prepare a synopsis. A handout by DEA will also be prepared which will include each of the slides and the boazds. This can be distributed following the formal presentation. A discussion of whether the different workshop stations would be location or issue related took place. It was decided that issue related information would be more interesting. DEA will review the data and come up with the issues and information for the boards including perceptions-vs.-realities, public transportation, safety, bicycles and pedestrians, etc. DEA also has information on traffic calming that can be distributed as a handout in response to questions at the workshop to help frame the comments. The newspaper ads were discussed and the Transportation Committee is working on some draft versions. Each Town will be responsible for their own ads. Neb stated that the ad has to really catch the reader's attention. The group came up with "No Traffic Problem on the North Fork? RIGHT!" as an example. 4. Vinny went through each page of the handout, which included traffic and 0&D data. Each graphic was discussed and the group made suggestions on how to improve the graphics, which ones were important, which ones were not and should be dropped as well as additional information that should be presented. DEA will modify the presentation rnaterials and include additional data as discussed. This information will be circulated to the TAG for review and comment by mid-November. The press release that DEA gave to Valerie at this meeting will be emailed to her for use by Southold. Valerie will try and put together the ad and press release and meet with a reporter from Newsday. The distribution of an invitation letter was discussed. Valerie indicated they will put together a 1-page flyer and will distribute to a civic organization list Southold maintains that contains approximately 30 organizations. Shelter Island and Riverhead will be responsible for their own mailings. 5. The Variable Message Signs were discussed. It was determined that 3 signs would be utilized and the following locations were recommended. The number of characters limits the actual text on the signs and the language will be decided. • Roanoke Traffic Circle • CR 43, east of Wickham Ave Note: It was subsequently decided that only two signs were needed. a 1 1 1 Matt indicated that he would coordinate with SCDPW on the placement of any of the signs on.County roads. Valerie suggested contacting the schools to see if they can put notices on their bulletin boards located in the front of the schools. 6. The meetings will be held beginning at 7:30 P.M. as follows: 7amesport Civic Association -Thursday, November 30, 2000. . Greenport High School -Friday, December 1, 2000. No food or refreshments will be served due to the large turnout anticipated. ~J 7. ACTION ITEMS DEA will email press release to Valerie Scopaz. DEA will prepaze a handout, which will include every presentation board'and slide. DEA will identify the issues and prepare the boards for each workshop station. The TAG will circulate this information for review. DEA will prepaze a PowerPoint presentation for the meeting. DEA will compile the North Ferry survey results and include in their presentation. JAC will review the meeting locations. JAC will prepare comment and sign-in sheets, name tags, etc. TAG members stated that this was a very good and productive meeting and the meeting was adjourned. Meeting notes prepared by, James P. McAllister 1 9 1 1 1 1 NORTH FORK TRANSPORTATION STUDY (LITP 2000) TECHPiICAL ADVISORY GROUP MEETING January 4, 2001 12:15 P.M. Shelter Island Town Hall MEETING NOTES ATTENDANCE Name Valerie Scopaz Joey MacLellan Jim Messer Dave Abatelli Bernie Jacobson Neb Brashich David Glass Josephine Brazier... Sharon Gustafson Dan Pichney Gerry Bogazc Wei-Chung Matt Rankel Vincent Corrado DISCUSSION ITEMS Affiliation Town of Southold, Town of Riverhead Shelter Island Village of Greenport Shelter Island Heights. Town of Southold New York State Department of Transportation New York State Department of Transportation Long Island Rail Road Suffolk County DPW NYMTC NYMTC Dunn Engineering Associates Dunn Engineering Associates 1. The meeting opened at 12:45 P.M. following a closed door discussion of the SEEDS study. The agenda for t7ie meeting is attached. 2. Written comments received by the Towns and Village were discussed. The originat written comments were given to Dunn Engineering Associates for review and summary. The suggestions and comments contained therein will be posted to the website. 3 Discussion regarding continued communication with the public was held. It was TAG 10401 10 t 1 decided that a mailing list of all those attending the two public meetings and anyone who provided written comments would be assembled, and that a letter be sent to each. The letter is to thank them for their participation, inform the recipients of the next steps for the study, and provide them with a summary of the input from the meetings. The letter is also to briefly describe the SEEDS study, and inform them of their opportunity for continued input through the planned visioning charrettes for that study. 4. It was decided that a second letter would be sent to those organizations to which the TAG originally sent invitations to the public meetings (civic groups, etc.) This mailing is to include copies of the slides and displays from the public meetings, as well as a copy first letter. 5. The LITP 2000 paper, "Framework for Developing and Evaluating Improvement Strategies" was distributed to the TAG and discussed. The process described therein is to be utilized to evaluate the suggestions and recommendations received from the public as a result of the public meetings. The TAG is to review the process, and develop evaluation criteria relevant to the unique North Fork study area. 6. The relationship between the SEEDS study and the North Fork Transportation study was discussed, as well as the necessity to avoid redundancy and potential conflict between the two studies. It was also noted that the potential exists for confusion and overload on the part of the public. Efforts will be made as the two studies go forward to minimize this. 7. The TAG discussed that the focus of the SEEDS charrettes on the North Fork will be on land-use issues, since the public input on transportation will have been categorized and packaged into strategies and modeled assuming projected land use consistent with town plans. New land use scenarios gathered from the charrettes will be tested with future network and travel characteristics in Summer/ Fall 01. 8. It was decided that the next round of public meeting for NFTS, scheduled for December O1 will include a meeting on Shelter Island to present results of the modeling efforts. 9. The future year base condition scenario for modeling purposes was described. The highway, railroad, bus and Cross Sound Ferry will be modeled as in the existing condition. The North Ferry will have additional capacity due to the pending purchase of a new boat. 10. The meeting adjourned at 2:15 PM. ACTION ITEMS r.aUioaot ii ' is to assemble the mailing list and provide a draft of the letter 1. JAC Planning Corp. ' discussed in item #3 above. 2. Dunn Engineering Associates will provide a draft of the letter to the invitees, and assemble the attachments. TAG members are to review the Framework paper, and develop criteria relevant to the 3 ' ' . process. North Fork study area to be utiliaed in the 'fatal flaw ' T~cwaot i2 ' PIN 0804.89 NORTH FORK TRANSPORTATION STUDY ' TECHNICAL ADVISORY GROUP MEETING COORDINATION WTTH $U~S TAll`IA~B STUDY END DEVELOPMENT ' .February 15, 2001, 11:00 r1M Southold Town Hall MEETING NOTES ' ATTENDANCE ' Name Affiliation Valerie Scopaz TAG, Town of Southold Dave Abatelli TAG, Village of Greenport Bernie Jacobson TAG, Shelter Island Heights Jim Messer TAG, Town of Shelter Island Neb Brashich TAG, Town of Southold Jo§eph MacLellan TAG, Town of Riverhead ' Shazon Gustafson- TAG, LIltR Suzanne Donovan SEEDS Coordinator Suffolk County Planriing Department ' Andy Freling Gerry Bogacz NYMTC (via teleconference) ti Wayne Ugolik on New York State Department of Transporta ti Dave Glass on New Yosk State Department of Transporta ' Jennifer Cato Dunn Engineering Associates i Vincent Corrado ates Dunn Engineering Assoc ' DISCUSSION ITEMS ' 1. The meeting opened at 11:00 ANI ' 2. Andy Freling attende d the meeting representing Suffolk County. d the meeting by describing the process by which it is proposed to 3. Dave Glass opene North Fork study to the Sustainable East End Development study h ' e transition from t in an orderly, cost-effective manner. 13 2001 Febmary 15, Page 2 ~ 4 After discussion, it was decided that the proposed transition strategy would be . adopted. ~ NFTS consulting team will complete the travel-forecasting model by calibrating Th 5. e and running the base year (1995). 6. A Technical Memorandum describing .existing conditions, the travel surveys and blem identification will be prepared. accident studies, including pro 7. 1 the travel-forecasting model to the 2020 "No-Build" The consulting team will aPP Y attern on the North Fork. A forecast of possible d use l p an base network/existing rtation conditions without improvements or land use changes will be future transpo provided. ' tential transportation improvements based on TAG input and input from the ' 8. Various po public meetings will be identified. 9 A list of near-term (1-5, yeaz implementation. frame) recommendations for early . implementation will be prepazed. 0 The North Fork Transportation Study would stop at this point, and the responsibility d use and/or l ' . 1 an for developing and testing 5 to 20+ year implementation frame ill be transferred to the SEEDS study. i ons w transportation improvement opt 11 The TAG expressed a desire that the transition be made by the end of Summer 2001, h . . h date the SEEDS consultant would be starting public outreac hi c by w ' 12 A letter will be prepared by the NFTS consultant to be sent to all persons on the study d on SEEDS in all l . ace mailing lists briefly explaining the process. Emphasis will be p ondence with the public, to minimize confusion. s ' p corre included in the ill b e s of the results of the public participation meetings w i 13. e Summar correspondence. ' DOT and the NFTS consultants will meet shortly to discuss the schedule for the 14 . NYS ' transition process. 15 . The meeting was adjourned. 14 WELCOME ' Tonight you will have an opportunity to participate in the North Fork Transportation Study which is focused on balancing the travel needs of residents and tourists of the North Fork during the peak travel season. ' This study is a cooperative effort between the towns of Southold, Shelter Island and Riverhead, Village of Greenport, Suffollc County, LIRR and the State DOT. The Study is in the very eazly stages ' and is expected to take approximately two years to complete. The purpose of tonight's meeting is to present the findings of the data collection effort which has taken place and to hear from you, the ' public. The feedback we receive- from you will guide us in identifying transportation issues and potential solutions for further analysis. ' ALL comments aze important to us. You are encouraged to take advantage oftonight's opportunity to provide input towazd the Study's development. ' Following the formal presentation the meeting will break into a `workshop' type format for smaller group/individual discussion. There will be four (4) stations with numerous display boazdspresenting the information collected for your review. Consultants, State, County and Local representativestyill be located at each station to answer questions and take note of your comments, questions and ideas. The 4 stations are: Automobi e Travel and Safety Assessment Bicycles and Pedestrians • Ferries ' Public Transportation Be assured that ALL suggestions and comments will be given individual and serious consideration ' as the study is progressed. Please complete a written "comment sheet" and submit it in the box at the sign-in table corresponding to where you live or mail to your designated representative, identified on the comment sheet, to make sure your opinions are given careful consideration. ' The format of tonight's meeting is intended to provide: ' Information regarding the Study and progress to date. Individual attention to you and the time you need to explore the issues and areas you feel are important. • An opportunity to offer your opinions. ' THANKYOU for takingyour time to attend this important meeting tonight and to share your views with the study team. 16 i~ L~ I~ 1 FROM SOUTHOLD TOWN PLANNING BOARD FAX N0. 516 765 3136 1]''!?•zbn;l lU;9v ran vat : += +.t~, ,. ~,...... .....,,., 'Fla ~. '~p¢+yLL ~ ' T'ric 5:=1ECiEr'l ISUINQ RE:-0RTtr~ Mee 'ng,~ec. 1 ,Mate is seeking Islanders'views for its rocaZ transportation study 3helrer 7slsndas w11 have their ch~a- ID weigh {a on regional ~trsas• pcradan isarta on Friday. Dcstlxr 1 rz 730 pm when a public iafotmaiian•~ ai meeting ari11 be bedac ate Ginsnpva high sctocl auditorium on me state Dap>zairar of Traasp~rsduti s '2IlP 2LtOP' pion. A Sit^n°. meeting wt7l i7e held ar ttC 7amespote Camtaueity Crsttr oa Thtusc'ay, NovemitC' i0 Fr 7;50 p.ta. The ptib:ie it iavi¢ti m tsar about the study, review the data duhccd ro tf cad oRer sugoesdtins. 3npresetustives of t~ arc DG'I; tool artes]s sd tSe c.-uulong i]am prepanng rte study wilt `~ oa hand. Omeially titled dte "Lang Island T:aasparlLiioa Plan to • Mnnagc Congc'srtott." it wiB include im evatra- d0a of t:anapaPL3dOrr isaaPS !b SltelCr Lslsnd aadSoumvld [owns and the ear- em half of the town aF Ava•'tead. '"1'Ee trajor concurs fbr :do peopic of Stelteristrnd is dte mLSc linty going to andwtttiag Sum ~c Notch FcrY." ;aid Sheler Island CotmcltMaN Tim Mcsser vn ~ltxiday "This bas beta a pcablem for a nuiatc of years ertd we hope ,.o- pla will ea¢ta m *5e fGreenmrt] me dug ro vC1Ce heir opinions ^ Oae oJl3Fsoot aF rte fiery emblr.. is ttaC C_'^SIa ptaveyoe< [t.^.VC rower "1u- candnuecl delircting ar .have changed <heir dellvey sc:^.edclea." ~~ said. The purpose or ,the serial Nvttb 2crkShtit._. Island rev-,loans cvs3uadtm i5 5 "Id~ury aanSp OCCCUA SOLLLaCCS that world attpptYC and. if peaetisal. iaprove dte rural gna&ty of life" hex accaxe~iag ro Southold 'Gown plnnac `~alerin Scooaz. "We'1e at the pr_linninary stagrs of this pudealar study and ao ecwmmen- r'adona ar soludoas have bean par forth ya,^ said.Ms Sccpar. "Tao whole pnr- pcse of the public taeetiags is m gac~,: public on Soazd at the very bepianiag sa` trot dteir iaiigbts can be n~ima inm otattin :ta develq®ear of those tea ~-+m^wt~~ons or salaCcns. cur primssy faros ~ this paiac is m stimulate modals dt=t viol tcprerent 6tnn'e gowth and its .7ot~tial itnp-4ccs ca the truffle simv ~UCL^ Vii;: Scopsz lags da local Technics! ?,dvisory Cammitec(TAG), whose umbers include Yrboysita Brashicb. c~-maa vi Souctold's canspotrauoa evmmissivn: ' David 'AbateBi, ^rnPVZ's village ultninistraror. Joey ~dae Lcllan.. ez~.:rive rsslstarr m tivrhead SuPerviso: Boh {ozakieata; sad Shelter Island°s Cvunailctra.`fessc Tire study is beingrandutt:: by a pt~ f:ssianei consulting fiaa in ~ttjuttcd.oa •stith a'zxbaical advisory scup" ccn- sist_ng of town and vFllsaa oft3dlais. CAT oi~t--sass end rsaresanta4ves or $s :.^ng Tsland hail Road sad the wunry ;,epattncvt of?ublicAcrk;. Tate TAG has ovaseert dte ealleerict 02 data fUr ttrt: SSCdy 1n CanfanG.ax With i:atn `/-3saeet•.ey Associadoas o: (Capdrtusd an pcgr 13) is Nov. 28 2000 10:2BRM t~ .~~ Yom. ~ 0 ~Qy 2 G Luuu Southold Town ~'lanning Board ~'ransportation (Cottainadfrmn pace IQ) R~estftaaptoa Che eonstsltzat t'oe t8-. North Fo:lc study. T'he datz includes tc. results oY an ocgin-end-desdnsc[aa sttt~ vey of krai aavelea in atttau, basses. TR assn sad on itnzie_ Arr..-nrion loos paid to erne geaent ' ed try winery sad farm stood vigtta:6 ~ wtdl a5 Paopie driving m and from hotels, morals, matitias, ibt:ies and the 'Ihn¢:r mall. Tbc rmui6 c; the Norda Ferry Comaany's :99~ origin-~d~esd- na>;on survey were danarr3 tr.'se effor_ A safety analysis bas zJSO been coe- dacctL ideadfylnr rte locnions wits the higher aeeidene roes. In addidea ro tl>c alcrtlt Fah-Sb!tt` Island traasyamdax study. the sztre alto is at work an a pmjac: ciliw-+-+ "ScrS" (foe Sustainable F°~r Sttd Davelopt:gat 5ante2y) that "will took a aattspotta- don andland use to?cthar gross taunic- iDal bautadarit:s to foatts baser decisiov- :a3ldng on ttfese issues at the 1orJ 1evcI." auordin8 m Boie 7acobscn. who will to rasurtiag Iva duties s dts Island's voluntrry reptrscata.':va on dr_ L'ySi %sd TY.ntsporczdon Caanc:I and Sotttho[d's Tr.nspost=eon •Coamissioa when he re.lres shady as general maa- a%er of the ; torte Fccy Company. Mc 7acobson said dte state is also az work on the Long island Sound Waterbcrte Trltstwrtadon I?Iatt 117A_ 2QQ5. which is an effort Sv !vew Yuri: and Connecticut ' ,o identity existing and. poGntial ic,zy sc-ri~s and ticllti.-s cn hods skies of rltc Sound and iu ¢iw- riries:' P2 1 --. i ;~ i i 1 s ". ... ,.. NEWSDAY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2000 DOT to Present Traffic Study .~ The state Department of Transportation .will present results of the North Fork Transportation Study and take comments about.traffic concerns at meetings tomorrow and Friday in Jamespo=t arici Greenport. _ ., ..... - • r~ The study, begun in 1997, focuses on transports- tion issues in eastern Riverhead, Southold and Shel- ter Island towns, and Tooks at traffic generated. by tourist attractions ranging from farm stands and (wineries to motels and marinas and the Tanger Outlet Center. ' The study, part of the state's effort to ease conger-, tion throughout Lung Island, is aimed at devising ways to maintain the North Fork's rural character.> It also will help with a separate study about to begin: looking at traffic and land use in alI five East End• towns, including.Sonthampton and~East Hampton.:. The meeting 'tomorrow will be • held at - -the Jamesport Community Center; and the meeting Fri- day is at the Grsenport High'Sc3iooT auditorium. Both meetings begin at 7:30 p.m. and are open to the public. More information is available on the Web site at www.LITP2000.com or by calling 888-&70-5487. -.~~:~ ~ .o :o-~ru~ ::_.a .. -Thomas Flank 19 -, 1 1 1 ;';~ _ . ,\ d . ~ • Looking aouth _ . . ;,TxsxE ~, Ba ~3.ty. peiErmps on~the.plate tomorrow night •at the regonal transportation summit meeting-.at a ~ee~ be • 'Iiigfi School: And-onetof;the most Serious; w.e. exp the need to estal?lisli::a_rkew ferry link between East:Hampton . Town:and New London::Not in my backyard, East Hampton Town officials have. screamed over the`.years. But have they - really thought things through? , : :... - _ . , :: _.: ..:. Consider this: On~a Friday night in mid-summer, about~four r ; .~. ~: __;---_ •: _- , out of 10 cars coming off-,,the ferry at Orient Point are eventu- ally headed for the South Fork, somewhere between Montauk ' `and Westhainpton..'Ilzaf`means they'II be driving."around. the . horn" via Routes 4f1: or 25;`or crossing $hel{er.Ysland .on Route'` . 114 via theNoith and South ferries:`That's traffic that'sunwel= :• .come on both the Nortli Fork and Shelter Island, traffic that. ~ . just as easily could be •routed directly to~ the South Fork via: a~= new interstate ferry link. And what if it was? How would it impact the already griev-: ous traffic situation on~the South Fork? Beneficially, C ~ -;: :, On•that same Friday night; for`exanmple; feirytra~ • new Montauk ferry terminal, for example,-would'be=headed :. . from east to west, against: the preponderance of tr-afficu ~d :. the opposite .would be ,true . on Sunday,• when. ferry. would be traveling ."against the .grain"en route .to Montauk. If New Yorl~State Department of Transportation officials 3 aze sincere ab9ut finding regional solutions to regional traffic problems, then a new East Hampton Town ferry. terminal ~ ought to be near the top of their action list. And. right below that they can pencil in a new ferry terminal at Shoreham. ' j ~ ~ '~ie ~u~o~C``~imes ~ ~ovem~e~~:'~iS~ ' We will be'heard Greenport Deaz Editor Some confusion remains about ' Friday's state Department of ~ Transportation public hearing at 7:30 p.m. at Greenport School. Those of us outraged at the agency's plan to . ' remove all the pazking from the south side of Fron4 Street to ease traffic congestion (i.e. let traffic, move faster) kaow that the focus of the meeting will be much broader. The planning initiative behind this meet- ing.represents an admirably inclusive ' approach to defining transportation problems and potential solutions on the North Fork. But it would be like trying to.. if ' we ignore a beaz at the dining table dida'.F ackaowledge..this. threat ;to ~_,..,;, Front Street: If.woul3n't.surpnse me nIOlxs ffom'0[ner hamie[s also ' expressed a~esire to protect:,,,:, Greenport's walking chazacter fro state DOTS misguided plan. If we want streets that aze safe for Ovalle ' we need traffic-calmed business di trios and school zones, and what t ter learning tool than the living co ' illustration of Front Street Add to traffic calming a network of Class . bike lanes sepazated physically fro traffic, and better transit and the d Logue at Friday's meeting can reall~ F Make us somewhere. Besides, we don't get much oppo [unity to talk with state DOT. Our ' comments were requested politely one Wednesday two months ago an that was supposed to be that. But it ' not. The dialogue will go on and everyone should be heard. Randy Wa 2i - '. . .': ' e " ..5a - The transportation committee- has two .public meetings scheduled. The first will"be at the Greenport High School onDecember 1st Hopefully; the public will.~articipate because it steely . has areasdn to do,'so: All one has to dq', . is look at the,tragic model of our South Eorkrieiglibor: ..: Ia the 1970s, the Department of Transportation offered to plan for the 'future haffic'problems in Southamp- ton. With' a.wary eye toward future de- velopment,the people rejected the pro- posals of the'DOT with hopes of pre- serving their quality of life along with Their sleepy, bucolic summertime envi- ronment.` Now' 20 years later, Southampton has a serious problem with morning and late afternoon . gridlock. Regardless of the public's will Letters , Attendance.A Must Editor.: Open Letterao Southold Residents: •I am sure you have watched the in- crease in traffic and speeding along Southold's roads with concern over the part few years.. Many ofyou Have called my office or written letters,. The town boazd-is well awaze of these issues. Towazd that end, the town is working in partnership with the New York State Department of Transporta- tion (NYSDOT) to evaluate transpor- JV LLI.L1Vll,l ~-Y~ailua~,uu s - ---.--- to stave off develophrentby limiting ac- cessibility and convenience, develop- ment has -come nonetheless. LTnfortu- hately, to the chagiin of these'South Fork watchdogs, they must drive is their self created nightmare on a daily basis. The North Fork is blessed with a four lane `back road" that is capable'of handling a good volume oftraffic. How- ever, the traffic alongRoute 25 will con- time: to increase because of increasing tourism and in part due to the fact that the hamlet centers and the majority of residential areas run alongside or empty on Route 25. In addition, the burgeon- ingviticulture industry is continuing to grow more new vineyards and expand those vineyazds already is existence tatioa needs of the.North;Fork in the near and long-tens. The azea under study includes the eastern Half' of the Town ofRiverhead and all ofthe Towns of Southold and Shelter Lsland. The Transportation Study; scoop= erative effort involving these towns, the Village ofGreenport andtheNYSDOT, Suffolk County Department of Public Works (SCDPW) and the L1RR, is cur- rentlyunderway. The consultants have identified the following parameters: . Population in Southold Town is 128% higher in summer than.in v ter. . • North Fork economy bas switd primarily to specialty agricultureu . • Annual ttaf5e has been growin 3.5% on North Fork versiis=2%for rest of Long IsLtad.. _ _ __ .. • Traffic volumes on the East I aze 50%higher in.sgmme_r than dux October-April. • peak travel pegod is on'Saturd See LETTERS page 1 %,~fi/~Ze7L Wf~d+S~/ti/~ it/~~~(/.3flL 'X,/ G~~'u -r -i along the main road. If the North Fork does.not wai have a Route 25 that•resembles R 27, the time to acY is now. There options'to explore; opinionsto beh and future problems,to be addres Time is of the essenee. If a local: i sensus is built now, the,fiatuie_~tr< problems we wt71`surely face'car solved on our tetmg, with,our id We are sure that,representatives o: the environmental groups will be of force. It is . ~ imperative t businesspeople make an effort to tend these meetings. All businesspex have an interest in the way tra moves in Southold..T~own~~e ens age you to be there to voice_ your o~ ion. ~• v d •o m ~ n ~ o . *?7 yl,. G ~.w ~, ~' p; cl ,'y O•' coo n. s b h T to Fo..:,~•~{,~ Fs-~Ct ~ xtn 5~~.. G~. ~~~~: ~ ~. ~ O ~ ~ .G O W ppp ry ~ b ,~, ~ _ ~r ~~~ z~. T®wns ofRi ~erhead, southo/d and W shelter Island .Incorporated l/i/lage of Greenport 1r~troduce study to public N p .Present ro ress to date p 9 Establish communication channels • Initiate public input ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Meeting Format .Introductory Remarks Presentation of Information N ,4ssembled to Date • Discussion Groups /Workshops Key Points ~I/orkir~g partnerships coordinated decision-making N lJr~derstanding linkages between /arid use aid transportation issues Other Studies SEE®S LIRR East End Study LI Bus study LI Bicyc% Pedestrian Master Plan southold scenic Byways Corridor N Management Plan LITP 2000 Consu/taut Team ®unn Engineering Associates ~"ng-Wong Taub (safety assessment) Abrams-Cherwony ~:~ (public transportation) ®~IA C Planning (public participation) Parsons Brinkerhoff (modeling) _- - N Project Study Area __ Project Goa/s and Objectives • Provide an overview of the transportation system (all modes) Identify strategies to maximize safety, r r r I~ W mobilit and s stem ca acct y y r y help to maintain or improve the rural character of the area Balance the transportation needs of tourism and local residents during the peak season Study Procedure stablish Technical Advisory Group ~ ~~ ~ ventory transportation system ®llect data and information ®licit pub/ic input Study Procedure ®etermine existing and future conditions .Identify LIRR and Suffo/k Bus service proposals N Formulate strategies Test strategies, and proposals using model Return to Public with results • Formulate a plan for the future Progress to Date o Established Technical Advisory Group • Information assembled • Col%ction and analysis of data underway • Coding of model underway • SafetyAssessment underway lrrformation Sources lV Ys Department of Motor I/ehic%s Town Police W nIYS Department of Labor Prior studies of ferry operations • Town and Village Planning and Building Departments Postcard Tra ve/Survey • Survey conducted during July and August 1998 and 2000 Travel modes surveyed (auto, train, ,bus, ferry) ~~,300~- cards distributed r 2, 800+ responses (25%) d Results will be used to help define travel demand Traffic Data • Consulted with TAG regarding data col%ction locations • Highway traffic counts (24 hour counts, turning movement counts) • Count station data Counts at traffic generators (wineries, farm stands, etc.) l/ehi% speeds on se%cted roadways ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~ _~ ..sue .~ Safety Assessment • Identified most prevalent accident locations • Reviewed candidate locations with U Police Departments • Obtained accident reports • Analysis for trends underway Pre/iminary Observations Confirmed that: summer Weekend traffic is highest Most trips made by car Limited public transportation service available LJ 1 1 1 `~ V Rf L .~. .~ ~3 W ~L J L f~ J .}r Y J N "e~y~n~!?n~7$L~i~MO'~,ti"xd~.3"s'~':g,b'::+?r:e:'l< ya•, :. x...r ~..:o:. ~....<: a.. ' V~;i~t~:SY^A. `ryt`~> 'SYC~€k~#~$~~`E YS`3Y '~' ~ J ~~ ~ ~ ~ Z . . .. :.5 >1 i.. . .'. i 5. ... ~ 6~: ....,.::: ~' :i.'.. :. ~~ 7i ~ ..Y g'Yi:•~;:7;/K:.35:~,,;riiY',::`:i;,">,i<6?~'`< ~@,.. i;.~~#i:;.:ai<+1~'":# #'s #iiRS~3'f:'. i , 9 e, f~ ! ._...:.. .... .~. O O O O O O O O O O ~ p O O O O O O O O O O O O O C O O O ' W tD ~ ~ N N O CO fD O N r r r r r c O 39 ,. < _ ~f , <s x. Observations, cont'd x.999 A verag-e Daily Traffic (ADT) ors o t. 25 was. 7 /o higher than ~ 998 ° X9.9.9 ADT on CR 48 was 4% higher than .998 • Increase is mostly during off-season • Shelter Island -bridge to South Fork Observations, cont'd cross Sound Ferry users -most rrom outside study area ~~ In Summer, most North. ,Fork trips are recreational in nature • On weekends, 50 % of vehic% trips begin and end on the North Fork Next Steps • Review public input (1/01) • De ve%p computer model of North Fork transportation system • Estimate future needs • Formulate and test strategies for future Prepare draft transportation plan (11/OY) • Meet with public to present plan (12/01) Discussion Groups and Workshops • Traffic Data and Safety Assessment • Public Transportation Ferries Bicyc%s and Pedestrians __ ___ __ 7~IL-"~ ,.~t~ 1-1= oc~-Tr'~1-a~~= S / ~>/'7~r-o et'S ]ra.IlS 1V.~' study con~'ab yields con2merzts & confusion. ~_lullo lnr!o -- GIiLL14P01t'1'-A small cor gent of Gmenporl residents Irlc hijack Pridny nlgld's meeting o North Pork "lYansporlulion S 11iey wanted to folk about a Department o['Prnnspuriullon eel planned Jor Pron1 S ?!{eating organizers were scL ar own agenda; gnlhering ds.ln shoo{ transportation needs oo the North Ferk. Aul many of {hose wLo sided with the organizers in keepingTYonl Street o([ the ugemla complalucd obout flee [orrnal of Ute meeting al the Orccnporl Public School, Accident zones Thu North PorkTransporlapon Study has larpolod several aroas in SouUlold Town lot safely assessment The cll- clud numbers oonospond to somo of Iho morn crush•ptano sUoele In 1999 and grelr acsidenl, lalalhy end Inluty coums. G. Cases Lano to Grlllln SVsel (2D,1, G); d. LauloPlaka Roadlo Oray Avenue (4, 1, D);1D. Cox Lano to Oay 1lvonue (3, t, D);12. bldian Naclr lano to I'econic Lana (2,1,1);14• Wickhenr Avenue (2G, 1,13);15: VIc1nI1y ' Towlr7rapslnl Slallop (17, 0, 9); and tp. Tuckot Lano to Horton Lane (G, 1, 1). Not clrclod but worth Irjenlloninp is Chnpal Lano lo'Moolels LapB (2'7,1,8). . -n z ~. r h \Vhal lLcy wooled was nn open meelinJ; where Ilmy cnnld esclnurgc idcnt with Ihcir ncighbms nbofu Irfias, buses, cars, hikes an4 Ierrius. Wlml they gut -:u raid nlreurlces nl e similar7emesporl mculiog the pro-. vious night - was a brief iolroduc- lion to the study's purposes, its progress to dole and its agenda Ior the ongoing study. 'Iben audience members were llispnlched to fie individual stations in the hollwny, oulslde the mulllorium.'ll+crc, they could offer ideas m be recorded with magic rnarkcl~ on flip chnriz Ilul many onngdoined nbaut the Inck u[ opportunity for real discussion. 'llris is nudre-bcliet~e iirpul;'snid CLarles Murrln of Qricnl, llc urur plained that Ihnre was nn opporU[ni- iy fm a cnnsr.nsus. "'1Lgl,nfucthfg should hour, Loco amlintied Were;'snlrl Dcrvid 1?vans of Pccnnir, poiuling In)he au[lilorl- unf. ".11m[e should 1>,nvc 6cnn opou ~ disctwsion;'Im said, I: N "Tlsis Is foo(lsh,"Bard ane woman who declined m give her name. "Let's gel out of here and i'll just send in my comsnenls nn the sheer.," she fold Ircr lussbnnd, Mary others, fiudhfg the cnnfualnn h[ life toyer loo much to bear, followed soil. Tlul (hose also did slay and visit the various stations offered n plcdlora of ideas Ior kmisporlnuoo changes nn the r[sst Ir_nd,']lre wu- trovcrsial Cross Sound Potty drew flte moll nllculiou, '~Ihis is the lever Q+at has brougld.- evcry person here lonlght.besrause. of wh al's going on Ior several yuars," sold Mr.l3vmufle lold'I]O'1'rcprn-. smdnlivcs Thal there's n perception that the high-speed (Sou Jel) Entry doesrr'I help business, but is respon- 4, Bible for Iralfic speeding through the a'. Imn+lels mid on the Nnrlll liuad, t~W Wily nnl park in Greenpor'I and ~~ lmvc n shuttle In rnrry passcugcrs In t +hc high-spcc4 fcrrl~Y suggcslci] ._ „~, . MWy 11 ~rn:rr ul SUUlnaln~ "\Vhy dun'1!v.'o just Wrn Iko whole village iqu+ n pnrldirg loll" laughed Mayor 1)nvid ILyfcll about Ihfil su4- gwlion. "P.verybody weals ltr dump '. :evorylhiug nn (Irecnporl." 7ahn Rooney of Southold said he ~ . -mul firs urife usere nhnosl run down by n nn slrecdiog, east on Main ' Sh~ecl i[i 1hn1 hanlel wrd said War R'Itile Ire can't prove il; I+e susprtcls the speeders were tnliug to ratCh a Icny. ""lhers;'s increasing road rage frying to mdke Iirne to totals that !arty,' La aai!1, Someone else suggested losing non• rrsidcnls who buy Imry llckels, Other suggestions inclalod relocating the l~•cus Smnxl 1'cnry Icrminal farther west, nddiug a lecminul in Munluuk and creating s mullimodal tranaparla• liens ayMnm out or OrJcnl similar to that in IJaA•'London. I'mm Iha New fAndon !trey Bonk, passcngora con ' swdk to (ruin and bus [xamectlma and Nava cosy access by cur 1o Route 95. Rurt a lorry train Oriaul Poial to ' North Ilnven or Sag harbor 1o cyl down mr the Irnllic llnouglr (]reenpn[I and Sl+elrer Island, suggested llee Cluske, a Shehcr Island resident. Anulbcr suggaslul Ihnl no Gnlher cnpurtsious slmuld be allowed to the Cross Souud Peay operation until other nhcrimlivcs arc dcvoloped to lessen Iba depmtdcnce an Ibis are conucGial silt. And Qross Sound wastil llsc only ferry Iha! got allenllon, One parson suggcrlcd movhtg tlto Nu:lh I'v:ny dlx:k from Sheller Isluud heights, whidt is u designltled historic district, to come other area mt rho islnnd.And another c~~nprained obonl Iha foci that Ibe first dully ferry from Sheller Island reaches Grcenporl loo Isle for passengers to conneclwjlh the 5:35 nan.lruht headingwosl. "p's aluohdoly ilnppsslble la asp," r:rlrrlplahrcll I'alrlcin Shlllingburg of Shriller lslmld, talking nhuul the Lrnrg Island hall Road, Sh~;cslcd rup• uiug a nae•car trni.n Isctwu:n Grcen• port and Rnnkm+koma hauly. When she was loll Iherc'e only one act nl liackc, sltc loll Ibc 1]O-C represeuta- Iivoaralwas liis tmrhlem to solve. Shc was (here to fall Lim what was aecd~ ud, not how to implemerd it. Ske also suggestntl a Lus to trnn:- port Bust P.nd rnsidmus from rho Ilonkonkoma (rain alallon to area ah- parla Residents asked for more bicycle lanes, oft-road bicycle bads and Llke pants on Shnllet' Island.'ILey'd Wso like to sea bike racks on Snnrue and 5ulfolk County busty and more bicy- cln hlwess on the L1RR.'[hey'd like to connect the hmnlets wish bike pathc and have pennancnl hlkn markings on Aoule 2S. Someone suggested 'r:hnnging the Inw to Itevo bicycllsls ride agutnsl Indfir: foslead u( in ILe same duvsclion as tral6c, Altcndeps were adarnanlly opposed ur any extension of Iho fArtg Island F/xprnaarvay beyond its Rlvcrhead exllc. -Ural would change the nrrnl gnalily uI lira area, sevend insisted, "Iltcy'd also oppose poy cxparrsion of roadway capacity on the Bast Ilnd, several people add. '7 waut.lhe eharar;or o[ rho arealn slay the wny h Is;' said Mc (looney. 'Iha plnmmrs - rcpreeenlallves from IliverlJnad, Sumhold,Grcanpod, Sheller Island, the Llllit, the Suffolk .7Yansit Aulharily ~' and Suffolk :.Dgrautmeul o[PublleWorka-will sit down to aualyve the leedback.'I'Irey'Il Ire~pitlling together lfieh own sugger• lioru [or lmlrjc itnproyemenl au the Eras! Bad and returning to Ihp peapte with lheirroporlhy Ilde Ilene next year. rl z n i- m V 0 w 0 e7 c ~ ~ ~ ~ ilt~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ its ~ P detour r•. ~ ~ ~ _ ~_.._.l• 1• Tlls NOIITll F4]I2K TRAN$I'ORTATIgN ~rimv is a wortl-wlrile endeavor, judging by tine ovenRew presenleil by'slndy IZar- tigpanls attTlnirstlay's and F'rida~i'sSpub- lic fonts ~ Sagiesport~nnd Greenporl... '~iut was°tiot worthwhile, however, w.ene thg fonuns themselves,~due largely Co procedural problems Tive minutes into ilia overviety pre- sented in Groenporl Friday night by Southold Town planning director Valeiie Scopaz, it was clear that one element of the fomrat mode perfectly good_serlse:._ Thal vas the decision to foresta~l.publie comment on specifics until aud'tenct;, Irr~agbers [~mka-irito smaller discussion p~n~rs ~on: such Yopics a`s ferry traffic, ~p bhe transportation, etc. Qthervrise, as became quickly apparent, lh~ tneeligg risked being dominated by opponents of the state l]OT's lioute 25, Greenpart, "improvement" project. to fact, to the chagrin of the nrijority,of audience members from other communities, •inclucling 511elter Islaitd~, two critics of the-ProntSfreel reconfiguration still attempted to hijack thb forum, despite repealed reminders Thal no DOT of[i- cials assigned to the Greenpori project were in attendance, _ Ms. Scopai-and consultant Vincent Corrado persisted in~luruing the focus back to the transportation study hsel>y ~. but linen They offered mostly redundant voice-ovens describing a slide presenta- lion chat cauldhave been belierhandled with a simple handout. And instead of concentrating A» preliminary findings, which might have been of •interest, They dwelled •on procedural mgtters of little relevadce to the general public. 11ren came the most unfortugate part of the evening- the move to "stations" devoted to specirc topics iu the hallway outside the (~reenporl High School auditorium. Il was crowded and confus- ing, hardly conducive ko a meaningful exchange of ideas and ir>formation. In a building filled with classrooms designed for just that purpo;e, many forum panic. ipanta sdon headed for the exits rather lhau try futilely to'hear or be Leerd in thq hallway. r~_' RI 0 rn r N r r O W r c e G ~ ~ n N~ sv7= ~G LJL i~rriES n trr / z o{~?/ ~~ r f , Front. - ari:~.~ center Tl'o7Zt ~v~ Lssue J ' Dave imporlaot things to say," 1 1 shouted Aandy 1Vodo, ptesidant of • the Orecpp4rl Civlc- 1kyoCJallan, gets rancorous trying to dirbcl the meoling to the ]'root Sl[cel issues. By Jullo Lano She was joined 6y Joan L•gan of 1'QSl Marlon, wilu also Irietl la. Glli?13NPOflT-"1'm nm ur n. „ $ . de~na~id diseusslon n[ the wont log with your co4oenu .., bur that's ' Slreel prrgecl: ' not•Wcputposeotlhla'moeliug."So "'[his u wheta ~tve live and we - aald SUlllhOld'IhWll IIlNlile[ Valeho jj hove to deal with Il"6aid,lv~S.l~an. Scopes, frying to roclalm •Friday. Andavhen Ma. Soopaz end Ylncetti plgld's meeting on the NorlhY?ork 'Corrado, senior engigeer from 't17146ppClnAnn SlU(Iy- lCnnl ~ l)pM l.pgilleCrlli$ Assovlolea, treed (Jreenpoll protestors who o6Jecv to: ~-lo turn the meeting IiaoL. lo'llrair slate Dcparlmeut atltansportatiop study, sLo accused them' of inter- (D01) plans Ynr rcconalrodiou of rupth~& ' - Pront ,~'rrCCl. "WJICp I'm 611CAkin$, youYe iis- "I understand your concerps. rouLtg.andwhur j+ou're_spealao$, Your poinu, hnvc Veen well rustle;'' • J'ni lislcning,'sald Mc.1?gap, luxos- Ms. Soopnrsaid, 6ul the DOT mp- iog the putt n[ auealiug argauizers reaenialives up silo aren't involved with srrucluring lbe atr:nling to N lUe Front.. Sheet proJeel and avoid interplay pmoas msidnnls . aren't Prepared to alsswer question's < ~- "1'm not ergult~ tvlili yow oou- aUpulrl,shesaid.' oer»s" repealed pQs,Scopaz. "But 7Lerc are .n lot of penplc "wuo . 1 L N 1 FF.OM ~UiF!DI-17 70tJN FL.SMdING EOfJ•eD FFX NO. 516 765 3136 Dec. 11 2900 10:321~t 1 Reaearianat 'Ii'aasporration Needs that's not the purpose oC this meeting.", analysts oa I}ea. 1, 2000," he wrote is L>lsletter.aEYa~t25- ~~"Nobody is blaming•you;'.ds.Wade " " ~ ~~ ti`dacts to aoafy resideau of wane:tospcak. °We use countered. 1 ' the nblic iaEatmatiea center iadud- p yeu," lrfs. Scapaz "I'm not igooring tried again and by that point, thcaa teas release to local newspapers bd a P anti electgd officials, door-tom°or who didn't want the meeting to &ee eft " , . egn.neci*1e pgyusirre55es an 1Zoute Z5, A'Coveaamove trackbegsneaantin¢, letters to afLeded property owetess on.^ ~ ou ieel,"-said : •~~d P°aLiag oC noeiees is the Vrll~ag~e I undatstaad hew t Ha1L P°at ofFtce and library, he floor, Sut Mr. Ooarado, seiang mnoarns are bates directed at Siracusa said in his letter. „ Mayor ts ct those the people Who am is c$arge aC that ~~ cadent of our a or , ~ has also eawutaged ac,3ve praleG.lre said. What ag~a avated thus= who wanted ar atiaa is the ocean throu h P ~ ~ ffi local rad[o bulletins and pessoaai wo- ro speak about Aront Stye=e is the lack oortuniry they've had to voic f o retested parti=s,^ ~ Sl ta y p o elicit ~n^~..< !a nay olfical public tact tsa. io w more th2s ZO Front 5trrat To date E~~, a~t'd>nS to Barbara bicor- Thee was a meeting of ~_ ~ , merchants' fiave signed 'petitions marIIy house. Greenport :.ferrbanrs Asocation in obje~ng to ate project, on bemoan of narnMC about [Fie loss o1 Augest at which details ai the proleC. Then. oa Sept. iabvrated at~king oa the south side of ctte street. S esi- . v.ere crst e Z~ ~,,,sapub(icinf°rr•.attonsrs• utures of some Z67 village r dents who signed oetitioas objecting lion at the GreeapeY. f¢ehouse whee t~ ~ to the project Have bee' sub residents could a^aie and gather tion and pmateat individual- $° the DOT through the village natures i 40 iafor:aa Ly. Taey were also pr°vidad with g s 7}trscees and another 1 have been gathered and aze expelled she_ts oa araich the9 cold ware °otn- DOT ~ th t° be submitted3aon, acroraiag to Ms • , = mend anti t~i1 thm to A Letter from C.-aig Siracusa, ' Moorho'urz m C ~ ~k !n had regional dlrecior of the DO promised pasemblvwomae Patricia esesta~v~. re [ o ~^ t pith DoT th hiayorlK.aeell mltiauy said it's not his A; ,-per (g-Mattituc~) that mate:i- iota to tell the DOT how m °onduct a!s oa rtnnt Street would be avsilabfe at the Dec 1 meeting and that Ced Ms ' ~' btuiness But then; almost as as afte:thouytt, hd said he's wncei-aed d be Wade and others to a~ume !hey s their onjectioas t° tit= i ~ there's '"a ]ot of.mTSinCorstation d like ' scus able t° d tattt the project he out there" 2 projeC. a! this forum, shq s~• will ~rlea.. . t° SEe S°tt^~ErL Wh8ti10r [i33It tIIeaIIS _.. <`x-^e roles suCl~ p ain be made available at a pubic a the rotrstets will ~t theme trleeting 1;- d ar m g for t~ I-TTP?WO Nord' Fork i e _. s,un rem meet ng a 4B - „c rc"ori -r_ Fr"iDM 1 1 1 ~~~ ~~ F~IING HOPRD W}tete was the lpput? Greeapart Dec. "! i 2000 10:28FtM P2 FAX Nt7. 516 765 3136 . Dear $ditar: ublie input" Gosh! What a fuF k tryt~porta- meetin8 on North public entn .tion nn Friday ttf8 . ed in pabiie mints weanhealt~Pen ~eotuse of our h pis and conee~ ba Rjeded in favor of taking bigndual comtaeats in the hallway after a brief presents tlon of"findia&s" that dtdn t•seem to find ~~ag very sPe~a° artnent On ono hand the state D P ofTxaasporration,vouId have us b¢lieve they v'~t an ~'a~with the thoup~ttful piannta&,e~ort ocrta- North Fait R~`:au~a thn oi~tte:, ciao Needs aaalys~awided public: they Have blatantly o~i of 9d park' mgs~'pa~u&onttpraat 5ttrotTaa DOT mad rabutldlag P oacomq~~ Greeaportfor decadesi thatoeher destroYtn$ a m°dve Learn d ~~ one hazxtlats could edestrtan (cus- slows ttaffi tot nt j ~cu atloa an v~etie Scopaz, Southold's plan ale job of sectr- has done an adrsfudY far the Nort}s ing the "needs'' Greea- ooR coatrove~rsY maYths~~ ebs..e hss to ral-Sut no other puhlle foruta b ~ offered by dta DOT 5OT.nda'j could have srs°red mttitipla ptuposrs to hf Itght the m3e^ I had wanted the iasdatluate use queatbus servi~'the aGewlth of railroad Lack. ets mfaeties wad Earatstaads by jitney buses, a desire for rta~ k Ear parts the len8~ ~i5u loco t d safely walkers and M ~ wad Yes traffic calmed hamle~b~ed °II Lhe Grcea" Poem ad~'m left woadeseng n'h3' Fear of opr~ dialogue. Tss t [dvlog the way the best [fleas berotne anpaz- entand truth wins out?'Chg DG'3' thinks the orily public outran a ~at- od far the Front S~~• plan tt~t open house in Septcm dN~t°artd p°ople have 0e8uadreds (around their~Topasal.hun dtibas,shop- 4A0) na`'e n~d~ aver valuable ke°pets have go s~ and d._ ~.,< window gPze~ labdrace com~ent2 have written Yet, the DOT daita~ uz a N°~ porn truer to pyseKebiy'w°~ ~ th~ p- that"ourlcperlaa~ ene ofposfttve Lion ~ a Eaw, has been a~P~~"~/hatt?t /Lcalled o~ re. open dtsatsuoaseems ~ tlta l,slt st One in~t'ag oo~l shayred a list- ues the Gtaenpat't ~ eseriaa fatali lag of t~ities as Route 25. ~=ctuding and iaj ttse the mad-rebuild-. Greeapart betato.ioale at that seg- meat.eThere viete ~ also IDaaY er a tluae•Year PenOd ofd for a mpY of injttrfas-B~ mash iaform8aoa for the NySDOT oxt far a 1a-Y~ tdaZ to Gteenp .period, minus a feW t mat n ~ ~{es that Treat Street has ~~ e m i ~/ ~/~' ~',, ~ Fo t.K- ~,-t~ ES 49 t)- 1'rarelcr)l'nnrlm(nn-"flnrrsdny,lhtiv:mber7,1011U ~siden~s 'Worked Up over Transpori.ation Meetings liJ~.Sure/I !!..rnF0r1 llllll mmry nsiduds wanlul In voice N011'I'tl rORIC - Sulrle East fold their opinions about lheDeparhnwd of u residents, who hove traditinn¢lly c»t- Transpnrlalion`s (IIOT)' prpjeel ml L bra(~(it[ralivelydebalrofnpuhlichear- hronl Slieel, in Orcenpori. Onnrasi- I ing fo»nnt, were uneasy with the pro de¢t yelled out_fror¢ the Dutlieuce, I senlarion style nl lh(;Nm1L Porl('I'lans- "14c're here as texpnycrs nnJ we beet poruriiun Sardy meetings lost wccl(- to live with this." Corrado and Surluiz V.91ilc'17m(sdny`emaainginl¢mrspnd conrinuudwitlrllrcprepnretlprogmm, u•as more subdueJ, Pridny's gnUlcrilag aril residents were given n¢ overview in GroenpoA brnugld solar: ahnuls nod of xon+c ol'iho study's Gndiugs. jeers firm a~csidents nssranblod in the Aocorduig to Corrado, thclr investi- high schuct nudiloliuro- Gnlinn ehowcd that pcoph: from Ne+v SoulhoRl Towq 1'huluer V¢lmic Yu1hr.Ll'ly, Qn `w-ns, Nassau and tvwl- Scopaz opened the public infolrnatio¢ cn+ Sullolk aro ddving~oul to (Itcen- maainghydcscribingrhescopenflhc pndandtalriugfoaicstogollolhecast- hvo-your study, and-snid the limo Imd em sections on rho Snulh pork. Ile come In initiate public ingot ¢nd estab- noled,'Tlrey'rewillinglopay twuferry lish ¢+emkiug partr(ersbip with the oom_ litres end drive out of ILcir vr¢y to enmity, cnanlina+c Ibc dccislon-nrnl(_ tirocnplhljusllunvoidlhccnngu'sliuu" ing and undcrs(nnd linkages between Conadn used that cxnnlple to illusbalc land use an(1 lnmspnrtnlinn issues. how "what's hnppwting in one region Sr.npn~ said, "Conk 111 hall' FIII (ty111Y 11 uIT'ccls wlud'n luggmuiug in ¢nnlbur tv¢y of your ton (h+llors cruulug buck ccgioa° Io you." Annl-urintcreslingfinding,C»rrnrlo \Vhcll Vincent Conndu nlDunnGu- said, is Thal them is a perception Ihnl gincering announced Thal he would much of Uaa t1aiT'ic on IheN»tdr cork present some ul' 11te infominlion n9- onweekc~ldscumesfm)»tlay-Uippets. semblad, and askcrl the autli(:nc(: to ad- 11e said Ibc aludy actually showed that (Tress U+eir qucslimu to represcnlalives mom Uwe filly pemenl uI il+c trips sae in the hall, who were rc¢dy will+ pen locali meaning Utnl "Urey start in the and poslsr to rv:c¢rd Ilavir commonls, study¢rcaandfwishinthestudyatrra." Sellle CII17,Q76 IOdk 169nC WIQI Thal IOr Corrado Ligldigblod lltat Eroding as a mot,demmulingtobebriefedonalllhe nee4.tonddresspnblielrmrsporloliun dale and rmnnin ¢sscmblodiit ILcoudi- on the Nadh 1•mk. lorium for all to hearcacli »Iher's tom- .Allec~lhepyercralalion; groups gash- .meats. Grcenpon resident Ilnndy creel around five separate wodteta4mu WaJenccusullhepltscnlctsnflrying manor:dbynrepleswttnlive&pmeilLcr In '9ri(lc° s(rmclh'ing, ;mil h vfus clear Dunn Lpginncriny »r ntc DC1T. Ilcsi• d(:ntc had the oppuAnnily to nnony-. lously include U+eir liw+sporlalion-en- ancoryenl suggesliona on a largo roster, much to lire chagrin of many; n Thu noisy hulhvay, utizens strninul to hear Ule.rer»nrk+heing given to Uae cousuhanls ¢nd, of greater concern, tvl+o cues gluing thrall. The work groups rverebrolcen into five culcgi+rios: Lsnd Use,l)ikcs & 1'0- (loslrinne, I'uhlic Tralisporlalion, Tmfllc 7)am Ifr Safety Assessrnad, and, hcny. Algmleary'rvnikulnlion,0aialt. rbsidenl FroAdi¢ \4achebcrgcr said, "Ibis is a farce;' and nddul,'Tlwyhave n lot oC pocrplc eWnding moend in the hell whore mdy a few pc¢ple »p front roan be Ircerd and nobody in the balk can padiclpalc, and U+ac`s nn way to sit down in a room vyl+cce~everybody can Blend up, share ideas m+d respond to each older-" Charles Mucrin of Ori- rnl said, "fl+is is makahelieve input!' Ae stal(ancnls wort accumulated nl each eortsuhaulrs work group, the di• vccsily of opinion "was emphasized. parry commonls included . "nn bee Meeting Pnpa 21 Average7lattic Volumes:5ununer 1JJ9 A 0. L s ~> MrNI 4s 9wnnwrAOT ^ ntm sulnnw) AnT ocnso sunm~raDl 05uurtd Avo Swnnwt w,) ' 8125 nnU Olt 45 vldnlly Tmvn Ilna. Ctl 50 vldnly Ir5111c dlcl5, sound flvn vldnlly Osbame Ave. -," I"n o` i, w J> fv .~-• ~~ 0 Y N W r e7 e z + c z G 1 G~ Ianuary 19, 2001 1 Dear Sir/l~fadazn: 1 Thankyou foryour participation at the meetings held ini Iovember and Decemberregarding the North Fork Transportation Study (NETS). We had a tetrinc turnout with approximately 250 persons attending the two ntgh~• As you know the study is a cooperative effort between the Towns of Southold, Shelter Island and Riverhead, Village of Greenporr, Suffolk County, LIRR NYSDOT andyou, the residents of the North Fork. Your comments are greatly appreciated. We have received approimately 50 comments, all of which. continue to be cazefully reviewed and considered as the Study progresses. The major topics of the comments aze as follows: ' Ferry Service Roadways • Mass Transit ' Safety Issues • Nteetings ' The NETS is now moving into the nest phase, which is the development of a list of transportation improvement strategies, encompassing all modes of transportation, through the review of the data collected and the public input received. These strategies will be refined into ' combinations of realistic and ei?ective scenarios which aze sensitive to the environment and the unique rural character of the study area. These strategies will be tested using a previously developed computer model and then incorporated into the Sustainable East End Development Strategies (SEEDS) Study for further evaluation. In this manner the NFTS will serve in part as the initial stages of the SEEDS Study, which is now beginning. The SEEDS Study is, similar to the EETS, a multi-agency, multi jurisdictional study seeking to maintain or improve the quality of life on the East End. The SEEDS Study will seek to develop community consensus on future land development ' and transportation improvement scenarios within the East End. This will provide guidelines for coordinated land-use and transportatron system decisions. T'ne SEEDS Study will continue where ' the NFTS left off with additional community outreach and public meetings. 'Thank you again and we welcome your continued par<icipation. You have been included ' in the database for the SEEDS Study and you will receive future project related information. ' Very truly yours, s~ ~~ -~- - tang !sland Transpa~an Plan to Manage Cangesaorr N SUMMARY OF WRITTEN COMMENTS RECEIVE BY TOWNS North Fork Transportation Study Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting November 30, 2000 Jamesport Community Center Public Transportation - How do you attract people to use transit? - Why don't buses run longer hours? >BUDGET - How about using C.R. 48. - Benches & shelters needed. - Bus pull-outs needed. - How can you get home from the mall - Tanger? - Will any North Fork LIlZR stations re-open? - Why does afternoon train from Ronkonkoma only go to Yaphank? - More frequent LIRR from Riverhead -City (helps S.F. too) >electrify to Riverhead? - Peconic Bay Blvd. to Main Road? How can people access the bus? W HBALITP2000 File_ transpor[ation.doc S3 Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting November 30, 2000 Jamesport Community Center Traffic & Safety - Keep the C.R. 58 circle -Yes. ' - Change signage for the circle. - Eliminate or move traffic light west of circle. ' - Reconfigure the circle. - Calverton exit-make it a by-pass to Twomey Avenue and then to Sound Avenue east of C.R. 48 and improve Sound & Twomey Avenues. ' - On Nugent Drive (C.R. 94) southbound to the circle, two lanes go to one and backs up the traffic and causes accidents. (Wrongly funneled to right lane -should have been left lane to enter, wide right lane should have turn arrow to right to go to Hull ' Road only. Putting stop lines at traffic -big stupid design to confuse motorist). - On LIE there should be signage directing drivers south and to different areas. ' F i A d El S a rway venue an ton treet. - Traffic light at East Main St. (Riverhead) at - Riverhead Town Police should enforce regulations especially at 105 & 25. 105 going north then to 25 east. Should be no right on red. ' - No widening of any road east of 105 and Middle Road. - NO LIE extension. ' - The circle must go. ' - Widen C.R. 58. - Circle does not hurt traffic - Signal at Ostrander Ave. backs up traffic onto circle. ' - Do not widen C.R. 58. It will move the problem traffic east to two lane road - NY 25 at 105. - Route 25 and 105 put same stoplight as (strobe) Intersection 104. ' WHB\LITP2000 File. Lansportanon.doc 54 Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting November 30, 2000 Jamesport Community Center L - Need left turn arrow at Factory & 25. On 25 eastbound and need arrow to make left onto Factory. - New road from LIE to C.R. 48 thru the farms (by-pass to the by-pass C.R. 58). - Widen Sound Ave. - If you want to keep circle get the Riverhead Police to be involved in moving the traffic. - Exit 73 improve the exit ramp, the curves aze a problem. - Keep the rural character of the community. - Build more and they will come. - Laurel Lane neaz post office needs improvement possibly a flashing signal and farmstands need a setback because cazs and farm good obstruct vision. - Widen 25 to two lanes east of the traffic circle and make it 30 mph. - No light at Northville Tpke.; it should be a traffic circle. - Near Motor Vehicle there should be a traffic circle. (New intersection) - Traffic circle at 25 and 105 / 24 at 105 - If you put in traffic circles, clearly define the rules of the road. WHBALCrP2000 File- Irtznsportanon-doc 55 '' I, 1 1 Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting November 30, 2000 Jamesport Community Center Ferries - No Shoreham ferry! (Hurts Pt. Jefferson ferry -established business) - Shoreham ferry (move from Orient Pt.) - Keep Orient ferry (no expansion) - Pazk & Ride with bus to ferry (various places including out west) - Public transportation -improve to ferry (coordinate ferry/bus schedules) with LIRR also. - Additional parking at ferry (create Park & Ride) (complement Intermodai Hub in CTS - East Hampton ferry needed - Bridges to CT needed - Use LIPA right-of-way for by-pass. - Smithtown/Glen Cove ferry (bypass Bronx bridges to CT) - Add land use as category (impact on transportation system) - Coordinate OrientlShelter Island ferries - Reconsider Sag Hazbor ferry. W F I BALITV2000 File. IransportTUOn.doc 56 I'i Ll Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting November 30, 2000 Jamesport Community Center Bikes & Peds PATH from Riverhead LIRR Station to Greenport Hubbard Ave., Peconic Bay Blvd., 1 Mattituck 5' wide sidewalk, red brick behind LIRR Mountable Curb Wide Shoulders Maintenance by Prisoners Bike Route 25: Parking on Shoulder (OK) Directional Arrow On Bike Route (same dir. as traffic) W H6ALITP2000 File. Iransportationdoc 57 L Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting December 1, 2000 Greenport High School ' Land Use On web page create separate comment section for this Study. 1 • 1999 Population Estimates for Shelter Island are very low on charts. (Ck. Eastern LI Seasonal Population Estimates Chart). • Controlled access and parking at Farmstands (Safety Issue). • Determine population capacity that roads can handle • Cluster growth around hamlet centers • Moratorium on development and upzone. ' • Lower speed limits. • Land preservation (Land Trust) • PDR's. ' • Shelter Island ferry arrives after Greenport train leaves in A.M. • Certain businesses (like 7-11) do not belong near residential neighborhoods or in hamlet ' centers. • Study what conditions in retail Main Streets encourage pedestrian circulation. • Try to link the wineries with each other, transit and the hamlets, bike paths (off road) and jitneys. • Make walking the mode of choice. WJFIBALITP2000 Pile- Decl mtQ.doc 58 ' Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting ^ December 1, 2000 Greenport High School Bicycles & Pedestrians • Bicycle racks on busses ' . LIRR more bicycle access • Bike path on Shelter Island. (inc.) New York Avenue - or off road path nearby Traffic Calming St. Mary's Road, Menantic Road, W. Neck Road. ' • Regulatory sign "Do Not Drive on Shoulder" State Law • Preserve traffic calming in Greenport Rails-to-trails -bike paths next to RR in ROW. ' • Hamlets connected by off-road paths. • 2'/z inch curb to protect bike lane from veh. Traffic • Bike route thru Greenport ' • More off road trails. • Bike manners -with enforcement. • Make safer bike routes on Shelter Island for riders and drivers. Make safe bike routes on integral part of roadways. • Work on getting designated, separate bike lanes between Villages. ' • Bicycle pavement markings on bike Route 25. • Continuous markings or warnings so veh.'s are reminded of bike lanes. • Change V&T law, to require bicyclists to ride against traffic. wFiB~~iTw_>ooo File.- DecJ mto,doc 59 Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting December 1, 2000 Greenport High School I' Public Transportation • More frequent service on LIRR. • Make use of RR tracks for local frequent shuttle, (Riverhead-Greenport) (tourist angle). • How can we get more frequent bus service (on North Fork)? • • Bikes on trains. uent EXPRESS RR service to Manhattan (would reduce auto use). More fre q • Bus to Orient Ferry from Greenport LIRR (casinos). • More cars, more seats and cleaner LIRR. • S 192 (Sunrise Express) should stop along LIE (Ronkonkoma). • Airport Bus Service in NYC from East End. ' • Pave the LII2R over and run buses on it frequently. • MacArthur is growing and one to watch. • Use Shelter Island as a bridge for buses. ' • Taxi/minibus for demand response. • 1 car train hourly between Greenport and Ronkonkoma (install signals if needed) and passing sidings • Bus from Ronkonkoma to MacArthur. • First train to city should not leave before first S.I. ferry. (look to Fire Island as example). • Hourly Greenport-Ronkonkoma bus. I • Ronkonkoma as a "hub". " • . Winery "group trolley ' • • Run one-seat ride on LIRR to Jamaica for Air Train to JFK. to NYC (LGA) Airports is a bib problem on East End. Gettin g • Educate people about transit (P.R./Marketing). • Look at Sunday bus service (especially seasonally). ' • Riverhead-Greenport "Wine Train" (use parlor car). • Cross Sound Ferry/L1LRR coordination effort (monthly passes, etc. scheduling). wFi~~t iTr'2ooo File. Decl nngdoc 60 Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting December 1, 2000 Greenport High School Traffic and Safety C • Please compare 85 percentile speeds with severitay of injury and deaths at all segments of #25. Why do you suppose no fatality between 3` and Main Streets in Greenport? • Rt. 25 speed too high/extend LIE -move ferry to the west. • Parking at Cross Sound keep Quality of Life. Accident 25 @ 48 reaz end NXE, seasonal traffic devices, 41ane highway from Mattituck to Riverhead (Sound Avenue). • Do not eliminate pazking on Rte. 25 in Greenport. • Provide off Front Street pazking for merchants and their employees if needed. • Deer corridors and crossings -marked completely or not? Some type of deer indicator device to warn drivers. Reduced speed limits in rural azeas other than State Roads. • Enforce speed limits. wFir~~iTPZOOo FSIe: Decl mt~.doc 61 ' Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting ?' December 1, 2000 Greenport High School Traffic and Safety ' • Review speed limits on Rt. 25 in Laurel. • Factory Ave. signal needs left turn arrow. • Clearance signing on R/R Bridge. t • NY 25 between Southold Village and Greenport Village need to be resurfaced. • Illegal curb cut entry at Pequash Ave. in Cutchogue on the north side of the road -Santa's ' Christmas Tree Farm. exactly the way Greenport is traffic calmed - 2 -10' travel lanes the hamlets l ffi T • , c ca m ra and 2-7' parking lanes. Update Oct. Sunday traffic volumes, they have increased in the last year. ' • The Oct. traffic volume data is wrong. The Oct. traffic on the weekend is worse than in the • summer. C.R. 48 and Wickham Av e. going east and west needs a left turn signal. Enforce speed limits. ---- On Wickham going north and south it needs a no right on red sign. • On NY 25 in Mattituck at Factory -eastbound needs a left turn signal. ' • On NY 25 east of Greenport, someone should be enforcing the speed ]imit. • On NY 25 east of Greenport, someone should be enforcing the speed limit. Problem is now ' year round. • C.R. 48 (Sound Avenue) and Coxneck Lane: The re-designed traffic pattern is more difficult and hazardous now. • C.R. 48 (Sound Avenue) and Coxneck Lane needs street lighting. • Traffic light needed at Hobart, Rt. 25, Boiseau. Businesses are expanding in the area, (7-11, restaurants, deli, soda distributor). e Hobart is one way now it could be returned to two-way with a traffic signal. • Locust Lane in the founders estate area needs a no truck sign. • Disagree with data collect. (25% response infor.) uire business to have sufficient parking, (Farmstands, museums) and be set t i Z • o req ng on back. • NY 25 -East Marion -reduce the speed limit and enforce the speed limit. ' • Eliminate the Cross Sound Ferry traffic make them go directly to Southampton. • Need traffic signal at ferry to allow people to get out of their driveways. • NY 25 Main Bayview and Ackerley Pond Road: vision difficult, not sure who has right-of- way on side roads, should consider re-designing this intersection. ® Main St. and North Road, Greenport: needs a traffic signal or a roundabout. Improve signing to direct drivers to C.R. 48 by-passing Greenport. • Tucker Lane and C.R. 48 (North Road) reduce speed limit or do traffic calming (reduce to one lane). s WH1 3VLITP2000 File: Dec tmte.doc 62 Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting December 1, 2000 Greenport High School t 1 1 • On NY 25 -from Greenport to Orient, at sign requesting cars ride signal file for bicycle traffic. • NY 25 from Northville Tpke. to Orient should not exceed 40 mph. Speed limits should be more carefully enforced. • Increase train (LIl2R) frequency and implement some sort of regular (consistent) bus/trolley/shuttle service from Cross Sound Ferry to LIRR (that coincides in terms of sched.) and institute monthly/weekly transportation packages to commuters and visitors. . Eliminating parking concerns and traffic (vehicular). ~V H EALITP2000 File. Dec.l mt,g.doc 63 1 Transcription of Flip Chart Comments from Public Information Meeting December 1, 2000 Greenport High School Ferries 1 1 • Relocate ferrys further west -Shoreham. • Additional parking. • Montauk ferry terminal (Orient to Montauk) *(CT to Montauk). • No additional pazking. • Disagree with meeting format. • Create park and ride, multi-modal transportation system at Orient Point links with new intermodal station in CT. • Additional ferries during peak hours. North Ferry. • Limit high-speed ferries if casino traffic dominates. • Ferry most important (Sea Jet). • Most important -use of Shelter Island as bridge. • Pazk & Ridge in Greenport. • Sales tax on ferry tickets for non-residents • Greenport to Sag Hazbor Ferry (? Passenger - Caz?). • Coordinate Shelter Island ferry with LIRR. • "Express" commute between NYC and North Fork/Shelter Island. • Move Orient ferry (1 boat) west to C.R. 105 area. • Extend LIE to Northville Tpke. • Bridge between Forks (east of 105, way west of Shelter Island). • NYS funding to Shelter Island ferries (it is really part of NYS Rt. 114) (enact legislation). • Park & Ride to Orient passenger ferries (run by casinos) (Tanger or Suffolk Life lot) • Build a casino in Calverton. • Ferry fares at 3-4x current level (more discretionary form of travel). • Extend LIE north to shore and put ferry there (no widening roads) (not East Marion) (near Baiting Hollow) (Near Shoreham). • Casino ferry between Glen Cove and Orient. • Bridge from end of LIE to CT. • Ferry CT to South Fork -Sag Harbor or (North Haven/S.I. direct), or East Hampton or Montauk. • NO more concessions to Cross Sound Ferry until alternates established. • Cap North Ferry (no new equip.). • Remove North Ferry from Shelter Island Heights (designated historic district) • No extension of LIE (destroys character area) ® No increase in roadway capacity (time savings not worth country atmosphere. W Fl6ALITP2000 File: Dealmlgdoc 6 4