HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12393 P 870 L p>cr ~ If no ! 1~3 -;"C?-- -; 3,0 II - ~'- - .. -p-~ SL.,.doVd N.Y B. T.V. rorm 1On.20N _I'rpll IftlI S.l. c.cr. wuh C.,.....U......l OrMWIt" Actaolacli..ich".1 .we...,.,.'iM 11iaa:I.wet.J CONSULT YOUR LAWYER BEFOII. IIGNINa THIS INSTRUM&NT . THIS INSTRUMENT SHOULD BE UIED BY LAWYERS ONLY IO~ THIS INDENTURE, mada the BETWEEN SCOTT E. HASSIL.DINE AlIil) SARAH M. HASSIL.DllIiE. as Husband and Wife, residing at 1435 Park Av~, Mattituek NY 11952 day of June , 200S par~y or the first pan, and RICHARD P. KOHL ANI) THERESA A: KOHL, residing al 32 Audley Circle, Plainview, NY 11803 party of .econd part, WITNESSETH, ,hat the party or the tiret part, in conaideration of tan dollare and other valuable consideration paid by the party or the aecond part, doe. hereby IT.n, and releese unto the party or the .ccond part, ,ha hair. or auc:ceaaor. and "';In. of the party of tha .econd part foraver, ALL thaI. certain plot, piece or parcel of land. with the building, and improve menta thereon erecLed, situate, lying and beinl in the Village of Mattituek, Town of South old, County of Suffolk and State orNew York, said prcmises being bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at a point on the northerly side of Park Avenue dislan1285.00 Ic~t Easl ura concrete monumenl set in the northeast comer of the Junction of Park Avenue and Marralooka Road; RUNNING THENCE north 03 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds Wesl, 250.00 feet 1110ng land now or lormerly of Harold F. Shields Jr., and Irene Shields; THENCE along lands now or formerly of Marie T. Hiller. North 86 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds Ea$t, 100.00 feet; THENCE South 03 degrees 03 minutes 00 seconds East. 250.00 feet along land now or formerly of Scholl 10 the nonherly side or Park ^ v~nuc; THENCE Sllulh 86 degrees 57 minutes 00 seconds West along Ihe northerly side or Park Avenue. 100.00 teet to [he point or place of BEGINNING. BEING the same premises described in deed 10 the grantors recorded in LIllER 20569 page 405. TOGETHER with all ri,ht, title and inler..t, if any, of the party or the 6ret part in and to any .treeta and road. abutting the above dsecribed premi... to tha can tar linea tharaof: TOGETHER with ,ha appurtenancas and all the estate and rilhtl of the party of t.ie first part in and to seid premise.; TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premi.es herein granted unto the party of'the second part, the heir. or successors and assigns Dflhe party oflhe second part forever. AND ,he party or the liro, part COYeDanta that the party or tha nrot parI ha. not done or suffered .nythin, whereby the laid premises have been encumbered in any way whatever. excepr. 18 aforesaid. AND the party oE the first part, in compliance with Section 13 of the Lien Law, covenants ehBt the party or the first part will receive the consideraLion for this convey. nee and will hold the ri,ht to receive such consideration 81 a truat rund to be eppliod 6r.t for the purpoae of peying the coat of the improvement and will spply the .sme first to the payment of the cost or the improvement beFore uaine any part of the total of the lame for any other purpose. The word "party" shall be construed II if it read "plrtie."' whenever the senee of this indenture so require.. ~~:'~TNESS WHEREOF, the party of tha firet part h.. duly exacuted this ~deod the day. and ye:r first above IN PRESENCE OY, ~ "... --S{~~ E. S .DINE ~~ off) ~NlJ,L" SARAH M. H SSILDINE U,'i'~"l,"1'ifIWJ.I!IJ(iMl.;Jv, FOHM m~IJ.}'V WI IWN IVMV 'UN'" ~"in'IiVNI.r: tJ,\/~A(.<<^,IJWU:JJloM".N' N/NM III:/J./IV I"'IIIIN ,YAlf rUHI\,,)/i\IUVIVI.r: .-, .. .. Slale 01 !IIew York, Counly 01 I ss.: Un OIC ,otbay of June in tllC year 2005 helo," mo, the undersigned, l'Cr>onally appcarW Scott E. Hassildine & sarah M. Hassildine , 1'C""",a11y known In me or pro\'Cd to me on the basis oC satislllClOly cvidcllce .. be the individuIII(s) whose lIamc(s) .. (arc) subscribed In the wilhin inSll1Jmel1l ancJ.acknowlcd~ In me lhlL he/shellhe~ eJleC1llcd the ..me in hi5lhcrl\hcir eapaelly(i.,), and iii.. by hislhcrllh.ir ,ignarums) on the i"'llUn1Cn~ 111. incIividua~'), or 111. pc"",n upon t'CN!" U;;ll.IIllNilWIidual(Slaelcd. excculed the illSlIWnCnL NolIIyPullUo. SI8t8 of New York No. 41110722 Ql8IIft8d In SUffolk County """"mission Elcplr8ll /11'''16 ~- .,"Wf...... OTAR Ie ACKJlOWLEDGMENT FORM FOR Usa WITlIJN NEW YORK $TATE ONLY: INt'V., YII" SlIlw:riblllS WiI,lr..,' Aclrnnwl,d!ftrten' C.rrlfk"IJI'J SIDI. ofN.w York, Counly of I ss.: Un the day of ill th. year before m.. lhe undelsigned, personally appeared lI1e l'Ub5Clihing wiu,... u. liIe loregoing insbUmen~ wilil whom I ~ personally .':quaintcd, who, being by me duly sworn, did depose and ,ay lhal hclshe/they reside(s) in (~rJl'e flluc..t tif r~,ritkru:t i.\' jn a dry. illcluih 1M slrtel untl SlTul 'Iwnb~r, if .IlY. '''omif); lI1al hel.hdlhey know(s) In he lhe individuol d",",rihcd in and who execuLCd lhe loregoing il1\ilrUlnclIl: uml S,ilid !iul~rihiI1K wilnc.~ W'dS praiCOl iU'KJ saw !liaid execu:. the same; and lhat said wilnCSS IL iii. same time subscribod hislber!their name(,) as a witness liI....to. 7lTLE No. BARGAIN" SALE DEED WITH COVENANTS AOA""'TO_,,NTOR'S ACTS RH05302670 HASSILDINE TO KOHL FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURAJIo'CE . COMrANY OF NEW YORK I,. /Nr,,.,,,,,,,rroI4l2H ~"""h,Jl.,Fidclity ~"...,/' ~Nfttrwts...'-'T'*A"""'" ~ rt o " z is ~ 8 w ~ ... o ~ ~ w " .. 0. .,. ., :f ... !; c: llf w ~ ~ Slale 01 New York. Counly 01 I~.: Un Ole doyor in lI1c year belore mc,w undc..igncd, personally appeared , pcIliClnally known to lIlC or proved to me on the basi. of satislllCUll'y evidence I<> be lI1e jndivklual(x) whoJ;c name(s) is (....) liUb.<<:ribcd u.the wilhin insuumenl and IU:knowledged to me liIat ~~ .....tcd the same in hilllh.rAhcir eDpacit)iios). and that by hislhcr/lheir signaw~s) on 111. inSll1Jmen~ the individual(s), ur the person upon behalf 01 which Ole individual!s) IU:led. execuled lI1e in..u-umenL (fttflil/c . Lue An, ~ I AcmOWLEDGMENT FOIlM FOR USf:OUTSJDF. Ne\\' YORKSTATf:ONLY: 10." If SlOtr fir '''trill'' WnCI1J,....c:4nt""IUltlllfnr CrniJiCtl"1 ................................................. .I~',: 'C""'I"~'c Vetll/t' 1I1,h SI",,.. CfllIIUrr, P,.,,,,inCC'Ir MIIIllC1/1olil1J Unlhc _~ ~theyear before me, lIle und...isnecl, personally appc:amd pcrsonaUy known 1.0 m. ur provedlo me on lI1c basis of satisfactory evidence In be the indi vidual(s) wha5c: namc(s) is (ate) subscribed 10 the wililin insuument and acknowledged 10 me liIal hdshcl~ exec:utcd the same in hislhcr/their capac;ty(ies), liIat by hislhcd lI1cir Slgnature(s) on the insbUmen~ the individual(s), or the person upon behalf of which the individual(.jaetcd, exceuled the illSbUmcn~ and liIat such individual made .lIch Uppcar:U1C:C belu/'C Ihe unde"igncd in the (Ilia" the city fir (Jl.lJtr /HH"icYJ/.mbdjyLdml wid 1/14 Slule or CtllJlUry IJr mll"r pllJl:" lilt: acJuu'wlt:d&lIIol1J wa., ra~"). DISTRICT 1 0 0 0 SECTION 123.00 BLOCK 02.00 loT 030.000 COU:<TY OR TOWN SUFFOLK/ SOUTHOLD RECORDED AT REQUf:ST OF Fidelity N.tlonal TIlle Insurance Company or New York RETURN Bf MAn. TO 01 S<'- " (/Is.~. J-j,,' P'D. 1>.... 7" { "'>I).':J~" tV..., II 'D~ '- Nun.bef of (181" TORRENS 5 .~,;.."" -; ---'-- ". , : SerialH Certificale H . Prior Clf. H Deed I Mortgage In.stnl/nenl Deed I Murtllllge To Stamp oi I'BBS 4 Page I Filing Poe Hal/dling 1'1'-584 1-,0 I I, Notalion !!A-52 17 (County) BA-52 17 (Slale) _ Sub 1'0181 r I 1 ; I I R.P.T.S.A. ~- Camm. of Ed. 5~ Affidavit Cerlified Copy Reg. Copy Olher SubToIlIl 0 './ - GRANDTOTAL~~ Reall'roperly Tax Service Agency Verification DilL Seclion B Jll<k s - -..- - "--. LOI Slnmp 05023313 1000 ~o \ r:o!.!. A~ '~-JUN..IJ)-) '- 12300 0200 030000 Dale Inili.11 7 SatisfactionslDischargeslReleases Lisll'roperty Owl/ers Mailing Addre RRCOlm &: RETURN TO: 0 ! 9 (Mf.r4 i Ol.-SitJ, 0 Lt..P mftl~ /lvM ~'O'~/O~ 0 ~~J r-1'~, Suffolk Count Tille # 1mE & Endorsement Pa e , , . I ...:..J If" RECORDED 2005 Jun 22 12.34:13 PH Edward P.Roaaine ClERK OF SUFFtl.K COUNTY 0 L 000012393 psro 011 04--45941 Recordil/g I Filing S18I11I's MortlllllleAIIII. I. llusic Tox 2. Additionul Tax Sub Tolol Spec) twit. Or Spec: I Add. TOT. MTG. TAX 1)1101 Town_l:lual County_. / Held for ^1'llOrtiomnclIl ._ Trunsfer To. . /1iiD () u . Mansion Tax 'Il,c property covered by Ihls I/II;rlgRgc is or will he imllroved by a one or Iwo family dwelling ollly. YIlS orNO_ I f NO, see appropriale lax cluusc 011 paga t/( _'_ oflhis iOBlrument. 0 . -0 6 Community PrcserVlItioll Fund ().'()()/ ConRidcratioll Amount $ CPF Tax Due Irnpruved Vocanl Land TD TO 'I'D - IIq39 8 Title ComflilllY Information nus plIKC fonns part uf Ihe alluched (SPECIfY 'JYrE 01' INSnRlMI:Nr) _ made by: E ~. 111c premises herein is silualed in SUFFOLK C9UN'IY, NI:;W YORK. In the Towllship of SO~U> rt\t'll11T~ (~or lit') ; In thc VIL,~.AGIr or HAMLET, of BOXES 5 'n-IRU 91'vlUST BE 'IYI'ED OR I'RlNI'J:oD IN BLACK INK ONLY I'RIOR'IO RECORDING OR FILING. .--.--. 111111111111111111111I111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 stJI'POLK COUIft'!' CLERK RECORDS O:r:rJ:CI: RECORDD1G PAGE Type of XDstrum8Jlt I DBEDS/DDD If"""er of Pag.SI 3 R80.~t HUmber I 05-0065865 TRAIIS:rD 'l'AX llRJIIBD: 04-45941 Reoorded. Atl 06/22/2005 12134.13 JiIIII LJ:BD: PAGE: D00012393 870 District I 1000 SectiODI Block. 123.00 02.00 a,aIlTIIII:D AIIID ("R....mon AS I'OLLOWS $425,000.00 Loti 030.000 Deed. AmouDt I Received. the POllowing P_s Por Above :tDIItrumeDt ..,..~ 4 t; ....-wt PllIle/PiliDIJ $9.00 110 1laDd.11Dg $5.00 11IO COB $5.00 110 NYS SJlCIIG $15.00 110 BA-C'rY $5.00 110 BA-STAft: $75.00 11IO '1'P-584 $5.00 110 Cere.Copi.. $0.00 110 0'1' $30.00 110 SCTII $0.00 110 Trlmsfer tax $1,700.00 110 ec-.Pres $5,500.00 110 Pees ..id. $7,349.00 'l"RANSI'BR '1'AX 1IIUIIBBll. 04-45941 '1'B:l:S PAGB :l:S A PUT OJ' 'nil: nrsT1UJllBll'1' '1'B:l:S :l:S IlIO'l' A B:l:LL IIl4wer4 P. RalllaiDe County Clerk, Suffolk County Cl. SWIS Code -- - - - - - - PLEAs-E -TYPE OR PRESS-FIRML v WHENWRiflNG -ON-FORM --..-----. INSTRUCTIONS: http:// www.orps.slale.ny.u8 Dr PHONE (5181 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT lit STATE OF NEW YORK STAT! IIOARD OF REAL 1'IIlIPIIlTV &ERVICE8 FOR COUNlY USE ONLY RP - 5217 Kl"-Nn.....WI PROPERlY INFORMATION I.P_1 1435 Laution ITfI[[t hUUIDI Mattituck an........ Park Ave. ............ ....... 11952 u coot 2. Buy.r N_ Kohl L"""""fr;awuw Richard P. "." .... Kohl Theresa A. I.ASTNAMZIC0111'AH't HtIT,.... I. rl. 1ndIc:a1ll... futurw T.. BiII..'lo be MnI Bill... W__bu..._lII.......oIlann) I ......... tASr....'CQWM't ....,.... ITlll'I'T NU.... AND "..., NAMII an"",... "'AlI ...coer I.~__ I I I n. . X SI_ .....1 flU OI.I"IH IORI 'Al:N'I' . 5 0 I COnly I"" at . ....... a.u. .. ....., eppIr: .... PIoMI.. Boo'" wi'" 5.,.110""," ........ hllll D ...SubdiviIlCIn___......T_ D c.__...S__Mao_ D Scott E. '.IncHc.'.IM n........ at ~ Roll pltWlI "........ on the dMd I . of Parcel. OR D Pitt of . P.re.1 a. SolI.. ...... HaBBildine LAS! ""'k/COMt'iUt\L' ,., hANL HaBBildine Sarah M. tA5'..... fCOMNNY ,..,..... 12. DMe cI s... , T......r 6 - II~I Do, 05 v_ a.cJc... ..... _ ....._ .. 0wn0rIh1p...... Ie CondomInIum I ~ Community Service So New ConIuucrIon an V-=-nt Land J Indultrill '1OA. PropIrty LocIhId wllhln an Agricultur.1 Dil&rlct K PubllcSoMcl ,.. Buyo,_.._......,~ L Faoaot . ....1hI_ill..._...lIIolrlcl 1&. a.dl:...... more....... c:ondIIIlIM _ ........ 'ID ~ A 51. BotwINtn RoIaIvaI or FCJmWI' ReI'" H .. &.Iween Relalld Camponju or Plrtnora In Bulinou C Ono or tho Buyerl " alia . &.I.... n Buyw or SeI.. II GowemmenI. Agency or Lending lNtitution I::': o.d Type 11M WlrrlnIY Of' 8Mrglln Ind SeIt ISpecift EIeioIlri F SaIo 01 F_or L.-...... Faa _ '__I G Slgn_.. ~.. "'-"v _ T_......... _ """" .. &.II of SuliMa is lnc:Iuded in 511.. PriGa I 0Iha0' U......., Foclllra AIloclInu _ Pric:o C5poclIy llalawl J None D D D D 1. ChKk I'" baa: Wow which mOd .....Itety ~ I" UN 01 the prapII'ty M 1M 'IInuI 01 ... ^ ~ One Flmlly RelldenUIi 8 2 or 3 Family RllilHntill C .....dDndll VacanlLMd D Non........~.... VICIni LInd I SALE INFORMATION I 1'. .... ContrIIcI ...., !:~Ag'icuit,,,,, F Cammerdll G Aplrtmlnl H EntlIttIlnment I AmUlefMnt ~/~I/V~ 13, full .... Price ,,4,?,~, no no n.O,OI , , . (Full SlI. PrIce 1I1h,1aIaI oImOuM PlId for lhlI properly including peru",! propar1y. This peyment rnIy be In 1M form or cub, other propol'lV or good.. or the ....mption of morlg8gll or other obIlg1llons.1 ",..,. round 10 m. ,..,... wftDlo dtJIW 1mOUM. ,..-....-..- I 0 (I II 1 --......-. '. ' ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - Oola .hould _ .he ..teal Flnel _.ment Roll end Tax SlII I"Y_"~ ..........-104/0517 T__V_CaI"_"_' _,-..._- . j , 5 3. 0 0 , 11._.... 1".1.n I-U ...__......1 Mattituck .... Tax Map 1d_1I I RoU __11.....__............._ __I 1000-123-2-30 I I CER11RCATION I I catII'y Ileal.. ...... __ ar.........- ......... on ,.... lorm ... ..... I11III ........ .10 ,... .... of m, ........... lIIld _ ... I __ II".. .... ........ vi un). ..-aI ,.. lllattmral or....antul &ltl IIrftIn ". ~ l1li' 10 lbe DmtWo.., I~ tile ...... law I\'Iadwy Iv .... ~ and ..... ."...... ~....... !!!!!m BUYER'S ATTllIlNEV /l~! !l:f R~ P. Kohl ...!.l.. ~~)....~! rc./r. . 1 6J/~1 ,,~ .." Call1ini ti tAlr!Uolllt I . Paul 'IllI'I'NAMI 631 765-5900 -.... .......- ....... &.~~"'r(,,/ 9 ~P.#~=- Scott E. HaBBildine If A.:! ...- NEW YORK STATE COpy LA -\C:a~c:::' .." .