HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 370 ", ..... L)~yn r "7{6 J;)3-)- (L N)'lllfi. Admilli~uator'lI Do.-d ffim,1t Sb&:ctltNYSTIi~) U.x.lriUL'r 'WIIIR 1..\Wli"F.R HF.FORESI(;''iIX(; lHI.'. L~TKW.I~" .11115 1~~Ii)U:'T SIIOUIJ) II": USloJ) O\"I...\\\"YI-.:IL'i nSI.Y THIS INUt:Nl'UKE. made .he Bt:TWEF.N '3nl ~ /' ~'<l> 2UlJI+ ~.l(-re" ... illLal' daynr linlht:~ar EUZAB[l'H MULLADV. residing at 88 Osborne Avenue. Mt. Sinai. New York, YCOIJO .R C:!Jr.JI.!!:t IIIdtwollltl alJSla ,o:ldu'i .... .., admini..m,.., t1riXlof,h. F...."'or Celiiia-RoceIolSs.~t8il.C~1 la'" of 3460 Camp Minoela Road, Mattlutck, New York ,..,UO:) ~Ioil:la n! bOO'r.~.~~..... Wh., di.d in.'.....". (lII ,he 22nd day orNo\'ember . . ~~JlIiI5I:l:)(l.lllliqla nll~ ",U1Y nr'hefi"'pa... and ~ \'0 'flI1' \l."c).\~;iU~ O"l~~d.f \I\~~~ ~.... RICHARD ROCES. residing at J460 Camp Mlneola Road. Mattituek, New York, pliny of the Sl.."Cllnd p.m. \\'1"fNESSF.TH.lhat wh\.'n.:a!io ICUl:nI ofadminiscr.alj,'n M:tc ih","Ul-o In thr panYt'flhc-linu pan hy the 511""11'"'''' Cnlln Suffolk County. N.ow York "n Jan. 23, 2004 and bY";n.., of the POWCf and aUlhnrity given by Aniele II UrlM EsUdC:~. Pu\\'t'n; and Trustor. L.a."'. and in cntlsidcralion of dolliir~, p;;liu by lhe p:1rty tlf I~ l'lL"Cllnd part. d()I,."}o hereby V.l1ll :and re1ca.\C Unl(l the- (liUtY (If the :<ennl! pan. lb..' di50lri}lull"C5 ur l'ilk..L"'t':t....Oni and ns...illls nf I.hc: party uf the lOCCOnd pan fOI'C\'er. ,\1.1. 11t:l1 ..::cnuin pitH., piL":c or pan:c! of land, with I~ buikJin~~ ttnd in111J'O\'Cmcnl.. thereon t:R..-cccd. SilUlJlC, 1~'il18 unu being in lhe." SEE ANN [XED SCHEDULE A - DESCRIPTION BEING AND INTEND..D TO BE the same premises l"On\'eyed to Celina Roces. deceased. by deed dated 7/11/58 and recorded in the Office ofthe Clerk of Suffolk Count). at L1ber 4493, Page 113 on 7/31/SH TO( ;t:TtIEK wilh an ri~lu. .i,l. o"d in,,,,,,... if uny. of ,he party nf ,he nlS' pan in and to ony '11'0I>I, o"d mod. ahulling th. ahu\'t,," dcscri~d pn:miM:~ 10 Ihc cenler JillL'5lhcrcof: TOCil:nU;R the: :lrpurtenw1C'Cs. and Uboll ulllhc: CSlalC which Ihe "-Dit.l ck'l'",,,lc:nl had a Lhc lime:: of dL"e.'L-Jc...' 5 dc:wh in ~IW prcmi~!l. &UkI aho the OOIWc lt1crein. which lhe.- party orlhe firsl pllt ha.'i nr }J.;aS IX'''-.=r "I CCH1\'CY or di~ Ilf. whclhl:r h'k.livit.lualllr OIherwi!OC': TO IlA \'1:': ANI) TO HOI.D lhe:: JlR:'miM."" herein pralu",od unlo the poIn or the M:f..und p:an,lhr dUitribulCL-,o Ilr suCC,1.'1I......rn.:.uJ a~..I~ncesnflhr p:uty urlhc .!tiCCOlkl pan ron:wr. A~I) Ilk: pm"y of the firSl. p:ln cll\"Cnants thallh.: p:.ny ofthe' lirsl..,..n ha." not t.l0DL" or suffC'red anylhing whereby me MlhJ prc:rniM:s h;l\'~ bet:n ",'ncumhcred in an)' \\'a,.' wha.IL'\'U. except;l,. a.ru~$aid. l'iuhj<<llo the 1rU!-1 fund pItI\'iM\lIl}O tlf lliL"CIKln thirtC'cn ,..fllb: I,icn I..u.w. lhe \\'CJI'd "pany'" .shall be cl1ns1ruC'd u..'io if it rend "ran~" ,,'hcnc\'Cr the M:'nSl" or lhi~ indenlure so n."'Iuire~. IN WITNESS WHF.Rt:OI'. the pony or ,he n'<l Jl:In h.. .....'U'od lIti. rei....,. "'" day:wl year n"l ahm.. wrill"n, Is PRIi.'lIiF.SCE C..': On lIu.zo day or December in "'" ~"'If 2004 before me. the unckr.Il!'1OO. pcr.;on:Illy appc.n:d ELlZAB.:T1I MULLADY PCI')unulJy l11o\\'" 1(' me or r"\\cLl tn 1IlC," on lhe b;:1-.i" ,,," "i:r.fa.'k'l')' c,'ic.IL'IICC' (0 h:-Ihc individu;al(,,) whtlM.': nwnL'1S) iSlaR:') MlhM:'ritll:ll.nlh: within infJ.nJn1Cl11 :'00 3&.mlWlaIpcd In lIk" lhal heh.hellhcv cucutcd ,he ..me in hi.JhaMcir cop:ICity(ic.. :U1d lhot hy hl.nu."I'/lhcir .'iij;!niltuR.'1!loJ an .he inSlnlhll.111. mL' irwJi"'j,,ua)C,\). t"" the' p..'I1'&m upon bc:h.lr...r,,'hich Ihc ~"':Ull:II lhe instrumenl, CHARlDfL~ ~ ""Pu=-=tW~ ~.Iit.'~~_SW=R~.:lt..Ob . ... ~ Al"K,\'OR7J-:JIG.UHJ\T FIIIW ,..,.", U.'tIi. "'!nil." ,vlllri'lJll.'iTATF. O.\'U': .'0 . At'/C,\'fJ....'.E1ICdlE.vr 1"(001 I-VR USE (J'/TS/IN:." N,..,,, )'(JRK .\'1'ATlUJ.\'U:' 1,\',.,.. I'm .'''''.,,-riI1Ul.1 ""iiiif'"'" A..'ltlllAl""""",'1I1 Cmifll'llJ~J ((}Ht ''I ."lmt' (II' FIII'delf (i'",nj/ I'klJ"IIIf'ihI~'II"1II c:"riji."tINJ SlalrurNew\'''rl<.CAlunlynr I....: ',.',.....,......,......, ......,...,............. ..IS$.: tCtwrplnr \'..II'N..iIIt SWr. C.-m,)', rn.I~'i,...t'lIr MIlHiciptd.,rJ USt:AC/G\VU1.E1J(i.U,.:J\"FIHl,\f ""UJM'''T'1,tI,y A',.:", )'(IRK.\TATKO.'W.t': SIaI.orN.... "ork, (;ounly of Suffolk On the Ua). or in Lhc )'cat bcRvt: mco, the undcnoigllL'IJ. pc'r.<.IlIlally UPpc".lI\."lI the ~ulN-rihing willJC5~ 10 1A: r.~'C)il1& imolrumc:m. wiLh whom I :un pcrson:dly "c:quaink:d. who, being ~. me; dul). M"\If'I1. did dcpnsc and ";I~' lholl hc/,.hcIt1lL.y Il'lIidcoC,,) in (iflht' pllM.C! fJj''I.'siJrm''r' ij. in ({ t-;I}~ inc:luJr l~ ,\lTr!f'I und sllWllUlmbt-r, if (l11.\", Ih,.,nljJ: thai he/l'obclllry kIlO'A1:i) . ,;,. t\l he the indi\iclu:LI ~scrihcd in ;,111<<.1 Wt., CAC&:UIL'lJ the 1i..Jn:P.MIl!l- inlolnInlcont; Ih:d ~d :iUb5L'rihirJl!. wilnes." was pn..~nt and SilW ,;aid CXL'(:ull' 1hC' ~mc: W'kl Ihill :owll "'ilnc!ooo; at IhI.' :'loLlIl1l: IInu' ~ul....:ril:lCd hilJhL-r!lh.'ir namct,.,} :1,., it ",'itnL.,.s thl.~rclo, AU,\IISISTRATf~K'S Dt:l::u TrflJ: No. ELIZABETH MULLADY, as Administratrix of tbe Estale of Celina Koeex TO RICHARD ROC"S "mF.'.ln' "ATIO~AI. Trr...: elSSURA/I;n CO~IPAI'O\' ~ LYro-l'IM.111D Iv:a l:'tW.....,;.<... f'UJelity .J,;~._" ""',\\0.. w""....,~ ,...\.0_..... ~ " z is II: ~ II: ~ w !l II: Ii! l'! ~ r !l! II: !!l II: ... \. USI: ACK.''t,U7J-:JK.i.I,e.vr ""IIlAI RliU)'K'MrrHl.vNI:.'" rtlMSTATI~(J.V1.):- I...: SlaIwnrSew \'nri<.Counly or ,...: On I~ day (If in d'k~ yc:Jr bc:li"" .ac,1hc II/lden;ill'l<'l, pcrsnnolly lIjlpCan:1I p.."I'\Onally kl1lJWIl 10 IIll.: (lr pn)\"C'l1 eo ~ un the ha.,i,. of ~1li\liK.101)' evidmt......lo b&: It.: indivkJualf)o) wtQc DUn",.1 iN (arel !oub...c.Tihc:d IOlhc "ilhin in...rumenl and acb1o..lod~L'd ", "'" IIlaI hcMcIlhcy ...,,,"..11 lhe '""'" in hislhcrhhcir L,""""itylirs~ IlI1d lhut by hislhcli1hcir si~n:&lun:(sl lm Lhc ilblmmcnt, Ilk: iOlJi\'j,Jua](:o.. or the p:rsa1D upon h..i1alf lIr whil:h Ih&: inJi\'illuuJl S) :.IC'lCd. CX\xuh,"C.I the ml'lnllnenl, On lIu.' duy or in "l<' )'C.'lJ' her"", me. Ih. undc."";Il"''<l, pmorutlly appe.red pc:D(lMlI)' b\.lwn In n-.: or pm\\.-u LU 1~ nil lhe ~L,i.. nf salh.I~'lory c\'iJL"fll.'C III h&,'lht. inJi\'idua1(!.J whtN:' n:unc.'(SJ j,., lure, ,.u~rihcd III the within in!Qn&n'k:ll1 anrJ ar.:wwlcd~"lIllJ n)CO lhat hd~")' CJ{,L't,,"UlLU lhe ...... in hi.......rflheir <"",",iIYlirs~ lIuIl by hislhcrllheir siSn:llLII'l'Cs) on ~ im.r.rumc:nl.lhc individual(s). or the ~'n upun hchalr ufwhich lhe: indi\'idLwJ(!ii.1 U&:lcd.l'~'Uh:d I.hC' in.I,UUT11Cl11.unU Uual !touch individual n1ailc ~'"h Dppe'oIr.ux.'C bcfOft' LIk: unrJcr,.,ipllcLl in the (I,u,'n IJw ",it.\" "r,I/lwr flUliJiLy,1 SuhJi"LIi;IlI' INk! ,1", Xltl',' ","...Rlnt,)' (" ",It,., I",h.'r!'hr. "I"I(I",."-/<<1':"k'''' ""1''\ Iclh'l'). DISlRllT Sl!CTION BuICK WI' COU!\~ty OM TowS HECOIl/)El1 AT RI:(!UI;jal Qf .'Iddlly NIIIIoIllll TIlle 1_......., COIllplIII,' RF.1VRA'lIf ,\tAil. TO l , ... Tille No. L-277899-S SCHEDULE A ~ DESCRIPTION ALL that certain plot, picce or parcel of land, situale, lying and bcing at Malliruck, in the Town of Southold, County of Sutfolk and State of New York, being bounded and described a.~ follows: BEGINNING at a monument set on !he easterly side ofa Right of Way, distant '47.2 fect North, as measured along said Right of Way, from a monument set at the intersection of the eastcrly side of said Right of Way and the northerly side of another Right of Way; RUNNING THENCE along the easterly side of said first mentioned Right of Way, North 4 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds West, 100.0 feet to a monument; THENCE North 85 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds East, 100.0 feet to a monument set on the westerly side of a Private Road; THENCE along said Private Road, South 4 degrees 48 minutes 00 seconds East, 100.0 feet to a monument; THENCE South 85 degrees 12 minutes 00 seconds West, 100.0 feet to a monument set on the easterly side of said first mentioned Right of Way and the point or place ofBF.GINNING. . ~ UoJ~ (~.jl..I~ dr ~ SUIo.!,ll..<S ~ ~. or ~rrl. ~~,~ i... rf\D( Qu.-Gr @ FOR CONVEY ANCINC ONLY: Taaether wllh all rip., dUe IDd lalerrst 01, In and to Iny streets aud rolds abuUiDIiC .he above dlSt'rfbed premlSfl., to Ihe- ee..er lIae 'bereor. Number of pages . TORRENS RECORDED 2(105 Jm 20 1l:03:26 ilM Edward P.Romiine ClERK OF SUFFOlK COUHT\' l 000012393 p 370 Dn 04-45538 Serial # Ccn:ificale # Prior Ctf. # Deed / Mongage Inslrllmenl Deed / Mongage Tax Sl8/Ilp FEES Recording / Filing SlampS 3 Grand Total {S .). r>t- Morlgage Ami. \. Basic Tax 2. Addilional Ta~ Sub TOlal SpccJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Town _ Dual CouOly Held for Appoinlmenl Transfer Tax g FIb Mansion Tax The propeny covered by lhis mongage is or will be improved by a one or IWO family dwelling only. YES or NO If NO. see appropriate laX clause on "page # of lhis inslrllmenl. Page I Filing Fee Handling TP.584 5. 00 Notalion EA-52 17 (Counly) "EA-5217 (Slale) R.P.T.S.A. Sub TOlal comm. of Ed. 5. ...QQ... Z{)- Affidavil Cenified Copy NYS Surcharge Olher 15....QQ... Sub Total 4 Dist.Ov- 12300 0500 012000 0/..2. 5 Community Pre8ervation Fund Consideration Amount ~,.L.c CO;, CPF Tax Due /~ J L{ oc ( Improved Vacant Land _ TD J,;) Real Propel Tax Service Agency Verification 6 SalisfactionsIDischargcslReleascs Lis! Propcny Owners Mailing Address RECORD & RETURN TO: ~ .Ql...",,- (X....,...v. f,.1 ( , d~ 1- 6~",.~W"'\ 'J \ '1 .. ~ ~:-~~~{ . \ .. n. A /; .U ,..:' ,.., ~'('" IV, (:'-SQ. TD TO 7 I (,..)~'" 8 Suffolk Count '" Recordin & Endorsement Pa e -::h1L.r. ~ (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) Co. Name TIlle # This page forms pan of the Bttached made by: ('fW Il.~ The premises herein is simated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. TO In the Township of In the VILLAGE or HAMLr.-r of <:"' \'1,. .~ ":'u..J">-\Mll- fJ\C.v\ BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. (over) 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 1111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLERK RECORDS OFFJ:CB RECORDJ:NG PAGB Type of Instrument. DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages. 4 Receipt NUmber : 05-0064871 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-45538 Rscorded. At. 06/20/2005 11103.26 AM District: 1000 LJ:BER: PAGB: D00012393 370 Deed Amount: Section: 123.00 IZY""UNBD AND $220,000.00 Block: 05.00 CHARGED AS Lot: 012.000 FOLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Instrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $12.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COB $5.00 NO mrs SRCHG $15.00 NO EA- CTY $5.00 NO EA-STATB $75.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SC'l'M $0.00 NO Transfer tax $880.00 NO CQIIIIIl.Pres $1,400.00 NO Fees Paid $2,432.00 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 04-45538 THIS PAGB IS A PART OF THE INSTRUMBNT THIS IS NOT A BILL Bdward P.Ramaine County Clerk, Suffolk County PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM . INSTRUCTIONS: http://www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 fOR COUNTY USE ONLY <A'?,S,g ,t;) r I * I /'JL'..;lO IO.s-1 . ~ Ply v... OL po.ol ,.3 , ? ..01 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT C1. SWlS Co.. CZ. Do1o Dud _rdod STATE OF NEW YORK STAn .OARD OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES 1:3._ PROPERTYINFORMAnON RP - 5217 1IJI.5.Z17..JItII 1._, ~ 3460 snI11fNUllMII ~p~ineola Road ..- Nom. Mattitu"k an 011 TiSWN Roces lAlITNAltlII!1t'011MN'l' ""'""" Richard -- 1J.ii :il LAaTNAMIofCDlM'Nl't ....,.....: I. Tu lncflc:.te whonI fuwro Tu BIOI .,.10 be.-rt I ..... .__.......Id_lllboaomdlonnl. -- LAIT HAM: I CQlIlIMN't Hll&TItAMC "IIHTHUllIItIIAHD~NAME CITY an TUWN , IrAlli ZIPCQDI t. IndicMtl.... number of ..--- _.1 Roll....... traMNrnd em _ ... 1 I 'aIP.all OR D PIIrtof.Parcol I. =:...., I SIn ......rFliT Ixl .."'" 10RI ArAi .2 5 I Illn/r.,.,....._____ 4A.........._..Ih".._~bltoo 0 ....SubdMolonAjlonwal_.......owdIarT_ 0 oc -Aoo........ S_on - Moi>_ 0 ..- Nomo Roces LAST NAIl! , c:ow.urt E~~ of Celina ......, NAIll , CONMIft' ,............ 1. Cbeck 1M box b.-ow whIIh m.... .......,........ the .. of the prGpeI'tJ Mill. lime at ....: "- , Do, I .... -....----- I. OwnorIhlp Type is Condomlnlwn I ~ Community Service .. New ConItruc:Iian on V-=ant LInd J Indu.bial 1M. Prapony LOCMIId wltllJn .n Agrlcuftural DiIlric:I K Publlc_ 1OB.Buyw_.__1ndlcIIIng L _ ........._IsIn.._IDIoIricl ,.. a-k _ _............ ClOI1IlIItIcPw. appIicIMI CO ~ A ____...___ 8 &.Ie e.w..n RelIIhd Camp.niae or P..mor. in Bualn.. C an. of the Buv-t II .110 . SeIIel I) Buvw or s.u.r II GowImtnent Aaencv Dr Lending Ihltit;uUon E Gold 1\'.. _ w......lV or ....... ond _ ~ Solowl f Solo ., F_ ., l.o8 ....n Feo 1_ISpoolIy Solowl a Significant a.... in Prapany BaIw80n T..bAa StAll MIl Sa.. o.ta " SlIo.f __ '" I_In _ PrIco , 01lIo, Un...... F_II -... Silo Prloo (Spoolly_ J None o o o o A~ One Fomly _donUoI H 2 or 3 F.mlly R8icW1t"l C __ V..... LoncI D Non-Rftkllnrill Vacant I...Md I SALE INfORMAnoN I n. 8.. Contlaal o.t:. E~Ag'I"""''' F Com_ G _ H EnaarcIInmana I Amusement - w,:3I "" ,~S' I v.. 12. on. of .... I Tl'II.... 13. Full ... PIta. . ~~,:) . Cl6~. 0 , 0 I , , . Iful Solie Prlc:e "the lot" .mount paid for Ihe property including PlI'IONI ptOpOrty. ThiI pIy'rn8n1 may be in..... form 01 cuh. CJU1er PrGpctfly or goods. or 1hI1aMmption of mongl.. or oth..- obIigDtjon1J I'IatIIId nMInd to ". ftNf'flIt whoM dol,., amount 1....................._ I n 0 0 I --.....- ' ~ . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - 00.. IIIoula rolllN:t thola... Fino' Auoamonl RoIlona T.. 8111 ,.. y...... ~,._-.nt Roll tram ~1' Total ~ V.... 101'" ................. I which ............. ....n . . . 3.9 n n , 1.._..... 12.1 ,0 I-U '0."_1__ I Mattituck-CutchoClue ... T.._-ootoII RoII_.101Ilmonlhonlow._____1 1000-123.00-05.00-012.000 1 I CERTlFlCAnON , · artily .... II 01'" -- 01........... "'_ 00 ... .... .... """ ODd ....... II. IIIe _ 01111)' ........... ODd bdIdl ODd I ............. IIIlII ... ....... 01_........ __ 01_"''''''''''' oaIdoa _.... __ n1... _low........ w................... 01...._ BUYER SUYEtrS AlTOIIIIEY ~~ &ao Richard "Races I~~ DAn --.F c...c.k.- ....- J..~ {) ~. _r_ 3460 Camp Mineola Road SPI[[TNloMII" STRllT...... WI1Il MUI Mattituck ~y 11952 cnv GO ""'"' STitT! ..- !!mm (1..'1..\ -- l.,")- ~O,(; n....-. ..... 'I NEW YORK STATE COPY Mnl1;:uiv ..,.. min.i.Rtr"tnr '- -----