HomeMy WebLinkAboutL 12495 P 112 J. / ;) ,.if'!)' f( . ;.;~N J... ~' / ~ 3 - d-- -,3<<- . i. .. Bargain & ~ale Deed With Covenant Against Grantor's Acts LI2. 'cY'~ THIS INDE~TURE, made the 2. 2",,~ . day of .Jih4I2L7 ~ 2007, BETWEEN Al!n L. Knudsen residing al168 Easl Beverly Parkway, Valley Slream, New York, 11580 party of the first port nnd, William E. Knudsen. Truslee of Ihe Ann L. Knudsen I\ssel Managemenl TruSI d:lled 2007. residing al2518 Columbus Avenue. Oceanside, i\e\\' York 11572 party of the second :parl, 1.-!2.y'7 WITNESSETH, Ihallhe party of the first part, in considerali,m of T"n (510.00) Dollars and oU,,,r goud and valudble consideration dollars paid hy th" party of the -'<!Cood part, docs hNel')' granl and r"lease unlo the party of the second Part, the heirs or succ"",sors and assigns of the parly of the second part forever, I . ALL lhat cerlaill plot, piccl! or parcel of land, with the buildillgs and improvements lhereon "r~"tcd, situate, lying and ooing in the Counly l,f Suffolk, known as District: 1000 . Seclion: 123, Illock: ~,and Lot: 32. Sl!l! dl'Scription annexed h~r~h' "as 5ch..'\lulc A" TOGETHER lVith all right, title and inll!rl!St, if any, of the party of t1,~ first part in and to any slreets aud roads abulting the abovl! Id....cribed premises to the Cl!nter lines ther""f; TOGETHER witl, Ih", appurtl!nan("t!S and alllh" estale and rights of lhe party of thl! first part in and to said p""miscs, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD thC' premises heJ'('in granted unto th~ parly of th~ ,"",and part, the heirs or succ,,"sors and assigns of th,' party of Ih.. second pllrt forl!ver. AND the p.lfl)' of thl! first part covenants that th", party of th" first pilrl hilS not donl! or suffered anything whereby Ihe $o1id premises hav~ .lx'Cl1 enC'umbered in any way \\'hatcvt!r, l~xct!'pl as aforcs,lid. AND the p,lrty of thl! first part, in compliance with &"Ction 13 of the Lien Law, COVl!llants that thl! parly of Ihe first part will rl!ceivl! thl! consideration for this convl!yance and will hold thl! right to rccl!i\'(' such conside...lion "5 ,I trust fund 10 bl! applie..\ first for th,? purpose of paying the ("ost of thl! impr<lVement and will apply the sallle first to Ih" paynl",nt of thl! cosl of the impro"l!,Dlenl oofore Using any part of thl! tolal of the same for any olher purpoS<!. The word 'party" shall be cun..;truro. as if it read "parlies" whenever the senSe of lhis inLfentun.' so rcc.luircs. The prl!lnisl!S described herein, is inll!nded to be lh.. sam'" prl!miscs convl!)'ed III Ihe party of till! first part by dl!t!d dal..d' 1976 ,lIlll r",,-crded in tI,,,, Suffolk Cuunty Ol!rk's OfflCl! in l.ib." /lOW ,Ill P"r."'1~8. I N WITNESS WHEREOF, thl! p.1rty "f the firsl part hilS duly ex~"Cul..d this d......1 Ih", day and )'l!ar firsl ahow \\'ritt~l1. I IN PRESENCE OF: r:7 /.<.. .~ ADn L. Knudsen Stal.. of ""W Yurk Collnty of Nassau On till! l. "2.,^", day of 1d,,,.JtJ.'1i. . in Ihe year 2007 before me, the und",rsigncd, a Not.,..y Public in and tor said Stai.., p"rsonally appl!8red Ann L. 'nudsen personally known to me or proved Iu 01" on till! basis of ..,tis(aclory evidenq, to be the individual(s) whose namt!S(s) is(are) subscribed to Ihe within in..trullll!nt and acknowledged 10 m'" lhat h",/she/lh"Y exocull!d the same in his/her/t""'ir capadly(;....), ilnd Ih.ltl')' his/h"r/U,eir signature (5) on th.. in..lruDl..nt.lhc individual(s), or the person upon behalt of which the individuals(s) llclcd, eXl!CullOd th" instrulllent ~~ Notary Pul,lic Public, Sta1II aI Nw'lbltl No. 01 MC477Oll91 Qualified In SuIIIlIk ~.. RECORD & RETURN I Ms. Ann I.. Knudsen . I 168 ~y Park'ra~' Valle\' Stream. New York IISWO File No. ' District: Section: Block: Lot: ''''00 123.00 02.00 032. 000 ,. ,-' .. , I' " Schedule "A" I I ALL that fertain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon, situate, lying and being in the Village of MaUituck, Town of South old, County ofSufTolk and State of New York, bounded and described as follows: Bt:GIl"l"il"G at a concrete monument 485 feet t:a5t of a concrete monument set in the northeast comer llfthe junction of Park Avenue and Marratooka Road; THENCE RUNNING in a northerly dircction 250 feet; THE~CE in an easterly direction 100 feet; THENCE: in a southerly direction 250 feet to the northerly side of Park A venue; TII ENCE in a westerly direction 100 feet to the point or place of beginning. . Numbc.r of pages TORRENS Serial # Certificate # Prior Ctf. # Deed I Mortgage Inslnlment J Deed I Mortgage Thx Sramp FEES _This document will be public 5. J1!LI'ecord. Please remove all ') Social Security Numbers prior to recording. C - ;l 'I :...) Sub Total L.. 1~5 .. :3iJ ro Page I Filing Fee HlIIldling TP-584 Notation EA-52 17 (County) EA-5217 (State) R.P.T.S.A. ~ Comm. of Ed. 5. 00 Affidavit Certified Copy NYS Surcharge Other 15. ...Q!L Sub Total Grand Total 4 Dist.,coo Section/.,'),).OO Block 0,2.00 Lot 032.000 5 Real Pro~ny .' '07007841 1000 12300 0200 032000 Tax Service ' ~ Agency p T S~ Verification RL:~) ~ SatisfaclionsIDischargl$/Releases Ust Propeny oWners Mailing Address RECORD It: RETURN TO: rr1./1. ~. cf. K hi to ~}.1t."'I.) '("i" 1.3~ PWWb~ V~ .d~, 71'1,,:)'rO RECORDED 2007 I'lar 09 11:29: 16 RM Judi th A. Pascal.. CLERK OF SUFFOLK COUNTY l DOOOI2495 P 712 DTI 06-26010 Recording I Filing SllImps Mortgage AmI. \. Basic Tax 2. Additional Tax Sub Total SpecJAssil. or Spec./Add. TOT. MTG. TAX Dual Thwn _ Dual County _ Held for Appoinllllent--t""'h:-- Transfer Tax V' _ Mansion Tax The property covered by lhis mortgage is or will be improved by a one or two family dwelling only. YES or NO Commwdty Pre.ervatioD Il'1uld .a o Consideration Amount $ CPF Tax Due $ Improved VacanlLaod v TD TD TO 7 Title Com an InfonnatioD' Co. Name TIlle # ,It 10:Sl.S Recordin & Endorsement Pa e ()~/..J (SPECIFY TYPE OF INSTRUMENT) The premises herein is situated in SUFFOLK COUNTY. NEW YORK. . In the Township of ~~~ In the VILLAGE ~ or HAMLET of rY1. .1.. BOXES 6 THRU 8 MUST BE TYPED OR PRINTED IN BLACK INK ONLY PRIOR TO RECORDING OR FILING. 8 Suffolk Count This page fonns part of the altached ~;t knw.,u~ 141 ~, 1 ~, . TO /J . f'\./~ e. k' "'U/I<K.A f --.,) made by: - I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111I I111111111111111111111111 SUFFOLK COUNTY CLBRK RECORDS OFFI:CB RECORDI:NG PAGB Type of Xnstrument: DBEDS/DDD NUmber of Pages: 3 Receipt Number : 07-0023718 TRANSFBR TAX NUMBER: 06-26010 Recorded: At: 03/09/2007 11:29:16 AM LI:BBR: PAGB: D00012495 712 District: 1000 Deed Amount: Section. 123.00 BXAMJ:NED AND $0.00 Block. 02.00 CHARGED AS Lot. 032.000 I'OLLOWS Received the Following Fees For Above Xnstrument Exempt Exempt Page/Filing $9.00 NO Handling $5.00 NO COE $5.00 NO NYS SRCHG $15.00 NO EA-CTY $5.00 NO BA-STATB $165.00 NO TP-584 $5.00 NO Cert.Copies $0.00 NO RPT $30.00 NO SCTH $0.00 NO Transfer tax $0.00 NO COIIDII.Pres $0.00 NO Fees Paid $239.00 TRANSFER TAX NUMBBR. 06-26010 THXS PAGB IS A PART OF THB XNSTRlDIBNT THXS XS NOT A BXLL Judith A. Pascale County Clerk, Suffolk County . PLEASE TYPE OR PRESS FIRMLY WHEN WRITING ON FORM INSTRUCTIONS: htlp:/I www.orps.state.ny.us or PHONE (518) 473.7222 REAL PROPERTY TRANSFER REPORT ----- FOR COUNlY USE ONLY I '-/. ""1. 0. ~. g. '11 cz. Dm _ Rmrdocl I :3 I ! I tJ 71 Manlh y.... C3. Book I I. R.l(/j,t~1 1:4. p. 7. . * STATE Of I\EW YORK STATE IOAIlO OF REAL PROPERTY SERVICES C1. SWIS Code Rp.5217 IlJ'.6ln"'JIfrI PROPERlV INFORMATION ,. -.rty I 1635 l.ac8don It....r ..... Park Avenue IT1II:IT tMMf 2. Buy.r No... MAt t itur..k ""'00 _ KNUDSEN Js:L" L Sou~ld WILLIAM E. ,.. NAN! ~2 LAaT"""I~ LAST NAMl/COMMNY ...IT_ 3. T.. 1ndk:Me whore lulu... l.. Bill Ira 10 be.,. I ..II..... If Othm' thin tuver _mn. (M baClorn of forml . A_.. I ~(,?.J,nr...~~, "_","00_"'_'" Roll pa......___ on 1M.... I lMf.l/~ ~.v PliNt "4~ Vhl.c.tf f ~~ ""'00_ 6.::_ I Size 11)1) fllONTKIr Ixl it"i" I OR I 'M:..' - 1/1 ,~I In-J+:; I Sf". Z1'ccaI 10nIy. _ "'. P_ _.. _ oppIv: .tA. 'lIMing Baud wiIh Subdivision Auchority Exiltl 0 ... SubdMlion ApprvwaI... RlquiM fur Tr....' 0 4C. PBn:eI ApprCMId for SUbdlviIlon with Mlp ProvIded 0 II . 01 Po,.... OR 0 P... 01 . Porcol ..- Nom. KNUDSEN LAST NAIll! I COMl'MV ANt: L. 'IRIlI MIMi LAliT NAIll, COItIMNV "1T1iIlMIl' J. ChM:Ir. the boa billow which moll .......,.ty d..... the &1M Glth. ........,. . tt.. 11m. of _I.: ....... IIIIJIt I - 1M __...... __ oppIv: .. Ownership Type I. Condominium I ~ Community SIirvke .. tqw ConItrUGtion on VllCant LInd J I........... ..... _rcv ~ _in.n AIl........., Dl_ K .....,., Solvico ''''Iluvor _..... -'1O-indlcoIlr9 L Fa,.. 1tt,t!hl ptOpIfty .In In Agricultunll Dimict 11. a.-. one .. ....",... ooncItID.. .. appliolbla to ......r.r. o o o 0. A~ 0.. Foml" _.." B 2or3FatnilvRaic:lll'ltl.1 C R..ctlnl~1 Vacant ....d o Non-Residltltill Vatlnt I.IInd I SALE INFORMATION I 11. B"'~ ~ E~AIlricUIlU'" F tommo...., G Ape","ont H En~.lnm.nt I ArnuI....nt .... ^ B C I) I! F G II I J SeIe &.tween fWltlve. or Former Re'.r:ivu s.ro BeIwoon Rellillld Compil"", or Plrtners In Buline.. an. of the Buv-rs Is .no. Saller Buye, or Selr. is Gowmnent AuMCy or lMnding Inecitution Oood Typo _ W.,..... or Solgoln .nd Solo ISpocllv IIoIowI SIll of FnldiaMl or ~ tMn F_ Im.re.t CSpeclfy BIllow>> Slgnlll... CIl_1n ProporIy -. T..obI. _ ond Sor. 0- SeI, of BuliftOlS I, lncIudDd in s.Ie Price ..... Unusuel Fec:tors Alftctlng 5f,1. Price (SpecIfy Be~ ano '1. o.te 01 .... I Trensfer ~/,.t.., - ... 071 .- '3. Full "Ie PriM! li'O 10.0 I , , . tFull S.1e Price is the 101.1 .-nounl Plld Jo, .... pI'OINIl1y Indudlng pedIXWIl ~r1V. Thill plyment mly be In the form at clSh. Dlh., IIrDP1l'ty 01 goods, or the IllUmplion of morIal"" or atIw abIJglllionl.l ",.... t'OUlId 10 lite ,..,., w#'IGII ~r MIOUnt. ,.._......-01.........' I .0,0.0 I property .......... h.. .... . ASSESSMENT INFORMATION - DoIa _Id ",f1octlhe ,._ Fln.1 Aoooumenl Roll .nd TIX Bill ,.. =:'1;.:.-=--lIII~.:.:: from I 0.1" I '7. TatalAel.-.dV....IDf........ 111"-*11 , 8' 0.0 I , ,.. ~ao.. I). I . , I-LJ "._'D__ I 20.. T.. MIl, 1dI.....h4 'RoU IdIInIOIrIId IIf lIION.....n faur~ 1Ittach..... ...... .........1dIntIIIr1lJ1 SECTION: 123.00 BY.oCK: 02.00 I LOT: 032.00 D,~",.,c.A- \ClOO I CERTIFICATION ~ I anIlJ .... aU nllllo ....... .>llaI"ormolioa .......... aa _ ronn on ...... .... __ lID IIlo ... '" III)' _...... .... boIId).... I __ IhoI ... ....... oI...y __.._ "'_ r... ........ ......... _ to !be ........ of.... ......Iow nIoO.. .. !be .......,. ....1IIIog '" __ BUYER BUYER'S AnoRNEY Lhb:. ~. ~~~ DL1\'IIIlIIGJIATUIII! I w:..2. '2. -01- ..,.. McMahon, Jr. Jal1l29 A. .....- """...... 1635 Park Avenue 516 825-1000 STl!lH.T""""'- StJIHT NAME CAf1'BI MID _.caco lELV'MOItINUMIIEJI Matt1tuck ""'OR _ N.Y. I 11952 ...,.. .. caco ~ NEW YORK STATE COpy o ,/ {..L- ...... -... ~-,.J.~-"7 ....