HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12375 P 931 . , . ,1'" "-1 , /'lr.5f I~ 1/:0-- I ~~ L (J-31r f '1],/ DISTRICT: 1000 I SECTIal: 014.001 BLOCK: : 02.00 LOT: 003. Ie. li-2- 3'0 ~9 70,). T 69 ,-~ N.Y.tI.r.u. ""-...,.!.....-........JmI. .Idr.E."......,..,...~.~wa-... ...e..,,:..,..........II... 1IIa'l'llllllotnD DY- ~ce_.lnc.. NYC 10013 CONSULT YOUI LAWYII WOIE SIGNING THIS lN~TlUMENT - THIS INSTRUMINT SHOULD IE USED IY LAWYERS ONLY THIS.INDENTURE. rnade on THE <<.ll'~Y OF E'EBRUARY. 2005 BETWEEN HlIRTADO JR. DEVELOPI'IENT. INC. f:::/o '/J~71.-L m~;o..r~;"-.. t" 5CP( i 7;).." J/.~.:T~s '/I'7.e.I'>1<'>r:,J flu) y ::r:.:pL",..J;c.. I<'.y. If7)..:l- party of !be fint put, u,( WILLIAM E. IlAMILTa!l 35 MCXNr VERIDI STREET RIDGEFIELD PARK, NEW JERSEY 07660 party of the lecund p.rl. WlTNESSETH, !hot the pam' of the Iinl ""rt, inQliderolion of Ten 1l0Ua.. and ollaer .aluable ooaaidenlion paid by the party of the ..cond part, d_ hereby,;ir~t 'and ,.10:.... unlo lhe party of the ....ond part. lhe heira or auoceuan and anip" of the party of the .....m\l:p,.~foh..er. . l' ,.11.7..1 ... .. ALL that certain p101. piece nr po......1 of la~ the I>ulld.."" and Improvemenll thereon erected. IlIuate. Iyin~ and bein~ in lhe . II ~ ~~ SEE SCHEDULE "A" A'1'1'ACHED 1lERETO. u ~ \ I~I: . BEING AND INTENDED '1Q BE ~j'~ P.~SES <nMm:D '1Q THE PARTY OF THE FIRSI' PART BY DEED DATED..r7~30/02I, RECORDED 8/14/02 IN LISER 12203 PAGE 279. .~\ \\\ I.';\\.J SAID PRBMISES KIDiN AS AND BY TfIE\\ ADtm:SS OF 2670 GRANDVIEW DRIVE. ORIENT, NEW YORK 11957. \ \\~~ THIS TRANSACTIal IS MADE IN THE SELLERS:"RBGULAR ClOllRSE OF BUSINESS WITH 100\ SHARBHOLDER APP!VIAT.. ,.~ ~.:" J~ TOCI-:Tlu:n ".itla 0.11 rip III. IiIle HIIII'intert!lol. if. aJl~. III II", lurty uf Ih,~ fir$! l~arl in and II) 1111~ lllreetl- :lIId 1"1111.1", _hUlling .hl" LlIII.n' tI':2'C:rilJed pr,,"ui~ In Ih,. \:cllh:r litl~ Ilu'n.'f,f: TOCfo:rIlEH ....jlh thc aI1purtt:IIRIU:CI' .m.i a!1 (he etI:~t~ Hlltl rifl'hl" IIf..lhe "HIt~ IJf the firflt purt in 011111 In Nid ...reUliR~: "0 HA V.; A ~() TO not I) th.., r~lI1i5C1.~n:ill ~!it~,.ed .U,~III Ihr. l.un~' IIf du' P1:t'''IIII"arl. Ih,: IwiJ'to I.r lfllf',,'I'~Un; 011I1 'llilfip'.II" IIf Ihr p:1r1r of tlu' ,.,-i'II!'llill.fure\'e.r,. \,,:.. . 1 ANI>> Ihe ","rt~. uf Ihe fir~t INlrl.:m'eJllln'l' Ihut .he )JUri)' ur the fir..1 p..ut I.RIf nul_luIII: ur lfufferc:tl rlllrlhill;:' ~.hellm~' Ih,~ :-ai,t prcmi!ll:flo ha\'c hr..-n cllI:umherr.-1 ill any "a~' W'hlh!'\'Crr 1,"Jl,CL,4 0,. afurwain. A:'lU rht" part~' III Ihr finl ~rl. ill Ct,IOII,liancr ~ilh ~.,..inn 13 nf lhp tiel! 1...",. C'II\"1:lIunlzr, Ih8. 1Iu: pari)' u, tht. fir..1 lI.:arl ",.i11 M:~hlt" the ,.rlll,.,lrrallutl Cur Ihi!' I'unu'~'ance allll wiJI huM the rip.hl III l"eI:ei"I' lIueh IX'n..idf'ratinn a' 4 trultl fund III lit' BWlit"CI firM. (ur 1m: purlMI~ "f JlOlyinll' the C'u". "f Ihe" impru\'C'IDeIlI imtl ",'ill BI'pl~. the :lanle fint III the piI:,..menl IIf Ihe en". 11I( lhe iml'rtl\'em~nl l..:oflll't" upinp: ..n~ 113ft III Ihe" lnlall,lr the =iUrnr. f"r an~' I.Ilhrr PUfPflft., Thr. ""(lrn "'18rl)'"" thllllvo cunltrued HI' if it re.d "pI.tiu" whfonC\'er tt"" lICnlle or Ihi>> iruJI~nture It... rrquirl!ll. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the pari)' IIr Ihr. finl part halO Ilul~' ,'xr'('ulcl{ Ihilf ,I~ed Ihl! .Ia~' and ~...af fiNI ab,we- wrilk'n. I:-i' I"RE1't::'lICE nt.: lZ ~1Illlt:=. 7. . NY/- . : JOlIN HURTADO, ., PRESIDENT A~IN_ YOIUCBTATllJIlI".I,_ Stute oriNeW York, Count, or $vff.../K. II.: On ;;i.G-8~S" bef~ me.1he undel'5igned. per!iOIIallyappeared JOHN HURl'ADO, JR. pmonIIly known 10 .... or JIR1V"d 10 me ... Ihe bIIis ol..tisf..... tory ell"*"", to be Ihe individual(s) whose IlIIIIIt(s) is (lIIe) IUbocn1led 10 Ihe within inslIwnent and odcnowJodaod 10 .... dill heI~ eucutod !he SIIIIIe in hisIhcdlheir ClIpICilyCies). and dlIIlly h' 'r Sl ... !he insirwnent. !he Indi. vidual(S).ior Ihe hidllhe indlvidual(s' lICIed. exccutecl I . 1 , , -. ",briM"""" -,........lIaIIt a1_Vortt At! A.l>~ I 8ulIcI< COUnIJ. NIl. ~ ACICimwI~FtfhIt. lRPL_ , OnSlate of 'I County of 51.: before me. Ihe undel'5igned. personally oppcared penionII.! known 10 me or proved 10 me ~ ~ baoi. of wis. f8l:lory eYldence 10 be the indivililal(l) whooe name(1) is (lIIe' subscribed to Ihe wllhin instrumenl and -=knowledp to me dwI hellhi.ilheyellmned Ihe IIIIIe in hi&lhedlheir cllp-=i1y(ieS). "and IhMliy hillherltheir liallllUre(s)... Ihe insuumem. Ihe indl- vidual(s).'or Ihe penon upon behalf of which the individual(l) actod. ~tod !he insaumenl. and 111111 such individual made such ~ before Ihe undeIsiped in I (Uum ~+r poIirItal$flbJjri.riM fIIIII $IIIN or.,..",,,,'" ,..~IIt'f:IttM.,. .q-'-" 'oI..._..wa6huf_......'_.._,,.,...,.,, JI!Irpin anll am .. 111.... ,Con'AIfT "".urn Gu_. Acn TITLE No. . HURTADO JR. DBVELClPI'lI!Nr, INC. TO IIl\HIL~ ,; ~ lr '! ~ III 'a . !I .. .! I j . ! 'I ~IIENTBYB~MTNI8BlDI StBte of . County of II..: On ' penonally oppc.....d before me: !he undenligned. Ihe subscribina wimel5(ea)10 Ihe fo~aoins inatnnnenl. wilh whom I am personally acquainled. who. beins by me duly lworn. did depose and 5IIY Ihlll helshc1lhey reside/I) in ,i/'''' ""'" nf ,.~idMt'r i. ;11 " ."il.v. rlb"l... rlw "'If'rf tJrtd JIIrHI nMIfIItn. if_'"""",,, r O. AA~I s.:O lhal hellhe1lhey know(l) 10 be Ihe individual(s' described in and who elleculed !he fore. JOins insaument: dlIIsaid subscribina ,.imess(es) WBS (we~) presem and 5IIW said execute Ihe same; and lllal said witnessle.) III rhe same lime subscribed hislhel1lheir name(s) as II witness(es) 1heRto. ' (0 if""'fllllSrJ~N,., rort.""'~;.rrtcily'"I't,JiIkal''','WM''''''''''''' ...",-,.",_ ,....._~..... And III.. said aubscribing wimess(es) made such o4-f>o_1CC before !he undersijJned in ,""""- """u6k'- nflnJi.u..,...........-,_.1l SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN RBTURK BY MAIL TO: LINDA RILEY, ESQ. 235 IW1P'.1al ~ SOOTHAMProN-; NEW YORK 11968 Zip No. ..:r'" I delity National Title Insurance Company Title No.: ()4. 7404-S9702-SUFF SCHEDULE A-I Description AMENDED 2115105 ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Orient, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State ofNcw York, known and dcsiguatcd as Lot No.2 on a Subdivision Map entitled "Subdivision Map of Grand Vicw P.statcs at Orient, New York" and filed in the Office of tile Clerk of the County of Suffolk on I June 8. 1982 as Map No. 7083, which said lot is bounded and described as follows: I BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Grand Vicw Drive at the division line between Lots 2 and 3 on , said map; . ! RUNNING THENCE along the northerly sidc of Grand Vicw Drive the following two courses and distances: 11. North 81 degrees 06 minutes 20 SCl:OlIds Wcst 103.47 feet; i 2. Westerly along the arc of a curve bearing to the left having a radius of 50.00 feet a distance of 46.87 fect to the . di vision Iinc between lots 1 and 2 on said map; . , " RUNNING THENCE North 21 degrees 14 minutes 40 seconds West along said division line 310.40 feet to Long Island Sound; I . RUNNING TIfENCE North 74 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along Long Island Sound 170.00 feet to the I division line between Lots 2 and 3; 'THENCE South IS degreea 34 minutes 20 seconds East along said division line 351.13 feet to the northerly side ;ofGrand View Drivc at the poinl or plllec of BEGINNING. \ ~hlXlule A-I (Dnc:Tiplian) Rov. (02.V4) , -, .. . ~ ~uri.hcr of pages ~ TORRENS Serial # Cenificalc # PriJ C1f. # o \ RECORDED :200:5 Mar 10 11:29:03 AM Edward P.ROIaine CLERK CF SUFFOLJ( COUHTY L Dooo12375 P 931 Dn 04-32122 Deed / Mongage InSlnlment Deed / Mortgage Tax Stamp !'EllS Recording / Filing SlDml'" 3 pagJ / Filing Fcc Han~ling TP-584 NOl:ltion I EA-S2 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. I Comm. of Ed. I Affidavit Cenified Copy I NYS Sarchallle I Other 4 ofs~D Real Propeny Tax Service Agency Verification I 1:7_ M(lngage AmI. I. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Tax Sub TUlaI Spcc.lAssit. or Spee./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County , Held for Appoinllllent Transfer Tax /0. I" 0'0. _ '...- Mansion Tax ~c;. .;J \)0. _ I 5. .m.... ':J_ --~ } S _ Sub TOIDI ~ 7 7t) ~-=-- 5. on The propeny covered by this mongage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate tax clause on page # of this inslnIment. . s- - ~O. I S. .m.... . S~1i Total !~~ tp GrJnd Total _l~(} - . ---; '.' 5 eommualtr I'nMrvatloD I'1md 05(H)9050 1000 01400 0200 003006 ~J Improved ~ Vacant Land 6 SatisfaclionsIDischlllllCslReleases Lis. Propeny Owners Mailing Address RECORD &: RETURN TO: TD Ib ~N't!J/J P-I'l.'-:J' dJfJ ~~ ~.m ~ ~~~ //9~ TD TD 7 n Information 8 Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e JJe-ui (SPECIFY TYPB OF INSTRUMENT) This pagc form.. pan of the attached made by: lJd'?Ai'J/J .:::rp.. .lJivb,,~'-"'$AIr, H.k'_ I I TO In the Township of /,.~ ilith-. 'l!. ~~..,.#.J In the VILLAGE . or HAMLET of ON~,';' BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINl1!D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. I I (over) The premises herein is situaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. ~'7'MiulJ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 I Type of Instrument: DEEDS/DDD Number of Pages: 4 Receipt Number : 05-0025386 I T~SFER TAX NUMBER: 04-32122 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Recorded. At. 03/10/2005 11:29:03 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012375 931 District: , 1000 ! Deed Amount. i Reqeived the Section. Block: 014.00 02.00 '"Y'lKINBD AND CHARGED AS FOLLOWS $2,650,000.00 Lot: 003.006 Following Fees For P~ge/Filing COE I EA-CTY TP-584 RPT I Transfer tax , Ccimm.Pres $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $10,600.00 $50,000.00 Above Instrument Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO NO Handling NYS SRCHG EA-STATE Cert.Copies SCTM Mansion Tax $5.00 $15.00 $75.00 $0.00 $0.00 $26,500.00 Exempt NO NO NO NO NO NO Fees Paid $87,252.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER. 04-32122 I THIS PAGE IS A PART OF THE INSTRlJMBNT . THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONLY 1t.f,t,.3, g,g,~1 C2. Dab DHd Ro_ I .3 , 10 Id~ MonUI lMy Te.- C3. _k I j, c?.3, ~ 5j' C4. '0..1 q, ..3 J , . * STAB OF NEW YIIIU( STATE IIlIARD OF lEAL _RTY llEJMCEII C1. SWIS Codo RP - 5217 .p.ol' .~ JIft PROPERTY INFORMATION ............1 .....- 7670 SI1'IDTIiIIUIll'." ORIENl', OTYOII'IOWN GRl\NDVIEi'I DRIVE -- 7 ~ ~-1t~OL-.o WILLIAM B. ....TIIIlW IU957 IW ax.< 2._ No... HAMILTCJi/ , LAIT....,COIII'AN'f LA5JNAMI'/CXJMMH'l' ...T....... 3. T_ IndIc8Ilt whirl fU1UN Till Bili1 ani 10 bD IenI BUIIng If .. thin burtr __ c.t bottam aI fonn) I - LAlTlIlMIII/E:&M'A'W nllUN... In"'IUT~A"K).:nurNAME ""'..""'" ITA'"! lP_ .. .,..... th. nunber of .-.......... ./1/ ~ ( D RGII ....01. ........... on .... _ 1'-'. . I. .,'...... OR ,.n 01 . ,...001 ..:::.... I - JftDNl FEU Ixl .."" IORI . ./.I.f(J oU'1IU 10nIy'''''''0 _ a.ou u...._ OA. _ Boonl wltblkllldMlion _ EodolI D & Sulld" iIionApprCMUWII RIQuirId forT,..,.,. D C. PMeI Apprcwad for c,lb-'LIiIion wlh MIp PnwidId 0 ..-. ...... HURTAOO JR. DE1fEI'.OPMI!Nl', INe. LAII,.....,COUPAto, ......- l.AST '-'oW , CClUMN'I .....,IIIM'I: :. 13. FuB .... ,.... CIlook tho _ _....._ .. ~"'Typo"~1um F. ~ AgrlcuiI.... I ~ CommvnlW _". .. _ C_UClIon on V..... Lllnd f CoIrvIw<iII J __ _ _ Locotod ..hhln on AQricvllv... _lei G""""" K _SeMI:. ,......-.----.. II EnteI'IIlnnwtll Am"'''lImt L Forllt lhII. die prGpIftJ II in., Agrlculull DtIIrict ,.. CMcII: _ or..... 01 tIwM _"IL_ _........ ID er..r.r. A &.II BllMen RNlIvu or Form. .....ttv. B SIll BlIWeIIn RaIMacI Comp8nin ar ......,.,. In Bualnou C Ona of Ihe Buy,,. " aIIo . Sellar o Buyer or Sellar II Goverl'Wl'lHl Agency Of LandIng l.-.titulion Il Doad T\'110 nol W.....1llV '" Bargain.... Solo ISpodIy _, F s.a. of F,lCtIonII or ~ ....... Faa lnlDr.. ISpecify &.lawt a Slgnlflcana CtYna. .... Proputy Batwoc:.I TaubIe _.... .nd Sale 01_ H SIll a.t 8~ II Included in s.1a P'riIa I Olho. lhllllUl!' _ Affootl"ll _ Pr". C5poc1fy ....... J D D D D 7. ChedI: It. ba. Wow which most aoanteIy...... the UN of 'the praperty .-: the II... of uIe: ^ ~0nI Fernl" RoaidImiel n 2 or 3 hrnily Rtlidtntill C Relidenlial VEW und D Non.ReIidontiIl VlCllnl lind I SALE INFORMAnON I , ,. .... ContncI: Old. I( - 1.J;.r P.t I '2. Date 01 51'. I Tr...... .:L ,:;L'Er , OS I ... v_ ~- 2.6 .So.(j(? 0,0. III , , . CFul1 Wa Price is the IOIaI ~lInt paid tor the pro""" inr:IudIng parIOMI property. Thll ~ INy be In lhe form of c:-. ather property or goodI. or IhI anumplion of moI1DIIIIU or Oilier obIlg1donl.) ,......, lOINtd '" rfIt......, wIIaIII ."., tImOUfI&, ,.._...._",_'1 .0,01 PI'GI*IY .......... In 1M ... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Iltno Mould _ ,ho 10_ Flnol _.n' Roll ond To. Bill ,.. v.... at .. -..nt AoII ~ 17 Total A.....s V.... tal................ I which Informdon ...... . , , ~. ~r.O .c:> I , ,.. Plapertya... hlrl PI-LJ ...___1..2- '0 '1..tr.s1C. !\UJ)...!l zo. T.. ,.. w.nttfIIrC.- / Roll W.......... (I more than lour. ..... ..... willi adIIItctMI ...........,) /oa::;-ctLf.--o2oo -Qq:S.~ I I I CERTlI'ICATlON I I mII)"""'''' Iho _ urlal'_ -..1......_ Oft........ __ ,...........",1D1 ~ ood............ ,.-.... IhoIllOllioll . ,or...,. wIUIII...... _ or _ ... ......... will...... .. .. tho ............",tho ..... .... _.. ...... __.... ......... _ _ $:. BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY .. ~~ I ..2-;la-..or 12 i /.rz...y ~-'= I L; 11~ IUftIIJ 1M'" LMTNAMf-r- ~ ...,.... ;;U?:;; I &r~I/;.Q-~jJ/l;I"'4i!... ~I ""'_11 1TIIffT..,..1AI'ftII;1M.I1 -- ;L '8"7 ~ ~ ., 7.:l- -- 0,.. ;.--. -r-: CITVOIITOMI 1//71 I J~S7 ..... .COOI! .)I.M;Ju.lJjt. 'r -.. ~~ ~ --. NEW YORK STATE COPY ;l... -..28' -~.s:- ..n