HomeMy WebLinkAboutSPD-02/20/1951 MEETING OF souTHOLD pARK DISTRICT Notice is hereby g~ven, as presc:ibed by Chapter 234 of the Sessions Law of 1907 of the State of New York, entitled "A~ Act to authorize the for- r~atten of a Park District in the Town of SoUthold, Suffolk Countlz' to acquire land for park purposes and to issue bonds therefor," and amendments thereto, that a meeting of the legal !voters of the said Park District, the boundaries of which are the same as hose of Southold Union SchoOl Dis- trict No. 5, will ~bo held in the Town Clerk's Office in said District on Tues- day, February 20, 1951, at 8 o'clock p.M. At this meeting a Park Commis- sioner will be elected for a term three years in the place of Rensselasr ~. Terry, Sr., who~e term of office will then expire. At this meeting also t~e park Com- missioners will ask for an appropria- tion of Five Thousand ($§,000.00) Dollars ior the maintenance ol the Park District properties and to transact any other business that may properly come before the mgetlng. , ,', p. ALPtt P. ~, ' ~wn~ Clerk State of New York SS: County of Suffolk Ralph Po Booth, of Southold, Town of Southold, New York, being duly sworn, says that he is over the age of twenty-one years; that on the f~th day of J~nuary, 1951, he affixed a notice of which the annexed printed notice is a true copy in a proper and substanti~ manner, in a most public place in the Town of Southold, Suffolk County, to wit: At: H.~'. Hawkins Store, Southold Suuthold Post OfficeS Southold Town Clerk's Building, Southold Peterson & VanDuzers Store " Sworn to before me this 26th day of Janusry, 1951. 330 Southold Park District ~eeting The annual meeting of the Southold Park District was held at the Town ClerkSs Office on Tuesday, Feb. ~0, 1951, at 8 o~clock p..~. The Town G~erk called the meeting to order and read the ~all of the meeting, which was duly advertised according to law. Commissioner Charles Van Duzer wes elected chairman of the meeting. Chairman Van Duzer appointed the follQwing, Ralph p~ Booth, Owen Averatt and Alexander ~Koke tellers~ The Tellers~ere ~worn in ~y the Town Clerk. ' The chairman then awaited nominations fQr a commissioner for a term of three years in the place of Rensselair G~ .Terry, $~ whose term of office~expired, Nr. Terry declined to ~un for another term. Gottlieb J~ Nickles was nominated and duly seconded;as there were no other ~eminations the clerk was instructed to cast one vote for ~r. Nickies. The Chairman declared E~. ~ickles dulyeleote~ a commissioner For ~ term of three years. The chairman announced that the commissioners were asking For an appropriation of $~,000. for' maintenance of Park District properties. E~en the ~allot was formally declared closed the Tellers ten vo~es cast all sfFirmative. The chairman declared the budget duly passed. · The chairman stated he had received an estimate of ~1705.00 from Ralph T. Preston to repair the deck at Founders Lan~ing, which when completed would be shortened 80 feet. It was the considered opinion of those present it would in the interest of the Town to h~ve the repairs made. It wa~ regularly mSved, secbnded and carried that a vote of thanks be ex~ended to Rensselair G. Terry, Sr., For services rendered to the Park District as a commissioner for several years. This appreciation w~s show~ by a rising vote of thanks. Adjournment .was ~t 9 Ralph p. Booth Town Clerk