HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12404 P 754 , L1)lttt( I e 1"JL! ~ ,. ;C7-.4-G:> ,Stondlrd N. Y.B.T,U. Form 8002 . Borgoin end Sole IlotId. with eoVlnont ogoinll GlIIltot. _ - Unilonn Acknowlodgmlnl Fonn 3210 CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUIIENT-THI8INSTRUIIENT SHOUUl BE USED BY LAWYERS ONLY THIS INDENTURE, made the gll clay of August, 2005 BE1WEEN DEAN F. TUTHILL, residing 713 Maiden Choice Lane. Apt. 1304, Catonsville, Maryland 21228-3632, the party of the first part. and IVAN TCHEBOTAREV SUPPL.EMENTAL NEEDS TRUST, c/o North Fork Bank Trust Department. 275 Broad Hollow Road, Melville. New York 11747. the party of the second part. WITNESSETH, that Ihe party of the first part, in consideration of TEN and 0011 00 ($10.00) dollars, and other good and valuable consideration pald by the party of Ihe &eCOnd part, does hereby grant end release unto the party of Ihe second part, the heirs or successors and llssigns of the party of the second part forever. All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, s~uate, lying and being at Matt~uck, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the .,asterly side of a 3O-foot right-of-way distant 464.52 feet northerly measured along said easterly side of said 30-foot wide right-of-way from the intersection of said easterly side of said 30-foot wide right-of-way with the northerly side of WICkham Avenue; said point being the northwesterly comer of land now or formerly of Ralph W. Tuthill. Jr.; RUNNING THENCE along said easterly side of said 3O-foot right-of-way, North 23 degrees 59 minutes 50 seconds West, 101 feet; RUNNING THENCE continuing along said easterly side of said 3O-foot right-of-way and land now or formerly of Elaine Benedict. NClrth 25 degrees 25 minutes 00 seconds East, 182.0 feet to land shown on the Map of Wolf P~ Pond E'lItates. Map No. 8983: RUNNING THENCE along sakI lands two courses and distances as follows: 1) South 84 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East, 146.22 feet; 2) South 27 degrees 19 minutes 00 seconds East, 126.60 feet to land now or formerly of Ralph W. Tuthill. Jr.; RUNNING THENCE along saiclland South 61 degrees 33 minutas 30 seconds West, 273.75 feet to the point or place of BEGINNING. .... ~ . ,.... .....1,1, ''-\. oI.:\.t""v\u... TOGETHER WITH an easement for ingress and egress to Wickham Aloenue over the said 30-foot wide right-of-way as set forth in Liber 7046 page 188. Being and intended to be the same premises conveyed to the party of the first part by deed dated 11/1on1. recorded 11/12/71 inl Uber 7046 page 188. the grantor herein being the same persons as the grantee in deed reconded il~ Liber 7046 page 188. TOGETHER with all right. title and Interest. if any. 01 the party ollhe first part in and to any streets and roads abutting the abOve described pnsmises to Ihe center lines lhereof; TOGETHER with the appuntenances and all Ihe estate and rights of the party Ilf the first part in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOlO the pnemises henein granted unto the party of the &eCOnd part, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. ANO the party of the first part c:ovenents that the party of the first part has not done or suffered anything wheneby the said premises have been encumbered in any way whatever, except as afonesaid. ANO the party of Ihe first part, in c:ompliance with Section 13 of the lien Law, covenants that Ihe party of the first part will receive the considerationl for this conveyance and will hold the right to receive such consideration as a trust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying Ihe cost of the Improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of Ihe same for any other purpose. The word 'party' shall 108 construed as if it read 'parties" when ever Ihe sense of this IndentuRl so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the party of the first part hes duly executed this deed Ihe clay and year first abOve ::;ESENCEOF: 0 ~ .J. V ~ . Dean F. Tuthill fd...dll . TO BE USED ONLY WHEN THE ACKNOWLEDGMENT IS MADE IN NEW YORK STATE state of New YclI1<. County 01 Suffoil< sa: Sta18,olll_ Yort<. County of Nassau ss,; On the ~ day of Auguat. In the year 2OCI5. before rill.. the undlnigned. personally appeared DEAN F. TUTHILL peraonalfr known 10 me or proved 10 ma '11I1 the baaIe of SIIlisIac:kl'ry llllidenao to be the indlvldual(a) whose name(a) it (are) subsaibed to the wi1hin inarrurnent and IIdcnowtedged to me that heIah"""ev exec:uted the same in hislher/lheir capac:ity(iea). and lIIat by hislherllheir algmllul8(a) on the inatrumer~. lhe indIvidual(a). or the person Upol1 behalf of which the indivklua~a)_, allllCUled ilia Inarrument fl4hj~l~ f. ..AlIA _ (signaturE' and oflIce of individual taking ~f"l!Rl.I.ON (signature and office of Individuall8ldng acknowledgment) NoIuy Public, S18hI Of N., YorII No.01FA4960148 Oua/lfllClln Suffolk Counly4-7 CommIalon ~IIM AIlIII 24, _ State (or IJisIricI of Columbia. Tarritory, or Foreign Country) of On the day of In the year On the day of . In the year before me. the undersigned. paltlOll8llyappeared peraonally koown to me or proved 10 me on the basis of aetiafactory avidenoe 10 be the Indlvidual(a) whose name(a) ia (are) aubscribed III the wIIhIn lnabument and lIcknowtedged 10 me lIIal heIaheIIhey executed the same in hlalherlthelr capadtYf18S). end th8I by hillherllhelr signature(a) on the Inalrument. the indlvidua~a), or the person upon behelf of which the indIvidual(a) acled. _led the Inalrument sa: before me, the undersigned. peraonaVy appeared pel1lOrlal~' known to ma or proved 10 me on ti!18 basia 01 satiafactory evldenca to ba fhe individual(a) whose name(a) ia (are) subscrtba'd to lhe willlin Inalrument and ecknowledged III me thet heIahlIl1hey axecuted lIIe same in hiaIherIlheir capaclly(les). and tha1 by hi'oIherllheir signature(a) on lhe inatrument. the indlvidU8~a). or the person upon behalf of which the Individual(a) acled, axecuted 'the Inalru"","t. and thet such individual meda such appearance before the undersigned In the In . (in.erllhe City or - poIilical subdivision) (and il1l8n the Slale or Counlry or _ pIaos Ihe ICknowIedgment we. taken) (signIIlure and oflice of individual taking "'*'-Iedgoment) Notary Public BARGAIN AND SALE DEED WITH COVENANT AGAINST GRANTOR'S ACTS Tille No, DEAN F. TUTHILL TO IVAN TCliEBOTAREV SUPPLEMENTAL NEEDS TRUST STANDMD fORM OF HEW YORK 80MD OP Tm.I! lJICI)I;h...n11 IUUI ~by o COmmOn~!~~",.~".." (.(J\l'"'""....'EAI.TIlI.ASI) Tnu:: IS5UItA~~ Cm<<l'A."Ii'l" SECTION BLOCK LOT COUNTY OR TOWN STREET ADDRESS Recorded at Request of COMMONWEALTH lAND TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ~ ~ ~ I ~ ! 0: o ... ~ lli ! B .. II! I.' . - 11 2J.. . I Serial # RECORDED 2'005 Rug 19 11:37.39 ~ Edward P.Romaine ClERK OF _ SUFFOLK COUNTY L ??oo12404 P 754 DT. 05-03062 Number of pages ..j TORRENS Cenificale 4' Prior CIf. # Deed I Mortgage Instrument Deed I Mortgage 1ix Stamp FEBS I :1J RecordiDg I Filing Slamps Page I FilinE: Fee Comm. of Eel Affidavit 5. J!!L Mortpge AmL 1. Basic Tax 2. Addilicmal Tax ~ub TOI8.I SpccJAssiL or Spcc./Add. TOT. MTO. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County _ Held for Appointme 'Innsfer 1ix lJ,arJ. a::L. MansiOD Tax H8DdIing TP.584 5. J!!L Notation , EA-52 17 (COUIIty) 'EA-52!7 (S~IIe) R.P.T.S.A. Sub Total $J~ ~ DiSI.//l3;J Section In: Il) I Block 0'1,8'1 Lot n(,,~ Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification lbc propeny or will be . family YES by this mortgage is proved by a ODe or two g ooIy. or NO Certified Cop\)' . NYS Sw:c!w:ge . Other IS. J!!L Sub Total ChandTotal~ If NO. see a pqe# 05032242 1000 10700 0400 006000 ~p:rs.. R:s~ 17-A CPF Tax Due 3It, ""n $ ","SoO.f7r} Improved ./ Vacant Land ~ SatisfaclionslI>iscJwgcslRe.leascs liS! ~lQ'\y Owners Mailing Addn:ss .!.J RECORD" RETURN TO: 611~'f 1=. OWO, Esq. IJLS&AJ -I- OJ..S€"III, i.Lf' p. t) . Box .701.D &.t 1t1{(JGU6', AI 'I I Jq JS' TO TO TO ~ Title Com Infonnation Co. N e ~lJmhl'NUlR~ 7iT1.Jj 1iI1e# ~IIIJ~.J(J I Suffolk CountY-Becordine & Endorsement Page 7 /JtmN F': "'-UT#ILL BAh;/fJAI 1h.!J} SAl.L' lJtre1J (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) made by: This page fonna part of IiIc: attached The premises herein is .illlaled in SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK. TO In Ihe Towuship of ,)6un1r1LlJ II/AN T t::Ht!!8" 7>>- t!: V" C;; ,P"""",,,, - .TIIL 10 IiIc: VlLLAClB Nt'1m 72u&r or HAMLET of /lJArnT7.1lU1' BOXES 6 TIJIRU 8 MUST BB TYPED OR PRIN'I1ID IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. ,....,....\ - I 1111111 1111 11m 11I1I11I11 ~IIIIIIIIIII" 11III11111111 1111111111111111111111111 StJl'I'OLK cotrftY CLERK RZCORDS OJ'll'ZCB UCORDZHG PAGE Type of :ED.t~t I DBBDB/ImI) Nllmber ()f Page. I 3 Receipt .-her I 05-0087062 'rJUUlSFI!:R 'l'AX 1lroDER.: 05-D3062 ReCOrc1ed1 Atl 08/19/2005 11137139 All LZBBR: PAGE: 000012404 754 Di.tricl: I SeotiozlI Bloclu Loti 1000 107.00 04.00 006.000 BXAIIDIBD AIlID CBARGBD AS I'OLLOWS Deed JUacNDt I $300,000.00 Reeeiveli the I'ollowiDg Pees Iror Above ID.t~t .....~t ....~t Page/PiLlillQ $9.00 80 HlUIdlillQ $5.00 NO COB $5.00 80 IIYS SJI~O $15.00 NO 1!lA-C"1'Y $5.00 80 BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 80 Ce.rt.Cop1e. $0.00 80 RPT $30.00 110 SC'l'II $0.00 80 'l'Z'aDsft.r tax $1,200.00 NO C_.Pre. $4,500.00 IiO Pee. Pa1d $5,939.00 'l'RARSPBJI TJIX IllUllBBRI 05-0306.1 '1'Il:ES PAGI: :ES A PUT OP TRI: ms'1'RtDuiII'l' '1'Il:ES :ES SOT A B:ELL Bdward P. RalllaiDe County Clerk, Suffolk County FOR COUNTY USE ONL V i:1. SWlS Code PLEASE TYPEORPRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING-ON FORlllf --- INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.~rps.stsle.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT . "L{,.1..J, g, ,~ C2. Da..l_ -- ,11 ~ tf I'r.f:!, C3. _ I J. e;, t.{" CJ, L/I C4. Page LL ~ LI. PROPERlY INFORMATION I ""'-L 4583 LocatIon .,.......... L Msttituck - tin DIIlDWN ......... L!:van Tchebotarev Supplemental Needs Trust I MI_ IAIU......'CQIINNY - ,lit .sTATE OF NEW YOAK STAlE SOARD OF REAL PAOPEIITY 8ERYICES RP - 5217 If,P-.l.II7 ~Nf7 Wickham Avenue ilRIII, NoW& New York .......~ I 11952 ..- ---- L LA&T ......,COMNNY -,- 3. Tax IndIClII where lUlU" T... BiIs..to be MIll L ..... . G........"'- _Iol_ oflDnnl A..... LQfNAllt/U/lWlM't HqlNAMII L a""L[f~A'Ctlll1ltlNA11[ ON.. _ .'ATI lIP""" .. 1ndIuI. ... number at AM........ Roll plllUll tr......... on the ... 1 I 'afP'reGbI OR 0 P.rtof....1CCl1 ....- l -... SI.. FIIDWTFlin I X I "'"U lOR' .~. 1.0. 0, 1Only._of.._..-.......,_ 4A. Plan....... Boonf '"'" __ AuIIlon\y Ex... 0 . ~ Approval- flaqUrBd lor Trn., 0 4C. -_ ""........-..........._ 0 ...... -.. L!uthill lASIliMII! I t'OM'ANY Dean F. .....- L IAlrJtMHo/~ -,..... 7. CMdl the b(~ below which flINt ......taI, ........ thl. UN of the property . the 1ImII of ....: A~ One hmllv~i" H 2 013 F....av ......nlllll C X RnidlIIIIiII V_nt UncI D Non-R...... Vacant Unci 'SALE INFORMATiON) 11....._.._ I; ~ ......hul., F ConvnouoIoI _ G __ H EnIOrUIlnment l Amusement ~ Cammunl1y_ J I_I . Publlc_ L F_ CUIk 1M __ ....... .. thew appIr. .. 0wnerINp Typo I, CondonNnlum a. New ConItruc:Iion on Vecant Land 'IIA. Prapeny LacIIId within WI Agriculw" Diluicr -.....-.-.--. thIC IhI property . In an AQricullu,. DiItrid o o o o 10 I 1 Man\tI Dlf 1 04 v., '1. ce-Ic. _.. mar. 01_....... _ .......... t:D 1I'...r.: ^ s.~ BeIween .....tl..... or Former RNIives II SaIa BaIwDon RfUlod Compgnla Dr Putnenlln Buaina. C One of the BuyeR iI.IO. hll8l I) ...,.., or SeIer . Gowrnment fIv-K:v at lending .....utlon e Dud TW-'" WlrlMty or Barpin and Sale lS9Icifv BeIowI F SrIIo of Fr-=aionll Ollila thin rOlInlGrolt (SpocIfy BeIowJ (i Slgnlftc;ant Chenge In Prop.rty BeMeen Taxable SUtuslnd Sale Clft II s.Io of au..... IncIudod In s.m Prk:o I 0It1..- U........ """"'.. AIfoclIng .... ..... ~ IIcIawI I Nanu 12. Date 01 .111 I Tr.....r 8 1 9 _ Do, I 05 v., ,3,0,0,0,0,0.0,01 , , . IFul1 SW Prico ill .. 101111 lmount plid b tho PlOI*IY mc:Iudiftg PliI'lOMI prop.rty. This paymtfII mllY be In lh, form of cah" othe, property or gooda. or !hI: UlUmpcion 01 IIIOI'tgIgos or .cctw obIlgatioM.l PIt1uD rOUlld to ".. ,.,.,.., ,." dollar amount ,..-..........- 1 .0,0,01 .......y 1M..... In 1M .... . I ASSESSMENT INFORMATION. Do.. .hould reftoc:t ,h.lat... Final'Aaaontna", Rolland Tox Bill 1I.Y_"__lloIIhm 104/05111 T___V_I...._In_'I -......-.- . '3. FuI .... PrI.. , , L 2 , o o 1I...._vc... 13,1. LI-U 11._Il1o"'-' 1 Mattituclr. ZD. T.. MIIp W.lltifllr(sll Roll klHtlittCsJ (If mOM tUn faw. an.ch ...... with 1CIcIIdaMI.......b4l I WOD-107-4-6 ---.J I I CERTIFICATIOr[] I rertl'y ibid uIJ 111.... ~ I~ W'oruatIaa mItnd 1111 IhIs hnn Mn I"" .... cum."l'I 160 Ibr beol or..,. bIN...... ADd bItIen IUId I IUIdenIIIad IhaIlM ....... vi ""y .1IruI ra... _ '" _ loc' ....... IriII WIIIJtd .....lIlt ........_ or ,'" ....... Iuw ..,..II.... u.. -... .... ...... ..r...... I............ BUYER BUYERll ATTORNEY IVAN~~EV S By: N t Fork .j/ .... IA &y 3'913 S1",UNUMIl;. IrM"1 ~1AI"'n;."""1 Olsen u..._ Gary F. r1QTa,AMI: 631 .... COO< 734-7666 """"""....... m'7..1/1 L '-tIC em OIlICMN I Aft ITATI /17"'7 ..- SElLER ~~~~.~~ Sfl~"UMI"" Dean . Tuthill .1 1/1/ ()-b NEW YORK STATE COpy