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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-02/08/1949Meeting of Feb. 8~ 19~9
The Southotd Town Board met at the office of Supervisor Norman E.
Klipp, at Greenport, on Tuesday, Feb. 8~ 1959. The meeting was
called to order at 1:30 P.M. with the following present: Super-
visor Klipp; Justices Terry; Tuthill; Albertson and Clark; Town
Supt. of Highways Price; Town Attorney Terry and Town Clerk Booth.
M~yor Butt and Lawyer Costello appeared before the Board-in behalf
of~the Village of Greenport. They requested that the Town of Southold
assume part of the expense of maintaining the Greenport Village dump,
therefore allowing residents outside the village l~mits to us~ said
dump. The matter was laid on the table until the next meeting.
The Board sat as a Committee on audit to examine claims against the
Town~ concluding the audit work at 2;~0 P.M.
The minutes of the previous meeting were read and duly approved as
Moved by Justice Cla~k; seconded by Justice Albertson:
Resolved: That the regular monthly audit meeting of this Board be
held at the office of the Supervisor on Tuesday, March 8~ 1959,
at 1:30 P.M.
Unanimously adopted.
Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Albertson:
Resolved: That Joseph Kozlowski~ of ~m~Cutchogue be and hereby
is appointed Motor Equipment Operator at the Southold Town Dump~
he to assume his duties on March l~ 19~9, that the compensation
for such appointment be fixed at $195.OO per month~ payable in
~onthly payments and to serve at the pleasure of the Board.
Unanimously adopted.
Mo~ed by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Tuthill:
Resolved: That the Supervisor be and hereby is authorized to
spend the sum of $200.00 for advertising purposes.
Unanimously adopted.
Moved by Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Tuthill:
Resolved: That the contract between Robert G. Williams~ Public
Accountant~ and the Fishers Island Ferry District, be approved.
UnanimoUsly adopted.
Moved by Justice Albertson~ seconded by Justice Terry:
Resolved: That inasmuch as the required dedications have been
received and map of same duly file~ and the necessary papers
signed, the Town Board~ take over and maintain as a public highway,
Dogwood L~ne at Southold.
Unanimously adopted.
Moved by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Terry:
Resolved: That the Police Report for the month of January~ be
accepted and place~ on file.
Unanimously adopted.
Moved by Justice Clark~ seconded by Justice Terry:
Resolved: ~hat the agreement for the expenditures of Highway monies
between Harold D. Price,Town Supt. of Highways and the Town Board
be approved.
Unanimously adopted.
Moved by Justice Terry; seconded by Justice ~uthill;
Resolved: That General Bills in the amount Of $3,258.96; District
Bills in the amount of $6~688o62; Non-reimbursable Welfare Bills
in the amount of $18.O8 and Fishers Island Ferry District ~2 Bills
in the amount of $9,665.99~ be and the same are hereby ordered
Unanimously adopted.
~-letter was read from Charles T. Bennett and S. Lloyd Dickerson
requesting a street light be placed at the corner of Griswold Street
an~ Terry Court at Southold.
Moved bY Justice Tuthill; ~seconded by Justice Albertson:
Resolved: That the Town Clerk be and hereby is directed to
request the Long Island Lighting Co. to install one (1) additionaI
aerial street light in the .Southold Lighting District~_said light'
to be placed on pole ~2 at the corner of GriSwold Street and Terry
Unanimously adopted.
Moved by Justice Albertson; seconded by Justice Tuthill:
Resolved: That pursuan~ to SecĀ° 102 Subd. I of the Town Law~ ,each
town officer be allowed the sum of eight cents per mile for the
use of his own automobile for each mile actually and necessarily
traveled by him in the performance of the duties of his office~
this resolution is retroactive to Feb. l, 1959.
Unanimously adopted.
Adjournment was at 5 P.Mo
Ralph P. Booth
Town Clerk