HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-03/05/1948Meett~ of March
The Southold Town Beard met at the office of Supervisor Norman E.
Klipp, at Greenport, on Friday, ~arch %, 19~8. The meeting was
calle~, to order at 1:30 P.Mo with the following present: Super~'
visor Klipp; Justices, Terry; Tuthill; Albertson and Clark; Town
Superintendent of Highways, Price; Town Attorney, Terry and Town
Clerk, Booth.
The Board sat at once as a committee on audit to examine claims
against the ~own,concluding the auditat 2:30 P.M.
Moved by ~ustiee Terry; seconded by Justice Albertson: '
Resolved: That general bills in the amount of $6,5~2.??, Special
District bills in the amount ef $2,135.78 and non-reimbursablel
welfare bills in the amount of ~3Oo~5 be and the sa~. is.hereby'
ordered pa£d.
U~animously adopted.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and duly appr~,ve6~as
Moved' by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Tuthilll:
Be It Resolved: That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized'
to sign an agreement with modification ef lease with Jack Levin
~f~r .the concession at the Se~thold Town Beach. -~
Unanimously adopted.
Move~y ~ustice Clark; seconded.by ,Justice Terry:
Be I't Resolved: That theTownBdard is opposed to the Senate
Bitlt?9~ Int.' ~686 in its presser form relative to the two
payment tax plan.
U~ami~ously adopted.
Moved by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Ttthill:
Resolved: That inasmuch as the required d~dicationshave been
duly received~ map of the same duly filed and the necessary
papers signed, the Town Board take ever and maintain as public
highways smith Drive North; Smith Drive South; Terry Place;
west Creek Road and Williams Road, at Southold.
Unanimously adopted.
The Town Board received a communication from Justice Shanklin
-in regard to a road 'on Fishers Island known as Penmi~sula Read,
inasmuch as there has been ne dedications filed with the
Town Board~ the matter was laid en the table.
The .following Resolution was offered by Justice Terry; and seconde~
by Justice Clark and was umanimously adopted by a rising vote.
Whereas, Ged in his Providence has taken from us the spirit of
Louis Seth Tuthill.
Whereas, Louis Seth Tuthill was a life long resident ef the Town
of Southold, a christian gentleman and a public spirited citizen.
He had Served the Town of Southold faithfully and efficiently for
the past three years as a member of the Board of Assessors.
Be It Therefore Resolved: That the Southold Town Board deeply
mourns the passing ofthis friend and associate and extends its
prefoumd sympathy to the members of his family in their berea-
Be 'It Further Resolved: That the Town Clerk be and he is hereby
directed to ~rward a Copy of this Resolution te the members of his
family and thkt a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes
of this meeting and Become a part of the public records of the Tow~
of Southold.
Moved by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Clark:
Resolved: That the Town Clerk be and hereby is authorized to increase
the ~mount of fire insurance te $12,000. on the qquipment and furnish-
ings i~ the Town Clerk's Building.
Unanimously adopted.
Moved by Justice Albertson$ seconded by Justice Terry:
Resolved: That the Chief of Police be and hereby is authorized to
purchase five pairs of handcuffs and three transport belts for the
use of the Police Department.
Unanimously adopted.
~oVe~ by?ustice Albertson; seconded by Justice Terry:
esOlved: That ~<alter'Bondarchuk of Greenport, be and hereby is
appointed a temporary watchman untilMay 1, 19~8~ for duty at the
Police Department, operating radio and't~l~Pho~,.~% a salary of $5.00
~em:,.from ? P.M. until 8 A.M.'appointment~j~ctive March ~,
he to serve at the'pleasUre of the ToWnBo~d.
U~imously adopted.
an application from Harry W. Smith,. of G~eem=
patrolman for the Town ~ SOuthold, it was
for future consideratiem.
Moved by Justice Henry N. Clark
Seconded by Justice Ralph W. Tuthill:
BE IT RESOLVED this.Sth day of March, 1958, by the Town Board
of the Town of Southold, New York~ as follows:
Section 1, That, pursuant to the local Finance Law of the State
New York, the TOWN OF SOUTHOLD, NEW YORK, for the purpose of paying
the cost of snow removal during 19~8, the same being an expenditure
for which, an insufficient appropriation was made in the current an-
nuaI'budget of the Town of Southold~ shall issme andsell a budget
noteinthe amount of $20,O~O.O0 to mature on ~arch 1. 19~9.
Section 2. That, except as herein specifically prescribed, said
note sha~I be of the date, terms, f~rm, contents and place of payma~t
and at a rate of interest not exceeding~_,~_percentumper annum, as
may be ~etermined by the Town Supervisor, consistent, however, with
the ~rovisions of the said Local Finance Law of the State of New
Y°rk;a~shall be execmted in the name of the said Town by its
Supervi~°r and the seal of said Town shall be attached thereto.
Secti~m 3. That said note shall be sold at private sale by the
Town S~erviser at a price of mot less than par value and accrued
Interes~ if any, and upon due execution and sale of said note the
same shaiI ~e delivered to the purchaser upon payment by himto the
Town Supervisor of the purchase price in cash; and the receipt of
such Supervisor shall be a full acquitance to such purchaser who shall
not be~e.~Obliged to see to the applicatien of the purchase, money~
Section ~. Thee.full faith and credit of the Town of Southold,
New York.are pledged to the punctual payment of principal and inter-
est on said note.
Section 5. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing resolution was ~uly
put to a vote which resulted as follows:
AYES .... ~Supervisor N~rman E. Klipp~ustice of the Peace, ~rry Terry,
/~ ~'~ ~Ra!ph:~uthill, Lester Albertso~ and Henry ~. Clar~.
ABSENT...Justice of the Peace Radferd C. Shanklin.
NOES .... .None.
The: Supervisor thereupon declared that the resolution was duly
The Tows ef Southeld, in the-COunty of Suffolk, a municipality
of the State of New York, hereby acknowledges itself indebted and
for value received premises te pay to The Mattituck' Natiemal Bank
and Trust Company, Mattituck, N.Y., the sum of Twenty Theusan~
($20,000.) Dollars, en the First day of M~ch, 19~9, together ~with
intonest thereon from the date hereef~ at the rate of one and 9/10
peroentum (1.9%) per annam, payable annually.Both principal of'and~
interest on this note will be paid in lawful money of the United
States'of American, at the offioe of the Supervisor, Gree~P0rt, Suf-
folk Couaty, New York.
This note may not be converted to registered form.
This note is the only note of an authorized issue in the amoUmt
of Twenty Thousand ($20,O00.) Dollars, for the purpose of paying
for snow removal during 1958, the coxt'of Which was in excess of the
appropriation made in the current budget.
This note is issued pursuant to the provisions of a resolution
entitled "Budget Note Resolution" duly adopted by the Town Board of
such Towm of Southold on March ~, 19~8.
The faith and credit of such Town of Southold are hereby irrevoc-
ably pledged for the punotual paYment of the principal of and'interest
on ~hIs ~ote according to its terms. ~
It is hereby certified and recited that all conditions, acts and
things required by the Constitution'and statutes of the State of New
~ork toexist, to have heppened and to have been performed..P~ecedent
to and'inthe issuance of this note, exist, have happened a~dhave been
performed, and that this note, together with all ether indebtedness ....
of such T6w~.o~ 'Southold is within every debt and other limit
prescribed by the Constitution and Laws of such State.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Tow~ of Southold, New York, has caused this
Note to Be signed by its SuPerviser~ a~d its Corporateseal t~ -
~ehere~to affixed and attested by its Tows Clerk, and ~hig
Note te be dated as of the 22 day of ~arch 1~8o
(Tows Seal)
Attest: Ralph Pt ~eth .Towmof Southold, New.York,
' Town Clerk of the Tows of
Southetd, New York By Norman E. Klip~ ,
Moved hy Justice Clark$ seconded by Justice TuthilI.:
Resolved: That the regular monthly meeting of the Town Board be
h~ld ~t the Super¥isor's Office on Tuesday March 23~ [~8, at 1:~0
Ralph P, Booth
Unanimously adopted.
Adjournment was at
6 P.M~