HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12410 P 946 S--q -") - )C . ,~'" f , L 1241C' f qL+tc SlaadU'd N_Y.B.T.U P.,..IClOJ.2OM JIarpuI... We Dwd. wldIc.....II....... aru.... Alll-ladhtdual. c.p.n....ui.p...., caNIULTY_ U_ __ __. MnI_ ._.INlITIlUIIUlT_..__aY U_ DllLT TlUSINDENTURE, madelhe :lS'!It BETWEEN day of August . n~x.lOOQ\,l 2005 JOHN J. CALLAHAN, individually aad as surviving spouse of JOAN D. CALLAHAN (deceased 4/18104) residing al 12S Lighthouse Road, Soutbold, NY 11971 party of the lirst part, and BENALI LLC with offices at 1499 Bellagio Road, Los Angeles, CA 90049 parLy of I_nd part, WITNESSETH, that the party of the lirst part, in consideration of ten dollars and other .aluable con.idarution paid by the party of the second part, d.... hereby grantond rallllll8 unto the party of tho IK.'<OlId part. tho heil'll or su<<essors and assigns of the part)' of the IIeCOnd port (orever, ALL thaL certain plot, pi""" or purcel of land. with the buUdinp end improvemcals thereon erected. lituale, lying and being .... at Southold. in the Town of South old, County of Suffolk and State of New York being more particularly bournled and described us follows: Bfo:GINNING 31 a point on the northerly side of Middle Road at the southeasterly comer of the premises herein described; RUNNING THENCE along the northerly side ofMiddlc Road, North 65 degrees 32 minules 00 seconds East a distance of 170 feet; RUNNING THENCE North 35 degrees 08 minutes 20 seconds West a distance of 137.45 feet to an iron pipe and land now or fomlerly of Long Island Cauliflower Distributors Inc.; RUNNING THENCE along said land of Long Island Cauliflower Distributors Inc., South 60 degrees 14 minules 20 seconds West a distance of 170 feel more or less to land of Jennings; RUNNING THENCE along said land of JeMings, South 36 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds East a distance of 121.87 fcetto the point or plllCe of BEGINNING. BEING the same premises described in deed to the grantors recorded in UBER 11704 page 482 recorded I 1/30/94. TOGETHER with oil riehL, title and in'oreot. if Dny, of the party or the lirsL part in end to any Itrcels Dnd roado abutLing the ebove dl!llCribed pramill.. to the center Iin... thun:of; TOGI!.'THER with th. oppurlenonceo oad ull U... cotate end righL' of the party of lhe lirst pert in and to IBid p..._; TO HAVE AND TO HOLI) Lhe promi..... herein grunted unto the party of the oecond part, the heil'll or IUc:ceooora and ...ignl of lhe perty of the ......,nc1 part forover. AND the porty of the lint part coycnanll that Lhe PDrty of tho lirst part hili noL done or lulTered nn>1.hing whereby the soid prcmhsus have been \>>nC'um.bercd in any ....ay w,hoLever, c>>ccepL ~ BroreB~id. AND the party ofthelirst part, in compliance with Solction 13 ofth. Lien Law, c:ci.eoan'" U,at the party ofthelirot part. will receive the comddOl'abon for Lhia conveyanc:o.opd will hold tiw right to fCCdivt' such COI'IlIIide....tion US " truse fuad to. be epplied lirst for t.he p..rpooc of paYiilll the cost of lhe imp.....onient: and will epply the lame Ii...L to the paymenL of Lhe COlt of Lhe improvement before uoini.eny part of the.tolll;of the I8me for eny olher purpooe. 1'ha word "party" Iholl be ..nstru.!d UI ifit road "parli.." whenever the 18nle oftbill indent..... 10 requireo. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, th. porty or tho lil'llt plrt has duly a.. "",led thill deed the day Dnd yeur Iirst abo.e WriLWII. IN PRESENC!> OF: ....4 '. ACKSt"'"I.KDI::\U!::tt IN :'ilIKW ",(~.K HTAn la'I......) SllIte of New York, County of Suffolk !I.~.: On August ill 2005 t>ef"", ""'.1"" und...igned. pe""",ullyappeami John J. Callahan ptnklrUllly known to me or pn)\"Cd ill me un the ba..dl'lo or !'3lis- f"10f}' ."Yid.....~ 10 be lhe indiyiduaIC,' who<c n~.)i. (urel subscribed 10 the within inslrum.nl and acknowledged 10 m. Ihal hcIshehhoy cxa:ulcd lhe...me in hislhcrflheir ca"""ilyl iesl. and lhat by hislhcr/lheir signalure/sl on rhe instrumenl. Ihr indiYidual(.) ur Ihe p...on upon behalf of which lh. individunl(s) :lctrd. eXel.-utoo the instrument. Ah....~ l.~^,- f~iR'fllltlrr...d oJ/kr fI/ irJdi,;J1MIl """ tJctnor.-Ift'~1 AC'K:'IrrIOWI.EUC;\It':''Io"T mnsmE NF.W '.ORK n~TE I RPI. JClt..bt SllIte or . County or 55.: On per.<nnally arpeDml berem: me, the um.lcndgned. pc...m.lly known III me or pnl\\.'lIlo me on Ih. ....i, of salis- f3Cllll)' .yidence tn t>e the indiyiduulCsJ ,,'hose namefs) is (arel subsl:rib<'IIlo Ihc wilhin inlllrumenl and IICknowlcdp,'<I to me lhat hcJ,hcIlh<y""'-'<'Uted the s;unc in hL"""'rflhcir...."",'ilyti..). and IIulI by hislherf1heir sipnalure/sl on lhe in.<Irum<-nI, lhe indiyiduuU.l. or Ih. pe..nn upon h.half of which Ih. indh'iduul(sl act.d. .xecured lhe inslrum.nl. und Ihal .uch in- diyidual mude such appearance befnre Ihr und....igned in , ;n~c*n ,"i1)" ",. r.t/il;c,.,1 $II/IJ,rn,.m fl.mJ $'U',. ,It' f'.NIIII.'. ,It' "III.., r'oJ('t' IIIknf,Ilt"'''''llmt'II",rI''''IJ '.IiRIIIJllfrr .",d ''6ICY lif illJMclull1 'fl.k;", IItk"'...-Irr/Imm/l ~at9ain nnb .:Sale ~eeb Wml COVE..'\lA:-'"T An^IN."iT GRA~'TOReS A(:r~ 'rmJ~N(I" 25-S-1254 Callahan 1'0 Benani LLC IITAMMAD FORM OF NlWYORKIIOAIIIID OFTITU! UNDE~A.Ia4 IJ;"\.'rihlllt'd b~' CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY I I D II: ~ !II ~ i ~ I '. . e"t '" ACK:CC","LIUX~)lE.vr ItV SUB.l4CRIDISC; WI'rSESl"UQiI Stlllr ur County or }ss.: On personally appemd l1ef,'re me. Ih. under.<igned. the Kuh.'ieribin(! witncs!C(cs) to the fnrcgmng in..nnIlTlC'nt. with whom I am personally ocquaiot.d, who. being by me duly .....m. did de""", and say Ihal ""/''''''''hey residel'l in (if/h_ pItJtY tf ,.n.ftortrr u III n ,.,.,., btrl..<< Iht' UtfYI .urJ UI'HI "lImNr: 1/ cIII.r. ,h"..njI" PATRICIA L. FALlON NoIIuy Public, 8tale 01 New'Vbrll No. OIFA4950148 Qualified In 8u11olk CountY .,_, CIll!II'/IPNR.!hlir!fkM.Mfl' 24, -" 10 be the indiyidual(s) dcs..1iho..'II in and w1K, .xccuted Ih. fore- guin~ inslrument: that !\aid suhM.-rihing \\ilnrS~C5) Wa."Ii (were) rn.-,.cnt and sa\\' said CXL"C'ute the: ~: :and th:1t said \\'itne~(cs) at rhe ~me timc .ubscribed hislherllheir oamd.l as. wilncsSlcsllbercto, (0 if Ntl", 1tflUidt' N~. Kilt Swr,' Irw'rt c."il.f "' ('I",lIm/.IINII'is".. tIJIJ. sltlli." M t""""'1 ,If' lnlw,. pI.Ir,. ~1IItfII"'" And that said subkribing wilness(cs) moo..: such arpe:lrnnce before Ihe undersignL'\I in _ , " ,) f.~/"""'tII,.. .",,/ nffi.y rJ/ ilt.IMJllllllc1kl"~ &IIUMrlNllfl'lffll' SECnos DI.OCK Lar 59 3 29 rol)lln' OR TOU'~ Suffolk / Southold ~ al Request 01 CIIICAC;O TITU; I,"SUKAi'>O: COYlPAlIIY RETURS BY MAil. 11). John Dowd, Esq. Dowd & Dowd 63 Cherry Lane SyoBset, NY 11791 7..1p No. . ~2 .' J Number or pages TORRENS j RfC(Ill)EI) 200S SeP,.23 09: 13.28 At1 Edward P.ROIIaiM . CLERK OF SUFFOlK COUHTV L 000012410 P 946 Ort 05-08002 SerialS C.rtincate N Prior cr. N Deed / Mortgage IRSt.on..nt Deed / Mortgage Tax'Stamp , Recording' Filing S.amps 4 FEES '. I'IIge' Filing Fcc Mortgage Ami. Handling TP.Sg4 ~ '" .!J I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax R.P.T.SA 6 ~ Sub TOIaI I /;;6 ~ eQW J4.. Sub Total NoIation EA-52 17 {County~ EA-S217 (Sl8tetC> Reg. Copy OIher /" It) , ~ Sub Total ~/6 >>9/" SpceJAssit. Or Spce./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_ Dual CoUnty_ Held ror Apportionment _._ Transfer Tax 2..{, Q"O. qzJ . Mansion Tax _ The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a une ur two ramily dwelling only. vr,s or NO ;;.\ If NO, se. appropriate tax cia.i'Se"On pOll' U (~ _orthis instrum""'. 6 Community Preservation Fund Conaideration Amount $ ~n7J. n./ CI'F Tax Due S J(}.I't7J.~ Improved Vacant Land /1)r1Y I TO 1'1) TO Conan. or Ed. S cm.....:. Affidavit Certified Copy GRAND TOTAL l Real Property Tax Service Agenc:)' Verification . Dist. Seelioa B lock I '" 05900 0300 029000 " Stamp IJate Initials J Satisfactions/Discharges/Rele.ses List Proper1)' Owners Mailing Addres RECORD" RETURN TO: .JOllA! f)8Wt. I ESQ. /)/)UJIJ oj. /:Jow/) &3 e~RI!.'( !...IM/IE S/NSUT I N'I 1179/ 9 Suffolk Count 8 Title Company Information Co. Name Sn=wll,eT 7i rLr; Title /,I -S-1. 'S Recordin & Endorsement Pa e &'<CIIIIJ ~~~ .JAU ~ca1 (SI'ECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENf) made hy: This )lIlge forms pori of the attached :riJJ.JItI ~T (I Ai. ulJJ.lAN The: premises herein is siluated in SUFFOLKCOUNIY, NEW YORK. [n the To\mship of .f",,",,,,,,,, IJ In lhe V[LLAGE or HAMI.ET of S4U7MI;J~/j BOXES 5 lHRU 9 MUST BE lYPIID OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORD[NG OR FILING. lOVER' TO BFA/ALl J.. J..t! IIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 11III1111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1 111111 IIIIIIIIR 11111111 StJlI'POLK COtJNTY CLBRIC RECORDS OPPICB RECORDING PAGB Type of Instrument: DEBDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number . 05-0100032 TRANSFER TAX NOMBBR: 05-08002 Recorded. At. 09/23/2005 09.13.28 AM LIBER: PAGE: D00012410 946 District: Section: Block. Lot: 1000 059.00 03.00 029.000 BXAMJ:NBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed JIIIlount. $650,000.00 Received the Following Fees For Ahove Instrument B7~t Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTII $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,600.00 NO CcmD.Pres $10,000.00 NO Fees Paid $12,839.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER. 05-08002 THIS PAG!; IS A PART OF THE INSTRUIIBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.ROIIIIIine County Clerk, Suffolk County --- -------------------- PLEASE ,yPE-OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRmNG ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: hap:!1 www.orps,stBte.ny.us or PHONE (5181 473-7222 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY CZ. OIIt. Deed RHanMI 11,?.3,8'Sf(1 * I et/~.3 lOr; , tMy Y_r /,aC.&.pogel ,Q,st,.6I'" - REAl PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWIS Cod. STAn; o. NEW YORIC STATE IIlIARD OF REAL _TV _ICES C3. -- I /."~, $I, PROPERTY INFORMAnON RP - 5217 ....AI7...'JI'tI "=1 43375 Route 48 sr"TNMII! 5rlllotT NUWItM Southold Town of Southold ..... I ___"'If; .....- I 1 1 971 .. IDlE an CR 10WN . ...... 6#lJ/rL./. I- /..C I.MT MAMI , CDIIMtCY 2.- - LA&'''''''c:CIM"l'N'I FNTIiIMIi 3. r.. IndiGlItI wMre futwe Tall BiI. I" to be.-lt I _I .___-laIbaaomulbmJ. -- I.AII MAML 1 CClNPMY _T_ srN:1!T~NGIITNJ:t NAlIIt .&. ........ the ........,. .'V'T ......a fIoII paIah 11'.......... Oft the died C1.....CIIIIC)WN 1T.a.1't .. IDlE ....,.FlIr 1 X I . A&:Ma .. IOnly . ,., 01. '_ Cha . 1Il1ll.r. IA..........__SU__~ 0 .. _.......-_ Roqu...far _ 0 Co Palmi AIJIIIWId for Go L-'" iIiDn" Map PnMdId 0 1 I. of PIIrcall OR D Pan of I Parcel .. =..., I - ....... IORI 42 ..- ...... Callahan John J. (surviving spouse) ....'UWl LA5T lIAW/CQMIIM,y FAI' __, CDIIMNt' ...t....... ^~OnoF__ntlal B 2 or 3 Family R....... C RaIidentiat VlCllnt lAnd o __Yoo:ontlMNl I SALE INFORMATION I ". .... Contract Dda I: ~ ""'leull.... I ~ CamonulllIy &ol'lico I' X Comrnooclol J _ill G _ K__ II -"-1_ L ..... -....--.......- "llwno""lp Typo ..~Iurn .. New c:or.truc:IIGn on VecllV. Land 'llA._~_,"Aa_o;"riot 1........-.__1nd_ .... "'"- .........-,...- o D o o 7. ChecII. .... box below which molt ''* ----way .......Ihe ... at IM......-tr _ tIw.... of uIa: ,.. CheIII. .. or ..... 0I,*- 11 'T" Ill."""" 10""""'-: 06 I - 28 I Day 05 I y- $lie Between AIIaIvoII or FormIr ReIIlMI SIIIe &.\wean Re&IIDd CornpM_ or Par&Mn in 8....~ 0n00l...._.._.5oI... Buyar Dr' Soller II Govemrnonl Agancy aT lIIndlng InldlutIon Oaod Typa... W......,. or ..... and Solo eSpo.lly_' 5111I of FfKlionlI Dr' L.- IhIIn fM InIenlIt ISpedIy BekMt Sill- Chango In "'-rty _ T_..... and SoIoIlolu &010 u1__Io'_'nSoIO_ Other UnuSUIII FICIOI'a AfflCtlng SIIe Pra (Spadfy BeIowI Nana 12. on. at .... IT....... 08 ...... I liS I Day 05 y- 'S.FuII&oIoPrico ,6 , 5, Q 0 .0 00 , 0 I , , . (full Sale Price i. the UItII amount peid for ahe properly Incluclng peI'IONI property. This peymenl mIY be In the farm at CIItI. 0Iher Pl'OI'Irtv or goodI. fit rtNt IUUmpdon 01 mGf10IgU or Dthor DbllQIIlIonLl ,.,.. round 10 die ,...,., whoM tIoHIr MtOUnl. ,.. IndIAte 1M .... of peru.. I 0 0 0 I __In...._. '~' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. 0... _ rull....... loteat FllIIl--"'nt Roll .nd Tox Bill ''''_oI'-__1IRoI'",""I 04/0~17 T...._V_,oI..-~.In_,1 which InIornu1IDn taUn '. ....- ; , 8 6 P Q ; "._a.. 14.8.51-UlI.___1 Sout-hnld ....T......._oIl....._oIl11___.__....__oIl 1000-059.00-03.00-029.000 I I CERTlFlCAnON I I CI!I1II)'_......... _"'__...__...._....__<<..........."'Ill1_..._ __1__........... '" _ wtUlIlI................ ,,,......... ........ .............. _ .. .... ....-.. .,.... ..... ... _. .. .... -. -1IlIA "'- ............ BUYER BUYER"S ATIORNEY 11ft/! f ., /I6f (rh Dowd John ~ I IUYI" aqATlN Steven H. Kram .." lMT_ ....r_ I J'f(l(t.t 6tf'1-~/O f0II-]) 516 921-1144 11NtT ....... If.-r.... WTI'fI WIt -- IILlI'NOM _Il to~ ~u'< ""'.. .-. eA- NEW YORK STATE COPY