HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 371 I ,A ~ - )~-I L L-j~?,cl ) P 37/ NY IUti . Aclmml!loIndN"" IJo:d ('sU'SE SllftlllN"Un.; ~l OO:\'"SlJI.l" ,(nl"N lAW1't:1I BE.'uRE S,U;SI~"G THe; L~"'TRU)I";."lI..r. "Il11S IX"i1"RL"loIF.'TSIIOI.iI.D UE ('-"'iF'.D BY I.AW\'F.HS ()SI.\' Tills INIIF.NTURE, made !he >.~ Ju)' of --;-~,..9. , in !he year 2005 RF.TWF..:N ELIZABETH MULLADY. residing at 88 Osborne ,\\'enue, Mt. Sinai. New York 'r...:.J 't":HC:mv. lII<< Yo.... 10 ..:\to! ,i!,UIIUq YllAl'OI'I ~II~\~""O .o~, . ~:Il'l .":0'." ft' ;"1.. a.. lldrninis"'"or Uti.lnf'h. ~ ~ lIre!i.8.!~ ,\;!?_ 10" of 1219 Camp Mineola Road, nlkla J460 Camp lneola Rolie('a~u'&, NY Whn~i.odinlL"'",lConLho 19th .myof t"ehrual')' _ -,-i.n.theyoor 1985' '. partynflhcli"lp:lrt.R", as to an undivided one-half interest, and , ''''.\TOK .... .-C\~ RICHARD ROCES. residing at J460 Camp Mlneola Road, Mattituek, NY I"'lny of lhe ~"Cllnd pall. \\l..rNF_""..:TH.lhul....hcrcmi 1C.'llcn. "fudmini"'mliun "'Cn: il'i"iUL-d III the parlyt.r the Iirsl ran hy lhe Surrog..... Cnurt Suffolk Cannl)', New YorI< on Aug. S. 2004 uod by virtuo __ of Lhc pnwcr ..111.I uudtDrilY gi,,'C'n "y Aniclc II Ilf .hl: Elililles. Powers. and TnHil.)i I.aw. and in CI\lUoideratilm ,If 14 dllllar~. paid by the pnny of Ih..:: k"COnd part. .JOC) hereb)' Gnult and relca.\r unl~ the pan)' of the !'ol,.occmd pan. lhc di!olribuLL'1:5 (Ir ",UI.'CCS!\()r. and ussi~m of lhl.' pany of Ihe 2CCCond pun r'\I1:\'c.!r. ALl. that t:crt:.lin pJOt, pi('cl' or P'lR."C1 of land, with the buiJ.Jin{!:", and improvcmcn'",lhel'\."(llI en"(.'u."tI, !oilU31C. lying and hC'inG in thl.' SEE ANNEXED SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION BEING AND INTENDED TO BE the same premises conveyed to tbe Isabel R. Pocher and otbers. by deed dated 7/11/58 and recorded In tbe omc:c: of htf Clerk of Suffolk County at Liber 4493. Page 113 on 7/31158 TOGF.TII.:R with uU right.tillc and intcre>l. ifonY.llflh&: pany ofw finctJXIn in nnd loan)' "UC'':L\ and road... abutting the ah.wc dL.-...crihcd prcmi~"i to lhc tenter lint"s thereof: TOGETHF.R the ilJll'lURC1ta1'k:C!'o. anti aIM) IIU the ..."SIDle ,,'hich III(' said dt.'Crdcnlluad a the linn: of cb;w:dcnt', dc-oIIh in said pn.~i!C...,-:uKJ also the c:lllDlc Ihrrcill. which tht- pany oflhe finit pan ha.'i or h;J.s p:~"'''' lO C\II1\'cy lit di:op.'f!ooC (If. ",'hcthcr iJkJh'idualllC' olhc:rwiM:: TO HAVE AND TO HOtn lilt: pn:mi~", herein gr.mIL-d unto UII.' pan oflhe !oa."('IlId pan. the tlistributcL'S (1r ~1iUf') all a.'bifCllCC2t or the party nfthe 5C('ond pan f\lI'1:\'C'r, ANI) the pan)' OflhC' first pan CO\"C'naIlt51hatlhC' pany 11fthe' fil'."t pan has not. donI.' or ....uITcrcd an)'lhing whel'1:"by the said premi!oC!'o htl\'&: hI.'r.:n cncumbr:n:d in 3ny way whulC'wr. CACl:pc .'" .f,'I\,~l.dd. ."loUbjecllulht: uust fund pmvl."ionl' uf.'ioC'Clion Ihi~n of lhe Lic:n Law. lhe ",'oN -pany.' shull he ....nn.'truc...... lL' if il read ."panic.... wMDCver lIle '-CnSC' nf Ihis ind.:ntute ~ rl:lIuircs. IN WITNF_'4.'l WHEREO.',!he pony of lhe fin;! P"" Iw.< "...'Cu,ed lhis "',.... tIu: dny uod yo.r fi"l ull<..o Wrilll:n, ~~~ IS PIlIl.<F_'I;CE IW, U!1F.ACKl'<<1I1'U'.DGIf&\T ~'U/tlf IUUIW II'rn/l.Y .vf.To' InRK!iTATKO.W.I', Slale urN..., York, (:ounI1 ur Suffolk 10..: Orllhc ~ dov ol">1~, .:, ;, in "'" vcor 2005 helb"'ELi~~~~~rlll"Cd . pc""","lIy k""...n In n.. or JIfOYCd 10 me (111 "'" ..... or s:IIi5f....lAlIY evidence to beth: indi\'ic1waJ(lO) wtUL'C 11:U1JC(5) b; lart) r.ubscribcd 10 lhe ...ilhin in."""''''1 000 :K'knowkdBcd ", me """ hclo.hcIIhoy ..<<:ullO\l Ihr !i.llIDC in hi!Jhl..Tlthcir C"oIf'3Cil~'(il$). and lhal by hhJhcrllNir :tipl1abJn!(sJ on the in.onromeol. lhL- indi\'idu.Il(..l. UI" IhI:- pcl'iUn upun bdIolr or ...h.:1I lIk: iOOividuoU.lll<lCd. cx<cuu:d "'" in...uuI11CllI. ."1 . . IIOI'AIIY rl"" ',C ~"'" :~I-= .HEY I:, 1ICJr~ _ 01..... Cl,.. ' "'Iv' 1114711112 0.-- '..., , IidIDIIII 61- 1IInIII", _ ACK,\'01I1JJIfJ.Ift:^T "'OIW FtIB U.o;[i WaHl'" NEil'!'"../( STATE U...m IN,.. ,'Nt StWrrlhblw w,"'I',Ij AriIIuw/8/rnwM C,,,ijlOM/ SIaI.ofN....\"ork.Cwnlyuf )...: On the day of in lhe year Ixrnl'C' me. lhc: undcrsi!,.rn,..d. pcn.onall)' ;appcan.'d Ihe ~h!lll'rihi~ \\'illM."S2> 10 the rCll'q!()ing insuulWnt. wilh whum I an; pcr.<nlllllly acquailll<d. wll.. "'-;"8 by n.. duly ''''Om, dkl ~ and say lhiu ~q' n.~1!lo) in ({(Iht" pltll.V- njn1siJe""t' is in II dl)'. ilk:llM/r l~ Sin.,., lII1ll.UfWt 1~'ml1e'. if (l"Y. IIJnrcJj): lhut hl:h.lk:h.lN:y krxt\\'t~) 10 he the indivkluaJ .....'riill:d in Wld ...oo .',,,"'Vled lIk: rll"'lI'linll in....uumenC that said ~uhscrihing \I,'itnC'sf, WOCi present und saw Yid C:.lI.llX'uW the same: ilnd thai. !l:Iid witntlO."i ill tb&." ,;uI'l1l: lime :oubscribcd hi!J'hcdltM..ir ntmJl"fs) as iI willl:!ioll; LtkTCIo, ,\OMISL"TRA1'(IIC'S ))u:u 7"rru:N,}. ELIZABETH MULLADY. as Administrator of tbe Estate of Isabel Pocbe TO RICHARD ROCHES FIDEI.IT\' NATIONAl. TIT"'! . INSURANCE CO~II'All;\' .:. hr..,.,.,CltIIl.N:Ji ".w_tiIoFidlllily ,~....../ ",.".-.... ........,..l,..,4"........ I " I ~ II: l!; !1l ~ III II .. .. ~ i i USEACKNUWIJ-:DGMli.\T,-rJlt.If UJ.lIn'llmu.YNF....)"(nucSrAT1i().W.I.' State orN... \'ark, Counlyol On IIx: ckty or in lIk: ''I'''' her"", me. "'" undersigned. pcr.;olIUlly appc".n.'11 . ..........lIy "'own 10 me or JIfO,..d 10 me on "'" bu.";. "r OOli.r""",,>, .vk!o......., IA' he till: iOOi,iUuaJ(.lwhooc 1I:II1IC(.1 i. CO"" .ubo..Tihcd II) the within ins.,u",.", unci acknowlctlgc.lln n", ,"'t heI!ohc:Ithcv .'''''UlCd lhe saine in hi.slh.~ir cup;lCily(k""). and thal hy hi~r1Ihcir ~iVmlturc(') an lht: inMrnmcm. the il'1lJivMJualbJ. tlf the JJCI"M.'D Up\fl bch;dr or ..'hich IIx: iOOividuulC5I""lCd, ....uu:d the in'"\l1ncnt. ,...: ,o\t'K,'lYJlI"J-:I/t,,,H.YT F,." ml/ U.'iEO/RSJIJe Nb" )"(11IJ< .~rATt:()."'.", {Ow tiS",,.. tIT F,,,,,.,, GMrnll AI.....v.rt..".,,,, (.'~rtUit:a".J ... , .. . ... .. ....... , , . , ... ... .. ... , , ..., , .. .. ..... ,...: re,.."... \'aw If'iIh 5klw, ('QMlUI}". Prot"ill<< fir ,"lIIli.dpf,1liNJ On ,he u.y of' in lIk: ""ill' hern'" me. "'" und...igncd. pmonally oppcorcU . pen;onuJly Imown U'l me nr (W'O\'a.lto me un the bil'tis nf ~sr"""h.y evidence to be: lhe individwllCs) whoNc DIUne(S) is rUR.') ~rihcd in the within ill5llUll1Cl1l W1d acknuwlcdl"'" h. me lalll """""""'y ..,,,....... the """'" in lIioJhcr/1hcir '......ilyl;.,.L """ by hWhcJf lIx:ir oigrwun.~.) lm the il151rumcm. the indi\'iduilll~ I. or the pcDlID u('l.If1 trhalf nr ....hkh lhr iDLIividual(st ar..1Cd, c:M'ClIIaJ lhe inSII'Utne'm. und thai such individuuJ nu....1I oppcorancc herorc the u""'-"'iS...... in till: (11I~ert 'he fil)' ,II""U,..r (lfI!iliL'tll s"hJi..'islll" &11111 'M ~"lJlt or & 'HHnllJ' <<Ir "dw.rpltl....'he ucknt""MlIlnwIII "'"Os IUk.,'H). DIS1llICT SI!Cl'IOS BLOCK UJr C"U~"TY OR Tows RF.("flRnEIJA.TRI:'UU,.:."r,>>" Fld..-UI)' NaUucud Tille 1....1'IIIIft Campau)' RElUR.Y BY MAil. rr J Title No. L-277899-~ SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, piece or parcel of land, situale, lying and being at Mattituek, in the Town of Southold, County of Suffolk and State of New York, being bounded and described as '.follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on the easterly side ofa Right of Way, distant 147.2 feet NOIth, as measured along said Right of Way, Ii'om a monument set at the intersection of the easterly side of said Right of Way and the nonherly side of another Right of Way; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of said first mentioned Right of Way, North 4 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds West, 100.0 feet to a monument; THENCI<: North 8S degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East, 100.0 Jeet to a monument set on the westerly side of a Private Road; . THENCE along said Private Road, Sonth 4 degrees 48 minules 00 seconds East, 100.0 feet to a monument; THENCE South 8S degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West, 100.0 feet to a monument set on the easterly side of said first mentioned Right of Way and the point or place of BEGINNING. . l.!lr:.~ I.i-'~ (\~,.dr ~ SU\t.)~".L"( ~ it. of- ~......L . ., .... DN>( 0 u-.! r L~~,""'" , ~ @ FOR CONVEY ANCINC ONLY: TOllflher wllh oil rllbl, 1111. .od 101.r.slo~ 10 lod 10 IUY slree', IDd rolds Ibulllollh. above daerlbed prenllses, to 'be crater IIDe .hereof. . ~ Number of pages TORRENS RECORDED 2005 Jun 20 11= 03: 26 AM Edward P.Rom~ine ClERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY L ??oo12393 P 371 DTI 04-45539 Serial II Certificate # Prior Clf. # Deed I Mortgage InstrUment 3 Deed I Mortgage Tax Stamp FEES Recording I Filing Stamps Grand Total (s~ c;........... Mortgage Amt. I. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total Spec.lAssit. or Spec. I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual County Held for Appointment Transfer Tax '=::I I...( ~ Mansion Tax The property covered by this mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO, see appropriate taX clause on page # of this instrUment. Page I Filing Fee Handling TP-584 5.~ Notalion EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.SA Sub Total Comm. of Ed. Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 5. J!L :?O -::::- 15. J!L Sub Total . 10-. 4 Dlst. 12300 0500 012000 '::1/..2. 5 Community Preservation Fund Consideration Amount $ 1100 O'C Real Proper Tax Service Agency Verification CPF Tax Due S Improved . . . Vacant Land r J TO 6 SatisfaClionsIDischargeslReleaseS List Property Owners Mailing Address RECORD &. RETURN TO: ':;.ICtQIMt-- ~.N .,0. ( ~ c9 Co 't 6~.a~l>.1 c, -{J, ~a( .f-.h.,-\~ \.\'/1<, N1 E"S'Q. /TD TO 7 \ W<.l'\- 8 Suffolk Count L";),, Recordin & Endorsement Pa e ~IU~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Co. Name TIde # This page forms part of the auached made by: (8,z...~ Mlc.d, The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLET of BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. f(~ TO S~\..~ ,..V~ (over) ~ 111111111111 111111111111111 11111 11111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 SUP FOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFI:CB RBCORDI:NG PAGB Type of Instrument. DBBOS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber . 05-0064871 TRANSPBR TAX NUMBBR: 04-45539 Recorded, At, 06/20/2005 11,03.26 JIM LI:BBR: PAGB: D00012393 371 District. 1000 Section. 123.00 RY~NBD AND $110,000.00 B1ock, 05.00 CHARGED AS Lot, 012.000 FOLLOWS Deed Amount. Received the Fo11owing Pees For Ahove Instrument I!:xempt RY-.pt Page/piHng $12.00 NO HIIDd1ing $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO BA-C'l'Y $5.00 NO BA-S~ATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copiee $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO ~ransfer tax $440.00 NO ComIl.pre. $0.00 NO Pees Paid $592.00 TRANSpER TAX NCMBBR. 04-45539 mIS PAGE IS A PAR~ OF ~HB INSntlM~ mIS IS NOT A BILL Edward P.Romaine County C1erk, Suffo1k County ~ CI.'SWISCodo 1~,'7.3 ,f?,';?f( I" CZ. Dolo Dood Ru, d..d I /JL. I;;LO IOJ.- ~ lMV ~..r PLEASE TYPE" OR PRESS-FIRML. V"WHEN WRITING ONFORM INSTRUCTIONS: http:t/ www.orps.Blate.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473-7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT FOR COUNTY use ONL V w ~-~ STATI! OF NEW VIlIUl STATI! IIOARD OF REAL PIlOPER1Y &EIIVICU CI.8ook 1./I.;LI.~ ,913Iet.,... PROPERTY INFORMAnON RP - 5217 u.a17... JWI I._I 3460 LocetIon mur_R Camp Mineola Road IRlUTNAM[ Mattituck an DII JCMN ........ 11952 .. COOl I. ...... Nomo ~s LASTIMMIr./ IRICHARD -- lAIT NAIll! , COIII"MY -- 3. Tax IndIc8t8 whIM.... T. Ellie ... lID t. .... I II..... If____III_mollonnl -- LAIr NIMli IQM'M'( Fl"'TNMIII 1'lIar_MAtoDSIIIE'ErNAM: Cll'YallITCMN "Alk ~CDDE: 5.=- I 81n IxL- P'IIONTHIT DL"'H IORI 'ACIIIlI' . 2.5 I IOnIyI_oIo__.__ "'" -nIng _ _ -.... AuIhoriIy ExiIIa 0 48.s..__-_rodforT- 0 4C.Pon:oI_'orSulld__""'_ 0 4. lndIcaIe .... ........... ell A_ IIlIIt I 1tGI1_..._......_ 1 I . of Parcell OR D Part af a P.rcel .. SelI,r N_ pn~ LAlli.....' ESTATE OF ISABEL F..-rNUII. LMT NAIiI5 ,caWAMV fNTNOlIMt 7. ChHIl tM..... below which ...... __1IteIy .......1hII .... of the PfOIIIrty M: thIi IIm8 Df ..IF. 13. Full.... "". , ,.0.0.0 I , , 0 (Full $I. Prlco it die IGUII .moum prlld tar... property Including perlonal PfDPIRY. ThiI NV"'IM IMy be In the form of CNh. other prap.rtv or goads. ar !he uaumpclon at' morIpgIl or ather obIIp11DnL. ""'1OUItd fa,'-,...,. whoJe doIUr MJOUnt. -....--......- .. ~ Two .. Condominium E~ Agrlcullu,,1 f ~ Communi.. _ .. _~.. v..... ""'" F earn.......1 J __ IlIA. "'-IVl.a<oIod _..Ag_-'" G Aponmom K _ Iorvtco ,.........-... 0 _ _-.oing II E.......nmom/_ J. ...... IhoIlha_isln.._oI_ 11. CIIIIIr. _ . IIION 01 "- croncIIIcIM _ .......... tv....-..:: ,\ !We a.tw.n Re~ ar Farmor ReIMfvu RIM....... ReIaed CompenIeI or PlrlMflln BuinuI C Onoaf............_.801... I) Buyw or S.1er III GovuI'l'llTlORt Agency or lending ..,..tutIon E Daod T_ not W....... or Iol1loln ond &010 1SpocIIy_1 ~ .... of F_ or....... Foe In_l_ _, Q Slon_ Qlongo In "'-'Y _ T....... _ ond .... Doloo H .... 0I11w1.- is Included in Sole _ I U.......IF___"4I8010 ___, J ... o o o o A~ OM F.m1ly Relidtnrlal B 2 or 3 FII'ftIIy Resklenrill C Residnill V.... Land o Non "-;~lill V~r Land I SAlE INFORMAnoN ~ 11. .... Contdct DIlle 09 1 ...... 01., 1 04 y- 12. ~ of ...., r......... (,1 g ...... Do, 1 05 v_ ,.._IlIo_oI_' I ,0.0,0 I fHIII*Ir IncIudId In ... ... . ASSESSMENT INFORMAnoN . lloIo """uld rofloct .... ,._ Flnol _01 Ron .nd To Bill 11.._01. ____I 04.10!i 17 T__V_lofoll_fn_1 which .............. tIIUn . ; I .3.Q 0 a , '..~cau. 12 " ,0 I-U ,..IchooIDiIIrIIII.....1 M.:a....i..n,..It-_("'n..,..hnqllo 20. Tu Map 1dentI"..u11 Roll .......... ,. ...... tbn four. IIItMh ..... with ............ ~sJl 1000-123.00-05.00-012.000 1 I CERnACATION I I....., _ 01101... _01__ _......... .............__'..1IIo_0IOI1............1Dl1IoIIoIl....1_ -"'1IIlIIdoa 01_ wIIruI....._ 01_ roc. _ will.... _..... ___ 01110...... .... -............_ ....01__ BUYER BUYEIrS ATTllRNEV _gfJ (6 Cho .-- 1,1,I.r .... Bashlnelll Stephen LAIT NMtI! ...,. IIMlI Richard Roces 3460 I Camp Mineola .l1IWiir~R 1I.IIUTNAMlWTHI.....' Road 212 267-9090 MlAcaor. 1tLDHOII! ~ Mattituck ........... NY 11952 .TAft. ...COlII gy,g NEW YORK STATE COPY