HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/17/1948
Resolved: That the Tow.nSuperintendent of Highw~ys is hereby
authorized to purChase under Sec. llt2 of the Highway Law from E.J.
Murphy, Inc. of New London,Corm. with the approval of the County
~1,\Pt.<or B:~ghway~, one Snow Plow: one Electric Lift; one High .
P1.-e~sUrE;! go,~e:At,tachipg parts,foratotdprice of $830.
Unanrlfinus1:.yadQpted. .
Moved~tJU$ticeCla:rk: seconded by JUstic., Terry:
Resolved= . That the SuperintenqeJat of Highwaysbaand hereby is
ar~p~r~~edto pl~~e an order fqr a. PeW Walter Snow Fighter.
Unanimously ooopted. .
AdjO~~:ment was at 5:5'0 P.M.
R8.1ph P. Booth
Town ~lerk
Southold Park D!istrict Meeting ~
Annuillpeieting of the Southold rark District was held at the Town
Clerk's Office. on Tuesday, Febrruary 17, 191t8,.at 8 o'clock P.M.
The f()\oInPler~ called the meeti~g to order and read .the call of
the meeting, presenting affidavits to certify that the'meeting
had been advertlsedas requiredi by law.
Commissioner S.B. Fischer was d~ly elected Chairman of the meeting.
, i
ChairJllanFiseher appointed the ifol1owing: R.P. Booth, Clerk; John
Kaelin an<i Owen Averett ,~ellers!.
The Ch~irm~n then a~ite<i nomi~tions for a Commissioner tor a term
of three years in. the place ofiRensselaer G. Terry, Sr. whose term
of' office expired. Mr. TerryWfis nominated to succeed himself,
tb.nominatloJa was duly seeonde~ as there were no other nOJllinations,
theCle:rk wa.,s instructed ~. cal one vote for Mr. Terry. The Chair-
man declared Mr. Terry elected.
T1,1~ Chairman announced that thei Commissioners were asking 1.'91' an
appropriation of $2,500. f'or ma~ntenance of Park Distrlct properties.
When the 'ballot was formally de~laredelosed the teller~. reported
nine votes co~ist all arf'irmativ~. The Chairma.n declared the budget
duly passed. !
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 pi.M.
Ralph P. Booth
Town Clerk