HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12428 P 165 , - --- - -----------.- IJY2S ..-0. . 1)1-0-5 f I L-S NY IUS - Eucuror',Il<ed -lndiyjduoJ ... CoIporIIi... (SiJI". ShocI) (NYBllIIlOO.lI COSSllL T YOUR LA WYEK IEFORESIGNING nlls INSTRmtEIo'T. nllS ISSTRmlllNT SIlOULD IE USED I" LA W"o'EIIS 0"")'\' ~ THIS INDENTURE, made lhe do. \ day of December . in lhe year ZOOS BETWEEN EILEEN BERGEN TALBOT, rellding Rt 680 Fairway Drive, Cutchogue, New York as executor (execulrix ) of DALE BERGEN' 1A.~.A N:J;t-IT;:q .' Bungalow Lane, Mlitif . f~~S"Yiii~"" party of the filSl pan. ~lIua ni .,."I1:JuO . UNITY BAPTIST CHtI~~lIqlC1 f1o..:~L";~.'o;) Faetory Avenue. Mattituek. New York, >;; . :\ .A)..::)iG,,-:.Pi lhoY ....u\f. , . . .. : i ,~. ....1 \wlol1 L' .",,"1 'J:It \,lnl.-oO I, ,.; II. ',_ :1:'.. 'J _ CC: .C,C: ,:...!nl_.~I.."''''oIll..(....:.I1 MJ.....:i;n,r.l.:0 lhe lusl willlUld 1C:..lamenl of, , late of , deceased. part)' of lIIe second pari, WITNESS"'''TH. lhallhe party of die !ir.;1 pan. by virtue of lhe power lUId aulllorilY given in and by said lasl will and lestament, and in considc:ration of TEN and 00/100 (510.00) dolhus, paid by lhe parly of the second pari. does hereby gr-~nl and release unto the party of the seaJnd pan. die hei" or sua:es!;Ol'S and assigns oflhc: part)' ofdle second part forever, ALL that cenain plot. piece or parcel of land. with the buildings and improvemenl5 lbeJrOll erected. situate, lying and being in lhe SEE ATTACHED SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION TOGETHER wilh all righi, title lUId inleresl, if any. of the party of lhe fi"t part in and 10 any su-ee15 and roads abutting die above clescribed premises to the cenler lines thereof: TOGETHER wilh lhe appurtenances. and also all die estate whicb die said decedent had at lhe time of decedenl'S death in said premises, IIIId also lhe estalc therein. which lhc party oflhe lilSt part ha.. or ha.~ power 10 conveyor dispose of, whether individually, or by \inue of said will or otherwise: ~ HAVE AND TO HOLD lh.e premises herein granted unlo the party of die second part, die heilS or succes.o;ors and assigns of the pany of the second part forever. AND lhe pany of die filSt part covenanl5 that lhe party of the fin;! part has nOl done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been incumbered in any way whatever. excepl as aforesaid. AND lhe parly of lIIe Ii"t part, in compliance Wilh Section 13 of lhe Lien Law, covenants that die pany of the filSl part will receive the considc:ration for lhis conveyance lUId will hold lhe right 10 receive such considenllion as Q trust fund to be applied first for die purpose of paying the COSl of Ihe improvemenl and will apply the same first to lhe payment of the cost of the impmvement before using any part of lhe 10141 of !he same for any odler purpose, The woR! "party" shall be constrUed a.~ if il read "parties" whenever lhe sense of lhis indc:nlure so requires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,lhepanyoflhe lirst part h:isduly cxecuted lhis deed lhedayand year Ii"'t above wrillen. IN PIlESl-~-.;CK OF: ESTATE OF DALE BERGEN .,/6/.. i;r;:,fJ--u-l...oC Eileen Qrg Talbot , ...l'. . . SCHEDULE A Deseriotion All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being at Mattituck, Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a monument on the westerly line of FlIClory Avenue, 287.S6 feet southerly along said westerly line from a rail monument at the intersection of the said westerly line with the southerly line of land of the Long Island Railroad, said point of beginning being the northeasterly comer of land now or formerly of Francis; from said point ofbcginning running thence along said land of Francis South 72 degrees 06 minutes 40 seconds West 191.11 feet to a monument and land now or formerly of Bergen; thence along said land now or formerly of Bergen North 19 degrees 36 minutes SO seconds West 25.18 feet to land of Unity Baptist Church; thence along said land of Unity Baptist Chureh North 63 degr=s 38 minutes SO seconds East 193.99 feet to said westerly line of Factory Avenue; thence along said westerly line South 17 degrees 53 minutes 20 seconds East 54.02 feet to the point or place of beginning. Qo:\.~.. "~-Pll'r~~ NoIarV' Public. Stele 01 New YaIlI No. 6711 0115 QualIfied In SuflDlk Oaunly CanmII8ion Elcpi188 Sepl8IIIbIr 30. 2lI.Q1o ACXJ\TJWlF.nr.MF.NT FfMM FtM USE WITHJN Ntrw YClIIK STAI'l! ONU~ INrit ydlt: 5Mbsrrlbi,., Willlf'J'S Ad:I'II'IWINI"""" Cml!lN"'} S1ateofNewV.......Countyof )...: OnIlM: clay of inllM:y.... befOR: IIIC. 11M: undcnipal, pmonally "I'I"'3fl"I 11M: IUbscribinS willlCSllO Ihc fOR:J:OiIlll insuu"""'~ with ..'horn J ...; JlCI'5OIIIIly ""'IuainIcd, who, beillll by me: duly ....om. dill depose and say lh:n helshrllhcy ..sidelS) in (jflM p/IIa ofraidtJn,.. is in u ""'. incluJ.Ih.."", und IIlKlllUlllNr. if any. dotm1Jl; dull hefsheIthey kno...(s) 10 be !he indivkluol desaibcd in and who ..cc:u1Od the fCll'lllOiIlll i/l5llUlllenl: IhII said 5Ubscribing wil\ll:SS WIS JII"S<IlI and saw said .,""IIIC 11M: SlIIlIC; andllw said ..ilnes. .. Ihc ...... lime su....ribed alUm 1M city ur aIMr paliliad SJlhdMsiDtl UItd IM'_ or <UIMIlry or hislhelflhcjr namel.) .. . wiln...IhereIO. orhrr p/IIa w aduto..~ ..... IUUIJ~ USBAaNOWLEDGMENTn}llMBF.JDWwmwN'iWYo.tKSTATRO.'VI.Y, Slate of New Vorl<, CCMDII)'of Suffolk )..., On ~~day of December in Ihc year 2005 bef"", me. 11M: unclasignod. pel!OllOlly appoaml EILEEN BERGEN TALBOT . ptISllIIlIlly k.-n 10 me ... provod 10 me on 11M: basis of liIIIisfll<Ull)' cvidenc:e 10 be Ibc individual(s) wbooc IIIIIIIC(s) is (....lsub5cribcd 10 the ...ithin insuumcnt and ~ 10 me IhII helsh6'lhey cxtC\IIaI Ihc .ome in hWhcrltheir capaoi1y(ies~ and lhat by hisIherf1hcir sigaalure(S) on Ihc inslrumcn~ Ihe indhidual(sl. or Ihe pmon upun bch:IIf of which 11M: indhiduall') acled. ....Uloxl lhc iD.'IlrUlIleI1I. KxF.cvTOR'S DEED Isuf\'IDU.\LOI C'oltPQRA11ON' TfTlLNo EILEEN BERGEN TALBOT, a. Executrls of tbe ESTATE OF DALE BERGEN TO UNITY BAPTIST CHURCH w ~ o ~ 8 II! ~ .. !! II: Ii! .. ~ '" ~ ~ w I ,".;1lIo USIlAaNOWlEIX'.MENrFORMlIELOWwmuNNEWYOIlKSTAJEONLY, SfaIe ofN.- VorIl, County of )so.: On the day of in 11M: year befon: me. lhc uncIcrsipxI. personally IIIlIlCIII"'I perrona11)' known 10 ""'_ or_ pnn'td \0 me: on lhc basis of satisfacro.Y evidence ID be lhc individuol(s) whose Il1IIIO(1) is (on:) sub5cn"bcd 10 11M: within iDstrumeJx and 1duIow\cdsod 10 me: lbal hclsh6'lhey cxtC\IIaI !he ...... in bislhcdlbcir capoc:il)'(","~ IIIId Ilw by hisIherf1hcir sij;natureCs) on !he insuumeru. lhc individual{'l. ... !he person upon bebalf of whid11he individualls) 0CII:d. ..e<:utcd lhe instrumenL ~ap l8Ia~.&~~':'( .,. 11005 J .. Q c- - . 01.:. -" . n'l.;,'-.:'...,h......;J_ ACXATJWUDG...,eNT FOIL.., FOIl USHOInSIDIlNp' yClllK.~ATI!O.~LY, lOw oj!1fIIr or FtN'ftJ1t GMnaI Adil.~.W,..,. C""'I'owl ... ....................... .......... ...... .. ..... .)...: tC~ \'MW .ilbs.-. CfJlllUry. Prm"htanrMunlt:ipGlity' 00 Ihe clay of in the year bero... me. Ihc undeniisncd. pen;ona1ly appeared pmooa1Iy known 10 mr or proved 10 me 011 the basis uf liDIisf""~ evidena: ID be the individual(s) whose IIlIIIIO(s) is (....) 1Ubsc:n'bcd 10 lhc within insIrumcnl and ICIalowledso:d 10 me IhII hcIshoIIhoy exeaIled lhc...... in hislheJftbeir capoc:il)'(ICl$~ lhat by hislhed their siSDO\UR:(s) on 11M: ill5llU~!he individualIst... 11M: person upon bcbaIfofwhich the individuai(I)Ild<d,..cc:wd the ill5l/U11lC~ and lhllsuch indi~idual made such IIJlIIC3l'3IICl bef"", Ihe lIIIdenignod iD the DIS11llCF SECTIOll BLOCK LOT COUlooTY OR TOWN REaJRDEDATREQUES/"OF t1de11t1 Na1IonaI TItII! InslIJ'aJo<e CompIIIIY 1fEI1JIlNBYMA/LTO I" ~2 . .-...... 3 Number of pages Prior elf. 1# 311 RECOR!lEf:I 2005 Dee 29 04.43: 01 PM Edward P.Romaine CLERK OF SUFF(LK cOUIITY L ??oo12428 P 165 DTtI 05-21324 Serial # Certificate ii Deed I Mongage Instrument Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Slamps 4 Page I filing Fee IL <) ') Mortpie AmI. Halldling TP-584 I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Notalion R.P.T.S.A. 5 -LlPt:; 0() .t!L 5 <lO.- Sub Tolal EA-52 17\Coullly) EA.5~17 (Slale) Sub TOlal GRAND TOTAL -z.lJl- ~ Spec.lAssil. . Or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town Dual COUIII)' Held for Apportionllienl Transfer TaK 0 " Mansion TLX _ TIle propcrty co"ered by !his mortgage is 0 will be improved b)' a one or two fami dwelling only. YES or NO (fNO. see appropriale tax clause on page Oflh'9 ins ume 1. Certified Cop>, Comlll,ofEd, Affidavil Reg, Cop>, Olher IS" _' Sub Tolal .5 Slamp Real Property Tax Service Agency Verification Disl. Section Block 12200 0600 003000 LOI \ " I ,0 CPF TII.X Due $ '-0- Dale 6 Community Prescl'valitm FUllc Consideration Al1loUnl $ CHARLES R. CUDDY 445 Griffing Avenue PO Box 1547 Riverhead. NY 11901 - . ImproveJ V anI Lalld ,/ IlIilials 1 SatisfactionS:I':lI~cnarges/KeleiSFs'[;isiProperty Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: If) 9 8 Title Compllny Information Co. Name Tille # Suffolk Count Recordin & Endorsement Pa e TIus page fonus part of tile attached DEED (SPEaFYTYPE OF INSTRUMENT) EILEEN BERGEN TALBOT, As Executrix of the Esta'te ot u/ue "erger 1he premiscs herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNIY. NEW YORK. made b) TO' UNITY BAPTIST CHURCH In the Townslup of SOUTHOLD In the VILLAGE or HAlvn..ET of MATTITUCK U< ''''"I=C;: "TLrOl' n 'Jt, n Ir-T"'.....ro _"""......... ...._ __ _ . 111111I11111 1111I111111111111111 11111 1I1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDING PAGE Type of Instrument: DBBeS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt Number . 05-0134399 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-21324 Recorded. At. 12/29/2005 04:43.01 PM LIBER: PAGE: D00012428 165 District. 1000 Section: 122.00 EXAJIJ:NED AND $0.00 Block. 06.00 CHARGBD AS Lot: 003.000 POLLOWS Deed Amount: Received the Following Fees Por Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COli: $5.00 NO NTS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTM $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO ComIII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $242.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBER: 05-21324 THIS PAGIi: IS A PART OF THE INSTRtlMlI:N'l' THIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County Clerk, Suffolk County C1. SWIS Cod. I 1- "7.. '3, ~, g, rl cz. Dete Deocl Rocorded I ji-.I ~ r I ~0 C3. Book I /,...l. , Yo;2, ~ p...1 ,/ 6 ,5 PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.stllle.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW VORl( ITA.... BOARD OF Il!AL I'RllPSITY SBI\/ICES , . FOR COUNTY USE ONLY RP - 5217 1lP-5J1'J ""JIn PRQPERTYINFORMATION 1. "'-'v I 585 Loc.don 5111I:1:1 NUMKR Factory Avenue ITNI!T IMMf CII'l'OR10Wlltf Mattituck w.....-aE 11 1952 ~.- Z. Buyer N..... Unity Baptist Church LAliIN",."COIIIPAhY HUI, NMlE LASI NAIIM: I tcIP"ANY 'IQTNMA I. Tu 1ndb18 wh8ra future Tu Bill, .. 10 be lint 8U" II OCher Ih.. buyer IddIeu III boImm of form) I Add.... LAS'I N....'CX*I"MY fiRST NAM! STRUT NUMKJIl AND ITIlEET NAWI!! QrtClRIOWIiiI ..... .""" s'::"_ I - FN)N1 ...., Ix I Dl7T" lOR I 'ACIII!!. .1 ,2 I IOnIy.Porlol._'_............. .... PllMing BoInt wiUt SubdMalan AuIhoriIy exI.. 0 .. SUbdMlion Appronl WIll Reqund for TrII"",r 0 C. Pa_1 Approved fa, SubdMsIon with Map PIOVidId D ... 1nc&c.t8 tIw num., 01 ~ Rail ...... tran....... on the .... . 1 I, of Parcel, OR D Pari of . hn:el e. hi.., Nom. Eileen Beraen Talbot. Executrix of the Estate of Dale Beraen LAlrHAMe/COMPA,,"" nllSTtM_ LAIr HANEl COMMNV NWT..... 12. o.te 01 SaIIII Tr....r., 12 -. I!).~ Do. 105 -, -...--......- I. ewn.ship Type Is Condominium I ~ Community S.rviCI .. Naw ConItructlon un V8CMI. Land J InduAri. 1U. Properly lOCIIId within In Agricutlul. Dillrlct K Public Sarvica ,.. BlI1W"'iwd . diKlQlUrII nodctI indadng I. Ford ttwr the IWDPIrty I. in In AgricuItw.1 DiItrict ,.. a-k _. mGIW at ~...ado... _ ""''''''1'10 tI-..fw: A SIla IIotwoon Ralativa. ar Farm.. Rmalive. S 5810 Bacwocn Relmad Campanl... or PlirtnDl1lln eullna.. C Ono 01 the Buyon ia ..., a S.II. D BlI'fDr or s."r .. Gcn.mm-n AgIIney or Lending Il'1ItItutIon E Dead Typo not WIIT'my or eargaln and SaiD ISpeclry Solow) F SaID of Fractional or .....Ihan Fee ImMeM CSpgdfy Balowl G S1unlQcIl'1I Ch...uc In Proparty' IDtwaen TU.tJID Statu. and SBIa Dal H SaI. 01 Buli~ r. Included in Sel. Prlc;. I OCher Unuau.l FKtora Affecting Sale Prlee ISpedfy Below) J Nono Executor's Deed o o o o 1. Check lhe bOil: below which In'" _uralllly ........ III, u.. of the proparty lit ..... II.... af ..Ie: A ~ One F.mily R.idential B 2 or 3 Family Ra.idonlill C X ""ident~ VllC:Inll.Md o Non-Aelldentlll Vac:lnI UncI , SALE INFORMATION I n. .. eo.m.ct DI'I E ~ Agreullllrol F CommlfClol o Apartment H Entertainment' AmUHl'Tlent 12/~'b/05 Montn YDllr '13. Full .... Prlu , .. O. II , II , , , . IFull S81a Prico . the loIIIlmOunl pIIld lor die property including panOMl pr0p8rry. This PIYfIlII't may be In thl form of cah. orher properly or gooda. or the -.umption of monpgll Dr oth.r abllg.don.., ,.,.,. round tG ,". n..,.., ~ do&, .",gum. 14. IndII:M8 1M._ at........ , 0 II II I __In........ ' ' ~ ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Detl Ihould ..'IoClth. IIIIlII Finll _men! Roll end TIO Bill ,... Y_r at ._--........ RoY from I _...__ _ n~ 'n,T__V.....Col.U_ln....-.' ; , ,1 0 0 , 'IL "'- aou 3 1 11-L.j '1. SeMel DIolrIct Nom. I Mattituck-Cutchoaue 20. T_ MIIp l.......rC-.1 , ......fIII...lllllf m................ ....... .a-t willi ......... ....ntIII..cllJl 1000-122.00-06.00-003.000 I I CERTIFICATION I J cottlry ""',....rllle .......of_ ............Ihio m......_ ...........110.... best of-.y _......... _............ ..........__ of IllY wiIJIj lIIIIr _ of"""" llId ........ .11....... _ to .... __ of the ...... .... n_ 10.... -.....1IIIDa vi' ___I>. BUYER BUYEJrS ATTORNEY tist Church .- 01. r~~ .,...." NU..II .falr.......W'1I:llUUI (Q~~""'" ,('\-c..T~ ,-- ~(~ ~;;x:O .-. Mattituck !/Y 1 1952 ITAn Dl'CCIDI; cnvOft'l'QWJw SELLER ;t~~;:4~th.'/~ ~ Eileen BerClen I 1 2/~OS .... Talhnt- NEW YORK STATE COPY . .