HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12399 P 860 , 0.. ("LL- 0-30) ~J7 j qo; f' ~bo '!itlli:llld N Y It T U "'1OlU-~ ..... _SIll u.I ,ftJan.-....... o.....-.Aal-WwiduII.C......(IiIwIr IIlIIIIJ CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFORE SIGNING THIS INSTRUMENT THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE USED BY LAWYERS ONI. Y THIS INDENTURE, made the l day of July. Two Thousand and Fivc BETWEEN PAMELA L. ANSHUTZ, residing at 7655 Main Road. Mattituck. NY 11952 Ilarty of the first pan. and '- CI7//1 S.H.CENrfRALPARKNORTHFAMILYLlMITEDPARTNERSHIP.with c/... "" fVp(Yr- ^m~O~ 1117(iU MIliIlR6l1f1. Mau;t.......l.f{ II':;:! ",,,'N/ ../fe1,,/4" party of the second part. )?.e "'"f!''', L.I-,It> .7~ ~ ""~'C7 ~'1.=:>1(,. WITNESSETH. that the pany of the first part. in consideration often dollars and other vliliiable (:onsideration paid by the party "f the second part, does hereby grant and release unto the party of the sccond part, the heirs or succ:essors and assigns of the party ofthc second part forever, ALL thai ceI1ain plot. piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being at Manituek, Town of Southold, Suffolk County, New York, bounded and described as follows: ALL that ecrtain plot. piecc or parcel of land, lying and being at Mattituck. Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York. bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Main Road distant 507. 16 feet westerly as measured lllong thc same. from the point on the northerly side of Main Road where the same is intersected by the westerly side of land now l)r fonnerly of the State of New York, said point being also the westerly side ofland now or formerly ofTMCK Associates; RUNNING THENCE along the: northerly side of Main Road. South 5] degrees 58 minutes 50 l;econds West. 120.00 feet to the 'easterly side ofland now or fonnerly of Sidney and Eleanor Packer; THENCE along said land the following tow (2) courses and distances: II. North 37 degrecs 57 mi~lutes 50 seconds Wesl, 100.00 feet; 2. North 23 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds West. 316.82 feet; THENCE North 58 degrees 32 minutes 00 seconds Easl, 39.12 fcetto the westerly sidc ofland now or fonnerly ofTMCK Associates; o.A \" 0' THENCE along said land. South 37 degrees 54 minutes 20 seconds East, 401.61 feet to the northerly <'" .1. I 'Z- 'Z-.~o !;ide of Main Road to the point cor place of BEGINNING. J~c\' BloJ< D' /Jd:' Said premises being known as 7655 Main Road, Mallituck. NY 11952 t enO' /..-' SUBJECT to any state of facts which an accurate survey might show. SUBJECT to covenants, restrictic)ns, l'CSCrvations, easements, and agreements of record affccting the foregoing deScribed premises. SUBJECT to zoning restrictions and ordinances adopted by any municipality. town. village or other governmental authority. BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises described in the deed to the parties of the first Ilart herein by deed dated December 18. 2003. recorded February 6, 2004. in Libcr 12299, page 800. The above premises is not encumbered by a credit line mortgage. TOGETHER with all right, title and interest, if any, of the party of the first part in and to any streets ~'nd roads abulling the above dellcribed premises to the cenler lines thereof; TOGETHER with the .- . . appurtenances and all the estate and rigllts of the party of the first pan in and to said premises; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein granted unto the pany of the second pan, the heirs or successors and assigns of the party of the second part forever. AND the party of the lirst part covenants that the party of the lirst part has not done or suffered anything whereby the said premises have been encumbered in anyway whatever, except as aforesaid. AND the party ofthe first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants that the party of the first part will =eivl~ the consideration for this conveyance and will hold the right to n:ceive such consideration as a t\"lust fund to be applied first for the purpose of paying the cost oflhe improvement and will apply the same first to the payment of the cost of the improvement before using any part of the total of the same for any other pwposc. The word "party" shall be construed as if it read ~Jlll11.i.es': whenever the sense ofthis indenture so requires. The real propcny conveyed he~to docs not contain well water. -. . . , Il'i WITNESS WH EREOF, the party of the first part has duly executed this deed the day and year first above wrillen. IN PRESENCE OF: ~l.Y' ~/,~- PAMELA L. ANSH STATE OF NEW YORK) ss.: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK) On the 3 day of July 2OOS, befo\"lC me the undersigned, personally appeared PAMELA L. ANSHUTZ, personally known IlII me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the individual whose nwne is subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the same in her capacil)', and that by her signatu\"lC on the instrument, the individual. or the person upon behalf of which the individual acted, executed the instrument. NOTARY PUBLIC ~ BARGAIN and SALE DEED With Covenant Against Grantor':1 Acts SECTION 122.00 RIChan:I Sotren~no NolaIJ Publlc. SIale 01 NY No. OI-S06071086 Qualfild In Nassau Collnty J CarnmIDaicln Up Man:I111. 2IJ.,;p BLOCK 06.00 TITLE NO. 05-7405-44281-SUIFF PAMELA L. Ai'lSHUTZ LOT 030.001 TO COUNTY OR TOWN: SUFFOLK Record and Return by Mail to: S.H. CENTRAL PARK NORTH FAMILY LIMITED PARTNERSHIP ENGLAND & ENGLAND, P.C. 2556 MIDDLE COUNTRY ROAD 2556 MIDDLE COUNTR Y ROAD CENTEREACH, NY 11720 , . ',. ~ 2J J 3 ,. s..'I'ial~_ RECOROED , 2005 Jul 26 03: 29: 16 PM ,Edward P.Roaaine ' ClERY. OF SLF.F.OLK COlJNTY L DOOO! 2399. D o,"n r.T~ 1"\d_'l::i:n"'70" Number of pages TORRENS Cenilicat" ~ Prior Of. W Diocd I Mongage lnalnlmenl Deed I Mongage Tax Slamp Fill'S Reeonling I Filing Slamps :IT: !'lIsel Filing Fee I Monsage AmI. I, 1la5ic Tax 2. Additional Tax - '" Handling ," Tp.584 Notation Sub Tolal !;A-52 17 (Cuunly) EA.52 17 ,[State) _ Sub '1'0181 Comm. of Ed. 5~ SpeeJ Assil. Or Spec,/Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town_ Dual County_ Held fur ^ppor1iunm~n} _..",... TnIIIlter Tax e:I-(p ~ R.P, T.SA ~-- Allid:1vit :2r Real Property Tax Service AgencY Voorification I Disl. I Section . B Inc:It 05028526 1000 12200' 0600 030001 "PT~ (r;;L "A UL.o~ Initials. ----- _ .3 Satisfactions/Discharges/Releases Lisll'roperty Owners Mailing Addrcs RECORD & RF.TURN TO: Lot '",pro.,-d Cenified Copy 'Reg. Copy Other Sub Total ORAND TOTAL ..JJA~ IIIJ Stamp , Date Vaeanll.and it-=:;.7 /,q... -I" ~"J 14" ~ Pc... J.r..r' m, c/ e:/ /". /~,-,,-/.... 7 #- c/. ('"c.,.,-h"(A~J,/ N." /171. I; TO TO TO 'l1his pugc lomlS JXU1 of the uttached 8 Title Company Information Co. Name "=;c.lv# ~ ~.,./ Tille # '" .:,-;;;rF'/- .S"'r-;,c:- Suffolk COWlty Recording & Endorsement Page ()~ ~ ~ -- lSI'EaFn'vPE OF INSlRUMENT) r r PI.. p..c /, , L..', ~,,':rJ.,-I:I .. __ made by: ..10 S ii. ~-r-/.-, 1 H,-it J'A. .rI~d I. ';> . M )-:;".A, The premises hen:in is sitwtcd in SUFFOLK CQUNIY. NEW YORK. In the To\\rudJip of _)~ . f , ,,'1/1" [n the VILLAGE or llAMLhT of m( -1-./7 A<- t( BOXES 5llllUJ 9 MUST DE lYPEo OR PRINl1:D IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. IOVERI ( 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 ~"IIIIIIIII 111111111111111111111 1111 SUFFOLK COtJNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFICE RECORDJ:NG PAGB Type of J:nstrument. DBBDS/DDID NUmber of Pages. 3 Receipt NUmber . 05-0077544 TRANSl"BR TAX NUMBER: 04-50786 Recordad. At. 07/26/2005 03.29.16 PM LIBER: PAGB: D00012399 860 District. Section. Block. Lot. 1000 122.00 06.00 030.001 RV"'1aNBD AND CHARGBD AS FOLLOWS Deed Amount: $650,000.00 . Received the Following I'ees I'or Above J:nstZ"Ulll8l1t Exempt Exempt page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA- CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATE $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $2,600.00 NO CQIIIIII.Pre. $10,000.00 NO Fee. Paid $12,839.00 TRANSFKR TAX NUMBER: 04-50786 THJ:S PAGE J:S A PART 01' THE INSTR'IlMBNT THJ:S J:S NOT A BJ:LL Edward P.Ramaine . CO\U1ty Clerk, Suffolk CO\U1ty FOR COUNTY USE ONLY PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:ll www.orps.Sl8te.nv.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT * STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES 14i,l7,J ,~,~ C2. Date IIIeed Recorded I e.? I -i7 I(.~!: I C3. Book 1/ ,.;2.., ~ , r. 7t C.. Poge L, ,a:';~,OI PROPERlY IINFORMATlON I ""'..,..,v...,z, t.Pr_L 76J"T" I ~ilWTV&U location S'Rln ItIlJUID --L......L. J sneT NAMl! L /7ht7,i,,,.c.k CITY 011 'fOWIrl! ..Bu.. L.J.H. C~..7""'/ ~~'< Name LAST NAME' C1OWAN't Ct. SWlS Code RP - 5217 .P...!.l17 .... JNI /71A. ;" A' e/. ,I(4,-f-1. I ..&;;,.,., J;'"L..-,..,..,l,J -..... I J;Zl ".-fJf ,;,J'A '~ ZIl'OOUi L I.AST NAM[ tCOWAN'f ",,1tAMf l. T.. lncliCltl where future Tax BilII.re to bt MfIl: L Billing If nUtll thin biJyw ...~ (. bonom of form) ~ ......IIoMIi.ICX)IIMt,Y ~PIII NilIUi L rrIlftTN~RNW.r""I:T ,.",.. ""'"''''''''' 51AII ..COllIE lofP.reel. ORD (Only . Pan .. . ParceQ CItec* It 1bIy IDPIy: 4.!ndicItI ....1 numlMr 01 ~ RaIl ,....; InMIerred ..... the deed 'Irt of . Parcel .. ..... I -..., Si.. nQN1FUT I X I ""'" 10,,1 'ACJIWi,' . I ~..-. /+ 4A. Planning &o.rd with Subdivilion AlMIotity ElliItJ .... .c::,....~1iIian Approv.l..... Required for Tran_ c. PartlSl AppnM!ld lor Subdivialan with M.p Provided D D D "Son. Nomo L ;::;/1 oJ /'. -/Z- LAStlwANf/r.otrllrANV ....,...... L I.AITNMI!,COMI"o\NV ,....- 13. FuU s.tel'rice , S- <.:) e> "=>C::> . . . 0 , 0 I , , . (FuU &.Ie Pra illl'le I0Il1 emounl paid fo, the proparty Incllldi"y POl1ona1suopenv. Thil paymtllllNlY be In the form of cosh. 0IhIr ptOpll1y or I~ or the ...umptlon of mortgagu c.. ather obligltions.1 PIeue round to "-Ik.\1II...11 whole dol'" M'IOcM1t. L ' E ~r~U'lUr.. I ~ Co'"""""'" So.... F Commercial J lnduIIrill 1M, Properly l.cJadad within an Agricultural Ddlrlct G Apllbnent K Public Sarvlce 1. Buyor 1'OCIivo:I. dllcloaur. notiGa ...ling H e....nainmBrC I Amulem.... L FOIOII IhIt lhe property it in... AaricutIuIW OitVlct 11. CI-* OM Of .... aI __ coadIIIor. _ ........ to ...nIIer: Sill ~.,. ReIeti\IIU or Former ReIalives si.. Betwnn ReIIQd Compil'lilllS or PIrtnen in Buaina.. One of tho Buyers is .110 . Selle' 'BuyDr' or &.liar it GOvommclfll Agancy or l.8nding lnsLituliorl 'Deed Type not W.,...,ty or Barglin and 511. (Specify IWawj . s.a. 01 FrDCtIonIII or Lou than Faa InIarUC CSpaclfy Below) Sklnlllclnr. ChIng. in Property Between TplbIe &gaus and S... Daft Sakt of Bullnou is Included in Sale Price Unuaual FKto.. AHacllng Sal. PrIc. ISp.cHy Below) N.... ChIcIl the.. ...., _ ther ..-v: .. Ownerstllp TVJMI is Condominium .. Now ConItrucdon on V8CGtIt Land D D D D 7. Qlldr; th.lMP! Wow whim most .ccurmty dnc.... tllIe UN of the praperIy d th. tlm. of sale: A ~ On. Fomily ROIidenlill 8 2 or 3 F.....ty ResldenI!.1 C RPid8l1l_ Yaelnt lM1d " n Nan--Ra16dentll1 V....llInd I SALE INFORI~ ". .... CantI'ICt DetII 7 I ,F MonI1 I,.,. lor I .'" -~ ,.., .... ~ 12. D.u of SlI" I Tr.n..... r I , I ifl 14. Indiute tIl. v...... of pelHMl I. I ,0 , n ,OJ ~rty ......... In 1M ...., , . ~ ASSESSMEPn INFORMATION - Dell lhould reflect thel Il1al1 Final"''It ...~t Roll and Tex 81111 ... Y.., 01 Ao_ Ro...... I to.~ 1 17. T.... Ao_ V.... Col. _In __,I which bd'oil"RlWan .akIn Lf3.LJ-LJ 'S.S_oIE_Nomo L.JV\~,.,JL. , ; .'$". ~ " .01 , 18. Property (:&au ZOo To. Map l,cIIIntt.....l~ I RDllldentHierls>> (If meaN than to"... .n.h sheet with addIUOMI ~.nUflerl.n D;.ol!:: /000 I 8u<: tt::' 6. Q..J 1 S.lW: /OZ ~, ~~ I CERT1FICATIEI I ~. tbal d vl tJw Itnus nllaCUI"IIIIIliI.. l.'IItered OD thhl: "II'1II 1ft true .... cornel lie I. behI vl mil" knowlerrlRt ad bellen IIIId I uadmund thai 1M nuJkInR vi...., "ilU'ul ,., Jbdtonlftll ~ malataI fafl twrHi .Ia IIIIhjtrt lilt' III lbe nnn"kinlti c# 1M Df'IIIII bnr nllllhl!- to dw III8khQlIDd I1Una of,. ~ BUYER BUYER'S ATTORNEY I (,;c./' 0,:3 o. :::.c.,I ? .~ . j~1ln ~ . .C~ '1.f.(J) ~~ D~lk 3~~~_" R~~~..~, ULJ ~ I ~~_L /Or}' ',,;ll"OR rc.... 5. TI .C a r." H!bm w~~~ ~~Il ,..... IQ'vJ 11l.IN,N,ll 9. It. .......CDDl W::f-.55'11 ,......... ....... NEW YORK STATE COpy ''1. y.q,; ....