HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12401 P 81 o __-:.I ) " , i , , -- , I " I l , j ,\! " ~ I .,t.-{.,' I L_ .... ,v..t;. NY 0lI:i - Bup;n """ Salo DoaIoriIb C..._....... C......... """ ladJriduoJ... 00p0IlIIiaa (Slnak Sba:U INYBru 8OIl.l1 CONliIJl,T \'O\JIlI.,,~ \lERlllESlGNING THIS lNlo'TaUMENT .1l1l1l1N51llUMENT SHOULD BE U5ED BY LAWYI!IISONl.Y fo. nns INDENTURE. made \he ~ day of July . in \he year 2005 BIrrWKKN NOVEL PROPERTIES, LLC., a New York Umlted Uablllty Company. having Its prl~tlpal plate of business at Manor Lane, Post Omft Box IIB3, Jamcsport, New York 11947; paIt)' of the filSl pan. and DEREK N. BOSSEN and JANE GREENKO, his wife, residing at 44900 Route 25, Soutbold, New York 11971; pany of \he second pon. WITNESSETH, cbat \he pany oftbe fllSt pari. in COI15idenllinn o/'Ten Don... and other valll8b1e cons_en paid hy \he pony ohbc lICl:<lIId pan. does hereby SJ'OIllIIIKI release Ul1lO \he pony of \he _ond pan, Ill. hei.. or llUCCelIIOlS and IlSAigns l'f \he pony oftbe SlOCOIId pin fClRYOr. ALI.lhat _Din plot. piece (]I" pan:e( of land, wilb \he buiJdinp and impnlYClJlOlllli IbemJII meted, si.....,.lying and being in \he at Bayvlew, Towa of Soutbold, Couaty of Suffolk RDd State of New York, bounded and desc:rlbed _ follows: BEGINNING at a point on the aorlberly side of Main Bavlew Road, wbitb point is Soulb 63 degrees 59 mlnules30 setonds East, a dlslRDft of 105.00 feel from tbe InlenedloD of Ihe aortberly side of Mala Bayview Road wltb the euterly side of Cedar LaDe; RUNNING THENCE NortbU degrees 50 minutes 00 seconds Easl, a dlstaoft of 12o.J I feet to the southerly side of Lot 27 00 Map of Bayslde Terraft (Map No. 2023): THENCE aloog said southerly side of Lot 27 on said Map and partly along said southerly side of Lot 28 on said Map, Soutb 65 degrees 09 mlnules 20 setonds East, a dlstante of 103.53 feet to a point marked by a monument and IRDd now or formerly of MkbaeUs, Soulh 25 degrees 58 minutes 20 seconds Wtll, a dlstanft of 75.33 feet 10 a polnl marked by a moaumeat: THENCE sdll along said laad now or formerly of Mld.aells, South 23 degrees 18 minutes 40 seconds E_I, a distance af 147.20 feet to Ibe northerly skle of Main Bayview Road: THENCE along said northerly llde of Mala Bayvlew Road, North 63 dep'ees 59 minutes 30 seconds West, a dlslante af 105.54 feet to Ihe point or plate of BEGINNING. l'OGl!:'I1lt:R withal\ righl.titleand inlOTeSl. ifuny, oflbe JlIIrlY of !be first part of. in and 10 any slrOOlS and mod5 ubutting!be Ihove-descrihed premi...", the cellll:r lines thereof; TOGK11IEIl wilb !be opJlUrtftlances and an !be0lllale and righlS of !be J1'IIly or !he fll5l plitt in and 10 gajd JIIl'l1lila; TO HA Vt.: AND TO 1I00.D \he J1reDI""'" herein gnlftted unlo!be party of \he lICWIId pun. \he boils or SUCA:e5SOlS and assigns of lbc pony of \he second J1'IIl fnn:ver. AND lb. pany of the fllSt pon c:ovelllllWi thai tbc pony or !be linu pon.... nm dnnc or ...ffered anything whereby \he said premi>e. have been incumbered in any way whatever, ..crpr .. afcn$aid. ANDth. pony oftbe fust pan. i. compliaao:c willi Section J30frbe Lien Law. covenanlS that lht pany wlbe fint plitt will rec.ive lhe COIIlIider81iun for,his <DOveylllKlO and wUI bold rbe right 10 leCOive sw:h consideralion as alnlAt fund '" he applied fitSt for lb. pwposc of paying \he COOl of \he impruvement and will apply \he same finllO rbe payment of \he <051 of lIu: improv.ment bef.... using any part of !be U1lal of \he ..... /'or any arher p1rposo. The...1IlI "party" .haIl he cunstrued.. ifi. n:ad "panico" w/xaeverrbe senseoflllis indenture """"lui..... IN WITNESS WHEREOF. \he pony of !he first pon.... duly exOCUled this deed \he day and year fi..t uIxm: writ.... IN I'RESENCE 01'. -, USHACIINOWlNJGMJ!NT1'OIlM BELDW WTTHINNliwYOMSTA7E(}Nu, siBlIotNewYork,Coualyof SUFFOLK ,... On~Yof July in!heyoar Z005 IIef'tw me. die IIIICIerIijood, p:1lOlIIaIIy appeaI1ld Colin H.rrllOn . p:rsmaUy knowIIlD me or pIIMlIlO me 011 die basis of lWiofllClUl)' evick:nce lObe die indMdual(s) whorellllRle(s) isl....)_bed 10 die willlin iaslJumonr and actnow....... lD me IhsI ...,.",.,.'- em:ullll Ibe ...... in bisIborilheir c:a~ios~ '"'" ti;-b;-~ signIrwo(s) 011 .... in.............. .... individual(s~ or .... _ UJIUII hOhoIfzmnrr, . ~ ~exeaRtd....mauunl CIIlISIUI'IWl E.1I9Il' NIIIIr !\III!Ic. SIIII III..llIIIl ~-w:.s:a...,~ ACKMlWUiIlGIIIlNT I'tMIIYWIJSIl WmuN No YOMSTARONu: (_y...t~"'_~CmU/<tnt1 SlaIc oINew York, County 01 I... On .... day of in Ihe year be(lln! me, .... ~ p:rsnrudly aJlp:llllOd !he IIIIhoaibing wiIDess 10 Ihe f'rrqojng illSllllmenl. wilh wbnm I ...; """""'Iy '""I1llIimm. wbo. bei.. lIy me duly _ did ckpooe unci ..y rhuI be1sht1thoy Iaide(s) in (if'M pkM:eo{TUidtni:Jt Is In u az,', int:JIIM dw S/IWf GIld 1lTer,1IIlIfIMr. if""", IMIWJ}); dIOl be1sbeAboy know(sl 10 he die individua1 .- in and _ eucuIIII Ihe r. . maumem; dIOl5llid subscribing........... pII!SOIIIlIIId Jaw':f'"8 elleCUle die same; and dIIII said wiIIIess .. die """'" lime _bed bio1hatchoir IClIIIlO(sl.. a wilDeSS Ihen:IO. BARGAIN" SAI.K DEED WR11<.'O\'EM....nML\NrCM."ft'fa.SACrS 7'1TLE NO. L-Z77936-8 NOVEL PROPERTIES, I.Le. TO DEREK N. BOSSGN and JANE GREENKO FmELn'Y NATIONAL TITLE INSUIlANCE . CoMPANY OF NEW YORK -...- b~ ,....~.ri.FUk1ily~,. .........1Iat......,,.,,DlIIr..,........ .. ~ o Ii i5 a: ~ a: ~ .. !l a: 2 .. u : .. .. ~ ~ J tJSeACliNOWUJDGMliNUOIlMIII!LOWWII'IIIN NHWYOMSTAlrIONLY: SllIIeolNewYarIl,Counlyol SUFFOLK IlL: On die day of July in die year 2005 be(""'me.lhe~pmonalIy~ Colin Hamson . penonoJly known lu me or pIIMlI III me <llI .... bosis of sarisfaclOly evidaace lObe die individual(slwhore ~l is (-l_ha1 10 the willlin inIlnImonI and ackllO~ lD "'" duu ...,.",.,.'- elIOI:IIIOd .... """'" in bioIberJIheir C8JIIOitY(ios~ IIIId lb;;tb;-hf.n..mbeir llignalUnl(sl <llI .... ~ !he individllal(s~ or .... pen;on upon bOhoIf of which the individuaI(slll:led, esocwd !he insuwnonL ACllNOWUIK1MIINr 1'_I'0Il USEOInsIDB Nllw y,.. STATHONLY, lo.z~_..f'-..a._~C"'II''''''1 ................................................. .1...: (~v..., ..1IASIIur. ~ PnNiltuorM....;p.Ii(v) On die day of in die year Ilel'oft: me. ....1IIIdmigned, persnnaJly oppeanod 1'0n,,,...lIy known lD me or pIOIIIld 10 me on the basis oflllllilt'......y evidenoe III he Ihe individual(s) w..... namo:(sl is (IInl) IIIbsaihed 10 die willlin inobumcnIand ..............,-' lD me IhsI .........'- eucuIed Ibe same in his1hen'thoi;.c;;;.d~ lhaI by hi.....;;d-d;;-~s) on Ihe inolnuuonl, the individuaI(s~ orlhe pen;on upon behuII' ofwhii:h .... individual(slac:llld, euculeddle iDsDumem.and lha1I ouc:h individual """'" ""'" ___ before Ihe IIIIdcniped in Ihe (IIISB/ 1M c/ly or 0I1tu po/ilicaJ.subdMsion _1M JIQ/e <<COUllII)' or odwr pIua th. tdnowlttJ&rnml_""_~ r DIsr1ucr ) 000 SF.cT.ON 078.00 BLOCK 01l.00 tar 030.ooZ CouNTYORTow" SUFFOLKI SOUTHOLD RECOI/DF.lJATRf'~~70f' FiddIIy NldIoIIlII1lIIe ............. CcInIpuy 01 New York lIA7VRN BY MAIL 7V 'J.uks . ~c...Jdy ?'j' 445 Griffing Ave.. Riverl1c.d, New York II!N)) ...... Number of pagea TORRENS 3 Serial II Certificate II Prior Clf. II Deed / Mortgage lnatrument Deed I Mortaa&;e Tax Stamp I'BBS 3 Page / Filing Fee Handling TP-S84 S. J!!L S_ NoIation EA-S2 17 (CoWlty) EA-,5217 (Slate) R.P.T.S.A. Cj _ Sub Total l~_ :?,('J en S.~ ~t.f Comm. of EeL Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Su~ Other IS. J!!L Sub Tota1 'l~ . I <T "'0 I Lf:Cf v Good Total RECORDED 2005 Rug 01 03:3:2:30 PH Edward P.~in. C~OF 5I.FFOLY. COUNTY L DOoo12401 POOl 011 05-00199 Rec:ordiD,g / Filing Stamps \ Mortgage AmL 1. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub lbtal SpecJAssit. or Spen./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual lbwn _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinlment () :I'ransfer Tax [.5 '-{ _ Maosioll Tax The property covered by lbia mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling ouly. YES or NO if NO, see approprialc tax clause 011 page II of lbia ~L <('. CommUDit,.. Pre..nation ~d 'deration Amount $ 355 0Cl0 4 Dist. Real Property Tax Service. Agency Verification ~ Sati8factionslDisch";'g~ea Ust Property Owoen Mailing AcIdresa RECORD & RETURN TO: (!,~/L.S .R.~dclh &/. /? {) . ~O;( ! S-cy l' f'iIlW.J.eo.d. IIIL( 1190/ 7 8 Suffolk. Count This Pille forms part oC!he allacbed #Oil') fJr~/"l!J LL c Due $ Improved Vacant Land TO /() TO TO made by: The pmnises haein is situated in SUJIPOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. ch" rk,o lei ~t.L k,./J TO 13:t~~ )- ':1'1 k. tl In the lbwoship oC In the VlLI..AGB or HAMLBT of BOXES 6 TIiRU 8 MlIST BB TYPED OR PRlNI'BD IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR 1'11.1NG. -...-----; .---.-. .._~ .J 11111I1I11111I1II1~1I1111111111 11111 111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUP'POLK COONTY CLERK RBCORDS Oll'lI'XCE RBCORDXNG PAGE Type of rn.trument: DBBDS/DDD Number of Pages. 3 Receipt Number . 05-0079678 TRANSFER TAX NtJMBER: 05-00199 Rscorded: At. 08/01/2005 03.32:30 PM LXBER: PAGE: D00012401 081 District. 1000 Section. Block. 078.00 09.00 II:XAMDfBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS $335,000.00 Lot. 030.002 Deed Amount. Received the Following Fees For Above rnstrument Bxempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Hand.ling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCKG $15.00 NO BA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $1,340.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pres $3,700.00 NO Fee. Paid $5,189.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-00199 THrS PAGZ rs A PART 01' THE rNSTRmIBNT THrS rs NOT A BrLL Bdward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County ~ PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hnp:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONL V Cl. SWIS Code 1'-(,7,0, g,g, 91 15 I I I&~ Monll'l DIV YeNlr C3. Book I /, R. '-1,0, II C4.P_1 tJ, g, I, * REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT CZ. Dote Ilnd _.cIod STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAl. PIlllPCRTY SERVICES RP - 5217 .P-53I7Re,J/J1 ..-... LocolIon o .-. t..b CITY Oil 'r!fHr; .RJ~N' {f~l<o v..... ])Etu:JG -,- -WI! ~fLl/l ......... ""m. IJ, ,I. 3. T.. Indic8tlll wh.,. future TIll BIIII ere co tM ..nt I ".nlll 110m. IhIn bww addfMIlll bom:lm of fonn) . -- ......TNMl'f/~,...,. "'OT_ IIIIKTNUMlEII AHOsrllw,r MMI: errOR ;QWN i'A" .COOI! I I I .'~_I .... PIIONT fU r I X I ...... lOR , la.u .601 100001,.....,..,qa.-___ ... PIonnInG _ ",h SubdIvlIion A__ E_ 0 .. SubdiviIiDn AppnMI wu Required foI Tr....' D 4C.'no! Ao........... .....M.ion_ Map "'- 0 '- ......... t" number 01 A__ .*4 RoU..... b_..r.w.d 01'1 tt.. .... II , of '.rCII, OR 0 Plrt of . Parcel I. s.u. N_ L4J>//EL '/l.D~Il:17E.S J LU'.. NAMf,QNMN" ....,NMIl ~TN4M"CClMI"AN't' ""TNAML 7. a.- lb. box below whIoh mOIl ICCur-..,. ~ the UN .".... P"II*IY d.... 11m. aI ..I.. Chac. .... ...... ~ -.....lIPPIf: ~ L ~Ip T_IoCondomlnlum Dna F.mlly """d....' Ii ~ AgrIc....... I ~ Communily Sow"" S. _ Co_ on Voconr ""'" B or 3 hmlly RoaidenCII' ~ Commercioll J IndUllril: 1M. Praperty LDGIIed wilhln an AcJicuIIUr" DiItrict C Residential VICIni LInd G ApartrTllWlt K Public Somct ,. Bwtr ___ ill diIcIoII.III notice irI:SlcIbng D Non-Ruidenl18l VlClnr land Ii EnhutainmMll1 Amuaement I. ForOII 1MI: the property II in.n A;rtcu.urll DiItrIct ~ SALE INFORMATION I ,.. 0-*_...,......01.... ho""".. .......to1nnlftr. 11. .... Coat_Dolo ;::- I /I./f I OSi A Solo -. .......... or Fcoma"l""_ ~ c.v y..,. B Sale ...... Retatd CompenieI or Plirtncn In BuslntII N I"""" C Oneaftho Bu.,......IIU. Sailor - I I il I ().:::J 1 D Buyer or Seller II GoVIIrnrnonlAprqo or L..ndIng lnatitulion Mlntl Day Y..... I=: Deed T';'PO .... w.r,anly or BIlrpln and BIle (Spedfy Bilow) F SIll. of FrlClionali or Lea Ihan F.. ~ (SpecIfy Below) (j S9111c:ant aw.g. in Property Betwoen Taxable 8Im..- and Sale 0._ H SaIG of .... iA IndudDd In Sale PrIca I 0lM< Ul1Wluol F..- AlIoctIng _ Prlco I_IV 1loIaw, S None o o o o '2. Date aI ... I Tr..... ". FuU Sill. Price ,3,;3,S-111),,," 0,0 I , , . IFull Salt Price ,. m. tolal arnounl. paid lor the PropIrty Including PtlWOnal proparty'. Thia ptymtnt may be In th. form of cah, other property or llood1. or 1M ..umplion of monpgcs or other obligllions.. PINn round to u.. "..,." wIJcW doI1ot amount ,.._.................. 1 ,,"'0,0 I PftII*IY ......... In the .. . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 0010 .hoold reflect tho"tool Fln.' Asnamont Roll and To. Bill ,1. Y.. of ... .....& RoI from wNoh InIanndon tabn 11. TatoI_ V"" I" .. ..... .._,I ; ; .~ '7t1J.O, , '8. -... a.. 1,2/ l/I-LJ ...___ I l~tL~/' 20. Tax l1li11 ldentJflerilll AoIIdenclllllrtsJ (If more tIwI tow. IItIach ..... wltlllIIIditianeI ....-(.n lonl) ... tnr,{)')- 0'1, tb-f)~,()tJ;' 1 I CERTIFICATION I I ftI1II'y ..... oK or... "-.. _ _..1hIo room ... ......... ....... .ID... .... ollll)'........... oad boUoI) lIIId I __ Illo. ... ......... <II"J ..... _ _1Il_ IlIct ........ wlllllbJed ... ..... ........... <II.... _ low _.. ID................IIIaa..............._ =-:-:- ~ . \ ~ BUYER BUYER'S A~NEY ~.~~~ 1 ~J~)bS- ~ ..,,~ ."",__.1 flJ.fl.(!!wn.L~ NY SIAll (!.,U/)/) y . LAlTNAMl! .. b~1 -- I ~hole.r ...,- ~?..f,1.0() -...... .e~"'It: "',- I Jfjf:~ """'.. SELLER ~~~ 7 /3b/o5 DAY I NEW YORK STATE COPY