HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12413 P 167 al31" ", ,~~/ , rfJrJ .;: L1<]LtIC; ,l- i) Il~7 1"2(P-Lf-/&. ( T e91-l'oIIIIIIW\JJoI."'.II.r.lI. ..._....~ HM,.........IImI. ..III1,t'IIIo"""""" 11IdI'I'"' ...-1IIrL ,,, '''!lip:.....".... II 'Ill ~...p-' ~elslor.Inc.. NYC 1001S CONSULT YOUR LAWYER IDORE lI(.NING THI~ INSTRUMENT - nus INSTRUMVtT SHOULD IE USlD IY LAWYERS ONLY 'rHIS INDENTURE, mad. on September 15,2005 -i-o \.A.. c""",,,E"'1-.w( ciI-z; I () S- IIIE'IWEEN Anne M. Keener 112-14 84lh Avenue. Richmond Hill, NY 11418 plrty of \be firlll part, ami James O'Addario 5<<)5 Smith Strect, Fanningdale, NY 11735 pa,ly 01 Ihe _und part, WJ1'NESSETH, thai the pI';y olth. finl pari, !!!G'naiderIUon 01 Ten DoUln lod olller vllulbIe COIIIiderali~ paid by the party 01 the second pair!, d_ hereby,'I'.!'!,t "Ind releaae unlo Ihe party 01 the aeeond part, th. heln or lucceuon .Dd auipa of, the party 01 the aecc;?:~~lo~r. LL . '. I I 1 nd'.... 'j6J.I1..L! h 'Id' d . h -, . A Ih.. celt..n plot. piece or pan:e 0 . ~~""' UI 1n~1 an Improvement. I ereon eredeu. a.tuale. Iyin~ Ind beinl' in lhe . (;i]fJ . ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel y'r.J.f~~sltuate , lying and being at Laurel, Town of Southold Suffolk County, Ne\.Y ~rk bOunlled' and descrihed as follows: '%f.1f I ' .' ';:\ BEGINNING OIl a point on Ihe,northwdlerly,'line of Peconie Bay BoulevanJ atlhe f d~\ '''i,I,'." fLol5 h "M fAL soulherly eom.er 0 Lot 14 al~ t f..\easCI~V: cOpmm,. er 0 Mt NUS sbeow,nlonfi ap .od :. f Downs"li1ed ID Ihe Suffolk tounty'~'Il!'R'S: "Ice as ap I um r _ ; rom sal pOllllo hcyinning; , '~~~ RUNNING THENCE running IhrougjI J.~t.,~~and Ihrough Lot 31 us shown on said map, North 5Jdegrees 09 minules 50 seeondjJ~'''l!,I;_~J6. 75 feel to Lot 30 us shown on said . ~" ...;.~..... map: ~. ~ TH ENCE North 47 degrees 05 minules 10 seconds Easl, 69.75 feel 10 land of Fiorillo; TH ENCE along said land of Fiorillo Soulh 57 degrees 29 minutes \U seconds East, 142.40 fcello said northwesterly line of Peconie Bay Boulevard; THENCE ..lung said northw,esterly line, two courses: 1. South 17 degrees 52 minlJlcs 00 seconds West 18.14 fcel; 2. Soulh 53 degrees 10minulcs West. 71.86 fcelto the point of beginning. TOGETHER with a righl of way in common with others 10 feet in width extending from Peconic Bay Boulevard to Peconic Bay on Ihe West sidc of LOI No. I on said map. -r:H~ (2c~tJ,,~,.d b,1. d~tX1 o.<:t:Jc& 3/1!:fjr..7 r-~~'G'r&....-.ot +/'11117 In L: ber" {,I ~4 r5 174. 0,-1 so \{(',O.I.);' Q..~ rnq5 Gt<<>.~",:c""B\..d,~cR.. N'( TOGI-:TIlF:1t ,,'ilh 1111 riJlhr,. tille 81Ul interat. if aJl~'. tll rhe J.arh Ilr IhE" fir~ ~rl in and tv :1n~' r-ln:ef1l. ann road,. .huUinl! lhe 8hnn~ dt:>>Crihcd premi.,. I{J th,. CCIlIt!'r lineJ. ih..r~mf: TOCl:rHER ,,-ilh Ihe: ~purl"nallclSfo anel .lIlhe I5Iah, .nol ri~h\s nllh" I"'rly nl the fint I'art in anel I.. ..id ,',erni...: TO HA VI:: AND TO HOLD the prelfli~ h,:reill n:runll"d untn th,. I'url~' uf Ihe t!t'("fllUl part. lhe: heira: IIr :!IUI"CI:t'fUn;. al1tl a""igm: ul thl!' ll8rt). .~f Ihr M!f:I,n.1 ltart rHrt:~'~r. . A~U the Ilart~. ul tbe fi..........rlt:m.CI...III" thallh(' Jlltrt~' IIf thc= fir... I'art hns nut.l(JlIt~ ,I' suff,.retl all)'lhin.. ,,'hereh\" the ..icl pr..mUel hD~'e tw:en uncull,"e...:..1 in am' ""3\' whalt'~er, UXl"epl. U lforetf3id. t:'. ANI) t~e paut~' c-.f the lirA pa'l. i.n c....n1pli.!'c~ witlt Stt.1ion 13 n.f thr Li~n I~".. cn'.~11an!' thai lhe P8~t)' uf Itll! fin. pafl will rt'CeIV~ the .;nmuderllllnn fttr thiS c"n\'c:~.ant"e 011.1 "'III hnld the f.~ht In 1"eI!eIWt" !\ouch cunlldrrlll""n OS u IruSlI funllln be- aPl,lied first rC\r Ihl~ IJur~ of 11D)'ing thto ('U!it (.If Iht' hnlJru"l!lIIellt and will a.ppl)' the ~me fir~t Itl rlw pa~'lnent IIf the .:n!ft of the ilrlpr.avl"mt'lnt befure using any purluf thtt Inial uf the ~amt' fur ally uthrr purplIMC, Thfl wnrcl "parl)'.' ,hall he l:ullltrUI!l1 as if it rrad .'partIfIII.' whenL"\.ltr the Ilensc of Ih~ indenture so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the pur.,. Hf Ihe fin-I pan ha,. ltlll~. t"xl"C"ulr.cllhi!!o cleett thr .1." end ~'e.r fir"t ablwf'" .'ritten. . , I~ PHE5E~CE U.'; ... ~)1.(. ~ Anne M. Keener ACIl-..EDCIIIENT IN NEW 'tOIlIlSTATE IAPL-.. State of "'e.. York. County of Queens On SeDtlllt'lber 15, 2005 bef= m~. lb~ undenigntd. pcr.;onanY"I'P"an:d Anne M. I<eeIJe1" ss.~ pen;anally known In me or pmved 10 me on lhe bill.. or sali.r...- tory ""iden~ 10 be lhe indiyidua1(s) whose ....nc(s) is (lR) subscribed In Iht witbin inslrvlllClll and lICkoowledilCd 10 me dI8l ""'sheJlhty execu~ !he _ in bisllledlhelr capat'ilylia). and IIlat by bislllcrldleir signa1wel1) on !he insllllrnem. lhe indi- yidual(s). or "'" """"'" upon behalf or wbirh ...., indiyidual(S) act<d. exec:lIted !he insuumenL lAMm \7. COSTIGAN .~~ Notary Public. 9~T If No. 02-<1725:192 o-lIf_ .. Nti"". r..w-..J CommlAlon Expl"'" 12/31/06' _1Wl.cC Slate of IT ourMlE NEW YORIlSTATE II'IPI._ County of sS.: On personally appeared before me, the undersigned. perSonally known In me or pnivtd 10 me on .IIe balIi. or sati., fa:IOI}' ey,le""" In be lhe indiyidwollsl wbole OIune{S) Is rare) subl;cribed 10 lbe within i_ment and ."UK)'''JedSed 10 me tbat bellIheI'lhty execu~ lhe same in bisIIK:dlheir rapou:itylies). and Ibat by bislhcrJtheir signBblRls) on lhe illSlJUlmenl.lhe indi- vidual(s). (If lhe petSOII upon bebaJf of wIIirh lb. Indlvidualls) "IN. exc<,,1N !he illStr\lmcnl. and th81 such indiyidual made such appl!a~ before lhe uncImipl!d in (irunf rll}.' IN I"HiFIt'tJ/.irtt#lJn;,.itrrr """ .,,.~,,, ,,"""" ,,, ,"h". p"'~ .....M.'. ~"dh..' 1~;1f'III1"" rutJ I~ ,1/btdiWdw"di1q lIt'inn",,'INlptl1flJ jlWllin laII 6aIr Ikdl Wna <:Uftll"ll1' Ac&1M'r GuJll'TGa'I ACTS TITLE No. \JI. T \ o.elo~\, - ;-0'5 l.(..aV\<< TO f)t M..d-KlO NIITIONAL LAND TENURE CO.. LLC 900 Metllll_ Conclou... 8ufta 201 Weatbury. NY 11590 i o .. :a ~ o ~ . II: '1l . g ~ o ~ . i .~ 'l! . ~ = . IlC A~.V slJll8Cl\llllNO W1tNEB8lE81 State of County of ! ".: OR' personally appelUl!d before Rlr. tbe under.i11fted. lhe suhseribinll witnessCes) 10 the foregoing illllrumrnl. willi wborn I am personally ..:quaiRIN. wbo. being hy me duly sworn, did deJ'OM' and say that helsI1eItbey reside(.) in fifl"" pItIt", 't! w-ridnft'r ;1. in II ';'1. IMlMtk 1M ~'"' IInJ J,/rHl ...1ftIHor. i/all.".Ihuft.p; lbal bel5helthey know<s) 10 be lbe indiyidualC') .....rilK:d in and wbo r~""uh:d Ibe fore- going InsllUment; that said subsrribing wimess(es) was C.....re) present and saw said eXt."C'u1C the samc~ and thai 5Dkt wilnt,;s(es) at the santi: lime subsrribed bislh.r/tbeir namr(s) as a W;IR...lrs)tberelO. (0 ifI'llUrtllIllM,Nn-' Yf'M"k......itfMnriry.",.,.,illn:al_Ih-Dinll_.." "'n-r"".....,.."."""'....,.".....,...... And Ibut l<lIid !8Ibsrribinll wilnes...r..) madr sorb appearance before lI1e und...illned in 1~lt*InwlUlll'JjJiL-r"findM_I.w~ar_Jw~', SECTION . \ ,) " BLOCK 0 If LOT ,,,. I I COUNTY OR TOWN ~ol D4 RBTURN BY MAIL TO: tew l4J1IJ Eo;~ SJ'f Ar....u( U.ncl /l.;( #e-- '/.1.-:> AA A .A_ .11.1 Zip No. '''vr/V/~ ,./.:fA -3 Number of pages TORRENS 1 :~ Serlal # _ Ccrtlncal~: # Prior Or. # Deed. Mongagc Inslrumenl Deed I Mongage Tax S\lIIIIp FEES :IC r-db'll I Filing f"ee Handling 5.J.llL 11'-584 Notation EA-52 I 7 (Counly) EA.5217 (Slale) Sub Tellol R.P.T.SA f:Dd..? Comm. of Ed, s. 00_ MUdavil Ccrtined Copy Reg. Copy Suh'lOIal Grand Tulal ~J '\ Olbl:r 4 I DislriCll~Secti"n Real I'mpcrly 'llIx Service Agency Vcrlfication 126.00[;ck 04.00 IAlI 016.001 5 12&00 0400 016001 ~:isfacUOnlDlSChargcslRcleaso: Lis! Pmpcny OWDCIll Malliag Addn:&s RECORD & Rf:TURN 1'0: L~n Ridini, Esq. 5::14 Broad RoDow Road, suite ,130 Melville, NY 11747 RECORDED 2005 Oc, 05 02.49.36 PH Edward P. Relnai"" ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L ??oo12413 P 167 DTI 05-09764 Recording I Filing SlalDps Mortgage Ami. 1. Duslc'llIx 2. Addililmall'ax Suh 'Iolal Spec. I Assi\. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MT<L TAX lJualli'lwn _ Dual Counly _ Held for ~ppulR\ment _ 'If-dOsfL'\" Tux I 3 to :> " Mansion Tux 'llIe propcrty cov"red hy this mutgage i! or will he improved by 0 one or (we family dwelling only, YES or NO If NO, see uppmpciale lax clause on page # of this inslrumenl, - Communi Preservation Fund ConsideCalion An\ounl S 325.000.00 S 5.000.00 CI'I' Tax Due / Improved VUClIl1I t.andr" 'Il)J"1) TO '11) 7 ntle Company Information Co, Nwne National Land Tenure 'nUe # NL 1'-14(;88-5-05 ~ Suffolk County Recording & Endorsement Page 'I'hls page forms pan of Ute allachcd Deed made hy: (SPECIFY 'IYI'E 01' IN~'TRUMENT) The premlsis herein is siluated In SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. In Ihe 'lhwnship of Southold In the VII.LAGE Anne i\1I. Keener TO James U'Addario or HAMLET of Laurel nC\YI'~ .; 'll-IRntlm-l II M"~ RF'I"Vpr.n nil PIlIN'I1;n IN RI MOl( INI( nNt.V Plllnll'rn IlFmlll1lNn nR I'll INn IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~I ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111111111111111111 SlJFFOLK COtINTY CLBRK RBCORDS OFFICB RECORDING PAGB Type of rnstrument. DEEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 3 Recsipt NUmber . 05-0104879 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBBR: 05-09764 Recorded. At. 10/05/2005 02.49.36 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012413 167 District. Section, Block. Lot, 1000 126.00 04.00 016.001 1l!Y"XI:1lBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS Deed AIIIount. $325,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Above rnstrument Exempt Exempt Page/P'iliDg $9.0CI NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.0(1 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTl' $5.0(1 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.0(1 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.0(1 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,300.0(1 NO COIIIIII.Pres $5,000.00 NO Fees Paid $6,539.00 TRANSI"I!:R TAX NtJIIBER. 05-0976;4 THrs PAGE IS A PART 01" THE rNSTRtJIIEN'1' THrS rs NOT A BrLL Edward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNl'f use ONLY Cl. SWIS ,:od. t:fJ, ~~~ cz. 0". ~Iood Ro_d I 10 I S IC::~ C3.Book ~.u":LlID-.w PROPERTY INFORMATION I -- - - --~ -- - PLEASE- tYPE -ClR PRESS FIRML V WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTlONS: http://www.Drps.lIIlIte.ny.us Dr PHONE 1518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT * STATE OF NEW YORK STATE SOARD OF IlEAL 'AOl'D1Y 8!1lVICE8 RP. 5217 RP4Z17'" JIIn ,...~ L 8795 locIItlOn $TIlUI' JllJMKR L Southold Qrt 011 TOWN 'DDn"'mic ~~ 'RI"w,l~aTrl .......-- Laurel ....... 11948 21l'coct. .. ...... Nomo L LAS1......' C:OWAtl't' o 'Jlddario J_ 'I_~ L lAS'......'CO..-.vrv flUr....... 3. To IndicMe whete tlAUrw Tp ~ 11810 be.... ::.. ~.,..._bu..Idd"'III_oI_' L IRr'~;lQ L 595 Smith Street I F~ S'IIID.'_"~I1MITfl""" CII'YOIII'QWtII _..IiI\Iil1l I~ alAn I 11735 "''''''' 5. Deed I' Property II II.. ll.ll Ixl .1IONT....'Er ?40 I 011 I """ . 10nIy . Put or . ParcaIJ a.c:k .. tlwyllpply: 4A. PIInning bid with Subdlvlllon Authortty ExI.. 0 .. Subdvilian Approval wal RequlNd lor T.......' 0 4C. ....., App...... "" SubdNllion -.... -- D ... InclIute 1" ..mlNlr or -......... Roll .,... ..........,.. on tII.... 1 I "of Percell OR D Pert of . Percel '.ao.. . I eo Sarli... N.... L Keener LAST '-AM[ , COM...."... AnIle PNTNNIIi L I.A5fMMll'CCIIIII"AHY ~I .-.. /' IOS I y,", Ch......._____ .. Owne~lp ~ Is Condominium I ~ Communlly' Sorvl~ t. rqw Construction on VICllnt und J IndulUill 1M. I'roper1y l.ocIl8d witNn .. Agric.... District K p~ SorvD 'DI.Iuyer NlaIMd . dildCllUN nodell indatlng L Fal'lll IhIt the prapany Is In .. Agricullunll DilD'a '1. CheI* _ _ 11'1" at __....................... tr...-.r. Salo Between R.....vea or Forrnor RcatI\181 Sell BelW8Wl Rallied Camplflii.. or Plirtnerlln BUlIInHI an. of the 8uyen II .180 I SlIter &uy.r or Se.... iI GovarnrMnl AgIIfI&Y or lending InI&lwIIon DIed Type _ W....ncy or BerpJn and Sill (SpecIty BeIo'M Sale of Frecllonel or ~ than Fe. Inte...ISpedfy BeIowI Significant Changl In Prop.rty BeIweon r.1CabIe Sbdul WId SI. Diles 511e of BUlineuII Includod In 51. Price 0III0r U......I_ _lOll Solo _ CSpoclfy 8oIowl -- D D D D 7. ~ th. IlOX...OW whlcb mend accura..1y cIBc:ribea tll...... 01 tM.....-rtY .t the time of uIlt: "~onOFItfI\ IIvR~ 8 2or3FarniIy~ncill C HeUl.nl'" VIcIni Land D Na...ftaicIeN. VICInI Land I SALE INFORMATION I n. hi. Contl'let Dell' r,~_u1,u,., F CommIn:i.1 G Apal'lmOnl ]I Entlltlinrnll'lt' Amusement 12. Dat. of &..Ie, Tnn..... 8 I :22 ...... I,., i I :;, ,,., 105 V..r 13. FuII......lrlc. , 3,2 5 ,iO .0 ,0 . 0 , 0 I , , . CFull SIll P"" litho _ omount poId "" 1M ...-....Jdalg __ pro....... ThII ~.lt may ..In lhD form of UIIt. othu PfGIMNtY or gaacII. or the .....mptlon of mortgIgeI (Ir other obllgadonL) ",... found to ,"',...,.rr wIrDItI doIW amDCIftI. '4."01_".""'''_' I ... 0 0 I ........, ~.......In........ ;' I ; . .JV ~ . ~ ASSESSMElfllNFORMATION . Data Ihould refllICI: thlt Iatnl Final "",nr rnent Roll Ind TIX Bill ( ,.. ~:~af "::;"::'nI~ from I O. 5 I 17. Tala. AI.... V.lue (01 III pM'OIII. tnMhrJ I I ; 9 .5 0 I , 11. "-"" C'" I 3. 1 11-U 11._11__ I M;lt+if'",.'1c 20. Tax M. IcIInIII.r(aJ I RoIIIdl'ndllMCa) (If mare ...... 101., attIIch ..... wIIh .......... ldenIIIIIrC.n District 1000 5ectian 126.00 I B10ck 04.00 Let 016.001 I CERTlFICAT2!...J 1_1ry..... ...urllle ,......,__ ...'killbno.. _1Ild........ C..IIIe......."'I' ..........".,1IDlI1dIIl_ 1__.... ...._.. "'l')'tl_"'- ~r""'III\Jod"''' ~ -- "':.... .....Iow -.................. ...llIIIIl III..................... a~11/lA;1 jtJ. ~ . BUYER'S ATTORNEY ~f 1~1Jf' ? m_ :=M. ....""" TDUlIO... MI.." NEW YORK STATE COPY