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HomeMy WebLinkAboutTB-11/09/1950Meeting of November 9~ 19~0 The ~outhoid ~ovm Board met at the office of Supervisor Norman E. K!ipp at Greenport~ on Thursday ~ November 9~ !9~0. The meeting was called to order at 1:30 PoM. with the following present: Supervisor K!ipp~ Justices Terry~ Tuthil!~ Aibertson and C~ark; Town Suprintendent of Highways ~. T~wn Attorney Terry and own Cterk ~ooth. The Board sat at ~nce as a Committee o~ audit to examine claims against the ~own concluding the audit work at 2:3~ P.M. The Minutes of the two previous meeting were read and duly approved as'read. T~he Public Hearing on the budget was formally opened by the Supervisor at 2:00o'clock P.M. in accordance with the notice published in the newspapers of the town as required by law. The Supervisor read the call of the Hearing and as there were no interested persons having appeared before the Board to speak either for er against any of the items in the proposed budget~ the hearing was formally closed at 3 o'clock P~M. Mo~ed by Justice~ Ctark~ seconded by Justice ~erry: ~ffHEREAS~ the Town Board of the Town of Southold has met at the time and place specified~in the notice of public hearing on the preliminary budget and heard all persons desiring to be heard; now~ therefore~ be it RESOLVED: that the\Town Board of t~e Zown of ~outho!d does hereby adopt such prelzmmnary budget as o~gmnaily comp~led~ as the a~aual budget of this To~m for the fiscal year beginning on the !st day of January~ 19[! ~ an~ that such budget as so adopted be entered in detail in the minutes of th~ proceedings of this To~ Board~ and be it FL~THER RESOLVED: that the To~ Clerk of the Town of ~outhold shall prepare and certify~ in duplicate~ copies of said annual budget as adopted by the Town Board of the Town of $outhotd~ together with th~ estimates~ if any~ adopted.pursuant to Section 202-a~ subd. 2~ of the Town Law and deliver one copy thereof to the Supervisor of this Totem to ~e presented by him to the Board of Supervisors of the County of ~uffo!k. Unanimously adopted. ANi~L~L BD-DGET FOR RESOLVED~ that this Town Board does ~y prepare and approve as the preliminary budg~et of this Town~ for the fiscal year beginning on the 1st day of Janu~y~ 19~I ~ the itemized statement of estimated revenues and expenditurea hereto attached and made a part of this reso~ution~ and be it FURTHER RESOLVED~ that such preliminary budget shall be filed in the office of the Town Clerk where it shall be available for inspection by any lute'rested person at all reasonable-ho~s~ and be it FURTHER RESOLVED~ that this Board shall meet at 2o~clock P.M. o~ the 9th ~ day o~ November .~ 19~0 ~ for the purpose of holding a public hearing upo~ smch preliminary budget~ and be it FUR~HER~SOLVED~ that the ~own Clerk give no,ice of. such public hearing in the manAer provided in S$ction 113 of the ~own Law~ and that such not,ce be published in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF HE&RING UP0~ PRELIMINARY BD~GET Notice is hereby given that the preliminary budget of the Town of 5ou~hoid for t~e fiscal year beginning Janua-~y !st~ 1~ has been completed ar~d~f~ed i~ the office of the"Town Clerk~ at. outho!d~New York where it is av~lab!e for inspection by any interested person at all reasonable hottrs~ Further notice is hereby given that the Tovfn ~oard of the ~o~a of Southold wi!~ meet and review said preliminary budget and ho~d a public thereon~?~at The 0ffice~of the Supervisor---Greenport~ New York at 2 o'clock~ .... P .M. on the ~ day of November ~ 19~0__.0. and that at such hearing any person may be heard in favor of or against the preliminary 296 budget as complied or for or against any item or items therein contained% Pursuant to Section 113 of the Town Law: the proposed salaries of the following to,~ officers are hereby specified as follows: Supervisor $ .4 ~ 000; O0 Justices of the Peace (5 @ $1200. each) 6~000.00 ~own Clerk 24500.00 .~ uperlntenaent ~own Attorney . 1,~00,O0 BY ORDER OF THE TO~fN BOARD Dated: October ? , 1950 · Ralph P. ~ooth Town Cl~rk Highway Fund Machinery Fund Miscellaneous ~und For Snow Removal For Weeds, Brush~ etc. For Salar~ ~own Sup't. of Highways For Other Misc Purposes For Expenses o~ ' ' ~ ~o_wn ~up't. For Redemption of ~udget Notes & Interest / 8,000.00 ) 3~000,00 ) 4,000.00 ) 2~000.00 ) 500.00 ) 5,~oo.oo ) 95,000~00 38, 5oo.oo 23 ~ 000. O0 Public Libraries Memorial Day Observances Legion Post Rentals Public W~Ifare General Fu~d~ Fixed Salaries: Supervisor Town Cterk Hegistrar ~own Counsel Jugtices of Peace (5) Assessors (6) Receiver of Taxes ~ttendance Officer onstables Clerk for Oupervisor~ Sr Steno Clerk for ~u~ervisor, Jr[ Steno[ Clerks for Tax Book General Clerk Town Historian School Traffic and Special Officers 4~000.00 2~00.00 ~ ~00.00~' !~500.00 6~000.00 7~700.00 1,500.00 8oo.oo 23~35o.oo t~80o.o0 1~000.00 3,400.00 6 50. O0 ¥oo.oo 6~080.00 Rent for Superv~sor's Office Rent for other own Offices Printing & Advertising Office E~penses, Supervisor & ~own Clerk~.Highway ~ffice~ Telephone, Postage, Stationery, etc. Premi~m~_s on Bonds, Oupervisor, Receiver of Taxe~, i~ Highway Sup't. Clerk on Assessment Rolls Office and other Expenses - Assessors Office and other Expenses $ Justices of Peace Salaries - Clerks for Receiver of Taxes Expenses - Receiver of Taxes Supervisor's Traveling Expense Insurance - Compensation,~Public Liabi!ity~ Traffic Lights, · Highwa~ and own Beaches & Parks Office Expenses -_ Onstables Police Dept. Equipment & Operating Expense Fees to Physicians 10~000.00 200.00 1,200.00 7~000.00 61~480.00 475.00 1,200.00 1,000.00 i~400.00 600°00 1,200.O0 1,300.00 625.00 I~200.00 7OO.OO 300.00 7,500.00 750.00 7~700.00 50.00 Parks. Beaches & Recreation Lmfe uard, Salary at own Beacn E Office qumpment, for GeneraZ ~own Use Town D~p Attendant & Upkeep of ~umps Tax.Map State metiremen~ ~ystem Association~of Towns~ idembership Fees Shade Tree und Heat: Light[ Water, ~own Clerk's Office Advertising Fund ~xpenses Tow~ Hist0rian Street digh ~und · Inland Water~ays Improvement ~upport for Historical Purposes Binding& Indexing Maps Tov~ Barn Fence Maintenance Tovm Property~ Buildings~ ~ght of Traffib Circle ~ivi! Defense.Purposes ~ontingent Fund ESTI~TED RECEIPTS Heat & Light 2~000.00 3oo.oo ~0o.oo 4~O00.O0 200.00 6,000.O0 56.00 ~oo.oo 500.00 ~oo. oo i00.00 5oo.oo 2,000,00 %00,00 9oo.0o 1,2oo.oo 1~000.00 . 8F.oo ~oo.oo ~000.00 288,721.00 297 Per Capita Assistance for the support of Local Gov'ts. In lieu of Ta~es Tax Penalties. Licenses (Dog) Licenses Fines and Fees Concession at Town Beach Rent Mortgage Tax Unexpended Balance Orient Fire Orient. Light Orient Mosquito East Marion Fire East Marion Light Fishers Island Light Fishers Island Fire East-West Greenport Fire Southold,Fire Southold Light Southold Park Peconic Light Cutchogue ~ire Cutchogue Light Mattituck Fire Mattituck Light ¢1 Mattituck Boulevard Light #2 ~attituck Park ~ishers Island Ferry DiStrict NO. SCHOOL DISTRICTS. 2 Orient East Marion Fishers Island 5 Southold 6 Southotd 7 Peconic 8 Cutchogue 9 Mattituck l0 Greenport ll Laurel 12 Cutcho~ue 14 'Mattituck New Suffolk Unahimously adopted. 42,763.30 250.00 1~200.00 ~900.00 ~10.00 !~000.00 1 ~o. oo 4o.0o 4,000~00 20~000.00 70,313.30 3,000.00 1,173.00 2,000.00 2,500.00 1,213.00 1,600.00 7~325.00 F,880.oo 20~2~0.00 2,463.oo 4,000.00 1 637.00 i4 37F.00 3 ¥i3.oo 9~700.00 3,703.00 F78.oo 7,9~o.oo 20~000.00 112,760.O0 20,900.00 11,713.00 43,8~9.00 91,890.00 4,600.00 20,000.00 !6,400.00 67,420.00 1%!~000.00 !0~76~.38 2~,448.oo ~000.00 ¥83,'87F.38 Moved by Justice Ciark~ seconded by Justice Tuthi!l: Resolved: That the Town Board does hereby approve the letter agreement between the Fishers Island Ferry District and EIS. Wilcox in the opera'tion of the sessel Ranger in the sum of $4~668.49~ from Oct. 1st to Oct. 31; i9~O~ both dates inclusive. Unanimously adopted. Moved 6Y Justice Terry; seconded by Justice Clark: Resolved: That the regular monthly meeting of this Board be held at the, office of the Supervisor at Greenport~ on ~ues.~ Nov. 21~ i9~0~ at Unanimqusly adopted. Moved ~y Justice Clark; seconded by Justice Terry: Wherea~; the cost of materials and labor have increased during the past year t~ such an~extent that it will be impossible ~o complete all the work which should be completed to protect the surface of s~me of the roads throug~ the winter months. ~herefo're Be It Resolved: That we the members ~f the ~own ~oar~ of the %own of Southold~ do hereby request the County 'uperintendent o~ Highways ~o release Six Thousand Dollars ($6~000,00) of our reserve fund~ for the completion of this work, Unanimo~s!y adopted._ Th~ following Resolution was offered by Justice Henry A. Clark; seDonded by Justice Ralph W. Tuthill and was duly adopted by a unanimous rising vote, NHEREAS] God in his Providence has taken from our midst the spirit Of George ~, Terry~ and ~REAS~ George C. Terry was for many years a valued and public-spirited citiz~noof bur Town~ and ~ItEREAS~ he had served in public life in Southold Town with honor to himself and. his Tovm~ and WHEREAS] He had served Southold Town with distinction as Town Attorney for twenty-two years, There~oye~ Be It Resolved: That the ~outhold Town Board deeply mourns the passing of this associate and friend and extends its profound sympathy to the members of his family in their bereavement. Be It Fprther Resolved: That the Town Clerk be and he is hereby directed to forward a copy of this Besolution to the members of his fami!y~ and a copy of this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of th~s meeting and become ~ part of the public record of the Town of Oouthold, Moved b~ Justice Terry$ seconded by Justice Tuthi!!: Resolved: That the Po-lice Report for the month of October be accepted by the Tow~ Board and placed on file. Unanimodsly adopted. Moved b~ Justice A!bertson~ seconded by Justice T ...... Resolved: That General Bills in the sum of $4~4~1,19; Lighting District Bills i~ the sum of $1~381,~8; NonSreimbursable Welfare Bills in the sum of $79,~9~ Fishers Island Ferry District Bills account No. I in the of $!5~065.01; Fishers Isian~ Ferry District Bills account No. II in the sum of $~004,~i~ be and the same are hereby ordered paid, Unanimously adopted. Adjournment was at 4:!~ P.M. Ralph P. Booth ~own Clerk