HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12208 P 708 II d dOC;; PIO~ ':P ';,16. I n..... ~lr ""II!' - 1)00 1M. ~OO .... }\4.0 U .01(1) ~.OO. '1'",_~~'_"",,_,__ ...,__.._~___".._ _..~__ ~''''_'-'-'''-C'''_'~''_'~_~.'''''~~. (U!IlIm.T mUll UiWYU HJ'ClIUl ~lfiIiC 1WI JNSn.I:lMI:IH'r -l1IIIlNDwmtr"'"'" 1/1 III UlUft U\In'DSOfIfLY TBlSINDENTUltE,tMdelbc '3ihdayof <2e..+-. ,md1e,.. ~O Ool- 8QWUN ~Ar-5rJ PA l """",.;;,T aoS 0 t>c;.~ pho \r;. 1::>r:,,~, ~F'I++;+lJLLJJb-H~ I ':"2\. . i - i \ :.j --1 I Jlllft)'oflbc:flntput.IWI--n...CI........A OS R-. PPl-I_ e,.-..- ~r~ Ppt.I......::rl a.. OS (,.) t)...~ h.. I -=-. D... If r:: 1"",-- .L . -+. I ~ \ L-...& · -, '.-..-r". uc...........NO .l~ . priI't)' of1hc _d priIt. . ~ thltl IMJIIIft)' oflbc bs-n.ln~ ofT.. DoUInandOlbllf.."'-w. jli........l.... paid by lbc pat)' of1hc IICCOOd s-n. doos IIcnlb)' put _ 1'dc::luc Imto 1hc party of_ -.. s-n.1be ~ or B>c;IIQ(S __1M ofthopllttyoftbe HCoad plII1foeflZ, ALL lbM c:e.m plot. picccor~ oflmd, wlllt 1hcbm1clinpand ~tbcncm.~""'I,... _ beiag m tile l'\ '2:..-;;: 1'= ~(..k..= lj ~or (~J-r.=.J v I.;:. .~ TOO&TIIER wjllt all rigl:U,. tide ad imcn:st, if all)', of 1hc party of1hc fiDt plII1o( iIllUlll. UJ ... and l"OiIdI abutJjq Ibe ~bed pmnita Ie lho __ 1M ~ JOG& 1 nul wldt 6I.IlpfIOJo' ~ IIld 11161 IlIIlatc Illld riBfItI: or1hc JlIIlt1 orlbc b plII1 iIllIId foaldJll"l"'lm; TO RAVE AlQ) TO IIOLb die pnmi..,. bcrain Jll'Ukld 11II10 tho pIIIty ordle RlCood pet. die ~or .",. o('IlUIll -r....... of Ibe priI't)' or .lJM! HCOIId plII1~. {,.,' ~~:< . ;;; "1 "'~ ,. " , ., . .. - RUN1UNG 'Nlln.CE a l0l19 tile :$~uth"'cHltefly aldo' of - Deep' liel" .,Drille sguthe.'ull:.ecly: 1I1~n.9)hll at:c,~9l.. ~.."c,ut'V~*;..il!l,vif1~<" a , UrHu"9'~of;-330: 0- feet; '11' l'Hi9 tho!. 41.....i(lffeet; ~.'".:. u_.. : . '. '". ~ . I Tnt~ce soihhe 38 deg"eea :'3 mimJte8d'leQ.\:l~oL i,'~"'f!,ilet to Deep Hole Ccet!lc' ~':'?" , " . '."., -:--! TllelilCE; ....ell t er I y a 1011'1_ DuO' Bol", c['~e!c: A6;O, f..~~:c t:9-"a"p.o.i,n,p__ . i . . "M."~i'\' ~r ~., <IF. b""!',;l, " r: i\t.I~N1HC; T,,!~NCE North ~~_ deg["cHt6 QJ minutu'eut:. H9- feet: . TIiIHICE No tth 3(1 d11tqr.llGEI 1 J rni ou tllll Raat; 27.49 feet I RUNNING TUENCE Noeth 47 deg~oe8 11~mlnut~8 B48t'S9.41' feee to the J50lJthvestecly :Ilide of Ueep. Hole Drive. the p.oint or place of BIGINNING, ALL t1UJ t::ctlaill j>Jc>L ptl!l:'l' ~t[ tU1l.:'d or l.tttl. "".j.th dilC' "'H.tdtNp.!'l. ami t"npff~lrf!thfi~h\' .~eoi1: ~{..ulkL ..,.,,,.11' hin'lf ..".1 !"'inF. 'It. ilt Mattitud: in tlu! Town, of Southold, Suffolk County. Now york, bounded "fld ucsGribed "'13 fol10\;/~: UEGINWING dt ..l fHHnt on thI! :lcmthwf.!utcrl:,l rUde of neep ,Iole DI"I v'.'! , ,HstiHll 576.00 (eet :lo'Jthe/lsterly from tnlJ} southqaSlerly sufe of \l1clJard Stf(~etJ ,3;' fHll'!e 15 lirQ!QIlgell: TIH:;NCi: southed!;terly along the southwe'Ste:dy 51de of Deep Hole Drive uloflg tile ace of a curve having ,1 radius of 330.00 fellt, 'adistilm:::eof~1.0feet; / 'fHB:NCt: !>outh 29 tlegref.!!'I17 IOHmte5 )0 aecolldli "'IHit 200.0(1 fllOlt to toe wood ret.nnlfllJ \/aU [220 feet, mOl"<l O. ~Qs.s. to th~ High 1'liI tn. 1.1 nolI; 1'UE:I\lCE: northwesterly along thCf IHgh \>later Line 7') f€lot, more or less. ' , - , 'l'liENeE north 38 dUq~tl!:!ll 5), ",1 flutes <last" 205' het~ from: tl}1i'l retaining ....all (225 feet, rnorli'or le5s, from the--H1ghdtater , . '." . .'~ ". '<. ,. ~'..... rL';;";~ ~ .:~ to the southweflterly ilide 'of Deep lIole oriye,ith.l.l; ~~nt~:n,. place of BEGUUlING. '). . .,., ~ ~ ~~ - " I;~ ~ ,l .- - ":' L hI! l "" . .~"..... " '.;~ r. ~ SCHEDULE A ','J" ~: : '" ",',.' :.:.,,"": , . . ,i' '.'\,. II ..~, { ,',I;' ," if! >,'.~... '. ..:"" . ",' ,..:t;... 7 ..1;...'. " ~ : -. i:lI '" 'f< , ...._--_.._,-~ . ~.- \. _.' ".'. .,~ - ,'","' '"':;..,r:' ~ , r ~ .,,,,,., .I.. . I , I ;'1-"1 t 411.11. If,) i .' ;fU~ a 1"' €.~ fJ" . gj f~ti,lf lil'.'~ l "118m f , , 'Ii_.".....jii I I...,.:'.!! J. ! iI. ...111.. .,. a :. lll~ I 1fIJ l I! . .,11,] 1 U ... .~.'I... ; 11..111 I. ..:, . s '.e-i . :, 'Ii", . .1.1;1 II ! 'I ti Jd~l! t~ l 1 ~j ij!IIi:~ If ~} l 'U i In .f ~. l~ . ~11. J . ~ f 1 I I ,~ t If! tI JEr " f! ,tli !f f I; !~ jit' if I) 'I j sj ~r h ~.. It ! ~ II " ~ l - i'~ J 1 ~-z ~. \lI1~j J. fCI~~ . ::l [~ ., f ;:L CI - o 0';)',).0 ::.0 . .0 I'l\ TlJI~..... . o "'~ a -- ! JJJ3~ ; .' II II !,' ~ ~ ~!.,I II J g J fii".1 I J: c! ~.8 I i ! i IJWO DH!l:lUO:mI ~ Jlll'llIOll J:W4I SlHI. lI/IlIliI! Numhr:r (l(~.. U)$Utl;NS { ~ :.'002 Sep 1:1 Oh21:03 Pl'I EdwlM P.Rail.eiiM l:l...BiIX OF Sl,lFFtIU( c:ooKfV l !.lOO)l22Ci p 7Ci8 tin iJlrOO4~ Scrl~llJ CcnlfiC'..ce II 1"riIl((,V,II_ 0e1::d I Mll'I'I~ !m;lrul1ll:'nl J OQ.-d I Mtll1~"c 'Ibll SWIll' l'lil~~ R..'C\vding f l:diR~ ~ ~e f Filil1ll~' Hlindlfn@ TP,~ 5 Uti 1" Monpgc Amt I, 84ll!'i..'llilL\ L AddutiOOltl T,",\ S., Towl SplcJk6it m' Nowi.ln . _ 1~.~2 11 (CI~~~'_ p.~ ~_,_. E^.S~ l7 (Slllil<'!._,.,._""i",._,_ ~o aD S<ih'lhLiilJ_ Ctomm. .,1' Ed, j uo Sp..-c, I Add. 'I'OT' MT(,. TAX Dwll'i....'Il ._ ~l Cuunry _ H....d tur AJ'IlI.imm.'IIl_ 'rr.m,(a'lbll 0 MlIlIlIitln l1ax M.!'.T.!>,A AlTldlI>11 Gt'ilnd TilW.I J O;;;J.. ~ ~ ptt1p:'R)' .-u'lWftlby Uli~ ~~ h (If will be imf11'''''~ 11)0 II OIlC' or lllO'l> (.omit:!" dwclll.illl ..nl.~. YES ,I( NO _ . lr NO, SC(! ~*1l:l1l ~l_ on f'llP , ftf lhi. imlNlMRI C..'1'lOClL'fJ CflI'l}' R~,C."I'~ ~r ___rc.('~ ' Sl.IbToll.ll .. [)iMriel r Rotlll .. ~) 10.1 TlU Scn.i<.l:1 ApctII:)' I \oWi11..',liUnl1 &"cliun Blwk lot 5 ~"I"-tJ' ~~....Uoa ..... eon.idetnlltian Amount' _ 0203S301 ~. ;P~ESA 1';~ .._",,-'" 1000 12300 0400 OOSOOl .)1 CPF TIU< Ou.~ s Ii Snljll"liI\.:Ut'",(IO~"blIIlC~k",\c:~ Ll.lIl Prop.'fly Ow~ M:.Ullng A~.. RECOJW II RRTUR.... TO: K,"r'"ErJ'; I D h-.., p,~ 1_f2r- PO. BOx. ckl 'B (\..1+ L,\-. Oifr:. rJ. b-, \Iq~ ImpnweJ__ y....'ll.IlI..__ Tn 1'0 TO 7 Tille Com a lJrforaIatioa Co.NlllI'k.' nIle' Suffolk Count Recordin 'Dr::;. .- b ~. . u _ t f) ISI'IiClfYTYPEOHNSTIUJ.\{E!\"Tl 'b.;;ei,;:> ~ r-I'=' ,....l--Y ~ b.~ ,-- l~ pmml_ h.m:illl> lIillil<lllied ill SUFFOLK (.'OlINT'Y. IIII:W YORK & EndorsementPa lli. ~" 1.'I'm~ p;m t>l thi.- ::lI1a<'ht.xl ItliIdI: ll)'; TO D III llle Thwllllhip..1 ~...J:::l hI> Cd ~~~~. ~reJ;:~,- IlllhcVlUAGE - . - - .- , 1 )C 'lI'llAMlEf"f BOXES" THRU I MlJSTBE TYPED OR I'KINTEO IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO REt"ORDINO OR I.IJUl\:'C. . IIIIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111 SUFFOLK COtJN'lY CLERK RECOans OJ'l'lCE RECORDING PAGE Type of Inatrument: n~EDS/oDD ~of Pages: 4 TRANsnR TAX NOMBER: 02-06435 DUltrict: 1000 Section: Slock: 123.00 04.00 EX>>U:NtD AND c:HII.RGED AS $0.00 Recorded : At: LIBBR: PAGE : .Lot: 005.001 09/.13/2002 01:21.:03 .1?If 000012208 708 Deed Amount: l'Ot...I.OiWs Page/Filing CQE ~-CTt TP-Se4 RP'1' Tral'UJifer tax Received the Follow~ng Fee. For Above Instrument Exempt NO Handling NO NYS SURCHG NO &A-STATE NO Cert. Copi.. NO SeTH NO C<:Iall'ft .Pre. Fe_ Paid $12.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $30.00 $0.00 $5.00 $15.00 $25.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $102.00 IJC4IlIIIp1 NO NO NO NO NO NO TRAMBFER TAX NUHSER: 02-06435 Tfl IS PAGlt IS A PART OF '1'Ht: UIS'rRUHENT Edward P.Roma1ne County Clerk, SUttollt County PLEASE TYPE OF! f>RJ:'SS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FdRM INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 ,. Pr"""."Y I Location },/.:, u STREET NUMBER h". l ~", CITY OR TOWN \), "b, \,~ STREETNA\1E \( \ ), \"-'1 l ..--...... ~ I'. LAST NAME I COMPANY , . iln 1_.. , LAST NAME! COMPANY 3. Tax Indicate wher~ future Tax Bills are to be sent Billing if other than buyer address (at bottom of form) Address Ii." FIRST NAME 2. Buyer Name LAST NAME f COMPANY STREET NUMBER AND STREET NAME CITY OR TOWN 4. Indicate the number of Assessment Roll parcels transferred on the deed # of Parcels OR D Part of a Parcel 5. Deed Property Size I i,'\ I xl ~ 1..11 '" I OR I 'ACRES' . 6. Seller Name I'r,\.~,"" LAST NAME I COMPANt LAST NAME I COMPANY 7. Check the box below which most accurately describes the use of the property at the time of sale: , A~ One Family Residential E ~ Agricultural B 2 or 3 Family Residential F Commercial C Residential Vacant Land G Apartment D Non-Residential Vacant Land H Entertainment I Amusemert I ~ Community Service J Industrial K Public Service L For~st (, 11. Sale Contract Date / / Month D', Year 12. Date of Sale I Transfer (; / I :::>j / () )..1 I Month D" Year , ,1) , 0 , 0 I , , 0 (Full Sale Price is the total amount paid for the property including personal property. This payment may be in the form of cash, other property or goods, or the assumption of mortgages or other obligations.) Please round to the nearest whole dol/ar amount. 13. Full Sale Price 14. Indicate the value of personal I 0 0 I property induCl,d in the sale , I I , , . I ~ ' ~~".~K&__~~'im~ 16. Year of Assessment Roll from I 0 -I I 17 Total Assessed Value lof all parcels In transferll which information taken I . REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT STATE OF NEW YORK STATE BOARD OF REAl PROI't!RTY SERVICES RP - 5217 RP-52171lev3m VILLAGE It Cj ". l ZIP CODE ~ r'O r \.ifi. F1RSTN ME FIRST NAME STATE ZIP CODE (Only if Part of a ParceU Check as they apply: 4A. Planning Board with Subdivision Authority Exists .. Subdivision Approval was Required for Transfer .ce. Parcel Approved for Subdivision with Map Provided D D D v.. FIRST'!Ml FIRST NAME Check the boxes below as they apply: 8. Ownership Type is Condominium 9. New Construction on Vacant Land 10A. P':Operty Located within an Agricultural District .,~. ~~({~ a disclosure notice indicating . !~::' '"the the roperty is in an Agricultural District D D D D 15. Check one or more of these conditions as applicable to tranSfer: A B C D E F G H I J Sale Between Relatives or Former Relatives Sale Between Related Companies or Partners in Business One of the Buyers is also a Seller Buyer or Seller is Government Agency or Lending Institution Deed Type not Warranty or Bargain and Sale (Specify Below) Sale of Fractional or Less than Fee Interest (Specify Below) Significant Change in Property Between Taxable Status and Sale Dates Sale of Business is Included in Sale Price Other Unusual Factors Affecting Sale Price (~iecify Below) None , , ; .'.7. U 01 , 18. Property Class I). , J .u I-LJ 19. School D;....lct Nom. I So v 7 1/. /.. t> ; 20. Tax Map IdentlfierlsJ I Rollldentifierlslllf more than four, attach sheet with additional identiflerlsH / V ()O /,,13 aU f\ Lt. "0 . i' V v OOj.(l}'1 );;).3- Lf-S. J 1 ..... I certify that all of the items of information entered on this form are true and correct (to the best of my knowledge and belief) and I understand. that the making of any willful false statement of material fact herein will subject me to the provisions of the penal law relative to the making and filing of false instnnnents. ~aA BUYER SIGNATURE >;' . 1-.)' .., ~ f \.....' DA'E JoSO STREET NUMBER /Jeer /laic: Ofi'/tIC STREET NAME (AFTER SALEl JIM TT/fJ c j( CITY OR TOWN /vy 119fi- STATE ZIP CODE SELLER J( SELLER SIGNATURE I nu 7 ~ I' OI\TE BUYER'S ATTORNEY LAST NAME FIRST NAME AREA CODE TELEPHONE NUMBER