HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-05/21/1948-S142 A Meeting of May 21, 19~8 A special meeting of the Southold Town Board was held at the office of Supervisor Norman E. KliDp at Greenport, on Friday, Nay 21, 19~8. The meeting was called ~o order at l:O0 P.M. with the following rese~t: Supervisor Klipp; Justices Terry, Tuthill, Alb~rtson and lark, T~wnAttorney Terry and Town Clerk Booth. Also present were 'Mrs. Mildred E. Andrews and A. John Gada, Commissioners ef Fishers Island Ferry Distric%, and Frederick B. Hose, Jr., Secretary of the SuffOlk County Civil ~ervice Commission. M~tters pertaining to the Fishers Island Ferry District were discussed at great length. Moved by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark:~ Whereas, the Fishers Island. Ferry District authorized by Chapter 699 of ~he Laws of New York, 19~?, and acts amendatory thereto, mayap- point a man~ger and such other employees and assistants as may be necessary for the operation and msintenance of a ferry, and Whereas, one or more of such employees may necessarily or 'other- wise be residents of the State of Connecticut or some other State and neW. residents of the State of New York. T~erefore Be It Resolved: That the Town Board of the Town of Southold waive and it hereby does waive any requirements that such employees be residents of the State of New York. Unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Terry; seconded by Justice Albertson: Whereas, from time to time the Commissioners of Fishers Island Fer~y District may find it necessary and expedient to appoin~!~-ad~itional or replacement employees and assistants, amd ~?~ Whereas' Chapter 699 of the Laws of 1957 requires aPproval'of the Town Board as to any such appointment, ~Therefore Be It Resolved: That the Town Board does hereby authorize the commissiohers of the Fishers Island Ferry District to make such appointments as may be necessary from time to time as in their dis- cretionmay be expedient and necessary pending approval or disap- proval by said Town Boardo Unanimously adopted. ~ Moved by JUstice Clark; seconded by Justice Terry: Resolved: Tha~ the appointment .by the Commissioners off-the Fishers Island Ferry District of Serge Doyen, Jr. as Manager of said District a't an annual salary of $3~200. with a~ annual increment of $1OO. per ~ear, after the first year, up to and including the limit placed on aid position of $3,607. per year, be and hereby is approved, and Be It Further Resolved: That said appointee be paid such salary in regularmonthly payments and Be It Fur%_her Resolved: That this appointment is approved in cordance with Chapter 699, Laws of 19~7~ as amended by Chapter 27 Laws of 19~8, and Be It Further Resolved: ~ That th~s appointment is subject te the ap- proval of the Suffolk County CivilServioe Commission. Unanimously adopted. . Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Tuthill: Resolved: ~hat the appointment by the Commissiomers of the Fishers Island Ferry D~istric't of Harry Middleton as Purser of said District at ana~nual ~1ary of $~,000. with anuual increment of $IO0.. per your'after the first year, up to and including limit placed om said positiom of $~,~0Oo per year~ be and hereby is approved, and Be It Further Resolved: That sai~ apoimtee be paid such salary in regular monthly payments~ and Be It Further Resolved: That this appointment is ~approved in accor- dance with Chapter 699 Laws of 19~?, as'amended by Chapter 2? Laws of 194~, and ~e It Further Resolved: That~this appointment is subject to the approval of the Suffolk Co.unty~Civil SerVice Commission. Unanimously ~opted. Moved by Justice Alber~son; Seconded by Justice Clark: Resolved: That the appointment by the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District of Willi~nKerschner as Senior Dock Agent of said District at an annual salary of $3,000. 'with an annual increme- nt of $100. per year after the first year, up to and including the limit placed'on said position of $3~.~00~ per year, be and hereby is approved,'and Be It Fm_~ther Resolved: That said appointee be paid'suchsalaryin regular monthly payments, and Be It Fur~ther Resolved: Thai'this appointment is approved in cordance with Ohapter 699 Laws of i907 as amended by Chapter 27 Laws of 19~8, and Be It Further Resolved: That this appointment is subject te the approval'of the Suffolk Coumty Civil Service Commissiom. Unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Clark;.seconded by Justice Terry: Resolved: That the appointment by the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District or'Bert Scaglio~ti_as Junior Dock Agen$, of said District at a~ annual salary of $2,~00. with an annmal incre- men; of $100. per year after the first year~ up te and including the limit placed en said position of $3,000. per ~year,'~e and hereby is approved, and Be It Further Resolved: That said appointee be paid such salary in. regular monthly payments, and Be It Fmrther Resolved: That this appointment is approved in ac- cordance with Umapter 699 Laws °f:'1947, as amended by Chapter 27 Laws of 19~8, and Be It l~urther Resolved: That this appointment is subject to the ap- proval of the SuffOlk County Civil Service Commission. Unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Albertson: Resolved: That the appointment by the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District of William. Ry~ey, Junior Dock Agent of said District at an annual salary of $2,~00. with aa annual increment of $100. per year after the first year, up to a~ including the limit placed on said poSition of $3,000. per year, Be and.hereby is approved~ and Be It FUrther Resolved: That said apointee be.paid such salary regular monthly payments~ and Be It ~urther Resolved: That this apoointment is approved in accordance with Chapter 6~9 Laws of 19~7 a~ ame~de~ ~ Chapter 27 Laws of !908, and Be It FUrther Resolved: That. this appointment is subject to the ~pproval'of the Suffolk County Civil Servic~ Commission. Unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Alb~rtson:. Resolved: That .the temporary appointment by the Commissioners of the Fishers Island Ferry District, of William All Van Riper~ as Porter of said DistriCt at a salary 0f10150. per~month~'effective May 28,-1908, be and hereby is approved, a~d Be It FurtherResoived: That this appointment is TM approved in accordanCe with Chapter 699 Laws of 19~7, as amended bY Chapter 27 Laws of 1908, and Be It Further Resolved: That' this appointment issubject to the approvalef the Suffolk County Civil Service Commissiomo Unanimously adopted. Moved by Justice Terry; seconded by Justice Albertson: Whereas, a S;ate of emergency exists on FishersIsland'in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, in that there~i:S~;~ade~uate transportation from the Island to the m~inland, and Whereas~ A Fishers Island Ferry District has been created pursuant to Chapter 699 of the Laws of New York, 195~, and Whereas, it is of imperative necessity and in the interest of the taxpayers of said district that a ferry operate immediateiybetween Fishers Island and the maim!and, Whereas, ~® resident taxpayers have duly elected ~ive commissioners of said district~ and'said Cemmissioners~ upon the'advice of Lord~ Day and Lo~d, their attormeys, have entered into an agreement with the United States Army in regard to obtaining a boat for the operation of a ferry a~ud Whereas, on the basis of said agreement the interstate commerce commission has granted a temporary certificate of operation, Therefore Be It Resolved~ that in view of the exigencies of the situation, the Tow~ Beard approve and it does hereby approve the aforesaid agreement between the Fishers Island Ferry District and the United~States Army. U~animously adopted. Moved by Justice Clark$ seconded by Justice Tuthill: Whereas, the Commissioners of the Fishers island Ferry District have obtained three offers to furnish Marine Hull~ Collision and P. & I. Insurance inthe amount of $200,0~0. covering the operation of the Fishers Island Ferry~ and Whereas, the said Commissioners have ascertained that the offer of the Charles W. Smith Co., Inc. is the lowest responsible offer and have recommended its acceptance, Now Therefore~ Be It Resolved: That the Commissioners be and they hereby are authorized to obtain said insurance from said company. U~animouslyadepted. Adjournment was at $:~5 P.M. Ralph P. Booth Town Clerk